Source code for ibeis.expt.test_result

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six
import copy
import operator
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from six.moves import zip, range, map
from ibeis.expt import cfghelpers
from ibeis.expt import experiment_helpers  # NOQA
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__, '[testres]')

[docs]def combine_testres_list(ibs, testres_list): """ combine test results over multiple annot configs CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf combine_testres_list python -m ibeis --tf -draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_MTEST --show python -m ibeis --tf -draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_Master1 --show python -m ibeis --tf -draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_MTEST --show -a varysize -t default python -m ibeis --tf -draw_rank_cdf --db PZ_MTEST --show -a varysize -t default >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.expt import harness >>> ibs, testres_list = harness.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', ['varysize']) >>> combine_testres_list(ibs, testres_list) """ import copy from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs acfg_list = [tr.acfg for tr in testres_list] acfg_lbl_list = annotation_configs.get_varied_acfg_labels(acfg_list) flat_acfg_list = annotation_configs.flatten_acfg_list(acfg_list) nonvaried_acfg, varied_acfg_list = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list(flat_acfg_list) def combine_lbls(lbl, acfg_lbl): if len(lbl) == 0: return acfg_lbl if len(acfg_lbl) == 0: return lbl return lbl + '+' + acfg_lbl # TODO: depcirate cfg_dict list for pcfg_list (I think) agg_cfg_list = ut.flatten([tr.cfg_list for tr in testres_list]) agg_cfgx2_qreq_ = ut.flatten([tr.cfgx2_qreq_ for tr in testres_list]) agg_cfgdict_list = ut.flatten([tr.cfgdict_list for tr in testres_list]) agg_cfgx2_cfgresinfo = ut.flatten([tr.cfgx2_cfgresinfo for tr in testres_list]) agg_varied_acfg_list = ut.flatten([ [acfg] * len(tr.cfg_list) for tr, acfg in zip(testres_list, varied_acfg_list) ]) agg_cfgx2_lbls = ut.flatten( [[combine_lbls(lbl, acfg_lbl) for lbl in tr.cfgx2_lbl] for tr, acfg_lbl in zip(testres_list, acfg_lbl_list)]) agg_cfgx2_acfg = ut.flatten( [[copy.deepcopy(acfg)] * len(tr.cfg_list) for tr, acfg in zip(testres_list, acfg_list)]) big_testres = TestResult(agg_cfg_list, agg_cfgx2_lbls, agg_cfgx2_cfgresinfo, agg_cfgx2_qreq_) # Give the big test result an acfg that is common between everything big_testres.acfg = annotation_configs.unflatten_acfgdict(nonvaried_acfg) big_testres.cfgdict_list = agg_cfgdict_list # TODO: depricate big_testres.common_acfg = annotation_configs.compress_aidcfg(big_testres.acfg) big_testres.common_cfgdict = reduce(ut.dict_intersection, big_testres.cfgdict_list) big_testres.varied_acfg_list = agg_varied_acfg_list big_testres.nonvaried_acfg = nonvaried_acfg big_testres.varied_cfg_list = [ ut.delete_dict_keys(cfgdict.copy(), list(big_testres.common_cfgdict.keys())) for cfgdict in big_testres.cfgdict_list] big_testres.acfg_list = acfg_list big_testres.cfgx2_acfg = agg_cfgx2_acfg big_testres.cfgx2_pcfg = agg_cfgdict_list assert len(agg_cfgdict_list) == len(agg_cfgx2_acfg) #big_testres.acfg testres = big_testres # big_testres = testres return testres
[docs]class TestResult(object): def __init__(testres, cfg_list, cfgx2_lbl, cfgx2_cfgresinfo, cfgx2_qreq_): assert len(cfg_list) == len(cfgx2_lbl), ( 'bad lengths1: %r != %r' % (len(cfg_list), len(cfgx2_lbl))) assert len(cfgx2_qreq_) == len(cfgx2_lbl), ( 'bad lengths2: %r != %r' % (len(cfgx2_qreq_), len(cfgx2_lbl))) assert len(cfgx2_cfgresinfo) == len(cfgx2_lbl), ( 'bad lengths3: %r != %r' % (len(cfgx2_cfgresinfo), len(cfgx2_lbl))) # TODO rename cfg_list to pcfg_list testres.cfg_list = cfg_list testres.cfgx2_lbl = cfgx2_lbl testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo = cfgx2_cfgresinfo testres.cfgx2_qreq_ = cfgx2_qreq_ # TODO: uncomment #testres.cfgx2_acfg #testres.cfgx2_qcfg #testres.acfg_list = None # testres.lbl = None testres.testnameid = None def __str__(testres): return testres.reconstruct_test_flags() def __repr__(testres): return testres._custom_str() def _custom_str(testres): typestr = testres.__class__.