Source code for ibeis.control._sql_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from os.path import split, splitext, join, exists
import datetime
import distutils
import utool as ut
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[sql-helpers]')

# =======================
# Helper Functions
# =======================
VERBOSE_SQL = ut.get_argflag(('--print-sql', '--verbose-sql', '--verb-sql', '--verbsql'))
#AUTODUMP = ut.get_argflag('--auto-dump')
NOT_QUIET = not (ut.QUIET or ut.get_argflag('--quiet-sql'))

[docs]def compare_string_versions(a, b): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> a = '1.1.1' >>> b = '1.0.0' >>> result1 = compare_string_versions(a, b) >>> result2 = compare_string_versions(b, a) >>> result3 = compare_string_versions(a, a) >>> result = ', '.join(map(str, [result1, result2, result3])) >>> print(result) 1, -1, 0 """ va = distutils.version.LooseVersion(a) vb = distutils.version.LooseVersion(b) if va > vb: return 1 elif va < vb: return -1 elif va == vb: return 0 #a = map(int, a.strip().split('.')) #b = map(int, b.strip().split('.')) #while len(a) < 3: # a.append(0) #while len(b) < 3: # b.append(0) #if a[0] < b[0]: # return -1 #elif a[0] > b[0]: # return 1 #else: # if a[1] < b[1]: # return -1 # elif a[1] > b[1]: # return 1 # else: # if a[2] < b[2]: # return -1 # elif a[2] > b[2]: # return 1 # elif a[2] == b[2]: # return 0 ## return 0 - identical raise AssertionError('[!update_schema_version] Two version numbers are the same along the update path')
[docs]def fix_metadata_consistency(db): """ duct tape function db.print_table_csv('metadata') """ db.print_table_csv('metadata') metadata_items = db.get_metadata_items() new_metadata_items = [] for key, val in metadata_items: # FIX OLDSTYLE SUPERKEYS if key.endswith('_constraint'): # the constraint metadata keys were all depricated continue if key.endswith('_superkeys'): if val.find(';') > -1: newval = repr([tuple(val.split(';'))]) elif not val.startswith('['): newval = repr([(val,)]) else: continue new_metadata_items.append((key, newval)) else: print('--') print(key) print(val) for key, val in new_metadata_items: db.set_metadata_val(key, val) # ========================= # Database Backup Functions # =========================
MAX_KEEP = 2048
[docs]def revert_to_backup(ibs): r""" Args: db_dir (?): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --exec-revert_to_backup Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='GZ_Master1') >>> result = revert_to_backup(ibs) >>> print(result) """ db_path = ibs.get_db_core_path() ibs.disconnect_sqldatabase() backup_dir = ibs.backupdir ut.move(db_path, ut.get_nonconflicting_path(db_path + 'revertfrom.%d.orig')) # Carefull may invalidate the cache fname, ext = splitext(db_path) path_list = sorted(ut.glob(backup_dir, '*%s' % ext)) previous_backup = path_list[-1] ut.copy(previous_backup, db_path)
[docs]def ensure_daily_database_backup(db_dir, db_fname, backup_dir, max_keep=MAX_KEEP): database_backup(db_dir, db_fname, backup_dir, max_keep=max_keep, manual=False)
[docs]def get_backupdir(db_dir, db_fname): r""" CommandLine: python -m _sql_helpers get_backupdir --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> db_dir = ibs.get_ibsdir() >>> db_fname = ibs.sqldb_fname >>> backup_dir = ibs.backupdir >>> result = get_backupdir(db_dir, db_fname) """ pass
[docs]def get_backup_fpaths(ibs): fname, ext = splitext(ibs.sqldb_fname) backups = sorted(ut.glob(ibs.backupdir, '*%s' % ext)) #backup_info = [ut.get_file_info(fpath) for fpath in backups] modified = [ut.get_file_info(fpath)['last_modified'] for fpath in backups] unixtimes = [ut.util_time.exiftime_to_unixtime(tag) for tag in modified] backups = ut.sortedby(backups, unixtimes) return backups #backup_uuids = [ut.get_file_uuid(fpath) for fpath in backups] #backup_hashes = [ut.get_file_hash(fpath) for fpath in backups] #backup_bytes = [ut.get_file_nBytes(fpath) for fpath in backups] pass
[docs]def database_backup(db_dir, db_fname, backup_dir, max_keep=MAX_KEEP, manual=True): fname, ext = splitext(db_fname) src_fpath = join(db_dir, db_fname) #now = now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if manual: now_str = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') else: now_str = now.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_00_00_00') #dst_fpath = join(backup_dir, '%s_backup_%s%s' % (fname, now_str, ext)) dst_fname = ''.join((fname, '_backup_', now_str, ext)) dst_fpath = join(backup_dir, dst_fname) if exists(src_fpath) and not exists(dst_fpath): print('[ensure_daily_database_backup] Daily backup of database: %r -> %r' % (src_fpath, dst_fpath, )) ut.copy(src_fpath, dst_fpath) # Clean-up old database backups remove_old_backups(backup_dir, ext, max_keep)
[docs]def remove_old_backups(backup_dir, ext, max_keep): path_list = sorted(ut.glob(backup_dir, '*%s' % ext)) if len(path_list) > max_keep: path_delete_list = path_list[:-1 * max_keep] for path_delete in path_delete_list: print('[ensure_daily_database_backup] Deleting old backup %r' % path_delete) ut.remove_file(path_delete, verbose=False) # ======================== # Schema Updater Functions # ========================
