Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six  # NOQA
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from six.moves import zip, map
from ibeis.algo.hots import pgm_viz
    import pgmpy
    import pgmpy.inference
    from pgmpy.extern import tabulate
    HAS_PGMPY = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_PGMPY = False
# from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_viz import *  # NOQA
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[pgmext]')

[docs]def define_model(cpd_list): """ Custom extensions of pgmpy modl """ input_graph = ut.flatten([ [(evar, cpd.variable) for evar in cpd.evidence] for cpd in cpd_list if cpd.evidence is not None ]) model = pgmpy.models.BayesianModel(input_graph) model.add_cpds(*cpd_list) customize_model(model) return model
[docs]def customize_model(model): model.var2_cpd = {cpd.variable: cpd for cpd in model.cpds} model.ttype2_cpds = ut.groupby_attr(model.cpds, 'ttype') model._templates = list(set([cpd._template_ for cpd in model.var2_cpd.values()])) model.ttype2_template = {t.ttype: t for t in model._templates} def pretty_evidence(model, evidence): return [evar + '=' + str(model.var2_cpd[evar].variable_statenames[val]) for evar, val in evidence.items()] def print_templates(model, ignore_ttypes=[]): templates = model._templates ut.colorprint('\n --- CPD Templates ---', 'blue') for temp_cpd in templates: if temp_cpd.ttype not in ignore_ttypes: ut.colorprint(temp_cpd._cpdstr('psql'), 'turquoise') def print_priors(model, ignore_ttypes=[], title='Priors', color='darkblue'): ut.colorprint('\n --- %s ---' % (title,), color=color) for ttype, cpds in model.ttype2_cpds.items(): if ttype not in ignore_ttypes: for fs_ in ut.ichunks(cpds, 4): ut.colorprint(ut.hz_str([f._cpdstr('psql') for f in fs_]), color) ut.inject_func_as_method(model, print_priors) ut.inject_func_as_method(model, print_templates) ut.inject_func_as_method(model, pretty_evidence) ut.inject_func_as_method(model, pgm_viz.show_model) ut.inject_func_as_method(model, pgm_viz.show_markov_model) ut.inject_func_as_method(model, pgm_viz.show_junction_tree) return model
[docs]class ApproximateFactor(object): """ Instead of holding a weight for all possible states, an approximate factor simply lists a set of (potentially duplicate) states. Each state has a weight that is approximately proportional to the probability of that state. The main difference is that the cardinality are implicit and the row labels are explicit. In a normal factor it is reversed. Maybe rename to sparse factor? CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-ApproximateFactor --show Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> state_idxs = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 2]] >>> weights = [.1, .2, .1] >>> variables = ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] >>> self = ApproximateFactor(state_idxs, weights, variables) >>> result = str(self) >>> print(result) """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_sampled(cls, sampled, variables=None, statename_dict=None): """ convert sampled states into an approximate factor """ if variables is None: variables = sampled.columns[:-1] state_idxs = np.array([[item.state for item in row] for row in sampled[variables].values]) weights = sampled['_weight'] phi = cls(state_idxs, weights, variables, statename_dict) return phi
def __init__(self, state_idxs, weights, variables, statename_dict=None): self.variables = variables self.state_idxs = np.array(state_idxs) self.weights = np.array(weights) self.statename_dict = statename_dict
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a copy of the factor. """ statename_dict = (self.statename_dict.copy() if self.statename_dict is not None else None) other = ApproximateFactor(self.state_idxs, self.weights, self.variables, statename_dict) return other
@property def values(self): return self.weights
[docs] def get_sparse_values(self): # #from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix #values = coo_matrix((self.weights, self.state_idxs.T), shape=self.cardinality) raise NotImplementedError('scipy only supports sparse 2D-arrays')
[docs] def scope(self): return self.variables
