Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    python -c "import utool as ut; ut.write_modscript_alias('', 'ibeis.algo.hots.qt_inc_automatch')"

    sh --test-test_inc_query:0
    sh --test-test_inc_query:1
    sh --test-test_inc_query:2
    sh --test-test_inc_query:3 --num-initial 5000

    python -m ibeis.algo.hots.qt_inc_automatch --test-test_inc_query:0

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import six
import utool as ut
from ibeis import constants as const
from ibeis.algo.hots import automated_oracle as ao
from ibeis.algo.hots import automated_helpers as ah
from ibeis.algo.hots import automated_params
from ibeis.algo.hots import special_query
from ibeis.algo.hots import neighbor_index_cache
from ibeis.algo.hots import automatch_suggestor
from ibeis.algo.hots import user_dialogs
from collections import namedtuple
ut.noinject(__name__, '[inc]')
#profile = ut.profile
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[automatch]')

Metatup = namedtuple('Metatup', ('ibs_gt', 'aid1_to_aid2'))

[docs]def testdata_automatch(dbname=None): if dbname is None: dbname = 'testdb1' import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') qaid_chunk = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:1] return ibs, qaid_chunk # ---- ENTRY POINT ----
[docs]def test_generate_incremental_queries(ibs_gt, ibs, aid_list1, aid1_to_aid2, num_initial=0, incinfo=None): """ TODO: move this somewhere else Testing function Adds and queries new annotations one at a time with oracle guidance ibs1 is ibs_gt, ibs2 is ibs """ print('begin test interactive iter') # Transfer some amount of initial data print('Transfer %d initial test annotations' % (num_initial,)) if num_initial > 0: aid_sublist1 = aid_list1[0:num_initial] aid_sublist2 = ut.dict_take_list(aid1_to_aid2, aid_sublist1) #aid_sublist2 = ah.add_annot_chunk(ibs_gt, ibs, aid_sublist1, aid1_to_aid2) # Add names from old databse. add all initial as exemplars name_list = ibs_gt.get_annot_names(aid_sublist1) ibs.set_annot_names(aid_sublist2, name_list) ibs.set_annot_exemplar_flags(aid_sublist2, [True] * len(aid_sublist2)) aid_list1 = aid_list1[num_initial:] # Print info WITHINFO = ut.get_argflag('--withinfo') if WITHINFO: print('+-------') print('Printing ibs_gt and ibs info before start') print('--------') print('\nibs info:') print(ibs.get_dbinfo_str()) print('--------') print('\nibs_gt info') #print(ibs_gt.get_dbinfo_str()) print('L________') # Setup metadata tuple (in the presence of groundtruth, keeps records of # accuracy and give information to the oracle decision maker) metatup = Metatup(ibs_gt, aid1_to_aid2) assert incinfo is not None incinfo['metatup'] = metatup incinfo['interactive'] = False # Begin incremental iteration chunksize = 1 aids_chunk1_iter = ut.ProgChunks(aid_list1, chunksize, lbl='TEST QUERY') for count, aids_chunk1 in enumerate(aids_chunk1_iter): with ut.Timer('teststep'): #sys.stdout.write('\n') print('\n==== EXECUTING TESTSTEP %d ====' % (count,)) print('generator_stack_depth = %r' % ut.get_current_stack_depth()) #incinfo['interactive'] = (interact_after is not None and count >= interact_after) #--- # ensure new annot is added (most likely it will have been preadded) #qaid_chunk = ah.add_annot_chunk(ibs_gt, ibs, aids_chunk1, aid1_to_aid2) #--- # Assume annot has alredy been added # Get mapping qaid_chunk = ut.dict_take_list(aid1_to_aid2, aids_chunk1) #--- for item in generate_subquery_steps(ibs, qaid_chunk, incinfo=incinfo): yield item #(ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo) = item # Yeild results for qt interface to call down into user or # oracle code and make a decision print('ending interactive iter') ah.check_results(ibs_gt, ibs, aid1_to_aid2, aid_list1, incinfo)
[docs]def generate_incremental_queries(ibs, qaid_list, incinfo=None): r""" qt entry point. generates query results for the qt harness to process. Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaid_list (list): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --test-generate_incremental_queries Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_chunk = testdata_automatch() >>> generate_incremental_queries(ibs, qaid_list) """ # Execute each query as a test chunksize = 1 #aids_chunk1_iter = ut.ichunks(aid_list1, chunksize) qaid_chunk_iter = ut.ProgChunks(qaid_list, chunksize, lbl='TEST QUERY') ibs = ibs for count, qaid_chunk in enumerate(qaid_chunk_iter): #sys.stdout.write('\n') print('\n==== EXECUTING QUERY %d ====' % (count,)) print('generator_stack_depth = %r' % ut.get_current_stack_depth()) for item in generate_subquery_steps(ibs, qaid_chunk, incinfo=incinfo): yield item # ---- INIT ----
