Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.scoring

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
optional symetric and asymmetric search

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six  # NOQA
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
import utool as ut
from vtool import coverage_kpts
from vtool import coverage_grid
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
#from ibeis.algo.hots import name_scoring
from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer
from ibeis.algo.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh  # NOQA
import scipy.stats.mstats as spmstat
from six.moves import zip, range, map  # NOQA
#profile = ut.profile
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[scoring]', DEBUG=False)

[docs]def score_chipmatch_list(qreq_, cm_list, score_method, progkw=None): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-score_chipmatch_list python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-score_chipmatch_list:1 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-score_chipmatch_list:0 --show Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_pre_sver() >>> score_method = qreq_.qparams.prescore_method >>> score_chipmatch_list(qreq_, cm_list, score_method) >>> cm = cm_list[0] >>> assert cm.score_list.argmax() == 0 >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> cm.show_single_annotmatch(qreq_) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Example1: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver() >>> qaid = qreq_.get_external_qaids()[0] >>> cm = cm_list[0] >>> score_method = qreq_.qparams.score_method >>> score_chipmatch_list(qreq_, cm_list, score_method) >>> assert cm.score_list.argmax() == 0 >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> cm.show_single_annotmatch(qreq_) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if progkw is None: progkw = dict(freq=1, time_thresh=30.0, adjust=True) lbl = 'scoring %s' % (score_method) # Choose the appropriate scoring mechanism print('[scoring] score %d chipmatches with %s' % (len(cm_list), score_method,)) if score_method == 'csum': for cm in ut.ProgressIter(cm_list, lbl=lbl, **progkw): cm.score_maxcsum(qreq_) elif score_method == 'nsum': for cm in ut.ProgressIter(cm_list, lbl=lbl, **progkw): cm.score_nsum(qreq_) else: raise NotImplementedError('[hs] unknown scoring method:' + score_method)
[docs]def compute_csum_score(cm, qreq_=None): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-compute_csum_score Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_pre_sver('testdb1', qaid_list=[1]) >>> cm = cm_list[0] >>> cm.evaluate_dnids(qreq_.ibs) >>> cm.qnid = 1 # Hack for testdb1 names >>> gt_flags = cm.get_groundtruth_flags() >>> annot_score_list = compute_csum_score(cm) >>> assert annot_score_list[gt_flags].max() > annot_score_list[~gt_flags].max() >>> assert annot_score_list[gt_flags].max() > 10.0 """ fs_list = cm.get_fsv_prod_list() csum_score_list = np.array([np.sum(fs) for fs in fs_list]) return csum_score_list
[docs]def get_name_shortlist_aids(daid_list, dnid_list, annot_score_list, name_score_list, nid2_nidx, nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_name_shortlist_aids Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> daid_list = np.array([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]) >>> dnid_list = np.array([21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 24]) >>> annot_score_list = np.array([ 6, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 2]) >>> name_score_list = np.array([ 8, 9, 5, 4]) >>> nid2_nidx = {21:0, 22:1, 23:2, 24:3} >>> nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName = 3, 2 >>> # execute function >>> args = (daid_list, dnid_list, annot_score_list, name_score_list, ... nid2_nidx, nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName) >>> top_daids = get_name_shortlist_aids(*args) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(top_daids) >>> print(result) [15, 14, 11, 13, 16] """ unique_nids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(np.array(dnid_list)) grouped_annot_scores = vt.apply_grouping(annot_score_list, groupxs) grouped_daids = vt.apply_grouping(np.array(daid_list), groupxs) # Ensure name score list is aligned with the unique_nids aligned_name_score_list = name_score_list.take(ut.dict_take(nid2_nidx, unique_nids)) # Sort each group by the name score group_sortx = aligned_name_score_list.argsort()[::-1] _top_daid_groups = ut.take(grouped_daids, group_sortx) _top_annot_score_groups = ut.take(grouped_annot_scores, group_sortx) top_daid_groups = ut.listclip(_top_daid_groups, nNameShortList) top_annot_score_groups = ut.listclip(_top_annot_score_groups, nNameShortList) # Sort within each group by the annotation score top_daid_sortx_groups = [annot_score_group.argsort()[::-1] for annot_score_group in top_annot_score_groups] top_sorted_daid_groups = vt.ziptake(top_daid_groups, top_daid_sortx_groups) top_clipped_daids = [ut.listclip(sorted_daid_group, nAnnotPerName) for sorted_daid_group in top_sorted_daid_groups] top_daids = ut.flatten(top_clipped_daids) return top_daids
