Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Remove Bloat as well
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import six
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import pyflann
#import lockfile
from os.path import basename
from six.moves import range, zip, map  # NOQA
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
from ibeis.algo.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh  # NOQA
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[neighbor_index]', DEBUG=False)

USE_HOTSPOTTER_CACHE = not ut.get_argflag('--nocache-hs')
NOSAVE_FLANN = ut.get_argflag('--nosave-flann')
NOCACHE_FLANN = ut.get_argflag('--nocache-flann') and USE_HOTSPOTTER_CACHE

[docs]def get_support_data(qreq_, daid_list): # TODO: look into ut.cached_func vecs_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_vecs(daid_list, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_data_config2()) # <HACK:featweight> #hack to get feature weights. returns None if feature weights are turned #off in config settings if qreq_.qparams.fg_on: fgws_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights( daid_list, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_data_config2(), ensure=True) assert list(map(len, fgws_list)) == list(map(len, vecs_list)), 'bad corresponding vecs' else: fgws_list = None # </HACK:featweight> return vecs_list, fgws_list
[docs]def prepare_index_data(aid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, verbose=True): r""" flattens vecs_list and builds a reverse index from the flattened indices (idx) to the original aids and fxs """ print('[nnindex] Preparing data for indexing / loading index') # Check input assert len(aid_list) == len(vecs_list), 'invalid input. bad len' assert len(aid_list) > 0, ('len(aid_list) == 0.' 'Cannot invert index without features!') # Create indexes into the input aids ax_list = np.arange(len(aid_list)) idx2_vec, idx2_ax, idx2_fx = invert_index( vecs_list, ax_list, verbose=verbose) # <HACK:fgweights> if fgws_list is not None: idx2_fgw = np.hstack(fgws_list) try: assert len(idx2_fgw) == len(idx2_vec), 'error. weights and vecs do not correspond' except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=[(len, 'idx2_fgw'), (len, 'idx2_vec')]) raise else: idx2_fgw = None # </HACK:fgweights> ax2_aid = np.array(aid_list) _preptup = (ax2_aid, idx2_vec, idx2_fgw, idx2_ax, idx2_fx) return _preptup
[docs]def invert_index(vecs_list, ax_list, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Aggregates descriptors of input annotations and returns inverted information Args: vecs_list (list): ax_list (list): verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) Returns: tuple: (idx2_vec, idx2_ax, idx2_fx) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --test-invert_index Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> num = 100 >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0) >>> ax_list = np.arange(num) >>> vecs_list = [vt.tests.dummy.get_dummy_dpts(rng.randint(100)) for ax in ax_list] >>> verbose = True >>> (idx2_vec, idx2_ax, idx2_fx) = invert_index(vecs_list, ax_list, verbose) """ if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[nnindex] stacking descriptors from %d annotations' % len(ax_list)) try: idx2_vec, idx2_ax, idx2_fx = vt.invertible_stack(vecs_list, ax_list) assert idx2_vec.shape[0] == idx2_ax.shape[0] assert idx2_vec.shape[0] == idx2_fx.shape[0] except MemoryError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'cannot build inverted index', '[!memerror]') raise if ut.VERYVERBOSE or verbose: print('[nnindex] stacked nVecs={nVecs} from nAnnots={nAnnots}'.format( nVecs=len(idx2_vec), nAnnots=len(ax_list))) print('[nnindex] idx2_vecs.dtype = {}'.format(idx2_vec.dtype)) print('[nnindex] memory(idx2_vecs) = {}'.format( ut.byte_str2(idx2_vec.size * idx2_vec.dtype.itemsize))) return idx2_vec, idx2_ax, idx2_fx