[docs]def initialize_persistant_query_request(ibs, qaid_chunk): # FIXME: allow for multiple species or make a nicer way of ensuring that # there is only one species here species_text_set = set(ibs.get_annot_species_texts(qaid_chunk)) assert len(species_text_set) == 1, 'query chunk has more than one species' species_text = list(species_text_set)[0] # controller based exemplars daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(is_exemplar=True, species=species_text, is_known=True, minqual='poor') num_names = len(set(ibs.get_annot_nids(daid_list))) # TODO: choose vsmany K every time # need to be able to update qreq_.qparams vsmany_K = automated_params.choose_vsmany_K(num_names, qaid_chunk, daid_list) vsmany_cfgdict = dict( K=vsmany_K, Knorm=3, #index_method='single', pipeline_root='vsmany', #return_expanded_nns=False, #return_expanded_nns=True, ) # Create New qreq qreq_vsmany_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaid_chunk, daid_list, cfgdict=vsmany_cfgdict, use_memcache=False) return qreq_vsmany_
[docs]def load_or_make_qreq(ibs, qreq_vsmany_, qaid_chunk): if qreq_vsmany_ is None: qreq_vsmany_ = initialize_persistant_query_request(ibs, qaid_chunk) else: # set new query aids qreq_vsmany_.set_internal_qaids(qaid_chunk) # state based exemplars # daid_list = qreq_vsmany_.get_external_daids() # # VALID FOR MULTI_INDEXER ONLY # Force indexer reloading if background process is completed. # we might get a shiny new indexer. force = neighbor_index_cache.check_background_process() qreq_vsmany_.load_indexer(force=force) return qreq_vsmany_ # ---- QUERY ----
[docs]def execute_query_batch(ibs, qaid_chunk, qreq_vsmany_, incinfo): """ TODO: remove special query """ from ibeis.algo.hots import match_chips4 as mc4 USE_SPECIAL_QUERY = False if USE_SPECIAL_QUERY: qaid2_qres, qreq_, qreq_vsmany_ = special_query.query_vsone_verified( ibs, qaid_chunk, qreq_vsmany_.get_external_daids(), qreq_vsmany__=qreq_vsmany_, incinfo=incinfo) else: qreq_ = qreq_vsmany_ qaid2_qres = mc4.submit_query_request_nocache(ibs, qreq_=qreq_) if incinfo.get('qreq_vsmany_', None) is None: incinfo['qreq_vsmany_'] = qreq_vsmany_ else: assert incinfo.get('qreq_vsmany_') is qreq_vsmany_, 'bad statefulness' return qaid2_qres, qreq_
[docs]def generate_subquery_steps(ibs, qaid_chunk, incinfo=None): """ Generats query results for the qt harness to then send into the next decision steps. Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaid_chunk (?): incinfo (dict): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --test-generate_subquery_steps Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_chunk = testdata_automatch() >>> generate_subquery_steps(ibs, qaid_chunk) """ # Use either state-based exemplars or controller based exemplars qreq_vsmany_ = incinfo.get('qreq_vsmany_', None) # Execute actual queries qreq_vsmany_ = load_or_make_qreq(ibs, qreq_vsmany_, qaid_chunk) qaid2_qres, qreq_ = execute_query_batch(ibs, qaid_chunk, qreq_vsmany_, incinfo) #try_decision_callback = incinfo.get('try_decision_callback', None) for qaid, cm in six.iteritems(qaid2_qres): yield [ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo] # ---- DECISION ---
[docs]def get_name_suggestion(ibs, qaid, choicetup, incinfo): # --------------------------------------------- # Get oracle suggestion if we have the metadata # override the system suggestion metatup = incinfo.get('metatup', None) if incinfo.get('use_oracle', False) and metatup is not None: oracle_name_suggest_tup = ao.get_oracle_name_suggestion( ibs, qaid, choicetup, metatup) name_suggest_tup = oracle_name_suggest_tup else: # Get system suggested name system_name_suggest_tup = automatch_suggestor.get_system_name_suggestion(ibs, choicetup) name_suggest_tup = system_name_suggest_tup return name_suggest_tup
