Source code for ibeis.control.IBEISControl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains the definition of IBEISController. This object
allows access to a single database. Construction of this object should be
done using ibeis.opendb().

    Module Licence and docstring

    load plugin logic:
        - known plugin list - plugin_register.txt / dirs/symlinks in plugin folder
        - disabled flags
        - try import && register
        - except flag errored
        - init db
        - check versioning / update
        - (determine plugin import ordering?)
        - inject and initialize plugins

    There are functions that are injected into the controller that are not
      defined in this module.
    Functions in the IBEISController have been split up into several
    look at the modules listed in autogenmodname_list to see the full list of
      functions that will be injected into an IBEISController object

    Recently, these functions have been enumerated in,
      and explicitly added to the

    controller using subclassing.
    This submodule only provides function headers, the source code still
      resides in the injected modules.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six
import dtool
#import sys
import atexit
import weakref
from six.moves import zip
from os.path import join, split
import utool as ut
#import ibeis  # NOQA
from ibeis.init import sysres
from ibeis import constants as const
from ibeis.control import accessor_decors, controller_inject
# Inject utool functions
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[ibs]')

# Import modules which define injectable functions

# tuples represent conditional imports with the flags in the first part of the
# tuple and the modname in the second
    'ibeis.control.manual_lbltype_funcs',   # DEPRICATE
    'ibeis.control.manual_lblannot_funcs',  # DEPRICATE
    'ibeis.control.manual_lblimage_funcs',  # DEPRICATE
    (('--no-cnn', '--nocnn'), 'ibeis_cnn'),
    (('--no-cnn', '--nocnn'), 'ibeis_cnn._plugin'),
    #(('--no-fluke', '--nofluke'), 'ibeis_flukematch.plugin'),

# Should import
python -c "import ibeis"
# Should not import
python -c "import ibeis" --no-cnn
UTOOL_NO_CNN=True python -c "import ibeis"

for modname in ut.ProgIter(AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_MODNAMES, 'loading plugins',
                           enabled=ut.VERYVERBOSE, adjust=False, freq=1):
    if isinstance(modname, tuple):
        flag, modname = modname
        if ut.get_argflag(flag):
    except ImportError as ex:
        ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True)

# NOTE: new plugin code needs to be hacked in here currently
# this is not a long term solution.  THE Long term solution is to get these
# working (which are partially integrated)
#     python -m ibeis --tf dev_autogen_explicit_imports
#     python -m ibeis --tf dev_autogen_explicit_injects

# Ensure that all injectable modules are imported before constructing the
# class instance

# Explicit Inject Subclass
    if ut.get_argflag('--dyn'):
        raise ImportError
        python -m ibeis --tf dev_autogen_explicit_injects
        from ibeis.control import _autogen_explicit_controller
        BASE_CLASS = _autogen_explicit_controller.ExplicitInjectIBEISController
except ImportError:
    BASE_CLASS = object

register_api   = controller_inject.get_ibeis_flask_api(__name__)
register_route = controller_inject.get_ibeis_flask_route(__name__)