[docs]class NeighborIndex(object): r""" wrapper class around flann stores flann index and data it needs to index into Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = test_nnindexer() """ ext = '.flann' prefix1 = 'flann' def __init__(nnindexer, flann_params, cfgstr): r""" initialize an empty neighbor indexer """ nnindexer.flann = None # Approximate search structure nnindexer.ax2_aid = None # (A x 1) Mapping to original annot ids nnindexer.idx2_vec = None # (M x D) Descriptors to index nnindexer.idx2_fgw = None # (M x 1) Descriptor forground weight nnindexer.idx2_ax = None # (M x 1) Index into the aid_list nnindexer.idx2_fx = None # (M x 1) Index into the annot's features nnindexer.cfgstr = cfgstr # configuration id if flann_params is None: flann_params = {'algorithm': 'kdtree'} if 'random_seed' not in flann_params: # Make flann determenistic for the same data flann_params['random_seed'] = 42 nnindexer.flann_params = flann_params nnindexer.cores = flann_params.get('cores', 0) nnindexer.checks = flann_params.get('checks', 1028) nnindexer.num_indexed = None nnindexer.flann_fpath = None nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = None # max possible distance^2 for normalization
[docs] def init_support(nnindexer, aid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, verbose=True): r""" prepares inverted indicies and FLANN data structure """ assert nnindexer.flann is None, 'already initalized' _preptup = prepare_index_data(aid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, verbose=verbose) (ax2_aid, idx2_vec, idx2_fgw, idx2_ax, idx2_fx) = _preptup nnindexer.flann = pyflann.FLANN() # Approximate search structure nnindexer.ax2_aid = ax2_aid # (A x 1) Mapping to original annot ids nnindexer.idx2_vec = idx2_vec # (M x D) Descriptors to index nnindexer.idx2_fgw = idx2_fgw # (M x 1) Descriptor forground weight nnindexer.idx2_ax = idx2_ax # (M x 1) Index into the aid_list nnindexer.idx2_fx = idx2_fx # (M x 1) Index into the annot's features nnindexer.num_indexed = nnindexer.idx2_vec.shape[0] if nnindexer.idx2_vec.dtype == hstypes.VEC_TYPE: # these are sift descriptors nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = hstypes.VEC_PSEUDO_MAX_DISTANCE_SQRD else: # FIXME: hacky way to support siam128 descriptors. #raise AssertionError( #'NNindexer should get uint8s right now unless the algorithm has changed') nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = None
[docs] def add_ibeis_support(nnindexer, qreq_, new_daid_list, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" # TODO: ensure that the memcache changes appropriately """ from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import clear_memcache clear_memcache() if verbose: print('[nnindex] request add %d annots to single-indexer' % (len(new_daid_list))) duplicate_aids = set(new_daid_list).intersection(nnindexer.get_indexed_aids()) if len(duplicate_aids) > 0: if verbose: print('[nnindex] request has %d annots that are already indexed. ignore those' % (len(duplicate_aids),)) new_daid_list_ = np.array(sorted(list(set(new_daid_list) - duplicate_aids))) else: new_daid_list_ = new_daid_list if len(new_daid_list_) == 0: if verbose: print('[nnindex] Nothing to do') else: new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list = get_support_data(qreq_, new_daid_list_) nnindexer.add_support(new_daid_list_, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def remove_ibeis_support(nnindexer, qreq_, remove_daid_list, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" # TODO: ensure that the memcache changes appropriately """ if verbose: print('[nnindex] request remove %d annots from single-indexer' % (len(remove_daid_list))) from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import clear_memcache clear_memcache() nnindexer.remove_support(remove_daid_list, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def remove_support(nnindexer, remove_daid_list, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --test-remove_support SeeAlso: ~/code/flann/src/python/pyflann/ Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = test_nnindexer(use_memcache=False) >>> remove_daid_list = [8, 9, 10, 11] >>> K = 2 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> # get before data >>> (qfx2_idx1, qfx2_dist1) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> # execute test function >>> nnindexer.remove_support(remove_daid_list) >>> # test before data vs after data >>> (qfx2_idx2, qfx2_dist2) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> ax2_nvecs = ut.dict_take(ut.dict_hist(nnindexer.idx2_ax), range(len(nnindexer.ax2_aid))) >>> assert qfx2_idx2.max() < ax2_nvecs[0], 'should only get points from aid 7' >>> assert qfx2_idx1.max() > ax2_nvecs[0], 'should get points from everyone' """ if ut.DEBUG2: print('REMOVING POINTS') # TODO: ensure no duplicates ax2_remove_flag = np.in1d(nnindexer.ax2_aid, remove_daid_list) remove_ax_list = np.nonzero(ax2_remove_flag)[0] idx2_remove_flag = np.in1d(nnindexer.idx2_ax, remove_ax_list) remove_idx_list = np.nonzero(idx2_remove_flag)[0] if verbose: print('[nnindex] Found %d / %d annots that need removing' % (len(remove_ax_list), len(remove_daid_list))) print('[nnindex] Removing %d indexed features' % (len(remove_idx_list),)) # FIXME: indicies may need adjustment after remove points # Currently this is not being done and the data is just being left alone # This should be ok temporarilly because removed ids should not # be returned by the flann object nnindexer.flann.remove_points(remove_idx_list) # FIXME: #nnindexer.ax2_aid if True: nnindexer.ax2_aid[remove_ax_list] = -1 nnindexer.idx2_fx[remove_idx_list] = -1 nnindexer.idx2_vec[remove_idx_list] = 0 if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None: nnindexer.idx2_fgw[remove_idx_list] = np.nan # FIXME: This will definitely bug out if you remove points and then try # to add the same points back again. if ut.DEBUG2: print('DONE REMOVE POINTS')
[docs] def add_support(nnindexer, new_daid_list, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" adds support data (aka data to be indexed) Args: new_daid_list (list): list of annotation ids that are being added new_vecs_list (list): list of descriptor vectors for each annotation new_fgws_list (list): list of weights per vector for each annotation verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --test-add_support Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = test_nnindexer(use_memcache=False) >>> new_daid_list = [2, 3, 4] >>> K = 2 >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> # get before data >>> (qfx2_idx1, qfx2_dist1) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list = get_support_data(qreq_, new_daid_list) >>> # execute test function >>> nnindexer.add_support(new_daid_list, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list) >>> # test before data vs after data >>> (qfx2_idx2, qfx2_dist2) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> assert qfx2_idx2.max() > qfx2_idx1.max() """ # TODO: ensure no duplicates nAnnots = nnindexer.num_indexed_annots() nVecs = nnindexer.num_indexed_vecs() nNewAnnots = len(new_daid_list) new_ax_list = np.arange(nAnnots, nAnnots + nNewAnnots) new_idx2_vec, new_idx2_ax, new_idx2_fx = \ invert_index(new_vecs_list, new_ax_list, verbose=verbose) nNewVecs = len(new_idx2_vec) if verbose or ut.VERYVERBOSE: print(('[nnindex] Adding %d vecs from %d annots to nnindex ' 'with %d vecs and %d annots') % (nNewVecs, nNewAnnots, nVecs, nAnnots)) if ut.DEBUG2: print('STACKING') # Stack inverted information old_idx2_vec = nnindexer.idx2_vec if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None: new_idx2_fgw = np.hstack(new_fgws_list) #nnindexer.old_vecs.append(new_idx2_fgw) ##--- _ax2_aid = np.hstack((nnindexer.ax2_aid, new_daid_list)) _idx2_ax = np.hstack((nnindexer.idx2_ax, new_idx2_ax)) _idx2_fx = np.hstack((nnindexer.idx2_fx, new_idx2_fx)) _idx2_vec = np.vstack((old_idx2_vec, new_idx2_vec)) if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None: _idx2_fgw = np.hstack((nnindexer.idx2_fgw, new_idx2_fgw)) if ut.DEBUG2: print('REPLACING') nnindexer.ax2_aid = _ax2_aid nnindexer.idx2_ax = _idx2_ax nnindexer.idx2_vec = _idx2_vec nnindexer.idx2_fx = _idx2_fx if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is not None: nnindexer.idx2_fgw = _idx2_fgw #nnindexer.idx2_kpts = None #nnindexer.idx2_oris = None # Add new points to flann structure if ut.DEBUG2: print('ADD POINTS (FIXME: SOMETIMES SEGFAULT OCCURS)') print('new_idx2_vec.dtype = %r' % new_idx2_vec.dtype) print('new_idx2_vec.shape = %r' % (new_idx2_vec.shape,)) nnindexer.flann.add_points(new_idx2_vec) if ut.DEBUG2: print('DONE ADD POINTS')
