Source code for ibeis.algo.hots.testem

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TODO: move to ibeis/scripts
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import utool as ut

[docs]def draw_em_graph(P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels): """ python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem test_em --show --no-cnn """ num_labels = PL.shape[1] name_nodes = ['N%d' % x for x in list(range(1, num_labels + 1))] #annot_nodes = ut.chr_range(len(Pn), base='A') annot_nodes = ['X%d' % x for x in list(range(1, len(Pn) + 1))] # name_nodes = ut.chr_range(num_labels, base='A') nodes = name_nodes + annot_nodes PL2 = gam[:, num_labels:].T PL2 += .01 PL2 = PL2 / PL2.sum(axis=1)[:, None] # PL2 = PL2 / np.linalg.norm(PL2, axis=0) zero_part = np.zeros((num_labels, len(Pn) + num_labels)) prob_part = np.hstack([PL2, Pn]) print(ut.hz_str(' PL2 = ', ut.array_repr2(PL2, precision=2))) # Redo p with posteriors if ut.get_argflag('--postem'): P = np.vstack([zero_part, prob_part]) weight_matrix = P # NOQA graph = ut.nx_from_matrix(P, nodes=nodes) graph = graph.to_directed() # delete graph dup_edges = [] seen_ = set([]) for u, v in graph.edges(): if u < v: u, v = v, u if (u, v) not in seen_: seen_.add((u, v)) else: dup_edges.append((u, v)) graph.remove_edges_from(dup_edges) import plottool as pt import networkx as nx if len(name_nodes) == 3 and len(annot_nodes) == 4: graph.node[annot_nodes[0]]['pos'] = (20., 200.) graph.node[annot_nodes[1]]['pos'] = (220., 200.) graph.node[annot_nodes[2]]['pos'] = (20., 100.) graph.node[annot_nodes[3]]['pos'] = (220., 100.) graph.node[name_nodes[0]]['pos'] = (10., 300.) graph.node[name_nodes[1]]['pos'] = (120., 300.) graph.node[name_nodes[2]]['pos'] = (230., 300.) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'pin', 'true') print('annot_nodes = %r' % (annot_nodes,)) print('name_nodes = %r' % (name_nodes,)) for u in annot_nodes: for v in name_nodes: if graph.has_edge(u, v): print('1) u, v = %r' % ((u, v),)) graph.edge[u][v]['taillabel'] = graph.edge[u][v]['label'] graph.edge[u][v]['color'] = pt.ORANGE graph.edge[u][v]['labelcolor'] = pt.BLUE del graph.edge[u][v]['label'] elif graph.has_edge(v, u): print('2) u, v = %r' % ((u, v),)) graph.edge[v][u]['headlabel'] = graph.edge[v][u]['label'] graph.edge[v][u]['color'] = pt.ORANGE graph.edge[v][u]['labelcolor'] = pt.BLUE del graph.edge[v][u]['label'] else: print((u, v)) print('!!') # import itertools # name_const_edges = [(u, v, {'style': 'invis'}) for u, v in itertools.combinations(name_nodes, 2)] # graph.add_edges_from(name_const_edges) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: False for edge in graph.edges() if edge[0] == 'b' or edge[1] == 'b'}) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: False for edge in graph.edges() if edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes}) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if edge[0] in name_nodes or edge[1] in name_nodes}) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['a', 'b'] and edge[1] in ['a', 'b']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes}) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['c'] or edge[1] in ['c']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes}) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['a'] or edge[1] in ['a']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes}) # nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'constraint', {edge: True for edge in graph.edges() if (edge[0] in ['b'] or edge[1] in ['b']) and edge[0] in annot_nodes and edge[1] in annot_nodes}) # graph.add_edges_from([('root', n) for n in nodes]) # {node: 'names' for node in name_nodes}) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'color', {node: pt.RED for node in