Source code for ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Preprocess Probability Chips

Uses random forests code to detect the probability that pixel belongs to the

    * Create a probchip controller table.
    * Integrate into the the controller using autogen functions.
        - get_probchip_fpaths, get_annot_probchip_fpath, add_annot_probchip

    * User should be able to manually paint on a chip to denote the foreground
      when the randomforest algorithm messes up.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip
from ibeis.algo.preproc import preproc_chip
from ibeis.algo.detect import randomforest
from os.path import splitext
import utool  # NOQA
import utool as ut
import vtool
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
from os.path import exists
import vtool.chip as ctool
import vtool.image as gtool
# VTool
#import vtool.chip as ctool
#import vtool.image as gtool
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[preproc_probchip]')

[docs]def postprocess_dev(): """ References: CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-postprocess_dev python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-postprocess_dev --aids=2,3 --show python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-postprocess_dev --db Elephants_drop1_ears CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-postprocess_dev Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> # execute function >>> result = postprocess_dev() >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ from plottool import df2 as df2 import cv2 import numpy as np # NOQA #fpath = '/media/raid/work/GZ_ALL/_ibsdb/figures/nsum_hard/qaid=420_res_5ujbs8h&%vw1olnx_quuid=31cfdc3e/probchip_aid=478_auuid=5c327c5d-4bcc-22e4-764e-535e5874f1c7_CHIP(sz450)_FEATWEIGHT(ON,uselabel,rf)_CHIP()_zebra_grevys.png.png' # NOQA import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') aid_list = ut.get_argval(('--aids', '--aid'), type_=list, default=None) if aid_list is None: aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() else: ibs.assert_valid_aids(aid_list) def test_grabcut_on_aid(aid): chip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid) probchip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_probchip_fpath(aid) chip_img = cv2.imread(chip_fpath) probchip_img = cv2.imread(probchip_fpath, flags=cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) label_values = [cv2.GC_BGD, cv2.GC_PR_BGD, cv2.GC_PR_FGD, cv2.GC_FGD] def probchip_to_grabcut_labels(probchip_img, w, h): scaled_probchip = cv2.resize(probchip_img, dsize=(w, h)) mask = ((len(label_values) - 1) * (scaled_probchip / 255)).astype(np.uint8) # Except for one center pixel #mask[mask.shape[0] // 2, mask.shape[1] // 2] = 3 label_mask = mask.copy() for index, value in enumerate(label_values): label_mask[mask == index] = value # No certainty label_mask[label_mask == cv2.GC_FGD] = cv2.GC_PR_FGD label_mask[label_mask == cv2.GC_BGD] = cv2.GC_PR_BGD return label_mask def grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask): image_mask = label_mask.copy() label_colors = np.linspace(0, 255, len(label_values)).astype(np.uint8) for value, color in zip(label_values, label_colors): image_mask[label_mask == value] = (color) return image_mask def grabcut_from_probchip(chip_img, label_mask): rect = (0, 0, w, h) bgd_model = np.zeros((1, 13 * 5), np.float64) fgd_model = np.zeros((1, 13 * 5), np.float64) num_iters = 5 mode = cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK # label_mask is an outvar label_mask_ = label_mask.copy() print(label_values) print(np.unique(label_mask_)) with ut.Timer('grabcut'): cv2.grabCut(chip_img, label_mask_, rect, bgd_model, fgd_model, num_iters, mode=mode) #is_foreground = (label_mask == cv2.GC_FGD) + (label_mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD) #is_foreground = (label_mask_ == cv2.GC_FGD) # + (label_mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD) return label_mask_ (h, w) = chip_img.shape[0:2] label_mask = probchip_to_grabcut_labels(probchip_img, w, h) label_mask_ = grabcut_from_probchip(chip_img, label_mask) float_mask = grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask_) / 255.0 segmented_chip = chip_img * float_mask[:, :, None] next_pnum = df2.make_pnum_nextgen(2, 3) df2.imshow(chip_img, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(probchip_img, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask), fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(segmented_chip, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(255 * (float_mask), fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(chip_img * (float_mask > .6)[:, :, None], fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.present() aid = aid_list[0] for aid in ut.InteractiveIter(aid_list): test_grabcut_on_aid(aid) #input('press enter to continue') #kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) #blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 1.6) #dilation = cv2.dilate(img, kernel, iterations=10) #df2.imshow(blur, fnum=2) #df2.imshow(dilation, fnum=3) #cv2.floodFill(image, mask, seedPoint, newVal) #closing = cv2.morphologyEx(img, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel, iterations=5) #df2.imshow(closing, fnum=4) pass
