Source code for ibeis.algo.hots._grave_bayes


Arc reversal

    Need to find faster more mature libraries

    Demo case where we think we know the labels of others.  Only one unknown
    name. Need to classify it as one of the other known names.


Clustering with CRF:
    An Unsupervised Conditional Random Fields Approach for Clustering Gene Expression Time Series


AlphaBeta Swap:  Iteratively Reweighted Graph Cut for Multi-label MRFs with Non-convex Priors

Fusion Moves:

Consensus Clustering

Explaining Away

Course Notes:
    Tie breaking for MAP assignment.
    * random perdibiation

    Correspondence Problem is discussed in

    Sparse Pattern Factors

    Collective Inference:
    Plate Models / Aggragator CPD is used to define dependencies.

def try_query(model, infr, evidence, interest_ttypes=[], verbose=True):
[docs] r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-try_query --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> other_evidence = {} >>> name_evidence = [1, None, 0, None] >>> score_evidence = ['high', 'low', 'low'] >>> query_vars = None >>> model = make_name_model(num_annots=4, num_names=4, verbose=True, mode=1) >>> model, evidence, soft_evidence = update_model_evidence(model, name_evidence, score_evidence, other_evidence) >>> interest_ttypes = ['name'] >>> infr = pgmpy.inference.BeliefPropagation(model) >>> evidence = infr._ensure_internal_evidence(evidence, model) >>> query_results = try_query(model, infr, evidence, interest_ttypes, verbose) >>> result = ('query_results = %s' % (str(query_results),)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> show_model(model, show_prior=True, **query_results) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: query_vars = ut.setdiff_ordered(model.nodes(), list(evidence.keys())) probs = infr.query(query_vars, evidence) map_assignment = infr.map_query(query_vars, evidence) """ infr = pgmpy.inference.VariableElimination(model) #infr = pgmpy.inference.BeliefPropagation(model) if True: return bruteforce(model, query_vars=None, evidence=evidence) else: import vtool as vt query_vars = ut.setdiff_ordered(model.nodes(), list(evidence.keys())) # hack query_vars = ut.setdiff_ordered(query_vars, ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds['score'], 'variable')) if verbose: evidence_str = ', '.join(model.pretty_evidence(evidence)) print('P(' + ', '.join(query_vars) + ' | ' + evidence_str + ') = ') # Compute MAP joints # There is a bug here. #map_assign = infr.map_query(query_vars, evidence) # (probably an invalid thing to do) #joint_factor = pgmpy.factors.factor_product(*factor_list) # Brute force MAP name_vars = ut.list_getattr(model.ttype2_cpds['name'], 'variable') query_name_vars = ut.setdiff_ordered(name_vars, list(evidence.keys())) # TODO: incorporate case where Na is assigned to Fred #evidence_h = ut.delete_keys(evidence.copy(), ['Na']) joint = model.joint_distribution() joint.evidence_based_reduction( query_name_vars, evidence, inplace=True) # Find static row labels in the evidence given_name_vars = [var for var in name_vars if var in evidence] given_name_idx = ut.dict_take(evidence, given_name_vars) given_name_val = [joint.statename_dict[var][idx] for var, idx in zip(given_name_vars, given_name_idx)] new_vals = joint.values.ravel() # Add static evidence variables to the relabeled name states new_vars = given_name_vars + joint.variables new_rows = [tuple(given_name_val) + row for row in joint._row_labels()] # Relabel rows based on the knowledge that # everything is the same, only the names have changed. temp_basis = [i for i in range(model.num_names)] def relabel_names(names, temp_basis=temp_basis): names = list(map(six.text_type, names)) mapping = {} for n in names: if n not in mapping: mapping[n] = len(mapping) new_names = tuple([temp_basis[mapping[n]] for n in names]) return new_names relabeled_rows = list(map(relabel_names, new_rows)) # Combine probability of rows with the same (new) label data_ids = np.array(vt.other.compute_unique_data_ids_(relabeled_rows)) unique_ids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(data_ids) reduced_row_lbls = ut.take(relabeled_rows, ut.get_list_column(groupxs, 0)) reduced_row_lbls = list(map(list, reduced_row_lbls)) reduced_values = np.array([ g.sum() for g in vt.apply_grouping(new_vals, groupxs) ]) # Relabel the rows one more time to agree with initial constraints used_ = [] replaced = [] for colx, (var, val) in enumerate(zip(given_name_vars, given_name_val)): # All columns must be the same for this labeling alias = reduced_row_lbls[0][colx] reduced_row_lbls = ut.list_replace(reduced_row_lbls, alias, val) replaced.append(alias) used_.append(val) basis = model.ttype2_cpds['name'][0]._template_.basis find_remain_ = ut.setdiff_ordered(temp_basis, replaced) repl_remain_ = ut.setdiff_ordered(basis, used_) for find, repl in zip(find_remain_, repl_remain_): reduced_row_lbls = ut.list_replace(reduced_row_lbls, find, repl) # Now find the most likely state sortx = reduced_values.argsort()[::-1] sort_reduced_row_lbls = ut.take(reduced_row_lbls, sortx.tolist()) sort_reduced_values = reduced_values[sortx] # Remove evidence based labels new_vars_ = new_vars[len(given_name_vars):] sort_reduced_row_lbls_ = ut.get_list_column(sort_reduced_row_lbls, slice(len(given_name_vars), None)) sort_reduced_row_lbls_[0] # hack into a new joint factor var_states = ut.lmap(ut.unique_ordered, zip(*sort_reduced_row_lbls_)) statename_dict = dict(zip(new_vars, var_states)) cardinality = ut.lmap(len, var_states) val_lookup = dict(zip(ut.lmap(tuple, sort_reduced_row_lbls_), sort_reduced_values)) values = np.zeros( for idx, state in enumerate(ut.iprod(*var_states)): if state in val_lookup: values[idx] = val_lookup[state] joint2 = pgmpy.factors.Factor(new_vars_, cardinality, values, statename_dict=statename_dict) print(joint2) max_marginals = {} for i, var in enumerate(query_name_vars): one_out = query_name_vars[:i] + query_name_vars[i + 1:] max_marginals[var] = joint2.marginalize(one_out, inplace=False) # max_marginals[var] = joint2.maximize(one_out, inplace=False) print(joint2.marginalize(['Nb', 'Nc'], inplace=False)) factor_list = max_marginals.values() # Better map assignment based on knowledge of labels map_assign = dict(zip(new_vars_, sort_reduced_row_lbls_[0])) sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls = [ ut.repr2(dict(zip(new_vars, lbls)), explicit=True, nobraces=True, strvals=True) for lbls in sort_reduced_row_lbls_ ] top_assignments = list(zip(sort_reduced_rowstr_lbls[:3], sort_reduced_values)) if len(sort_reduced_values) > 3: top_assignments += [('other', 1 - sum(sort_reduced_values[:3]))] # import utool # utool.embed() # Compute all marginals # probs = infr.query(query_vars, evidence) #probs = infr.query(query_vars, evidence) # factor_list = probs.values() ## Marginalize over non-query, non-evidence #irrelevant_vars = ut.setdiff_ordered(joint.variables, list(evidence.keys()) + query_vars) #joint.marginalize(irrelevant_vars) #joint.normalize() #new_rows = joint._row_labels() #new_vals = joint.values.ravel() #map_vals = new_rows[new_vals.argmax()] #map_assign = dict(zip(joint.variables, map_vals)) # Compute Marginalized MAP joints #marginalized_joints = {} #for ttype in interest_ttypes: # other_vars = [v for v in joint_factor.scope() # if model.var2_cpd[v].ttype != ttype] # marginal = joint_factor.marginalize(other_vars, inplace=False) # marginalized_joints[ttype] = marginal query_results = { 'factor_list': factor_list, 'top_assignments': top_assignments, 'map_assign': map_assign, 'marginalized_joints': None, } return query_results def name_model_mode5(num_annots, num_names=None, verbose=True, mode=1):
