Source code for ibeis.expt.old_storage

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import six
#import six
import utool as ut
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(
    __name__, '[expt_harn]')

[docs]class ResultMetadata(object): def __init__(metadata, fpath, autoconnect=False): """ metadata_fpath = join(figdir, 'result_metadata.shelf') metadata = ResultMetadata(metadata_fpath) """ metadata.fpath = fpath metadata.dimensions = ['query_cfgstr', 'qaid'] metadata._shelf = None metadata.dictstore = None if autoconnect: metadata.connect()
[docs] def connect(metadata): import shelve metadata._shelf = if 'dictstore' not in metadata._shelf: dictstore = ut.AutoVivification() metadata._shelf['dictstore'] = dictstore metadata.dictstore = metadata._shelf['dictstore']
[docs] def clear(metadata): dictstore = ut.AutoVivification() metadata._shelf['dictstore'] = dictstore metadata.dictstore = metadata._shelf['dictstore']
def __del__(metadata): metadata.close()
[docs] def close(metadata): metadata._shelf.close()
[docs] def write(metadata): metadata._shelf['dictstore'] = metadata.dictstore metadata._shelf.sync()
[docs] def set_global_data(metadata, cfgstr, qaid, key, val): metadata.dictstore[cfgstr][qaid][key] = val
[docs] def sync_test_results(metadata, testres): """ store all test results in the shelf """ for cfgx in range(len(testres.cfgx2_qreq_)): cfgstr = testres.get_cfgstr(cfgx) qaids = testres.qaids cfgresinfo = testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo[cfgx] for key, val_list in six.iteritems(cfgresinfo): for qaid, val in zip(qaids, val_list): metadata.set_global_data(cfgstr, qaid, key, val) metadata.write()
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(metadata): cfgstr_list = list(metadata.dictstore.keys()) return cfgstr_list
[docs] def get_column_keys(metadata): unflat_colname_list = [ [cols.keys() for cols in qaid2_cols.values()] for qaid2_cols in six.itervalues(metadata.dictstore) ] colname_list = ut.unique_ordered(ut.flatten(ut.flatten(unflat_colname_list))) return colname_list
[docs] def get_square_data(metadata, cfgstr=None): # can only support one config at a time right now if cfgstr is None: cfgstr = metadata.get_cfgstr_list()[0] qaid2_cols = metadata.dictstore[cfgstr] qaids = list(qaid2_cols.keys()) col_name_list = ut.unique_ordered(ut.flatten([cols.keys() for cols in qaid2_cols.values()])) #col_name_list = ['qx2_scoreexpdiff', 'qx2_gt_aid'] #colname2_colvals = [None for colname in col_name_list] column_list = [ [colvals.get(colname, None) for qaid, colvals in six.iteritems(qaid2_cols)] for colname in col_name_list] col_name_list = ['qaids'] + col_name_list column_list = [qaids] + column_list print('depth_profile(column_list) = %r' % (ut.depth_profile(column_list),)) return col_name_list, column_list
[docs]def make_metadata_custom_api(metadata): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_drawing --test-make_metadata_custom_api --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.experiment_drawing import * # NOQA >>> import guitool >>> guitool.ensure_qapp() >>> metadata_fpath = '/media/raid/work/Elephants_drop1_ears/_ibsdb/figures/result_metadata.shelf' >>> metadata = ResultMetadata(metadata_fpath, autoconnect=True) >>> wgt = make_metadata_custom_api(metadata) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> >>> wgt.raise_() >>> guitool.qtapp_loop(wgt, frequency=100) """ import guitool from guitool.__PYQT__ import QtCore class MetadataViewer(guitool.APIItemWidget): def __init__(wgt, parent=None, tblnice='Result Metadata Viewer', **kwargs): guitool.APIItemWidget.__init__(wgt, parent=parent, tblnice=tblnice, **kwargs) wgt.connect_signals_and_slots() @guitool.slot_(QtCore.QModelIndex) def _on_doubleclick(wgt, qtindex): print('[wgt] _on_doubleclick: ') col = qtindex.column() if wgt.api.col_edit_list[col]: print('do nothing special for editable columns') return model = qtindex.model() colname = model.get_header_name(col) if colname.endswith('fpath'): print('showing fpath') fpath = model.get_header_data(colname, qtindex) ut.startfile(fpath) def connect_signals_and_slots(wgt): #wgt.view.clicked.connect(wgt._on_click) wgt.view.doubleClicked.connect(wgt._on_doubleclick) #wgt.view.pressed.connect(wgt._on_pressed) #wgt.view.activated.connect(wgt._on_activated) guitool.ensure_qapp() #cfgstr_list = metadata col_name_list, column_list = metadata.get_square_data() # Priority of column names colname_priority = ['qaids', 'qx2_gt_rank', 'qx2_gt_timedelta', 'qx2_gf_timedelta', 'analysis_fpath', 'qx2_gt_raw_score', 'qx2_gf_raw_score'] colname_priority += sorted(ut.setdiff_ordered(col_name_list, colname_priority)) sortx = ut.priority_argsort(col_name_list, colname_priority) col_name_list = ut.take(col_name_list, sortx) column_list = ut.take(column_list, sortx) col_lens = list(map(len, column_list)) print('col_name_list = %r' % (col_name_list,)) print('col_lens = %r' % (col_lens,)) assert len(col_lens) > 0, 'no columns' assert col_lens[0] > 0, 'no rows' assert all([len_ == col_lens[0] for len_ in col_lens]), 'inconsistant data' col_types_dict = {} col_getter_dict = dict(zip(col_name_list, column_list)) col_bgrole_dict = {} col_ider_dict = {} col_setter_dict = {} col_nice_dict = {name: name.replace('qx2_', '') for name in col_name_list} col_nice_dict.update({ 'qx2_gt_timedelta': 'GT TimeDelta', 'qx2_gf_timedelta': 'GF TimeDelta', 'qx2_gt_rank': 'GT Rank', }) editable_colnames = [] sortby = 'qaids' def get_thumb_size(): return 128 col_width_dict = {} custom_api = guitool.CustomAPI( col_name_list, col_types_dict, col_getter_dict, col_bgrole_dict, col_ider_dict, col_setter_dict, editable_colnames, sortby, get_thumb_size, sort_reverse=True, col_width_dict=col_width_dict, col_nice_dict=col_nice_dict ) #headers = custom_api.make_headers(tblnice='results') #print(ut.dict_str(headers)) wgt = MetadataViewer() wgt.connect_api(custom_api) return wgt