__ALL_CONTROLLERS__ = []  # Global variable containing all created controllers

[docs]def request_IBEISController( dbdir=None, ensure=True, wbaddr=None, verbose=ut.VERBOSE, use_cache=True, request_dbversion=None, asproxy=None): r""" Alternative to directory instantiating a new controller object. Might return a memory cached object Args: dbdir (str): databse directory ensure (bool): wbaddr (None): verbose (bool): use_cache (bool): use the global ibeis controller cache. Make sure this is false if calling from a Thread. (default=True) request_dbversion (str): developer flag. Do not use. Returns: IBEISController: ibs CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-request_IBEISController Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> dbdir = 'testdb1' >>> ensure = True >>> wbaddr = None >>> verbose = True >>> use_cache = False >>> ibs = request_IBEISController(dbdir, ensure, wbaddr, verbose, >>> use_cache) >>> result = str(ibs) >>> print(result) """ global __IBEIS_CONTROLLER_CACHE__ if asproxy: # Not sure if this is the correct way to do a controller proxy from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager class IBEISManager(BaseManager): pass IBEISManager.register(str('IBEISController'), IBEISController) manager = IBEISManager() manager.start() ibs = manager.IBEISController( dbdir=dbdir, ensure=ensure, wbaddr=wbaddr, verbose=verbose, request_dbversion=request_dbversion) return ibs if use_cache and dbdir in __IBEIS_CONTROLLER_CACHE__: if verbose: print('[request_IBEISController] returning cached controller') ibs = __IBEIS_CONTROLLER_CACHE__[dbdir] else: # Convert hold hotspotter dirs if necessary from ibeis.dbio import ingest_hsdb if ingest_hsdb.check_unconverted_hsdb(dbdir): ibs = ingest_hsdb.convert_hsdb_to_ibeis(dbdir, ensure=ensure, wbaddr=wbaddr, verbose=verbose) else: ibs = IBEISController( dbdir=dbdir, ensure=ensure, wbaddr=wbaddr, verbose=verbose, request_dbversion=request_dbversion) __IBEIS_CONTROLLER_CACHE__[dbdir] = ibs return ibs
@atexit.register def __cleanup(): """ prevents flann errors (not for cleaning up individual objects) """ global __ALL_CONTROLLERS__ global __IBEIS_CONTROLLER_CACHE__ try: del __ALL_CONTROLLERS__ del __IBEIS_CONTROLLER_CACHE__ except NameError: print('cannot cleanup IBEISController') pass #----------------- # IBEIS CONTROLLER #----------------- @six.add_metaclass(ut.ReloadingMetaclass)
[docs]class IBEISController(BASE_CLASS): """ IBEISController docstring NameingConventions: chip - cropped region of interest in an image, maps to one animal cid - chip unique id gid - image unique id (could just be the relative file path) name - name unique id imgsetid - imageset unique id aid - region of interest unique id annot - an annotation i.e. region of interest for a chip theta - angle of rotation for a chip """ #------------------------------- # --- CONSTRUCTOR / PRIVATES --- #------------------------------- def __init__(ibs, dbdir=None, ensure=True, wbaddr=None, verbose=True, request_dbversion=None, force_serial=None): """ Creates a new IBEIS Controller associated with one database """ #if verbose and ut.VERBOSE: print('\n[ibs.__init__] new IBEISController') # HACK try: from ibeis_flukematch import plugin # NOQA except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'flukematch disabled', iswarning=True) print('[ibeis] plugin hack') ibs.dbname = None # an dict to hack in temporary state ibs.const = const ibs.readonly = None ibs.depc_annot = None ibs.depc_image = None #ibs.allow_override = 'override+warn' ibs.allow_override = True if force_serial is None: force_serial = not ut.in_main_process() ibs.force_serial = force_serial # observer_weakref_list keeps track of the guibacks connected to this # controller ibs.observer_weakref_list = [] # not completely working decorator cache ibs.table_cache = None ibs._initialize_self() ibs._init_dirs(dbdir=dbdir, ensure=ensure) # _send_wildbook_request will do nothing if no wildbook address is # specified ibs._send_wildbook_request(wbaddr) ibs._init_sql(request_dbversion=request_dbversion) ibs._init_config() if not ut.get_argflag('--noclean') and not ibs.readonly: # ibs._init_burned_in_species() ibs._clean_species() ibs.job_manager = None print('[ibs.__init__] END new IBEISController\n')
[docs] def reset_table_cache(ibs): ibs.table_cache = accessor_decors.init_tablecache()
