Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
module which uses multiple flann indexes as a way of working around adding
points to a single flann structure which seems to cause crashes.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import six
from six.moves import zip, map, range
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
from ibeis.algo.hots import neighbor_index_cache
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr_, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[multi_index]', DEBUG=False)

USE_FORGROUND_REINDEX = ut.get_argflag(('--use-foreground-reindex', '--fg-reindex'))

[docs]def testdata_mindexer(): import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='PZ_MTEST') daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[1:60] cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) index_method = 'name' mxer = request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method) return mxer, qreq_, ibs
[docs]def group_daids_for_indexing_by_name(ibs, daid_list, num_indexers=8, verbose=True): """ returns groups with only one annotation per name in each group """ tup = ibs.group_annots_by_known_names(daid_list) aidgroup_list, invalid_aids = tup largest_groupsize = max(map(len, aidgroup_list)) num_bins = min(largest_groupsize, num_indexers) if verbose or ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[mindex] num_indexers = %d ' % (num_indexers,)) print('[mindex] largest_groupsize = %d ' % (largest_groupsize,)) print('[mindex] num_bins = %d ' % (num_bins,)) # Group annotations for indexing according to the split criteria aids_list, overflow_aids = ut.sample_zip( aidgroup_list, num_bins, allow_overflow=True, per_bin=1) if __debug__: # All groups have the same name nidgroup_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_name_rowids, aidgroup_list) for nidgroup in nidgroup_list: assert ut.allsame(nidgroup), 'bad name grouping' if __debug__: # All subsiquent indexer are subsets (in name/identity space) # of the previous nids_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_name_rowids, aids_list) prev_ = None for nids in nids_list: if prev_ is None: prev_ = set(nids) else: assert prev_.issuperset(nids), 'bad indexer grouping' return aids_list, overflow_aids, num_bins
[docs]def request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method='multi', verbose=True): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-request_ibeis_mindexer:2 Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='PZ_MTEST') >>> valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> daid_list = valid_aids[1:60] >>> cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> index_method = 'multi' >>> mxer = request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method) Example1: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='PZ_Master0') >>> valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> daid_list = valid_aids[1:60] >>> cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> index_method = 'multi' >>> mxer = request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method) Example2: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test background reindex >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> import time >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='PZ_MTEST') >>> valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> # Remove all cached nnindexers >>> ibs.delete_flann_cachedir() >>> # This request should build a new nnindexer >>> daid_list = valid_aids[1:30] >>> cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> index_method = 'multi' >>> mxer = request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method) >>> ut.assert_eq(len(mxer.nn_indexer_list), 1, 'one subindexer') >>> # The next request should trigger a background process >>> # and build two subindexer >>> daid_list = valid_aids[1:60] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> index_method = 'multi' >>> mxer = request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method) >>> # Do some work in the foreground to ensure that it doesnt block >>> # the background job >>> print('[FG] sleeping or doing bit compute') >>> # Takes about 15 seconds >>> with ut.Timer(): ... ut.enumerate_primes(int(9E4)) >>> #time.sleep(10) >>> print('[FG] done