Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.special_query

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

handles the "special" more complex vs-one re-ranked query

# Write some alias for ourselves
python -c "import utool as ut; ut.write_modscript_alias( '', 'ibeis.algo.hots.qt_inc_automatch')"
python -c "import utool as ut; ut.write_modscript_alias('', 'ibeis.algo.hots.qt_inc_automatch', '')"

# PROFILE PZ_Master0 With lots of preadded data
sh --test-test_inc_query:3 --num-init 7500 --test-title "ProfileIncPZMaster0"

sh --test-test_inc_query:3 --num-init 8690
sh --test-test_inc_query:0
sh --test-test_inc_query:3 --num-init 5000 --devcache --vsone-errs

sh --test-test_inc_query:2 --num-init 100 --devcache --vsone-errs

# Interactive GZ Test
sh --test-test_inc_query:2 --num-init 100 --devcache --no-normcache --vsone-errs --ia 10  --test-title "GZ_Inc_Errors"

# Automatic GZ Test
sh --test-test_inc_query:2 --num-init 100 --devcache --no-normcache --vsone-errs  --test-title "GZ_Inc_Errors"

sh --test-test_inc_query:1 --num-init 0 --devcache --no-normcache --vsone-errs  --test-title "PZ_Inc_Errors"
# No testing
sh --test-test_inc_query:1 --num-init 0 --no-normcache --test-title "PZ_Inc_Errors"

# Automatic GZ Test Small
sh --test-test_inc_query:2 --num-init 0 --devcache --no-normcache --vsone-errs --test-title "GZ_DEV" --gzdev --ninit 34 --naac --interupt-case
sh --test-test_inc_query:2 --num-init 0 --devcache --no-normcache --vsone-errs --test-title "GZ_DEV" --gzdev --ninit 47 --naac --interupt-case

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import six
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
from ibeis.algo.hots import hstypes
from ibeis.algo.hots import match_chips4 as mc4
from ibeis.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer
from ibeis.algo.hots import automated_params
from six.moves import filter
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = ut.inject(__name__, '[special_query]')

# hack for tests
if ut.in_main_process():
    test_title = ut.get_argval('--test-title', type_=str, default=None)
    if test_title is not None:

USE_VSMANY_HACK = ut.get_argflag('--vsmany-hack')
TEST_VSONE_ERRORS = ut.get_argflag(('--test-vsone-errors', '--vsone-errs'))

TestTup = ut.namedtuple(
    'TestTup', (
        'qaid_t', 'qaid', 'vsmany_rank', 'vsone_rank'))

