Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.query_request

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    replace with dtool
    Rename to IdentifyRequest
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from ibeis.algo.hots import neighbor_index_cache
from ibeis.algo.hots import multi_index
from ibeis.algo.hots import scorenorm
from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer
from ibeis.algo.hots import query_params
from ibeis.algo.hots import chip_match
from ibeis.algo.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh  # NOQA
from os.path import join
import vtool as vt
import six
import dtool
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import warnings
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[qreq]')

VERBOSE = ut.VERBOSE or ut.get_argflag(('--verbose-qreq', '--verbqreq'))

[docs]def testdata_newqreq(defaultdb): """ Returns: (ibeis.IBEISController, list, list) """ import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) qaid_list = [1] daid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] return ibs, qaid_list, daid_list
[docs]def testdata_qreq(): """ Returns: (ibeis.QueryRequest, ibeis.IBEISController) """ import ibeis qaid_list = [1, 2] daid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='testdb1') qreq_ = new_ibeis_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list) return qreq_, ibs
[docs]def new_ibeis_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=None, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, unique_species=None, use_memcache=True, query_cfg=None): """ ibeis entry point to create a new query request object Returns: ibeis.QueryRequest CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-new_ibeis_query_request:0 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-new_ibeis_query_request:2 Example0: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_list, daid_list = testdata_newqreq('PZ_MTEST') >>> unique_species = None >>> verbose = ut.NOT_QUIET >>> cfgdict = {'sv_on': False, 'fg_on': True} # 'fw_detector': 'rf'} >>> # Execute test >>> qreq_ = new_ibeis_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> # Check Results >>> print(qreq_.get_cfgstr()) >>> assert qreq_.qparams.sv_on is False, ( ... 'qreq_.qparams.sv_on = %r ' % qreq_.qparams.sv_on) >>> result = ibs.get_dbname() + qreq_.get_data_hashid() >>> print(result) PZ_MTEST_DSUUIDS((5)kmptegpfuwaibfvt) Example1: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_list, daid_list = testdata_newqreq('NAUT_test') >>> unique_species = None >>> verbose = ut.NOT_QUIET >>> cfgdict = {'sv_on': True, 'fg_on': True} >>> # Execute test >>> qreq_ = new_ibeis_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> # Check Results. >>> # Featweight should be off because there is no Naut detector >>> print(qreq_.qparams.query_cfgstr) >>> assert qreq_.qparams.sv_on is True, ( ... 'qreq_.qparams.sv_on = %r ' % qreq_.qparams.sv_on) >>> result = ibs.get_dbname() + qreq_.get_data_hashid() >>> print(result) NAUT_test_DSUUIDS((5)tklzzeuqjqxfbayo) Example2: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qaid_list, daid_list = testdata_newqreq('PZ_MTEST') >>> unique_species = None >>> verbose = ut.NOT_QUIET >>> cfgdict = {'sv_on': False, 'augment_queryside_hack': True} >>> # Execute test >>> qreq_ = new_ibeis_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> # Check Results. >>> # Featweight should be off because there is no Naut detector >>> print(qreq_.qparams.query_cfgstr) >>> assert qreq_.qparams.sv_on is False, ( ... 'qreq_.qparams.sv_on = %r ' % qreq_.qparams.sv_on) >>> result = ibs.get_dbname() + qreq_.get_data_hashid() >>> print(result) PZ_MTEST_DSUUIDS((5)kmptegpfuwaibfvt) Ignore: # This is supposed to be the begginings of the code to transition the # pipeline configuration into the new minimal dict based structure that # supports different configs for query and database annotations. dcfg = qreq_.get_external_data_config2() qcfg = qreq_.get_external_query_config2() ut.dict_intersection(qcfg.__dict__, dcfg.__dict__) from ibeis.expt import cfghelpers cfg_list = [qcfg.__dict__, dcfg.