Source code for ibeis.dbio.export_wb

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Converts an IBEIS database to a wildbook db
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
#import ibeis
import utool
import json
import requests
from six.moves import zip, map
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = utool.inject(__name__, '[export_wb]')

[docs]def export_ibeis_to_wildbook(ibs, eid_list): target_url_occurrence = ibs.wbaddr + '/rest/org.ecocean.Occurrence' target_url_encounter = ibs.wbaddr + '/rest/org.ecocean.Encounter' target_url_encounter_add_image = ibs.wbaddr + '/EncounterAddImage' target_url_occurrence_add_encounter = ibs.wbaddr + '/OccurrenceAddEncounter' # list of tuples, each has the names associated with the encounter nids_list = ibs.get_encounter_nids(eid_list) assert len(nids_list) == len(eid_list) for eid, nids in zip(eid_list, nids_list): # the actual names corresponding to the name ids names_text = ibs.get_name_texts(nids) # list of list of images that correspond to each name id gids_lists = ibs.get_name_gids(nids) # each name id must have exactly one text name associated with it, as well as one list of image ids assert len(nids) == len(names_text) == len(gids_lists) # the actual text encounter name corresponding to the encounter id enctext = ibs.get_encounter_text(eid) # ibeis encounter is wildbook occurrence! occurrence_id = str(enctext) payload_create_occurrence = {'groupBehavior': '', 'class': 'org.ecocean.Occurrence', 'occurrenceID': occurrence_id} # create a Wildbook Occurrence to represent this IBEIS Encounter response =, data=json.dumps(payload_create_occurrence)) print ('POSTed IBEIS Encounter / Wildbook Occurrence %s to %s with status %d' % (enctext, target_url_occurrence, response.status_code)) # creates wildbook encounters for each name in an ibeis encounter for nid, name_text, gids in zip(nids, names_text, gids_lists): # create a unique name for this inidividual by concatenating the encounter and name wbenc_name = enctext + '_' + str(nid) payload_create_encounter = {'dwcImageURL': ibs.wbaddr + '/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=' + wbenc_name, 'occurrenceID': occurrence_id, 'state': 'unapproved', 'dateInMilliseconds': 100, 'approved': True, 'catalogNumber': wbenc_name, 'recordedBy': 'hotspotter', 'individualID': 'Unassigned', 'class': 'org.ecocean.Encounter', 'guid': 'MY_CATALOG:MY_SPECIES:' + wbenc_name, 'decimalLatitude': '-1.0', 'decimalLongitude': '-1.0'} # create this wildbook encounter response =, data=json.dumps(payload_create_encounter)) print ('POSTed Wildbook Encounter %s to %s with status %d' % (wbenc_name, target_url_encounter, response.status_code)) payload_occurrence_add_encounter = {'number': wbenc_name, 'occurrence': occurrence_id} # link the wildbook encounter to the wildbook occurrence / ibeis encounter response =, data=json.dumps(payload_occurrence_add_encounter)) print ('Linked Wildbook Encounter %s to Wildbook Occurrence %s with status %s' % (wbenc_name, occurrence_id, response.status_code)) print (response.url) # get the paths to all the images in which this name id appears paths = ibs.get_image_paths(gids) payload_encounter_add_image = {'number': wbenc_name} # upload the images one by one for path in paths: try: with open(path, 'rb') as img_file: response =, data=payload_encounter_add_image, files={'file': img_file}) print ('POSTed %s to %s with status %d' % (path, target_url_encounter_add_image, response.status_code)) except IOError: print('Could not open file at %s' % (path)) continue # update the wildbook encounter thumbnail image response = + '/resetThumbnail.jsp?number=' + wbenc_name + '&imageNum=1')
[docs]def export_ibeis_to_wildbook2(ibs, eid_list): """ LECACY CODE. DEPRICATE? """ wbaddr = ibs.wbaddr wb_encounters = {} for encounter_id in eid_list: encounter = ibs.get_encounter_text(encounter_id) # make occurrence id from enctext name_annotation_mapping = {} image_annotation_mapping = {} names = ibs.get_encounter_nids(encounter_id) annotations = ibs.get_encounter_aids(encounter_id) images = ibs.get_encounter_gids(encounter_id) for name_id in names: wbenc_name = encounter + str(name_id) wb_encounters[name_id] = wbenc_name name_annotation_mapping[name_id] = [] image_annotation_mapping[name_id] = [] for annotation_id in annotations: assoc_name_id = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids([annotation_id])[0] name_annotation_mapping[assoc_name_id].append(annotation_id) print (ibs.get_image_nids(images)) #for img_id in images: # print (ibs.get_image_nids([img_id])) # assoc_name_id = ibs.get_image_nids([img_id])[0] # image_annotation_mapping[assoc_name_id].append(img_id) #print (names) for name_id in names: wbenc_name = wb_encounters[name_id] annotation_id_list = name_annotation_mapping[name_id] image_id_list = image_annotation_mapping[name_id] print (image_id_list) wbenc_time_avg = int(sum(ibs.get_image_unixtime(ibs.get_annot_gids(annotation_id_list))) / len(annotation_id_list)) lat, lng = list(map(lambda x: sum(x) / len(x), zip(*ibs.get_image_gps(ibs.get_annot_gids(annotation_id_list))))) print (lat) print (lng) print (wbenc_time_avg) # TODO: Pass the verts, theta, and name_uuid payload_encounter = {'dwcImageURL': wbaddr + '/encounters/encounter.jsp?number=' + wbenc_name, # NOQA 'state': 'unapproved', 'dateInMilliseconds': wbenc_time_avg, 'approved': True, 'catalogNumber': wbenc_name, 'recordedBy': 'hotspotter', 'individualID': 'Unassigned', 'class': 'org.ecocean.Encounter', 'guid': 'MY_CATALOG:MY_SPECIES:' + wbenc_name, 'decimalLatitude': str(lat), 'decimalLongitude': str(lng)} # make occurrence ID part of the request #response = + '/rest/org.ecocean.Encounter', data=json.dumps(payload_encounter)) #print (response.status_code)