[docs]def make_chipmatch_shortlists(qreq_, cm_list, nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName, score_method='nsum'): """ Makes shortlists for reranking CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-make_chipmatch_shortlists --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_pre_sver('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18]) >>> score_method = 'nsum' >>> nNameShortList = 5 >>> nAnnotPerName = 6 >>> # apply scores >>> score_chipmatch_list(qreq_, cm_list, score_method) >>> cm_input = cm_list[0] >>> #assert cm_input.dnid_list.take(cm_input.argsort())[0] == cm_input.qnid >>> # execute function >>> cm_shortlist = make_chipmatch_shortlists(qreq_, cm_list, nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName) >>> cm_input.print_rawinfostr() >>> cm = cm_shortlist[0] >>> cm.print_rawinfostr() >>> # should be sorted already from the shortlist take >>> top_nid_list = cm.dnid_list >>> top_aid_list = cm.daid_list >>> qnid = cm.qnid >>> print('top_aid_list = %r' % (top_aid_list,)) >>> print('top_nid_list = %r' % (top_nid_list,)) >>> print('qnid = %r' % (qnid,)) >>> rankx = top_nid_list.tolist().index(qnid) >>> assert rankx == 0, 'qnid=%r should be first rank, not rankx=%r' % (qnid, rankx) >>> max_num_rerank = nNameShortList * nAnnotPerName >>> min_num_rerank = nNameShortList >>> ut.assert_inbounds(len(top_nid_list), min_num_rerank, max_num_rerank, 'incorrect number in shortlist', eq=True) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> cm.show_single_annotmatch(qreq_, daid=top_aid_list[0]) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ print('[scoring] Making shortlist nNameShortList=%r, nAnnotPerName=%r' % (nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName)) cm_shortlist = [] for cm in cm_list: assert cm.score_list is not None, 'score list must be computed' assert cm.annot_score_list is not None, 'annot_score_list must be computed' #nscore_tup = name_scoring.group_scores_by_name(qreq_.ibs, cm.daid_list, cm.score_list) #(sorted_nids, sorted_nscore, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscore_tup # Clip number of names #_top_aids_list = ut.listclip(sorted_aids, nNameShortList) # Clip number of annots per name #_top_clipped_aids_list = [ut.listclip(aids, nAnnotPerName) for aids in _top_aids_list] #top_aids = ut.flatten(_top_clipped_aids_list) if score_method == 'nsum': top_aids = cm.get_name_shortlist_aids(nNameShortList, nAnnotPerName) elif score_method == 'csum': top_aids = cm.get_chip_shortlist_aids(nNameShortList * nAnnotPerName) else: raise AssertionError(score_method) cm_subset = cm.shortlist_subset(top_aids) cm_shortlist.append(cm_subset) return cm_shortlist #### FEATURE WEIGHTS #### # TODO: qreq_
[docs]def sift_selectivity_score(vecs1_m, vecs2_m, cos_power=3.0, dtype=np.float): """ applies selectivity score from SMK paper Take componentwise dot produt and divide by 512**2 because of the sift descriptor uint8 trick """ # Compute dot product (cosine of angle between sift descriptors) cosangle = vt.componentwise_dot(vecs1_m.astype(dtype), vecs2_m.astype(dtype)) # Adjust for uint8 trick cosangle /= hstypes.PSEUDO_UINT8_MAX_SQRD # apply selectivity functiodictin selectivity_score = np.power(cosangle, cos_power) # If cosine can be less than 0 replace previous line with next line # or just write an rvec_selectivity_score function #selectivity_score = np.multiply(np.sign(cosangle), np.power(cosangle, cos_power)) return selectivity_score
[docs]def get_kpts_distinctiveness(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, config={}): """ per-species disinctivness wrapper around ibeis cached function """ dcvs_kw = distinctiveness_normalizer.DCVS_DEFAULT.updated_cfgdict(config) dstncvs_list = ibs.get_annot_kpts_distinctiveness(aid_list, config2_=config2_, **dcvs_kw) return dstncvs_list
