Source code for ibeis.expt.results_organizer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Use TestResult instead
not really used
most things in here can be depricated
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
# Python
import six
import utool as ut  # NOQA
from six.moves import zip
import numpy as np
# Tools
import utool
from utool import DynStruct
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = utool.inject(__name__, '[resorg]', DEBUG=False)

# OrganizedResult Class

[docs]class OrganizedResult(DynStruct): """ What chips are populated depends on the type of organization Notes: Maintains an organized list of: * query annotation indexes * their top matching result * their score * their rank """ def __init__(self, orgtype=''): super(DynStruct, self).__init__() self.orgtype = orgtype self.qaids = [] # query annotation indexes self.aids = [] # a matching result self.scores = [] # the matching score self.ranks = [] # the matching rank
[docs] def append(self, qaid, aid, rank, score): # , num_fm): self.qaids.append(qaid) self.aids.append(aid) self.scores.append(score) self.ranks.append(rank) #self.num_matches.append(num_fm)
[docs] def freeze(self): """ No more appending """ self.qaids = np.array(self.qaids) self.aids = np.array(self.aids) self.scores = np.array(self.scores) self.ranks = np.array(self.ranks)
[docs] def where_ranks_lt(orgres, num): """ get new orgres where all the ranks are less or equal to """ # Remove None ranks return _where_ranks_lt(orgres, num)
[docs] def iter_sorted(self): qaids = np.array(self.qaids) aids = np.array(self.aids) scores = np.array(self.scores) ranks = np.array(self.ranks) # sortx = ranks.argsort() sorted_qaids = qaids[sortx] sorted_aids = aids[sortx] sorted_scores = scores[sortx] sorted_ranks = ranks[sortx] return (sorted_qaids, sorted_aids, sorted_scores, sorted_ranks)
def __len__(self): num_qcxs = len(self.qaids) num_aids = len(self.aids) num_scores = len(self.scores) num_ranks = len(self.ranks) assert num_qcxs == num_aids assert num_aids == num_scores assert num_scores == num_ranks return num_qcxs
[docs] def iter(self): """ useful for plotting """ result_iter = zip(self.qaids, self.aids, self.scores, self.ranks) for qaid, aid, score, rank in result_iter: yield qaid, aid, score, rank
[docs] def printme3(self): column_list = [self.qaids, self.aids, self.scores, self.ranks] column_lbls = ['qaids', 'aids', 'scores', 'ranks'] header = 'Orgres %s' % (self.orgtype) csvstr = utool.make_csv_table(column_list, column_lbls, header, column_type=None) print(csvstr)
def _where_ranks_lt(orgres, num): """ get new orgres where all the ranks are less or equal to """ # Remove None ranks isvalid = [rank is not None and rank <= num and rank != -1 for rank in orgres.ranks] orgres2 = OrganizedResult(orgres.orgtype + ' < %d' % num) orgres2.qaids = utool.filter_items(orgres.qaids, isvalid) orgres2.aids = utool.filter_items(orgres.aids, isvalid) orgres2.scores = utool.filter_items(orgres.scores, isvalid) orgres2.ranks = utool.filter_items(orgres.ranks, isvalid) return orgres2 def _sorted_by_score(orgres): """ get new orgres where arrays are sorted by score """ orgres2 = OrganizedResult(orgres.orgtype + ' score-sorted') sortx = np.array(orgres.scores).argsort()[::-1] orgres2.qaids = np.array(orgres.qaids)[sortx] orgres2.aids = np.array(orgres.aids)[sortx] orgres2.scores = np.array(orgres.scores)[sortx] orgres2.ranks = np.array(orgres.ranks)[sortx] return orgres2 def _score_sorted_ranks_lt(orgres, num): orgres2 = _where_ranks_lt(orgres, num) orgres3 = _sorted_by_score(orgres2) return orgres3