__dict__] nonvaried_cfg, varied_cfg_list = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list( cfg_list, recursive=True) qvaried, dvaried = varied_cfg_list """ if verbose: print('[qreq] +--- New IBEIS QRequest --- ') ibs.assert_valid_aids(qaid_list, msg='error in new qreq qaids') ibs.assert_valid_aids(daid_list, msg='error in new qreq daids') cfg = ibs.cfg.query_cfg if query_cfg is None else query_cfg qresdir = ibs.get_qres_cachedir() cfgdict = {} if cfgdict is None else cfgdict.copy() try: piperoot = cfgdict['pipeline_root'] except Exception: piperoot = None if ut.VERBOSE: print('[qreq] piperoot = %r' % (piperoot,)) # HACK FOR DEPC REQUESTS including flukes if isinstance(cfg, dtool.Config): if ut.VERBOSE: print('[qreq] dtool.Config HACK') tablename = cfg.get_config_name() cfgdict = dict(cfg.parse_items()) requestclass = ibs.depc_annot.requestclass_dict[tablename] qreq_ = request = # NOQA ibs.depc_annot, qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict, tablename=tablename) elif piperoot is not None and piperoot not in ['vsone', 'vsmany']: # Hack to ensure that correct depcache style request gets called if ut.VERBOSE: print('[qreq] piperoot HACK') requestclass = ibs.depc_annot.requestclass_dict[piperoot] qreq_ = request = # NOQA ibs.depc_annot, qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict, tablename=piperoot) else: if ut.VERBOSE: print('[qreq] default hots config HACK') #if cfgdict.get('pipeline_root', None) DYNAMIC_K = False if DYNAMIC_K and 'K' not in cfgdict: model_params = [0.2, 0.5] from ibeis.other.optimize_k import compute_K nDaids = len(daid_list) cfgdict['K'] = compute_K(nDaids, model_params) # <HACK> if not hasattr(ibs, 'generate_species_background_mask'): print('HACKING FG OFF') cfgdict['fg_on'] = False #pass if unique_species is None: unique_species_ = apply_species_with_detector_hack( ibs, cfgdict, qaid_list, daid_list) else: unique_species_ = unique_species # </HACK> qparams = query_params.QueryParams(cfg, cfgdict) data_config2_ = qparams # # <HACK> # MAKE A SECOND CONFIG FOR QUERIES AND DATABASE VECTORS ONLY # allow query and database annotations to have different feature configs if qparams.augment_queryside_hack: query_cfgdict = cfgdict.copy() query_cfgdict['augment_orientation'] = True query_config2_ = query_params.QueryParams(cfg, query_cfgdict) else: query_config2_ = qparams # </HACK> _indexer_request_params = dict(use_memcache=use_memcache) qreq_ = QueryRequest.new_query_request( qaid_list, daid_list, qparams, qresdir, ibs, _indexer_request_params) qreq_.query_config2_ = query_config2_ qreq_.data_config2_ = data_config2_ qreq_.unique_species = unique_species_ # HACK if verbose: print('[qreq] * unique_species = %s' % (qreq_.unique_species,)) if verbose: print('[qreq] * pipe_cfg = %s' % (qreq_.get_pipe_cfgstr())) print('[qreq] * len(qaid_list) = %s' % (len(qaid_list),)) print('[qreq] * len(daid_list) = %s' % (len(daid_list),)) print('[qreq] * data_hashid = %s' % (qreq_.get_data_hashid(),)) print('[qreq] * query_hashid = %s' % (qreq_.get_query_hashid(),)) print('[qreq] L___ New IBEIS QRequest ___ ') return qreq_
[docs]def apply_species_with_detector_hack(ibs, cfgdict, qaids, daids, verbose=VERBOSE): """ HACK turns of featweights if they cannot be applied """ # Only apply the hack with repsect to the queried annotations aid_list = np.hstack((qaids, daids)).tolist() unique_species = ibs.get_database_species(aid_list) # turn off featureweights when not absolutely sure they are ok to us,) candetect = (len(unique_species) == 1 and ibs.has_species_detector(unique_species[0])) if not candetect: if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('[qreq] HACKING FG_WEIGHT OFF (db species is not supported)') if len(unique_species) != 1: print('[qreq] * len(unique_species) = %r' % len(unique_species)) else: print('[qreq] * unique_species = %r' % (unique_species,)) #print('[qreq] * valid species = %r' % ( # ibs.get_species_with_detectors(),)) #cfg._featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled = 'ERR' cfgdict['featweight_enabled'] = 'ERR' cfgdict['fg_on'] = False else: #print(ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list)) if verbose: print('[qreq] Using fgweights of unique_species=%r' % ( unique_species,)) pass #, aid_list=%r' % (unique_species, aid_list)) return unique_species
[docs]class QueryRequest(object): """ Request object for pipline paramter run """ _isnewreq = False @classmethod
[docs] def new_query_request(cls, qaid_list, daid_list, qparams, qresdir, ibs, _indexer_request_params): """ old way of calling new Args: qaid_list (list): daid_list (list): qparams (QueryParams): query hyper-parameters qresdir (str): ibs (ibeis.IBEISController): image analysis api _indexer_request_params (dict): Returns: ibeis.QueryRequest """ qreq_ = cls() qreq_.ibs = ibs qreq_.qparams = qparams # Parameters relating to pipeline execution qreq_.qresdir = qresdir qreq_._indexer_request_params = _indexer_request_params qreq_.set_external_daids(daid_list) qreq_.set_external_qaids(qaid_list) return qreq_
