Source code for ibeis.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines the core dependency cache supported by the image analysis api

Extracts annotation chips from imaages and applies optional image

    * Dependency Cache from flukes

    * make coltypes take imwrite and return just
     the image and let dtool save it where it wants

     * move version to TableConfig
     * external write functions
     * interactive callback functions
     * detection interface
     * identificatin interface
     * table based registration

        decorate as interactive


        instead of calling preproc as a generator and then adding,
        calls preproc and passes in a callback function.
        preproc spawns interaction and must call callback function when finished.

        callback function adds the rowids to the table.

Needed Tables:


    python -m ibeis.control.IBEISControl --test-show_depc_digraph --show

    >>> from ibeis.core import *  # NOQA
    >>> import ibeis
    >>> import plottool as pt
    >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1')
    >>> depc = ibs.depc
    >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2]
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip
import dtool
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import numpy as np
import cv2
from ibeis.control.controller_inject import register_preproc
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[core]')

# dtool.TableConfig.register_func = register_preproc

[docs]def testdata_core(): import ibeis # import plottool as pt ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') depc = ibs.depc aid_list = ut.get_argval(('--aids', '--aid'), type_=list, default=ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2]) return ibs, depc, aid_list
[docs]class ChipConfig(dtool.TableConfig): _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('resize_dim', 'width', valid_values=['area', 'width', 'height', 'diag', 'maxwh'], hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['dim_size'] is None), #ut.ParamInfo('dim_size', 128, 'sz', hideif=None), ut.ParamInfo('dim_size', 960, 'sz', hideif=None), ut.ParamInfo('preserve_aspect', True, hideif=True), ut.ParamInfo('histeq', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfo('pad', 0, hideif=0), ut.ParamInfo('ext', '.png'), ]
@register_preproc( tablename='chips', parents=['annotations'], colnames=['img', 'width', 'height', 'M'], coltypes=[('extern', vt.imread, vt.imwrite), int, int, np.ndarray], configclass=ChipConfig, fname='chipcache4', version=0 )
[docs]def compute_chip(depc, aid_list, config=None): r""" Extracts the annotation chip from the bounding box Args: depc (ibeis.depends_cache.DependencyCache): aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids config (dict): (default = None) Yields: (uri, int, int): tup CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --exec-compute_chip --show python -m ibeis.core --exec-compute_chip --show --pad=64 --dim_size=256 --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis.core --exec-compute_chip --show --db humpbacks Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> depc = ibs.depc >>> config = ChipConfig.from_argv_dict(dim_size=None) >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:8] >>> chips = depc.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(chips, nPerPage=4) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ print('Preprocess Chips') print('config = %r' % (config,)) ibs = depc.controller chip_dpath = ibs.get_chipdir() + '2' ut.ensuredir(chip_dpath) ext = config['ext'] pad = config['pad'] dim_size = config['dim_size'] resize_dim = config['resize_dim'] cfghashid = config.get_hashid() avuuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) # TODO: just hash everything together _fmt = 'chip_aid_{aid}_avuuid_{avuuid}_{cfghashid}{ext}' cfname_list = [_fmt.format(aid=aid, avuuid=avuuid, ext=ext, cfghashid=cfghashid) for aid, avuuid in zip(aid_list, avuuid_list)] cfpath_list = [ut.unixjoin(chip_dpath, chip_fname) for chip_fname in cfname_list] gfpath_list = ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list) bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) bbox_size_list = ut.take_column(bbox_list, [2, 3]) # Checks invalid_flags = [w == 0 or h == 0 for (w, h) in bbox_size_list] invalid_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, invalid_flags) assert len(invalid_aids) == 0, 'invalid aids=%r' % (invalid_aids,) scale_func_dict = { 