Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains functions for the SelectiveMatchKernels's inverted index.

    * Test suit 1000k images
    * Extend for SMK with labels
    * Test get numbers and refine
    * Extrnal keypoint specific weighting
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
#import six
import utool  # NOQA
import utool as ut
#import weakref
import numpy as np
import six  # NOQA
import pyflann
#import pandas as pd
from six.moves import zip, map, range  # NOQA
from vtool import clustering2 as clustertool
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_scoring
from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_residuals
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[smk_index]')

USE_CACHE_WORDS = not ut.get_argflag('--nocache-words')

[docs]def learn_visual_words(ibs, config2_=None, use_cache=USE_CACHE_WORDS, memtrack=None): """ Computes and caches visual words Args: ibs (?): qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters use_cache (bool): turns on disk based caching(default = True) memtrack (None): (default = None) Returns: ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]: words - aggregate descriptor cluster centers Returns: words Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, annots_df, taids, daids, qaids, qreq_, nWords = smk_debug.testdata_dataframe() >>> use_cache = True >>> words = learn_visual_words(ibs, qreq_) >>> print(words.shape) (8000, 128) Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_Master1') >>> config2_ = ibs.new_query_params(cfgdict=dict(nWords=128000)) >>> use_cache = True >>> words = learn_visual_words(ibs, config2_) >>> print(words.shape) (8000, 128) Auto: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_index import utool as ut argdoc = ut.make_default_docstr(smk_index.learn_visual_words) print(argdoc) """ #if memtrack is None: # memtrack = ut.MemoryTracker('[learn_visual_words]') #config2_ = qreq_.get_external_data_config2() nWords = config2_.nWords # TODO: Incorporated taids (vocab training ids) into qreq if config2_.vocab_taids == 'all': taids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibs.get_primary_database_species()) # exemplar else: taids = config2_.vocab_taids initmethod = config2_.vocab_init_method max_iters = config2_.vocab_nIters flann_params = config2_.vocab_flann_params train_vecs_list = ibs.get_annot_vecs(taids, eager=True, config2_=config2_) #memtrack.track_obj(train_vecs_list[0], 'train_vecs_list[0]')'loaded trainvecs') train_vecs = np.vstack(train_vecs_list) #memtrack.track_obj(train_vecs, 'train_vecs')'stacked trainvecs') del train_vecs_list print('[smk_index] Train Vocab(nWords=%d) using %d annots and %d descriptors' % (nWords, len(taids), len(train_vecs))) kwds = dict(max_iters=max_iters, use_cache=use_cache, initmethod=initmethod, appname='smk', flann_params=flann_params) words = clustertool.cached_akmeans(train_vecs, nWords, **kwds) del train_vecs del kwds'returning words') #del train_vecs_list return words
[docs]def assign_to_words_(wordflann, words, idx2_vec, nAssign, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, massign_equal_weights): """ Assigns descriptor-vectors to nearest word. Args: wordflann (FLANN): nearest neighbor index over words words (ndarray): vocabulary words idx2_vec (ndarray): descriptors to assign nAssign (int): number of words to assign each descriptor to massign_alpha (float): multiple-assignment ratio threshold massign_sigma (float): multiple-assignment gaussian variance massign_equal_weights (bool): assign equal weight to all multiassigned words Returns: tuple: inverted index, multi-assigned weights, and forward index formated as:: * wx2_idxs - word index -> vector indexes * wx2_maws - word index -> multi-assignment weights * idf2_wxs - vector index -> assigned word indexes Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_ = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0() >>> words = invindex.words >>> wordflann = invindex.wordflann >>> idx2_vec = invindex.idx2_dvec >>> nAssign = qreq_.qparams.nAssign >>> massign_alpha = qreq_.qparams.massign_alpha >>> massign_sigma = qreq_.qparams.massign_sigma >>> massign_equal_weights = qreq_.qparams.massign_equal_weights >>> _dbargs = (wordflann, words, idx2_vec, nAssign, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, massign_equal_weights) >>> wx2_idxs, wx2_maws, idx2_wxs = assign_to_words_(*_dbargs) """ if ut.VERBOSE: print('[smk_index.assign] +--- Start Assign vecs to words.') print('[smk_index.assign] * nAssign=%r' % nAssign) if not ut.QUIET: print('[smk_index.assign] assign_to_words_. len(idx2_vec) = %r' % len(idx2_vec)) # Assign each vector to the nearest visual words assert nAssign > 0, 'cannot assign to 0 neighbors' try: _idx2_wx, _idx2_wdist = wordflann.nn_index(idx2_vec, nAssign) except pyflann.FLANNException as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'probably misread the cached flann_fpath=%r' % (wordflann.flann_fpath,)) raise _idx2_wx.shape = (idx2_vec.shape[0], nAssign) _idx2_wdist.shape = (idx2_vec.shape[0], nAssign) if nAssign > 1: idx2_wxs, idx2_maws = compute_multiassign_weights_( _idx2_wx, _idx2_wdist, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, massign_equal_weights) else: idx2_wxs = _idx2_wx.tolist() idx2_maws = [[1.0]] * len(idx2_wxs) # Invert mapping -- Group by word indexes jagged_idxs = ([idx] * len(wxs)for idx, wxs in enumerate(idx2_wxs)) wx_keys, groupxs = clustertool.jagged_group(idx2_wxs) idxs_list = clustertool.apply_jagged_grouping(jagged_idxs, groupxs) maws_list = clustertool.apply_jagged_grouping(idx2_maws, groupxs) wx2_idxs = dict(zip(wx_keys, idxs_list)) wx2_maws = dict(zip(wx_keys, maws_list)) if ut.VERBOSE: print('[smk_index.assign] L___ End Assign vecs to words.') return wx2_idxs, wx2_maws, idx2_wxs
[docs]def compute_multiassign_weights_(_idx2_wx, _idx2_wdist, massign_alpha, massign_sigma, massign_equal_weights): """ Multi Assignment Filtering from Improving Bag of Features Args: _idx2_wx (): _idx2_wdist (): massign_alpha (): massign_sigma (): massign_equal_weights (): Turns off soft weighting. Gives all assigned vectors weight 1 Returns: tuple : (idx2_wxs, idx2_maws) References: (Improving Bag of Features) (Lost in Quantization) (A Context Dissimilarity Measure for Accurate and Efficient Image Search) Notes: sigma values from \cite{philbin_lost08} (70 ** 2) ~= 5000, (80 ** 2) ~= 6250, (86 ** 2) ~= 7500, Auto: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_index import utool as ut; print(ut.make_default_docstr(smk_index.compute_multiassign_weights_)) """ if not ut.QUIET: print('[smk_index.assign] compute_multiassign_weights_') # Valid word assignments are beyond fraction of distance to the nearest word massign_thresh = _idx2_wdist.T[0:1].T.copy() # HACK: If the nearest word has distance 0 then this threshold is too hard # so we should use the distance to the second nearest word. flag_too_close = (massign_thresh == 0) massign_thresh[flag_too_close] = _idx2_wdist.T[1:2].T[flag_too_close] # Compute the threshold fraction