[docs] def ensure_indexer(nnindexer, cachedir, verbose=True, force_rebuild=False, memtrack=None): r""" Ensures that you get a neighbor indexer. It either loads a chached indexer or rebuilds a new one. """ if NOCACHE_FLANN or force_rebuild: print('...nnindex flann cache is forced off') load_success = False else: load_success = nnindexer.load(cachedir, verbose=verbose) if load_success: if not ut.QUIET: nVecs = nnindexer.num_indexed_vecs() nAnnots = nnindexer.num_indexed_annots() print('...nnindex flann cache hit: %d vectors, %d annots' % (nVecs, nAnnots)) else: if not ut.QUIET: nVecs = nnindexer.num_indexed_vecs() nAnnots = nnindexer.num_indexed_annots() print('...nnindex flann cache miss: %d vectors, %d annots' % (nVecs, nAnnots)) nnindexer.build_and_save(cachedir, verbose=verbose, memtrack=memtrack)
[docs] def build_and_save(nnindexer, cachedir, verbose=True, memtrack=None): nnindexer.reindex(memtrack=memtrack), verbose=verbose)
[docs] def reindex(nnindexer, verbose=True, memtrack=None): r""" indexes all vectors with FLANN. """ num_vecs = nnindexer.num_indexed notify_num = 1E6 verbose_ = ut.VERYVERBOSE or verbose or ( not ut.QUIET and num_vecs > notify_num) if verbose_: print('[nnindex] ...building kdtree over %d points (this may take a sec).' % num_vecs) tt = ut.tic(msg='Building index') idx2_vec = nnindexer.idx2_vec flann_params = nnindexer.flann_params if num_vecs == 0: print('WARNING: CANNOT BUILD FLANN INDEX OVER 0 POINTS. THIS MAY BE A SIGN OF A DEEPER ISSUE') else: if memtrack is not None:'BEFORE BUILD FLANN INDEX') nnindexer.flann.build_index(idx2_vec, **flann_params) if memtrack is not None:'AFTER BUILD FLANN INDEX') if verbose_: ut.toc(tt) # ---- <cachable_interface> ---
[docs] def save(nnindexer, cachedir=None, fpath=None, verbose=True): r""" Caches a flann neighbor indexer to disk (not the data) """ if NOSAVE_FLANN: if ut.VERYVERBOSE or verbose: print('[nnindex] flann save is deactivated') return False if fpath is None: flann_fpath = nnindexer.get_fpath(cachedir) else: flann_fpath = fpath nnindexer.flann_fpath = flann_fpath if ut.VERYVERBOSE or verbose: print('[nnindex] flann.save_index(%r)' % ut.path_ndir_split(flann_fpath, n=5)) nnindexer.flann.save_index(flann_fpath)
[docs] def load(nnindexer, cachedir=None, fpath=None, verbose=True): r""" Loads a cached flann neighbor indexer from disk (not the data) """ load_success = False if fpath is None: flann_fpath = nnindexer.get_fpath(cachedir) else: flann_fpath = fpath nnindexer.flann_fpath = flann_fpath if ut.checkpath(flann_fpath, verbose=verbose): idx2_vec = nnindexer.idx2_vec # Warning: Loading a FLANN index with old headers may silently fail. try: nnindexer.flann.load_index(flann_fpath, idx2_vec) except (IOError, pyflann.FLANNException) as ex: ut.printex(ex, '... cannot load nnindex flann', iswarning=True) else: load_success = True return load_success
[docs] def get_prefix(nnindexer): return nnindexer.prefix1