'width': vt.get_scaled_size_with_width, 'root_area': vt.get_scaled_size_with_area, } scale_func = scale_func_dict[resize_dim] if dim_size is None: newsize_list = bbox_size_list else: if resize_dim == 'root_area': dim_size = dim_size ** 2 newsize_list = [scale_func(dim_size, w, h) for (w, h) in bbox_size_list] if pad > 0: halfoffset_ms = (pad, pad) extras_list = [vt.get_extramargin_measures(bbox, new_size, halfoffset_ms) for bbox, new_size in zip(bbox_list, newsize_list)] # Overwrite bbox and new size with margined versions bbox_list = ut.take_column(extras_list, 0) newsize_list = ut.take_column(extras_list, 1) # Build transformation from image to chip M_list = [vt.get_image_to_chip_transform(bbox, new_size, theta) for bbox, theta, new_size in zip(bbox_list, theta_list, newsize_list)] arg_iter = zip(cfpath_list, gfpath_list, newsize_list, M_list) arg_list = list(arg_iter) flags = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 borderMode = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT warpkw = dict(flags=flags, borderMode=borderMode) for tup in ut.ProgIter(arg_list, lbl='computing chips'): cfpath, gfpath, new_size, M = tup # Read parent image imgBGR = vt.imread(gfpath) # Warp chip chipBGR = cv2.warpAffine(imgBGR, M[0:2], tuple(new_size), **warpkw) width, height = vt.get_size(chipBGR) # Write chip to disk vt.imwrite(cfpath, chipBGR) yield (cfpath, width, height, M)
[docs]class AnnotMaskConfig(dtool.TableConfig): _param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('manual', True) ] _sub_config_list = [ ChipConfig ]
@register_preproc( tablename='annotmask', parents=['annotations'], colnames=['img', 'width', 'height'], coltypes=[('extern', vt.imread, vt.imwrite), int, int], configclass=AnnotMaskConfig, fname='../maskcache2', # isinteractive=True, )
[docs]def compute_annotmask(depc, aid_list, config=None): r""" Interaction dispatcher for annotation masks. Args: depc (ibeis.depends_cache.DependencyCache): aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids config (AnnotMaskConfig): (default = None) Yields: (uri, int, int): tup CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --exec-compute_annotmask --show python -m ibeis.core --exec-compute_annotmask --show --edit Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> config = AnnotMaskConfig(dim_size=None) >>> chip_config = config.chip_cfg >>> edit = ut.get_argflag('--edit') >>> mask = depc.get_property('annotmask', aid_list, 'img', config, recompute=edit)[0] >>> chip = depc.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=chip_config)[0] >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> resized = vt.resize_mask(mask, chip) >>> blended = vt.blend_images_multiply(chip, resized) >>> pt.imshow(blended, title='mask') >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ from plottool import interact_impaint # TODO: Ensure interactive required cache words # Keep manual things above the cache dir mask_dpath = ut.unixjoin(depc.cache_dpath, '../ManualChipMask') ut.ensuredir(mask_dpath) ibs = depc.controller chip_config = config.chip_cfg chip_imgs = depc.get('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=chip_config) cfghashid = config.get_hashid() avuuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) # TODO: just hash everything together ext = '.png' _fmt = 'mask_aid_{aid}_avuuid_{avuuid}_{cfghashid}{ext}' fname_list = [_fmt.format(aid=aid, avuuid=avuuid, ext=ext, cfghashid=cfghashid) for aid, avuuid in zip(aid_list, avuuid_list)] for img, fname, aid in zip(chip_imgs, fname_list, aid_list): mask_fpath = ut.unixjoin(mask_dpath, fname) if ut.checkpath(mask_fpath): # Allow for editing on recompute init_mask = vt.imread(mask_fpath) else: init_mask = None mask = interact_impaint.impaint_mask2(img, init_mask=init_mask) vt.imwrite(mask_fpath, mask) print('imwrite') w, h = vt.get_size(mask) yield mask_fpath, w, h # Remove the old chips #ibs.delete_annot_chips([aid]) #ibs.delete_annot_chip_thumbs([aid])
[docs]class ProbchipConfig(dtool.TableConfig): # TODO: incorporate into base _named_defaults = { 'rf': { 'detector': 'rf', 'smooth_thresh': None, 'smooth_ksize': None, } } _param_info_list = [ #ut.ParamInfo('preserve_aspect', True, hideif=True), ut.ParamInfo('detector', 'cnn'), ut.ParamInfo('dim_size', 256), ut.ParamInfo('smooth_thresh', 20), ut.ParamInfo('smooth_ksize', 20, hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['smooth_thresh'] is None), #ut.ParamInfo('ext', '.png'), ] #_sub_config_list = [ # ChipConfig #]