np.add(.001, massign_thresh, out=massign_thresh) np.multiply(massign_alpha, massign_thresh, out=massign_thresh) invalid = np.greater_equal(_idx2_wdist, massign_thresh) if ut.VERBOSE: _ = (invalid.size - invalid.sum(), invalid.size) print('[smk_index.assign] + massign_alpha = %r' % (massign_alpha,)) print('[smk_index.assign] + massign_sigma = %r' % (massign_sigma,)) print('[smk_index.assign] + massign_equal_weights = %r' % (massign_equal_weights,)) print('[smk_index.assign] * Marked %d/%d assignments as invalid' % _) if massign_equal_weights: # Performance hack from jegou paper: just give everyone equal weight masked_wxs =, mask=invalid) idx2_wxs = list(map(ut.filter_Nones, masked_wxs.tolist())) #ut.embed() if ut.DEBUG2: assert all([isinstance(wxs, list) for wxs in idx2_wxs]) idx2_maws = [np.ones(len(wxs), dtype=np.float32) for wxs in idx2_wxs] else: # More natural weighting scheme # Weighting as in Lost in Quantization gauss_numer = -_idx2_wdist.astype(np.float64) gauss_denom = 2 * (massign_sigma ** 2) gauss_exp = np.divide(gauss_numer, gauss_denom) unnorm_maw = np.exp(gauss_exp) # Mask invalid multiassignment weights masked_unorm_maw =, mask=invalid) # Normalize multiassignment weights from 0 to 1 masked_norm = masked_unorm_maw.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] masked_maw = np.divide(masked_unorm_maw, masked_norm) masked_wxs =, mask=invalid) # Remove masked weights and word indexes idx2_wxs = list(map(ut.filter_Nones, masked_wxs.tolist())) idx2_maws = list(map(ut.filter_Nones, masked_maw.tolist())) #with ut.EmbedOnException(): if ut.DEBUG2: checksum = [sum(maws) for maws in idx2_maws] for x in np.where([not ut.almost_eq(val, 1) for val in checksum])[0]: print(checksum[x]) print(_idx2_wx[x]) print(masked_wxs[x]) print(masked_maw[x]) print(massign_thresh[x]) print(_idx2_wdist[x]) #all([ut.almost_eq(x, 1) for x in checksum]) assert all([ut.almost_eq(val, 1) for val in checksum]), 'weights did not break evenly' return idx2_wxs, idx2_maws #@ut.cached_func('smk_idf', appname='smk', key_argx=[1, 2, 3], key_kwds=['daid2_label'])
[docs]def compute_word_idf_(wx_series, wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, daids, daid2_label=None, vocab_weighting='idf', verbose=False): """ Computes the inverse-document-frequency weighting for each word Args: wx_series (): wx2_idxs (): idx2_aid (): daids (): daid2_label (): vocab_weighting (): Returns: wx2_idf Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, wx2_idxs, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals1() >>> wx_series = np.arange(len(invindex.words)) >>> idx2_aid = invindex.idx2_daid >>> daid2_label = invindex.daid2_label >>> wx2_idf = compute_word_idf_(wx_series, wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, daids) >>> result = str(len(wx2_idf)) >>> print(result) 8000 Ignore: #>>> wx2_idxs = invindex.wx2_idxs Auto: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_index import utool as ut; print(ut.make_default_docstr(smk_index.compute_word_idf_)) """ if not ut.QUIET: print('[smk_index.idf] +--- Start Compute IDF') if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: print('[smk_index.idf] Word IDFs: ') idxs_list, aids_list = helper_idf_wordgroup(wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, wx_series) # TODO: Integrate different idf measures if vocab_weighting == 'idf': idf_list = compute_idf_orig(aids_list, daids) elif vocab_weighting == 'negentropy': assert daid2_label is not None idf_list = compute_idf_label1(aids_list, daid2_label) else: raise AssertionError('unknown option vocab_weighting=%r' % vocab_weighting) if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: print('[smk_index.idf] L___ End Compute IDF') wx2_idf = dict(zip(wx_series, idf_list)) return wx2_idf