[docs] def get_cfgstr(nnindexer, noquery=False): r""" returns string which uniquely identified configuration and support data Args: noquery (bool): if True cfgstr is only relevant to building the index. No search params are returned (default = False) Returns: str: flann_cfgstr CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --test-get_cfgstr Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='testdb1', p='default:fg_on=False') >>> qreq_.load_indexer() >>> nnindexer = qreq_.indexer >>> noquery = True >>> flann_cfgstr = nnindexer.get_cfgstr(noquery) >>> result = ('flann_cfgstr = %s' % (str(flann_cfgstr),)) >>> print(result) flann_cfgstr = _FLANN((algo=kdtree,seed=42,t=8,))_VECS((11260,128)gj5nea@ni0%f3aja) """ flann_cfgstr_list = [] use_params_hash = True use_data_hash = True if use_params_hash: flann_defaults = vt.get_flann_params(nnindexer.flann_params['algorithm']) #flann_params_clean = flann_defaults.copy() flann_params_clean = ut.sort_dict(flann_defaults) ut.updateif_haskey(flann_params_clean, nnindexer.flann_params) if noquery: ut.delete_dict_keys(flann_params_clean, ['checks']) shortnames = dict(algorithm='algo', checks='chks', random_seed='seed', trees='t') short_params = ut.odict([(shortnames.get(key, key), str(val)[0:7]) for key, val in six.iteritems(flann_params_clean)]) flann_valsig_ = ut.dict_str( short_params, nl=False, explicit=True, strvals=True) flann_valsig_ = flann_valsig_.lstrip('dict').replace(' ', '') #flann_valsig_ = str(list(flann_params.values())) #flann_valsig = ut.remove_chars(flann_valsig_, ', \'[]') flann_cfgstr_list.append('_FLANN(' + flann_valsig_ + ')') if use_data_hash: vecs_hashstr = ut.hashstr_arr(nnindexer.idx2_vec, '_VECS') flann_cfgstr_list.append(vecs_hashstr) flann_cfgstr = ''.join(flann_cfgstr_list) return flann_cfgstr
[docs] def get_fname(nnindexer): return basename(nnindexer.get_fpath(''))
[docs] def get_fpath(nnindexer, cachedir, cfgstr=None): _args2_fpath = ut.util_cache._args2_fpath prefix = nnindexer.get_prefix() cfgstr = nnindexer.get_cfgstr(noquery=True) ext = nnindexer.ext fpath = _args2_fpath(cachedir, prefix, cfgstr, ext, write_hashtbl=False) print('flann fpath = %r' % (fpath,)) return fpath # ---- </cachable_interface> ---
[docs] def get_dtype(nnindexer): return nnindexer.idx2_vec.dtype
[docs] def knn(nnindexer, qfx2_vec, K): r""" Returns the indices and squared distance to the nearest K neighbors. The distance is noramlized between zero and one using VEC_PSEUDO_MAX_DISTANCE = (np.sqrt(2) * VEC_PSEUDO_MAX) Args: qfx2_vec : (N x D) an array of N, D-dimensional query vectors K: number of approximate nearest neighbors to find Returns: tuple of (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) ndarray : qfx2_idx[n][k] (N x K) is the index of the kth approximate nearest data vector w.r.t qfx2_vec[n] ndarray : qfx2_dist[n][k] (N x K) is the distance to the kth approximate nearest data vector w.r.t. qfx2_vec[n] distance is normalized squared euclidean distance. CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf NeighborIndex.knn:0 --debug2 python -m ibeis --tf NeighborIndex.knn:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = test_nnindexer() >>> qfx2_vec = ibs.get_annot_vecs(1, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> K = 2 >>> nnindexer.debug_nnindexer() >>> assert vt.check_sift_validity(qfx2_vec), 'bad SIFT properties' >>> (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> result = str(qfx2_idx.shape) + ' ' + str(qfx2_dist.shape) >>> print('qfx2_vec.dtype = %r' % (qfx2_vec.dtype,)) >>> print('nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = %r' % (nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd,)) >>> assert np.all(qfx2_dist < 1.0), ( >>> 'distance should be less than 1. got %r' % (qfx2_dist,)) >>> # Ensure distance calculations are correct >>> qfx2_dvec = nnindexer.idx2_vec[qfx2_idx.T] >>> targetdist = vt.L2_sift(qfx2_vec, qfx2_dvec).T ** 2 >>> rawdist = vt.L2_sqrd(qfx2_vec, qfx2_dvec).T >>> assert np.all(qfx2_dist * nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd == rawdist), ( >>> 'inconsistant distance calculations') >>> assert np.allclose(targetdist, qfx2_dist), ( >>> 'inconsistant distance calculations') Example2: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = test_nnindexer() >>> qfx2_vec = np.empty((0, 128), dtype=nnindexer.get_dtype()) >>> K = 2 >>> (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, K) >>> result = str(qfx2_idx.shape) + ' ' + str(qfx2_dist.shape) >>> print(result) (0, 2) (0, 2) """ if K == 0: (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.empty_neighbors(len(qfx2_vec), 0) elif K > nnindexer.num_indexed: # If we want more points than there are in the database # FLANN will raise an exception. This corner case # will hopefully only be hit if using the multi-indexer # so try this workaround which should seemlessly integrate # when the multi-indexer stacks the subindxer results. # There is a very strong possibility that this will cause errors # If this corner case is used in non-multi-indexer code K = nnindexer.num_indexed (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.empty_neighbors(len(qfx2_vec), 0) elif len(qfx2_vec) == 0: (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.empty_neighbors(0, K) else: try: # perform nearest neighbors (qfx2_idx, qfx2_raw_dist) = nnindexer.flann.nn_index( qfx2_vec, K, checks=nnindexer.checks, cores=nnindexer.cores) # TODO: catch case where K < dbsize except pyflann.FLANNException as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'probably misread the cached flann_fpath=%r' % (nnindexer.flann_fpath,)) #ut.embed() # Uncomment and use if the flan index needs to be deleted #ibs = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('ibs') #cachedir = ibs.get_flann_cachedir() #flann_fpath = nnindexer.get_fpath(cachedir) raise # Ensure that distance returned are between 0 and 1 if nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd is not None: qfx2_dist = np.divide(qfx2_raw_dist, nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd) else: qfx2_dist = qfx2_raw_dist if ut.DEBUG2: # Ensure distance calculations are correct qfx2_dvec = nnindexer.idx2_vec[qfx2_idx.T] targetdist = vt.L2_sift(qfx2_vec, qfx2_dvec).T ** 2 rawdist = vt.L2_sqrd(qfx2_vec, qfx2_dvec).T assert np.all(qfx2_raw_dist == rawdist), 'inconsistant distance calculations' assert np.allclose(targetdist, qfx2_dist), 'inconsistant distance calculations' #qfx2_dist = np.sqrt(qfx2_dist) / nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd return (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist)
[docs] def debug_nnindexer(nnindexer): r""" Makes sure the indexer has valid SIFT descriptors """ # FIXME: they might not agree if data has been added / removed init_data, extra_data = nnindexer.flann.get_indexed_data() with ut.Indenter('[NNINDEX_DEBUG]'): print('extra_data = %r' % (extra_data,)) print('init_data = %r' % (init_data,)) print('nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = %r' % (nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd,)) data_agrees = nnindexer.idx2_vec is nnindexer.flann.get_indexed_data()[0] if data_agrees: print('indexed_data agrees') assert vt.check_sift_validity(init_data), 'bad SIFT properties' assert data_agrees, 'indexed data does not agree'
[docs] def empty_neighbors(nnindexer, nQfx, K): qfx2_idx = np.empty((0, K), dtype=np.int32) qfx2_dist = np.empty((0, K), dtype=np.float64) return (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist)
[docs] def num_indexed_vecs(nnindexer): return nnindexer.idx2_vec.shape[0]
[docs] def num_indexed_annots(nnindexer): #invalid_idxs = (nnindexer.ax2_aid[nnindexer.idx2_ax] == -1) return (nnindexer.ax2_aid != -1).sum()
[docs] def get_indexed_aids(nnindexer): return nnindexer.ax2_aid[nnindexer.ax2_aid != -1]
[docs] def get_indexed_vecs(nnindexer): valid_idxs = (nnindexer.ax2_aid[nnindexer.idx2_ax] != -1) valid_idx2_vec = nnindexer.idx2_vec.compress(valid_idxs, axis=0) return valid_idx2_vec
[docs] def get_removed_idxs(nnindexer): r""" __removed_ids = nnindexer.flann._FLANN__removed_ids invalid_idxs = nnindexer.get_removed_idxs() assert len(np.intersect1d(invalid_idxs, __removed_ids)) == len(__removed_ids) """ invalid_idxs = np.nonzero(nnindexer.ax2_aid[nnindexer.idx2_ax] == -1)[0] return invalid_idxs
[docs] def get_nn_vecs(nnindexer, qfx2_nnidx): r""" gets matching vectors """ return nnindexer.idx2_vec.take(qfx2_nnidx, axis=0)