[docs]def testdata_special_query(dbname=None): """ test data for special query doctests """ import ibeis if dbname is None: dbname = 'testdb1' # build test data ibs = ibeis.opendb(dbname) #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species='zebra_plains') return ibs, valid_aids
[docs]def query_vsone_verified(ibs, qaids, daids, qreq_vsmany__=None, incinfo=None): """ main special query entry point A hacked in vsone-reranked pipeline Actually just two calls to the pipeline Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaids (list): query annotation ids daids (list): database annotation ids qreq_vsmany_ (QueryRequest): used for persitant QueryRequest objects if None creates new query request otherwise Returns: tuple: qaid2_qres, qreq_ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-query_vsone_verified Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query('PZ_MTEST') >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> qaid = qaids[0] >>> # execute function >>> qaid2_qres, qreq_, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsone_verified(ibs, qaids, daids) >>> cm = qaid2_qres[qaid] Ignore: from ibeis.algo.hots import score_normalization cm = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] ibs.delete_qres_cache() cm = qaid2_qres[qaid] cm.show_top(ibs, update=True, name_scoring=True) qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] qres_vsmany.show_top(ibs, update=True, name_scoring=True) qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] qres_vsone.show_top(ibs, update=True, name_scoring=True) """ if len(daids) == 0: print('[special_query.X] no daids... returning empty query') qaid2_qres, qreq_ = mc4.empty_query(ibs, qaids) return qaid2_qres, qreq_, None #use_cache = True use_cache = False save_qcache = False # vs-many initial scoring print('[special_query.1] issue vsmany query') qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial( ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache=use_cache, save_qcache=save_qcache, qreq_vsmany_=qreq_vsmany__) # HACK TO JUST USE VSMANY # this can ensure that the baseline system is not out of wack if USE_VSMANY_HACK: print('[special_query.X] vsmany hack on... returning vsmany result') qaid2_qres = qaid2_qres_vsmany qreq_ = qreq_vsmany_ return qaid2_qres, qreq_, qreq_vsmany_ # build vs one list print('[special_query.2] finished vsmany query... building vsone pairs') vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany) # vs-one reranking print('[special_query.3] issue vsone queries') qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, use_cache) # hack in score normalization if qreq_vsone_.qparams.score_normalization: qreq_vsone_.load_score_normalizer() # Augment vsone queries with vsmany distinctiveness print('[special_query.4] augmenting vsone queries') augment_vsone_with_vsmany(vsone_query_pairs, qaid2_qres_vsone, qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsone_) if ut.VERBOSE: verbose_report_results(ibs, qaids, qaid2_qres_vsone, qaid2_qres_vsmany) print('[special_query.5] finished vsone query... checking results') # FIXME: returns the last qreq_. There should be a notion of a query # request for a vsone reranked query qaid2_qres = qaid2_qres_vsone qreq_ = qreq_vsone_ all_failed_qres = all([cm is None for cm in six.itervalues(qaid2_qres)]) any_failed_qres = any([cm is None for cm in six.itervalues(qaid2_qres)]) if any_failed_qres: assert all_failed_qres, "Needs to finish implemetation" print('[special_query.X] failed vsone qreq... returning empty query') qaid2_qres, qreq_ = mc4.empty_query(ibs, qaids) return qaid2_qres, qreq_, None if TEST_VSONE_ERRORS and incinfo is not None and 'metatup' in incinfo: test_vsone_errors(ibs, daids, qaid2_qres_vsmany, qaid2_qres_vsone, incinfo) print('[special_query.5] finished special query') return qaid2_qres, qreq_, qreq_vsmany_
