Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.precision_recall

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[precision_recall]', DEBUG=False)

[docs]def get_nTruePositive(atrank, was_retrieved, gt_ranks): """ the number of documents we got right """ TP = (np.logical_and(was_retrieved, gt_ranks <= atrank)).sum() return TP
[docs]def get_nFalseNegative(TP, atrank, nGroundTruth): """ the number of documents we should have retrieved but didn't """ #FN = min((atrank + 1) - TP, nGroundTruth - TP) #nRetreived = (atrank + 1) FN = nGroundTruth - TP #min(atrank, nGroundTruth - TP) return FN
[docs]def get_nFalsePositive(TP, atrank): """ the number of documents we should not have retrieved """ #FP = min((atrank + 1) - TP, nGroundTruth) nRetreived = (atrank + 1) FP = nRetreived - TP return FP
[docs]def get_precision(TP, FP): """ precision positive predictive value """ precision = TP / (TP + FP) return precision
[docs]def get_recall(TP, FN): """ recall, true positive rate, sensitivity, hit rate """ recall = TP / (TP + FN) return recall
[docs]def get_average_percision_(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None): """ gets average percision using the PASCAL definition FIXME: Use only the groundtruth that could have been matched in the database. (shouldn't be an issue until we start using daid subsets) References: """ recall_range_, p_interp_curve = get_interpolated_precision_vs_recall_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) if recall_range_ is None: ave_p = np.nan else: ave_p = p_interp_curve.sum() / p_interp_curve.size return ave_p
[docs]def get_interpolated_precision_vs_recall_(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None): tup = get_precision_recall_curve_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) ofrank_curve, precision_curve, recall_curve = tup recall_range_, p_interp_curve = interpolate_precision_recall_(precision_curve, recall_curve) return recall_range_, p_interp_curve
[docs]def interpolate_precision_recall_(precision_curve, recall_curve, nSamples=11): if precision_curve is None: return None, None recall_range_ = np.linspace(0, 1, nSamples) def p_interp(r): precision_candidates = precision_curve[recall_curve >= r] if len(precision_candidates) == 0: return 0 return precision_candidates.max() p_interp_curve = np.array([p_interp(r) for r in recall_range_]) return recall_range_, p_interp_curve
[docs]def get_precision_recall_curve_(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.precision_recall --test-get_precision_recall_curve_ --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.hots_query_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[14:15] >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> qres = ibs.query_chips(qaids, daids)[0] >>> gt_aids = None >>> atrank = 18 >>> nSamples = 20 >>> ofrank_curve, precision_curve, recall_curve = qres.get_precision_recall_curve(ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) >>> recall_range_, p_interp_curve = interpolate_precision_recall_(precision_curve, recall_curve, nSamples=nSamples) >>> print((recall_range_, p_interp_curve)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> draw_precision_recall_curve_(recall_range_, p_interp_curve) >>> ut.show_if_requested() References: """ gt_ranks = np.array(qres.get_gt_ranks(ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids, fillvalue=None)) was_retrieved = np.array([rank is not None for rank in gt_ranks]) nGroundTruth = len(gt_ranks) if nGroundTruth == 0: return None, None, None # From oxford: #Precision is defined as the ratio of retrieved positive images to the total number retrieved. #Recall is defined as the ratio of the number of retrieved positive images to the total #number of positive images in the corpus. #with ut.EmbedOnException(): max_rank = gt_ranks.max() if max_rank is None: max_rank = 0 ofrank_curve = np.arange(max_rank + 1) truepos_curve = np.array([get_nTruePositive(ofrank, was_retrieved, gt_ranks) for ofrank in ofrank_curve]) falsepos_curve = np.array( [get_nFalsePositive(TP, atrank) for TP, atrank in zip(truepos_curve, ofrank_curve)], dtype=np.float32) falseneg_curve = np.array([ get_nFalseNegative(TP, atrank, nGroundTruth) for TP, atrank in zip(truepos_curve, ofrank_curve)], dtype=np.float32) precision_curve = get_precision(truepos_curve, falsepos_curve) recall_curve = get_recall(truepos_curve, falseneg_curve) #print(np.vstack([precision_curve, recall_curve]).T) return ofrank_curve, precision_curve, recall_curve
[docs]def show_precision_recall_curve_(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None, fnum=1): """ CHANGE NAME TO REFERENCE QRES """ recall_range_, p_interp_curve = get_interpolated_precision_vs_recall_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) title_pref = qres.make_smaller_title() + '\n', return draw_precision_recall_curve_(recall_range_, p_interp_curve, title_pref, fnum)
[docs]def draw_precision_recall_curve_(recall_range_, p_interp_curve, title_pref=None, fnum=1): import plottool as pt if recall_range_ is None: recall_range_ = np.array([]) p_interp_curve = np.array([]) fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) # NOQA if recall_range_ is None: ave_p = np.nan else: ave_p = p_interp_curve.sum() / p_interp_curve.size pt.plot2(recall_range_, p_interp_curve, marker='o--', x_label='recall', y_label='precision', unitbox=True, flipx=False, color='r', title='Interplated Precision Vs Recall\n' + 'avep = %r' % ave_p) print('Interplated Precision') print(ut.list_str(list(zip(recall_range_, p_interp_curve))))
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.precision_recall python -m ibeis.algo.hots.precision_recall --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.precision_recall --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()