[docs] def get_nn_axs(nnindexer, qfx2_nnidx): r""" gets matching internal annotation indices """ return nnindexer.idx2_ax.take(qfx2_nnidx)
[docs] def get_nn_aids(nnindexer, qfx2_nnidx): r""" Args: qfx2_nnidx : (N x K) qfx2_idx[n][k] is the index of the kth approximate nearest data vector Returns: qfx2_aid : (N x K) qfx2_fx[n][k] is the annotation id index of the kth approximate nearest data vector CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --exec-get_nn_aids Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='testdb1', p='default:fg_on=False,dim_size=450,resize_dim=area') >>> qreq_.load_indexer() >>> nnindexer = qreq_.indexer >>> qfx2_vec = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_vecs( >>> qreq_.get_internal_qaids()[0], >>> config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) >>> num_neighbors = 4 >>> (qfx2_nnidx, qfx2_dist) = nnindexer.knn(qfx2_vec, num_neighbors) >>> qfx2_aid = nnindexer.get_nn_aids(qfx2_nnidx) >>> assert qfx2_aid.shape[1] == num_neighbors >>> result = ('qfx2_aid.shape = %r' % (qfx2_aid.shape,)) >>> print(result) qfx2_aid.shape = (1257, 4) """ try: qfx2_ax = nnindexer.idx2_ax.take(qfx2_nnidx) qfx2_aid = nnindexer.ax2_aid.take(qfx2_ax) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Error occurred in aid lookup. Dumping debug info. Are the neighbors idxs correct?') print('qfx2_nnidx.shape = %r' % (qfx2_nnidx.shape,)) print('qfx2_nnidx.max() = %r' % (qfx2_nnidx.max(),)) print('qfx2_nnidx.min() = %r' % (qfx2_nnidx.min(),)) nnindexer.debug_nnindexer() raise return qfx2_aid
[docs] def get_nn_featxs(nnindexer, qfx2_nnidx): r""" Args: qfx2_nnidx : (N x K) qfx2_idx[n][k] is the index of the kth approximate nearest data vector Returns: qfx2_fx : (N x K) qfx2_fx[n][k] is the feature index (w.r.t the source annotation) of the kth approximate nearest data vector """ qfx2_fx = nnindexer.idx2_fx.take(qfx2_nnidx) return qfx2_fx
[docs] def get_nn_fgws(nnindexer, qfx2_nnidx): r""" Gets forground weights of neighbors CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf NeighborIndex.get_nn_fgws Args: qfx2_nnidx : (N x K) qfx2_idx[n][k] is the index of the kth approximate nearest data vector Returns: qfx2_fgw : (N x K) qfx2_fgw[n][k] is the annotation id index of the kth forground weight Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = test_nnindexer(dbname='testdb1') >>> qfx2_nnidx = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) >>> qfx2_fgw = nnindexer.get_nn_fgws(qfx2_nnidx) """ if nnindexer.idx2_fgw is None: qfx2_fgw = np.ones(qfx2_nnidx.shape) else: qfx2_fgw = nnindexer.idx2_fgw.take(qfx2_nnidx) return qfx2_fgw
[docs]class NeighborIndex2(NeighborIndex, ut.NiceRepr): def __init__(nnindexer, flann_params=None, cfgstr=None): super(NeighborIndex2, nnindexer).__init__(flann_params, cfgstr) nnindexer.config = None #nnindexer.ax2_avuuid = None # (A x 1) Mapping to original annot uuids def __nice__(self): return ' nA=%r nV=%r' % (ut.safelen(self.ax2_aid), ut.safelen(self.idx2_vec)) @staticmethod
[docs] def get_support(depc, aid_list, config): vecs_list = depc.get('feat', aid_list, 'vecs', config) if False and config['fg_on']: fgws_list = depc.get('featweight', aid_list, 'fgw', config) else: fgws_list = None return vecs_list, fgws_list
[docs] def on_load(nnindexer, depc): #print('NNINDEX ON LOAD') aid_list = nnindexer.ax2_aid config = nnindexer.config support = nnindexer.get_support(depc, aid_list, config.feat_cfg) nnindexer.init_support(aid_list, *support) nnindexer.load(fpath=nnindexer.flann_fpath) #nnindexer.ax2_aid pass
[docs] def on_save(nnindexer, depc, fpath): #print('NNINDEX ON SAVE') # Save FLANN as well flann_fpath = ut.augpath(fpath, '_flann', newext='.flann')