[docs]def make_test_result_custom_api(ibs, testres): import guitool guitool.ensure_qapp() cfgx = 0 cfgres_info = testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo[cfgx] qaids = testres.qaids gt_aids = cfgres_info['qx2_gt_aid'] gf_aids = cfgres_info['qx2_gf_aid'] qx2_gt_timedelta = ibs.get_annot_pair_timdelta(qaids, gt_aids) qx2_gf_timedelta = ibs.get_annot_pair_timdelta(qaids, gf_aids) col_name_list = [ 'qaids', 'qx2_gt_aid', 'qx2_gf_aid', 'qx2_gt_timedelta', 'qx2_gf_timedelta', ] col_types_dict = {} col_getter_dict = {} col_getter_dict.update(**cfgres_info) col_getter_dict['qaids'] = testres.qaids col_getter_dict['qx2_gt_timedelta'] = qx2_gt_timedelta col_getter_dict['qx2_gf_timedelta'] = qx2_gf_timedelta col_bgrole_dict = {} col_ider_dict = {} col_setter_dict = {} editable_colnames = [] sortby = 'qaids' def get_thumb_size(): return 128 col_width_dict = {} custom_api = guitool.CustomAPI( col_name_list, col_types_dict, col_getter_dict, col_bgrole_dict, col_ider_dict, col_setter_dict, editable_colnames, sortby, get_thumb_size, True, col_width_dict) #headers = custom_api.make_headers(tblnice='results') #print(ut.dict_str(headers)) wgt = guitool.APIItemWidget() wgt.connect_api(custom_api) return wgt
[docs]def draw_results(ibs, testres): r""" Draws results from an experiment harness run. Rows store different qaids (query annotation ids) Cols store different configurations (algorithm parameters) Args: testres (TestResult): CommandLine: python -t custom:rrvsone_on=True,constrained_coeff=0 custom --qaid 12 --db PZ_MTEST --show --va python -t custom:rrvsone_on=True,constrained_coeff=.3 custom --qaid 12 --db PZ_MTEST --show --va --noqcache python -t custom:rrvsone_on=True custom --qaid 4 --db PZ_MTEST --show --va --noqcache python -t custom:rrvsone_on=True,grid_scale_factor=1 custom --qaid 12 --db PZ_MTEST --show --va --noqcache python -t custom:rrvsone_on=True,grid_scale_factor=1,grid_steps=1 custom --qaid 12 --db PZ_MTEST --show --va --noqcache CommandLine: python -t best --db seals2 --allgt --vz --fig-dname query_analysis_easy --show python -t best --db seals2 --allgt --vh --fig-dname query_analysis_hard --show python -t pyrscale --db PZ_MTEST --allgt --vn --fig-dname query_analysis_interesting --show python -t pyrscale --db testdb3 --allgt --vn --fig-dname query_analysis_interesting --vf python -t pyrscale --db testdb3 --allgt --vn --fig-dname query_analysis_interesting --vf --quality python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_drawing --test-draw_results --show --vn python -m ibeis.expt.experiment_drawing --test-draw_results --show --vn --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis.expt.old_storage --test-draw_results --show --db PZ_MTEST --gv Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.old_storage import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> result = draw_results(ibs, testres) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ print(' --- DRAW RESULTS ---') # It is very inefficient to turn off caching when view_all is true figdir = ibs.get_fig_dir() ut.ensuredir(figdir) if ut.get_argflag(('--view-fig-directory', '--vf')): ut.view_directory(figdir) figdir_suffix = ut.get_argval('--fig-dname', type_=str, default=None) from os.path import join if figdir_suffix is not None: figdir = join(figdir, figdir_suffix) ut.ensuredir(figdir) #gx2_gt_timedelta # cfgres_info['qx2_gf_timedelta'] = qx2_gf_timedelta metadata_fpath = join(figdir, 'result_metadata.shelf') metadata = ResultMetadata(metadata_fpath) #metadata.rrr() metadata.connect() metadata.sync_test_results(testres) #cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr() #cfg_metadata = ensure_item(metadata, cfgstr, {}) #avuuids = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(qaids) #avuuid2_ax = ensure_item(cfg_metadata, 'avuuid2_ax', {}) #cfg_columns = ensure_item(cfg_metadata, 'columns', {}) #import guitool # ut.argv_flag_dec(draw_rank_cdf)(ibs, testres) # VIZ_INDIVIDUAL_RESULTS = True # if VIZ_INDIVIDUAL_RESULTS: # draw_match_cases(ibs, testres, metadata=metadata) metadata.write() if ut.get_argflag(('--guiview', '--gv')): import guitool guitool.ensure_qapp() #wgt = make_test_result_custom_api(ibs, testres) wgt = make_metadata_custom_api(metadata) wgt.raise_() guitool.qtapp_loop(wgt, frequency=100) metadata.close() if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('[DRAW_RESULT] EXIT EXPERIMENT HARNESS')
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.old_storage python -m ibeis.expt.old_storage --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()