[docs] def marginalize(self, variables, inplace=True): """ Modifies the factor with marginalized values. Args: variables (list, array-like): List of variables over which to marginalize. inplace (bool): If inplace=True it will modify the factor itself, else would return a new factor. Returns: Factor or None: if inplace=True (default) returns None if inplace=False returns a new `Factor` instance. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext marginalize --show Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> state_idxs = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 2]] >>> weights = [.1, .2, .1] >>> variables = ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] >>> self = ApproximateFactor(state_idxs, weights, variables) >>> variables = ['v2'] >>> inplace = False >>> phi = self.marginalize(variables, inplace) >>> print(phi) +------+------+--------------------+ | v1 | v3 | \hat{phi}(v1,v3) | |------+------+--------------------| | v1_1 | v3_1 | 0.3000 | | v1_2 | v3_2 | 0.1000 | +------+------+--------------------+ """ if isinstance(variables, six.string_types): raise TypeError("variables: Expected type list or array-like, got type str") phi = self if inplace else self.copy() for var in variables: if var not in phi.variables: raise ValueError("{var} not in scope.".format(var=var)) var_indexes = [phi.variables.index(var) for var in variables] index_to_keep = list(set(range(len(self.variables))) - set(var_indexes)) index_to_keep = sorted(index_to_keep) phi.variables = [phi.variables[index] for index in index_to_keep] phi.state_idxs = phi.state_idxs.T[index_to_keep].T if True: phi.consolidate() if not inplace: return phi
def _compute_unique_state_ids(self): import vtool as vt #data_ids = vt.compute_ndarray_unique_rowids_unsafe(self.state_idxs) data_ids = np.array(vt.compute_unique_data_ids_(list(map(tuple, self.state_idxs)))) return data_ids
[docs] def consolidate(self, inplace=False): """ removes duplicate entries Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> state_idxs = [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2]] >>> weights = [.1, .2, .1] >>> variables = ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] >>> self = ApproximateFactor(state_idxs, weights, variables) >>> inplace = False >>> phi = self.consolidate(inplace) >>> result = str(phi) >>> print(result) +------+------+------+-----------------------+ | v1 | v2 | v3 | \hat{phi}(v1,v2,v3) | |------+------+------+-----------------------| | v1_1 | v2_0 | v3_1 | 0.3000 | | v1_1 | v2_0 | v3_2 | 0.1000 | +------+------+------+-----------------------+ """ import vtool as vt phi = self.copy() if inplace else self #data_ids = vt.compute_ndarray_unique_rowids_unsafe(self.state_idxs) data_ids = self._compute_unique_state_ids() unique_ids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(data_ids) #assert len(unique_ids) == len(np.unique(vt.compute_unique_data_ids_(list(map(tuple, phi.state_idxs))))) if len(data_ids) != len(unique_ids): # Sum the values in the cpd to marginalize the duplicate probs # Take only the unique rows under this induced labeling unique_tmp_groupxs = np.array([gxs[0] for gxs in groupxs]) self.state_idxs = self.state_idxs.take(unique_tmp_groupxs, axis=0) self.weights = np.array([ g.sum() for g in vt.apply_grouping(self.weights, groupxs) ]) #print('[pgm] Consolidated %r states into %r states' % (len(data_ids), len(unique_ids),)) #else: # print('[pgm] Cannot consolidated %r unique states' % (len(data_ids),)) if not inplace: return phi
[docs] def normalize(self, inplace=True): """ Normalizes the weights of factor so that they sum to 1. Args: inplace (bool): (default = True) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-normalize Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> state_idxs = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 2]] >>> weights = [.1, .2, .1] >>> variables = ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] >>> self = ApproximateFactor(state_idxs, weights, variables) >>> inplace = True >>> print(self) >>> self.normalize(inplace) >>> result = ('%s' % (self,)) >>> print(result) +------+------+------+-----------------------+ | v1 | v2 | v3 | \hat{phi}(v1,v2,v3) | |------+------+------+-----------------------| | v1_0 | v2_0 | v3_1 | 0.2500 | | v1_1 | v2_0 | v3_1 | 0.5000 | | v1_2 | v2_0 | v3_2 | 0.2500 | +------+------+------+-----------------------+ """ phi = self if inplace else self.copy() phi.weights = phi.weights / phi.weights.sum() if not inplace: return phi