name_nodes}) # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'width', {node: 20 for node in nodes}) # nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'height', {node: 20 for node in nodes}) #nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'group', {node: 'names' for node in name_nodes}) #nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'group', {node: 'annots' for node in annot_nodes}) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'groupid', {node: 'names' for node in name_nodes}) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'groupid', {node: 'annots' for node in annot_nodes}) graph.graph['clusterrank'] = 'local' # graph.graph['groupattrs'] = { # 'names': {'rankdir': 'LR', 'rank': 'source'}, # 'annots': {'rankdir': 'TB', 'rank': 'source'}, # } ut.nx_delete_edge_attr(graph, 'weight') # pt.show_nx(graph, fontsize=10, layoutkw={'splines': 'spline', 'prog': 'dot', 'sep': 2.0}, verbose=1) layoutkw = { # 'rankdir': 'LR', 'splines': 'spline', # 'splines': 'ortho', # 'splines': 'curved', # 'compound': 'True', # 'prog': 'dot', 'prog': 'neato', # 'packMode': 'clust', # 'sep': 4, # 'nodesep': 1, # 'ranksep': 1, } #pt.show_nx(graph, fontsize=12, layoutkw=layoutkw, verbose=0, as_directed=False) pt.show_nx(graph, fontsize=6, fontname='Ubuntu', layoutkw=layoutkw, verbose=0, as_directed=False) pt.interactions.zoom_factory()
[docs]def random_test_annot(num_names=5, rng=np.random): """ Create a single test annotation with random properties Args: num_names (int): (default = 5) rng (module): random number generator (default = numpy.random) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem random_test_annot --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.testem import * # NOQA >>> num_names = 5 >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0) >>> result = random_test_annot(num_names, rng) >>> print(result) {u'qual': 1, u'yaw': 0.0, u'nfeats': 1529, u'name': 0, u'view': u'R'} """ from ibeis import constants as const # num_names = 10 valid_names = list(range(num_names)) valid_views = list(const.YAWALIAS.values()) # valid_views.remove(' valid_quals = list(const.QUALITY_INT_TO_TEXT.keys()) ut.delete_list_items(valid_quals, [-1, 0, None]) def sampleone(list_): return ut.random_sample(list_, 1, rng=rng)[0] view_to_ori = ut.map_dict_keys(lambda x: const.YAWALIAS[x], const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS) case = { 'nfeats': np.clip(rng.normal(1000, 300, size=1)[0], 0, np.inf).astype(, 'name': sampleone(valid_names), 'view': sampleone(valid_views), 'qual': sampleone(valid_quals), } case['yaw'] = view_to_ori[case['view']] return case
[docs]def random_case_set(): r""" Returns: tuple: (labels, pairwise_feats) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem random_case_set --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.testem import * # NOQA >>> (labels, pairwise_feats) = random_case_set() >>> result = ('(labels, pairwise_feats) = %s' % (ut.repr2((labels, pairwise_feats)),)) >>> print(result) """ rng = np.random.RandomState(0) case_params = dict(num_names=5, rng=rng) num_annots = 600 test_cases = [random_test_annot(**case_params) for _ in ut.ProgIter(range(num_annots), bs=1)] pairxs = list(ut.product_nonsame(range(num_annots), range(num_annots))) import utool utool.embed() test_pairs = list(ut.unflat_take(test_cases, pairxs)) cases1 = ut.make_instancelist(ut.take_column(test_pairs, 0), check=False) cases2 = ut.make_instancelist(ut.take_column(test_pairs, 1), check=False) # FIXME labels = labels1 = make_test_pairwise_labels2(cases1, cases2) # NOQA #labels = np.array([make_test_pairwise_labels(case1, case2) # for case1, case2 in ut.ProgIter(test_pairs, bs=1)]) pairwise_feats_ = [make_test_pairwise_fetaures(case1, case2, label, rng) for label, (case1, case2) in ut.ProgIter(list(zip(labels, test_pairs)), bs=1)] pairwise_feats = np.vstack(pairwise_feats_) print(ut.dict_hist(labels)) return labels, pairwise_feats