[docs] mode = ut.get_argval('--mode', default=mode) annots = ut.chr_range(num_annots, base=ut.get_argval('--base', default='a')) # The indexes of match CPDs will not change if another annotation is added upper_diag_idxs = ut.colwise_diag_idxs(num_annots, 2) if num_names is None: num_names = num_annots # -- Define CPD Templates name_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'name', ('n', num_names), varpref='N', special_basis_pool=SPECIAL_BASIS_POOL) name_cpds = [name_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=aid) for aid in annots] def match_pmf(match_type, n1, n2): return { True: {'same': 1.0, 'diff': 0.0}, False: {'same': 0.0, 'diff': 1.0}, }[n1 == n2][match_type] match_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'match', ['diff', 'same'], varpref='M', evidence_ttypes=[name_cpd_t, name_cpd_t], pmf_func=match_pmf) namepair_cpds = ut.list_unflat_take(name_cpds, upper_diag_idxs) match_cpds = [match_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in namepair_cpds] def trimatch_pmf(match_ab, match_bc, match_ca): lookup = {'same': {'same': {'same': 1, 'diff': 0, }, 'diff': {'same': 0, 'diff': 1, }, }, 'diff': {'same': {'same': 0, 'diff': 1, }, 'diff': {'same': .5, 'diff': .5, }, } } return lookup[match_ca][match_bc][match_ab] trimatch_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'tri_match', ['diff', 'same'], varpref='T', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t, match_cpd_t], pmf_func=trimatch_pmf) #triple_idxs = ut.colwise_diag_idxs(num_annots, 3) tid2_match = {cpd._template_id: cpd for cpd in match_cpds} trimatch_cpds = [] # such hack for cpd in match_cpds: parents = [] this_ = list(cpd._template_id) for aid in annots: if aid in this_: continue for aid2 in this_: key = aid2 + aid if key not in tid2_match: key = aid + aid2 parents += [tid2_match[key]] trimatch_cpds += [trimatch_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=parents)] def score_pmf(score_type, match_type): score_lookup = { 'same': {'low': .1, 'high': .9, 'veryhigh': .9}, 'diff': {'low': .9, 'high': .09, 'veryhigh': .01} } val = score_lookup[match_type][score_type] return val score_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'score', ['low', 'high'], varpref='S', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t], pmf_func=score_pmf) score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in zip(match_cpds)] #score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) # for cpds in zip(trimatch_cpds)] cpd_list = name_cpds + score_cpds + match_cpds + trimatch_cpds print('score_cpds = %r' % (ut.list_getattr(score_cpds, 'variable'),)) # Make Model model = pgm_ext.define_model(cpd_list) model.num_names = num_names if verbose: model.print_templates() return model def name_model_mode1(num_annots, num_names=None, verbose=True):
[docs] r""" spaghettii CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-name_model_mode1 --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-name_model_mode1 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-name_model_mode1 --num-annots=3 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> defaults = dict(num_annots=2, num_names=2, verbose=True) >>> kw = ut.argparse_funckw(name_model_mode1, defaults) >>> model = name_model_mode1(**kw) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> show_model(model, show_prior=False, show_title=False) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: import nx2tikz print(nx2tikz.dumps_tikz(model, layout='layered', use_label=True)) """ annots = ut.chr_range(num_annots, base=ut.get_argval('--base', default='a')) # The indexes of match CPDs will not change if another annotation is added upper_diag_idxs = ut.colwise_diag_idxs(num_annots, 2) if num_names is None: num_names = num_annots # +--- Define CPD Templates --- # +-- Name Factor --- name_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'name', ('n', num_names), varpref='N', special_basis_pool=SPECIAL_BASIS_POOL) name_cpds = [name_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=aid) for aid in annots] # +-- Match Factor --- def match_pmf(match_type, n1, n2): return { True: {'same': 1.0, 'diff': 0.0}, False: {'same': 0.0, 'diff': 1.0}, }[n1 == n2][match_type] match_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'match', ['diff', 'same'], varpref='M', evidence_ttypes=[name_cpd_t, name_cpd_t], pmf_func=match_pmf) namepair_cpds = ut.list_unflat_take(name_cpds, upper_diag_idxs) match_cpds = [match_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in namepair_cpds] # +-- Score Factor --- def score_pmf(score_type, match_type): score_lookup = { 'same': {'low': .1, 'high': .9, 'veryhigh': .9}, 'diff': {'low': .9, 'high': .09, 'veryhigh': .01} } val = score_lookup[match_type][score_type] return val score_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'score', ['low', 'high'], varpref='S', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t], pmf_func=score_pmf) score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in zip(match_cpds)] # L___ End CPD Definitions ___ cpd_list = name_cpds + score_cpds + match_cpds print('score_cpds = %r' % (ut.list_getattr(score_cpds, 'variable'),)) # Make Model model = pgm_ext.define_model(cpd_list) model.num_names = num_names if verbose: model.print_templates() return model def make_name_model(num_annots, num_names=None, verbose=True, mode=1):
[docs] """ Defines the general name model CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.bayes --exec-make_name_model --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.bayes import * # NOQA >>> defaults = dict(num_annots=2, num_names=2, verbose=True, mode=2) >>> kw = ut.argparse_funckw(make_name_model, defaults) >>> model = make_name_model(**kw) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> show_model(model, show_prior=True) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ #annots = ut.chr_range(num_annots, base='a') mode = ut.get_argval('--mode', default=mode) annots = ut.chr_range(num_annots, base=ut.get_argval('--base', default='a')) # The indexes of match CPDs will not change if another annotation is added upper_diag_idxs = ut.colwise_diag_idxs(num_annots, 2) if num_names is None: num_names = num_annots # -- Define CPD Templates def match_pmf(match_type, n1, n2): if n1 == n2: val = 1.0 if match_type == 'same' else 0.0 #val = .999 if match_type == 'same' else 0.001 elif n1 != n2: #val = 0.01 if match_type == 'same' else .99 val = 0.0 if match_type == 'same' else 1.0 return val def score_pmf(score_type, match_type): score_lookup = { 'same': {'low': .1, 'high': .9, 'veryhigh': .9}, 'diff': {'low': .9, 'high': .09, 'veryhigh': .01} #'same': {'low': .1, 'high': .9}, #'diff': {'low': .9, 'high': .1} } val = score_lookup[match_type][score_type] return val def score_pmf3(score_type, match_type, isdup='False'): score_lookup = { 'False': { 'same': {'low': .1, 'high': .5, 'veryhigh': .4}, 'diff': {'low': .9, 'high': .09, 'veryhigh': .01} }, 'True': { 'same': {'low': .01, 'high': .2, 'veryhigh': .79}, 'diff': {'low': .4, 'high': .4, 'veryhigh': .2} } } val = score_lookup[isdup][match_type][score_type] return val def score_pmf2(score_type, n1, n2): score_lookup = { True: {'low': .1, 'high': .4, 'veryhigh': .5}, False: {'low': .9, 'high': .09, 'veryhigh': .01} } val = score_lookup[n1 == n2][score_type] return val def dup_pmf(dupstate, match_type): lookup = { 'same': {'True': 0.5, 'False': 0.5}, 'diff': {'True': 0.0, 'False': 1.0} } return lookup[match_type][dupstate] def check_pmf(n0, n1, match_type): pass def trimatch_pmf(match_ab, match_bc, match_ca): lookup = { 'same': { 'same': {'same': 1, 'diff': 0, }, 'diff': {'same': 0, 'diff': 1, } }, 'diff': { 'same': {'same': 0, 'diff': 1, }, 'diff': {'same': .5, 'diff': .5, } } } return lookup[match_ca][match_bc][match_ab] name_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'name', ('n', num_names), varpref='N', special_basis_pool=SPECIAL_BASIS_POOL) if mode == 1 or mode == 5: match_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'match', ['diff', 'same'], varpref='M', evidence_ttypes=[name_cpd_t, name_cpd_t], pmf_func=match_pmf) if mode == 5: trimatch_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'tri_match', ['diff', 