@register_preproc( tablename='probchip', parents=['annotations'], colnames=['img'], coltypes=[('extern', vt.imread, vt.imwrite)], configclass=ProbchipConfig, fname='chipcache4', # isinteractive=True, )
[docs]def compute_probchip(depc, aid_list, config=None): """ Computes probability chips using pyrf CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --test-compute_probchip --nocnn --show --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis.core --test-compute_probchip --show --detector=cnn python -m ibeis.core --test-compute_probchip --show --detector=rf --smooth_thresh=None Example1: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species='zebra_plains')[0:10] >>> config = ProbchipConfig.from_argv_dict(detector='rf', smooth_thresh=None) >>> probchip_fpath_list_ = ut.take_column(list(compute_probchip(depc, aid_list, config)), 0) >>> result = ut.list_str(probchip_fpath_list_) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> xlabel_list = list(map(str, [vt.image.open_image_size(p) for p in probchip_fpath_list_])) >>> iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(probchip_fpath_list_, nPerPage=4, xlabel_list=xlabel_list) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt ibs = depc.controller # Use the labeled species for the detector species_list = ibs.get_annot_species_texts(aid_list) detector = config['detector'] dim_size = config['dim_size'] smooth_thresh = config['smooth_thresh'] smooth_ksize = config['smooth_ksize'] if detector == 'rf': pad = 64 else: pad = 0 probchip_dir = ibs.get_probchip_dir() + '2' cfghashid = config.get_hashid() # TODO: just hash everything together ut.ensuredir(probchip_dir) _fmt = 'probchip_avuuid_{avuuid}_' + cfghashid + '.png' annot_visual_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(aid_list) probchip_fpath_list = [ut.unixjoin(probchip_dir, _fmt.format(avuuid=avuuid)) for avuuid in annot_visual_uuid_list] chip_config = ChipConfig(pad=pad, dim_size=dim_size) mchip_path_list = depc.get('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=chip_config, read_extern=False) aid_list = np.array(aid_list) species_list = np.array(species_list) species_rowid = np.array(ibs.get_species_rowids_from_text(species_list)) # Group by species unique_species_rowids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(species_rowid) grouped_aids = vt.apply_grouping(aid_list, groupxs) grouped_species = vt.apply_grouping(species_list, groupxs) grouped_mpaths = ut.apply_grouping(mchip_path_list, groupxs) grouped_ppaths = ut.apply_grouping(probchip_fpath_list, groupxs) unique_species = ut.get_list_column(grouped_species, 0) if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_probchip] +--------------------') print(('[preproc_probchip.compute_and_write_probchip] ' 'Preparing to compute %d probchips of %d species') % (len(aid_list), len(unique_species))) print(config) grouped_probchip_fpath_list = [] _iter = zip(grouped_aids, unique_species, grouped_ppaths, grouped_mpaths) _iter = ut.ProgIter(_iter, nTotal=len(grouped_aids), lbl='probchip for species', enabled=ut.VERBOSE) if detector == 'rf': for aids, species, probchip_fpaths, inputchip_fpaths in _iter: if len(aids) == 0: continue rf_probchips(ibs, aids, species, probchip_fpaths, inputchip_fpaths, pad, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize) grouped_probchip_fpath_list.append(probchip_fpaths) elif detector == 'cnn': for aids, species, probchip_fpaths, inputchip_fpaths in _iter: if len(aids) == 0: continue cnn_probchips(ibs, species, probchip_fpath_list, inputchip_fpaths, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize) grouped_probchip_fpath_list.append(probchip_fpaths) else: raise NotImplementedError('unknown detector=%r' % (detector,)) if ut.VERBOSE: print('[preproc_probchip] Done computing probability images') print('[preproc_probchip] L_______________________') probchip_fpath_list = vt.invert_apply_grouping2( grouped_probchip_fpath_list, groupxs, dtype=object) for fpath in probchip_fpath_list: yield (fpath,)
[docs]def cnn_probchips(ibs, species, probchip_fpath_list, inputchip_fpaths, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize): # dont use extrmargin here (for now) mask_gen = ibs.generate_species_background_mask(inputchip_fpaths, species) _iter = zip(probchip_fpath_list, mask_gen) for chunk in ut.ichunks(_iter, 64): _progiter = ut.ProgIter(chunk, lbl='write probchip chunk', adjust=True, time_thresh=30.0) for probchip_fpath, probchip in _progiter: if smooth_thresh is not None and smooth_ksize is not None: probchip = postprocess_mask(probchip, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize) vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip)