def __init__(qreq_): # Reminder: # lists and other objects are functionally equivalent to pointers # # Conceptually immutable State qreq_.unique_species = None # num categories qreq_.internal_qspeciesid_list = None # category species id label list qreq_.internal_qaids = None qreq_.internal_daids = None # Conceptually mutable state qreq_.internal_qaids_mask = None qreq_.internal_daids_mask = None # Loaded Objects # Handle to parent IBEIS Controller # HACK: jedi type hinting. Need to have non-obvious condition try: qreq_.ibs = None except Exception: import ibeis qreq_.ibs = ibeis.IBEISController() qreq_.indexer = None # The nearest neighbor mechanism qreq_.normalizer = None # The scoring normalization mechanism qreq_.dstcnvs_normer = None qreq_.hasloaded = False # Pipeline configuration qreq_.qparams = None # Parameters relating to pipeline execution qreq_.query_config2_ = None qreq_.data_config2_ = None qreq_._indexer_request_params = None # Set values qreq_.unique_species = None # HACK qreq_.qresdir = None qreq_.prog_hook = None qreq_.lnbnn_normer = None
[docs] def __getstate__(qreq_): """ Make QueryRequest pickleable CommandLine: python -m -t candidacy --db testdb1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> from six.moves import cPickle as pickle >>> qreq_, ibs = testdata_qreq() >>> qreq_dump = pickle.dumps(qreq_) >>> qreq2_ = pickle.loads(qreq_dump) """ state_dict = qreq_.__dict__.copy() state_dict['dbdir'] = qreq_.ibs.get_dbdir() state_dict['ibs'] = None state_dict['prog_hook'] = None state_dict['indexer'] = None state_dict['normalizer'] = None state_dict['dstcnvs_normer'] = None state_dict['hasloaded'] = False state_dict['lnbnn_normer'] = False return state_dict
def __setstate__(qreq_, state_dict): #print('[!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] Calling set state.') import ibeis dbdir = state_dict['dbdir'] del state_dict['dbdir'] state_dict['ibs'] = ibeis.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, web=False) qreq_.__dict__.update(state_dict) def _custom_str(qreq_): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --exec-_custom_str --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_() >>> print(repr(qreq_)) """ typestr = qreq_.__class__.__name__ parts = qreq_.get_shortinfo_parts() #print('parts = %r' % (parts,)) custom_str = '%s(%s) %s %s %s' % ((typestr,) + tuple(parts)) return custom_str
[docs] def get_shortinfo_parts(qreq_): parts = [] parts.append(qreq_.ibs.get_dbname()) parts.append('nQ=%d' % len(qreq_.qaids)) parts.append('nD=%d' % len(qreq_.daids)) parts.append(qreq_.get_pipe_hashid()) return parts
[docs] def get_shortinfo_cfgstr(qreq_): shortinfo_cfgstr = '_'.join(qreq_.get_shortinfo_parts()) return shortinfo_cfgstr #def __nice__(qreq_): # parts = qreq_.get_shortinfo_parts() # return '(%s) %s %s %s' % (tuple(parts))
def __repr__(qreq_): return '<' + qreq_._custom_str() + ' at %s>' % (hex(id(qreq_)),) def __str__(qreq_): return '<' + qreq_._custom_str() + '>' @profile
[docs] def shallowcopy(qreq_, qaids=None, qx=None, dx=None): """ Creates a copy of qreq with the same qparams object and a subset of the qx and dx objects. used to generate chunks of vsone and vsmany queries CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --exec-shallowcopy Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_, ibs = testdata_qreq() >>> qreq2_ = qreq_.shallowcopy(qx=0) >>> assert qreq_.get_external_daids() is qreq2_.get_external_daids() >>> assert len(qreq_.get_external_qaids()) != len(qreq2_.get_external_qaids()) >>> #assert qreq_.metadata is not qreq2_.metadata """ #qreq2_ = copy.copy(qreq_) # copy calls setstate and getstate qreq2_ = QueryRequest() qreq2_.__dict__.update(qreq_.__dict__) if qx is not None: qaid_list = qreq2_.get_external_qaids() qaid_list = qaid_list[qx:qx + 1] qreq2_.set_external_qaids(qaid_list) # , quuid_list) elif qaids is not None: assert qx is None, 'cannot specify both qx and qaids' qaids = [qaids] if not ut.isiterable(qaids) else qaids _intersect = np.intersect1d(qaids, qreq2_.get_external_qaids()) assert len(_intersect) == len(qaids), 'not a subset' qreq2_.set_external_qaids(qaids) # , quuid_list) if dx is not None: daid_list = qreq2_.get_external_daids() daid_list = daid_list[dx:dx + 1] #duuid_list = qreq2_.get_external_duuids() #duuid_list = duuid_list[dx:dx + 1] qreq2_.set_external_daids(daid_list) # The shallow copy does not bring over output / query data qreq2_.indexer = None #qreq2_.metadata = {} qreq2_.hasloaded = False return qreq2_ # --- State Modification ---