[docs]def test_rf_classifier(): # TODO: Evaluate TPOT # # # --- unifies tensorflow / theano from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV from sklearn.metrics import log_loss # pairwise_feats, labels = random_case_set() X = pairwise_feats y = labels X_train, y_train = X[:600], y[:600] X_valid, y_valid = X[600:800], y[600:800] X_train_valid, y_train_valid = X[:800], y[:800] X_test, y_test = X[800:], y[800:] # Train uncalibrated random forest classifier on whole train and validation # data and evaluate on test data clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=25), y_train_valid) clf_probs = clf.predict_proba(X_test) score = log_loss(y_test, clf_probs) print('score = %r' % (score,)) # Train random forest classifier, calibrate on validation data and evaluate # on test data clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=25), y_train) clf_probs = clf.predict_proba(X_test) sig_clf = CalibratedClassifierCV(clf, method="sigmoid", cv="prefit"), y_valid) sig_clf_probs = sig_clf.predict_proba(X_test) sig_score = log_loss(y_test, sig_clf_probs) print('sig_score = %r' % (sig_score,))
[docs]def make_test_pairwise_fetaures(case1, case2, label, rng): import vtool as vt mu_fm = 50 if label == 1 else 10 sigma_fm = 10 if label == 1 else 20 mu_fs = .2 if label == 1 else .4 sigma_fs = .1 if label == 1 else .1 num_top = 4 max_feats = min(case1['nfeats'], case2['nfeats']) num_matches = np.clip(rng.normal(mu_fm, sigma_fm, size=1)[0], num_top + 1, max_feats).astype(, perb = np.abs(rng.normal(.001, .001, size=num_matches)) sift_dists = np.clip(rng.normal(mu_fs, sigma_fs, size=num_matches), 0, 1) + perb sortx = np.argsort(sift_dists) local_feat_simvecs = np.vstack([sift_dists]).T[sortx] local_simvec = local_feat_simvecs[0:num_top] yaw1 = case1['yaw'] yaw2 = case2['yaw'] global_simvec = np.array([ case1['qual'], case2['qual'], yaw1 / vt.TAU, yaw2 / vt.TAU, vt.ori_distance(yaw1, yaw2) / np.pi, np.abs(case1['qual'] - case1['qual']), ]) simvec = np.hstack([global_simvec, local_simvec.ravel()]) return simvec
[docs]def make_test_pairwise_labels(case1, case2): import vtool as vt is_same = case1['name'] == case2['name'] yaw1 = case1['yaw'] yaw2 = case2['yaw'] yaw_dist = vt.ori_distance(yaw1, yaw2) / np.pi if case1['qual'] < 2 or case2['qual'] < 2: # Bad quality means not comparable is_comp = False else: if case1['qual'] > 3 or case2['qual'] > 3: # Better quality, better chance of being comparable is_comp = yaw_dist <= (1 / 4) else: is_comp = yaw_dist <= (1 / 8) if is_comp: label = int(is_same) else: label = 2 return label
[docs]def make_test_pairwise_labels2(cases1, cases2): import vtool as vt is_same = np.array(cases1['name']) == np.array(cases2['name']) yaw1 = np.array(cases1['yaw']) yaw2 = np.array(cases2['yaw']) yaw_dist = vt.ori_distance(yaw1, yaw2) / np.pi qual1 = np.array(cases1['qual']) qual2 = np.array(cases2['qual']) _and = np.logical_and _or = np.logical_or _not = np.logical_not poorqual = _or(qual1 < 2, qual2 < 2) bestqual = _and(_or(qual1 > 3, qual2 > 3), _not(poorqual)) goodqual = _and(_not(bestqual), _not(poorqual)) is_comp = _or.reduce([_not(poorqual), _and(bestqual, yaw_dist <= (1 / 4)), _and(goodqual, yaw_dist <= (1 / 8))]) label = is_same.astype(np.int32) label[_not(is_comp)] = 2 return label
