Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
External mechanism for computing feature distinctiveness

stores some set of vectors which lose their association with
their parent.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import vtool as vt
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from six.moves import map
import six  # NOQA
from ibeis import constants as const
from ibeis.init import sysres
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[distinctnorm]')

DCVS_DEFAULT = ut.ParamInfoList('distinctivness', [
    ut.ParamInfo('dcvs_power', 1.0, 'p',    varyvals=[.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]),
    ut.ParamInfo('dcvs_min_clip', .2, 'mn', varyvals=[.2, .02, .03][0:1]),
    ut.ParamInfo('dcvs_max_clip', .5, 'mx', varyvals=[.05, .3, .4, .45, .5, 1.0][1:4]),
    ut.ParamInfo('dcvs_K', 5, 'dcvsK',      varyvals=[5, 7, 15][0:1]),

    # TODO: Populate
    'zebra_grevys': const.ZIPPED_URLS.GZ_DISTINCTIVE,
    'zebra_plains': const.ZIPPED_URLS.PZ_DISTINCTIVE,
PUBLISH_DIR = ut.unixpath('~/Dropbox/IBEIS')

[docs]def testdata_distinctiveness(): """ Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> dstcnvs_normer, qreq_ = testdata_distinctiveness() """ import ibeis # build test data db = ut.get_argval('--db', str, 'testdb1') species = ut.get_argval('--species', str, None) aid = ut.get_argval('--aid', int, None) ibs = ibeis.opendb(db) if aid is not None: species = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid) if species is None: if db == 'testdb1': species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species) qaids = [aid] if aid is not None else daids qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) dstcnvs_normer = request_ibeis_distinctiveness_normalizer(qreq_) return dstcnvs_normer, qreq_ #@six.add_metaclass(ut.ReloadingMetaclass)
[docs]class DistinctivnessNormalizer(ut.Cachable): ext = '.cPkl' prefix = 'distinctivness' def __init__(dstcnvs_normer, species, cachedir=None): """ cfgstring should be the species trained on """ dstcnvs_normer.vecs = None dstcnvs_normer.max_distance = hstypes.VEC_PSEUDO_MAX_DISTANCE dstcnvs_normer.max_distance_sqrd = dstcnvs_normer.max_distance ** 2 dstcnvs_normer.cachedir = cachedir dstcnvs_normer.species = species dstcnvs_normer.flann_params = { 'algorithm': 'kdtree', 'trees': 8, 'checks': 800} dstcnvs_normer.checks = dstcnvs_normer.flann_params.get('checks') dstcnvs_normer.cores = dstcnvs_normer.flann_params.get('cores', 0)
[docs] def get_prefix(dstcnvs_normer): return DistinctivnessNormalizer.prefix + '_'
[docs] def get_cfgstr(dstcnvs_normer): assert dstcnvs_normer.species is not None cfgstr = dstcnvs_normer.species return cfgstr
[docs] def add_support(dstcnvs_normer, new_vecs): """ """ raise NotImplementedError() pass
[docs] def archive(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None, overwrite=False): cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir data_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_fpath(cachedir) #flann_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_flann_fpath(cachedir) archive_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_fpath(cachedir, ext='.zip') fpath_list = [ data_fpath, #flann_fpath ] ut.archive_files(archive_fpath, fpath_list, overwrite=overwrite) return archive_fpath
[docs] def publish(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None): """ Sets this as the default normalizer available for download ONLY DEVELOPERS CAN PERFORM THIS OPERATION Args: cachedir (str): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-publish Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> dstcnvs_normer = testdata_distinctiveness()[0] >>> dstcnvs_normer.rebuild() >>> >>> result = dstcnvs_normer.publish(cachedir) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ from os.path import basename, join assert ut.is_developer(), 'ONLY DEVELOPERS CAN PERFORM THIS OPERATION' cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir archive_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.archive(cachedir, overwrite=True) archive_fname = basename(archive_fpath) publish_dpath = PUBLISH_DIR publish_fpath = join(publish_dpath, archive_fname) if ut.checkpath(publish_fpath, verbose=True): print('Overwriting model') print('old nBytes(publish_fpath) = %s' % (ut.get_file_nBytes_str(publish_fpath),)) print('new nBytes(archive_fpath) = %s' % (ut.get_file_nBytes_str(archive_fpath),)) else: print('Publishing model') print('publish_fpath = %r' % (publish_fpath,)) ut.copy(archive_fpath, publish_fpath)