[docs] def reorder(self, order=None, inplace=True): r""" Changes internal variable ordering CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-reorder Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> state_idxs = [[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1], [2, 0, 2]] >>> weights = [.1, .2, .1] >>> variables = ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] >>> self = ApproximateFactor(state_idxs, weights, variables) >>> order = [2, 0, 1] >>> inplace = True >>> print(self) >>> self.reorder(order, inplace) >>> result = ('%s' % (self,)) >>> print(result) +------+------+------+-----------------------+ | v3 | v1 | v2 | \hat{phi}(v3,v1,v2) | |------+------+------+-----------------------| | v3_1 | v1_0 | v2_0 | 0.1000 | | v3_1 | v1_1 | v2_0 | 0.2000 | | v3_2 | v1_2 | v2_0 | 0.1000 | +------+------+------+-----------------------+ """ phi = self if inplace else self.copy() if order is not None: if all(isinstance(x, int) for x in order): sortx = np.array(order) else: sortx = np.array([phi.variables.index(v) for v in order]) else: sortx = np.lexsort((phi.variables,)) phi.variables = [phi.variables[i] for i in sortx] phi.state_idxs = np.ascontiguousarray(phi.state_idxs[:, sortx]) if not inplace: return phi
def _row_labels(self, asindex=False): if asindex: row_labels = self.state_idxs else: row_labels = [['{var}_{i}'.format(var=var, i=i) for var, i in zip(self.variables, state)] for state in self.state_idxs] return row_labels def _str(self, phi_or_p=None, tablefmt=None, sort=False, maxrows=None): """ Generate the string from `__str__` method. """ if phi_or_p is None: phi_or_p = r'\hat{phi}' if tablefmt is None: tablefmt = 'psql' string_header = list(self.scope()) string_header.append('{phi_or_p}({variables})'.format( phi_or_p=phi_or_p, variables=','.join(string_header))) factor_table = [] row_values = self.values.ravel() row_labels = self._row_labels(asindex=False) factor_table = [list(lbls) + [val] for lbls, val in zip(row_labels, row_values)] if sort: sortx = row_values.argsort()[::sort] factor_table = [factor_table[row] for row in sortx] if maxrows is not None and maxrows < len(factor_table): factor_table = factor_table[:maxrows] factor_table.append(['...'] * len(string_header)) return tabulate(factor_table, headers=string_header, tablefmt=tablefmt, floatfmt='.4f') def __str__(self): return self._str() @property def cardinality(self): cardinality = self.state_idxs.max(axis=0) + 1 return cardinality def __repr__(self): var_card = ', '.join([ '{var}:{card}'.format(var=var, card=card) for var, card in zip(self.variables, self.cardinality)]) return r'<ApproximateFactor representing phi({var_card}) at {address}>'.format( address=hex(id(self)), var_card=var_card)
[docs]class TemplateCPD(object): """ Factory for templated cpds Args: ttype (?): basis (?): varpref (None): Letter to use as the random variable evidence_ttypes (None): (default = None) pmf_func (None): (default = None) special_basis_pool (None): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext TemplateCPD --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> self = TemplateCPD('coin', ['fair', 'bias'], varpref='C') >>> cpd = self.new_cpd(0) >>> print(cpd) """ def __init__(self, ttype, basis, varpref=None, evidence_ttypes=None, pmf_func=None, special_basis_pool=None): if isinstance(basis, tuple): state_pref, state_card = basis stop = state_card basis = [] num_special = 0 if special_basis_pool is not None: start = stop - len(special_basis_pool) num_special = min(len(special_basis_pool), state_card) basis = special_basis_pool[0:num_special] if (state_card - num_special) >= 0: start = num_special basis = basis + [state_pref + str(i) for i in range(start, stop)] if varpref is None: varpref = ttype[0].upper() self.basis = basis self.ttype = ttype self.varpref = varpref self.evidence_ttypes = evidence_ttypes self.pmf_func = pmf_func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.new_cpd(*args, **kwargs) def _cpdstr(self, *args, **kwargs): example_cpd = self.example_cpd() return example_cpd._cpdstr(*args, **kwargs) @ut.memoize
[docs] def example_cpd(self, id_=0): kw = dict() if self.evidence_ttypes is None: kw['parents'] = ut.chr_range(id_, id_ + 1)[0] else: kw['parents'] = [ tcpd.example_cpd(i) for i, tcpd in enumerate(self.evidence_ttypes) ] example_cpd = self.new_cpd(**kw) return example_cpd
[docs] def new_cpd(self, parents=None, pmf_func=None): """ Makes a new random variable that is an instance of this tempalte parents : only used to define the name of this node. """ if pmf_func is None: pmf_func = self.pmf_func # --- MAKE VARIABLE ID def _getid(obj): if isinstance(obj, int): return str(obj) elif isinstance(obj, six.string_types): return obj else: return obj._template_id if not ut.isiterable(parents): parents = [parents] template_ids = [_getid(cpd) for cpd in parents] HACK_SAME_IDS = True # TODO: keep track of parent index inheritence # then rectify uniqueness based on that if HACK_SAME_IDS and ut.allsame(template_ids): _id = template_ids[0] else: _id = ''.join(template_ids) variable = ''.join([self.varpref, _id]) #variable = '_'.join([self.varpref, '{' + _id + '}']) #variable = '$%s$' % (variable,) evidence_cpds = [cpd for cpd in parents if hasattr(cpd, 'ttype')] if len(evidence_cpds) == 0: evidence_cpds = None variable_card = len(self.basis) statename_dict = { variable: self.basis, } if self.evidence_ttypes is not None: if any(cpd.ttype != tcpd.ttype for cpd, tcpd in zip(evidence_cpds, evidence_cpds)): raise ValueError('Evidence is not of appropriate type') evidence_bases = [cpd.variable_statenames for cpd in evidence_cpds] evidence_card = list(map(len, evidence_bases)) evidence_states = list(ut.iprod(*evidence_bases)) for cpd in evidence_cpds: _dict = ut.dict_subset(cpd.statename_dict, [cpd.variable]) statename_dict.update(_dict) evidence = [cpd.variable for cpd in evidence_cpds] else: if evidence_cpds is not None: raise ValueError('Gave evidence for evidence-less template') evidence = None evidence_card = None # --- MAKE TABLE VALUES if pmf_func is not None: if isinstance(pmf_func, list): values = np.array(pmf_func) else: values = np.array([ [pmf_func(vstate, *estates) for estates in evidence_states] for vstate in self.basis ]) ensure_normalized = True if ensure_normalized: values = values / values.sum(axis=0) else: # assume uniform fill_value = 1.0 / variable_card if evidence_card is None: values = np.full((1, variable_card), fill_value) else: values = np.full([variable_card] + list(evidence_card), fill_value) try: cpd = pgmpy.factors.TabularCPD( variable=variable, variable_card=variable_card, values=values, evidence=evidence, evidence_card=evidence_card, #statename_dict=statename_dict, state_names=statename_dict, ) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Failed to create TabularCPD', keys=[ 'variable', 'variable_card', 'statename_dict', 'evidence_card', 'evidence', 'values.shape', ]) ut.embed() raise cpd.ttype = self.ttype cpd._template_ = self cpd._template_id = _id return cpd
[docs]def mustbe_example(): """ Simple example where observing F0 forces N0 to take on a value. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-mustbe_example --show Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> model = mustbe_example() >>> model.print_templates() >>> model.print_priors() >>> #infr = pgmpy.inference.VariableElimination(model) >>> infr = pgmpy.inference.BeliefPropagation(model) >>> print('Observe: ' + ','.join(model.pretty_evidence({}))) >>> factor_list1 = infr.query(['N0'], {}).values() >>> map1 = infr.map_query(['N0'], evidence={}) >>> print('map1 = %r' % (map1,)) >>> print_factors(model, factor_list1) >>> # >>> evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence({'F0': 'true'}) >>> print('Observe: ' + ','.join(model.pretty_evidence(evidence))) >>> factor_list2 = infr.query(['N0'], evidence).values() >>> map2 = infr.map_query(['N0'], evidence) >>> print('map2 = %r' % (map2,)) >>> print_factors(model, factor_list2) >>> # >>> evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence({'F0': 'false'}) >>> print('Observe: ' + ','.join(model.pretty_evidence(evidence))) >>> factor_list3 = infr.query(['N0'], evidence).values() >>> map3 = infr.map_query(['N0'], evidence) >>> print('map3 = %r' % (map3,)) >>> print_factors(model, factor_list3) >>> # >>> phi1 = factor_list1[0] >>> phi2 = factor_list2[0] >>> assert phi1['fred'] == phi1['sue'], 'should be uniform' >>> assert phi2['fred'] == 1, 'should be 1' >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> #netx.draw_graphviz(model, with_labels=True) >>> import plottool as pt >>> pgm_viz.show_model(model, fnum=1) >>> pgm_viz.show_model(model, fnum=2, evidence=evidence, factor_list=factor_list2) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import _debug_repr_model _debug_repr_model(model) """ def isfred_pmf(isfred, name): return { 'fred' : {'true': 1, 'false': 0}, 'sue' : {'true': 0, 'false': 1}, 'tom' : {'true': 0, 'false': 1}, }[name][isfred] name_cpd_t = TemplateCPD( 'name', ['fred', 'sue', 'tom'], varpref='N') isfred_cpd_t = TemplateCPD( 'fred', ['true', 'false'], varpref='F', evidence_ttypes=[name_cpd_t], pmf_func=isfred_pmf) name_cpd = name_cpd_t.new_cpd(0) isfred_cpd = isfred_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=[name_cpd]) model = define_model([name_cpd, isfred_cpd]) return model