[docs]def run_until_name_decision_signal(ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=None): r""" DECISION STEP 1) Either the system or the user makes a decision about the name of the query annotation. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --test-run_until_name_decision_signal Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_chunk = testdata_automatch() >>> exemplar_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids(is_exemplar=True) >>> incinfo = {} >>> gen = generate_subquery_steps(ibs, qaid_chunk, incinfo) >>> item = >>> ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo = item >>> # verify results >>> run_until_name_decision_signal(ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo) Ignore:: cm.ishow_top(ibs, sidebyside=False, show_query=True) """ print('--- Identifying Query Animal ---') qaid = cm.qaid choicetup = automatch_suggestor.get_qres_name_choices(ibs, cm) name_suggest_tup = get_name_suggestion(ibs, qaid, choicetup, incinfo) # Have the system ask the user if it is not confident in its decision autoname_msg, chosen_names, name_confidence = name_suggest_tup print('autoname_msg=') print(autoname_msg) print('... checking confidence=%r in name decision.' % (name_confidence,)) if name_confidence < incinfo.get('name_confidence_thresh', 1.0): print('... confidence is too low. need user input') if incinfo.get('interactive', False): print('... asking user for input') if qreq_.normalizer is not None: VIZ_SCORE_NORM = False #VIZ_SCORE_NORM = ut.is_developer() if VIZ_SCORE_NORM: qreq_.normalizer.visualize(fnum=511, verbose=False) user_dialogs.wait_for_user_name_decision(ibs, cm, qreq_, choicetup, name_suggest_tup, incinfo=incinfo) else: run_until_finish(incinfo=incinfo) print('... cannot ask user for input. doing nothing') else: print('... confidence is above threshold. Making decision') #return ('CALLBACK', chosen_names) name_decision_callback = incinfo['name_decision_callback'] name_decision_callback(chosen_names) #exec_name_decision_and_continue(chosen_names, ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=incinfo)
[docs]def exec_name_decision_and_continue(chosen_names, ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=None): """ DECISION STEP 2) The name decision from the previous step is executed and the score normalizer is updated. Then execution continues to the exemplar decision step. """ print('--- Updating Exemplars ---') qaid = cm.qaid #assert ibs.is_aid_unknown(qaid), 'animal is already known' try_update_normalizer = False was_junk = False if chosen_names is None or len(chosen_names) == 0 or chosen_names == 'newname': newname = ibs.make_next_name() print('identifying qaid=%r as a new animal. newname=%r' % (qaid, newname)) ibs.set_annot_names((qaid,), (newname,)) elif chosen_names == 'junk': print('setting query qaid=%r as a junk annotations') ibs.set_annot_qualities((qaid,), (const.QUALITY_TEXT_TO_INT['junk'],)) was_junk = True elif len(chosen_names) == 1: print('identifying qaid=%r as name=%r' % (qaid, chosen_names,)) ibs.set_annot_names((qaid,), chosen_names) try_update_normalizer = True elif len(chosen_names) > 1: merge_name = chosen_names[0] other_names = chosen_names[1:] print('identifying qaid=%r as name=%r and merging with %r ' % (qaid, merge_name, other_names)) ibs.merge_names(merge_name, other_names) ibs.set_annot_names((qaid,), (merge_name,)) # STATE MAINTENANCE # TODO make sure update normalizer works if qreq_.normalizer is not None and try_update_normalizer: update_normalizer(ibs, cm, qreq_, chosen_names) # Do update callback so the name updates in the main GUI interactive = incinfo.get('interactive', False) update_callback = incinfo.get('update_callback', None) if interactive and not was_junk and update_callback is not None: # Update callback repopulates the names tree update_callback() run_until_exemplar_decision_signal(ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=incinfo)