sleeping') >>> ut.assert_eq(len(mxer.nn_indexer_list), 2, 'two subindexer') >>> # And this shoud build just one subindexer >>> daid_list = valid_aids[1:60] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> index_method = 'multi' >>> mxer = request_ibeis_mindexer(qreq_, index_method) >>> ut.assert_eq(len(mxer.nn_indexer_list), 1, 'one big subindexer') """ min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh max_subindexers = qreq_.qparams.max_subindexers daid_list = qreq_.get_internal_daids() print('[mindex] make MultiNeighborIndex over %d annots' % (len(daid_list),)) print('[mindex] index_method=%r' % index_method) # Split annotations into groups accorindg to index_method ibs = qreq_.ibs if index_method == 'name': # each group are annotations of the same name num_indexers = 8 aids_list, overflow_aids, num_bins = group_daids_for_indexing_by_name(ibs, daid_list, num_indexers, verbose) elif index_method == 'multi': neighbor_index_cache.check_background_process() # Use greedy set cover to get a list of nnindxers that are already built tup = neighbor_index_cache.group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh) uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list = tup # If the number of bins gets too big do a reindex # in the background num_subindexers = len(covered_aids_list) + (len(uncovered_aids) > 1) if num_subindexers > max_subindexers: print('need to reindex something') if USE_FORGROUND_REINDEX: aids_list = [sorted(ut.flatten(covered_aids_list))] #ut.embed() else: neighbor_index_cache.request_background_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list) aids_list = covered_aids_list else: aids_list = covered_aids_list if len(uncovered_aids) > 0: aids_list.append(uncovered_aids) num_bins = len(aids_list) else: raise AssertionError('unknown index_method=%r' % (index_method,)) # Build a neighbor indexer for each nn_indexer_list = [] #extra_indexes = [] for tx, aids in enumerate(aids_list): print('[mindex] building forest %d/%d with %d aids' % (tx + 1, num_bins, len(aids))) if len(aids) > 0: # Dont bother shallow copying qreq_ here. # just passing aids is enough nnindexer = neighbor_index_cache.request_memcached_ibeis_nnindexer(qreq_, aids) nn_indexer_list.append(nnindexer) #if len(unknown_aids) > 0: # print('[mindex] building unknown forest') # unknown_vecs_list = ibs.get_annot_vecs(overflow_aids, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_data_config2()) # unknown_index = NeighborIndex(overflow_aids, unknown_vecs_list) # extra_indexes.append(unknown_index) ##print('[mindex] building normalizer forest') # TODO #mxer.nn_indexer_list = nn_indexer_list #mxer.extra_indexes = extra_indexes #mxer.overflow_index = overflow_index #mxer.unknown_index = unknown_index mxer = MultiNeighborIndex(nn_indexer_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_subindexers) return mxer #@profile
[docs]def sort_along_rows(qfx2_xxx, qfx2_sortx): """ sorts each row in qfx2_xxx with the corresponding row in qfx2_sortx """ if qfx2_xxx.size == 0: return qfx2_xxx #return np.vstack([row[sortx] for sortx, row in zip(qfx2_sortx, qfx2_xxx)]) return np.vstack([row.take(sortx) for sortx, row in zip(qfx2_sortx, qfx2_xxx)])
[docs]class MultiNeighborIndex(object): """ TODO: rename to DistributedNeighborIndex Generalization of a NeighborIndex More abstract wrapper around flann Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() """ def __init__(mxer, nn_indexer_list, min_reindex_thresh=10, max_subindexers=2): mxer.nn_indexer_list = nn_indexer_list # List of single indexes # Parameters for adding support to multi_indexer mxer.min_reindex_thresh = min_reindex_thresh mxer.max_subindexers = max_subindexers
[docs] def get_dtype(mxer): return mxer.nn_indexer_list[0].get_dtype() #@profile
[docs] def multi_knn(mxer, qfx2_vec, K): """ Does a query on each of the subindexer kdtrees returns list of the results Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_idx_list, qfx2_dist_list) = mxer.multi_knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> shape_list = list(map(np.shape, qfx2_idx_list)) >>> d1_list = ut.get_list_column(shape_list, 0) >>> d2_list = ut.get_list_column(shape_list, 1) >>> ut.assert_eq(d2_list, [3] * 6) >>> ut.assert_eq(d1_list, [len(qfx2_vec)] * 6) """ qfx2_idx_list = [] qfx2_dist_list = [] for nnindexer in mxer.nn_indexer_list: # Returns distances in ascending order for each query descriptor (_qfx2_idx, _qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K=K) qfx2_idx_list.append(_qfx2_idx) qfx2_dist_list.append(_qfx2_dist) return qfx2_idx_list, qfx2_dist_list
