Source code for ibeis.algo.preproc.old_chip_preproc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip, range, filter  # NOQA
from os.path import exists, relpath
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import functools

# TODO in template version
#def read_chip_fpath(ibs, cid_list, **kwargs):
#    """ T_ExternFileGetter """
#    cfpath_list = ibs.get_chip_fpath(cid_list, **kwargs)
#    # --- generalize params
#    rowid_list = cid_list
#    readfunc = vt.imread
#    fpath_list = cfpath_list
#    # --- generalize func
#    """
#    # a missing external resource should delete its rowid from its native table
#    # it is the parents responcibility to recompute the desired child
#    # configuration.
#    """
#    data_list = ut.alloc_nones(len(fpath_list))
#    failed_index_list = []
#    for index, fpath in enumerate(fpath_list):
#        try:
#            data = readfunc(fpath)
#            data_list[index] = data
#        except IOError:
#            failed_index_list.append(index)
#    failed_rowids    = ut.take(rowid_list, failed_index_list)
#    failed_fpaths    = ut.take(fpath_list, failed_index_list)
#    exists_list      = [exists(fpath) for fpath in failed_fpaths]
#    missing_rowids   = ut.compress(failed_rowids, exists_list)  # NOQA
#    corrupted_rowids = ut.filterfalse_items(failed_rowids, exists_list)  # NOQA


[docs]def compute_or_read_annotation_chips(ibs, aid_list, ensure=True, config2_=None, verbose=False, eager=True): r""" SUPER HACY FUNCTION. NEED TO DEPRICATE ---------------------- Found 1 line(s) in 'ibeis/algo/preproc/': : 25 |def compute_or_read_annotation_chips(ibs, aid_list, ensure=True): ---------------------- Found 1 line(s) in 'ibeis/control/': : 313 | chip_list = preproc_chip.compute_or_read_annotation_chips(ibs, aid_list, ensure=ensure) """ if ensure: try: ut.assert_all_not_None(aid_list, 'aid_list') except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, key_list=['aid_list']) raise nTotal = len(aid_list) cfpath_list = make_annot_chip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) mk_cpath_iter = functools.partial(ut.ProgressIter, cfpath_list, nTotal=nTotal, enabled=verbose, freq=100) try: if ensure: cfpath_iter = mk_cpath_iter(lbl='reading ensured chips') chip_list = [vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_iter] #for cfpath in cfpath_iter: # yield vt.imread(cfpath) else: cfpath_iter = mk_cpath_iter(lbl='reading existing chips') chip_list = [None if cfpath is None else vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_iter] #for cfpath in cfpath_iter: # yield None if cfpath is None else vt.imread(cfpath) except IOError as ex: if not ut.QUIET: ut.printex(ex, '[preproc_chip] Handing Exception: ', iswarning=True) ibs.add_annot_chips(aid_list) try: cfpath_iter = mk_cpath_iter(lbl='reading fallback1 chips') chip_list = [vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_iter] except IOError: print('[preproc_chip] cache must have been deleted from disk') # TODO: WE CAN SEARCH FOR NON EXISTANT PATHS HERE AND CALL # ibs.delete_annot_chips compute_and_write_chips_lazy(ibs, aid_list) # Try just one more time cfpath_iter = mk_cpath_iter(lbl='reading fallback2 chips') chip_list = [vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_iter] return chip_list
[docs]def compute_and_write_chips_lazy(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): r""" Spanws compute chip procesess if a chip does not exist on disk DEPRICATE This is regardless of if it exists in the SQL database Args: ibs (IBEISController): aid_list (list): """ if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_chip] compute_and_write_chips_lazy') # Mark which aid's need their chips computed cfpath_list = make_annot_chip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) missing_flags = [not exists(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_list] invalid_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, missing_flags) if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_chip] %d / %d chips need to be computed' % (len(invalid_aids), len(aid_list))) chip_result_list = list(compute_and_write_chips(ibs, invalid_aids)) chip_fpath_list = ut.get_list_column(chip_result_list, 0) return chip_fpath_list # ^^ OLD FUNCS ^^