[docs]def test_vsone_errors(ibs, daids, qaid2_qres_vsmany, qaid2_qres_vsone, incinfo): """ ibs1 = ibs_gt ibs2 = ibs (the current test database, sorry for the backwardness) aid1_to_aid2 - maps annots from ibs1 to ibs2 """ WASH = 'wash' BOTH_FAIL = 'both_fail' SINGLETON = 'singleton' VSMANY_OUTPERFORMED = 'vsmany_outperformed' VSMANY_DOMINATES = 'vsmany_dominates' VSMANY_WINS = 'vsmany_wins' VSONE_WINS = 'vsone_wins' if 'testcases' not in incinfo: testcases = {} for case in [WASH, BOTH_FAIL, SINGLETON, VSMANY_OUTPERFORMED, VSMANY_DOMINATES, VSMANY_WINS, VSONE_WINS]: testcases[case] = [] incinfo['testcases'] = testcases testcases = incinfo['testcases'] def append_case(case, testtup): print('APPENDED NEW TESTCASE: case=%r' % (case,)) print('* testup = %r' % (testtup,)) print('* vuuid = %r' % (ibs_gt.get_annot_visual_uuids(testtup.qaid_t),)) if ut.get_argflag('--interupt-case') and case in [VSMANY_WINS, VSMANY_DOMINATES]: incinfo['interactive'] = True incinfo['use_oracle'] = False incinfo['STOP'] = True if ut.is_developer(): import plottool as pt # NOQA IPYTHON_COMMANDS = """ >>> %pylab qt4 >>> from ibeis.viz.interact import interact_matches # NOQA >>> #qres_vsmany = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('qres_vsmany') >>> ibs = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('ibs') >>> daids = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('daids') >>> qnid_t = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('qnid_t') >>> qres_vsone = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('qres_vsone') >>> all_nids_t = ut.search_stack_for_localvar('all_nids_t') >>> # Find index in daids of correct matches >>> cm = qres_vsone >>> correct_indices = np.where(np.array(all_nids_t) == qnid_t)[0] >>> correct_aids2 = ut.take(daids, correct_indices) >>> qaid = cm.qaid >>> aid = correct_aids2[0] >>> # Report visual uuid for inclusion or exclusion in script >>> print(ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids([qaid, aid])) >>> # Feature match things >>> print('cm.filtkey_list = %r' % (cm.filtkey_list,)) >>> fm = cm.aid2_fm[aid] >>> fs = cm.aid2_fs[aid] >>> fsv = cm.aid2_fsv[aid] >>> mx = 2 >>> qfx, dfx = fm[mx] >>> fsv_single = fsv[mx] >>> fs_single = fs[mx] >>> # check featweights >>> data_featweights = ibs.get_annot_fgweights([aid])[0] >>> data_featweights[dfx] >>> fnum = pt.next_fnum() >>> bad_aid = cm.get_top_aids()[0] >>> #match_interaction_good = interact_matches.MatchInteraction(ibs, cm, aid, annot_mode=1) >>> #match_interaction_bad = interact_matches.MatchInteraction(ibs, cm, bad_aid) >>> match_interaction_good = cm.ishow_matches(ibs, aid, annot_mode=1, fnum=1) >>> match_interaction_bad = cm.ishow_matches(ibs, bad_aid, annot_mode=1, fnum=2) >>> match_interaction = match_interaction_good >>> self = match_interaction >>> self.select_ith_match(mx) >>> #impossible_to_match = len(correct_indices) > 0 """ y = """ >>> from os.path import exists >>> import vtool as vt >>> import vtool.patch as vtpatch >>> import vtool.image as vtimage # NOQA >>> chip_list = ibs.get_annot_chips([aid]) >>> kpts_list = ibs.get_annot_kpts([aid]) >>> probchip_fpath_list = ibs.get_probchip_fpath(aid) >>> probchip_list = [vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) if exists(fpath) else None for fpath in probchip_fpath_list] >>> kpts = kpts_list[0] >>> probchip = probchip_list[0] >>> kp = kpts[dfx] >>> patch = vt.get_warped_patch(probchip, kp)[0].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 >>> fnum2 = pt.next_fnum() >>> pt.figure(fnum2, pnum=(1, 2, 1), doclf=True, docla=True) >>> pt.imshow(probchip) >>> pt.draw_kpts2([kp]) >>> pt.figure(fnum2, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> pt.imshow(patch * 255) >>> pt.update() >>> vt.gaussian_average_patch(patch) >>> cm.ishow_top(ibs, annot_mode=1) """ y ut.set_clipboard(IPYTHON_COMMANDS) #ut.spawn_delayed_ipython_paste() ut.embed(remove_pyqt_hook=False) IPYTHON_COMMANDS testcases[case].append(testtup) for qaid in six.iterkeys(qaid2_qres_vsmany): qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] nscoretup_vsone = qres_vsone.get_nscoretup() nscoretup_vsmany = qres_vsmany.get_nscoretup() metatup = incinfo['metatup'] ibs_gt, aid1_to_aid2 = metatup aid2_to_aid1 = ut.invert_dict(aid1_to_aid2) top_aids_vsone = ut.get_list_column(nscoretup_vsone.sorted_aids, 0) top_aids_vsmany = ut.get_list_column(nscoretup_vsmany.sorted_aids, 0) # tranform to groundtruth database coordinates all_daids_t = ut.dict_take_list(aid2_to_aid1, daids) top_aids_vsone_t = ut.dict_take_list(aid2_to_aid1, top_aids_vsone) top_aids_vsmany_t = ut.dict_take_list(aid2_to_aid1, top_aids_vsmany) qaid_t = aid2_to_aid1[qaid] aids_tup = (all_daids_t, top_aids_vsone_t, top_aids_vsmany_t, (qaid_t,),) nids_tup = ibs_gt.unflat_map(ibs_gt.get_annot_nids, aids_tup) (all_nids_t, top_nids_vsone_t, top_nids_vsmany_t, (qnid_t,),) = nids_tup vsmany_rank = ut.listfind(top_nids_vsmany_t, qnid_t) vsone_rank = ut.listfind(top_nids_vsone_t, qnid_t) impossible_to_match = ut.listfind(all_nids_t, qnid_t) is None # Sort the test case into a category testtup = TestTup(qaid_t, qaid, vsmany_rank, vsone_rank) if vsmany_rank is None and vsone_rank is None and impossible_to_match: append_case(SINGLETON, testtup) elif vsmany_rank is not None and vsone_rank is None: if vsmany_rank < 5: append_case(VSMANY_DOMINATES, testtup) else: append_case(VSMANY_OUTPERFORMED, testtup) elif vsmany_rank is None: append_case(BOTH_FAIL, testtup) elif vsone_rank > vsmany_rank: append_case(VSMANY_WINS, testtup) elif vsone_rank < vsmany_rank: append_case(VSONE_WINS, testtup) elif vsone_rank == vsmany_rank: append_case(WASH, testtup) else: raise AssertionError('unenumerated case') count_dict = ut.count_dict_vals(testcases) print('+--') #print(ut.dict_str(testcases)) print('---') print(ut.dict_str(count_dict)) print('L__') #ut.embed()
[docs]def query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache=False, qreq_vsmany_=None, save_qcache=False): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaids (list): query annotation ids daids (list): database annotation ids use_cache (bool): turns on disk based caching qreq_vsmany_ (QueryRequest): persistant vsmany query request Returns: tuple: (newfsv_list, newscore_aids) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-query_vsmany_initial Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query() >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> use_cache = False >>> # execute function >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache) >>> qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaids[0]] >>> # verify results >>> result = qres_vsmany.get_top_aids().tolist() >>> print(result) [2, 6, 4] """ num_names = len(set(ibs.get_annot_nids(daids))) vsmany_cfgdict = dict( K=automated_params.choose_vsmany_K(num_names, qaids, daids), Knorm=3, index_method='multi', pipeline_root='vsmany', return_expanded_nns=True ) cm_list, qreq_vsmany_ = ibs.query_chips( qaids, daids, cfgdict=vsmany_cfgdict, return_request=True, use_cache=use_cache, qreq_=qreq_vsmany_, save_qcache=save_qcache) qaid2_qres_vsmany = {cm.qaid: cm for cm in cm_list} isnsum = qreq_vsmany_.qparams.score_method == 'nsum' assert isnsum, 'not nsum' assert qreq_vsmany_.qparams.pipeline_root != 'vsone' return qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_
[docs]def build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany): """ looks that the top N names in a vsmany query to apply vsone reranking Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaid2_qres_vsmany (dict): dict of query result objects Returns: list: vsone_query_pairs CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-build_vsone_shortlist Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query() >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids) >>> # execute function >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany) >>> qaid, top_aid_list = vsone_query_pairs[0] >>> top_nid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aid_list) >>> assert top_nid_list.index(1) == 0, 'name 1 should be rank 1' >>> assert len(top_nid_list) == 5, 'should have 3 names and up to 2 image per name' [(1, [3, 2, 6, 5, 4])] [(1, [2, 3, 6, 5, 4])] """ vsone_query_pairs = [] nNameShortlist = 3 nAnnotPerName = 2 for qaid, qres_vsmany in six.iteritems(qaid2_qres_vsmany): nscoretup = qres_vsmany.get_nscoretup() (sorted_nids, sorted_nscores, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscoretup #top_nid_list = ut.listclip(sorted_nids, nNameShortlist) top_aids_list = ut.listclip(sorted_aids, nNameShortlist) top_aids_list_ = [ut.listclip(aids, nAnnotPerName) for aids in top_aids_list] top_aid_list = ut.flatten(top_aids_list_) # get top annotations beloning to the database query # TODO: allow annots not in daids to be included #top_unflataids = ibs.get_name_aids(top_nid_list, enable_unknown_fix=True) #flat_top_aids = ut.flatten(top_unflataids) #top_aid_list = ut.intersect_ordered(flat_top_aids, qres_vsmany.daids) vsone_query_pairs.append((qaid, top_aid_list)) print('built %d pairs' % (len(vsone_query_pairs),)) return vsone_query_pairs