[docs]def helper_idf_wordgroup(wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, wx_series): """ helper function """ # idxs for each word idxs_list = [wx2_idxs[wx].astype(hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) if wx in wx2_idxs else np.empty(0, dtype=hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) for wx in wx_series] # aids for each word aids_list = [idx2_aid.take(idxs) if len(idxs) > 0 else np.empty(0, dtype=hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) for idxs in idxs_list] return idxs_list, aids_list
[docs]def compute_idf_orig(aids_list, daids): """ The standard tried and true idf measure """ nTotalDocs = len(daids) # idf denominator nDocsWithWord_list = np.array([len(set(aids)) for aids in aids_list]) # Typically for IDF, 1 is added to the denominator to prevent divide by 0 # compute idf half of sccw-idf weighting idf_list = np.log(np.divide(nTotalDocs, np.add(nDocsWithWord_list, 1), dtype=hstypes.FLOAT_TYPE), dtype=hstypes.FLOAT_TYPE) return idf_list
[docs]def compute_negentropy_names(aids_list, daid2_label): r""" One of our idf extensions Word weighting based on the negative entropy over all names of p(n_i | word) Args: aids_list (list of aids): daid2_label (dict from daid to label): Returns: negentropy_list (ndarray[float32]): idf-like weighting for each word based on the negative entropy Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, wx2_idxs, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals1() >>> wx_series = np.arange(len(invindex.words)) >>> idx2_aid = invindex.idx2_daid >>> daid2_label = invindex.daid2_label >>> _ = helper_idf_wordgroup(wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, wx_series) >>> idxs_list, aids_list = _ Math:: p(n_i | \word) = \sum_{\lbl \in L_i} p(\lbl | \word) p(\lbl | \word) = \frac{p(\word | \lbl) p(\lbl)}{p(\word)} p(\word) = \sum_{\lbl' \in L} p(\word | \lbl') p(\lbl') p(\word | \lbl) = NumAnnotOfLabelWithWord / NumAnnotWithLabel = \frac{\sum_{\X \in \DB_\lbl} b(\word, \X)}{\card{\DB_\lbl}} h(n_i | word) = -\sum_{i=1}^N p(n_i | \word) \log p(n_i | \word) word_weight = log(N) - h(n | word) CommandLine: python -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL python -t smk5 --allgt --db GZ_ALL Auto: python -c "import utool as ut; ut.print_auto_docstr('ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index', 'compute_negentropy_names')" """ nWords = len(aids_list) # --- LABEL MEMBERS w.r.t daids --- # compute mapping from label to daids # Translate tuples into scalars for efficiency label_list = list(daid2_label.values()) lblindex_list = np.array(ut.tuples_to_unique_scalars(label_list)) #daid2_lblindex = dict(zip(daid_list, lblindex_list)) unique_lblindexes, groupxs = clustertool.group_indices(lblindex_list) daid_list = np.array(daid2_label.keys()) daids_list = [daid_list.take(xs) for xs in groupxs] # --- DAID MEMBERS w.r.t. words --- # compute mapping from daid to word indexes # finds all the words that belong to an annotation daid2_wxs = ut.ddict(list) for wx, _daids in enumerate(aids_list): for daid in _daids: daid2_wxs[daid].append(wx) # --- \Pr(\word \given \lbl) for each label --- # Compute the number of annotations in a label with the word vs # the number of annotations in the label lblindex2_daids = list(zip(unique_lblindexes, daids_list)) # Get num times word