[docs]def test_em(): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem test_em --show python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem test_em --show --no-cnn Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.hots.testem import * # NOQA >>> P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels = test_em() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> pt.qt4ensure() >>> draw_em_graph(P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ print('EM') # Matrix if unary probabilites, The probability that each node takes on a # given label, independent of its edges. test_case = [ {'name': 1, 'view': 'L'}, {'name': 1, 'view': 'L'}, {'name': 2, 'view': 'L'}, {'name': 2, 'view': 'R'}, {'name': 2, 'view': 'B'}, {'name': 3, 'view': 'L'}, #{'name': 3, 'view': 'L'}, #{'name': 4, 'view': 'L'}, ] def make_test_similarity(test_case): #toy_params = { # True: {'mu': 0.9, 'sigma': .1}, # False: {'mu': 0.1, 'sigma': .4} #} # tau = np.pi * 2 from ibeis import constants as const # view_to_ori = const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS view_to_ori = ut.map_dict_keys(lambda x: const.YAWALIAS[x], const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS) # view_to_ori = { # 'F': -1 * tau / 4, # 'L': 0 * tau / 4, # 'B': 1 * tau / 4, # 'R': 2 * tau / 4, # } import vtool as vt nid_list = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'name')) yaw_list = np.array(ut.dict_take(view_to_ori, ut.dict_take_column(test_case, 'view'))) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) pmat = [] for idx in range(len(test_case)): nid = nid_list[idx] yaw = yaw_list[idx] p_same = nid == nid_list p_comp = 1 - vt.ori_distance(yaw_list, yaw) / np.pi # estimate noisy measurements p_same_m = np.clip(p_same + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_same)), 0, .9) p_comp_m = np.clip(p_comp + rng.normal(0, .5, size=len(p_comp)), 0, .9) # p_same_and_comp = p_same_m * p_comp_m pmat.append(p_same_and_comp) # P = np.array(pmat) P[np.diag_indices(len(P))] = 0 P = P + P.T / 2 P = np.clip(P, .01, .99) print(ut.hz_str(' P = ', ut.array_repr2(P, precision=2, max_line_width=140))) return P Pn = make_test_similarity(test_case) if False: Pn = np.array(np.matrix( b""" .0 .7 .3 .2 .4 .5; .7 .0 .4 .4 .3 .5; .3 .4 .0 .6 .1 .5; .2 .4 .6 .0 .2 .3; .4 .3 .1 .2 .0 .8; .5 .5 .5 .3 .8 .0 """)) PL = np.array(np.matrix( b""" .7 .5 .5; .8 .4 .3; .5 .7 .3; .5 .8 .4; .3 .2 .8; .5 .5 .8 """)) if True: Pn = np.array(np.matrix( b""" 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.2; 0.7 1.0 0.4 0.4; 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.6; 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 """)) PL = np.array(np.matrix( b""" 0.7 0.5 0.5; 0.8 0.4 0.3; 0.5 0.7 0.3; 0.5 0.8 0.4 """)) num_nodes = Pn.shape[0] for num_labels in range(1, 2): #Pn = np.array(np.matrix( # b""" # .0 .7 .3 .2 .4 .5; # .7 .0 .4 .4 .3 .5; # .3 .4 .0 .6 .1 .5; # .2 .4 .6 .0 .2 .3; # .4 .3 .1 .2 .0 .8; # .5 .5 .5 .3 .8 .0 # """)) # Uniform distribution over labels if 0: PL = np.ones((num_nodes, num_labels)) / num_labels # Give nodes preferences PL[np.diag_indices(num_labels)] *= 1.01 PL /= np.linalg.norm(PL, axis=0) # PL[0, :] = .01 / (num_labels - 1) # PL[0, 0] = .99 else: PL /= np.linalg.norm(PL, axis=0) # Number of nodes num_nodes = Pn.shape[0] # Number of classes num_labels = PL.shape[1] #num_labels = num_nodes #if 0 or num_labels != 3: # PL = np.ones((num_nodes, num_labels)) / num_labels # # PL[0, :] = .01 / (num_labels - 1) # # PL[0, 0] = .99 d = num_labels + num_nodes # Stack everything into a single matrix zero_part = np.zeros((num_labels, num_nodes + num_labels)) prob_part = np.hstack([PL, Pn]) #print(ut.hz_str(' prob_part = ', ut.array_repr2(prob_part[:, :], precision=2))) P = np.vstack([zero_part, prob_part]) # Gamma will hold a probability distribution over the nodes # The labeled nodes must match themselves. # The unlabeld nodes are initialized with a uniform distribution. gam = np.hstack([np.eye(num_labels), np.ones((num_labels, num_nodes)) / num_labels]) print('Initialize') print('num_labels = %r' % (num_labels,)) # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam[:, num_labels:], max_line_width=140, precision=2))) print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam, max_line_width=140, precision=2))) delta_i = np.zeros(num_labels) def dErr(i, gam, P, delta_i=delta_i): # exepcted liklihood is cross entropy error delta_i[:] = 0 # Compute the gradient of the cross entropy error # This is over both names and annotations for j in range(d): if i != j: delta_i += gam[:, j] * np.log(P[i, j] / (1 - P[i, j])) # compute the projected gradient delta_i_hat = delta_i - delta_i.sum() / num_labels return delta_i_hat # Maximies the expected liklihood of gamma learn_rate = 0.05 num_iters = 1000 dGam = np.zeros(gam.shape) # for count in range(num_iters): for count in ut.ProgIter(range(num_iters), label='EM', bs=True): # Compute error gradient for i in range(num_labels, d): dGam[:, i] = dErr(i, gam, P) # Make a step in the gradient direction # print(ut.hz_str(' dGam = ', ut.array_repr2(dGam, max_line_width=140, precision=2))) gam = gam + learn_rate * dGam # Normalize gam = np.clip(gam, 0, 1) for i in range(num_labels, d): gam[:, i] = gam[:, i] / np.sum(gam[:, i]) # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam, max_line_width=140, precision=2))) # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam[:, num_labels:], max_line_width=140, precision=2))) print('Finished') return P, Pn, PL, gam, num_labels
[docs]def test_em2(prob_names, prob_annots=None): """ assert prob_names.shape == (nAnnots, nNames) """ learn_rate = 0.05 num_iters = 1 # Matrix if unary probabilites, The probability that each node takes on a # given label, independent of its edges. num_annots, num_names = prob_names.shape # prevent zero probabilities prob_names_ = prob_names + 1E-9 prob_names_ /= prob_names_.sum(axis=1)[:, None] if prob_annots is None: prob_annots_ = np.full((num_annots, num_annots), 1 / num_annots) prob_annots_[np.diag_indices(num_annots)] *= 1.01 # perterb rng = np.random.RandomState(0) prob_annots_ += (rng.randn(*prob_annots_.shape)) / 100 prob_annots_ /= prob_annots_.sum(axis=1)[:, None] prob_annots_ = (prob_annots_.T + prob_annots_) / 2 else: prob_annots_ = prob_annots + 1E-9 prob_annots_ /= prob_annots_.sum(axis=1)[:, None] # Stack everything into a single matrix prob_part = np.hstack([prob_names_, prob_annots_]) zero_part = np.zeros((num_names, num_annots + num_names)) prior = np.vstack([zero_part, prob_part]) # Gamma will hold a probability distribution over the nodes # The labeled nodes must match themselves. # The unlabeld nodes are initialized with a uniform distribution. gam = np.hstack([np.eye(num_names), np.ones((num_names, num_annots)) / num_names]) verbose = 1 if verbose: print('Initialize') print('num_names = %r' % (num_names,)) print(ut.hz_str('prior = ', ut.array2string2(prob_part[:, :], precision=2, max_line_width=140, suppress_small=True))) print(ut.hz_str('gamma = ', ut.array2string2(gam[:, :], max_line_width=140, precision=2, suppress_small=True))) #print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam, max_line_width=140, precision=2))) delta_i = np.zeros(num_names) def dErr(i, gam, prior, delta_i=delta_i, num_names=num_names): # exepcted liklihood is cross entropy error delta_i[:] = 0 # Compute the gradient of the cross entropy error # This is over both names and annotations jdxs = [j for j in range(prior.shape[0]) if j != i] prior_ij = prior[i, jdxs] np.log(prior_ij / (1 - prior_ij)) gam[:, jdxs] for j in range(prior.shape[0]): if i != j: delta_i += gam[:, j] * np.log(prior[i, j] / (1 - prior[i, j])) # compute the projected gradient delta_i_hat = delta_i - delta_i.sum() / num_names return delta_i_hat # Build node for each annot and each name num_nodes = num_annots + num_names # Maximies the expected