[docs] def knn(mxer, qfx2_vec, K): """ Polymorphic interface to knn, but uses the multindex backend CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-knn:0 Example1: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist) = mxer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> print(qfx2_imx.shape) >>> assert qfx2_imx.shape[1] == 18 >>> ut.assert_inbounds(qfx2_imx.shape[0], 1073, 1079) Example2: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qfx2_vec = np.empty((0, 128), dtype=mxer.get_dtype()) >>> (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist) = mxer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> result = str(np.shape(qfx2_imx)) >>> print(result) (0, 18) """ (qfx2_idx_list, qfx2_dist_list) = mxer.multi_knn(qfx2_vec, K) qfx2_imx_list = [] offset_list = mxer.get_offsets() prev = 0 for _qfx2_idx, offset in zip(qfx2_idx_list, offset_list): # Returns distances in ascending order for each query descriptor qfx2_imx_list.append(_qfx2_idx + prev) prev = offset # Combine results from each tree qfx2_imx_ = np.hstack(qfx2_imx_list) qfx2_dist_ = np.hstack(qfx2_dist_list) # Sort over all tree result distances qfx2_sortx = qfx2_dist_.argsort(axis=1) # Apply sorting to concatenated results qfx2_dist = sort_along_rows(qfx2_dist_, qfx2_sortx) qfx2_imx = sort_along_rows(qfx2_imx_, qfx2_sortx) return (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist)
[docs] def get_offsets(mxer): r""" Returns: list: CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-get_offsets Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> offset_list = mxer.get_offsets() >>> #target = np.array([15257, 12769, 4819, 3542, 2694]) >>> target = np.array([21384, 36627, 49435, 54244, 57786, 60482]) >>> error = ut.assert_almost_eq(offset_list, target, 100) >>> print('error.max() = %r' % (error.max(),)) """ nIndexed_list = mxer.get_nIndexed_list() offset_list = np.cumsum(nIndexed_list) return offset_list
[docs] def get_nIndexed_list(mxer): """ returns a list of the number of indexed vectors in each subindexer Args: Returns: list : nIndexed_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-get_nIndexed_list Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> nIndexed_list = mxer.get_nIndexed_list() >>> target = np.array([21384, 15243, 12808, 4809, 3542, 2696]) >>> error = ut.assert_almost_eq(nIndexed_list, target, 100) >>> print('error.max() = %r' % (error.max(),)) >>> #np.all(ut.inbounds(nIndexed_list, low, high)) """ nIndexed_list = [nnindexer.num_indexed_vecs() for nnindexer in mxer.nn_indexer_list] return nIndexed_list
[docs] def get_multi_indexed_aids(mxer): index_aids_list = np.array([nnindexer.get_indexed_aids() for nnindexer in mxer.nn_indexer_list]) return index_aids_list
[docs] def get_indexed_aids(mxer): return ut.flatten(mxer.get_multi_indexed_aids())
[docs] def get_multi_num_indexed_annots(mxer): num_indexed_list = np.array([nnindexer.num_indexed_annots() for nnindexer in mxer.nn_indexer_list]) return num_indexed_list
[docs] def assert_can_add_aids(mxer, new_aid_list): """ Aids that are already indexed should never be added. Ignore: qreq_vsmany_ = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('qreq_vsmany_') qreq_vsmany_.get_external_daids() qreq_vsmany_.get_external_qaids() qreq_vsmany_.ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(new_aid_list) """ indexed_aids_list = mxer.get_multi_indexed_aids() indexed_aids = np.hstack(indexed_aids_list) uncovered_mask = vt.get_uncovered_mask(indexed_aids, new_aid_list) if not np.all(uncovered_mask): msg_list = [ 'new aids must be disjoint from current aids', 'new_aid_list = %r' % (new_aid_list,) ] msg = '\n'.join(msg_list) raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs] def add_support(mxer, new_aid_list, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, verbose=True): """ Chooses indexer with smallest number of annotations and reindexes it. """ print('adding multi-indexer support') raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def add_ibeis_support(mxer, qreq_, new_aid_list): """ Chooses indexer with smallest number of annotations and reindexes it. Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters new_aid_list (list): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-add_ibeis_support Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> new_aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[70:80] >>> # execute function >>> result = mxer.add_ibeis_support(qreq_, new_aid_list) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ print('adding multi-indexer support') # Assert that the aids are indeed new mxer.assert_can_add_aids(new_aid_list) # Find the indexer to add to num_indexed_list = mxer.get_multi_num_indexed_annots() min_argx = num_indexed_list.argmin() nnindexer_old = mxer.nn_indexer_list[min_argx] # Combine old and new aids prev_aids = nnindexer_old.get_indexed_aids() new_aid_list_ = np.append(prev_aids, new_aid_list) # Reindexed combined aids nnindexer_new = neighbor_index_cache.request_memcached_ibeis_nnindexer(qreq_, new_aid_list_) # Replace the old nnindexer with the new nnindexer mxer.nn_indexer_list[min_argx] = nnindexer_new mxer.min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh if neighbor_index_cache.can_request_background_nnindexer(): # Check if background process needs to be spawned # FIXME: this does not belong in method code num_indexed_list_new = mxer.get_multi_num_indexed_annots() new_smalled_size = min(num_indexed_list_new) need_reindex = (new_smalled_size > mxer.min_reindex_thresh or len(num_indexed_list_new) > mxer.max_subindexers) if need_reindex: if USE_FORGROUND_REINDEX: raise NotImplementedError('no foreground reindex in stateful query') else: # Reindex the multi-indexed trees in the background aid_list = mxer.get_indexed_aids() neighbor_index_cache.request_background_nnindexer(qreq_, aid_list)
[docs] def num_indexed_vecs(mxer): """ Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> num_indexed = mxer.num_indexed_vecs() >>> ut.assert_inbounds(num_indexed, 60300, 60500) """ return np.sum([nnindexer.num_indexed_vecs() for nnindexer in mxer.nn_indexer_list])
[docs] def num_indexed_annots(mxer): """ Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> result = mxer.num_indexed_annots() >>> print(result) 59 """ return np.sum([nnindexer.num_indexed_annots() for nnindexer in mxer.nn_indexer_list])
[docs] def iter_subindexers(mxer, qfx2_imx): """ generates subindexers, indices, and maskss within them that partially correspond to indices in qfx2_imx that belong to that subindexer Args: qfx2_imx (ndarray): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-iter_subindexers Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3, 1028 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist) = mxer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> genlist_ = list(mxer.iter_subindexers(qfx2_imx)) >>> covered = np.zeros(qfx2_imx.shape) >>> for nnindexer, idxs, mask in genlist_: ... print(covered.sum()) ... assert idxs.size == mask.sum() ... assert covered[mask].sum() == 0 ... covered[mask] = True >>> print(covered.sum()) >>> assert covered.sum() == covered.size """ nn_indexer_list = mxer.nn_indexer_list offset_list = mxer.get_offsets() prev = 0 for nnindexer, offset in zip(nn_indexer_list, offset_list): mask = np.logical_and(qfx2_imx >= prev, qfx2_imx < offset) idxs = qfx2_imx[mask] - prev yield nnindexer, idxs, mask prev = offset #def get_nn_featxs(mxer, qfx2_imx): # qfx2_fx = np.empty(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=np.int32) # nn_indexer_list = mxer.nn_indexer_list # offset_list = mxer.get_offsets() # prev = 0 # for nnindexer, offset in zip(nn_indexer_list, offset_list): # mask = np.logical_and(qfx2_imx >= prev, qfx2_imx < offset) # idxs = qfx2_imx[mask] - prev # fxs = nnindexer.get_nn_featxs(idxs) # qfx2_fx[mask] = fxs # prev = offset # return qfx2_fx
