Source code for ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Converts an IBEIS database to a hotspotter db
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from six.moves import map
from os.path import join, relpath
#import ibeis
import utool as ut
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = ut.inject(__name__, '[export_hsdb]')

[docs]def get_hsdb_image_gpaths(ibs, gid_list): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object gid_list (list): Returns: list: gpath_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb --test-get_hsdb_image_gpaths Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:2] >>> # execute function >>> gpath_list = get_hsdb_image_gpaths(ibs, gid_list) >>> # verify results >>> result = ut.list_str(gpath_list) >>> print(result) [ '../_ibsdb/images/66ec193a-1619-b3b6-216d-1784b4833b61.jpg', '../_ibsdb/images/d8903434-942f-e0f5-d6c2-0dcbe3137bf7.jpg', ] """ imgdir = join(ibs.get_dbdir(), 'images') gpath_list_ = ibs.get_image_paths(gid_list) gpath_list = [ut.ensure_unixslash(relpath(gpath, imgdir)) for gpath in gpath_list_] return gpath_list
[docs]def get_hots_table_strings(ibs): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb --test-get_hots_table_strings Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs.delete_empty_nids() >>> # execute function >>> csvtup = get_hots_table_strings(ibs) >>> # hack so hashtag is at the end of each line >>> result = '\n'.join(csvtup).replace('\n', '#\n') + '#' >>> # verify results >>> print(result) # image table# # num_rows=13# # gid, gname, aif# 1, ../_ibsdb/images/66ec193a-1619-b3b6-216d-1784b4833b61.jpg, 0# 2, ../_ibsdb/images/d8903434-942f-e0f5-d6c2-0dcbe3137bf7.jpg, 0# 3, ../_ibsdb/images/b73b72f4-4acb-c445-e72c-05ce02719d3d.jpg, 0# 4, ../_ibsdb/images/0cd05978-3d83-b2ee-2ac9-798dd571c3b3.jpg, 0# 5, ../_ibsdb/images/0a9bc03d-a75e-8d14-0153-e2949502aba7.jpg, 0# 6, ../_ibsdb/images/2deeff06-5546-c752-15dc-2bd0fdb1198a.jpg, 0# 7, ../_ibsdb/images/a9b70278-a936-c1dd-8a3b-bc1e9a998bf0.png, 0# 8, ../_ibsdb/images/42fdad98-369a-2cbc-67b1-983d6d6a3a60.jpg, 0# 9, ../_ibsdb/images/c459d381-fd74-1d99-6215-e42e3f432ea9.jpg, 0# 10, ../_ibsdb/images/33fd9813-3a2b-774b-3fcc-4360d1ae151b.jpg, 0# 11, ../_ibsdb/images/97e8ea74-873f-2092-b372-f928a7be30fa.jpg, 0# 12, ../_ibsdb/images/588bc218-83a5-d400-21aa-d499832632b0.jpg, 0# 13, ../_ibsdb/images/163a890c-36f2-981e-3529-c552b6d668a3.jpg, 0# # name table# # num_rows=7# # nid, name# 1, easy# 2, hard# 3, jeff# 4, lena# 5, occl# 6, polar# 7, zebra# # chip table# # num_rows=13# # cid, gid, nid, [tlx tly w h], theta, notes# 1, 1, -1, [0 0 1047 715], 0.00, aid 1 and 2 are correct matches# 2, 2, 1, [0 0 1035 576], 0.00, # 3, 3, 1, [0 0 1072 804], 0.00, # 4, 4, -4, [0 0 1072 804], 0.00, # 5, 5, 2, [0 0 1072 804], 0.00, # 6, 6, 2, [0 0 450 301], 0.00, # 7, 7, 3, [0 0 400 400], 0.00, very simple image to debug feature detector# 8, 8, 4, [0 0 220 220], 0.00, standard test image# 9, 9, -9, [0 0 450 284], 0.00, this is actually a plains zebra# 10, 10, 5, [0 0 450 341], 0.00, this is actually a plains zebra# 11, 11, -11, [0 0 741 734], 0.00, # 12, 12, 6, [0 0 673 634], 0.00, # 13, 13, 7, [0 0 1114 545], 0.00, # """ print('export to hsdb') #ibs.inject_func(get_hsdb_image_gpaths) # Build Image Table gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() gpath_list = get_hsdb_image_gpaths(ibs, gid_list) reviewed_list = ibs.get_image_reviewed(gid_list) # aif in hotspotter is equivilant to reviewed in IBEIS image_table_csv = ut.make_csv_table( [gid_list, gpath_list, reviewed_list], ['gid', 'gname', 'aif'], '# image table') # Build Name Table nid_list = ibs.get_valid_nids() name_list = ibs.get_name_texts(nid_list) name_table_csv = ut.make_csv_table( [nid_list, name_list], ['nid', 'name'], '# name table') # Build Chip Table aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() annotationgid_list = ibs.get_annot_gids(aid_list) annotationnid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid_list) bbox_list = list(map(list, ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list))) theta_list = ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list) notes_list = ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list) chip_column_list = [aid_list, annotationgid_list, annotationnid_list, bbox_list, theta_list, notes_list] chip_column_lbls = ['cid', 'gid', 'nid', '[tlx tly w h]', 'theta', 'notes'] chip_column_types = [int, int, int, list, float, str] chip_table_csv = ut.make_csv_table( chip_column_list, chip_column_lbls, '# chip table', chip_column_types) if ut.VERBOSE: if len(aid_list) < 87: print(chip_table_csv) if len(nid_list) < 87: print(name_table_csv) if len(gid_list) < 87: print(image_table_csv) return image_table_csv, name_table_csv, chip_table_csv
[docs]def export_ibeis_to_hotspotter(ibs): # Dumps the files hsdb_dir = ibs.get_dbdir() internal_hsdb = join(hsdb_dir, '_hsdb') ut.ensuredir(internal_hsdb) image_table_csv, name_table_csv, chip_table_csv = get_hots_table_strings(ibs) # Write Tables with open(join(internal_hsdb, 'HSDB_image_table.csv'), 'wb') as imgtbl_file: imgtbl_file.write(image_table_csv) with open(join(internal_hsdb, 'HSDB_name_table.csv'), 'wb') as nametbl_file: nametbl_file.write(name_table_csv) with open(join(internal_hsdb, 'HSDB_chip_table.csv'), 'wb') as chiptbl_file: chiptbl_file.write(chip_table_csv)
[docs]def dump_hots_tables(ibs): """ Dumps hotspotter like tables to disk """ ibsdir = ibs.get_ibsdir() gtbl_name = join(ibsdir, 'IBEIS_DUMP_images_table.csv') ntbl_name = join(ibsdir, 'IBEIS_DUMP_names_table.csv') rtbl_name = join(ibsdir, 'IBEIS_DUMP_annotations_table.csv') with open(gtbl_name, 'w') as file_: gtbl_str = ibs.db.get_table_csv('images', exclude_columns=[]) file_.write(gtbl_str) with open(ntbl_name, 'w') as file_: ntbl_str = ibs.db.get_table_csv('names', exclude_columns=[]) file_.write(ntbl_str) with open(rtbl_name, 'w') as file_: rtbl_str = ibs.db.get_table_csv('annotations', exclude_columns=[]) file_.write(rtbl_str)
[docs]def get_hots_flat_table(ibs): """ Dumps hotspotter flat tables Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object Returns: str: flat_table_str CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb --exec-get_hots_flat_table Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> flat_table_str = get_hots_flat_table(ibs) >>> result = ('flat_table_str = %s' % (str(flat_table_str),)) >>> print(result) """ aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() column_tups = [ (int, 'aids', aid_list,), (str, 'names', ibs.get_annot_names(aid_list),), (list, 'bbox', list(map(list, ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list),))), (float, 'theta', ibs.get_annot_thetas(aid_list),), (str, 'gpaths', ibs.get_annot_image_paths(aid_list),), (str, 'notes', ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list),), (str, 'uuids', ibs.get_annot_uuids(aid_list),), ] column_type = [tup[0] for tup in column_tups] column_lbls = [tup[1] for tup in column_tups] column_list = [tup[2] for tup in column_tups] header = '\n'.join([ '# Roi Flat Table', '# aid - internal annotation index (not gaurenteed unique)', '# name - animal identity', '# bbox - bounding box [tlx tly w h] in image', '# theta - bounding box orientation', '# gpath - image filepath', '# notes - user defined notes', '# uuids - unique universal ids (gaurenteed unique)', ]) flat_table_str = ut.make_csv_table(column_list, column_lbls, header, column_type) return flat_table_str
[docs]def dump_hots_flat_table(ibs): flat_table_fpath = join(ibs.dbdir, 'IBEIS_DUMP_flat_table.csv') flat_table_str = ibs.get_flat_table() print('[ibs] dumping flat table to: %r' % flat_table_fpath) with open(flat_table_fpath, 'w') as file_: file_.write(flat_table_str)
SUCCESS_FLAG_FNAME = '_hsdb_to_ibeis_convert_success' if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb python -m ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb --allexamples python -m ibeis.dbio.export_hsdb --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()