Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_scoring

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The functions for scoring smk matches
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool
#import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#import scipy.sparse as spsparse
#from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
from six.moves import zip
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = utool.inject(__name__, '[smk_scoring]')

DEBUG_SMK = utool.DEBUG2 or utool.get_argflag('--debug-smk')

[docs]def sccw_summation(rvecs_list, flags_list, idf_list, maws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh): r""" Computes gamma from "To Aggregate or not to aggregate". Every component in each list is with repsect to a different word. scc = self consistency criterion It is a scalar which ensure K(X, X) = 1 Args: rvecs_list (list of ndarrays): residual vectors for every word idf_list (list of floats): idf weight for each word maws_list (list of ndarrays): multi-assign weights for each word for each residual vector smk_alpha (float): selectivity power smk_thresh (float): selectivity threshold Returns: float: sccw self-consistency-criterion weight Math: \begin{equation} \gamma(X) = (\sum_{c \in \C} w_c M(X_c, X_c))^{-.5} \end{equation} Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_scoring import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_scoring >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> #idf_list, rvecs_list, maws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, wx2_flags = smk_debug.testdata_sccw_sum(db='testdb1') >>> tup = smk_debug.testdata_sccw_sum(db='PZ_MTEST', nWords=128000) >>> idf_list, rvecs_list, flags_list, maws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh = tup >>> sccw = smk_scoring.sccw_summation(rvecs_list, flags_list, idf_list, maws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh) >>> print(sccw) 0.0201041835751 CommandLine: python --db PZ_MOTHERS --nWords 128 Ignore: 0.0384477314197 qmaws_list = dmaws_list = maws_list drvecs_list = qrvecs_list = rvecs_list dflags_list = qflags_list = flags_list flags_list = flags_list[7:10] maws_list = maws_list[7:10] idf_list = idf_list[7:10] rvecs_list = rvecs_list[7:10] """ num_rvecs = len(rvecs_list) if DEBUG_SMK: assert maws_list is None or len(maws_list) == num_rvecs, 'inconsistent lengths' assert num_rvecs == len(idf_list), 'inconsistent lengths' assert maws_list is None or list(map(len, maws_list)) == list(map(len, rvecs_list)), 'inconsistent per word lengths' assert flags_list is None or list(map(len, maws_list)) == list(map(len, flags_list)), 'inconsistent per word lengths' assert flags_list is None or len(flags_list) == num_rvecs, 'inconsistent lengths' # Indexing with asymetric multi-assignment might get you a non 1 self score? # List of scores for every word. scores_list = score_matches(rvecs_list, rvecs_list, flags_list, flags_list, maws_list, maws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list) if DEBUG_SMK: assert len(scores_list) == num_rvecs, 'bad rvec and score' assert len(idf_list) == len(scores_list), 'bad weight and score' # Summation over all residual vector scores _count = sum((scores.size for scores in scores_list)) _iter = utool.iflatten(scores.ravel() for scores in scores_list) self_rawscore = np.fromiter(_iter, np.float64, _count).sum() # Square root inverse to enforce normalized self-score is 1.0 sccw = np.reciprocal(np.sqrt(self_rawscore)) try: assert not np.isinf(sccw), 'sccw cannot be infinite' assert not np.isnan(sccw), 'sccw cannot be nan' except AssertionError as ex: utool.printex(ex, 'problem computing self consistency criterion weight', keys=['num_rvecs'], iswarning=True) if num_rvecs > 0: raise else: sccw = 1 return sccw
[docs]def score_matches(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qflags_list, dflags_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list): """ Similarity + Selectivity: M(X_c, Y_c) Computes the similarity matrix between word correspondences Args: qrvecs_list : query vectors for each word drvecs_list : database vectors for each word qmaws_list : multi assigned weights for each query word dmaws_list : multi assigned weights for each database word smk_alpha : selectivity power smk_thresh : selectivity smk_thresh Returns: list : list of score matrices References: Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_scoring import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> smk_alpha = 3 >>> smk_thresh = 0 >>> qrvecs_list = [smk_debug.get_test_rvecs(_) for _ in range(10)] >>> drvecs_list = [smk_debug.get_test_rvecs(_) for _ in range(10)] >>> qmaws_list = [smk_debug.get_test_maws(rvecs) for rvecs in qrvecs_list] >>> dmaws_list = [np.ones(rvecs.shape[0], dtype=hstypes.FLOAT_TYPE) for rvecs in qrvecs_list] >>> idf_list = [1.0 for _ in qrvecs_list] >>> scores_list = score_matches(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list) """ # Cosine similarity between normalized residuals simmat_list = similarity_function(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qflags_list, dflags_list) # Apply sigma selectivity (power law) (BEFORE WEIGHTING) scoremat_list = selectivity_function(simmat_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh) # Apply Weights (AFTER SELECTIVITY) wscoremat_list = apply_weights(scoremat_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, idf_list) return wscoremat_list