appears for each label probWordGivenLabel_list = [] for lblindex, _daids in lblindex2_daids: nAnnotOfLabelWithWord = np.zeros(nWords, dtype=np.int32) for daid in _daids: wxs = np.unique(daid2_wxs[daid]) nAnnotOfLabelWithWord[wxs] += 1 probWordGivenLabel = nAnnotOfLabelWithWord.astype(np.float64) / len(_daids) probWordGivenLabel_list.append(probWordGivenLabel) # (nLabels, nWords) probWordGivenLabel_arr = np.array(probWordGivenLabel_list) # --- \Pr(\lbl \given \word) --- # compute partition function that approximates probability of a word # (1, nWords) probWord = probWordGivenLabel_arr.sum(axis=0) probWord.shape = (1, probWord.size) # (nLabels, nWords) probLabelGivenWord_arr = (probWordGivenLabel_arr / probWord) # --- \Pr(\name \given \lbl) --- # get names for each unique label nid_list = np.array([label_list[xs[0]][0] for xs in groupxs]) unique_nids, groupxs_ = clustertool.group_indices(nid_list) # (nNames, nWords) # add a little wiggle room eps = 1E-9 # #epsilon = 2^(E-52) % For a 64-bit float (double precision) #epsilon = 2^(E-23) % For a 32-bit float (single precision) #epsilon = 2^(E-10) % For a 16-bit float (half precision) probNameGivenWord = eps + (1.0 - eps) * np.array([probLabelGivenWord_arr.take(xs, axis=0).sum(axis=0) for xs in groupxs_]) logProbNameGivenWord = np.log(probNameGivenWord) wordNameEntropy = -(probNameGivenWord * logProbNameGivenWord).sum(0) # Compute negative entropy for weights nNames = len(nid_list) negentropy_list = np.log(nNames) - wordNameEntropy return negentropy_list
[docs]def compute_idf_label1(aids_list, daid2_label): """ One of our idf extensions Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, wx2_idxs, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals1() >>> wx_series = np.arange(len(invindex.words)) >>> idx2_aid = invindex.idx2_daid >>> daid2_label = invindex.daid2_label >>> _ = helper_idf_wordgroup(wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, wx_series) >>> idxs_list, aids_list = _ >>> wx2_idf = compute_idf_label1(wx_series, wx2_idxs, idx2_aid, daids) """ nWords = len(aids_list) # Computes our novel label idf weight lblindex_list = np.array(ut.tuples_to_unique_scalars(daid2_label.values())) #daid2_lblindex = dict(zip(daid_list, lblindex_list)) unique_lblindexes, groupxs = clustertool.group_indices(lblindex_list) daid_list = np.array(daid2_label.keys()) daids_list = [daid_list.take(xs) for xs in groupxs] daid2_wxs = ut.ddict(list) for wx, daids in enumerate(aids_list): for daid in daids: daid2_wxs[daid].append(wx) lblindex2_daids = list(zip(unique_lblindexes, daids_list)) nLabels = len(unique_lblindexes) pcntLblsWithWord = np.zeros(nWords, np.float64) # Get num times word appears for eachlabel for lblindex, daids in lblindex2_daids: nWordsWithLabel = np.zeros(nWords) for daid in daids: wxs = daid2_wxs[daid] nWordsWithLabel[wxs] += 1 pcntLblsWithWord += (1 - nWordsWithLabel.astype(np.float64) / len(daids)) # Labels for each word idf_list = np.log(np.divide(nLabels, np.add(pcntLblsWithWord, 1), dtype=hstypes.FLOAT_TYPE), dtype=hstypes.FLOAT_TYPE) return idf_list #@ut.cached_func('smk_rvecs_', appname='smk')