[docs]def rf_probchips(ibs, aids, species, probchip_fpaths, inputchip_fpaths, pad, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize): from ibeis.algo.detect import randomforest extramargin_probchip_fpaths = [ut.augpath(path, '_margin') for path in probchip_fpaths] rfconfig = {'scale_list': [1.0], 'mode': 1, 'output_gpath_list': extramargin_probchip_fpaths} probchip_generator = randomforest.detect_gpath_list_with_species( ibs, inputchip_fpaths, species, **rfconfig) # Evalutate genrator until completion ut.evaluate_generator(probchip_generator) extramargin_mask_gen = (vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) for fpath in extramargin_probchip_fpaths) # Crop the extra margin off of the new probchips _iter = zip(probchip_fpaths, extramargin_mask_gen) for (probchip_fpath, extramargin_probchip) in _iter: half_w, half_h = (pad, pad) probchip = extramargin_probchip[half_h:-half_h, half_w:-half_w] if smooth_thresh is not None and smooth_ksize is not None: probchip = postprocess_mask(probchip, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize) vt.imwrite(probchip_fpath, probchip)
[docs]def postprocess_mask(mask, thresh=20, kernel_size=20): r""" Args: mask (ndarray): Returns: ndarray: mask2 CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --exec-postprocess_mask --cnn --show --aid=1 --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis --tf postprocess_mask --cnn --show --db PZ_MTEST --adapteq=True SeeAlso: python -m ibeis_cnn --tf generate_species_background_mask --show --db PZ_Master1 --aid 9970 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> import plottool as pt >>> from ibeis.algo.preproc.preproc_probchip import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> config = ChipConfig.from_argv_dict() >>> probchip_config = ProbchipConfig(smooth_thresh=None) >>> chip = ibs.depc.get('chips', aid_list, 'img', config)[0] >>> mask = ibs.depc.get('probchip', aid_list, 'img', probchip_config)[0] >>> mask2 = postprocess_mask(mask) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> fnum = 1 >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=fnum, xlabel=str(chip.shape)) >>> pt.imshow(mask, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=fnum, title='before', xlabel=str(mask.shape)) >>> pt.imshow(mask2, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=fnum, title='after', xlabel=str(mask2.shape)) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 thresh = 20 kernel_size = 20 mask2 = mask.copy() # light threshold mask2[mask2 < thresh] = 0 # open and close kernel = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size), np.uint8) mask2 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask2, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) mask2 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask2, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel) mask2 = cv2.morphologyEx(mask2, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) return mask2
[docs]class FeatureConfig(dtool.TableConfig): r""" Example: >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> feat_cfg = FeatureConfig() >>> result = str(feat_cfg) >>> print(result) <FeatureConfig(hesaff+sift,scale_max=40)> """
[docs] def get_param_info_list(self): import pyhesaff default_keys = list(pyhesaff.get_hesaff_default_params().keys()) default_items = list(pyhesaff.get_hesaff_default_params().items()) param_info_list = [ ut.ParamInfo('feat_type', 'hesaff+sift', ''), ut.ParamInfo('maskmethod', None, hideif=None) ] param_info_dict = { name: ut.ParamInfo(name, default, hideif=default) for name, default in default_items } param_info_dict['scale_max'].default = 50 param_info_list += ut.dict_take(param_info_dict, default_keys) return param_info_list
@register_preproc( tablename='feat', parents=['chips'], colnames=['num_feats', 'kpts', 'vecs'], coltypes=[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int], configclass=FeatureConfig, fname='featcache', version=0 )