[docs] def remove_internal_daids(qreq_, remove_daids): r""" State Modification: remove daids from the query request. Do not call this function often. It invalidates the indexer, which is very slow to rebuild. Should only be done between query pipeline runs. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-remove_internal_daids Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species, is_exemplar=True) >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species, is_exemplar=False) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) >>> remove_daids = daids[0:1] >>> # execute function >>> assert len(qreq_.internal_daids) == 4, 'bad setup data' >>> qreq_.remove_internal_daids(remove_daids) >>> # verify results >>> assert len(qreq_.internal_daids) == 3, 'did not remove' """ # Invalidate the current indexer, mask and metadata qreq_.indexer = None qreq_.internal_daids_mask = None #qreq_.metadata = {} # Find indices to remove delete_flags = vt.get_covered_mask(qreq_.internal_daids, remove_daids) delete_indices = np.where(delete_flags)[0] assert len(delete_indices) == len(remove_daids), ( 'requested removal of nonexistant daids') # Remove indices qreq_.internal_daids = np.delete(qreq_.internal_daids, delete_indices) # TODO: multi-indexer delete support if qreq_.indexer is not None: warnings.warn('Implement point removal from trees') qreq_.indexer.remove_ibeis_support(qreq_, remove_daids)
[docs] def add_internal_daids(qreq_, new_daids): """ State Modification: add new daid to query request. Should only be done between query pipeline runs """ if ut.DEBUG2: species = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_species(new_daids) assert set(qreq_.unique_species) == set(species), ( 'inconsistent species') qreq_.internal_daids_mask = None #qreq_.metadata = {} qreq_.internal_daids = np.append(qreq_.internal_daids, new_daids) # TODO: multi-indexer add support if qreq_.indexer is not None: #qreq_.load_indexer(verbose=True) qreq_.indexer.add_ibeis_support(qreq_, new_daids)
[docs] def set_external_daids(qreq_, daid_list): if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: qreq_.set_internal_daids(daid_list) else: qreq_.set_internal_qaids(daid_list)
[docs] def set_external_qaids(qreq_, qaid_list): if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: qreq_.set_internal_qaids(qaid_list) else: qreq_.set_internal_daids(qaid_list)
[docs] def set_external_qaid_mask(qreq_, masked_qaid_list): r""" Args: qaid_list (list): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-set_external_qaid_mask Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='testdb1') >>> qaid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> daid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaid_list, daid_list) >>> masked_qaid_list = [2, 4, 5] >>> qreq_.set_external_qaid_mask(masked_qaid_list) >>> result = np.array_str(qreq_.get_external_qaids()) >>> print(result) [1 3] """ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: qreq_.set_internal_masked_qaids(masked_qaid_list) else: qreq_.set_internal_masked_daids(masked_qaid_list) # --- Internal Annotation ID Masks ----
[docs] def set_internal_masked_daids(qreq_, masked_daid_list): """ used by the pipeline to execute a subset of the query request without modifying important state """ if masked_daid_list is None or len(masked_daid_list) == 0: qreq_.internal_daids_mask = None else: #with ut.EmbedOnException(): # input denotes invalid elements mark all elements not in that # list as True flags = vt.get_uncovered_mask(qreq_.internal_daids, masked_daid_list) assert len(flags) == len(qreq_.internal_daids), ( 'unequal len internal daids') qreq_.internal_daids_mask = flags
[docs] def set_internal_masked_qaids(qreq_, masked_qaid_list): r""" used by the pipeline to execute a subset of the query request without modifying important state Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> import ibeis >>> qaid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> daid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_(qaid_override=qaid_list, daid_override=daid_list, p='default:codename=vsone,sv_on=True') >>> qaids = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() >>> ut.assert_lists_eq(qaid_list, qaids) >>> masked_qaid_list = [1, 2, 3,] >>> qreq_.set_internal_masked_qaids(masked_qaid_list) >>> new_internal_aids = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() >>> ut.assert_lists_eq(new_internal_aids, [4]) """ if masked_qaid_list is None or len(masked_qaid_list) == 0: qreq_.internal_qaids_mask = None else: #with ut.EmbedOnException(): # input denotes invalid elements mark all elements not in that # list as True flags = vt.get_uncovered_mask(qreq_.internal_qaids, masked_qaid_list) assert len(flags) == len(qreq_.internal_qaids), ( 'unequal len internal qaids') qreq_.internal_qaids_mask = flags
[docs] def set_internal_unmasked_qaids(qreq_, unmasked_qaid_list): """ used by the pipeline to execute a subset of the query request without modifying important state Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> import ibeis >>> qaid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> daid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_(qaid_override=qaid_list, daid_override=daid_list, p='default:codename=vsone,sv_on=True') >>> qaids = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() >>> ut.assert_lists_eq(qaid_list, qaids) >>> unmasked_qaid_list = [1, 2, 3,] >>> qreq_.set_internal_unmasked_qaids(unmasked_qaid_list) >>> new_internal_aids = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() >>> ut.assert_lists_eq(new_internal_aids, unmasked_qaid_list) """ if unmasked_qaid_list is None: qreq_.internal_qaids_mask = None else: # input denotes valid elements # mark all elements not in that list as False flags = vt.get_covered_mask( qreq_.internal_qaids, unmasked_qaid_list) assert len(flags) == len(qreq_.internal_qaids), ( 'unequal len internal qaids') qreq_.internal_qaids_mask = flags # --- Internal Annotation IDs ----
