Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    1) vsmany
       * works resaonable for very few and very many
       * stars with small k and then k becomes a percent or log percent
       * distinctiveness from different location

    2) 1-vs-1
       * uses distinctiveness and foreground when available
       * start with ratio test and ransac

    3) First N decision are interactive until we learn a good threshold

    4) Always show numbers between 0 and 1 spatial verification is based on
    single best exemplar

       x - build encoder
       x - test encoder
       x - monotonicity (both nondecreasing and strictly increasing)
       x - cache encoder
       x - cache maitainance (deleters and listers)
       o - Incemental learning
       o - Spceies sensitivity

    * Add ability for user to relearn encoder from labeled database.

    * One class SVM
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import re
import dtool
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import six  # NOQA
from functools import partial
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[scorenorm]')

[docs]class NormFeatScoreConfig(dtool.Config): _alias = 'nfscfg' _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('disttype', None), ut.ParamInfo('namemode', True), ut.ParamInfo('fsvx', None, type_='fuzzy_subset', hideif=None), ut.ParamInfo('threshx', None, hideif=None), ut.ParamInfo('thresh', .9, hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['threshx'] is None), ut.ParamInfo('num', 5), # ut.ParamInfo('top_percent', None, hideif=None), ut.ParamInfo('top_percent', .5, hideif=None), ]
[docs]def compare_featscores(): """ CommandLine: ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5,.1] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1,2],normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,20 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1],normalizer_rule=name,sv_on=[True,False] \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,10 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn] \ -a timectrl -p default:K=1,normalizer_rule=name --db PZ_Master1 \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,13 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn] \ -a timectrl -p default:K=1,normalizer_rule=name --db GZ_ALL \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,13 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db GIRM_Master1 \ --nfscfg ':disttype=fg,L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn' \ -a timectrl -p default:K=1,normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,13 ibeis --tf compare_featscores --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn] \ -a timectrl -p default:K=[1,2,3],normalizer_rule=name,sv_on=False \ --db PZ_Master1 --save featscore{db}.png \ --dpi=128 --figsize=15,20 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db PZ_MTEST ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db GZ_ALL ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db PZ_Master1 ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist] -a timectrl -p :K=1 --db GIRM_Master1 ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5,.2] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1],normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,20 --diskshow ibeis --tf compare_featscores --db PZ_MTEST \ --nfscfg :disttype=[L2_sift,normdist,lnbnn],top_percent=[None,.5,.2] -a timectrl \ -p default:K=[1],normalizer_rule=name \ --save featscore{db}.png --figsize=13,20 --diskshow Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> result = compare_featscores() >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt import ibeis nfs_cfg_list = NormFeatScoreConfig.from_argv_cfgs() learnkw = {} ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts( defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default'], p=['default:K=1']) print('nfs_cfg_list = ' + ut.repr3(nfs_cfg_list)) encoder_list = [] lbl_list = [] varied_nfs_lbls = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(nfs_cfg_list) varied_qreq_lbls = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(testres.cfgdict_list) #varies_qreq_lbls #func = ut.cached_func(cache_dir='.')