[docs]def compute_or_read_chip_images(ibs, cid_list, ensure=True, config2_=None): """Reads chips and tries to compute them if they do not exist Args: ibs (IBEISController): cid_list (list): ensure (bool): Returns: chip_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip --test-compute_or_read_chip_images Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc import preproc_chip >>> import numpy as np >>> ibs, aid_list = testdata_ibeis() >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=True) >>> chip_list = compute_or_read_chip_images(ibs, cid_list) >>> result = np.array(list(map(np.shape, chip_list))).sum(0).tolist() >>> print(result) [1434, 2274, 12] Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> ibs, aid_list = testdata_ibeis() >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=True) >>> # Do a bad thing. Remove from disk without removing from sql >>> on_delete(ibs, cid_list) >>> # Now compute_or_read_chip_images should catch the bad thing >>> # we did and correct for it. >>> chip_list = compute_or_read_chip_images(ibs, cid_list) >>> result = np.array(list(map(np.shape, chip_list))).sum(0).tolist() >>> print(result) [1434, 2274, 12] """ cfpath_list = ibs.get_chip_fpath(cid_list) try: if ensure: try: ut.assert_all_not_None(cid_list, 'cid_list') except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, key_list=['cid_list']) raise else: chip_list = [vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_list] else: chip_list = [None if cfpath is None else vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_list] except IOError as ex: if not ut.QUIET: ut.printex(ex, '[preproc_chip] Handing Exception: ', iswarning=True) # Remove bad annotations from the sql database aid_list = ibs.get_chip_aids(cid_list) valid_list = [cid is not None for cid in cid_list] valid_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, valid_list) valid_cfpaths = ut.compress(cfpath_list, valid_list) invalid_aids = ut.filterfalse_items(valid_aids, map(exists, valid_cfpaths)) ibs.delete_annot_chips(invalid_aids) # Try readding things new_cid_list = ibs.add_annot_chips(aid_list) cfpath_list = ibs.get_chip_fpath(new_cid_list) chip_list = [vt.imread(cfpath) for cfpath in cfpath_list] return chip_list
[docs]def generate_chip_properties(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): r""" Computes parameters for SQLController adding computes chips if they do not exist. generates values for add_annot_chips sqlcommands Args: ibs (IBEISController): aid_list (list): config2_ (QueryParams): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip --test-generate_chip_properties Example: >>> # ENABLE DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import basename >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:1] >>> params_iter = generate_chip_properties(ibs, aid_list) >>> params_list = list(params_iter) >>> (chip_uri, width, height,) = params_list[0] >>> fname_ = ut.regex_replace('auuid=.*_CHIP', 'auuid={uuid}_CHIP', chip_uri) >>> result = (fname_, width, height) >>> print(result) ('chip_avuuid=8687dcb6-1f1f-fdd3-8b72-8f36f9f41905_CHIP(sz450).png', 545, 372) ('chip_aid=1_auuid={uuid}_CHIP(sz450).png', 545, 372) """ try: # the old function didn't even call this print('[generate_chip_properties] Requested params for %d chips ' % (len(aid_list))) chip_dir = ibs.get_chipdir() chip_result_list = compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) for chip_result, aid in zip(chip_result_list, aid_list): cfpath, width, height = chip_result chip_uri = relpath(cfpath, chip_dir) # Can be made faster by getting size from generator #pil_chip = vt.open_pil_image(cfpath) #width, height = pil_chip.size if ut.DEBUG2: print('Yeild Chip Param: aid=%r, cpath=%r' % (aid, cfpath)) yield (chip_uri, width, height,) except IOError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'ERROR IN PREPROC CHIPS') #--------------- # Chip computing #---------------
[docs]def gen_chip(tup): r""" Parallel worker. Crops chip out of an image, applies filters, etc THERE MAY BE AN ERROR IN HERE DUE TO IMWITE BEING INSIDE A PARALLEL FUNCTION BUT IT MAY BE SOMETHING ELSE? Either way we probably shouldn't call imwrite inside here """ #print('generating chip') cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list = tup chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list) #if DEBUG: #print('write chip: %r' % cfpath) height, width = chipBGR.shape[0:2] vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) return cfpath, width, height
[docs]def gen_chip2(tup): r""" Parallel worker. Crops chip out of an image, applies filters, etc """ #print('generating chip') cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list = tup chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list) #if DEBUG: #print('write chip: %r' % cfpath) height, width = chipBGR.shape[0:2] #vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) return chipBGR, cfpath, width, height