[docs] def get_nn_aids(mxer, qfx2_imx): r""" Args: qfx2_imx (ndarray): Returns: ndarray: qfx2_aid CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-get_nn_aids Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qaid = 1 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(qaid, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist) = mxer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> qfx2_aid = mxer.get_nn_aids(qfx2_imx) >>> gt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(qaid) >>> result = np.array_str(qfx2_aid[0:2]) >>> # Make sure there are lots (like 5%) of correct matches >>> mask_cover = vt.get_covered_mask(qfx2_aid, gt_aids) >>> num_correct = mask_cover.sum() >>> num_incorrect = (~mask_cover).sum() >>> print('fraction correct = %r' % (num_correct / float(num_incorrect),)) >>> ut.assert_inbounds(num_correct, 900, 1100, ... 'not enough matches to groundtruth') """ #qfx2_aid = -np.ones(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=np.int32) qfx2_aid = np.empty(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=np.int32) for nnindexer, idxs, mask in mxer.iter_subindexers(qfx2_imx): qfx2_aid[mask] = nnindexer.get_nn_aids(idxs) return qfx2_aid
[docs] def get_nn_featxs(mxer, qfx2_imx): r""" Args: qfx2_imx (ndarray): Returns: ndarray: qfx2_fx CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-get_nn_featxs Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist) = mxer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> qfx2_fgw = mxer.get_nn_featxs(qfx2_imx) >>> result = np.array_str(qfx2_fgw) >>> print(result) """ #qfx2_fx = -np.ones(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=np.int32) qfx2_fx = np.empty(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=np.int32) for nnindexer, idxs, mask in mxer.iter_subindexers(qfx2_imx): qfx2_fx[mask] = nnindexer.get_nn_featxs(idxs) return qfx2_fx
[docs] def get_nn_fgws(mxer, qfx2_imx): r""" Args: qfx2_imx (ndarray): Returns: ndarray: qfx2_fgw CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --test-get_nn_fgws Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_imx, qfx2_dist) = mxer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> qfx2_fgw = mxer.get_nn_fgws(qfx2_imx) >>> result = np.array_str(qfx2_fgw) >>> print(result) """ #qfx2_fgw = -np.ones(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=np.float32) qfx2_fgw = np.empty(qfx2_imx.shape, dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE) for nnindexer, idxs, mask in mxer.iter_subindexers(qfx2_imx): qfx2_fgw[mask] = nnindexer.get_nn_fgws(idxs) return qfx2_fgw
[docs] def knn2(mxer, qfx2_vec, K): """ Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index import * # NOQA >>> mxer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_mindexer() >>> K = 3 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> (qfx2_dist_, qfx2_idx_, qfx2_fx_, qfx2_ax_, qfx2_rankx_, qfx2_treex_,) = mxer.knn2(qfx2_vec, K) """ qfx2_idx_list = [] qfx2_dist_list = [] qfx2_ax_list = [] qfx2_fx_list = [] qfx2_rankx_list = [] # ranks index qfx2_treex_list = [] # tree index for tx, nnindexer in enumerate(mxer.nn_indexer_list): # Returns distances in ascending order for each query descriptor (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) qfx2_fx = nnindexer.get_nn_featxs(qfx2_idx) qfx2_ax = nnindexer.get_nn_axs(qfx2_idx) qfx2_idx_list.append(qfx2_idx) qfx2_dist_list.append(qfx2_dist) qfx2_fx_list.append(qfx2_fx) qfx2_ax_list.append(qfx2_ax) qfx2_rankx_list.append(np.array([[rankx for rankx in range(qfx2_idx.shape[1])]] * len(qfx2_idx))) qfx2_treex_list.append(np.array([[tx for rankx in range(qfx2_idx.shape[1])]] * len(qfx2_idx))) # Combine results from each tree qfx2_idx = np.hstack(qfx2_idx_list) qfx2_dist = np.hstack(qfx2_dist_list) qfx2_rankx = np.hstack(qfx2_rankx_list) qfx2_treex = np.hstack(qfx2_treex_list) qfx2_ax = np.hstack(qfx2_ax_list) qfx2_fx = np.hstack(qfx2_fx_list) # Sort over all tree result distances qfx2_sortx = qfx2_dist.argsort(axis=1) # Apply sorting to concatenated results def foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_xxx): return np.vstack([row[sortx] for sortx, row in zip(qfx2_sortx, qfx2_xxx)]) qfx2_dist_ = foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_dist) qfx2_idx_ = foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_idx) qfx2_ax_ = foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_ax) qfx2_fx_ = foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_fx) qfx2_rankx_ = foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_rankx) qfx2_treex_ = foreach_row_sort_cols(qfx2_treex) return (qfx2_dist_, qfx2_idx_, qfx2_fx_, qfx2_ax_, qfx2_rankx_, qfx2_treex_,)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.multi_index --allexamples --noface --nosrc ibeis/algo/hots/ --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 ut.doctest_funcs()