[docs]def qres2_true_and_false(ibs, qres): """ TODO: generic metrics such as columns of fsv or num feature matches Organizes chip-vs-chip results into true positive set and false positive set a set is a query, its best match, and a score Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qres (QueryResult): object of feature correspondences and scores Returns: tuple: (true_tup, false_tup) true_tup (tuple): (true_aids, true_scores, true_ranks) false_tup (tuple): (false_aids, false_scores, false_ranks) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer --test-qres2_true_and_false Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.results_organizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> cfgdict = dict() >>> qaid_list = aid_list[0:1] >>> qaid2_qres = ibs._query_chips4(qaid_list, aid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> qres = qaid2_qres[qaid_list[0]] >>> (true_tup, false_tup) = qres2_true_and_false(ibs, qres) >>> print(true_tup) >>> print(false_tup) """ # Get top chip indexes and scores top_aids = qres.get_top_aids() top_score = qres.get_aid_scores(top_aids) top_ranks = range(len(top_aids)) # True Rids / Scores / Ranks true_ranks, true_aids = qres.get_gt_ranks(ibs=ibs, return_gtaids=True) true_scores = [-1 if rank is None else top_score[rank] for rank in true_ranks] # False Rids / Scores / Ranks false_ranks = list(set(top_ranks) - set(true_ranks)) false_aids = [-1 if rank is None else top_aids[rank] for rank in false_ranks] false_scores = [-1 if rank is None else top_score[rank] for rank in false_ranks] # Construct the true positive tuple NEW = True if NEW: def sort_tup(tup): # Sort tup by rank (aids, scores, ranks) = tup aids = np.array(aids) scores = np.array(scores) ranks = np.array(ranks) sortx = scores.argsort()[::-1] sorted_aids = aids[sortx].tolist() sorted_scores = scores[sortx].tolist() sorted_ranks = ranks[sortx].tolist() sorted_tup = (sorted_aids, sorted_scores, sorted_ranks) return sorted_tup true_tup = sort_tup((true_aids, true_scores, true_ranks)) false_tup = sort_tup((false_aids, false_scores, false_ranks)) else: true_tup = (true_aids, true_scores, true_ranks) false_tup = (false_aids, false_scores, false_ranks) # Return tuples return true_tup, false_tup
[docs]def organize_results(ibs, qaid2_qres): """ Sorts query result annotations, score, and ranks. Returns: dict: orgres - contains OrganizedResult object of various types CommandLine: ib python -t scores --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -w --show python -t scores --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -w --show --cfg codename='vsone' fg_on:True --index 0:3 python -t scores --db PZ_MTEST --allgt -w --show --cfg fg_on:True python -t scores --db GZ_ALL --allgt -w --show --cfg fg_on:True python -t scores --db GZ_ALL --allgt -w --show CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer --test-organize_results Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.results_organizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> qaid_list = daid_list[20:60:2] >>> cfgdict = dict() >>> qaid2_qres = ibs._query_chips4(qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> orgres = organize_results(ibs, qaid2_qres) >>> #orgres['true'].printme3() >>> #orgres['false'].printme3() >>> orgres['top_true'].printme3() >>> orgres['top_false'].printme3() >>> orgres['rank0_true'].printme3() >>> orgres['rank0_false'].printme3() """ print('[results_organizer] organize_results()') org_true = OrganizedResult('true') org_false = OrganizedResult('false') org_top_true = OrganizedResult('top_true') # highest ranked true matches org_top_false = OrganizedResult('top_false') # highest ranked false matches org_bot_true = OrganizedResult('bot_true') org_problem_true = OrganizedResult('problem_true') org_problem_false = OrganizedResult('problem_false') org_rank0_true = OrganizedResult('rank0_true') org_rank0_false = OrganizedResult('rank0_false') def _organize_result(qres): # Use ground truth to sort into true/false # * true_tup = (true_aids, true_scores, true_ranks) # * false_tup = (false_aids, false_scores, false_ranks) true_tup, false_tup = qres2_true_and_false(ibs, qres) last_rank = -1 skipped_ranks = set([]) # # Record: all_true, missed_true, top_true, bot_true topx = 0 for topx, ttup in enumerate(zip(*true_tup)): (aid, score, rank) = ttup # Record all true results org_true.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) # Record non-top (a.k.a problem) true results if rank is None or last_rank is None or rank - last_rank > 1: if rank is not None: skipped_ranks.add(rank - 1) org_problem_true.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) # Record the best results if topx == 0: org_top_true.