[docs]def compute_feats(depc, cid_list, config=None): r""" Computes features and yields results asynchronously: TODO: Remove IBEIS from this equation. Move the firewall towards the controller Args: depc (dtool.DependencyCache): cid_list (list): config (None): Returns: generator : generates param tups SeeAlso: ~/code/ibeis_cnn/ibeis_cnn/ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --test-compute_feats:0 --show python -m ibeis.core --test-compute_feats:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> chip_config = {} >>> config = FeatureConfig() >>> cid_list = depc.get_rowids('chips', aid_list, config=chip_config) >>> featgen = compute_feats(depc, cid_list, config) >>> feat_list = list(featgen) >>> assert len(feat_list) == len(aid_list) >>> (nFeat, kpts, vecs) = feat_list[0] >>> assert nFeat == len(kpts) and nFeat == len(vecs) >>> assert kpts.shape[1] == 6 >>> assert vecs.shape[1] == 128 >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> chip = depc.get_native('chips', cid_list[0:1], 'img')[0] >>> pt.interact_keypoints.KeypointInteraction(chip, kpts, vecs, autostart=True) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ nInput = len(cid_list) hesaff_params = config.asdict() feat_type = config['feat_type'] maskmethod = config['maskmethod'] ut.assert_all_not_None(cid_list, 'cid_list') chip_fpath_list = depc.get_native('chips', cid_list, 'img', read_extern=False) if maskmethod is not None: assert False #aid_list = ibs.get_chip_aids(cid_list) #probchip_fpath_list = ibs.get_annot_probchip_fpath(aid_list) else: probchip_fpath_list = (None for _ in range(nInput)) if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('[preproc_feat] config = %s' % config) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('full_params = ' + ut.dict_str()) if feat_type == 'hesaff+sift': # Multiprocessing parallelization dictargs_iter = (hesaff_params for _ in range(nInput)) arg_iter = zip(chip_fpath_list, probchip_fpath_list, dictargs_iter) # eager evaluation. # TODO: Check if there is any benefit to just passing in the iterator. arg_list = list(arg_iter) featgen = ut.util_parallel.generate(gen_feat_worker, arg_list, nTasks=nInput, freq=10, ordered=True) elif feat_type == 'hesaff+siam128': from ibeis_cnn import _plugin assert maskmethod is None, 'not implemented' assert False, 'not implemented' ibs = depc.controller featgen = _plugin.generate_siam_l2_128_feats(ibs, cid_list, config=config) else: raise AssertionError('unknown feat_type=%r' % (feat_type,)) for nFeat, kpts, vecs in featgen: yield (nFeat, kpts, vecs,)
[docs]def gen_feat_worker(tup): r""" Function to be parallelized by multiprocessing / joblib / whatever. Must take in one argument to be used by multiprocessing.map_async Args: tup (tuple): Returns: tuple: (None, kpts, vecs) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --exec-gen_feat_worker --show python -m ibeis.core --exec-gen_feat_worker --show --aid 1988 --db GZ_Master1 --affine-invariance=False --scale_max=30 python -m ibeis.core --exec-gen_feat_worker --show --aid 1988 --db GZ_Master1 --affine-invariance=False --maskmethod=None --scale_max=30 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> aid = aid_list[0] >>> config = {} >>> feat_config = FeatureConfig.from_argv_dict() >>> chip_fpath = ibs.depc.get('chips', aid_list[0], 'img', config=config, read_extern=False) >>> maskmethod = ut.get_argval('--maskmethod', type_=str, default='cnn') >>> probchip_fpath = ibs.depc.get('probchip', aid_list[0], 'img', config=config, read_extern=False) if feat_config['maskmethod'] == 'cnn' else None >>> hesaff_params = feat_config.asdict() >>> # Exec function source >>> tup = (chip_fpath, probchip_fpath, hesaff_params) >>> masked_chip, num_kpts, kpts, vecs = ut.exec_func_src( >>> gen_feat_worker, key_list=['masked_chip', 'num_kpts', 'kpts', 'vecs'], >>> sentinal='num_kpts = kpts.shape[0]') >>> result = ('(num_kpts, kpts, vecs) = %s' % (ut.repr2((num_kpts, kpts, vecs)),)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> from plottool.interactions import ExpandableInteraction >>> interact = ExpandableInteraction() >>> interact.append_plot(pt.interact_keypoints.KeypointInteraction(masked_chip, kpts, vecs)) >>> interact.append_plot(lambda **kwargs: pt.plot_score_histograms([vt.get_scales(kpts)], **kwargs)) >>> interact.start() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import pyhesaff #import numpy as np #import vtool as vt chip_fpath, probchip_fpath, hesaff_params = tup chip = vt.imread(chip_fpath) if probchip_fpath is not None: probchip = vt.imread(probchip_fpath, grayscale=True) probchip = vt.resize_mask(probchip, chip) #vt.blend_images_multiply(chip, probchip) masked_chip = (chip * (probchip[:, :, None].astype(np.float32) / 255)).astype(np.uint8) else: masked_chip = chip kpts, vecs = pyhesaff.detect_kpts_in_image(masked_chip, **hesaff_params) num_kpts = kpts.shape[0] return (num_kpts, kpts, vecs)