[docs] def clear_table_cache(ibs, tablename=None): print('[ibs] clearing table_cache[%r]' % (tablename,)) if tablename is None: ibs.reset_table_cache() else: try: del ibs.table_cache[tablename] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def show_depc_graph(ibs, depc, reduced=False): depc.show_graph(reduced=reduced)
[docs] def show_depc_image_graph(ibs, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_image_graph --show python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_image_graph --show --reduced Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis # NOQA >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> reduced = ut.get_argflag('--reduced') >>> ibs.show_depc_image_graph(reduced=reduced) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ ibs.show_depc_graph(ibs.depc_image, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_depc_annot_graph(ibs, *args, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_annot_graph --show python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_annot_graph --show --reduced Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis # NOQA >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> reduced = ut.get_argflag('--reduced') >>> ibs.show_depc_annot_graph(reduced=reduced) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ ibs.show_depc_graph(ibs.depc_annot, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def show_depc_annot_table_input(ibs, tablename, *args, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_annot_table_input --show --tablename=vsone python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_annot_table_input --show --tablename=neighbor_index python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_annot_table_input --show --tablename=feat_neighbs --testmode Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis # NOQA >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> tablename = ut.get_argval('--tablename') >>> ibs.show_depc_annot_table_input(tablename) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ ibs.depc_annot[tablename].show_input_graph()
[docs] def get_cachestats_str(ibs): """ Returns info about the underlying SQL cache memory """ total_size_str = ut.get_object_size_str(ibs.table_cache, lbl='size(table_cache): ') total_size_str = '\nlen(table_cache) = %r' % (len(ibs.table_cache)) table_size_str_list = [ ut.get_object_size_str(val, lbl='size(table_cache[%s]): ' % (key,)) for key, val in six.iteritems(ibs.table_cache)] cachestats_str = ( total_size_str + ut.indentjoin(table_size_str_list, '\n * ')) return cachestats_str
[docs] def print_cachestats_str(ibs): cachestats_str = ibs.get_cachestats_str() print('IBEIS Controller Cache Stats:') print(cachestats_str) return cachestats_str
def _initialize_self(ibs): """ Injects code from plugin modules into the controller Used in utools auto reload. Called after reload. """ if ut.VERBOSE: print('[ibs] _initialize_self()') ibs.reset_table_cache() ut.util_class.inject_all_external_modules( ibs, controller_inject.CONTROLLER_CLASSNAME, allow_override=ibs.allow_override) assert hasattr(ibs, 'get_database_species'), 'issue with ibsfuncs' assert hasattr(ibs, 'get_annot_pair_timdelta'), ( 'issue with annotmatch_funcs') ibs.register_controller() def _on_reload(ibs): """ For utools auto reload (rrr). Called before reload """ # Reloading breaks flask, turn it off controller_inject.GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED = False # Only warn on first load. Overrideing while reloading is ok ibs.allow_override = True ibs.unregister_controller() # Reload dependent modules ut.reload_injected_modules(controller_inject.CONTROLLER_CLASSNAME)
[docs] def load_plugin_module(ibs, module): ut.inject_instance( ibs, classkey=module.CLASS_INJECT_KEY, allow_override=ibs.allow_override, strict=False, verbose=False) # We should probably not implement __del__ # see: #def __del__(ibs): # ibs.cleanup() # ------------ # SELF REGISTRATION # ------------
[docs] def register_controller(ibs): """ registers controller with global list """ ibs_weakref = weakref.ref(ibs) __ALL_CONTROLLERS__.append(ibs_weakref)
[docs] def unregister_controller(ibs): ibs_weakref = weakref.ref(ibs) try: __ALL_CONTROLLERS__.remove(ibs_weakref) pass except ValueError: pass # ------------ # OBSERVER REGISTRATION # ------------
[docs] def cleanup(ibs): """ call on del? """ print('[ibs.cleanup] Observers (if any) notified [controller killed]') for observer_weakref in ibs.observer_weakref_list: observer_weakref().notify_controller_killed()