[docs]def group_aids_by_featweight_species(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None): """ helper Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> config2_ = None >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> grouped_aids, unique_species, groupxs = group_aids_by_featweight_species(ibs, aid_list, config2_) """ if config2_ is None: featweight_species = ibs.cfg.featweight_cfg.featweight_species else: featweight_species = config2_.get('featweight_species') assert featweight_species is not None if featweight_species == 'uselabel': # Use the labeled species for the detector species_list = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list) else: species_list = [featweight_species] aid_list = np.array(aid_list) species_list = np.array(species_list) species_rowid = np.array(ibs.get_species_rowids_from_text(species_list)) unique_species_rowids, groupxs = vtool.group_indices(species_rowid) grouped_aids = vtool.apply_grouping(aid_list, groupxs) grouped_species = vtool.apply_grouping(species_list, groupxs) unique_species = ut.get_list_column(grouped_species, 0) return grouped_aids, unique_species, groupxs
[docs]def get_probchip_fname_fmt(ibs, config2_=None, species=None): """ Returns format of probability chip file names Args: ibs (IBEISController): suffix (None): Returns: probchip_fname_fmt Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc import preproc_chip >>> ibs, aid_list = preproc_chip.testdata_ibeis() >>> config2_ = ibs.new_query_params(dict(fg_on=False)) >>> probchip_fname_fmt = get_probchip_fname_fmt(ibs, config2_=config2_) >>> result = probchip_fname_fmt >>> print(result) probchip_avuuid={avuuid}_CHIP(sz450)_FEATWEIGHT(OFF).png """ cfname_fmt = preproc_chip.get_chip_fname_fmt(ibs, config2_=config2_) if config2_ is None: # FIXME FIXME FIXME: ugly, bad code that wont generalize at all. # you can compute probchips correctly only once, if you change anything # you have to delete your cache. probchip_cfgstr = ibs.cfg.featweight_cfg.get_cfgstr(use_feat=False, use_chip=False) else: probchip_cfgstr = config2_.get('probchip_cfgstr') assert probchip_cfgstr is not None #raise NotImplementedError('config2_ is not None') suffix = probchip_cfgstr if species is not None: # HACK, we sortof know the species here already from the # config string, but this helps in case we mess the config up suffix += '_' + species #probchip_cfgstr = ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.get_cfgstr() # algo settings cfgstr fname_noext, ext = splitext(cfname_fmt) probchip_fname_fmt = ''.join(['prob', fname_noext, suffix, ext]) return probchip_fname_fmt
[docs]def get_annot_probchip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, species=None): """ Build probability chip file paths based on the current IBEIS configuration Args: ibs (IBEISController): aid_list (list): suffix (None): Returns: probchip_fpath_list Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import basename >>> ibs, aid_list = preproc_chip.testdata_ibeis() >>> config2_ = ibs.new_query_params(dict(fg_on=False)) >>> probchip_fpath_list = get_annot_probchip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_) >>> result = ut.relpath_unix(probchip_fpath_list[1], ibs.get_dbdir()) >>> print(result) _ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/prob_chips/probchip_avuuid=5a1a53ba-fd44-b113-7f8c-fcf248d7047f_CHIP(sz450)_FEATWEIGHT(OFF).png _ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/prob_chips/probchip_avuuid=5a1a53ba-fd44-b113-7f8c-fcf248d7047f_CHIP(sz450)_FEATWEIGHT(ON,uselabel,rf).png probchip_aid=5_bbox=(0,0,1072,804)_theta=0.0tau_gid=5_CHIP(sz450)_FEATWEIGHT(ON,uselabel,rf)_CHIP().png """ ibs.probchipdir = ibs.get_probchip_dir() cachedir = ibs.get_probchip_dir() ut.ensuredir(cachedir) probchip_fname_fmt = get_probchip_fname_fmt(ibs, config2_=config2_, species=species) annot_visual_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) probchip_fpath_list = [ut.unixjoin(cachedir, probchip_fname_fmt.format(avuuid=avuuid)) for avuuid in annot_visual_uuid_list] return probchip_fpath_list