[docs] def get_flann_fpath(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir): flann_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_fpath(cachedir, ext='.flann') return flann_fpath
[docs] def exists(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None, verbose=True, need_flann=False, *args, **kwargs): r""" Args: cachedir (str): cache directory verbose (bool): verbosity flag Returns: flag: load_success CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-exists Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> dstcnvs_normer = testdata_distinctiveness()[0] >>> assert dstcnvs_normer.exists() """ from os.path import exists cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir cpkl_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_fpath(cachedir) flann_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_flann_fpath(cachedir) fpath_list = [cpkl_fpath] if need_flann: fpath_list.append(flann_fpath) flag = all([exists(fpath) for fpath in fpath_list]) return flag
[docs] def load(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None, verbose=True, *args, **kwargs): # Inherited method cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir kwargs['ignore_keys'] = ['flann'] super(DistinctivnessNormalizer, dstcnvs_normer).load(cachedir, *args, **kwargs) dstcnvs_normer.load_or_build_flann(cachedir, verbose, *args, **kwargs) ## Load Flann #if ut.VERBOSE: # print('[nnindex] load_success = %r' % (load_success,))
[docs] def load_or_build_flann(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None, verbose=True, *args, **kwargs): import pyflann flann_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_flann_fpath(cachedir) if ut.checkpath(flann_fpath, verbose=ut.VERBOSE): try: dstcnvs_normer.flann = pyflann.FLANN() dstcnvs_normer.flann.load_index(flann_fpath, dstcnvs_normer.vecs) assert dstcnvs_normer.flann._FLANN__curindex is not None #load_success = True except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, '... cannot load distinctiveness flann', iswarning=True) dstcnvs_normer.rebuild(cachedir) else: dstcnvs_normer.ensure_flann(cachedir) #raise IOError('cannot load distinctiveness flann') #return load_success
[docs] def save(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None, verbose=True, *args, **kwargs): """ args = tuple() kwargs = {} """ cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir # Inherited method kwargs['ignore_keys'] = ['flann'] # Save everything but flann super(DistinctivnessNormalizer, dstcnvs_normer).save(cachedir, *args, **kwargs) # Save flann if dstcnvs_normer.flann is not None: dstcnvs_normer.save_flann(cachedir, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def save_flann(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None, verbose=True): cachedir = dstcnvs_normer.cachedir if cachedir is None else cachedir flann_fpath = dstcnvs_normer.get_flann_fpath(cachedir) if verbose: print('flann.save_index(%r)' % ut.path_ndir_split(flann_fpath, n=5)) dstcnvs_normer.flann.save_index(flann_fpath)
[docs] def init_support(dstcnvs_normer, vecs, verbose=True): dstcnvs_normer.vecs = vecs dstcnvs_normer.rebuild(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def rebuild(dstcnvs_normer, verbose=True, quiet=False): dstcnvs_normer.flann = vt.build_flann_index( dstcnvs_normer.vecs, dstcnvs_normer.flann_params, verbose=verbose) if dstcnvs_normer.vecs.dtype == hstypes.VEC_TYPE: dstcnvs_normer.max_distance = hstypes.VEC_PSEUDO_MAX_DISTANCE dstcnvs_normer.max_distance_sqrd = dstcnvs_normer.max_distance ** 2
[docs] def ensure_flann(dstcnvs_normer, cachedir=None): if not ut.checkpath(dstcnvs_normer.get_flann_fpath(cachedir)): dstcnvs_normer.rebuild(cachedir) dstcnvs_normer.save_flann(cachedir)