[docs] def set_internal_daids(qreq_, daid_list): qreq_.internal_daids_mask = None # Invalidate mask qreq_.internal_daids = np.array(daid_list)
[docs] def set_internal_qaids(qreq_, qaid_list): qreq_.internal_qaids_mask = None # Invalidate mask qreq_.internal_qaids = np.array(qaid_list) # --- INTERNAL INTERFACE --- # For within pipeline use only
[docs] def get_internal_daids(qreq_): if qreq_.internal_daids_mask is None: return qreq_.internal_daids else: return qreq_.internal_daids[qreq_.internal_daids_mask]
[docs] def get_internal_qaids(qreq_): if qreq_.internal_qaids_mask is None: return qreq_.internal_qaids else: return qreq_.internal_qaids[qreq_.internal_qaids_mask]
[docs] def get_internal_duuids(qreq_): return qreq_.ibs.get_annot_semantic_uuids(qreq_.get_internal_daids())
[docs] def get_internal_quuids(qreq_): return qreq_.ibs.get_annot_semantic_uuids(qreq_.get_internal_qaids())
[docs] def get_internal_data_config2(qreq_): return (qreq_.data_config2_ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany else qreq_.query_config2_)
[docs] def get_internal_query_config2(qreq_): return (qreq_.query_config2_ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany else qreq_.data_config2_)
[docs] def get_external_data_config2(qreq_): return qreq_.data_config2_
[docs] def get_external_query_config2(qreq_): return qreq_.query_config2_ # --- EXTERNAL INTERFACE ---
[docs] def get_unique_species(qreq_): return qreq_.unique_species # External id-lists
@property def daids(qreq_): return qreq_.get_external_daids() @property def qaids(qreq_): return qreq_.get_external_qaids() @property def dnids(qreq_): """ TODO: save dnids in qreq_ state """ return qreq_.ibs.get_annot_nids(qreq_.daids) @property def qnids(qreq_): """ TODO: save qnids in qreq_ state """ return qreq_.ibs.get_annot_nids(qreq_.qaids) @property def extern_data_config2(qreq_): return qreq_.get_external_data_config2() @property def extern_query_config2(qreq_): return qreq_.get_external_query_config2() @profile
[docs] def get_external_daids(qreq_): """ These are the users daids in vsone mode """ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: return qreq_.get_internal_daids() else: return qreq_.get_internal_qaids()
[docs] def get_external_qaids(qreq_): """ These are the users qaids in vsone mode """ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: return qreq_.get_internal_qaids() else: return qreq_.get_internal_daids()
[docs] def get_external_quuids(qreq_): """ These are the users qauuids in vsone mode """ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: return qreq_.get_internal_quuids() else: return qreq_.get_internal_duuids()
[docs] def get_external_duuids(qreq_): """ These are the users qauuids in vsone mode """ if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: return qreq_.get_internal_duuids() else: return qreq_.get_internal_quuids()
[docs] def get_external_query_groundtruth(qreq_, qaids): """ gets groundtruth that are accessible via this query """ external_daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() gt_aids = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_groundtruth( qaids, daid_list=external_daids) return gt_aids # External id-hashes #@ut.memoize
[docs] def get_data_hashid(qreq_): daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() try: assert len(daids) > 0, 'QRequest not populated. len(daids)=0' except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True) # TODO: SYSTEM : semantic should only be used if name scoring is on data_hashid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_semantic_uuid( daids, prefix='D') return data_hashid #@ut.memoize
[docs] def get_query_hashid(qreq_): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --exec-QueryRequest.get_query_hashid --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_() >>> query_hashid = qreq_.get_query_hashid() >>> result = ('query_hashid = %s' % (ut.repr2(query_hashid),)) >>> print(result) """ qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() assert len(qaids) > 0, 'QRequest not populated. len(qaids)=0' # TODO: SYSTEM : semantic should only be used if name scoring is on query_hashid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_semantic_uuid( qaids, prefix='Q') return query_hashid