(learn_featscore_normalizer) for datakw, nlbl in zip(nfs_cfg_list, varied_nfs_lbls): for qreq_, qlbl in zip(testres.cfgx2_qreq_, varied_qreq_lbls): lbl = qlbl + ' ' + nlbl cfgstr = '_'.join([datakw.get_cfgstr(), qreq_.get_full_cfgstr()]) try: encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer() encoder.load(cfgstr=cfgstr) except IOError: print('datakw = %r' % (datakw,)) encoder = learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw, learnkw) encoder_list.append(encoder) lbl_list.append(lbl) fnum = 1 # next_pnum = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=len(encoder_list), nCols=3) next_pnum = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=len(encoder_list) + 1, nCols=3, start=3) iconsize = 94 if len(encoder_list) > 3: iconsize = 64 icon = qreq_.ibs.get_database_icon(max_dsize=(None, iconsize), aid=qreq_.qaids[0]) score_range = (0, .6) for encoder, lbl in zip(encoder_list, lbl_list): #encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr(), with_prebayes=False, with_postbayes=False) encoder._plot_score_support_hist(fnum, pnum=next_pnum(), titlesuf='\n' + lbl, score_range=score_range) encoder._plot_prebayes(fnum, pnum=next_pnum()) encoder._plot_roc(fnum, pnum=next_pnum()) if icon is not None: pt.overlay_icon(icon, coords=(1, 0), bbox_alignment=(1, 0)) nonvaried_lbl = ut.get_nonvaried_cfg_lbls(nfs_cfg_list)[0] figtitle = qreq_.__str__() + '\n' + nonvaried_lbl pt.set_figtitle(figtitle) pt.adjust_subplots(hspace=.5, top=.92, bottom=.08, left=.1, right=.9) pt.update_figsize() pt.plt.tight_layout() # pt.adjust_subplots(top=.95)
[docs]def learn_annotscore_normalizer(qreq_, learnkw={}): """ Takes the result of queries and trains a score encoder Args: qreq_ (ibeis.QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters Returns: vtool.ScoreNormalizer: encoder CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf learn_annotscore_normalizer --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_( >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default'], p=['default']) >>> encoder = learn_annotscore_normalizer(qreq_) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr()) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ cm_list = qreq_.execute() tup = get_training_annotscores(qreq_, cm_list) tp_scores, tn_scores, good_tn_aidnid_pairs, good_tp_aidnid_pairs = tup part_attrs = { 0: {'aid_pairs': good_tn_aidnid_pairs}, 1: {'aid_pairs': good_tp_aidnid_pairs}, } scores, labels, attrs = vt.flatten_scores(tp_scores, tn_scores, part_attrs) _learnkw = {'monotonize': True} _learnkw.update(learnkw) # timestamp = ut.get_printable_timestamp() encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(**_learnkw), labels, attrs=attrs) encoder.cfgstr = 'annotscore' return encoder
[docs]def load_featscore_normalizer(normer_cfgstr): r""" Args: normer_cfgstr (?): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-load_featscore_normalizer --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-load_featscore_normalizer --show --cfgstr=featscore python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-load_featscore_normalizer --show --cfgstr=lovb Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> normer_cfgstr = ut.get_argval('--cfgstr', default='featscore') >>> encoder = load_featscore_normalizer(normer_cfgstr) >>> encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr()) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer() # qreq_.lnbnn_normer.load(cfgstr=config2_.lnbnn_normer) encoder.fuzzyload(partial_cfgstr=normer_cfgstr) return encoder