[docs]def compute_and_write_probchip(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, lazy=True): """ Computes probability chips using pyrf CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-compute_and_write_probchip:0 --show python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-compute_and_write_probchip:1 python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-compute_and_write_probchip:2 --show --cnn Example0: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> config2_ = None >>> lazy = True >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN)[0:4] >>> probchip_fpath_list_ = compute_and_write_probchip(ibs, aid_list, config2_, lazy=lazy) >>> result = ut.list_str(probchip_fpath_list_) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(probchip_fpath_list_, nPerPage=4) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Example1: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> config2_ = None >>> lazy = False >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> probchip_fpath_list_ = compute_and_write_probchip(ibs, aid_list, config2_, lazy=lazy) >>> result = ut.list_str(probchip_fpath_list_) >>> print(result) Example2: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> config2_ = ibs.new_query_params({'featweight_detector': 'cnn'}) >>> lazy = True >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> probchip_fpath_list_ = compute_and_write_probchip(ibs, aid_list, config2_, lazy=lazy) >>> result = ut.list_str(probchip_fpath_list_) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(probchip_fpath_list_, nPerPage=4) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Dev:: #ibs.delete_annot_chips(aid_list) #probchip_fpath_list = get_annot_probchip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list) """ # Get probchip dest information (output path) # TODO; properly ungroup output grouped_aids, unique_species, groupxs = group_aids_by_featweight_species( ibs, aid_list, config2_) nSpecies = len(unique_species) nTasks = len(aid_list) print(('[preproc_probchip.compute_and_write_probchip] ' 'Preparing to compute %d probchips of %d species') % (nTasks, nSpecies)) cachedir = ibs.get_probchip_dir() ut.ensuredir(cachedir) grouped_probchip_fpath_list = [] if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_probchip] +--------------------') for aids, species in zip(grouped_aids, unique_species): if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_probchip] Computing probchips for species=%r' % species) print('[preproc_probchip] |--------------------') if len(aids) == 0: continue probchip_fpaths = get_annot_probchip_fpath_list(ibs, aids, config2_=config2_, species=species) if lazy: # Filter out probchips that are already on disk # pyrf used to do this, now we need to do it # caching should be implicit due to using the visual_annot_uuid in # the filename isdirty_list = ut.not_list(map(exists, probchip_fpaths)) dirty_aids = ut.compress(aids, isdirty_list) dirty_probchip_fpath_list = ut.compress(probchip_fpaths, isdirty_list) print(('[preproc_probchip.compute_and_write_probchip]' ' Lazy compute of to compute %d/%d of species=%s') % (len(dirty_aids), len(aids), species)) else: # No filtering dirty_aids = aids dirty_probchip_fpath_list = probchip_fpaths if len(dirty_aids) > 0: write_dirty_aids(ibs, dirty_probchip_fpath_list, dirty_aids, config2_, species) grouped_probchip_fpath_list.append(probchip_fpaths) if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_probchip] Done computing probability images') print('[preproc_probchip] L_______________________') probchip_fpath_list = vt.invert_apply_grouping2( grouped_probchip_fpath_list, groupxs, dtype=object) return probchip_fpath_list
[docs]def write_dirty_aids(ibs, dirty_probchip_fpath_list, dirty_aids, config2_, species): if config2_ is None: featweight_detector = ibs.cfg.featweight_cfg.featweight_detector else: featweight_detector = config2_.get('featweight_detector') if featweight_detector == 'rf': (extramargin_fpath_list, probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, halfoffset_cs_list, ) = compute_extramargin_detectchip( ibs, dirty_aids, config2_=config2_, species=species, FACTOR=4) #dirty_cfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(dirty_aids, ensure=True, config2_=config2_) config = { 'scale_list': [1.0], 'output_gpath_list': probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, 'mode': 1, } probchip_generator = randomforest.detect_gpath_list_with_species( ibs, extramargin_fpath_list, species, **config) # Evalutate genrator until completion ut.evaluate_generator(probchip_generator) extramargin_mask_gen = ( vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) for fpath in probchip_extramargin_fpath_list ) # Crop the extra margin off of the new probchips _iter = zip(dirty_probchip_fpath_list, extramargin_mask_gen, halfoffset_cs_list) for (probchip_fpath, extramargin_probchip, halfmargin) in _iter: half_w, half_h = halfmargin probchip = extramargin_probchip[half_h:-half_h, half_w:-half_w] vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip) elif featweight_detector == 'cnn': # dont use extrmargin here (for now) chip_fpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(dirty_aids, config2_=config2_) mask_gen = ibs.generate_species_background_mask(chip_fpath_list, species) _iter = zip(dirty_probchip_fpath_list, mask_gen) for chunk in ut.ichunks(_iter, 64): for probchip_fpath, probchip in ut.ProgressIter(chunk, lbl='write probchip chunk', adjust=True, time_thresh=30.0): probchip = postprocess_mask(probchip) vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip) else: raise NotImplementedError('bad featweight_detector=%r' % (featweight_detector,))