[docs]def get_filter_list(chipcfg_dict): from vtool import image_filters as gfilt_tool filter_list = [] if chipcfg_dict.get('adapteq'): filter_list.append(gfilt_tool.adapteq_fn) if chipcfg_dict.get('histeq'): filter_list.append(gfilt_tool.histeq_fn) #if chipcfg_dict.get('maxcontrast'): #filter_list.append(maxcontr_fn) #if chipcfg_dict.get('rank_eq'): #filter_list.append(rankeq_fn) #if chipcfg_dict.get('local_eq'): #filter_list.append(localeq_fn) if chipcfg_dict.get('grabcut'): filter_list.append(gfilt_tool.grabcut_fn) return filter_list
[docs]def compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): r""" Starts the compute chip process Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids config2_ (dict): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip --test-compute_and_write_chips FIXME: THERE IS A FREEZE THAT HAPPENS HERE ./ python -m ibeis.expt.harness --exec-precompute_test_configuration_features -t custom --expt-preload Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import basename >>> config2_ = None >>> ibs, aid_list = testdata_ibeis() >>> # delete chips >>> ibs.delete_annot_chips(aid_list) >>> # ensure they were deleted >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> assert all([cid is None for cid in cid_list]), 'should be gone' >>> chip_result_list = list(compute_and_write_chips(ibs, aid_list)) >>> cfpath_list = ut.get_list_column(chip_result_list, 0) >>> cfname_list = ut.lmap(basename, cfpath_list) >>> print(cfname_list) >>> # cids should still be None. IBEIS does not know we computed chips >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> assert all([cid is None for cid in cid_list]), 'should be gone' >>> # Now this function should have been executed again implictly >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=True) >>> assert ibs.get_chip_fpath(cid_list) == cfpath_list, 'should be what we had before' Ignore: >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA from os.path import basename import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('GZ_Master1') aid_list = [1915] extract_chip_from_img(imgBGR, bbox, theta, new_size) gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) newsize_list = vt.get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, bbox_size_list) gfpath = gfpath_list[0] img = vt.imread(gfpath) dim_size = 450 dim_size = 500 target_area = dim_size ** 2 bbox = bbox_list[0] theta = theta_list[0] new_size = newsize_list[0] #new_size = bbox[2:4] chipBGR = vt.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, {}) import plottool as pt print('chipBGR.shape = %r' % (chipBGR.shape,)) print('chipBGR.shape = %r' % (np.sqrt([0:2])),)) pt.imshow(chipBGR, fnum=1) pt.imshow(img, fnum=2) pt.iup() pt.present() """ ut.ensuredir(ibs.get_chipdir()) # CONFIG INFO # Get chip configuration information if config2_ is not None: chip_cfg_dict = config2_.get('chip_cfg_dict') dim_size = config2_.get('dim_size') assert dim_size is not None assert chip_cfg_dict is not None else: # use ibs if config2_ is None dim_size = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.dim_size chip_cfg_dict = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.to_dict() # Get chip dest information (output path), # source information (image, annotation_bbox, theta) # Get how big to resize each chip, etc... nChips = len(aid_list) filter_list = get_filter_list(chip_cfg_dict) cfpath_list = make_annot_chip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) #target_area = dim_size ** 2 bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) scale_func_dict = { 'width': vt.get_scaled_size_with_width, 'root_area': vt.get_scaled_size_with_area, } resize_dim = chip_cfg_dict['resize_dim'] scale_func = scale_func_dict[resize_dim] if resize_dim == 'root_area': target_dim_size = dim_size ** 2 else: target_dim_size = dim_size newsize_list = [scale_func(target_dim_size, w, h) for (w, h) in bbox_size_list] #newsize_list = vt.get_scaled_sizes_with_area(target_area, bbox_size_list) invalid_aids = [aid for aid, (w, h) in zip(aid_list, bbox_size_list) if w == 0 or h == 0] filtlist_iter = (filter_list for _ in range(nChips)) # Check for invalid chips if len(invalid_aids) > 0: msg = ("REMOVE INVALID (BAD WIDTH AND/OR HEIGHT) AIDS TO COMPUTE AND WRITE CHIPS") msg += ("INVALID AIDS: %r" % (invalid_aids, )) print(msg) raise Exception(msg) # Define "Asynchronous" generator arg_iter = zip(cfpath_list, gfpath_list, bbox_list, theta_list, newsize_list, filtlist_iter) arg_list = list(arg_iter) #ut.embed() # We have to force serial here until we can figure out why parallel chip # generation causes a freeze # utool has a unstable test that reproduces this reliably (BECAUSE OF # CV2.WARP_AFFINE WITH BIG OUTPUT) if ut.VERBOSE: print('Computing %d chips' % (len(cfpath_list))) DO_IMWRITE_IN_WORKER = False if DO_IMWRITE_IN_WORKER: # Compute and write chips in asychronous process chip_result_iter = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_chip, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True, freq=10) #chip_result_list = list(chip_result_iter) for _ in chip_result_iter: yield _ else: # Compute chips in asychronous process. Write here chip_result_iter = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_chip2, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True, freq=10) #chip_result_list = [] for chipBGR, cfpath, width, height in chip_result_iter: vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) del chipBGR yield (cfpath, width, height) #print(ut.util_parallel.