Source code for ibeis.expt.draw_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from os.path import join, dirname, split, basename, splitext
import re
import utool as ut
from six.moves import map, range
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[expt_drawres]')

[docs]class IndividualResultsCopyTaskQueue(object): def __init__(self): self.cp_task_list = []
[docs] def append_copy_task(self, fpath_orig, dstdir=None): """ helper which copies a summary figure to root dir """ fname_orig, ext = splitext(basename(fpath_orig)) outdir = dirname(fpath_orig) fdir_clean, cfgdir = split(outdir) if dstdir is None: dstdir = fdir_clean #aug = cfgdir[0:min(len(cfgdir), 10)] aug = cfgdir fname_fmt = '{aug}_{fname_orig}{ext}' fmt_dict = {'aug': aug, 'fname_orig': fname_orig, 'ext': ext} fname_clean = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['fname_orig'], max_len=128) fdst_clean = join(dstdir, fname_clean) self.cp_task_list.append((fpath_orig, fdst_clean))
[docs] def flush_copy_tasks(self): # Execute all copy tasks and empty the lists if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('[DRAW_RESULT] copying %r summaries' % (len(self.cp_task_list))) for src, dst in self.cp_task_list: ut.copy(src, dst, verbose=False) del self.cp_task_list[:]
[docs]def make_individual_latex_figures(ibs, fpaths_list, flat_case_labels, cfgx2_shortlbl, case_figdir, analysis_fpath_list): # HACK MAKE LATEX CONVINENCE STUFF #print('LATEX HACK') if len(fpaths_list) == 0: print('nothing to render') return RENDER = ut.get_argflag('--render') DUMP_FIGDEF = ut.get_argflag(('--figdump', '--dump-figdef', '--figdef')) if not (DUMP_FIGDEF or RENDER): # HACK return latex_code_blocks = [] latex_block_keys = [] caption_prefix = ut.get_argval('--cappref', type_=str, default='') caption_suffix = ut.get_argval('--capsuf', type_=str, default='') cmdaug = ut.get_argval('--cmdaug', type_=str, default='custom') selected = None for case_idx, (fpaths, labels) in enumerate(zip(fpaths_list, flat_case_labels)): if labels is None: labels = [cmdaug] if len(fpaths) < 4: nCols = len(fpaths) else: nCols = 2 _cmdname = ibs.get_dbname() + ' Case ' + ' '.join(labels) + '_' + str(case_idx) #print('_cmdname = %r' % (_cmdname,)) cmdname = ut.latex_sanitize_command_name(_cmdname) label_str = cmdname if len(caption_prefix) == 0: caption_str = ut.escape_latex('Casetags: ' + ut.list_str(labels, nl=False, strvals=True) + ', db=' + ibs.get_dbname() + '. ') else: caption_str = '' use_sublbls = len(cfgx2_shortlbl) > 1 if use_sublbls: caption_str += ut.escape_latex('Each figure shows a different configuration: ') sublbls = ['(' + chr(97 + count) + ') ' for count in range(len(cfgx2_shortlbl))] else: #caption_str += ut.escape_latex('This figure depicts correct and #incorrect matches from configuration: ') sublbls = [''] * len(cfgx2_shortlbl) def wrap_tt(text): return r'{\tt ' + text + '}' _shortlbls = cfgx2_shortlbl _shortlbls = list(map(ut.escape_latex, _shortlbls)) # Adjust spacing for breaks #tex_small_space = r'' tex_small_space = r'\hspace{0pt}' # Remove query specific config flags in individual results _shortlbls = [re.sub('\\bq[^,]*,?', '', shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls] # Let config strings be broken over newlines _shortlbls = [re.sub('\\+', tex_small_space + '+' + tex_small_space, shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls] _shortlbls = [re.sub(', *', ',' + tex_small_space, shortlbl) for shortlbl in _shortlbls] _shortlbls = list(map(wrap_tt, _shortlbls)) cfgx2_texshortlbl = ['\n ' + lbl + shortlbl for lbl, shortlbl in zip(sublbls, _shortlbls)] caption_str += ut.conj_phrase(cfgx2_texshortlbl, 'and') + '.\n ' caption_str = '\n ' + caption_prefix + caption_str + caption_suffix caption_str = caption_str.rstrip() figure_str = ut.get_latex_figure_str(fpaths, nCols=nCols, label_str=label_str, caption_str=caption_str, use_sublbls=None, use_frame=True) latex_block = ut.latex_newcommand(cmdname, figure_str) latex_block = '\n%----------\n' + latex_block latex_code_blocks.append(latex_block) latex_block_keys.append(cmdname) # HACK remove_fpath = ut.truepath('~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015') + '/' latex_fpath = join(case_figdir, 'latex_cases.tex') if selected is not None: selected_keys = selected else: selected_keys = latex_block_keys selected_blocks = ut.dict_take(dict(zip(latex_block_keys, latex_code_blocks)), selected_keys) figdef_block = '\n'.join(selected_blocks) figcmd_block = '\n'.join(['\\' + key for key in latex_block_keys]) selected_block = figdef_block + '\n\n' + figcmd_block # HACK: need full paths to render selected_block_renderable = selected_block selected_block = selected_block.replace(remove_fpath, '') if RENDER: ut.render_latex_text(selected_block_renderable) if DUMP_FIGDEF: ut.writeto(latex_fpath, selected_block) #if NOT DUMP AND NOT RENDER: # print('STANDARD LATEX RESULTS') # cmdname = ibs.get_dbname() + 'Results' # latex_block = ut.get_latex_figure_str2(analysis_fpath_list, cmdname, nCols=1) # ut.print_code(latex_block, 'latex') if DUMP_FIGDEF or RENDER: ut.print_code(selected_block, 'latex')