[docs] def get_distinctiveness(dstcnvs_normer, qfx2_vec, dcvs_K=2, dcvs_power=1.0, dcvs_max_clip=1.0, dcvs_min_clip=0.0): r""" Args: qfx2_vec (ndarray): mapping from query feature index to vec CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --db GZ_ALL --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show --dcvs_power .25 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show --dcvs_power .5 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show --dcvs_power .1 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show --dcvs_K 1& python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show --dcvs_K 2& python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-get_distinctiveness --show --dcvs_K 3& Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> dstcnvs_normer, qreq_ = testdata_distinctiveness() >>> qaid = qreq_.get_external_qaids()[0] >>> qfx2_vec = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_vecs(qaid, config2_=qreq_.qparams) >>> default_dict = {'dcvs_power': .25, 'dcvs_K': 5, 'dcvs_max_clip': .5} >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(default_dict) >>> qfx2_dstncvs = dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(qfx2_vec, **kwargs) >>> ut.assert_eq(len(qfx2_dstncvs.shape), 1) >>> assert np.all(qfx2_dstncvs) <= 1 >>> assert np.all(qfx2_dstncvs) >= 0 >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> # Show distinctivness on an animal and a corresponding graph >>> import plottool as pt >>> chip = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_chips(qaid) >>> qfx2_kpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(qaid, config2_=qreq_.qparams) >>> show_chip_distinctiveness_plot(chip, qfx2_kpts, qfx2_dstncvs) >>> #pt.figure(2) >>> #pt.show_all_colormaps() >>> pt.show_if_requested() Ignore: %s/\(^ *\)\(.*\)/\1>>> \2/c """ #ut.embed() assert dcvs_K > 0 and dcvs_K < len(dstcnvs_normer.vecs), ( 'dcvs_K=%r' % (dcvs_K,)) if len(qfx2_vec) == 0: #(qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist_sqrd) = dstcnvs_normer.empty_neighbors(0, dcvs_K) qfx2_idx = np.empty((0, dcvs_K), dtype=np.int32) qfx2_dist = np.empty((0, dcvs_K), dtype=np.float64) else: # perform nearest neighbors (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist_sqrd) = dstcnvs_normer.flann.nn_index( qfx2_vec, dcvs_K, checks=dstcnvs_normer.checks, cores=dstcnvs_normer.cores) # Ensure that distance returned are between 0 and 1 #qfx2_dist = qfx2_dist / (dstcnvs_normer.max_distance ** 2) qfx2_dist = (np.sqrt(qfx2_dist_sqrd.astype(np.float64)) / hstypes.VEC_PSEUDO_MAX_DISTANCE) #qfx2_dist32 = np.sqrt(np.divide(qfx2_dist_sqrd, dstcnvs_normer.max_distance_sqrd)) #qfx2_dist = #qfx2_dist = np.sqrt(qfx2_dist) / dstcnvs_normer.max_distance if dcvs_K == 1: qfx2_dist = qfx2_dist[:, None] norm_dist = qfx2_dist.T[dcvs_K - 1].T qfx2_dstncvs = compute_distinctiveness_from_dist(norm_dist, dcvs_power, dcvs_max_clip, dcvs_min_clip) return qfx2_dstncvs
[docs]def compute_distinctiveness_from_dist(norm_dist, dcvs_power, dcvs_max_clip, dcvs_min_clip): """ Compute distinctiveness from distance to dcvs_K+1 nearest neighbor Ignore: norm_dist = np.random.rand(1000) import numexpr %timeit np.divide(norm_dist, dcvs_max_clip) %timeit numexpr.evaluate('norm_dist / dcvs_max_clip', local_dict=dict(norm_dist=norm_dist, dcvs_max_clip=dcvs_max_clip)) wd_cliped = np.divide(norm_dist, dcvs_max_clip) %timeit numexpr.evaluate('wd_cliped > 1.0', local_dict=locals()) %timeit np.greater(wd_cliped, 1.0) %timeit np.power(wd_cliped, dcvs_power) %timeit numexpr.evaluate('wd_cliped ** dcvs_power', local_dict=locals()) %timeit """ # expondent to augment distinctiveness scores. # clip the distinctiveness at this fraction clip_range = dcvs_max_clip - dcvs_min_clip # apply distinctivness normalization _tmp = np.clip(norm_dist, dcvs_min_clip, dcvs_max_clip) np.subtract(_tmp, dcvs_min_clip, out=_tmp) np.divide(_tmp, clip_range, out=_tmp) np.power(_tmp, dcvs_power, out=_tmp) dstncvs = _tmp return dstncvs
[docs]def show_chip_distinctiveness_plot(chip, kpts, dstncvs, fnum=1, pnum=None): import plottool as pt pt.figure(fnum, pnum=pnum) ax = pt.gca() divider = pt.ensure_divider(ax) #ax1 = divider.append_axes("left", size="50%", pad=0) ax1 = ax ax2 = divider.append_axes("bottom", size="100%", pad=0.05) #f, (ax1, ax2) = pt.plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True) cmapstr = 'rainbow' # 'hot' color_list = pt.df2.plt.get_cmap(cmapstr)(ut.norm_zero_one(dstncvs)) sortx = dstncvs.argsort() #pt.df2.plt.plot(qfx2_dstncvs[sortx], c=color_list[sortx]) pt.colorline(np.arange(len(sortx)), dstncvs[sortx], cmap=pt.plt.get_cmap(cmapstr)) pt.gca().set_xlim(0, len(sortx)) pt.dark_background() pt.imshow(chip, darken=.2) # MATPLOTLIB BUG CANNOT SHOW DIFFERENT ALPHA FOR POINTS AND KEYPOINTS AT ONCE #pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, pts_color=color_list, ell_color=color_list, ell_alpha=.1, ell=True, pts=True) #pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, color_list=color_list, pts_alpha=1.0, pts_size=1.5, # ell=True, ell_alpha=.1, pts=False) ell = ut.get_argflag('--ell') pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, color_list=color_list, pts_alpha=1.0, pts_size=1.5, ell=ell, ell_alpha=.3, pts=not ell) #pt.figure(fnum, pnum=pnum)