__POOL__) if not ut.VERBOSE: print('Done computing chips') #return chip_result_list
[docs]def on_delete(ibs, cid_list, config2_=None): r""" Cleans up chips on disk. Called on delete from sql controller. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip --test-on_delete Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc import preproc_chip >>> ibs, aid_list = preproc_chip.testdata_ibeis() >>> cid_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=True) >>> ut.assert_eq(len(ut.filter_Nones(cid_list)), len(cid_list), var1_name='nchips') >>> # Run test function >>> nRemoved1 = preproc_chip.on_delete(ibs, cid_list) >>> ut.assert_eq(nRemoved1, len(cid_list), var1_name='nRemoved1', var2_name='target') >>> nRemoved2 = preproc_chip.on_delete(ibs, cid_list) >>> ut.assert_eq(nRemoved2, 0, var1_name='nRemoved2', var2_name='target') >>> # We have done a bad thing at this point. SQL still thinks chips exist >>> cid_list2 = ibs.get_annot_chip_rowids(aid_list, ensure=False) >>> ibs.delete_chips(cid_list2) """ chip_fpath_list = ibs.get_chip_fpath(cid_list) nRemoved = ut.remove_existing_fpaths(chip_fpath_list, lbl='chips') return nRemoved #--------------- # Chip filenames #---------------
[docs]def make_annot_chip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): chipdir = ibs.get_chipdir() chip_uri_list = make_annot_chip_uri_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) cfpath_list = [ut.unixjoin(chipdir, chip_uri) for chip_uri in chip_uri_list] return cfpath_list
[docs]def make_annot_chip_uri_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): r""" Build chip file paths based on the current IBEIS configuration A chip depends on the chip config and the parent annotation's bounding box. (and technically the parent image (should we put that in the file path?) Args: ibs (IBEISController): aid_list (list): suffix (None): Returns: cfpath_list Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import basename >>> ibs, aid_list = testdata_ibeis() >>> aid_list = aid_list[0:1] >>> chip_uri_list = make_annot_chip_uri_list(ibs, aid_list) >>> #fname = '\n'.join(map(basename, cfpath_list)) >>> fname = '\n'.join(chip_uri_list) >>> result = fname >>> print(result) chip_avuuid=8687dcb6-1f1f-fdd3-8b72-8f36f9f41905_CHIP(sz450).png chip_aid=1_bbox=(0,0,1047,715)_theta=0.0tau_gid=1_CHIP(sz450).png """ cfname_fmt = get_chip_fname_fmt(ibs, config2_=config2_) annot_visual_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) cfname_list = [cfname_fmt.format(avuuid=avuuid) for avuuid in annot_visual_uuid_list] return cfname_list
[docs]def get_chip_fname_fmt(ibs, config2_=None): r"""Returns format of chip file names Args: ibs (IBEISController): Returns: cfname_fmt Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_chip import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc import preproc_chip >>> ibs, aid_list = preproc_chip.testdata_ibeis() >>> cfname_fmt = get_chip_fname_fmt(ibs) >>> result = cfname_fmt >>> print(result) chip_avuuid={avuuid}_CHIP(sz450).png chip_aid=%d_bbox=%s_theta=%s_gid=%d_CHIP(sz450).png """ if config2_ is not None: chip_cfgstr = config2_.get('chip_cfgstr') assert chip_cfgstr is not None else: chip_cfgstr = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.get_cfgstr() # algo settings cfgstr chip_ext = ibs.cfg.chip_cfg['chipfmt'] # png / jpeg (BUGS WILL BE INTRODUCED IF THIS CHANGES) suffix = chip_cfgstr + chip_ext # Chip filenames are a function of annotation_rowid and cfgstr # TODO: Use annot uuids, use verts info as well #cfname_fmt = ('aid_%d' + suffix) #cfname_fmt = ''.join(['chip_auuid_%s' , suffix]) #cfname_fmt = ''.join(['chip_aid=%d_auuid=%s' , suffix]) # TODO: can use visual_uuids instead #cfname_fmt = ''.join(['chip_aid=%d_bbox=%s_theta=%s_gid=%d' , suffix]) cfname_fmt = ''.join(['chip_avuuid={avuuid}' , suffix]) return cfname_fmt #------------- # Testing #-------------
[docs]def testdata_ibeis(): r"""testdata function """ import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0::4] return ibs, aid_list