def __getstate__(self): # TODO: Figure out how to make these play nice with the depcache state = self.__dict__ # These values are removed before a save to disk del state['flann'] del state['idx2_fgw'] del state['idx2_vec'] del state['idx2_ax'] del state['idx2_fx'] #del state['flann_params'] #del state['checks'] #nnindexer.num_indexed = None #nnindexer.flann_fpath = None #if flann_params is None: #nnindexer.flann_params = flann_params #nnindexer.cores = flann_params.get('cores', 0) #nnindexer.checks = flann_params.get('checks', 1028) #nnindexer.num_indexed = None #nnindexer.flann_fpath = None #nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd = None # max possible distance^2 for normalization return state def __setstate__(self, state_dict): self.__dict__.update(state_dict) #return {}
[docs] def conditional_knn(nnindexer, qfx2_vec, num_neighbors, invalid_axs): """ >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index import * # NOQA >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='seaturtles') >>> qreq_.load_indexer() >>> qfx2_vec = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_vecs(qreq_.qaids[0]) >>> num_neighbors = 2 >>> nnindexer = qreq_.indexer >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs >>> qaid = 1 >>> qencid = ibs.get_annot_encounter_text([qaid])[0] >>> ax2_encid = np.array(ibs.get_annot_encounter_text(nnindexer.ax2_aid)) >>> invalid_axs = np.where(ax2_encid == qencid)[0] """ #import ibeis import itertools def in1d_shape(arr1, arr2): return np.in1d(arr1, arr2).reshape(arr1.shape) get_neighbors = ut.partial(nnindexer.flann.nn_index, checks=nnindexer.checks, cores=nnindexer.cores) # Alloc space for final results K = num_neighbors shape = (len(qfx2_vec), K) qfx2_idx = np.full(shape, -1, dtype=np.int32) qfx2_rawdist = np.full(shape, np.nan, dtype=np.float64) qfx2_truek = np.full(shape, -1, dtype=np.int32) # Make a set of temporary indexes and loop variables limit = None limit = 4 K_ = K tx2_qfx = np.arange(len(qfx2_vec)) tx2_vec = qfx2_vec iter_count = 0 for iter_count in itertools.count(): if limit is not None and iter_count >= limit: break # Find a set of neighbors (tx2_idx, tx2_rawdist) = get_neighbors(tx2_vec, K_) tx2_idx = vt.atleast_nd(tx2_idx, 2) tx2_rawdist = vt.atleast_nd(tx2_rawdist, 2) tx2_ax = nnindexer.get_nn_axs(tx2_idx) # Check to see if they meet the criteria tx2_invalid = in1d_shape(tx2_ax, invalid_axs) tx2_valid = np.logical_not(tx2_invalid) tx2_num_valid = tx2_valid.sum(axis=1) tx2_notdone = tx2_num_valid < K tx2_done = np.logical_not(tx2_notdone) # Move completely valid queries into the results if np.any(tx2_done): done_qfx = tx2_qfx.compress(tx2_done, axis=0) # Need to parse which columns are the completed ones done_valid_ = tx2_valid.compress(tx2_done, axis=0) done_rawdist_ = tx2_rawdist.compress(tx2_done, axis=0) done_idx_ = tx2_idx.compress(tx2_done, axis=0) # Get the complete valid indicies rowxs, colxs = np.where(done_valid_) unique_rows, groupxs = vt.group_indices(rowxs) first_k_groupxs = [groupx[0:K] for groupx in groupxs] chosen_xs = np.hstack(first_k_groupxs) multi_index = (rowxs.take(chosen_xs), colxs.take(chosen_xs)) flat_xs = np.ravel_multi_index(multi_index, done_valid_.shape) done_rawdist = done_rawdist_.take(flat_xs).reshape((-1, K)) done_idx = done_idx_.take(flat_xs).reshape((-1, K)) # Write done results in output qfx2_idx[done_qfx, :] = done_idx qfx2_rawdist[done_qfx, :] = done_rawdist qfx2_truek[done_qfx, :] = vt.apply_grouping( colxs, first_k_groupxs) if np.all(tx2_done): break K_increase = (K - tx2_num_valid.min()) K_ += K_increase tx2_qfx = tx2_qfx.compress(tx2_notdone, axis=0) tx2_vec = tx2_vec.compress(tx2_notdone, axis=0) if nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd is not None: qfx2_dist = np.divide(qfx2_rawdist, nnindexer.max_distance_sqrd) else: qfx2_dist = qfx2_rawdist return (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist, iter_count)
[docs]def test_nnindexer(*args, **kwargs): from ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import test_nnindexer return test_nnindexer(*args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index python -m ibeis.algo.hots.neighbor_index --allexamples ibeis/algo/hots/ --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 ut.doctest_funcs()