[docs]def compute_residuals_(words, wx2_idxs, wx2_maws, idx2_vec, idx2_aid, idx2_fx, aggregate, verbose=False): """ Computes residual vectors based on word assignments returns mapping from word index to a set of residual vectors Args: words (ndarray): wx2_idxs (dict): wx2_maws (dict): idx2_vec (dict): idx2_aid (dict): idx2_fx (dict): aggregate (bool): verbose (bool): Returns: tuple : (wx2_rvecs, wx2_aids, wx2_fxs, wx2_maws) formatted as:: * wx2_rvecs - [ ... [ rvec_i1, ..., rvec_Mi ]_i ... ] * wx2_aids - [ ... [ aid_i1, ..., aid_Mi ]_i ... ] * wx2_fxs - [ ... [[fxs]_i1, ..., [fxs]_Mi ]_i ... ] For every word:: * list of aggvecs * For every aggvec: * one parent aid, if aggregate is False: assert isunique(aids) * list of parent fxs, if aggregate is True: assert len(fxs) == 1 Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, wx2_idxs, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals1() >>> words = invindex.words >>> idx2_aid = invindex.idx2_daid >>> idx2_fx = invindex.idx2_dfx >>> idx2_vec = invindex.idx2_dvec >>> aggregate = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.smk_cfg.aggregate >>> wx2_rvecs, wx2_aids, wx2_fxs, wx2_maws, wx2_flags = compute_residuals_(words, wx2_idxs, wx2_maws, idx2_vec, idx2_aid, idx2_fx, aggregate) """ if not ut.QUIET: print('[smk_index.rvec] +--- Start Compute Residuals') wx_sublist = np.array(wx2_idxs.keys()) # Build lists w.r.t. words idxs_list = [wx2_idxs[wx].astype(hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) for wx in wx_sublist] aids_list = [idx2_aid.take(idxs) for idxs in idxs_list] if ut.DEBUG2: #assert np.all(np.diff(wx_sublist) == 1), 'not dense' assert all([len(a) == len(b) for a, b in zip(idxs_list, aids_list)]), 'bad alignment' assert idx2_vec.shape[0] == idx2_fx.shape[0] assert idx2_vec.shape[0] == idx2_aid.shape[0] # Prealloc output if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: lbl = '[smk_index.rvec] agg rvecs' if aggregate else '[smk_index.rvec] nonagg rvecs' print(lbl) if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.check_wx2_idxs(wx2_idxs, len(words)) # Compute Residuals rvecs_list, flags_list = smk_residuals.compute_nonagg_rvecs(words, idx2_vec, wx_sublist, idxs_list) if ut.VERBOSE: print('Computed size(rvecs_list) = %r' % ut.get_object_size_str(rvecs_list)) print('Computed size(flags_list) = %r' % ut.get_object_size_str(flags_list)) if aggregate: maws_list = [wx2_maws[wx] for wx in wx_sublist] # Aggregate Residuals tup = smk_residuals.compute_agg_rvecs(rvecs_list, idxs_list, aids_list, maws_list) (aggvecs_list, aggaids_list, aggidxs_list, aggmaws_list, aggflags_list) = tup # Pack into common query structure aggfxs_list = [[idx2_fx.take(idxs) for idxs in aggidxs] for aggidxs in aggidxs_list] wx2_aggvecs = dict(zip(wx_sublist, aggvecs_list)) wx2_aggaids = dict(zip(wx_sublist, aggaids_list)) wx2_aggfxs = dict(zip(wx_sublist, aggfxs_list)) wx2_aggmaws = dict(zip(wx_sublist, aggmaws_list)) wx2_aggflags = dict(zip(wx_sublist, aggflags_list)) (wx2_rvecs, wx2_aids, wx2_fxs, wx2_maws, wx2_flags) = ( wx2_aggvecs, wx2_aggaids, wx2_aggfxs, wx2_aggmaws, wx2_aggflags) else: # Hack non-aggregate residuals to have the same structure as aggregate # residuals for compatability: i.e. each rvec gets a list of fxs that # contributed to it, and for SMK this is a list of size 1 fxs_list = [[idx2_fx[idx:idx + 1] for idx in idxs] for idxs in idxs_list] wx2_rvecs = dict(zip(wx_sublist, rvecs_list)) wx2_aids = dict(zip(wx_sublist, aids_list)) wx2_fxs = dict(zip(wx_sublist, fxs_list)) wx2_flags = dict(zip(wx_sublist, flags_list)) if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.check_wx2(words, wx2_rvecs, wx2_aids, wx2_fxs) if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: print('[smk_index.rvec] L___ End Compute Residuals') return wx2_rvecs, wx2_aids, wx2_fxs, wx2_maws, wx2_flags #@ut.cached_func('sccw', appname='smk', key_argx=[1, 2])