liklihood of gamma dGam = np.zeros(gam.shape) # for count in range(num_iters): for count in ut.ProgIter(range(num_iters), label='EM', bs=True): # Compute error gradient for i in range(num_names, num_nodes): dGam[:, i] = dErr(i, gam, prior) # Make a step in the gradient direction # print(ut.hz_str(' dGam = ', ut.array_repr2(dGam, max_line_width=140, precision=2))) gam = gam + learn_rate * dGam # Normalize gam = np.clip(gam, 0, 1) for i in range(num_names, num_nodes): gam[:, i] = gam[:, i] / np.sum(gam[:, i]) # print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array_repr2(gam, max_line_width=140, precision=2))) if verbose: print(ut.hz_str(' gamma = ', ut.array2string2(gam[:, num_names:], max_line_width=140, precision=2, suppress_small=True))) print('Finished') return gam
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem python -m ibeis.algo.hots.testem --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs() r""" I've gone over both the pdf and the code and I would like to clarify a few things. In the pdf the measure of uncertainty u_{ij} seems to not be used anywhere else, is this true or am I missing it? In the code there is a matrix PL and Pn. I believe Pn is represented by the edge between the numbered nodes and the lettered nodes, while PL (corresponds to gamma and) represents the connections between the lettered nodes. Is it correct that PL is proportional to the probability that node i takes label j, and Pn is the probability that node i matches node j? In the animal ID problem there is not always a notion of groundtruth likelihood. Nor, is the groundtruth fixed. We need to find and correct errors in the groundtruth. For instance node 1 and node 2 might actually need to have the same label (node 1 may be a right side zebra and node 2 may be a left side zebra. Identity equivalence is a transitive property. We need to be able to infer labeling through chains of high likelihood connections even though the end points might have a low probability edge between them.) Using the language of image segmentation, I believe that without the "unary" terms on each node (the probability of them taking on a given label) the solution converges to a uniform distribution regardless of the "pairwise" terms between the lettered nodes. In summary: * How does this framework address uncertainty in the pairwise probabilities? * Does this framework work in the scenario where there is no groundtruth and the number of labels is unknown? I'm having trouble understanding how this EM algorithm addresses uncertainty and the case where there is no label information. First, I do not see how uncertaint plays a role in the formulation. In the attached pdf it is defined, but never used. Second, I don't see how this works in the case where there are no "groundtruth" exemplars and the number of classes is unknown. Consider the case where we have 6 unlabeled annotations and we compute the pairwise similarity between each of them. We do not know how many individuals (classes) there are in this set. There is a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6. We cannot compute the (unary) probability that a pariticular annotation takes on a particular class because the class is just an abstract notion used to define a partition of this graph. If we have a unlabeled set of annotations and we compute the pairwise similarity between each of them, how does this I don't see how the uncertainty measure plays a role in the I don't see how to get away from the "unary" terms in this formulation In fact in the example you gave, if you simply look at the probabilities on each edge from the labeled nodes to the unlabeled nodes, you can simply take the edge with the highest weight to a labeled node and arive at the same solution. """