'same'], varpref='T', #evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t, match_cpd_t, match_cpd_t], evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t, match_cpd_t], pmf_func=trimatch_pmf) score_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( #'score', ['low', 'high', 'veryhigh'], 'score', ['low', 'high'], varpref='S', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t], pmf_func=score_pmf) else: score_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( #'score', ['low', 'high', 'veryhigh'], 'score', ['low', 'high'], varpref='S', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t], pmf_func=score_pmf) elif mode == 2: name_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'name', ('n', num_names), varpref='N', special_basis_pool=SPECIAL_BASIS_POOL) score_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( #'score', ['low', 'high', 'veryhigh'], 'score', ['low', 'high'], varpref='S', evidence_ttypes=[name_cpd_t, name_cpd_t], pmf_func=score_pmf2) elif mode == 3 or mode == 4: match_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'match', ['diff', 'same'], varpref='M', evidence_ttypes=[name_cpd_t, name_cpd_t], pmf_func=match_pmf) if mode == 3: dup_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'dup', ['False', 'True'], varpref='D', ) else: dup_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'dup', ['False', 'True'], varpref='D', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t], pmf_func=dup_pmf ) score_cpd_t = pgm_ext.TemplateCPD( 'score', ['low', 'high', 'veryhigh'], varpref='S', evidence_ttypes=[match_cpd_t, dup_cpd_t], pmf_func=score_pmf3) # Instanciate templates if mode == 1 or mode == 5: name_cpds = [name_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=aid) for aid in annots] namepair_cpds = ut.list_unflat_take(name_cpds, upper_diag_idxs) match_cpds = [match_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in namepair_cpds] score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in zip(match_cpds)] if mode == 5: #triple_idxs = ut.colwise_diag_idxs(num_annots, 3) tid2_match = {cpd._template_id: cpd for cpd in match_cpds} trimatch_cpds = [] # such hack for cpd in match_cpds: parents = [] this_ = list(cpd._template_id) for aid in annots: if aid in this_: continue for aid2 in this_: key = aid2 + aid if key not in tid2_match: key = aid + aid2 parents += [tid2_match[key]] trimatch_cpds += [trimatch_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=parents)] #score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) # for cpds in zip(trimatch_cpds)] cpd_list = name_cpds + score_cpds + match_cpds + trimatch_cpds else: cpd_list = name_cpds + score_cpds + match_cpds elif mode == 2: name_cpds = [name_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=aid) for aid in annots] namepair_cpds = ut.list_unflat_take(name_cpds, upper_diag_idxs) score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in namepair_cpds] cpd_list = name_cpds + score_cpds elif mode == 3 or mode == 4: name_cpds = [name_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=aid) for aid in annots] namepair_cpds = ut.list_unflat_take(name_cpds, upper_diag_idxs) match_cpds = [match_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=cpds) for cpds in namepair_cpds] if mode == 3: dup_cpds = [dup_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=''.join(map(str, aids))) for aids in ut.list_unflat_take(annots, upper_diag_idxs)] else: dup_cpds = [dup_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=[mcpds]) for mcpds in match_cpds] score_cpds = [score_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=([mcpds] + [dcpd])) for mcpds, dcpd in zip(match_cpds, dup_cpds)] cpd_list = name_cpds + score_cpds + match_cpds + dup_cpds #print('upper_diag_idxs = %r' % (upper_diag_idxs,)) print('score_cpds = %r' % (ut.list_getattr(score_cpds, 'variable'),)) # import sys # sys.exit(1) # Make Model model = pgm_ext.define_model(cpd_list) model.num_names = num_names if verbose: model.print_templates() #ut.colorprint('\n --- CPD Templates ---', 'blue') #for temp_cpd in templates: # ut.colorprint(temp_cpd._cpdstr('psql'), 'turquoise') #print_ascii_graph(model) return model def show_model(model, evidence={}, soft_evidence={}, **kwargs):