[docs]def compute_data_sccw_(idx2_daid, wx2_drvecs, wx2_dflags, wx2_aids, wx2_idf, wx2_dmaws, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, verbose=False): """ Computes sccw normalization scalar for the database annotations. This is gamma from the SMK paper. sccw is a self consistency critiron weight --- a scalar which ensures the score of K(X, X) = 1 Args: idx2_daid (): wx2_drvecs (): wx2_aids (): wx2_idf (): wx2_dmaws (): smk_alpha (): smk_thresh (): Returns: daid2_sccw Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_index import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_index >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_compute_data_sccw(db='testdb1') >>> tup = smk_debug.testdata_compute_data_sccw(db='PZ_MTEST') >>> ibs, annots_df, invindex, wx2_idxs, wx2_idf, wx2_drvecs, wx2_aids, qparams = tup >>> wx2_dflags = invindex.wx2_dflags >>> ws2_idxs = invindex.wx2_idxs >>> wx2_dmaws = invindex.wx2_dmaws >>> idx2_daid = invindex.idx2_daid >>> daids = invindex.daids >>> smk_alpha = qparams.smk_alpha >>> smk_thresh = qparams.smk_thresh >>> wx2_idf = wx2_idf >>> verbose = True >>> invindex.invindex_dbgstr() >>> invindex.report_memory() >>> invindex.report_memsize() >>> daid2_sccw = smk_index.compute_data_sccw_(idx2_daid, wx2_drvecs, wx2_dflags, wx2_aids, wx2_idf, wx2_dmaws, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, verbose) """ #for wx in wx_sublist: # print(len(wx2_dmaws verbose_ = ut.VERBOSE or verbose if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.check_wx2(wx2_rvecs=wx2_drvecs, wx2_aids=wx2_aids) if not ut.QUIET: print('\n[smk_index.sccw] +--- Start Compute Data Self Consistency Weight') if verbose_: print('[smk_index.sccw] Compute SCCW smk_alpha=%r, smk_thresh=%r: ' % (smk_alpha, smk_thresh)) # Group by daids first and then by word index # Get list of aids and rvecs w.r.t. words (ie one item per word) wx_sublist = np.array(list(wx2_drvecs.keys())) aids_perword = [wx2_aids[wx] for wx in wx_sublist] # wx_list1: Lays out word indexes for each annotation # tx_list1: Temporary within annotation subindex + wx uniquely identifies # item in wx2_drvecs, wx2_dflags, and wx2_dmaws # Flatten out indexes to perform grouping flat_aids = np.hstack(aids_perword) count = len(flat_aids) txs_perword = [np.arange(aids.size) for aids in aids_perword] flat_txs = np.hstack(txs_perword) # fromiter is faster for flat_wxs because is not a list of numpy arrays wxs_perword = ([wx] * len(aids) for wx, aids in zip(wx_sublist, aids_perword)) flat_wxs = np.fromiter(ut.iflatten(wxs_perword), hstypes.INDEX_TYPE, count) # Group flat indexes by annotation id unique_aids, annot_groupxs = clustertool.group_indices(flat_aids) # Wxs and Txs grouped by annotation id wxs_perannot = clustertool.apply_grouping_iter(flat_wxs, annot_groupxs) txs_perannot = clustertool.apply_grouping_iter(flat_txs, annot_groupxs) # Group by word inside each annotation group wxsubgrouping_perannot = [clustertool.group_indices(wxs) for wxs in wxs_perannot] word_groupxs_perannot = (groupxs for wxs, groupxs in wxsubgrouping_perannot) txs_perword_perannot = [clustertool.apply_grouping(txs, groupxs) for txs, groupxs in zip(txs_perannot, word_groupxs_perannot)] wxs_perword_perannot = [wxs for wxs, groupxs in wxsubgrouping_perannot] # Group relavent data for sccw measure by word for each annotation grouping def _vector_subgroup_by_wx(wx2_arr, wxs_perword_perannot, txs_perword_perannot): return [[wx2_arr[wx].take(txs, axis=0) for wx, txs in zip(wx_perword_, txs_perword_)] for wx_perword_, txs_perword_ in zip(wxs_perword_perannot, txs_perword_perannot)] def _scalar_subgroup_by_wx(wx2_scalar, wxs_perword_perannot): return [[wx2_scalar[wx] for wx in wxs] for wxs in wxs_perword_perannot] subgrouped_drvecs = _vector_subgroup_by_wx(wx2_drvecs, wxs_perword_perannot, txs_perword_perannot) subgrouped_dmaws = _vector_subgroup_by_wx(wx2_dmaws, wxs_perword_perannot, txs_perword_perannot) # If we aren't using dmaws replace it with an infinite None iterator #subgrouped_dmaws = iter(lambda: None, 1) subgrouped_dflags = _vector_subgroup_by_wx(wx2_dflags, wxs_perword_perannot, txs_perword_perannot) #subgrouped_dflags = iter(lambda: None, 1) subgrouped_idfs = _scalar_subgroup_by_wx(wx2_idf, wxs_perword_perannot) if verbose_: progiter = ut.ProgressIter(lbl='[smk_index.sccw] SCCW Sum (over daid): ', total=len(unique_aids), freq=10, with_time=WITH_TOTALTIME) else: progiter = ut.identity if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.check_data_smksumm(subgrouped_idfs, subgrouped_drvecs) sccw_list = [ smk_scoring.sccw_summation(rvecs_list, flags_list, idf_list, maws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh) for rvecs_list, flags_list, maws_list, idf_list in progiter(zip(subgrouped_drvecs, subgrouped_dflags, subgrouped_dmaws, subgrouped_idfs)) ] daid2_sccw = dict(zip(unique_aids, sccw_list)) if verbose_: print('[smk_index.sccw] L___ End Compute Data SCCW\n') return daid2_sccw
[docs]def OLD_compute_data_sccw_(idx2_daid, wx2_drvecs, wx2_aids, wx2_idf, wx2_dmaws, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, verbose=False): """ """ if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.rrr() smk_debug.check_wx2(wx2_rvecs=wx2_drvecs, wx2_aids=wx2_aids) with ut.Timer('timer_orig1'): wx_sublist = np.array(wx2_drvecs.keys()) if not ut.QUIET: print('\n[smk_index.sccw] +--- Start Compute Data Self Consistency Weight') if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: print('[smk_index.sccw] Compute SCCW smk_alpha=%r, smk_thresh=%r: ' % (smk_alpha, smk_thresh)) # Get list of aids and rvecs w.r.t. words aids_list = [wx2_aids[wx] for wx in wx_sublist] rvecs_list1 = [wx2_drvecs[wx] for wx in wx_sublist] maws_list = [wx2_dmaws[wx] for wx in wx_sublist] if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.assert_single_assigned_maws(maws_list) # Group by daids first and then by word index daid2_wx2_drvecs = clustertool.double_group(wx_sublist, aids_list, rvecs_list1) # For every daid, compute its sccw using pregrouped rvecs # Summation over words for each aid if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: print('[smk_index.sccw] SCCW Sum (over daid): ') # Get lists w.r.t daids aid_list = list(daid2_wx2_drvecs.keys()) # list of mappings from words to rvecs foreach daid # [wx2_aidrvecs_1, ..., wx2_aidrvecs_nDaids,] _wx2_aidrvecs_list = list(daid2_wx2_drvecs.values()) _aidwxs_iter = (list(wx2_aidrvecs.keys()) for wx2_aidrvecs in _wx2_aidrvecs_list) aidrvecs_list = [list(wx2_aidrvecs.values()) for wx2_aidrvecs in _wx2_aidrvecs_list] aididf_list = [[wx2_idf[wx] for wx in aidwxs] for aidwxs in _aidwxs_iter] with ut.Timer('timer_orig2'): if ut.DEBUG2: from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug smk_debug.check_data_smksumm(aididf_list, aidrvecs_list) # TODO: implement database side soft-assign sccw_list = [smk_scoring.sccw_summation(rvecs_list, None, idf_list, None, smk_alpha, smk_thresh) for idf_list, rvecs_list in zip(aididf_list, aidrvecs_list)] daid2_sccw = dict(zip(aid_list, sccw_list)) if ut.VERBOSE or verbose: print('[smk_index.sccw] L___ End Compute Data SCCW\n') return daid2_sccw