[docs] def get_internal_query_hashid(qreq_): if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: return qreq_.get_query_hashid() else: return qreq_.get_data_hashid()
[docs] def get_internal_data_hashid(qreq_): if qreq_.qparams.vsmany: return qreq_.get_data_hashid() else: return qreq_.get_query_hashid()
[docs] def get_pipe_cfgstr(qreq_): """ FIXME: name params only """ #query_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.query_cfgstr pipe_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.query_cfgstr return pipe_cfgstr
[docs] def get_pipe_hashid(qreq_): # this changes invalidates match_chip4 bibcaches generated before # august 24 2015 #pipe_hashstr = ut.hashstr(qreq_.get_pipe_cfgstr()) pipe_hashstr = ut.hashstr27(qreq_.get_pipe_cfgstr()) return pipe_hashstr
[docs] def get_cfgstr(qreq_, with_input=False, with_data=True, with_pipe=True, hash_pipe=False): r""" main cfgstring used to identify the 'querytype' FIXME: name params + data TODO: rename query_cfgstr to pipe_cfgstr or pipeline_cfgstr EVERYWHERE Args: with_input (bool): (default = False) Returns: str: cfgstr CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --exec-get_cfgstr Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> species = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species) >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=species) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) >>> with_input = True >>> cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input) >>> result = ('cfgstr = %s' % (str(cfgstr),)) >>> print(result) """ cfgstr_list = [] if with_input: cfgstr_list.append(qreq_.get_query_hashid()) if with_data: cfgstr_list.append(qreq_.get_data_hashid()) if with_pipe: if hash_pipe: cfgstr_list.append(qreq_.get_pipe_hashid()) else: cfgstr_list.append(qreq_.get_pipe_cfgstr()) cfgstr = ''.join(cfgstr_list) return cfgstr
[docs] def get_full_cfgstr(qreq_): """ main cfgstring used to identify the 'querytype' FIXME: name params + data + query """ full_cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input=True) return full_cfgstr
[docs] def get_qresdir(qreq_): return qreq_.qresdir # --- Lazy Loading ---
[docs] def lazy_preload(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ feature weights and normalizers should be loaded before vsone queries are issued. They do not depened only on qparams Load non-query specific normalizers / weights """ if verbose: print('[qreq] lazy preloading') qreq_.ensure_features(verbose=verbose) if qreq_.qparams.fg_on is True: qreq_.ensure_featweights(verbose=verbose) if qreq_.qparams.score_normalization is True: qreq_.load_score_normalizer(verbose=verbose) if qreq_.qparams.use_external_distinctiveness: qreq_.load_distinctiveness_normalizer(verbose=verbose)
[docs] def lazy_load(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Performs preloading of all data needed for a batch of queries """ print('[qreq] lazy loading') #with ut.Indenter('[qreq.lazy_load]'): qreq_.hasloaded = True #qreq_.ibs = ibs # HACK qreq_.lazy_preload(verbose=verbose) if qreq_.qparams.pipeline_root in ['vsone', 'vsmany']: qreq_.load_indexer(verbose=verbose) #if qreq_.qparams.pipeline_root in ['smk']: # # TODO load vocabulary indexer # load query data structures
[docs] def ensure_chips(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, extra_tries=1): r""" ensure chips are computed (used in expt, not used in pipeline) Args: verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) extra_tries (int): (default = 0) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-ensure_chips Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Delete chips (accidentally) then try to run a query >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:3] >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:6] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) >>> verbose = True >>> extra_tries = 1 >>> qchip_fpaths = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(qaids, config2_=qreq_.extern_query_config2) >>> dchip_fpaths = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(daids, config2_=qreq_.extern_data_config2) >>> ut.remove_file_list(qchip_fpaths) >>> ut.remove_file_list(dchip_fpaths) >>> result = qreq_.ensure_chips(verbose, extra_tries) >>> print(result) """ if verbose: print('[qreq] ensure_chips') external_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() external_daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() #np.union1d(external_qaids, external_daids) # TODO check if configs are the same externgetkw = dict( ensure=True, check_external_storage=True, extra_tries=extra_tries ) q_chip_fpath = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath( # NOQA external_qaids, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2(), **externgetkw) d_chip_fpath = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath( # NOQA external_daids, config2_=qreq_.get_external_data_config2(), **externgetkw)