[docs] """ References: Ignore: pkg-config --libs-only-L libcgraph sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev -y sudo apt-get install libgraphviz4 -y # sudo apt-get install pkg-config sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev # pip install git+git:// pip install pygraphviz python -c "import pygraphviz; print(pygraphviz.__file__)" sudo pip3 install pygraphviz --install-option="--include-path=/usr/include/graphviz" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/lib/graphviz/" python3 -c "import pygraphviz; print(pygraphviz.__file__)" """ if ut.get_argval('--hackmarkov') or ut.get_argval('--hackjunc'): draw_tree_model(model, **kwargs) return import plottool as pt import networkx as netx import matplotlib as mpl fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 1, (slice(0, 2), 0)), doclf=True) # NOQA #fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 2, (1, slice(1, 2))), doclf=True) # NOQA ax = pt.gca() var2_post = {f.variables[0]: f for f in kwargs.get('factor_list', [])} netx_graph = (model) #netx_graph.graph.setdefault('graph', {})['size'] = '"10,5"' #netx_graph.graph.setdefault('graph', {})['rankdir'] = 'LR' pos = get_hacked_pos(netx_graph) #netx.nx_agraph.pygraphviz_layout(netx_graph) #pos = netx.nx_agraph.pydot_layout(netx_graph, prog='dot') #pos = netx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(netx_graph) drawkw = dict(pos=pos, ax=ax, with_labels=True, node_size=1500) if evidence is not None: node_colors = [ # (pt.TRUE_BLUE (pt.WHITE if node not in soft_evidence else pt.LIGHT_PINK) if node not in evidence else pt.FALSE_RED for node in netx_graph.nodes()] for node in netx_graph.nodes(): cpd = model.var2_cpd[node] if cpd.ttype == 'score': pass drawkw['node_color'] = node_colors netx.draw(netx_graph, **drawkw) show_probs = True if show_probs: textprops = { 'family': 'monospace', 'horizontalalignment': 'left', #'horizontalalignment': 'center', #'size': 12, 'size': 8, } textkw = dict( xycoords='data', boxcoords='offset points', pad=0.25, framewidth=True, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'), #bboxprops=dict(fc=node_attr['fillcolor']), ) netx_nodes = model.nodes(data=True) node_key_list = ut.get_list_column(netx_nodes, 0) pos_list = ut.dict_take(pos, node_key_list) artist_list = [] offset_box_list = [] for pos_, node in zip(pos_list, netx_nodes): x, y = pos_ variable = node[0] cpd = model.var2_cpd[variable] prior_marg = (cpd if cpd.evidence is None else cpd.marginalize(cpd.evidence, inplace=False)) prior_text = None text = None if variable in evidence: text = cpd.variable_statenames[evidence[variable]] elif variable in var2_post: post_marg = var2_post[variable] text = pgm_ext.make_factor_text(post_marg, 'post') prior_text = pgm_ext.make_factor_text(prior_marg, 'prior') else: if len(evidence) == 0 and len(soft_evidence) == 0: prior_text = pgm_ext.make_factor_text(prior_marg, 'prior') show_post = kwargs.get('show_post', False) show_prior = kwargs.get('show_prior', False) show_prior = True show_post = True show_ev = (evidence is not None and variable in evidence) if (show_post or show_ev) and text is not None: offset_box = mpl.offsetbox.TextArea(text, textprops) artist = mpl.offsetbox.AnnotationBbox( # offset_box, (x + 5, y), xybox=(20., 5.), offset_box, (x, y + 5), xybox=(4., 20.), #box_alignment=(0, 0), box_alignment=(.5, 0), **textkw) offset_box_list.append(offset_box) artist_list.append(artist) if show_prior and prior_text is not None: offset_box2 = mpl.offsetbox.TextArea(prior_text, textprops) artist2 = mpl.offsetbox.AnnotationBbox( # offset_box2, (x - 5, y), xybox=(-20., -15.), # offset_box2, (x, y - 5), xybox=(-15., -20.), offset_box2, (x, y - 