[docs]def run_until_exemplar_decision_signal(ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=None): """ DECISION STEP 3) Either the system or the user decides if the query should be added to the database as an exemplar. """ qaid = cm.qaid exemplar_confidence_thresh = ut.get_sys_maxfloat() exmplr_suggestion = automatch_suggestor.get_system_exemplar_suggestion(ibs, qaid) (autoexemplar_msg, exemplar_decision, exemplar_condience) = exmplr_suggestion print('autoexemplar_msg=') print(autoexemplar_msg) # HACK: Disable asking users a about exemplars need_user_input = False and (incinfo.get('interactive', False) and exemplar_condience < exemplar_confidence_thresh) if need_user_input: user_dialogs.wait_for_user_exemplar_decision( autoexemplar_msg, exemplar_decision, exemplar_condience) else: # May need to execute callback whereas whatever the interaction was # would issue it otherwise exec_exemplar_decision_and_continue(exemplar_decision, ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=incinfo)
[docs]def exec_exemplar_decision_and_continue(exemplar_decision, ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo=None): """ DECISION STEP 4) The exemplar decision in the previous step is executed. The persistant vsmany query request is updated if needbe and the execution continues. (currently to the end of this iteration) """ new_aids, remove_aids = exemplar_decision #if exemplar_decision: if len(new_aids) > 0: ibs.set_annot_exemplar_flags(new_aids, [True] * len(new_aids)) if len(remove_aids) > 0: ibs.set_annot_exemplar_flags(remove_aids, [False] * len(remove_aids)) if 'qreq_vsmany_' in incinfo: qreq_vsmany_ = incinfo.get('qreq_vsmany_') # STATE_MAINTENANCE # Add new query as a database annotation if len(new_aids) > 0: qreq_vsmany_.add_internal_daids(new_aids) if len(remove_aids) > 0: qreq_vsmany_.remove_internal_daids(remove_aids) run_until_finish(incinfo=incinfo)
[docs]def run_until_finish(incinfo=None): """ DECISION STEP 5) """ if incinfo is not None: # This query run as eneded next_query_key = 'next_query_callback' if next_query_key in incinfo: incinfo[next_query_key]() else: print('Warning: no next_query_key=%r' % (next_query_key,)) # ---- POST DECISION ---
[docs]def update_normalizer(ibs, cm, qreq_, chosen_names): r""" adds new support data to the current normalizer FIXME: broken Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters choicetup (?): name (?): Returns: tuple: (tp_rawscore, tn_rawscore) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --test-update_normalizer Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_chunk = testdata_automatch() >>> exemplar_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids(is_exemplar=True) >>> incinfo = {} >>> gen = generate_subquery_steps(ibs, qaid_chunk, incinfo) >>> item = >>> ibs, cm, qreq_, incinfo = item >>> qreq_.load_score_normalizer() >>> # verify results >>> chosen_names = ['easy'] >>> update_normalizer(ibs, cm, qreq_, chosen_names) """ # Fixme: duplicate call to get_qres_name_choices if qreq_.normalizer is None: print('[update_normalizer] NOT UPDATING. qreq_ has not loaded a score normalizer') return if len(chosen_names) != 1: print('[update_normalizer] NOT UPDATING. only updates using simple matches') return qaid = cm.qaid choicetup = automatch_suggestor.get_qres_name_choices(ibs, cm) (sorted_nids, sorted_nscore, sorted_rawscore, sorted_aids, sorted_ascores) = choicetup # Get new True Negative support data for score normalization name = chosen_names[0] rank = ut.listfind(ibs.get_name_texts(sorted_nids), name) if rank is None: return nid = sorted_nids[rank] tp_rawscore = sorted_rawscore[rank] valid_falseranks = set(range(len(sorted_rawscore))) - set([rank]) if len(valid_falseranks) > 0: tn_rank = min(valid_falseranks) tn_rawscore = sorted_rawscore[tn_rank][0] else: tn_rawscore = None #return tp_rawscore, tn_rawscore canupdate = tp_rawscore is not None and tn_rawscore is not None if canupdate: # TODO: UPDATE SCORE NORMALIZER HERE print('UPDATING! NORMALIZER') tp_labels = [ut.deterministic_uuid((qaid, nid))] tn_labels = [ut.deterministic_uuid((qaid, nid))] print('new normalization example: tp_rawscore={}, tn_rawscore={}'.format(tp_rawscore, tn_rawscore)) print('new normalization example: tp_labels={}, tn_labels={}'.format(tp_labels, tn_labels)) tp_scores = [tp_rawscore] tn_scores = [tn_rawscore] qreq_.normalizer.add_support(tp_scores, tn_scores, tp_labels, tn_labels) qreq_.normalizer.retrain() species_text = '_'.join(qreq_.get_unique_species()) # HACK # TODO: figure out where to store normalizer else: print('NOUPDATE! cannot update score normalization') # --- TESTING ---
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 #import utool as ut ut.doctest_funcs()