[docs]def get_annot_kpts_baseline_weights(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, config={}): r""" Returns weights based on distinctiveness and/or features score / or ones. Customized based on config. Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters aid_list (int): list of annotation ids config (dict): Returns: list: weights_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_annot_kpts_baseline_weights Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> qreq_, cm = plh.testdata_scoring('testdb1') >>> aid_list = cm.daid_list >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> # execute function >>> config2_ = qreq_.qparams >>> kpts_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid_list, config2_=config2_) >>> weights_list = get_annot_kpts_baseline_weights(qreq_.ibs, aid_list, config2_, config) >>> # verify results >>> depth1 = ut.get_list_column(ut.depth_profile(kpts_list), 0) >>> depth2 = ut.depth_profile(weights_list) >>> assert depth1 == depth2 >>> print(depth1) >>> result = str(depth2) >>> print(result) """ # TODO: clip the fgweights? (dilation?) # TODO; normalize and paramatarize and clean dcvs_on = config.get('dcvs_on') fg_on = config.get('fg_on') weight_lists = [] if dcvs_on: qdstncvs_list = get_kpts_distinctiveness(ibs, aid_list, config2_, config) weight_lists.append(qdstncvs_list) if fg_on: qfgweight_list = ibs.get_annot_fgweights(aid_list, ensure=True, config2_=config2_) weight_lists.append(qfgweight_list) if len(weight_lists) == 0: baseline_weights_list = [np.ones(num, np.float) for num in ibs.get_annot_num_feats(aid_list, config2_=config2_)] #baseline_weights_list = [None] * len(aid_list) else: # geometric mean of the selected weights baseline_weights_list = [spmstat.gmean(weight_tup) for weight_tup in zip(*weight_lists)] return baseline_weights_list
[docs]def get_mask_func(config): maskscore_mode = config.get('maskscore_mode', 'grid') #print(maskscore_mode) FUNC_ARGS_DICT = { 'grid': (coverage_grid.make_grid_coverage_mask, coverage_grid.COVGRID_DEFAULT), 'kpts': (coverage_kpts.make_kpts_coverage_mask, coverage_kpts.COVKPTS_DEFAULT), } make_mask_func, func_defaults = FUNC_ARGS_DICT[maskscore_mode] cov_cfg = func_defaults.updated_cfgdict(config) # Hack to make kwargs happy #cov_cfg = ut.filter_valid_kwargs(make_mask_func, config) return make_mask_func, cov_cfg #### MASK COVERAGE SCORING ####
[docs]def compute_annot_coverage_score(qreq_, cm, config={}): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-compute_annot_coverage_score:0 Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> qreq_, cm = plh.testdata_scoring() >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> daid_list, score_list = compute_annot_coverage_score(qreq_, cm, config) >>> ut.assert_inbounds(np.array(score_list), 0, 1, eq=True) >>> result = ut.list_str(score_list, precision=3) >>> print(result) """ make_mask_func, cov_cfg = get_mask_func(config) masks_iter = general_annot_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg) daid_list, score_list = score_masks(masks_iter) return daid_list, score_list
[docs]def compute_name_coverage_score(qreq_, cm, config={}): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-compute_name_coverage_score:0 Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> qreq_, cm = plh.testdata_scoring() >>> cm.evaluate_dnids(qreq_.ibs) >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> dnid_list, score_list = compute_name_coverage_score(qreq_, cm, config) >>> ut.assert_inbounds(np.array(score_list), 0, 1, eq=True) >>> result = ut.list_str(score_list, precision=3) >>> print(result) """ make_mask_func, cov_cfg = get_mask_func(config) masks_iter = general_name_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg) dnid_list, score_list = score_masks(masks_iter) return dnid_list, score_list
[docs]def score_masks(masks_iter): id_score_list = [(id_, score_matching_mask(weight_mask_m, weight_mask)) for id_, weight_mask_m, weight_mask in masks_iter] id_list = np.array(ut.get_list_column(id_score_list, 0)) coverage_score = np.array(ut.get_list_column(id_score_list, 1)) return id_list, coverage_score
[docs]def score_matching_mask(weight_mask_m, weight_mask): coverage_score = weight_mask_m.sum() / weight_mask.sum() return coverage_score
[docs]def general_annot_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg): """ Yeilds: daid, weight_mask_m, weight_mask CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-general_annot_coverage_mask_generator --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-general_annot_coverage_mask_generator --show --qaid 18 Note: Evaluate output one at a time or it will get clobbered Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> qreq_, cm = plh.testdata_scoring('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18]) >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> make_mask_func, cov_cfg = get_mask_func(config) >>> masks_iter = general_annot_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg) >>> daid_list, score_list, masks_list = evaluate_masks_iter(masks_iter) >>> #assert daid_list[idx] == >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> idx = score_list.argmax() >>> daids = [daid_list[idx]] >>> daid, weight_mask_m, weight_mask = masks_list[idx] >>> show_single_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, weight_mask_m, weight_mask, daids) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[acov] make_mask_func = %r' % (make_mask_func,)) print('[acov] cov_cfg = %s' % (ut.dict_str(cov_cfg),)) return general_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm.qaid, cm.daid_list, cm.fm_list, cm.fs_list, config, cov_cfg)