[docs]def ensure_correct_version(ibs, db, version_expected, schema_spec, dobackup=True, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ FIXME: AN SQL HELPER FUNCTION SHOULD BE AGNOSTIC TO CONTROLER OBJECTS ensure_correct_version Args: ibs (IBEISController): db (SQLController): version_expected (str): version you want to be at schema_spec (module): schema module dobackup (bool): Example: >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> ibs = '?' >>> db = ibs.db >>> version_expected = ibs.db_version_expected >>> schema_spec = DB_SCHEMA >>> dobackup = True >>> result = ensure_correct_version(ibs, db, version_expected, schema_spec, dobackup) >>> print(result) Args: schema_spec (module): module of schema specifications """ from ibeis import constants as const from ibeis import params #print('[SQL_] ensure_correct_version') force_incremental = params.args.force_incremental_db_update want_base_version = version_expected == const.BASE_DATABASE_VERSION if want_base_version: print('[SQL_] base version expected... returning') # Nothing to do. autogenerated file is pointless return version = db.get_db_version() # NEW DATABASE CONDITION is_base_version = (version == const.BASE_DATABASE_VERSION) # <DEBUG> #if ut.get_flag('--verbsql') or ut.VERBOSE or True: # key_list = locals().keys() # keystr_list = sorted(ut.parse_locals_keylist(locals(), key_list)) # print('KEYLIST:' + ut.indentjoin(keystr_list, '\n * ')) # </DEBUG> #+----------------------------------- # SKIP TO CURRENT VERSION IF POSSIBLE #+----------------------------------- can_skip = is_base_version and not force_incremental if can_skip: #print('[SQL_] we can skip') # Check to see if a prebuilt current schema_spec module exists current_schema_exists = (schema_spec.UPDATE_CURRENT is not None and schema_spec.VERSION_CURRENT is not None) if current_schema_exists: # check to see if more than the metadata table exists is_newdb = db.get_table_names() == [const.METADATA_TABLE] current_schema_compatible = ( is_newdb and schema_spec.VERSION_CURRENT <= version_expected) if current_schema_compatible: # Since this is a new database, we do not have to worry about backinng up the # current database. The subsequent update functions (if needed) will handle # this for us. if verbose: print('[_SQL] New database and a current schema found') schema_spec.UPDATE_CURRENT(db, ibs=ibs) db.set_db_version(schema_spec.VERSION_CURRENT) if verbose: print('[_SQL] Database version updated (skipped) to %r ' % (schema_spec.VERSION_CURRENT)) else: print('[_SQL] Current database is not compatible, updating incrementally...') else: print('[_SQL] New database but current version not exported, updating incrementally...') #+-------------------------------------- # INCREMENTAL UPDATE TO EXPECTED VERSION #+-------------------------------------- # Check version again for sanity's sake, update if exported current is behind expected version = db.get_db_version() if verbose: print('[_SQL.%s] Database version: %r | Expected version: %r ' % (ut.get_caller_name(), version, version_expected)) if version < version_expected: print('[_SQL] Database version behind, updating...') update_schema_version(ibs, db, schema_spec, version, version_expected, dobackup=dobackup) db.set_db_version(version_expected) print('[_SQL] Database version updated (incrementally) to %r' % (version_expected)) elif version > version_expected: msg = (('[_SQL] ERROR: ' 'Expected database version behind. expected: %r. got: %r') % (version_expected, version)) raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]def update_schema_version(ibs, db, schema_spec, version, version_target, dobackup=True, clearbackup=False): """ version_target = version_expected clearbackup = False FIXME: AN SQL HELPER FUNCTION SHOULD BE AGNOSTIC TO CONTROLER OBJECTS """ def _check_superkeys(): all_tablename_list = db.get_table_names() # always ignore the metadata table. ignore_tables_ = ['metadata'] tablename_list = [tablename for tablename in all_tablename_list if tablename not in ignore_tables_] for tablename in tablename_list: superkey_colnames_list = db.get_table_superkey_colnames(tablename) # some tables seem to only have old constraints and aren't # properly updated to superkeys... weird. old_constraints = db.get_table_constraints(tablename) assert len(superkey_colnames_list) > 0 or len(old_constraints) > 0, ( 'ERROR UPDATING DATABASE, SUPERKEYS of %s DROPPED!' % (tablename,)) print('[_SQL] update_schema_version') db_fpath = db.fpath if dobackup: db_dpath, db_fname = split(db_fpath) db_fname_noext, ext = splitext(db_fname) db_backup_fname = ''.join((db_fname_noext, '_backup', '_v', version, ext)) db_backup_fpath = join(db_dpath, db_backup_fname) count = 0 # TODO MAKE UTOOL THAT DOES THIS (there might be one in util_logging) while ut.checkpath(db_backup_fpath, verbose=True): db_backup_fname = ''.join((db_fname_noext, '_backup', '_v', version, '_copy', str(count), ext)) db_backup_fpath = join(db_dpath, db_backup_fname) count += 1 ut.copy(db_fpath, db_backup_fpath) legacy_update_funcs = schema_spec.LEGACY_UPDATE_FUNCTIONS for legacy_version, func in legacy_update_funcs: if compare_string_versions(version, legacy_version) == -1: func(db) db_versions = schema_spec.VALID_VERSIONS valid_versions = sorted(db_versions.keys(), compare_string_versions) try: start_index = valid_versions.index(version) + 1 except IndexError: raise AssertionError('[!update_schema_version]' ' The current database version is unknown') try: end_index = valid_versions.index(version_target) + 1 except IndexError: raise AssertionError('[!update_schema_version]' ' The target database version is unknown') try: print('Update path: %r ' % (valid_versions[start_index:end_index])) for index in range(start_index, end_index): next_version = valid_versions[index] print('Updating database to version: %r' % (next_version)) pre, update, post = db_versions[next_version] if pre is not None: pre(db, ibs=ibs) if update is not None: update(db, ibs=ibs) if post is not None: post(db, ibs=ibs) _check_superkeys() except Exception as ex: if dobackup: msg = 'The database update failed, rolled back to the original version.' ut.printex(ex, msg, iswarning=True) ut.remove_file(db_fpath) ut.copy(db_backup_fpath, db_fpath) if clearbackup: ut.remove_file(db_backup_fpath) raise else: ut.printex(ex, ( 'The database update failed, and no backup was made.'), iswarning=False) raise if dobackup and clearbackup: ut.remove_file(db_backup_fpath)
[docs]def autogenerate_nth_schema_version(schema_spec, n=-1): r""" dumps, prints, or diffs autogen schema based on command line Args: n (int): CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --test-autogenerate_nth_schema_version Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.control import DB_SCHEMA >>> # build test data >>> schema_spec = DB_SCHEMA >>> n = 1 >>> # execute function >>> tablename = autogenerate_nth_schema_version(schema_spec, n) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(tablename) >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut print('[_SQL] AUTOGENERATING CURRENT SCHEMA') db = get_nth_test_schema_version(schema_spec, n=n) # Auto-generate the version skip schema file schema_spec_dir, schema_spec_fname = split(schema_spec.__file__) schema_spec_fname = splitext(schema_spec_fname)[0] # HACK TO GET AUTOGEN COMMAND # FIXME: Make this autogen command a bit more sane and not completely # coupled with ibeis autogen_cmd = ut.codeblock( ''' python -m ibeis.control.{schema_spec_fname} --test-autogen_{funcname} --force-incremental-db-update --write python -m ibeis.control.{schema_spec_fname} --test-autogen_{funcname} --force-incremental-db-update --diff=1 python -m ibeis.control.{schema_spec_fname} --test-autogen_{funcname} --force-incremental-db-update ''' ).format(schema_spec_fname=schema_spec_fname, funcname=schema_spec_fname.lower()) autogen_text = db.get_schema_current_autogeneration_str(autogen_cmd) autogen_fname = '' % schema_spec_fname autogen_fpath = join(schema_spec_dir, autogen_fname) dowrite = ut.get_argflag(('-w', '--write', '--dump-autogen-schema')) show_diff = ut.get_argflag('--diff') num_context_lines = ut.get_argval('--diff', type_=int, default=None) show_diff = show_diff or num_context_lines is not None dowrite = dowrite and not show_diff if dowrite: ut.write_to(autogen_fpath, autogen_text) else: if show_diff: if ut.checkpath(autogen_fpath, verbose=True): prev_text = ut.read_from(autogen_fpath) textdiff = ut.util_str.get_textdiff(prev_text, autogen_text, num_context_lines=num_context_lines) ut.print_difftext(textdiff) else: ut.util_print.print_python_code(autogen_text) print('\nL___\n...would write to: %s' % autogen_fpath) print(' Run with -n=%r to get a specific schema version by index. -1 == latest') print(' Run with --write to autogenerate latest schema version') print(' Run with --diff or --diff=<numcontextlines> to see the difference between current and requested') return db
[docs]def get_nth_test_schema_version(schema_spec, n=-1): """ Gets a fresh and empty test version of a schema Args: schema_spec (module): schema module to get nth version of n (int): version index (-1 is the latest) """ from dtool.sql_control import SQLDatabaseController dbname = schema_spec.__name__ print('[_SQL] getting n=%r-th version of %r' % (n, dbname)) version_expected = list(schema_spec.VALID_VERSIONS.keys())[n] cachedir = ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('ibeis_test') db_fname = 'test_%s.sqlite3' % dbname ut.delete(join(cachedir, db_fname)) db = SQLDatabaseController(cachedir, db_fname, text_factory=unicode) ensure_correct_version( None, db, version_expected, schema_spec, dobackup=False) return db
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --allexamples python -m ibeis.control._sql_helpers --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()