[docs]def postprocess_mask(mask): r""" Args: mask (ndarray): Returns: ndarray: mask2 CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --exec-postprocess_mask --cnn --show --aid=1 --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis --tf postprocess_mask --cnn --show --db PZ_Master1 --aid 9970 python -m ibeis --tf postprocess_mask --cnn --show --db PZ_Master1 --aid 9970 --adapteq=True python -m ibeis --tf postprocess_mask --cnn --show --db GIRM_Master1 --aid 9970 --adapteq=True python -m ibeis --tf postprocess_mask --cnn --show --db GIRM_Master1 SeeAlso: python -m ibeis_cnn --tf generate_species_background_mask --show --db PZ_Master1 --aid 9970 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> import ibeis_cnn >>> import ibeis >>> import vtool as vt >>> import plottool as pt >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ut.get_argval(('--aids', '--aid'), type_=list, default=[10]) >>> default_config = dict(ibs.cfg.chip_cfg.parse_items()) >>> cfgdict = ut.argparse_dict(default_config) >>> config2_ = ibs.new_query_params(cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> chip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid_list, config2_=config2_)[0] >>> chip = vt.imread(chip_fpath) >>> #species = ibs.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> species = ibs.get_primary_database_species() >>> print('species = %r' % (species,)) >>> mask_list = list(ibs.generate_species_background_mask([chip_fpath], species)) >>> mask = mask_list[0] >>> mask2 = postprocess_mask(mask) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> fnum = 1 >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=fnum) >>> pt.imshow(mask, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=fnum, title='before') >>> pt.imshow(mask2, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=fnum, title='after') >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 thresh = 20 kernel_size = 20 mask2 = mask.copy() # light threshold mask2[mask2 < thresh] = 0 # open and close kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size), np.uint8) mask2 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask2, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) mask2 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask2, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) mask2 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask2, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) return mask2
[docs]def gen_detectchip(tup): r""" Parallel worker. Crops chip out of an image, applies filters, etc """ cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list = tup chipBGR = ctool.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list) gtool.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) return cfpath
[docs]def compute_extramargin_detectchip(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, species=None, FACTOR=4): #from vtool import chip as ctool #from vtool import image as gtool arg_list, newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list = get_extramargin_detectchip_info( ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_, species=species, FACTOR=FACTOR) # Again, it seems we cannot use warpAffine in parallel loops extramargin_fpath_list = list(ut.generate( gen_detectchip, arg_list, ordered=True, force_serial=True)) probchip_extramargin_fpath_list = [fpath.replace('detectchip', 'probchip') for fpath in extramargin_fpath_list] return extramargin_fpath_list, probchip_extramargin_fpath_list, halfoffset_cs_list #probchip_extramargin_fpath_list = [] #chipBGR = vt.imread(fpath) #print(chipBGR.shape) #assert chipBGR.shape[1] == 160 #for cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list in arg_list: # chipBGR = ctool.compute_chip(gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list) # gtool.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) # probchip_extramargin_fpath_list.append(cfpath)