5), xybox=(-4, -20.), #box_alignment=(1, 1), box_alignment=(.5, 1), **textkw) offset_box_list.append(offset_box2) artist_list.append(artist2) for artist in artist_list: ax.add_artist(artist) xmin, ymin = np.array(pos_list).min(axis=0) xmax, ymax = np.array(pos_list).max(axis=0) num_annots = len(model.ttype2_cpds['name']) if num_annots > 4: ax.set_xlim((xmin - 40, xmax + 40)) ax.set_ylim((ymin - 50, ymax + 50)) fig.set_size_inches(30, 7) else: ax.set_xlim((xmin - 42, xmax + 42)) ax.set_ylim((ymin - 50, ymax + 50)) fig.set_size_inches(23, 7) fig = pt.gcf() title = 'num_names=%r, num_annots=%r' % (model.num_names, num_annots,) map_assign = kwargs.get('map_assign', None) #max_marginal_list = [] #for name, marginal in marginalized_joints.items(): # states = list(ut.iprod(*marginal.statenames)) # vals = marginal.values.ravel() # x = vals.argmax() # max_marginal_list += ['P(' + ', '.join(states[x]) + ') = ' + str(vals[x])] # title += str(marginal) top_assignments = kwargs.get('top_assignments', None) if top_assignments is not None: map_assign, map_prob = top_assignments[0] if map_assign is not None: # title += '\nMAP=' + ut.repr2(map_assign, strvals=True) title += '\nMAP: ' + map_assign + ' @' + '%.2f%%' % (100 * map_prob,) if kwargs.get('show_title', True): pt.set_figtitle(title, size=14) #pt.set_xlabel() def hack_fix_centeralign(): if textprops['horizontalalignment'] == 'center': print('Fixing centeralign') fig = pt.gcf() fig.canvas.draw() # Superhack for centered text. Fix bug in # /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/ # /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/matplotlib/ for offset_box in offset_box_list: offset_box.set_offset z = offset_box._text.get_window_extent() (z.x1 - z.x0) / 2 offset_box._text T = offset_box._text.get_transform() A = mpl.transforms.Affine2D() A.clear() A.translate((z.x1 - z.x0) / 2, 0) offset_box._text.set_transform(T + A) hack_fix_centeralign() top_assignments = kwargs.get('top_assignments', None) if top_assignments is not None: bin_labels = ut.get_list_column(top_assignments, 0) bin_vals = ut.get_list_column(top_assignments, 1) # bin_labels = ['\n'.join(ut.textwrap.wrap(_lbl, width=30)) for _lbl in bin_labels] pt.draw_histogram(bin_labels, bin_vals, fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 8, (2, slice(4, None))), transpose=True, use_darkbackground=False, #xtick_rotation=-10, ylabel='Prob', xlabel='assignment') pt.set_title('Assignment probabilities') #fpath = ('name_model_' + suff + '.png') #pt.plt.savefig(fpath) #return fpath def flow():
[docs] """ pip install PyMaxFlow pip install pystruct pip install hdbscan """ # Toy problem representing attempting to discover names via annotation # scores import pystruct # NOQA import pystruct.models # NOQA import networkx as netx # NOQA import vtool as vt num_annots = 10 num_names = num_annots hidden_nids = np.random.randint(0, num_names, num_annots) unique_nids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(hidden_nids) toy_params = { True: {'mu': 1.0, 'sigma': 2.2}, False: {'mu': 7.0, 'sigma': .9} } if True: import vtool as vt import plottool as pt xdata = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000) tp_pdf = vt.gauss_func1d(xdata, **toy_params[True]) fp_pdf = vt.gauss_func1d(xdata, **toy_params[False]) pt.plot_probabilities([tp_pdf, fp_pdf], ['TP', 'TF'], xdata=xdata) def metric(aidx1, aidx2, hidden_nids=hidden_nids, toy_params=toy_params): if aidx1 == aidx2: return 0 rng = np.random.RandomState(int(aidx1 + aidx2)) same = hidden_nids[int(aidx1)] == hidden_nids[int(aidx2)] mu, sigma = ut.dict_take(toy_params[same], ['mu', 'sigma']) return np.clip(rng.normal(mu, sigma), 0, np.inf) pairwise_aidxs = list(ut.iprod(range(num_annots), range(num_annots))) pairwise_labels = np.array([hidden_nids[a1] == hidden_nids[a2] for a1, a2 in pairwise_aidxs]) pairwise_scores = np.array([metric(*zz) for zz in pairwise_aidxs]) pairwise_scores_mat = pairwise_scores.reshape(num_annots, num_annots) if