[docs]def map_example(): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-map_example --show References: Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> model = map_example() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> #netx.draw_graphviz(model, with_labels=True) >>> pgm_viz.show_model(model, fnum=1) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import _debug_repr_model _debug_repr_model(model) """ # a_cpd_t = TemplateCPD( 'A', ['0', '1'], varpref='A', pmf_func=[[.4], [.6]]) b_cpd_t = TemplateCPD( 'B', ['0', '1'], varpref='B', evidence_ttypes=[a_cpd_t], pmf_func=[[.1, .5], [.9, .5]]) a_cpd = a_cpd_t.new_cpd(0) b_cpd = b_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=[a_cpd]) model = define_model([a_cpd, b_cpd]) model.print_templates() model.print_priors() infr = pgmpy.inference.VariableElimination(model) marg_factors = infr.query(['A0', 'B0']).values() print_factors(model, marg_factors) map_res = infr.map_query() print('map_res = %r' % (map_res,)) return model
[docs]def coin_example(): """ Simple example of conditional independence. Notes: We are given a coin. We do not know if it is fair or unfair. There is an equal chance of either. (If it is unfair it has a a 9-to-1 odds). Initially, the results a coin toss are initially conditionally independant of any other toss. However, if we observe a heads on the first toss the chance of heads on the second toss will increase. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-coin_example python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-coin_example --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --exec-coin_example --show --cmd Example: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA >>> model = coin_example() >>> model.print_templates() >>> model.print_priors() >>> query_vars = ['T02'] >>> infr = pgmpy.inference.VariableElimination(model) >>> # Inference (1) >>> print('(1.a) Observe nothing') >>> evidence1 = {} >>> factor_list1 = infr.query(query_vars, evidence1).values() >>> print_factors(model, factor_list1) >>> print('(1.b) nothing changes') >>> # Inference (2) >>> print('(2.a) Observe that toss 1 was heads') >>> evidence2 = model._ensure_internal_evidence({'T01': 'heads'}) >>> factor_list2 = infr.query(query_vars, evidence2).values() >>> print_factors(model, factor_list2) >>> # >>> phi1 = factor_list1[0] >>> phi2 = factor_list2[0] >>> assert phi2['heads'] > phi1['heads'] >>> print('(2.b) Slightly more likely to see heads in the second coin toss') >>> # >>> # print('Observe that toss 1 was tails') >>> # evidence = model._ensure_internal_evidence({'T01': 'tails'}) >>> # factor_list2 = infr.query(query_vars, evidence).values() >>> # print_factors(model, factor_list2) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> from ibeis.algo.hots import bayes >>> kw = bayes.cluster_query(model, query_vars,evidence2, >>> method='bp', operation='marginalize') >>> #model.show_model(fnum=1) >>> #model.show_model(fnum=2, evidence=evidence2, factor_list=factor_list2) >>> model.show_model(fnum=3, evidence=evidence2, **kw) >>> model.show_markov_model(fnum=4, evidence=evidence2, factor_list=factor_list2) >>> model.show_junction_tree(fnum=5, evidence=evidence2, factor_list=factor_list2) >>> #netx.draw_graphviz(model, with_labels=True) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ def toss_pmf(side, coin): toss_lookup = { 'fair': {'heads': .5, 'tails': .5}, #'bias': {'heads': .6, 'tails': .4}, 'bias': {'heads': .9, 'tails': .1}, } return toss_lookup[coin][side] coin_cpd_t = TemplateCPD( 'coin', ['fair', 'bias'], varpref='C') toss_cpd_t = TemplateCPD( 'toss', ['heads', 'tails'], varpref='T', evidence_ttypes=[coin_cpd_t], pmf_func=toss_pmf) coin_cpd = coin_cpd_t.new_cpd(0) toss1_cpd = toss_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=[coin_cpd, 1]) toss2_cpd = toss_cpd_t.new_cpd(parents=[coin_cpd, 2]) model = define_model([coin_cpd, toss1_cpd, toss2_cpd]) return model
[docs]def test_markovmodel(): """ >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext import * # NOQA """ from pgmpy.models import MarkovModel from pgmpy.factors import Factor markovmodel = MarkovModel([('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('D', 'A')]) factor_a_b = Factor(variables=['A', 'B'], cardinality=[2, 2], values=[100, 5, 5, 100]) factor_b_c = Factor(variables=['B', 'C'], cardinality=[2, 2], values=[100, 3, 2, 4]) factor_c_d = Factor(variables=['C', 'D'], cardinality=[2, 2], values=[3, 5, 1, 6]) factor_d_a = Factor(variables=['D', 'A'], cardinality=[2, 2], values=[6, 2, 56, 2]) markovmodel.add_factors(factor_a_b, factor_b_c, factor_c_d, factor_d_a) pgm_viz.show_markov_model(markovmodel) pgm_viz.show_junction_tree(markovmodel) # model = markovmodel.to_bayesian_model() # customize_model(model)
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext python -m ibeis.algo.hots.pgm_ext --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA if HAS_PGMPY: ut.doctest_funcs()