[docs]def query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, use_cache=False, save_qcache=False): """ does vsone queries to rerank the top few vsmany querys Returns: tuple: qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-query_vsone_pairs Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query() >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> qaid = qaids[0] >>> filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS >>> use_cache = False >>> save_qcache = False >>> # execute function >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids) >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany) >>> qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs) >>> qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] >>> top_namescore_aids = qres_vsone.get_top_aids().tolist() >>> result = str(top_namescore_aids) >>> top_namescore_names = ibs.get_annot_names(top_namescore_aids) >>> assert top_namescore_names[0] == 'easy', 'top_namescore_names[0]=%r' % (top_namescore_names[0],) """ #vsone_cfgdict = dict(codename='vsone_unnorm') #codename = 'vsone_unnorm_dist_ratio_extern_distinctiveness', codename = 'vsone_unnorm_dist_ratio' vsone_cfgdict = dict( index_method='single', codename=codename, ) #------------------------ qaid2_qres_vsone = {} for qaid, top_aids in vsone_query_pairs: # Perform a query request for each cm_list_vsone_, __qreq_vsone_ = ibs.query_chips( [qaid], top_aids, cfgdict=vsone_cfgdict, return_request=True, use_cache=use_cache, save_qcache=save_qcache) qaid2_qres_vsone_ = {cm.qaid: cm for cm in cm_list_vsone_} qaid2_qres_vsone.update(qaid2_qres_vsone_) #------------------------ # Create pseudo query request because there is no good way to # represent the vsone reranking as a single query request and # we need one for the score normalizer #pseudo_codename_ = codename.replace('unnorm', 'norm') + '_extern_distinctiveness' pseudo_codename_ = codename.replace('unnorm', 'norm') # + '_extern_distinctiveness' pseudo_vsone_cfgdict = dict(codename=pseudo_codename_) pseudo_qaids = ut.get_list_column(vsone_query_pairs, 0) pseudo_daids = ut.unique_ordered(ut.flatten(ut.get_list_column(vsone_query_pairs, 1))) # FIXME: making the pseudo qreq_ takes a nontrivial amount of time for what # should be a trivial task. pseudo_qreq_vsone_ = ibs.new_query_request(pseudo_qaids, pseudo_daids, cfgdict=pseudo_vsone_cfgdict, verbose=ut.VERBOSE) #pseudo_qreq_vsone_.load_distinctiveness_normalizer() qreq_vsone_ = pseudo_qreq_vsone_ # Hack in a special config name qreq_vsone_.qparams.query_cfgstr = '_special' + qreq_vsone_.qparams.query_cfgstr return qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_
[docs]def augment_vsone_with_vsmany(vsone_query_pairs, qaid2_qres_vsone, qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsone_): """ AUGMENT VSONE QUERIES (BIG HACKS AFTER THIS POINT) Apply vsmany distinctiveness scores to vsone Args: vsone_query_pairs (?): qaid2_qres_vsone (dict): dict of query result objects qaid2_qres_vsmany (dict): dict of query result objects qreq_vsone_ (?): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-augment_vsone_with_vsmany Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query() >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> qaid = qaids[0] >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial( ... ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache=False, save_qcache=False, ... qreq_vsmany_=None) >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany) >>> qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, False) >>> if qreq_vsone_.qparams.score_normalization: >>> qreq_vsone_.load_score_normalizer() >>> # execute function >>> result = augment_vsone_with_vsmany(vsone_query_pairs, qaid2_qres_vsone, qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsone_) >>> # verify results >>> cm = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] >>> assert np.all(ut.inbounds(cm.aid2_fsv[daids[0]], 0.0, 1.0, eq=True)) >>> assert np.all(ut.inbounds(cm.aid2_score[daids[0]], 0.0, 1.0, eq=True)) >>> print(result) """ for qaid, top_aids in vsone_query_pairs: qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] #with ut.EmbedOnException(): if len(top_aids) == 0: print('Warning: top_aids is len 0') qaid = qres_vsmany.qaid continue qres_vsone.assert_self() qres_vsmany.assert_self() filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS VSMANY_DISTINCTIVENESS = qreq_vsone_.qparams.use_external_distinctiveness # VSMANY DISTINCTIVENESS if True or VSMANY_DISTINCTIVENESS: newfsv_list, newscore_aids = get_new_qres_distinctiveness(qres_vsone, qres_vsmany, top_aids, filtkey) else: # VSONE DISTINCTIVENESS newfsv_list, newscore_aids = get_extern_distinctiveness(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone) #with ut.EmbedOnException(): apply_new_qres_filter_scores( qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list, newscore_aids, filtkey)
[docs]def new_feature_score_dimension(cm, daid): """ returns new fsv vectors but does not apply them """ shape = (cm.aid2_fsv[daid].shape[0], 1) new_scores_vsone = np.full(shape, np.nan) new_fsv = np.hstack((cm.aid2_fsv[daid], new_scores_vsone)) #new_scores = new_fsv.T[-1].T return new_fsv
[docs]def get_new_qres_distinctiveness(qres_vsone, qres_vsmany, top_aids, filtkey): """ gets the distinctiveness score from vsmany and applies it to vsone CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --exec-get_new_qres_distinctiveness Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query() >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> qaid = qaids[0] >>> filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS >>> use_cache = False >>> # execute function >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache) >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany) >>> qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, use_cache) >>> qreq_vsone_.load_score_normalizer() >>> qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] >>> qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] >>> top_aids = vsone_query_pairs[0][1] >>> # verify results >>> newfsv_list, newscore_aids = get_new_qres_distinctiveness(qres_vsone, qres_vsmany, top_aids, filtkey) """ newfsv_list = [] newscore_aids = [] # make sure filter does not already exist scorex_vsone = ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey) # Make new filtkey_list new_filtkey_list = qres_vsone.filtkey_list[:] new_filtkey_list.append(filtkey) newscore_aids = top_aids[:] for daid in top_aids: # Distinctiveness is mostly independent of the vsmany database results if daid not in qres_vsone.aid2_fm: # or daid not in qres_vsmany.aid2_fm): # no matches to work with continue if scorex_vsone is None: new_fsv_vsone = new_feature_score_dimension(qres_vsone, daid) assert len(new_filtkey_list) == len(new_fsv_vsone.T), 'filter length is not consistent' fm_vsone = qres_vsone.aid2_fm[daid] qfx_vsone = fm_vsone.T[0] # Use vsmany as the distinctivness # Get the distinctiveness score from the neighborhood # around each query point in the vsmany query result norm_sqared_dist = qres_vsmany.qfx2_dist.T[-1].take(qfx_vsone) norm_dist = np.sqrt(norm_sqared_dist) # FIXME: params not used # but this is probably depricated anyway dcvs_power, dcvs_max_clip, dcvs_min_clip = 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 dstncvs = distinctiveness_normalizer.compute_distinctiveness_from_dist(norm_dist, dcvs_power, dcvs_max_clip, dcvs_min_clip) # Copy new scores to the new fsv vector new_fsv_vsone.T[-1].T[:] = dstncvs # newfsv_list.append(new_fsv_vsone) return newfsv_list, newscore_aids