[docs]def general_name_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg): """ Yeilds: nid, weight_mask_m, weight_mask CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-general_name_coverage_mask_generator --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-general_name_coverage_mask_generator --show --qaid 18 Note: Evaluate output one at a time or it will get clobbered Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> qreq_, cm = plh.testdata_scoring('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18]) >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> make_mask_func, cov_cfg = get_mask_func(config) >>> masks_iter = general_name_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg) >>> dnid_list, score_list, masks_list = evaluate_masks_iter(masks_iter) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> nidx = np.where(dnid_list == cm.qnid)[0][0] >>> daids = cm.get_groundtruth_daids() >>> dnid, weight_mask_m, weight_mask = masks_list[nidx] >>> show_single_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, weight_mask_m, weight_mask, daids) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[ncov] make_mask_func = %r' % (make_mask_func,)) print('[ncov] cov_cfg = %s' % (ut.dict_str(cov_cfg),)) assert cm.dnid_list is not None, 'eval nids' unique_dnids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(cm.dnid_list) fm_groups = vt.apply_grouping_(cm.fm_list, groupxs) fs_groups = vt.apply_grouping_(cm.fs_list, groupxs) fs_name_list = [np.hstack(fs_group) for fs_group in fs_groups] fm_name_list = [np.vstack(fm_group) for fm_group in fm_groups] return general_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm.qaid, unique_dnids, fm_name_list, fs_name_list, config, cov_cfg)
[docs]def general_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, qaid, id_list, fm_list, fs_list, config, cov_cfg): """ agnostic to whether or not the id/fm/fs lists are name or annotation groups """ if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[acov] make_mask_func = %r' % (make_mask_func,)) print('[acov] cov_cfg = %s' % (ut.dict_str(cov_cfg),)) # Distinctivness and foreground weight qweights = get_annot_kpts_baseline_weights(qreq_.ibs, [qaid], config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2(), config=config)[0] # Denominator weight mask chipsize = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_chip_sizes(qaid, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) qkpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(qaid, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) weight_mask = make_mask_func(qkpts, chipsize, qweights, resize=False, **cov_cfg) # Prealloc data for loop weight_mask_m = weight_mask.copy() # Apply weighted scoring to matches for daid, fm, fs in zip(id_list, fm_list, fs_list): # CAREFUL weight_mask_m is overriden on every iteration weight_mask_m = compute_general_matching_coverage_mask( make_mask_func, chipsize, fm, fs, qkpts, qweights, cov_cfg, out=weight_mask_m) yield daid, weight_mask_m, weight_mask
[docs]def compute_general_matching_coverage_mask(make_mask_func, chipsize, fm, fs, qkpts, qweights, cov_cfg, out=None): # Get matching query keypoints #SYMMETRIC = False #if SYMMETRIC: # get_annot_kpts_baseline_weights() qkpts_m = qkpts.take(fm.T[0], axis=0) weights_m = fs * qweights.take(fm.T[0], axis=0) # hacky buisness #weights_m = qweights.take(fm.T[0], axis=0) #weights_m = fs weight_mask_m = make_mask_func(qkpts_m, chipsize, weights_m, out=out, resize=False, **cov_cfg) return weight_mask_m
[docs]def get_masks(qreq_, cm, config={}): r""" testing function CommandLine: # SHOW THE BASELINE AND MATCHING MASKS python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks \ --maskscore_mode=kpts --show --prior_coeff=.5 --unconstrained_coeff=.3 --constrained_coeff=.2 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks \ --maskscore_mode=grid --show --prior_coeff=.5 --unconstrained_coeff=0 --constrained_coeff=.5 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks --qaid 4\ --maskscore_mode=grid --show --prior_coeff=.5 --unconstrained_coeff=0 --constrained_coeff=.5 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks --qaid 86\ --maskscore_mode=grid --show --prior_coeff=.5 --unconstrained_coeff=0 --constrained_coeff=.5 --grid_scale_factor=.5 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks --show --db PZ_MTEST --qaid 18 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-get_masks --show --db PZ_MTEST --qaid 1 Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # (IMPORTANT) >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> qreq_, cm = plh.testdata_scoring('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18]) >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> # execute function >>> id_list, score_list, masks_list = get_masks(qreq_, cm, config) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> show_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, masks_list, index=score_list.argmax()) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ make_mask_func, cov_cfg = get_mask_func(config) masks_iter = general_annot_coverage_mask_generator(make_mask_func, qreq_, cm, config, cov_cfg) # copy weight mask as it comes back if you want to see them id_list, score_list, masks_list = evaluate_masks_iter(masks_iter) return id_list, score_list, masks_list
[docs]def evaluate_masks_iter(masks_iter): """ save evaluation of a masks iter """ masks_list = [(id_, weight_mask_m.copy(), weight_mask) for id_, weight_mask_m, weight_mask in masks_iter] id_list, score_list = score_masks(masks_list) return id_list, score_list, masks_list
[docs]def show_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, masks_list, index=0, fnum=None): daid, weight_mask_m, weight_mask = masks_list[index] daids = [daid] show_single_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, weight_mask_m, weight_mask, daids, fnum=None)
[docs]def show_single_coverage_mask(qreq_, cm, weight_mask_m, weight_mask, daids, fnum=None): import plottool as pt from ibeis import viz fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) idx_list = ut.dict_take(cm.daid2_idx, daids) nPlots = len(idx_list) + 1 nRows, nCols = pt.get_square_row_cols(nPlots) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows, nCols) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) # Draw coverage masks with bbox # <FlipHack> #weight_mask_m = np.fliplr(np.flipud(weight_mask_m)) #weight_mask = np.fliplr(np.flipud(weight_mask)) # </FlipHack> stacked_weights, offset_tup, sf_tup = vt.stack_images(weight_mask_m, weight_mask, return_sf=True) (woff, hoff) = offset_tup[1] wh1 = weight_mask_m.shape[0:2][::-1] wh2 = weight_mask.shape[0:2][::-1] pt.imshow(255 * (stacked_weights), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(0), title='(query image) What did match vs what should match') pt.draw_bbox(( 0, 0) + wh1, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1)) pt.draw_bbox((woff, hoff) + wh2, bbox_color=(0, 0, 1)) # Get contributing matches qaid = cm.qaid daid_list = daids fm_list = ut.take(cm.fm_list, idx_list) fs_list = ut.take(cm.fs_list, idx_list) # Draw matches for px, (daid, fm, fs) in enumerate(zip(daid_list, fm_list, fs_list), start=1): viz.viz_matches.show_matches2(qreq_.ibs, qaid, daid, fm, fs, draw_pts=False, draw_lines=True, draw_ell=False, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(px), darken=.5) coverage_score = score_matching_mask(weight_mask_m, weight_mask) pt.set_figtitle('score=%.4f' % (coverage_score,))
[docs]def show_annot_weights(qreq_, aid, config={}): r""" DEMO FUNC CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-show_annot_weights --show --db GZ_ALL --aid 1 --maskscore_mode='grid' python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-show_annot_weights --show --db GZ_ALL --aid 1 --maskscore_mode='kpts' python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-show_annot_weights --show --db PZ_Master0 --aid 1 python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --test-show_annot_weights --show --db PZ_MTEST --aid 1 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.scoring import * # NOQA >>> import plottool as pt >>> import ibeis >>> qreq_ = ibeis.testdata_qreq_() >>> ibs = qreq_.ibs >>> aid = qreq_.get_external_qaids()[0] >>> config = qreq_.qparams >>> show_annot_weights(qreq_, aid, config) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ #import plottool as pt fnum = 1 chipsize = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_chip_sizes(aid, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) chip = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_chips(aid, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) qkpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid, config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2()) weights = get_annot_kpts_baseline_weights(qreq_.ibs, [aid], config2_=qreq_.get_external_query_config2(), config=config)[0] make_mask_func, cov_cfg = get_mask_func(config) mask = make_mask_func(qkpts, chipsize, weights, resize=True, **cov_cfg) coverage_kpts.show_coverage_map(chip, mask, None, qkpts, fnum, ell_alpha=.2, show_mask_kpts=False) #pt.set_figtitle(mode)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.scoring --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()