[docs] def ensure_features(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" ensure features are computed Args: verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-ensure_features Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:3] >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:6] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) >>> ibs.delete_annot_feats(qaids, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) # Remove the chips >>> ut.remove_file_list(ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(qaids, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2())) >>> verbose = True >>> result = qreq_.ensure_features(verbose) >>> print(result) """ #with ut.EmbedOnException(): if verbose: print('[qreq] ensure_features') external_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() external_daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() qfids = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_feat_rowids( # NOQA external_qaids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) dfids = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_feat_rowids( # NOQA external_daids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.get_external_data_config2()) if ut.DEBUG2: qkpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts( external_qaids, ensure=False, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) dkpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts( # NOQA external_daids, ensure=False, config2_=qreq_.get_external_data_config2()) #if verbose: try: assert len(qkpts) > 0, 'no query keypoint' assert qkpts[0].size > 0, ( 'Query keypoints are corrupted! qkpts=%r' % (qkpts,)) except Exception: print('qkpts = %r' % (qkpts,)) raise
[docs] def ensure_featweights(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ ensure feature weights are computed """ #with ut.EmbedOnException(): if verbose: print('[qreq] ensure_featweights') #internal_qaids = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() #internal_daids = qreq_.get_internal_daids() #qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights(internal_qaids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.qparams) #qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights(internal_daids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.qparams) external_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() external_daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() qfw_rowids = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_featweight_rowids( # NOQA external_qaids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) dfw_rowids = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_featweight_rowids( # NOQA external_daids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.get_external_data_config2()) if ut.DEBUG2: qfeatweights = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights( external_qaids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) dfeatweights = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights( # NOQA external_daids, ensure=True, config2_=qreq_.get_external_data_config2()) #if verbose: try: assert len(qfeatweights) > 0, 'no query featweights' assert qfeatweights[0].size > 0, ( 'Query featweights are corrupted! qfeatweights=%r' % (qfeatweights,)) except Exception: print('qfeatweights = %r' % (qfeatweights,)) raise #print('Featweight hash') #print(qkpts) #print(dkpts) #print(ut.hashstr27(str(qfeatweights))) #print(ut.hashstr27(str(dfeatweights)))
[docs] def load_indexer(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, force=False): if not force and qreq_.indexer is not None: return False else: index_method = qreq_.qparams.index_method if index_method == 'single': # TODO: SYSTEM updatable indexer if ut.VERYVERBOSE or verbose: print('[qreq] loading single indexer normalizer') indexer = neighbor_index_cache.request_ibeis_nnindexer( qreq_, verbose=verbose, **qreq_._indexer_request_params) elif index_method == 'multi': if ut.VERYVERBOSE or verbose: print('[qreq] loading multi indexer normalizer') indexer = multi_index.request_ibeis_mindexer( qreq_, verbose=verbose) else: raise AssertionError('uknown index_method=%r' % (index_method,)) qreq_.indexer = indexer return True
[docs] def load_score_normalizer(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): if qreq_.normalizer is not None: return False if verbose: print('[qreq] loading score normalizer') # TODO: SYSTEM updatable normalizer normalizer = scorenorm.request_annoscore_normer( qreq_, verbose=verbose) qreq_.normalizer = normalizer