[docs]def train_featscore_normalizer(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf train_featscore_normalizer --show # Write Encoder python -m ibeis --tf train_featscore_normalizer --db PZ_MTEST -t best -a default --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show # Visualize encoder score adjustment python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --db PZ_MTEST -a timectrl -t best:lnbnn_normer=lnbnn_fg_featscore --show --nocache --nocache-hs # Compare ranking with encoder vs without python -m ibeis --tf draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_MTEST -a timectrl -t best:lnbnn_normer=[None,wulu] --show python -m ibeis --tf draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best:lnbnn_normer=[None,wulu] --show # Compare in ipynb python -m ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --ipynb --db PZ_MTEST -a default -t best:lnbnn_normer=[None,lnbnn_fg_0.9__featscore] # Big Test python -m ibeis --tf draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best:lnbnn_normer=[None,lovb],lnbnn_norm_thresh=.5 --show python -m ibeis --tf draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best:lnbnn_normer=[None,jypz],lnbnn_norm_thresh=.1 --show python -m ibeis --tf draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best:lnbnn_normer=[None,jypz],lnbnn_norm_thresh=0 --show # Big Train python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best:K=1 --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf train_featscore_normalizer --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:has_none=photobomb -t best:K=1 --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show --ainfo python -m ibeis --tf train_featscore_normalizer --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:has_none=photobomb -t best:K=1 --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf train_featscore_normalizer --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:has_none=photobomb -t best:K=3 --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> encoder = train_featscore_normalizer() >>> encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr()) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import ibeis # TODO: training / loading / general external models qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_( defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default'], p=['default']) datakw = NormFeatScoreConfig.from_argv_dict() #datakw = dict( # disttype=None, # namemode=ut.get_argval('--namemode', default=True), # fsvx=ut.get_argval('--fsvx', type_='fuzzy_subset', # default=slice(None, None, None)), # threshx=ut.get_argval('--threshx', type_=int, default=None), # thresh=ut.get_argval('--thresh', type_=float, default=.9), #) encoder = learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw=datakw) return encoder
[docs]def learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw={}, learnkw={}): r""" Takes the result of queries and trains a score encoder Args: qreq_ (ibeis.QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters Returns: vtool.ScoreNormalizer: encoder CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show -t default: python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show -a default:size=40 -t default:fg_on=False,lnbnn_on=False,ratio_thresh=1.0,K=1,Knorm=6,sv_on=False,normalizer_rule=name --fsvx=0 --threshx=1 --show python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=ratio python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=lnbnn python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -t default:K=1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=ratio -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=lnbnn -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 # LOOK AT THIS python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 #python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=parzen -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 #python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=norm_parzen -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=lnbnn --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl -t best Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> learnkw = {} >>> datakw = NormFeatScoreConfig.from_argv_dict() >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_( >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default'], p=['default']) >>> encoder = learn_featscore_normalizer(qreq_, datakw, learnkw) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> encoder.visualize(figtitle=encoder.get_cfgstr()) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ cm_list = qreq_.execute() print('learning scorenorm') print('datakw = %s' % ut.repr3(datakw)) tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg = get_training_featscores( qreq_, cm_list, **datakw) _learnkw = dict(monotonize=True, adjust=2) _learnkw.update(learnkw) encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(**_learnkw) encoder.fit_partitioned(tp_scores, tn_scores, verbose=False) # ut.hashstr27(qreq_.get_cfgstr()) # Maintain regen command info: TODO: generalize and integrate encoder._regen_info = { 'cmd': 'python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer', 'scorecfg': scorecfg, 'learnkw': learnkw, 'datakw': datakw, 'qaids': qreq_.qaids, 'daids': qreq_.daids, 'qreq_cfg': qreq_.get_full_cfgstr(), 'qreq_regen_info': getattr(qreq_, '_regen_info', {}), } # 'timestamp': ut.get_printable_timestamp(), scorecfg_safe = scorecfg scorecfg_safe = re.sub('[' + re.escape('()= ') + ']', '', scorecfg_safe) scorecfg_safe = re.sub('[' + re.escape('+*<>[]') + ']', '_', scorecfg_safe) hashid = ut.hashstr27(ut.to_json(encoder._regen_info)) naidinfo = ('q%s_d%s' % (len(qreq_.qaids), len(qreq_.daids))) cfgstr = 'featscore_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(scorecfg_safe, qreq_.ibs.get_dbname(), naidinfo, hashid) encoder.cfgstr = cfgstr return encoder
[docs]def get_training_annotscores(qreq_, cm_list): """ Returns the annotation scores between each query and the correct groundtruth annotations as well as the top scoring false annotations. """ good_tp_nscores = [] good_tn_nscores = [] good_tp_aidnid_pairs = [] good_tn_aidnid_pairs = [] ibs = qreq_.ibs trainable = [ibs.get_annot_has_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=cm.daid_list) for cm in cm_list] cm_list_ = ut.compress(cm_list, trainable) for cm in cm_list_: qaid = cm.qaid qnid = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.qaid) nscoretup = cm.get_ranked_nids_and_aids() (sorted_nids, sorted_nscores, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscoretup sorted_ndiff = -np.diff(sorted_nscores.tolist()) sorted_nids = np.array(sorted_nids) is_positive = sorted_nids == qnid is_negative = np.logical_and(~is_positive, sorted_nids > 0) # Only take data from results with positive and negative examples if not np.any(is_positive) or not np.any(is_negative): continue gt_rank = np.nonzero(is_positive)[0][0] gf_rank = np.nonzero(is_negative)[0][0] # Only take correct groundtruth scores if gt_rank == 0 and len(sorted_nscores) > gf_rank: if len(sorted_ndiff) > gf_rank: good_tp_nscores.append(sorted_nscores[gt_rank]) good_tn_nscores.append(sorted_nscores[gf_rank]) good_tp_aidnid_pairs.append((qaid, sorted_nids[gt_rank])) good_tn_aidnid_pairs.append((qaid, sorted_nids[gf_rank])) tp_scores = np.array(good_tp_nscores) tn_scores = np.array(good_tn_nscores) return tp_scores, tn_scores, good_tn_aidnid_pairs, good_tp_aidnid_pairs
[docs]def get_training_featscores(qreq_, cm_list, disttype=None, namemode=True, fsvx=slice(None, None, None), threshx=None, thresh=.9, num=None, top_percent=None): """ Returns the flattened set of feature scores between each query and the correct groundtruth annotations as well as the top scoring false annotations. Args: qreq_ (ibeis.QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters cm_list (list): disttype (None): (default = None) namemode (bool): (default = True) fsvx (slice): (default = slice(None, None, None)) threshx (None): (default = None) thresh (float): only used if threshx is specified (default = 0.9) SeeAlso: TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep Returns: tuple: (tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_featscores Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cm_list, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cmlist(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default:qsize=10']) >>> disttype = None >>> namemode = True >>> fsvx = None >>> threshx = 1 >>> thresh = 0.5 >>> (tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg) = get_training_featscores( >>> qreq_, cm_list, disttype, namemode, fsvx, threshx, thresh) >>> result = scorecfg >>> print(result) (lnbnn*fg)[fg > 0.5] lnbnn*fg[fg > 0.5] """ if fsvx is None: fsvx = slice(None, None, None) fsv_col_lbls = None