[docs]def download_baseline_distinctiveness_normalizer(cachedir, species): zipped_url = BASELINE_DISTINCTIVNESS_URLS[species] ut.grab_zipped_url(zipped_url, ensure=True, download_dir=cachedir) #ut.assert_eq(ut.unixpath(cachedir), dir_)
[docs]def request_ibeis_distinctiveness_normalizer(qreq_, verbose=True): r""" Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-request_ibeis_distinctiveness_normalizer Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) >>> # execute function >>> dstcnvs_normer = request_ibeis_distinctiveness_normalizer(qreq_) >>> # verify results >>> assert dstcnvs_normer is not None """ global DISTINCTIVENESS_NORMALIZER_CACHE unique_species = qreq_.get_unique_species() assert len(unique_species) == 1 species = unique_species[0] global_distinctdir = qreq_.ibs.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir() cachedir = global_distinctdir dstcnvs_normer = request_species_distinctiveness_normalizer(species, cachedir, verbose=False) return dstcnvs_normer
[docs]def request_species_distinctiveness_normalizer(species, cachedir=None, verbose=False): """ helper function to get distinctivness model independent of IBEIS. """ if species in DISTINCTIVENESS_NORMALIZER_CACHE: dstcnvs_normer = DISTINCTIVENESS_NORMALIZER_CACHE[species] else: if cachedir is None: cachedir = sysres.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir(ensure=True) dstcnvs_normer = DistinctivnessNormalizer(species, cachedir=cachedir) if not dstcnvs_normer.exists(cachedir): # download normalizer if it doesn't exist download_baseline_distinctiveness_normalizer(cachedir, species) dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) print(ut.get_object_size_str(dstcnvs_normer, 'dstcnvs_normer = ')) print('Loaded distinctivness normalizer') #dstcnvs_normer.ensure_flann(cachedir) assert dstcnvs_normer.exists(cachedir, need_flann=True), ( 'normalizer should have been downloaded, but it doesnt exist') DISTINCTIVENESS_NORMALIZER_CACHE[species] = dstcnvs_normer return dstcnvs_normer
[docs]def clear_distinctivness_cache(j): global_distinctdir = sysres.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir() ut.remove_files_in_dir(global_distinctdir)
[docs]def list_distinctivness_cache(): global_distinctdir = sysres.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir() print(ut.list_str(
[docs]def list_published_distinctivness(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-list_published_distinctivness Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> published_fpaths = list_published_distinctivness() >>> print(ut.list_str(published_fpaths)) """ published_fpaths = return published_fpaths
[docs]def view_distinctiveness_model_dir(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-view_distinctiveness_model_dir Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> view_distinctiveness_model_dir() """ global_distinctdir = sysres.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir() ut.vd(global_distinctdir)
[docs]def view_publish_dir(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-view_publish_dir Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> view_publish_dir() """ ut.vd(PUBLISH_DIR)
[docs]def test_single_annot_distinctiveness_params(ibs, aid): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-test_single_annot_distinctiveness_params --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-test_single_annot_distinctiveness_params --show --db GZ_ALL Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> import plottool as pt >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(ut.get_argval('--db', type_=str, default='PZ_MTEST')) >>> aid = ut.get_argval('--aid', type_=int, default=1) >>> # execute function >>> test_single_annot_distinctiveness_params(ibs, aid) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ #### # TODO: Also paramatarize the downweighting based on the keypoint size #### # HACK IN ABILITY TO SET CONFIG from ibeis.init.main_commands import postload_commands from ibeis.algo import Config postload_commands(ibs, None) import plottool as pt #cfglbl_list = cfgdict_list #ut.all_dict_combinations_lbls(varied_dict) # Get info to find distinctivness of species_text = ibs.get_annot_species(aid) # FIXME; qreq_ params for config rowid vecs = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid) kpts = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid) chip = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid) # Paramater space to search # TODO: use slicing to control the params being varied # Use GridSearch class to modify paramaters as you go. varied_dict = Config.DCVS_DEFAULT.get_varydict() print('Varied Dict: ') print(ut.dict_str(varied_dict)) cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = ut.make_constrained_cfg_and_lbl_list(varied_dict) # Get groundtruthish distinctivness map # for objective function # Load distinctivness normalizer with ut.Timer('Loading Distinctivness Normalizer for %s' % (species_text)): dstcvnss_normer = request_species_distinctiveness_normalizer(species_text) # Get distinctivness over all params dstncvs_list = [dstcvnss_normer.get_distinctiveness(vecs, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ut.ProgIter(cfgdict_list, lbl='get dstcvns')] #fgweights = ibs.get_annot_fgweights([aid])[0] #dstncvs_list = [x * fgweights for x in dstncvs_list] fnum = 1 import functools show_func = functools.partial(show_chip_distinctiveness_plot, chip, kpts) ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images( show_func, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, dstncvs_list, score_list=None, fnum=fnum, figtitle='dstncvs gridsearch') pt.present()
[docs]def dev_train_distinctiveness(species=None): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object species (None): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-dev_train_distinctiveness alias dev_train_distinctiveness='python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --test-dev_train_distinctiveness' # Publishing (uses cached normalizers if available) dev_train_distinctiveness --species GZ --publish dev_train_distinctiveness --species PZ --publish dev_train_distinctiveness --species PZ --retrain Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> species = ut.get_argval('--species', str, 'zebra_grevys') >>> dev_train_distinctiveness(species) """ import ibeis #if 'species' not in vars() or species is None: # species = 'zebra_grevys' if species == 'zebra_grevys': dbname = 'GZ_ALL' elif species == 'zebra_plains': dbname = 'PZ_Master0' ibs = ibeis.opendb(dbname) global_distinctdir = ibs.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir() cachedir = global_distinctdir dstcnvs_normer = DistinctivnessNormalizer(species, cachedir=cachedir) try: if ut.get_argflag('--retrain'): raise IOError('force cache miss') with ut.Timer('loading distinctiveness'): dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) # Cache hit print('distinctivness model cache hit') except IOError: print('distinctivness model cache miss') with ut.Timer('training distinctiveness'): # Need to train # Add one example from each name # TODO: add one exemplar per viewpoint for each name #max_vecs = 1E6 #max_annots = 975 max_annots = 975 #ibs.fix_and_clean_database() nid_list = ibs.get_valid_nids() aids_list = ibs.get_name_aids(nid_list) # remove junk aids_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.filter_junk_annotations, aids_list) # remove empty aids_list = [aids for aids in aids_list if len(aids) > 0] num_annots_list = list(map(len, aids_list)) aids_list = ut.sortedby(aids_list, num_annots_list, reverse=True) # take only one annot per name aid_list = ut.get_list_column(aids_list, 0) # Keep only a certain number of annots for distinctiveness mapping aid_list_ = ut.listclip(aid_list, max_annots) print('total num named annots = %r' % (sum(num_annots_list))) print('training distinctiveness using %d/%d singleton annots' % (len(aid_list_), len(aid_list))) # vec # FIXME: qreq_ params for config rowid vecs_list = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid_list_) num_vecs = sum(list(map(len, vecs_list))) print('num_vecs = %r' % (num_vecs,)) vecs = np.vstack(vecs_list) print('vecs size = %r' % (ut.get_object_size_str(vecs),)) dstcnvs_normer.init_support(vecs) if ut.get_argflag('--publish'): dstcnvs_normer.publish() #vsone_ #inct
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.distinctiveness_normalizer --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()