[docs]def get_extramargin_detectchip_info(ibs, aid_list, config2_=None, species=None, FACTOR=4): r""" Computes a detection chip with a bit of spatial context so the detection algorithm doesn't clip boundaries CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-get_extramargin_detectchip_info --show python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-get_extramargin_detectchip_info --show --qaid 27 python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --test-get_extramargin_detectchip_info --show --qaid 2 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibeis.testdata_aids(ibs=ibs, a='default') >>> arg_list, newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list = get_extramargin_detectchip_info(ibs, aid_list) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> testshow_extramargin_info(ibs, aid_list, arg_list, newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list) """ from vtool import chip as ctool target_width = 128 * FACTOR gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) bbox_size_list = ut.get_list_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) newsize_list = list(map( lambda size: ctool.get_scaled_size_with_width(target_width, *size), bbox_size_list)) invalid_aids = [aid for aid, (w, h) in zip(aid_list, bbox_size_list) if w == 0 or h == 0] if len(invalid_aids) > 0: msg = ("REMOVE INVALID (BAD WIDTH AND/OR HEIGHT) AIDS TO COMPUTE AND WRITE CHIPS") msg += ("INVALID AIDS: %r" % (invalid_aids, )) print(msg) raise Exception(msg) # There are two spaces we are working in here # probchipspace _pcs (the space of the margined chip computed for probchip) and # imagespace _gs (the space using in bbox specification) # Compute the offset we would like in chip space for margin expansion halfoffset_cs_list = [ # TODO: Find correct offsets (16 * FACTOR, 16 * FACTOR) # (w / 16, h / 16) for (w, h) in newsize_list ] # Compute expanded newsize list to include the extra margin offset expanded_newsize_list = [ (w_pcs + (2 * xo_pcs), h_pcs + (2 * yo_pcs)) for (w_pcs, h_pcs), (xo_pcs, yo_pcs) in zip(newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list) ] # Get the conversion from chip to image space to_imgspace_scale_factors = [ (w_gs / w_pcs, h_gs / h_pcs) for ((w_pcs, h_pcs), (w_gs, h_gs)) in zip(newsize_list, bbox_size_list) ] # Convert the chip offsets to image space halfoffset_gs_list = [ ((sx * xo), (sy * yo)) for (sx, sy), (xo, yo) in zip(to_imgspace_scale_factors, halfoffset_cs_list) ] # Find the size of the expanded margin bbox in image space expanded_bbox_gs_list = [ (x_gs - xo_gs, y_gs - yo_gs, w_gs + (2 * xo_gs), h_gs + (2 * yo_gs)) for (x_gs, y_gs, w_gs, h_gs), (xo_gs, yo_gs) in zip(bbox_list, halfoffset_gs_list) ] # TODO: make this work probchip_fpath_list = get_annot_probchip_fpath_list(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config2_, species=species) #probchip_extramargin_fpath_list = [ut.augpath(fpath, '_extramargin') for #fpath in probchip_fpath_list] extramargin_fpath_list = [ut.augpath(fpath, '_extramargin').replace('probchip', 'detectchip') for fpath in probchip_fpath_list] # # filter by species and add a suffix for the probchip_input # # also compute a probchip fpath with an expanded suffix for the detector #probchip_fpath_list = get_annot_probchip_fpath_list(ibs, aids, config2_=None, species=species) # Then crop the output and write that as the real probchip filtlist_iter = ([] for _ in range(len(aid_list))) arg_iter = zip(extramargin_fpath_list, gfpath_list, expanded_bbox_gs_list, theta_list, expanded_newsize_list, filtlist_iter) arg_list = list(arg_iter) return arg_list, newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list
[docs]def testshow_extramargin_info(ibs, aid_list, arg_list, newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list): #cfpath, gfpath, bbox, theta, new_size, filter_list = tup # TEMP TESTING from vtool import chip as ctool import plottool as pt import vtool as vt from ibeis.viz import viz_chip index = 0 cfpath, gfpath, expanded_bbox, theta, expanded_new_size, filter_list = arg_list[index] expanded_chipBGR = ctool.compute_chip(gfpath, expanded_bbox, theta, expanded_new_size, filter_list) bbox_cs_list = [ (xo_pcs, yo_pcs, w_pcs, h_pcs) for (w_pcs, h_pcs), (xo_pcs, yo_pcs) in zip(newsize_list, halfoffset_cs_list) ] bbox_pcs = bbox_cs_list[index] aid = aid_list[0] #print('new_size = %r' % (new_size,)) print('newsize_list[index] = %r' % (newsize_list[index],)) fnum = 1 viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, aid, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=fnum, annote=False, in_image=True, title_suffix='\noriginal image') viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, aid, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=fnum, annote=False, title_suffix='\noriginal chip') bboxed_chip = vt.draw_verts(expanded_chipBGR, vt.scaled_verts_from_bbox(bbox_pcs, theta, 1, 1)) pt.imshow(bboxed_chip, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=fnum, title='scaled chip with expanded margin.\n(orig margin drawn in orange)') pt.gca().set_xlabel(str(bboxed_chip.shape)) pt.show_if_requested() #pt.imshow(chipBGR)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --allexamples python -m ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip --allexamples --serial --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()