[docs] def register_observer(ibs, observer): print('[register_observer] Observer registered: %r' % observer) observer_weakref = weakref.ref(observer) ibs.observer_weakref_list.append(observer_weakref)
[docs] def remove_observer(ibs, observer): print('[remove_observer] Observer removed: %r' % observer) ibs.observer_weakref_list.remove(observer)
[docs] def notify_observers(ibs): print('[notify_observers] Observers (if any) notified') for observer_weakref in ibs.observer_weakref_list: observer_weakref().notify() # ------------
def _init_rowid_constants(ibs): # ADD TO CONSTANTS # THIS IS EXPLICIT IN CONST, USE THAT VERSION INSTEAD # ibs.UNKNOWN_LBLANNOT_ROWID = const.UNKNOWN_LBLANNOT_ROWID # ibs.UNKNOWN_NAME_ROWID = ibs.UNKNOWN_LBLANNOT_ROWID # ibs.UNKNOWN_SPECIES_ROWID = ibs.UNKNOWN_LBLANNOT_ROWID ibs.MANUAL_CONFIG_SUFFIX = 'MANUAL_CONFIG' ibs.MANUAL_CONFIGID = ibs.add_config(ibs.MANUAL_CONFIG_SUFFIX) # duct_tape.fix_compname_configs(ibs) # duct_tape.remove_database_slag(ibs) # duct_tape.fix_nulled_yaws(ibs) lbltype_names = const.KEY_DEFAULTS.keys() lbltype_defaults = const.KEY_DEFAULTS.values() lbltype_ids = ibs.add_lbltype(lbltype_names, lbltype_defaults) ibs.lbltype_ids = dict(zip(lbltype_names, lbltype_ids)) @accessor_decors.default_decorator def _init_sql(ibs, request_dbversion=None): """ Load or create sql database """ from ibeis.other import duct_tape # NOQA ibs._init_sqldbcore(request_dbversion=request_dbversion) ibs._init_depcache() # ibs.db.dump_schema() # ibs.db.dump() ibs._init_rowid_constants() @profile def _init_sqldbcore(ibs, request_dbversion=None): """ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis # NOQA >>> #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_Master0') >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> #ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_Master0') Ignore: aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() #ibs.update_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) vuuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) aid_list2 = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_visual_uuid(vuuid_list) assert aid_list2 == aid_list # v1.3.0 testdb1:264us, PZ_MTEST:3.93ms, PZ_Master0:11.6s %timeit ibs.get_annot_aids_from_visual_uuid(vuuid_list) # v1.3.1 testdb1:236us, PZ_MTEST:1.83ms, PZ_Master0:140ms ibs.print_imageset_table(exclude_columns=['imageset_uuid']) """ from ibeis.control import _sql_helpers from ibeis.control import DB_SCHEMA # Before load, ensure database has been backed up for the day backup_idx = ut.get_argval('--loadbackup', type_=int, default=None) sqldb_fpath = None if backup_idx is not None: backups = _sql_helpers.get_backup_fpaths(ibs) print('backups = %r' % (backups,)) sqldb_fpath = backups[backup_idx] print('CHOSE BACKUP sqldb_fpath = %r' % (sqldb_fpath,)) if backup_idx is None and not ut.get_argflag('--nobackup'): try: _sql_helpers.ensure_daily_database_backup(ibs.get_ibsdir(), ibs.sqldb_fname, ibs.backupdir) except IOError as ex: ut.printex(ex, ( 'Failed making daily backup. ' 'Run with --nobackup to disable')) raise # IBEIS SQL State Database #ibs.db_version_expected = '1.1.1' if request_dbversion is None: ibs.db_version_expected = '1.5.2' else: ibs.db_version_expected = request_dbversion # TODO: add this functionality to SQLController if backup_idx is None: new_version, new_fname = dtool.sql_control.dev_test_new_schema_version( ibs.get_dbname(), ibs.get_ibsdir(), ibs.sqldb_fname, ibs.db_version_expected, version_next='1.5.2') ibs.db_version_expected = new_version ibs.sqldb_fname = new_fname if sqldb_fpath is None: assert backup_idx is None sqldb_fpath = join(ibs.get_ibsdir(), ibs.sqldb_fname) readonly = None else: readonly = True ibs.db = dtool.SQLDatabaseController( fpath=sqldb_fpath, text_factory=const.__STR__, inmemory=False, readonly=readonly) ibs.readonly = ibs.db.readonly if backup_idx is None: # Ensure correct schema versions _sql_helpers.ensure_correct_version( ibs, ibs.db, ibs.db_version_expected, DB_SCHEMA, verbose=ut.VERBOSE, ) #import sys #sys.exit(1) @profile def _init_depcache(ibs): """ Need to reinit this sometimes if cache is ever deleted """ # Initialize dependency cache for annotations annot_root_getters = { 'name': ibs.get_annot_names, 'species': ibs.get_annot_species, 'yaw': ibs.get_annot_yaws, 'bbox': ibs.get_annot_bboxes, 'verts': ibs.get_annot_verts, 'image_uuid': lambda aids: ibs.get_image_uuids(ibs.get_annot_image_rowids(aids)), 'theta': ibs.get_annot_thetas, 'occurrence_text': ibs.get_annot_occurrence_text, } ibs.depc_annot = dtool.DependencyCache( #root_tablename='annot', # const.ANNOTATION_TABLE root_tablename=const.ANNOTATION_TABLE, default_fname=const.ANNOTATION_TABLE + '_depcache', cache_dpath=ibs.get_cachedir(), controller=ibs, get_root_uuid=ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids, root_getters=annot_root_getters, ) # backwards compatibility ibs.depc = ibs.depc_annot # TODO: root_uuids should be specified as the # base_root_uuid plus a hash of the attributes that matter for the # requested computation. ibs.depc_annot.initialize() # Initialize dependency cache for images image_root_getters = {} ibs.depc_image = dtool.DependencyCache( root_tablename=const.IMAGE_TABLE, default_fname=const.IMAGE_TABLE + '_depcache', cache_dpath=ibs.get_cachedir(), controller=ibs, get_root_uuid=ibs.get_image_uuids, root_getters=image_root_getters, ) ibs.depc_image.initialize() def _close_depcache(ibs): ibs.depc_annot.close() ibs.depc_annot = None ibs.depc_image.close() ibs.depc_image = None
[docs] def disconnect_sqldatabase(ibs): print('disconnecting from sql database') ibs._close_depcache() ibs.db.close() ibs.db = None
[docs] def clone_handle(ibs, **kwargs): ibs2 = IBEISController(dbdir=ibs.get_dbdir(), ensure=False) if len(kwargs) > 0: ibs2.update_query_cfg(**kwargs) #if ibs.qreq is not None: # ibs2._prep_qreq(ibs.qreq.qaids, ibs.qreq.daids) return ibs2
[docs] def backup_database(ibs): from ibeis.control import _sql_helpers _sql_helpers.database_backup(ibs.get_ibsdir(), ibs.sqldb_fname, ibs.backupdir)
@accessor_decors.default_decorator def _send_wildbook_request(ibs, wbaddr, payload=None): import requests if wbaddr is None: return try: if payload is None: response = requests.get(wbaddr) else: response =, data=payload) # except requests.MissingSchema: # print('[ibs._send_wildbook_request] Invalid URL: %r' % wbaddr) # return None except requests.ConnectionError: print('[ibs.wb_reqst] Could not connect to Wildbook server at %r' % wbaddr) return None return response @accessor_decors.default_decorator def _init_dirs(ibs, dbdir=None, dbname='testdb_1', workdir='~/ibeis_workdir', ensure=True): """ Define ibs directories """ PATH_NAMES = const.PATH_NAMES REL_PATHS = const.REL_PATHS if not ut.QUIET: print('[ibs._init_dirs] ibs.dbdir = %r' % dbdir) if dbdir is not None: workdir, dbname = split(dbdir) ibs.workdir = ut.truepath(workdir) ibs.dbname = dbname ibs.sqldb_fname = PATH_NAMES.sqldb # Make sure you are not nesting databases assert PATH_NAMES._ibsdb != ut.dirsplit(ibs.workdir), \ 'cannot work in _ibsdb internals' assert PATH_NAMES._ibsdb != dbname,\ 'cannot create db in _ibsdb internals' ibs.dbdir = join(ibs.workdir, ibs.dbname) # All internal paths live in <dbdir>/_ibsdb # TODO: constantify these # so non controller objects (like in score normalization) have access # to these ibs._ibsdb = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS._ibsdb) ibs.trashdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.trashdir) ibs.cachedir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.cache) ibs.backupdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.backups) ibs.chipdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.chips) ibs.imgdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.images) ibs.uploadsdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.uploads) # All computed dirs live in <dbdir>/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache ibs.thumb_dpath = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.thumbs) ibs.flanndir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.flann) ibs.qresdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.qres) ibs.bigcachedir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.bigcache) ibs.distinctdir = join(ibs.dbdir, REL_PATHS.distinctdir) if ensure: ibs.ensure_directories() assert dbdir is not None, 'must specify database directory'
[docs] def ensure_directories(ibs): """ Makes sure the core directores for the controller exist """ _verbose = ut.VERBOSE ut.ensuredir(ibs._ibsdb) ut.ensuredir(ibs.cachedir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.backupdir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.workdir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.imgdir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.chipdir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.flanndir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.qresdir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.bigcachedir, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.thumb_dpath, verbose=_verbose) ut.ensuredir(ibs.distinctdir, verbose=_verbose) ibs.get_smart_patrol_dir() #-------------- # --- DIRS ---- #--------------