[docs]class FeatWeightConfig(dtool.TableConfig): _param_info_list = []
@register_preproc( tablename='featweight', parents=['feat', 'probchip'], colnames=['fwg'], coltypes=[np.ndarray], configclass=FeatWeightConfig, fname='featcache', version=0 )
[docs]def compute_fgweights(depc, fid_list, pcid_list, config=None): """ Args: depc (dtool.DependencyCache): depc fid_list (list): config (None): (default = None) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> full_config = {} >>> config = FeatureConfig() >>> fid_list = depc.get_rowids('feat', aid_list, config=full_config) >>> pcid_list = depc.get_rowids('probchip', aid_list, config=full_config) >>> featweight_list = compute_fgweights(ibs, fid_list, pcid_list) >>> result = np.array_str(featweight_list[0][0:3], precision=3) >>> print(result) [ 0.125 0.061 0.053] """ nTasks = len(fid_list) print('[preproc_featweight.compute_fgweights] Preparing to compute %d fgweights' % (nTasks,)) #aid_list = depc.get_ancestor_rowids('feat', fid_list, 'annotations') #probchip_fpath_list = depc.get(aid_list, 'img', config={}, read_extern=False) probchip_list = depc.get_native('probchip', pcid_list, 'img') cid_list = depc.get_ancestor_rowids('feat', fid_list, 'chips') chipsize_list = depc.get_native('chips', cid_list, ('width', 'height')) kpts_list = depc.get_native('feat', fid_list, 'kpts') # Force grayscale reading of chips print('[preproc_featweight.compute_fgweights] Computing %d fgweights' % (nTasks,)) arg_iter = zip(kpts_list, probchip_list, chipsize_list) #featweight_gen = ut.generate(gen_featweight_worker, arg_iter, nTasks=nTasks, ordered=True, freq=10) featweight_gen = ut.generate(gen_featweight_worker, arg_iter, nTasks=nTasks, ordered=True, freq=10, force_serial=True) featweight_list = list(featweight_gen) print('[preproc_featweight.compute_fgweights] Done computing %d fgweights' % (nTasks,)) for fw in featweight_list: yield (fw,)
[docs]def gen_featweight_worker(tup): """ Function to be parallelized by multiprocessing / joblib / whatever. Must take in one argument to be used by multiprocessing.map_async Args: tup (aid, tuple(kpts(ndarray), probchip_fpath )): keypoints and probability chip file path aid, kpts, probchip_fpath CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core --test-gen_featweight_worker --show python -m ibeis.core --test-gen_featweight_worker --show --dpath figures --save ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figures/gen_featweight.jpg python -m ibeis.core --test-gen_featweight_worker --show --db PZ_MTEST --qaid_list=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.core import * # NOQA >>> #test_featweight_worker() >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> aid_list = aid_list[0:1] >>> config = {} >>> probchip = depc.get('probchip', aid_list, 'img', config)[0] >>> chipsize = depc.get('chips', aid_list, ('width', 'height'), config)[0] >>> kpts = depc.get('feat', aid_list, 'kpts', config)[0] >>> tup = (kpts, probchip, chipsize) >>> weights = gen_featweight_worker(tup) >>> chip = depc.get('chips', aid_list, 'img', config)[0] >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> fnum = 1 >>> pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(1, 3) >>> pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=pnum_(0), fnum=fnum) >>> pt.imshow(probchip, pnum=pnum_(2), fnum=fnum) >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=pnum_(1), fnum=fnum) >>> color_list = pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, weights=weights, ell_alpha=.3) >>> cb = pt.colorbar(weights, color_list) >>> cb.set_label('featweights') >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ (kpts, probchip, chipsize) = tup if probchip is None: # hack for undetected chips. SETS ALL FEATWEIGHTS TO .25 = 1/4 weights = np.full(len(kpts), .25, dtype=np.float32) else: sfx, sfy = (probchip.shape[1] / chipsize[0], probchip.shape[0] / chipsize[1]) kpts_ = vt.offset_kpts(kpts, (0, 0), (sfx, sfy)) #vtpatch.get_warped_patches() # VERY SLOW patch_list = [vt.get_warped_patch(probchip, kp)[0].astype(np.float32) / 255.0 for kp in kpts_] weight_list = [vt.gaussian_average_patch(patch) for patch in patch_list] #weight_list = [patch.sum() / (patch.size) for patch in patch_list] weights = np.array(weight_list, dtype=np.float32) return weights
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.core python -m ibeis.core --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()