Source code for ibeis.control.DBCACHE_SCHEMA_CURRENT

AUTOGENERATED ON 11:16:27 2016/02/09
    python -m ibeis.control.DBCACHE_SCHEMA --test-autogen_dbcache_schema --force-incremental-db-update --write
    python -m ibeis.control.DBCACHE_SCHEMA --test-autogen_dbcache_schema --force-incremental-db-update --diff=1
    python -m ibeis.control.DBCACHE_SCHEMA --test-autogen_dbcache_schema --force-incremental-db-update
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

# =======================
# Schema Version Current
# =======================


[docs]def update_current(db, ibs=None): db.add_table('chips', [ ('chip_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('annot_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('config_rowid', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('chip_uri', 'TEXT'), ('chip_width', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('chip_height', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ], docstr=''' Used to store *processed* annots as chips ''', superkeys=[('annot_rowid', 'config_rowid')], dependson='annotations', ) db.add_table('feature_weights', [ ('featweight_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('feature_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('config_rowid', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('featweight_forground_weight', 'NUMPY'), ], docstr=''' Stores weightings of features based on the forground... etc ''', superkeys=[('feature_rowid', 'config_rowid')], dependson='features', shortname='featweight', ) db.add_table('features', [ ('feature_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('chip_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('config_rowid', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('feature_num_feats', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('feature_keypoints', 'NUMPY'), ('feature_vecs', 'NUMPY'), ], docstr=''' Used to store individual chip features (ellipses) ''', superkeys=[('chip_rowid, config_rowid',)], dependson='chips', ) db.add_table('metadata', [ ('metadata_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('metadata_key', 'TEXT'), ('metadata_value', 'TEXT'), ], docstr=''' The table that stores permanently all of the metadata about the database (tables, etc) ''', superkeys=[('metadata_key',)], ) db.add_table('residuals', [ ('residual_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('feature_rowid', 'INTEGER NOT NULL'), ('config_rowid', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('residual_vector', 'NUMPY'), ], docstr=''' Used to store individual SMK/ASMK residual vectors for features ''', superkeys=[('feature_rowid', 'config_rowid')], )