[docs]def rvecs_dot_uint8(qrvecs, drvecs): return qrvecs.astype(np.float32).dot(drvecs.T.astype(np.float32)) / hstypes.RVEC_PSEUDO_MAX_SQRD
[docs]def similarity_function(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qflags_list, dflags_list): """ Phi dot product. Args: qrvecs_list (list): query residual vectors for each matching word drvecs_list (list): corresponding database residual vectors qflags_list (list): indicates if a query vector was nan dflags_list (list): indicates if a database vector was nan Returns: simmat_list qrvecs_list list of rvecs for each word Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_scoring import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> qrvecs_list, drvecs_list = smk_debug.testdata_similarity_function() >>> simmat_list = similarity_function(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list) """ # For int8: Downweight by the psuedo max squared, to get scores between 0 and 1 simmat_list = [ rvecs_dot_uint8(qrvecs, drvecs) for qrvecs, drvecs in zip(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list) ] if utool.DEBUG2: assert len(simmat_list) == len(qrvecs_list), 'bad simmat and qrvec' assert len(simmat_list) == len(drvecs_list), 'bad simmat and drvec' if qflags_list is not None and dflags_list is not None: # Set any scores resulting from flagged vectors to 1 # Actually lets add .5 because we dont know if a flagged vector # is a good match, but if both database and query are flagged then # it must be a good match for qflags, dflags, simmat in zip(qflags_list, dflags_list, simmat_list): simmat[qflags] += 0.5 simmat.T[dflags] += 0.5 elif qflags_list is not None: for qflags, simmat in zip(qflags_list, simmat_list): simmat[qflags] += 0.5 elif dflags_list is not None: for dflags, simmat in zip(dflags_list, simmat_list): simmat.T[dflags] += 0.5 # for float16: just perform the calculation #simmat_list = [ # # for qrvecs, drvecs in zip(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list) #] # uint8 does not have nans. We need to use flag lists #for simmat in simmat_list: # simmat[np.isnan(simmat)] = 1.0 return simmat_list
[docs]def apply_weights(simmat_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, idf_list): """ Applys multi-assign weights and idf weights to rvec similarty matrices TODO: Maybe should apply the sccw weights too? Accounts for rvecs being stored as int8's Example: >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk.smk_scoring import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> simmat_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, idf_list = smk_debug.testdata_apply_weights() >>> wsim_list = apply_weights(simmat_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, idf_list) """ word_weight_list = idf_list if qmaws_list is None and dmaws_list is None: wsim_list = [ (word_weight * simmat) for simmat, word_weight in zip(simmat_list, word_weight_list) ] elif qmaws_list is not None and dmaws_list is not None: wsim_list = [ (((word_weight * qmaws[:, None]) * simmat) * dmaws[None, :]) for simmat, qmaws, dmaws, word_weight in zip(simmat_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, word_weight_list) ] elif qmaws_list is not None and dmaws_list is None: wsim_list = [ ((word_weight * qmaws[:, None]) * simmat) for simmat, qmaws, word_weight in zip(simmat_list, qmaws_list, word_weight_list) ] else: raise NotImplementedError('cannot just do dmaws') return wsim_list #@profile
[docs]def selectivity_function(wsim_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh): """ Selectivity function - sigma from SMK paper rscore = residual score Downweights weak matches using power law normalization and thresholds anybody that is too weak Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> smk_debug.rrr() >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> wsim_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh = smk_debug.testdata_selectivity_function() Timeits: >>> import utool >>> utool.util_dev.rrr() >>> setup = utool.codeblock( ... ''' import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as spsparse from ibeis.algo.hots.smk import smk_debug np.random.seed(0) wsim_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh = smk_debug.testdata_selectivity_function() scores_iter = [ np.multiply(np.sign(mawmat), np.power(np.abs(mawmat), smk_alpha)) for mawmat in wsim_list ] ''') >>> stmt_list = utool.codeblock( ... ''' scores_list0 = [np.multiply(scores, np.greater(scores, smk_thresh)) for scores in scores_iter] scores_list1 = [spsparse.coo_matrix(np.multiply(scores, np.greater(scores, smk_thresh))) for scores in scores_iter] scores_list2 = [spsparse.dok_matrix(np.multiply(scores, np.greater(scores, smk_thresh))) for scores in scores_iter] scores_list3 = [spsparse.lil_matrix(np.multiply(scores, np.greater(scores, smk_thresh))) for scores in scores_iter] ''' ... ).split('\n') >>> utool.util_dev.timeit_compare(stmt_list, setup, int(1E4)) scores0 = scores_list0[-1] scores1 = scores_list1[-1] scores2 = scores_list2[-1] scores3 = scores_list3[-1] %timeit scores0.sum() %timeit scores1.sum() %timeit scores2.sum() %timeit scores3.sum() """ # Apply powerlaw scores_iter = [ np.multiply(np.sign(mawmat), np.power(np.abs(mawmat), smk_alpha)) for mawmat in wsim_list ] # Apply threshold scores_list = [ np.multiply(scores, np.greater(scores, smk_thresh)) for scores in scores_iter ] if utool.DEBUG2: assert len(scores_list) == len(wsim_list) return scores_list