num_annots <= 10: print(ut.repr2(pairwise_scores_mat, precision=1)) #aids = list(range(num_annots)) #g = netx.DiGraph() #g.add_nodes_from(aids) #g.add_edges_from([(tup[0], tup[1], {'weight': score}) for tup, score in zip(pairwise_aidxs, pairwise_scores) if tup[0] != tup[1]]) #netx.draw_graphviz(g) #pr = netx.pagerank(g) X = pairwise_scores Y = pairwise_labels encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(), Y) encoder.visualize() # meanshift clustering import sklearn bandwidth = sklearn.cluster.estimate_bandwidth(X[:, None]) # , quantile=quantile, n_samples=500) assert bandwidth != 0, ('[] bandwidth is 0. Cannot cluster') # bandwidth is with respect to the RBF used in clustering #ms = sklearn.cluster.MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True, cluster_all=True) ms = sklearn.cluster.MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True, cluster_all=False)[:, None]) label_arr = ms.labels_ unique_labels = np.unique(label_arr) max_label = max(0, unique_labels.max()) num_orphans = (label_arr == -1).sum() label_arr[label_arr == -1] = np.arange(max_label + 1, max_label + 1 + num_orphans) X_data = np.arange(num_annots)[:, None].astype(np.int64) #graph = pystruct.models.GraphCRF( # n_states=None, # n_features=None, # inference_method='lp', # class_weight=None, # directed=False, #) import scipy import scipy.cluster import scipy.cluster.hierarchy thresh = 2.0 labels = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata(X_data, thresh, metric=metric) unique_lbls, lblgroupxs = vt.group_indices(labels) print(groupxs) print(lblgroupxs) print('groupdiff = %r' % (ut.compare_groupings(groupxs, lblgroupxs),)) print('common groups = %r' % (ut.find_grouping_consistencies(groupxs, lblgroupxs),)) #X_data, seconds_thresh, criterion='distance') #help(hdbscan.HDBSCAN) import hdbscan alg = hdbscan.HDBSCAN(metric=metric, min_cluster_size=1, p=1, gen_min_span_tree=1, min_samples=2) labels = alg.fit_predict(X_data) labels[labels == -1] = np.arange(np.sum(labels == -1)) + labels.max() + 1 unique_lbls, lblgroupxs = vt.group_indices(labels) print(groupxs) print(lblgroupxs) print('groupdiff = %r' % (ut.compare_groupings(groupxs, lblgroupxs),)) print('common groups = %r' % (ut.find_grouping_consistencies(groupxs, lblgroupxs),)) #import ddbscan #help(ddbscan.DDBSCAN) #alg = ddbscan.DDBSCAN(2, 2) #D = np.zeros((len(aids), len(aids) + 1)) #D.T[-1] = np.arange(len(aids)) ## Can alpha-expansion be used when the pairwise potentials are not in a grid? #hidden_ut.group_items(aids, hidden_nids) if False: import maxflow #from maxflow import fastmin # Create a graph with integer capacities. g = maxflow.Graph[int](2, 2) # Add two (non-terminal) nodes. Get the index to the first one. nodes = g.add_nodes(2) # Create two edges (forwards and backwards) with the given capacities. # The indices of the nodes are always consecutive. g.add_edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], 1, 2) # Set the capacities of the terminal edges... # ...for the first node. g.add_tedge(nodes[0], 2, 5) # ...for the second node. g.add_tedge(nodes[1], 9, 4) g = maxflow.Graph[float](2, 2) g.maxflow() g.get_nx_graph() g.get_segment(nodes[0]) #seed = (start * 11) #np.random.RandomState(seed) #if initial_nids is None: #else: # # HACK # #import utool # #utool.embed() # nid_is_avail = vt.index_to_boolmask(initial_nids, initial_nids.max() + 1) # next_ = np.where(~nid_is_avail)[0] # if len(next_) == 0: # nid_is_avail = np.append(nid_is_avail, [True]) # idx = len(nid_is_avail) - 1 # else: # idx = next_[0] # nid_is_avail[idx] = True # avail_nids = np.where(nid_is_avail)[0] # p = np.ones(len(avail_nids)) # # chance to see a new annotation # chance = .4 # # more or less # p[:] = (1 - chance) / (len(p) - 1) # p[idx] = chance # #print('p = %r' % (p,)) # #nids = rng.randint(0, num_names, num_annots) # #print('avail_nids = %r' % (avail_nids,)) # nids = rng.choice(avail_nids, num_annots, p=p) # #print('nids = %r' % (nids,))