[docs] def load_distinctiveness_normalizer(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer >>> verbose = True """ if qreq_.dstcnvs_normer is not None: return False if verbose: print('[qreq] loading external distinctiveness normalizer') # TODO: SYSTEM updatable dstcnvs_normer _ = distinctiveness_normalizer request_dcvs_normer = _.request_ibeis_distinctiveness_normalizer dstcnvs_normer = request_dcvs_normer(qreq_, verbose=verbose) qreq_.dstcnvs_normer = dstcnvs_normer if verbose: print('qreq_.dstcnvs_normer = %r' % (qreq_.dstcnvs_normer,))
[docs] def load_lnbnn_normalizer(qreq_, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): pass
[docs] def get_infostr(qreq_): infostr_list = [] app = infostr_list.append qaid_internal = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() daid_internal = qreq_.get_internal_daids() qd_intersection = ut.intersect_ordered(daid_internal, qaid_internal) app(' * len(internal_daids) = %r' % len(daid_internal)) app(' * len(internal_qaids) = %r' % len(qaid_internal)) app(' * len(qd_intersection) = %r' % len(qd_intersection)) infostr = '\n'.join(infostr_list) return infostr
[docs] def assert_self(qreq_, ibs): print('[qreq] ASSERT SELF') qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() qauuids = qreq_.get_external_quuids() daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() dauuids = qreq_.get_external_duuids() _qaids = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() _qauuids = qreq_.get_internal_quuids() _daids = qreq_.get_internal_daids() _dauuids = qreq_.get_internal_duuids() def assert_uuids(aids, uuids): if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('[qreq_] asserting %s aids' % len(aids)) assert len(aids) == len(uuids) assert all([u1 == u2 for u1, u2 in zip(ibs.get_annot_semantic_uuids(aids), uuids)]) assert_uuids(qaids, qauuids) assert_uuids(daids, dauuids) assert_uuids(_qaids, _qauuids) assert_uuids(_daids, _dauuids)
[docs] def make_empty_chip_matches(qreq_): """ returns empty query results for each external qaid Returns: list: cm_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --exec-make_empty_chip_matches Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.main_helpers.testdata_qreq_() >>> cm_list = qreq_.make_empty_chip_matches() >>> cm = cm_list[0] >>> cm.print_rawinfostr() >>> result = ('cm_list = %s' % (str(cm_list),)) >>> print(result) """ external_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() #external_daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() #external_dnids = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(external_daids) # FIXME: hacky cm_list = [ chip_match.ChipMatch(qaid, [], qnid=qreq_.ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qaid)) for qaid in (external_qaids) ] for cm in cm_list: cm._empty_hack() return cm_list
[docs] def get_chipmatch_fpaths(qreq_, qaid_list): """ Efficient function to get a list of chipmatch paths """ fname_list = qreq_.get_result_fnames(qaid_list) dpath = qreq_.get_qresdir() fpath_list = [join(dpath, fname) for fname in fname_list] return fpath_list
[docs] def get_result_fnames(qreq_, qaid_list): """ Efficient function to get a list of chipmatch paths """ cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input=False, with_data=True, with_pipe=True) qauuid_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_semantic_uuids(qaid_list) fname_list = [ chip_match.get_chipmatch_fname(qaid, qreq_, qauuid=qauuid, cfgstr=cfgstr) for qaid, qauuid in zip(qaid_list, qauuid_list) ] return fname_list
[docs] def execute(qreq_, qaids=None): if qaids is not None: shallow_qreq_ = qreq_.shallowcopy(qaids=qaids) cm_list = qreq_.ibs.query_chips(qreq_=shallow_qreq_, use_bigcache=False) else: # TODO: move the entire query_chips logic here cm_list = qreq_.ibs.query_chips(qreq_=qreq_) return cm_list
[docs] def execute_subset(qreq_, qaids=None): if qaids is not None: shallow_qreq_ = qreq_.shallowcopy(qaids=qaids) cm_list = qreq_.ibs.query_chips(qreq_=shallow_qreq_, use_bigcache=False) else: cm_list = qreq_.ibs.query_chips(qreq_=qreq_) return cm_list
[docs]def test_cfg_deepcopy(): """ TESTING FUNCTION Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> result = test_cfg_deepcopy() >>> print(result) """ import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') cfg1 = ibs.cfg.query_cfg cfg2 = cfg1.deepcopy() cfg3 = cfg2 assert cfg1.get_cfgstr() == cfg2.get_cfgstr() assert cfg2.sv_cfg is not cfg1.sv_cfg assert cfg3.sv_cfg is cfg2.sv_cfg cfg2.update_query_cfg(sv_on=False) assert cfg1.get_cfgstr() != cfg2.get_cfgstr() assert cfg2.get_cfgstr() == cfg3.get_cfgstr()
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-QueryParams -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --test-QueryParams python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.query_request --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 ut.doctest_funcs()