tp_fsvs_list = [] tn_fsvs_list = [] #cm_list = [ cm_list[key] for key in sorted(cm_list.keys()) ] # Train on only positive examples trainable = [ qreq_.ibs.get_annot_has_groundtruth(cm.qaid, daid_list=cm.daid_list) and cm.get_top_nids()[0] == cm.qnid for cm in cm_list ] cm_list_ = ut.compress(cm_list, trainable) print('training using %d chipmatches' % (len(cm_list))) if disttype is None: fsv_col_lbls = cm.fsv_col_lbls train_getter = get_training_fsv else: fsv_col_lbls = ut.ensure_iterable(disttype) # annots = {} # Hack for cached vector lookups ibs = qreq_.ibs data_annots = ut.KeyedDefaultDict(ibs.get_annot_lazy_dict, config2_=qreq_.data_config2_) query_annots = ut.KeyedDefaultDict(ibs.get_annot_lazy_dict, config2_=qreq_.query_config2_) train_getter = partial(get_training_desc_dist, fsv_col_lbls=fsv_col_lbls, qreq_=qreq_, data_annots=data_annots, query_annots=query_annots) for cm in ut.ProgIter(cm_list_, lbl='building train featscores', adjust=True, freq=1): try: tp_fsv, tn_fsv = train_getter( cm, namemode=namemode, top_percent=top_percent) tp_fsvs_list.extend(tp_fsv) tn_fsvs_list.extend(tn_fsv) except UnbalancedExampleException: continue fsv_tp = np.vstack(tp_fsvs_list) fsv_tn = np.vstack(tn_fsvs_list) fsv_col_lbls_ = ut.take(fsv_col_lbls, fsvx) fsv_tp_ = fsv_tp.T[fsvx].T fsv_tn_ = fsv_tn.T[fsvx].T if threshx is not None: tp_scores = fsv_tp_[fsv_tp.T[threshx] > thresh].prod(axis=1) tn_scores = fsv_tn_[fsv_tn.T[threshx] > thresh].prod(axis=1) threshpart = ('[' + fsv_col_lbls[threshx] + ' > ' + str(thresh) + ']') scorecfg = '(%s)%s' % ('*'.join(fsv_col_lbls_), threshpart) else: tp_scores = tn_scores = scorecfg = '*'.join(fsv_col_lbls_) return tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg
[docs]class UnbalancedExampleException(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_topannot_training_idxs(cm, num=2): """ top annots version Args: cm (ibeis.ChipMatch): object of feature correspondences and scores num (int): number of top annots per TP/TN (default = 2) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_topannot_training_idxs --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> num = 2 >>> cm.score_csum(qreq_) >>> (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = get_topannot_training_idxs(cm, num) >>> result = ('(tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = %s' % (ut.repr2((tp_idxs, tn_idxs), nl=1),)) >>> print(result) (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = ( np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.int64), np.array([3, 4], dtype=np.int64), ) """ if num is None: num = 2 sortx = cm.argsort() sorted_nids = cm.dnid_list.take(sortx, axis=0) mask = sorted_nids == cm.qnid tp_idxs_ = np.where(mask)[0] if len(tp_idxs_) == 0: #if ut.STRICT: # raise Exception('tp_idxs_=0') #else: raise UnbalancedExampleException('tp_idxs_=0') tn_idxs_ = np.where(~mask)[0] if len(tn_idxs_) == 0: #if ut.STRICT: # raise Exception('tn_idxs_=0') #else: raise UnbalancedExampleException('tn_idxs_=0') tp_idxs = tp_idxs_[0:num] tn_idxs = tn_idxs_[0:num] return tp_idxs, tn_idxs
[docs]def get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num=5): """ gets the index of the annots in the top groundtrue name and the top groundfalse names. Args: cm (ibeis.ChipMatch): object of feature correspondences and scores num(int): number of false names (default = 5) Returns: tuple: (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) cm.daid_list[tp_idxs] are all of the annotations in the correct name. cm.daid_list[tn_idxs] are all of the annotations in the top `num_false` incorrect names. CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf get_topname_training_idxs --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm('PZ_MTEST', a='default:dindex=0:10,qindex=0:1', t='best') >>> num = 1 >>> (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num) >>> result = ('(tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = %s' % (ut.repr2((tp_idxs, tn_idxs), nl=1),)) >>> print(result) (tp_idxs, tn_idxs) = ( np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype=np.int64), [3, 4, 5, 6], ) """ if num is None: num = 5 sortx = cm.name_argsort() sorted_nids = vt.take2(cm.unique_nids, sortx) sorted_groupxs = ut.take(cm.name_groupxs, sortx) # name ranks of the groundtrue name tp_ranks = np.where(sorted_nids == cm.qnid)[0] if len(tp_ranks) == 0: #if ut.STRICT: # raise Exception('tp_ranks=0') #else: raise UnbalancedExampleException('tp_ranks=0') # name ranks of the top groundfalse names tp_rank = tp_ranks[0] tn_ranks = [rank for rank in range(num + 1) if rank != tp_rank and rank < len(sorted_groupxs)] if len(tn_ranks) == 0: #if ut.STRICT: # raise Exception('tn_ranks=0') #else: raise UnbalancedExampleException('tn_ranks=0') # annot idxs of the examples tp_idxs = sorted_groupxs[tp_rank] tn_idxs = ut.flatten(ut.take(sorted_groupxs, tn_ranks)) return tp_idxs, tn_idxs
[docs]def get_training_fsv(cm, namemode=True, num=None, top_percent=None): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_fsv --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> num = None >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm('PZ_MTEST', a='default:dindex=0:10,qindex=0:1', t='best') >>> (tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = get_training_fsv(cm, namemode=False) >>> result = ('(tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = %s' % (ut.repr2((tp_fsv, tn_fsv), nl=1),)) >>> print(result) """ if namemode: tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num=num) else: tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topannot_training_idxs(cm, num=num) # Keep only the top scoring half of the feature matches # top_percent = None if top_percent is not None: cm_orig = cm #cm_orig.assert_self(qreq_) tophalf_indicies = [ ut.take_percentile(fs.argsort()[::-1], top_percent) for fs in cm.get_fsv_prod_list() ] cm = cm_orig.take_feature_matches(tophalf_indicies, keepscores=True) assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tp_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tp_idxs)) assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tn_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tn_idxs)) #cm.assert_self(qreq_) tp_fsv = np.vstack(ut.take(cm.fsv_list, tp_idxs)) tn_fsv = np.vstack(ut.take(cm.fsv_list, tn_idxs)) return tp_fsv, tn_fsv
[docs]def get_training_desc_dist(cm, qreq_, fsv_col_lbls=[], namemode=True, top_percent=None, data_annots=None, query_annots=None, num=None): r""" computes custom distances on prematched descriptors SeeAlso: python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=ratio python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 --save pzmaster_normdist.png python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_MTEST --save pzmtest_normdist.png python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db GZ_ALL python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis --tf learn_featscore_normalizer --show --disttype=L2_sift -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf compare_featscores --show --disttype=L2_sift,normdist -a timectrl -t default:K=1 --db GZ_ALL CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_desc_dist python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --exec-get_training_desc_dist:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> fsv_col_lbls = ['ratio', 'lnbnn', 'L2_sift'] >>> namemode = False >>> (tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = get_training_desc_dist(cm, qreq_, fsv_col_lbls, >>> namemode=namemode) >>> result = ut.repr2((tp_fsv.T, tn_fsv.T), nl=1) >>> print(result) Example1: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> cm, qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_cm(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> fsv_col_lbls = cm.fsv_col_lbls >>> num = None >>> namemode = False >>> top_percent = None >>> data_annots = None >>> (tp_fsv1, tn_fsv1) = get_training_fsv(cm, namemode=namemode, >>> top_percent=top_percent) >>> (tp_fsv, tn_fsv) = get_training_desc_dist(cm, qreq_, fsv_col_lbls, >>> namemode=namemode, >>> top_percent=top_percent) >>> vt.asserteq(tp_fsv1, tp_fsv) >>> vt.asserteq(tn_fsv1, tn_fsv) """ if namemode: tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topname_training_idxs(cm, num=num) else: tp_idxs, tn_idxs = get_topannot_training_idxs(cm, num=num) if top_percent is not None: cm_orig = cm cm_orig.assert_self(qreq_, verbose=False) # Keep only the top scoring half of the feature matches tophalf_indicies = [ ut.take_percentile(fs.argsort()[::-1], top_percent) for fs in cm.get_fsv_prod_list() ] cm = cm_orig.take_feature_matches(tophalf_indicies, keepscores=True) assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tp_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tp_idxs)) assert np.all(cm_orig.daid_list.take(tn_idxs) == cm.daid_list.take(tn_idxs)) cm.assert_self(qreq_, verbose=False) ibs = qreq_.ibs query_config2_ = qreq_.extern_query_config2 data_config2_ = qreq_.extern_data_config2 special_xs, dist_xs = vt.index_partition(fsv_col_lbls, ['fg', 'ratio', 'lnbnn', 'normdist']) dist_lbls = ut.take(fsv_col_lbls, dist_xs) special_lbls = ut.take(fsv_col_lbls, special_xs) qaid = cm.qaid # cm.assert_self(qreq_=qreq_) fsv_list = [] for idxs in [tp_idxs, tn_idxs]: daid_list = cm.daid_list.take(idxs) # Matching indices in query / databas images qfxs_list = ut.take(cm.qfxs_list, idxs) dfxs_list = ut.take(cm.dfxs_list, idxs) need_norm = len(ut.setintersect_ordered(['ratio', 'lnbnn', 'normdist'], special_lbls)) > 0 #need_norm |= 'parzen' in special_lbls #need_norm |= 'norm_parzen' in special_lbls need_dists = len(dist_xs) > 0 if need_dists or need_norm: qaid_list = [qaid] * len(qfxs_list) qvecs_flat_m = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs_subset(qaid_list, qfxs_list, config2_=query_config2_)) dvecs_flat_m = np.vstack(ibs.get_annot_vecs_subset(daid_list, dfxs_list, config2_=data_config2_)) if need_norm: assert any(x is not None for x in cm.filtnorm_aids), 'no normalizer known' naids_list = ut.take(cm.naids_list, idxs) nfxs_list = ut.take(cm.nfxs_list, idxs) nvecs_flat = ibs.lookup_annot_vecs_subset(naids_list, nfxs_list, config2_=data_config2_, annots=data_annots) #import utool #with utool.embed_on_exception_context: #nvecs_flat_m = np.vstack(ut.compress(nvecs_flat, nvecs_flat)) _nvecs_flat_m = ut.compress(nvecs_flat, nvecs_flat) nvecs_flat_m = vt.safe_vstack(_nvecs_flat_m, qvecs_flat_m.shape, qvecs_flat_m.dtype) vdist = vt.L2_sift(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m) ndist = vt.L2_sift(qvecs_flat_m, nvecs_flat_m) #assert np.all(vdist <= ndist) #import utool #utool.embed() #vdist = vt.L2_sift_sqrd(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m) #ndist = vt.L2_sift_sqrd(qvecs_flat_m, nvecs_flat_m) #vdist = vt.L2_root_sift(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m) #ndist = vt.L2_root_sift(qvecs_flat_m, nvecs_flat_m) #x = cm.fsv_list[0][0:5].T[0] #y = (ndist - vdist)[0:5] if len(special_xs) > 0: special_dist_list = [] # assert special_lbls[0] == 'fg' if 'fg' in special_lbls: # hack for fgweights (could get them directly from fsv) qfgweights_flat_m = np.hstack(ibs.get_annot_fgweights_subset([qaid] * len(qfxs_list), qfxs_list, config2_=query_config2_)) dfgweights_flat_m = np.hstack(ibs.get_annot_fgweights_subset(daid_list, dfxs_list, config2_=data_config2_)) fgweights = np.sqrt(qfgweights_flat_m * dfgweights_flat_m) special_dist_list.append(fgweights) if 'ratio' in special_lbls: # Integrating ratio test ratio_dist = (vdist / ndist) special_dist_list.append(ratio_dist) if 'lnbnn' in special_lbls: lnbnn_dist = ndist - vdist special_dist_list.append(lnbnn_dist) #if 'parzen' in special_lbls: # parzen = vt.gauss_parzen_est(vdist, sigma=.38) # special_dist_list.append(parzen) #if 'norm_parzen' in special_lbls: # parzen = vt.gauss_parzen_est(ndist, sigma=.38) # special_dist_list.append(parzen) if 'normdist' in special_lbls: special_dist_list.append(ndist) special_dists = np.vstack(special_dist_list).T else: special_dists = np.empty((0, 0)) if len(dist_xs) > 0: # Get descriptors # Compute descriptor distnaces _dists = vt.compute_distances(qvecs_flat_m, dvecs_flat_m, dist_lbls) dists = np.vstack(_dists.values()).T else: dists = np.empty((0, 0)) fsv = vt.rebuild_partition(special_dists.T, dists.T, special_xs, dist_xs) fsv = np.array(fsv).T fsv_list.append(fsv) tp_fsv, tn_fsv = fsv_list return tp_fsv, tn_fsv
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()