@register_api('/api/core/dbname/', methods=['GET'])
[docs] def get_dbname(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): database name RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/core/dbname/ """ return ibs.dbname
[docs] def get_logdir(ibs): return ut.get_logging_dir(appname='ibeis')
[docs] def get_dbdir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): database dir with ibs internal directory """ #return join(ibs.workdir, ibs.dbname) return ibs.dbdir
[docs] def get_db_core_path(ibs): """ Returns: path (str): path of the sqlite3 core database file """ return ibs.db.fpath
[docs] def get_db_cache_path(ibs): """ Returns: path (str): path of the sqlite3 cache database file """ return ibs.dbcache.fpath
[docs] def get_shelves_path(ibs): return join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'shelves')
[docs] def get_trashdir(ibs): return ibs.trashdir
[docs] def get_ibsdir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): ibs internal directory """ return ibs._ibsdb
[docs] def get_chipdir(ibs): return ibs.chipdir
[docs] def get_probchip_dir(ibs): return join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'prob_chips')
[docs] def get_fig_dir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): ibs internal directory """ return join(ibs._ibsdb, 'figures')
[docs] def get_imgdir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): ibs internal directory """ return ibs.imgdir
[docs] def get_uploadsdir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): ibs internal directory """ return ibs.uploadsdir
[docs] def get_thumbdir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): database directory where thumbnails are cached """ return ibs.thumb_dpath
[docs] def get_workdir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): directory where databases are saved to """ return ibs.workdir
[docs] def get_cachedir(ibs): """ Returns: list_ (list): database directory of all cached files """ return ibs.cachedir
[docs] def get_match_thumbdir(ibs): match_thumb_dir = ut.unixjoin(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'match_thumbs') ut.ensuredir(match_thumb_dir) return match_thumb_dir
[docs] def get_ibeis_resource_dir(ibs): """ returns the global resource dir in .config or AppData or whatever """ resource_dir = sysres.get_ibeis_resource_dir() return resource_dir
[docs] def get_global_species_scorenorm_cachedir(ibs, species_text, ensure=True): """ Args: species_text (str): ensure (bool): Returns: str: species_cachedir CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-get_global_species_scorenorm_cachedir Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis # NOQA >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> species_text = ibeis.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_GREVY >>> ensure = True >>> species_cachedir = ibs.get_global_species_scorenorm_cachedir(species_text, ensure) >>> resourcedir = ibs.get_ibeis_resource_dir() >>> result = ut.relpath_unix(species_cachedir, resourcedir) >>> print(result) scorenorm/zebra_grevys """ scorenorm_cachedir = join(ibs.get_ibeis_resource_dir(), const.PATH_NAMES.scorenormdir) species_cachedir = join(scorenorm_cachedir, species_text) if ensure: ut.ensurepath(scorenorm_cachedir) ut.ensuredir(species_cachedir) return species_cachedir
[docs] def get_local_species_scorenorm_cachedir(ibs, species_text, ensure=True): """ """ scorenorm_cachedir = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), const.PATH_NAMES.scorenormdir) species_cachedir = join(scorenorm_cachedir, species_text) if ensure: ut.ensuredir(scorenorm_cachedir) ut.ensuredir(species_cachedir) return species_cachedir
[docs] def get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir(ibs, ensure=True): """ Returns: global_distinctdir (str): ibs internal directory """ global_distinctdir = sysres.get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir(ensure=ensure) return global_distinctdir
[docs] def get_local_distinctiveness_modeldir(ibs): """ Returns: distinctdir (str): ibs internal directory """ return ibs.distinctdir
[docs] def get_detect_modeldir(ibs): return join(sysres.get_ibeis_resource_dir(), 'detectmodels')
