Source code for ibeis.expt.cfghelpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Helper module that helps expand parameters for grid search

DEPRICATE: Most of this can likely be replaced by util_gridsearch
TODO: rectify with versions in util_gridsearch

It turns out a lot of the commandlines made possible here can be generatd by
using bash brace expansion.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import utool as ut
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[cfghelpers]')

[docs]def remove_prefix_hack(cfg, cfgtype, cfg_options, alias_keys): if cfgtype is not None and cfgtype in ['qcfg', 'dcfg']: for key in list(cfg_options.keys()): # check if key is nonstandard if not (key in cfg or key in alias_keys): # does removing prefix make it stanard? prefix = cfgtype[0] if key.startswith(prefix): key_ = key[len(prefix):] if key_ in cfg or key_ in alias_keys: # remove prefix cfg_options[key_] = cfg_options[key] try: assert key[1:] in cfg or key[1:] in alias_keys, ( 'key=%r, key[1:] =%r' % (key, key[1:] )) except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Parse Error Customize Cfg Base ', keys=['key', 'cfg', 'alias_keys', 'cfgstr_options', 'cfgtype']) raise del cfg_options[key]
@ut.on_exception_report_input(keys=['cfgname', 'cfgopt_strs', 'base_cfg', 'cfgtype', 'alias_keys', 'valid_keys'], force=True)
[docs]def customize_base_cfg(cfgname, cfgopt_strs, base_cfg, cfgtype, alias_keys=None, valid_keys=None, offset=0, strict=True): """ DEPRICATE """ import re cfg = base_cfg.copy() # Parse dict out of a string #ANYTHING_NOT_BRACE = r'[^\[\]]*\]' ANYTHING_NOT_PAREN_OR_BRACE = r'[^()\[\]]*[\]\)]' cfgstr_options_list = re.split( r',\s*' + ut.negative_lookahead(ANYTHING_NOT_PAREN_OR_BRACE), cfgopt_strs) #cfgstr_options_list = cfgopt_strs.split(',') cfg_options = ut.parse_cfgstr_list( cfgstr_list=cfgstr_options_list, smartcast=True, oldmode=False) # Hack for q/d-prefix specific configs remove_prefix_hack(cfg, cfgtype, cfg_options, alias_keys) # Remap keynames based on aliases if alias_keys is not None: # Use new standard keys and remove old aliased keys for key in set(alias_keys.keys()): if key in cfg_options: cfg_options[alias_keys[key]] = cfg_options[key] del cfg_options[key] # Ensure that nothing bad is being updated if strict: parsed_keys = cfg_options.keys() if valid_keys is not None: ut.assert_all_in(parsed_keys, valid_keys, 'keys specified not in valid set') else: ut.assert_all_in(parsed_keys, cfg.keys(), 'keys specified not in default options') # Finalize configuration dict cfg.update(cfg_options) cfg['_cfgtype'] = cfgtype cfg['_cfgname'] = cfgname cfg_combo = ut.all_dict_combinations(cfg) #if len(cfg_combo) > 1: for combox, cfg_ in enumerate(cfg_combo, start=offset): #cfg_['_cfgname'] += ';' + str(combox) cfg_['_cfgindex'] = combox for cfg_ in cfg_combo: if len(cfgopt_strs) > 0: cfg_['_cfgstr'] = cfg_['_cfgname'] + ut.NAMEVARSEP + cfgopt_strs else: cfg_['_cfgstr'] = cfg_['_cfgname'] return cfg_combo
[docs]def parse_cfgstr_list2(cfgstr_list, named_defaults_dict=None, cfgtype=None, alias_keys=None, valid_keys=None, expand_nested=True, strict=True, special_join_dict=None, is_nestedcfgtype=False, metadata=None): r""" Parses config strings. By looking up name in a dict of configs DEPRICATE Args: cfgstr_list (list): named_defaults_dict (dict): (default = None) cfgtype (None): (default = None) alias_keys (None): (default = None) valid_keys (None): (default = None) expand_nested (bool): (default = True) strict (bool): (default = True) is_nestedcfgtype - used for annot configs so special joins arent geometrically combined Note: Normal Case: --flag name Custom Arugment Cases: --flag name:custom_key1=custom_val1,custom_key2=custom_val2 Multiple Config Case: --flag name1:custom_args1 name2:custom_args2 Multiple Config (special join) Case: (here name2 and name3 have some special interaction) --flag name1:custom_args1 name2:custom_args2::name3:custom_args3 Varied Argument Case: --flag name:key1=[val1,val2] Returns: list: cfg_combos_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers --exec-parse_cfgstr_list2 python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers --test-parse_cfgstr_list2 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTET >>> from ibeis.expt.cfghelpers import * # NOQA >>> cfgstr_list = ['name', 'name:f=1', 'name:b=[1,2]', 'name1:f=1::name2:f=1,b=2'] >>> #cfgstr_list = ['name', 'name1:f=1::name2:f=1,b=2'] >>> named_defaults_dict = None >>> cfgtype = None >>> alias_keys = None >>> valid_keys = None >>> expand_nested = True >>> strict = False >>> special_join_dict = {'joined': True} >>> cfg_combos_list = parse_cfgstr_list2(cfgstr_list, named_defaults_dict, >>> cfgtype, alias_keys, valid_keys, >>> expand_nested, strict, >>> special_join_dict) >>> print('cfg_combos_list = %s' % (ut.list_str(cfg_combos_list, nl=2),)) >>> print(ut.depth_profile(cfg_combos_list)) >>> cfg_list = ut.flatten(cfg_combos_list) >>> cfg_list = ut.flatten([cfg if isinstance(cfg, list) else [cfg] for cfg in cfg_list]) >>> result = ut.repr2(ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(cfg_list)) >>> print(result) ['name:', 'name:f=1', 'name:b=1', 'name:b=2', 'name1:f=1,joined=True', 'name2:b=2,f=1,joined=True'] """ with ut.Indenter(' '): cfg_combos_list = [] for cfgstr in cfgstr_list: cfg_combos = [] # Parse special joined cfg case if cfgstr.find('::') > -1: special_cfgstr_list = cfgstr.split('::') special_combo_list = parse_cfgstr_list2( special_cfgstr_list, named_defaults_dict=named_defaults_dict, cfgtype=cfgtype, alias_keys=alias_keys, valid_keys=valid_keys, strict=strict, expand_nested=expand_nested, is_nestedcfgtype=False, metadata=metadata) OLD = False if OLD: special_combo = ut.flatten(special_combo_list) if special_join_dict is not None: for cfg in special_combo: cfg.update(special_join_dict) else: if special_join_dict is not None: for special_combo in special_combo_list: for cfg in special_combo: cfg.update(special_join_dict) if is_nestedcfgtype: cfg_combo = tuple([combo for combo in special_combo_list]) else: # not sure if this is right cfg_combo = special_combo_list # FIXME DUPLICATE CODE if expand_nested: cfg_combos.extend(cfg_combo) else: #print('Appending: ' + str(ut.depth_profile(cfg_combo))) #if ut.depth_profile(cfg_combo) == [1, 9]: # ut.embed() cfg_combos_list.append(cfg_combo) else: cfgname, cfgopt_strs, subx = ut.parse_cfgstr_name_options(cfgstr) # -- # Lookup named default settings try: base_cfg_list = ut.lookup_base_cfg_list(cfgname, named_defaults_dict, metadata=metadata) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['cfgstr_list']) raise # -- for base_cfg in base_cfg_list: cfg_combo = customize_base_cfg( cfgname, cfgopt_strs, base_cfg, cfgtype, alias_keys, valid_keys, strict=strict, offset=len(cfg_combos)) if is_nestedcfgtype: cfg_combo = [cfg_combo] if expand_nested: cfg_combos.extend(cfg_combo) else: cfg_combos_list.append(cfg_combo) # SUBX Cannot work here because of acfg hackiness #if subx is not None: # cfg_combo = ut.take(cfg_combo, subx) if expand_nested: cfg_combos_list.append(cfg_combos) # print('Updated to: ' + str(ut.depth_profile(cfg_combos_list))) #print('Returning len(cfg_combos_list) = %r' % (len(cfg_combos_list),)) return cfg_combos_list
[docs]def parse_argv_cfg(argname, default=[''], named_defaults_dict=None, valid_keys=None): """ simple configs Args: argname (?): default (list): (default = []) named_defaults_dict (dict): (default = None) valid_keys (None): (default = None) Returns: list: cfg_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers --exec-parse_argv_cfg --filt :foo=bar python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers --test-parse_argv_cfg Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTET >>> from ibeis.expt.cfghelpers import * # NOQA >>> argname = '--filt' >>> cfg_list = parse_argv_cfg(argname) >>> result = ('cfg_list = %s' % (str(cfg_list),)) >>> print(result) """ if ut.in_jupyter_notebook(): # dont parse argv in ipython notebook cfgstr_list = default else: cfgstr_list = ut.get_argval(argname, type_=list, default=default) if cfgstr_list is None: return None cfg_combos_list = parse_cfgstr_list2(cfgstr_list, named_defaults_dict=named_defaults_dict, valid_keys=valid_keys, strict=False) cfg_list = ut.flatten(cfg_combos_list) return cfg_list
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers --allexamples python -m ibeis.expt.cfghelpers --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()