[docs]def get_extern_distinctiveness(qreq_, cm, **kwargs): r""" Uses distinctivness normalizer class (which uses predownloaded models) to normalize the distinctivness of a keypoint for query points. IDEA: because we have database points as well we can use the distance between normalizer of the query point and the normalizer of the database point. They should have a similar normalizer if they are a correct match AND nondistinctive. Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters cm (QueryResult): object of feature correspondences and scores Returns: tuple: (new_fsv_list, daid_list) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-get_extern_distinctiveness Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> daids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qaids = daids[0:1] >>> cfgdict = dict(codename='vsone_unnorm_dist_ratio_extern_distinctiveness') >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> #qreq_.lazy_load() >>> cm = ibs.query_chips(qreq_=qreq_, use_cache=False, save_qcache=False)[0] >>> # execute function >>> (new_fsv_list, daid_list) = get_extern_distinctiveness(qreq_, cm) >>> # verify results >>> assert all([fsv.shape[1] == 1 + len(cm.filtkey_list) for fsv in new_fsv_list]) >>> assert all([np.all(fsv.T[-1] >= 0) for fsv in new_fsv_list]) >>> assert all([np.all(fsv.T[-1] <= 1) for fsv in new_fsv_list]) """ dstcnvs_normer = qreq_.dstcnvs_normer assert dstcnvs_normer is not None, 'must have loaded normalizer' filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS # make sure filter does not already exist scorex_vsone = ut.listfind(cm.filtkey_list, filtkey) assert scorex_vsone is None, 'already applied distinctivness' daid_list = list(six.iterkeys(cm.aid2_fsv)) # Find subset of features to get distinctivness of qfxs_list = [cm.aid2_fm[daid].T[0] for daid in daid_list] query_vecs = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_vecs(cm.qaid, config2_=qreq_.qparams) # there might be duplicate feature indexes in the list of feature index # lists. We can use to perform neighbor lookup more efficiently by only # performing a single query per feature index. Utool does the mapping for us def rowid_distinctivness(unique_flat_qfx_list, dstcnvs_normer=None, query_vecs=None, **kwargs): # Take only the unique vectors unique_flat_subvecs = query_vecs.take(unique_flat_qfx_list, axis=0) unique_flat_dstcvns = dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(unique_flat_subvecs, **kwargs) return unique_flat_dstcvns[:, None] aug_fsv_list = ut.unflat_unique_rowid_map( rowid_distinctivness, qfxs_list, dstcnvs_normer=dstcnvs_normer, query_vecs=query_vecs, **kwargs) if False: with ut.Timer('time1'): aug_fsv_list = ut.unflat_unique_rowid_map( rowid_distinctivness, qfxs_list, dstcnvs_normer=dstcnvs_normer, query_vecs=query_vecs) with ut.Timer('time2'): # Less efficient way to do this _vecs_list = [query_vecs.take(qfxs, axis=0) for qfxs in qfxs_list] _aug_fsv_list = [dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(_vecs)[:, None] for _vecs in _vecs_list] isequal_list = [np.all(np.equal(*tup)) for tup in zip(aug_fsv_list, _aug_fsv_list)] assert all(isequal_list), 'utool is broken' # Compute the distinctiveness as the augmenting score # ensure the shape is (X, 1) # Stack the new and augmenting scores old_fsv_list = [cm.aid2_fsv[daid] for daid in daid_list] new_fsv_list = list(map(np.hstack, zip(old_fsv_list, aug_fsv_list))) # FURTHER HACKS TO SCORING #if 'fg_power' in kwargs: for filtkey in hstypes.WEIGHT_FILTERS: key = filtkey + '_power' if key in kwargs: _power = kwargs[key] _index = ut.listfind(cm.filtkey_list, filtkey) for fsv in new_fsv_list: fsv.T[_index] **= _power #new_aid2_fsv = dict(zip(daid_list, new_fsv_list)) return new_fsv_list, daid_list
[docs]def product_scoring(new_fsv_vsone): """ product of all weights """ new_fs_vsone = return new_fs_vsone
[docs]def apply_new_qres_filter_scores(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list, newscore_aids, filtkey): r""" applies the new filter scores vectors to a query result and updates other scores Args: qres_vsone (QueryResult): object of feature correspondences and scores newfsv_list (list): newscore_aids (?): filtkey (?): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --test-apply_new_qres_filter_scores Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.special_query import * # NOQA >>> ibs, valid_aids = testdata_special_query() >>> qaids = valid_aids[0:1] >>> daids = valid_aids[1:] >>> qaid = qaids[0] >>> filtkey = hstypes.FiltKeys.DISTINCTIVENESS >>> use_cache = False >>> qaid2_qres_vsmany, qreq_vsmany_ = query_vsmany_initial(ibs, qaids, daids, use_cache) >>> vsone_query_pairs = build_vsone_shortlist(ibs, qaid2_qres_vsmany) >>> qaid2_qres_vsone, qreq_vsone_ = query_vsone_pairs(ibs, vsone_query_pairs, use_cache) >>> qreq_vsone_.load_score_normalizer() >>> qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] >>> qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] >>> top_aids = vsone_query_pairs[0][1] >>> newfsv_list, newscore_aids = get_new_qres_distinctiveness(qres_vsone, qres_vsmany, top_aids, filtkey) >>> apply_new_qres_filter_scores(qreq_vsone_, qres_vsone, newfsv_list, newscore_aids, filtkey) Ignore: qres_vsone.show_top(ibs, name_scoring=True) print(qres_vsone.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True)) print(qres_vsmany.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True)) """ assert ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey) is None # HACK to update result cfgstr qres_vsone.filtkey_list.append(filtkey) qres_vsone.cfgstr = qreq_vsone_.get_cfgstr() # Find positions of weight filters and score filters # so we can apply a weighted average #numer_filters = [hstypes.FiltKeys.LNBNN, hstypes.FiltKeys.RATIO] weight_filters = hstypes.WEIGHT_FILTERS weight_filtxs, nonweight_filtxs = vt.index_partition(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, weight_filters) for new_fsv_vsone, daid in zip(newfsv_list, newscore_aids): #scorex_vsone = ut.listfind(qres_vsone.filtkey_list, filtkey) #if scorex_vsone is None: # TODO: add spatial verification as a filter score # augment the vsone scores # TODO: paramaterize weighted_ave_score = True if weighted_ave_score: # weighted average scoring new_fs_vsone = vt.weighted_average_scoring(new_fsv_vsone, weight_filtxs, nonweight_filtxs) else: # product scoring new_fs_vsone = product_scoring(new_fsv_vsone) new_score_vsone = new_fs_vsone.sum() qres_vsone.aid2_fsv[daid] = new_fsv_vsone qres_vsone.aid2_fs[daid] = new_fs_vsone qres_vsone.aid2_score[daid] = new_score_vsone # FIXME: this is not how to compute new probability #if qres_vsone.aid2_prob is not None: # qres_vsone.aid2_prob[daid] = qres_vsone.aid2_score[daid] # This is how to compute new probability if qreq_vsone_.qparams.score_normalization: # FIXME: TODO: Have unsupported scores be represented as Nones # while score normalizer is still being trained. normalizer = qreq_vsone_.normalizer daid2_score = qres_vsone.aid2_score score_list = list(six.itervalues(daid2_score)) daid_list = list(six.iterkeys(daid2_score)) prob_list = normalizer.normalize_score_list(score_list) daid2_prob = dict(zip(daid_list, prob_list)) qres_vsone.aid2_prob = daid2_prob
[docs]def verbose_report_results(ibs, qaids, qaid2_qres_vsone, qaid2_qres_vsmany): for qaid in qaids: qres_vsone = qaid2_qres_vsone[qaid] qres_vsmany = qaid2_qres_vsmany[qaid] if qres_vsmany is not None: vsmanyinspectstr = qres_vsmany.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True) print(ut.msgblock('VSMANY-INITIAL-RESULT qaid=%r' % (qaid,), vsmanyinspectstr)) if qres_vsone is not None: vsoneinspectstr = qres_vsone.get_inspect_str(ibs=ibs, name_scoring=True) print(ut.msgblock('VSONE-VERIFIED-RESULT qaid=%r' % (qaid,), vsoneinspectstr))
[docs]def test_vsone_verified(ibs): """ hack in vsone-reranking Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.all_imports import * # NOQA >>> #reload_all() >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.automated_matcher import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> test_vsone_verified(ibs) """ import plottool as pt #qaids = ibs.get_easy_annot_rowids() nids = ibs.get_valid_nids(filter_empty=True) grouped_aids_ = ibs.get_name_aids(nids) grouped_aids = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 1, grouped_aids_)) items_list = grouped_aids sample_aids = ut.flatten(ut.sample_lists(items_list, num=2, seed=0)) qaid2_qres, qreq_ = query_vsone_verified(ibs, sample_aids, sample_aids) for cm in ut.InteractiveIter(list(six.itervalues(qaid2_qres))): pt.close_all_figures() fig = cm.ishow_top(ibs) #return qaid2_qres
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.hots.special_query --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()