[docs] def get_detectimg_cachedir(ibs): """ Returns: detectimgdir (str): database directory of image resized for detections """ return join(ibs.cachedir, const.PATH_NAMES.detectimg)
[docs] def get_flann_cachedir(ibs): """ Returns: flanndir (str): database directory where the FLANN KD-Tree is stored """ return ibs.flanndir
[docs] def get_qres_cachedir(ibs): """ Returns: qresdir (str): database directory where query results are stored """ return ibs.qresdir
[docs] def get_neighbor_cachedir(ibs): neighbor_cachedir = ut.unixjoin(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'neighborcache2') return neighbor_cachedir
[docs] def get_big_cachedir(ibs): """ Returns: bigcachedir (str): database directory where aggregate results are stored """ return ibs.bigcachedir
[docs] def get_smart_patrol_dir(ibs, ensure=True): """ Args: ensure (bool): Returns: str smart_patrol_dpath CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-get_smart_patrol_dir Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> ensure = True >>> # execute function >>> smart_patrol_dpath = ibs.get_smart_patrol_dir(ensure) >>> # verify results >>> ut.assertpath(smart_patrol_dpath, verbose=True) """ smart_patrol_dpath = join(ibs.dbdir, const.PATH_NAMES.smartpatrol) if ensure: ut.ensuredir(smart_patrol_dpath) return smart_patrol_dpath #------------------ # --- WEB CORE ---- #------------------
@accessor_decors.default_decorator @register_api('/log/current/', methods=['GET'])
[docs] def get_current_log_text(ibs): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --exec-get_current_log_text python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --exec-get_current_log_text --domain Example: >>> # WEB_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> import ibeis.web >>> web_ibs = ibeis.opendb_bg_web('testdb1', wait=.5, start_job_queue=False) >>> resp = web_ibs.send_ibeis_request('/log/current/', 'get') >>> print('\n-------Logs ----: \n' ) >>> print(resp) >>> print('\nL____ END LOGS ___\n') >>> web_ibs.terminate2() """ text = ut.get_current_log_text() return text
@accessor_decors.default_decorator @register_api('/api/core/dbinfo/', methods=['GET'])
[docs] def get_dbinfo(ibs): from ibeis.other import dbinfo locals_ = dbinfo.get_dbinfo(ibs) return locals_['info_str'] #return ut.repr2(dbinfo.get_dbinfo(ibs), nl=1)['infostr'] #-------------- # --- MISC ---- #--------------
[docs] def get_database_icon(ibs, max_dsize=(None, 192), aid=None): r""" Args: max_dsize (tuple): (default = (None, 192)) Returns: None: None CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --exec-get_database_icon --show python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --exec-get_database_icon --show --db Oxford Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> icon = ibs.get_database_icon() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(icon) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ #if ibs.get_dbname() == 'Oxford': # pass #else: import vtool as vt if hasattr(ibs, 'force_icon_aid'): aid = ibs.force_icon_aid if aid is None: species = ibs.get_primary_database_species() # Use a url to get the icon url = { ibs.const.TEST_SPECIES.GIR_MASAI: '', ibs.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN: '', ibs.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_GREVY: '', }.get(species, None) if url is not None: icon = vt.imread(ut.grab_file_url(url), orient='auto') else: # HACK: (this should probably be a db setting) # use an specific aid to get the icon aid = { 'Oxford': 73, 'seaturtles': 37, }.get(ibs.get_dbname(), None) if aid is None: # otherwise just grab a random aid aid = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0] if aid is not None: icon = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid) icon = vt.resize_to_maxdims(icon, max_dsize) return icon
def _custom_ibsstr(ibs): # typestr = ut.type_str(type(ibs)).split('.')[-1] typestr = ibs.__class__.__name__ dbname = ibs.get_dbname() ibsstr = '<%s(%s) at %s>' % (typestr, dbname, hex(id(ibs))) return ibsstr def __str__(ibs): return ibs._custom_ibsstr() def __repr__(ibs): return ibs._custom_ibsstr()
if __name__ == '__main__': """ Issue when running on windows: python ibeis/control/ python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --verbose --very-verbose --veryverbose --nodyn --quietclass CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --allexamples python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ #from ibeis.control import IBEISControl import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()