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) if rank == 0: org_rank0_true.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) last_rank = rank # Record the worse true result if topx > 1: org_bot_true.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) # # Record the all_false, false_positive, top_false for topx, ftup in enumerate(zip(*false_tup)): (aid, score, rank) = ftup org_false.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) if rank in skipped_ranks: org_problem_false.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) if topx == 0: org_top_false.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) if rank == 0: org_rank0_false.append(qaid, aid, rank, score) # ----------------- # Query result loop for qaid, qres in six.iteritems(qaid2_qres): if qres is not None: _organize_result(qres) #print('[rr2] len(org_true) = %r' % len(org_true)) #print('[rr2] len(org_false) = %r' % len(org_false)) #print('[rr2] len(org_top_true) = %r' % len(org_top_true)) #print('[rr2] len(org_top_false) = %r' % len(org_top_false)) #print('[rr2] len(org_bot_true) = %r' % len(org_bot_true)) #print('[rr2] len(org_problem_true) = %r' % len(org_problem_true)) #print('[rr2] len(org_problem_false) = %r' % len(org_problem_false)) # qaid arrays for ttbttf allorg = dict([ ('true', org_true), ('false', org_false), ('top_true', org_top_true), ('top_false', org_top_false), ('bot_true', org_bot_true), ('problem_true', org_problem_true), ('problem_false', org_problem_false), ('rank0_true', org_rank0_true), ('rank0_false', org_rank0_false), ]) for org in six.itervalues(allorg): org.freeze() return allorg
[docs]def get_automatch_candidates(cm_list, ranks_lt=5, directed=True, name_scoring=False, ibs=None, filter_reviewed=False, filter_duplicate_namepair_matches=False): """ THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE ONLY THINGS IN THIS FILE THAT SHOULD NOT BE DEPRICATED Returns a list of matches that should be inspected This function is more lightweight than orgres or allres. Used in inspect_gui and interact_qres2 Args: qaid2_qres (dict): mapping from query annotaiton id to query result object ranks_lt (int): put all ranks less than this number into the graph directed (bool): Returns: tuple: candidate_matches = (qaid_arr, daid_arr, score_arr, rank_arr) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer --test-get_automatch_candidates:2 python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer --test-get_automatch_candidates:0 Example0: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.results_organizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> qreq_ = ibeis.main_helpers.testdata_qreq_() >>> cm_list = ibs.query_chips(qreq_=qreq_, return_cm=True) >>> ranks_lt = 5 >>> directed = True >>> name_scoring = False >>> candidate_matches = get_automatch_candidates(cm_list, ranks_lt, directed, ibs=ibs) >>> print(candidate_matches) Example1: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.results_organizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> qaid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:5] >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:20] >>> cm_list = ibs.query_chips(qaid_list, daid_list, return_cm=True) >>> ranks_lt = 5 >>> directed = False >>> name_scoring = False >>> filter_reviewed = False >>> filter_duplicate_namepair_matches = True >>> candidate_matches = get_automatch_candidates( ... cm_list, ranks_lt, directed, name_scoring=name_scoring, ... filter_reviewed=filter_reviewed, ... filter_duplicate_namepair_matches=filter_duplicate_namepair_matches, ... ibs=ibs) >>> print(candidate_matches) Example3: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.results_organizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> qaid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:1] >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[10:100] >>> qaid2_cm = ibs.query_chips(qaid_list, daid_list, return_cm=True) >>> ranks_lt = 1 >>> directed = False >>> name_scoring = False >>> filter_reviewed = False >>> filter_duplicate_namepair_matches = True >>> candidate_matches = get_automatch_candidates( ... cm_list, ranks_lt, directed, name_scoring=name_scoring, ... filter_reviewed=filter_reviewed, ... filter_duplicate_namepair_matches=filter_duplicate_namepair_matches, ... ibs=ibs) >>> print(candidate_matches) Example4: >>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.results_organizer import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> qaid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:10] >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:10] >>> qres_list = ibs.query_chips(qaid_list, daid_list) >>> ranks_lt = 3 >>> directed = False >>> name_scoring = False >>> filter_reviewed = False >>> filter_duplicate_namepair_matches = True >>> candidate_matches = get_automatch_candidates( ... qaid2_cm, ranks_lt, directed, name_scoring=name_scoring, ... filter_reviewed=filter_reviewed, ... filter_duplicate_namepair_matches=filter_duplicate_namepair_matches, ... ibs=ibs) >>> print(candidate_matches) """ import vtool as vt from ibeis.model.hots import chip_match print(('[resorg] get_automatch_candidates(' 'filter_reviewed={filter_reviewed},' 'filter_duplicate_namepair_matches={filter_duplicate_namepair_matches},' 'directed={directed},' 'ranks_lt={ranks_lt},' ).format(**locals())) print('[resorg] len(cm_list) = %d' % (len(cm_list))) qaids_stack = [] daids_stack = [] ranks_stack = [] scores_stack = [] # For each QueryResult, Extract inspectable candidate matches if isinstance(cm_list, dict): cm_list = list(cm_list.values()) for cm in cm_list: if isinstance(cm, chip_match.ChipMatch2): daids = cm.get_top_aids(ntop=ranks_lt) scores = cm.get_top_scores(ntop=ranks_lt) ranks = np.arange(len(daids)) qaids = np.full(daids.shape, cm.qaid, dtype=daids.dtype) else: (qaids, daids, scores, ranks) = cm.get_match_tbldata( ranks_lt=ranks_lt, name_scoring=name_scoring, ibs=ibs) qaids_stack.append(qaids) daids_stack.append(daids) scores_stack.append(scores) ranks_stack.append(ranks) # Stack them into a giant array # utool.embed() qaid_arr = np.hstack(qaids_stack) daid_arr = np.hstack(daids_stack) score_arr = np.hstack(scores_stack) rank_arr = np.hstack(ranks_stack) # Sort by scores sortx = score_arr.argsort()[::-1] qaid_arr = qaid_arr[sortx] daid_arr = daid_arr[sortx] score_arr = score_arr[sortx] rank_arr = rank_arr[sortx] if filter_reviewed: _is_reviewed = ibs.get_annot_pair_is_reviewed(qaid_arr.tolist(), daid_arr.tolist()) is_unreviewed = ~np.array(_is_reviewed, dtype=np.bool) qaid_arr = qaid_arr.compress(is_unreviewed) daid_arr = daid_arr.compress(is_unreviewed) score_arr = score_arr.compress(is_unreviewed) rank_arr = rank_arr.compress(is_unreviewed) # Remove directed edges if not directed: #nodes = np.unique(directed_edges.flatten()) directed_edges = np.vstack((qaid_arr, daid_arr)).T #idx1, idx2 = vt.intersect2d_indices(directed_edges, directed_edges[:, ::-1]) unique_rowx = vt.find_best_undirected_edge_indexes(directed_edges, score_arr) qaid_arr = qaid_arr.take(unique_rowx) daid_arr = daid_arr.take(unique_rowx) score_arr = score_arr.take(unique_rowx) rank_arr = rank_arr.take(unique_rowx) # Filter Double Name Matches if filter_duplicate_namepair_matches: qnid_arr = ibs.get_annot_nids(qaid_arr) dnid_arr = ibs.get_annot_nids(daid_arr) if not directed: directed_name_edges = np.vstack((qnid_arr, dnid_arr)).T unique_rowx2 = vt.find_best_undirected_edge_indexes(directed_name_edges, score_arr) else: namepair_id_list = np.array(vt.compute_unique_data_ids_(list(zip(qnid_arr, dnid_arr)))) unique_namepair_ids, namepair_groupxs = vt.group_indices(namepair_id_list) score_namepair_groups = vt.apply_grouping(score_arr, namepair_groupxs) unique_rowx2 = np.array(sorted([ groupx[score_group.argmax()] for groupx, score_group in zip(namepair_groupxs, score_namepair_groups) ]), dtype=np.int32) qaid_arr = qaid_arr.take(unique_rowx2) daid_arr = daid_arr.take(unique_rowx2) score_arr = score_arr.take(unique_rowx2) rank_arr = rank_arr.take(unique_rowx2) candidate_matches = (qaid_arr, daid_arr, score_arr, rank_arr) return candidate_matches
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer --allexamples python -m ibeis.expt.results_organizer --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()