__name__ dbname = None if testres.ibs is None else testres.ibs.get_dbname() # hashkw = dict(_new=True, pathsafe=False) infostr_ = 'nCfg=%s' % testres.nConfig if testres.nConfig == 1: qreq_ = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[0] infostr_ += ' nQ=%s, nD=%s %s' % (len(qreq_.qaids), len(qreq_.daids), qreq_.get_pipe_hashid()) # nD=%s %s' % (, len(testres.daids), testres.get_pipe_hashid()) custom_str = '<%s(%s) %s at %s>' % (typestr, dbname, infostr_, hex(id(testres))) return custom_str @property def ibs(testres): ibs_list = [] for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_: try: ibs_list.append(qreq_.ibs) except AttributeError: ibs_list.append(qreq_.depc.controller) ibs = ibs_list[0] for ibs_ in ibs_list: assert ibs is ibs_, ('all requests must use the same controller') return ibs @property def qaids(testres): assert testres.has_constant_qaids(), 'must have constant qaids to use this property' return testres.cfgx2_qaids[0] #return testres._qaids @property def nConfig(testres): return len(testres.cfg_list) @property def nQuery(testres): return len(testres.qaids) @property def rank_mat(testres): return testres.get_rank_mat() @property def cfgx2_daids(testres): daids_list = [qreq_.daids for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] return daids_list @property def cfgx2_qaids(testres): qaids_list = [qreq_.qaids for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] return qaids_list
[docs] def has_constant_daids(testres): return ut.allsame(testres.cfgx2_daids)
[docs] def has_constant_qaids(testres): return ut.allsame(testres.cfgx2_qaids)
[docs] def has_constant_length_daids(testres): return ut.allsame(list(map(len, testres.cfgx2_daids)))
[docs] def has_constant_length_qaids(testres): return ut.allsame(list(map(len, testres.cfgx2_qaids)))
[docs] def get_infoprop_list(testres, key, qaids=None): """ key = 'qx2_bestranks' key = 'qx2_gt_rank' qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() """ if key == 'participant': # Get if qaids are part of the config cfgx2_infoprop = [np.in1d(qaids, aids_) for aids_ in testres.cfgx2_qaids] else: _tmp1_cfgx2_infoprop = ut.get_list_column(testres.cfgx2_cfgresinfo, key) _tmp2_cfgx2_infoprop = list(map( np.array, ut.util_list.replace_nones(_tmp1_cfgx2_infoprop, np.nan))) if qaids is None: cfgx2_infoprop = _tmp2_cfgx2_infoprop else: old = False if old: # Old way forcing common qaids flags_list = [np.in1d(aids_, qaids) for aids_ in testres.cfgx2_qaids] cfgx2_infoprop = vt.zipcompress(_tmp2_cfgx2_infoprop, flags_list) else: # New way with nans cfgx2_qaid2_qx = [dict(zip(aids_, range(len(aids_)))) for aids_ in testres.cfgx2_qaids] qxs_list = [ut.dict_take(qaid2_qx , qaids, None) for qaid2_qx in cfgx2_qaid2_qx] cfgx2_infoprop = [[np.nan if x is None else props[x] for x in qxs] for props, qxs in zip(_tmp2_cfgx2_infoprop, qxs_list)] if key == 'qx2_bestranks' or key.endswith('_rank'): # hack wpr = testres.get_worst_possible_rank() cfgx2_infoprop = [np.array([wpr if rank == -1 else rank for rank in infoprop]) for infoprop in cfgx2_infoprop] return cfgx2_infoprop
[docs] def get_infoprop_mat(testres, key, qaids=None): """ key = 'qx2_gf_raw_score' key = 'qx2_gt_raw_score' """ cfgx2_infoprop = testres.get_infoprop_list(key, qaids) # concatenate each query rank across configs infoprop_mat = np.vstack(cfgx2_infoprop).T return infoprop_mat
[docs] def get_rank_mat(testres, qaids=None): # Ranks of Best Results rank_mat = testres.get_infoprop_mat(key='qx2_bestranks', qaids=qaids) return rank_mat
[docs] def get_worst_possible_rank(testres): #worst_possible_rank = max(9001, len(testres.daids) + 1) worst_possible_rank = max([len(qreq_.daids) for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_]) + 1 #worst_possible_rank = len(testres.daids) + 1 return worst_possible_rank
[docs] def get_rank_histograms(testres, bins=None, asdict=True, jagged=False, key=None): """ Ignore: testres.get_infoprop_mat('qnx2_gt_name_rank') testres.get_infoprop_mat('qnx2_gf_name_rank') testres.get_infoprop_mat('qnx2_qnid') """ if key is None: key = 'qx2_bestranks' #key = 'qnx2_gt_name_rank' if bins is None: bins = testres.get_rank_histogram_bins() elif bins == 'dense': bins = np.arange(testres.get_worst_possible_rank() + 1) if jagged: assert not asdict cfgx2_bestranks = testres.get_infoprop_list(key) cfgx2_bestranks = [ ut.list_replace(bestranks, -1, testres.get_worst_possible_rank()) for bestranks in cfgx2_bestranks] cfgx2_hist = np.zeros((len(cfgx2_bestranks), len(bins) - 1), dtype=np.int32) for cfgx, ranks in enumerate(cfgx2_bestranks): bin_values, bin_edges = np.histogram(ranks, bins=bins) assert len(ranks) == bin_values.sum(), 'should sum to be equal' cfgx2_hist[cfgx] = bin_values return cfgx2_hist, bin_edges #rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() rank_mat = testres.get_infoprop_mat(key=key) if not asdict: # Use numpy histogram repr config_hists = np.zeros((len(rank_mat.T), len(bins) - 1), dtype=np.int32) else: config_hists = [] pass bin_sum = None for cfgx, ranks in enumerate(rank_mat.T): bin_values, bin_edges = np.histogram(ranks, bins=bins) if bin_sum is None: bin_sum = bin_values.sum() else: assert bin_sum == bin_values.sum(), 'should sum to be equal' if asdict: # Use dictionary histogram repr bin_keys = list(zip(bin_edges[:-1], bin_edges[1:])) hist_dict = dict(zip(bin_keys, bin_values)) config_hists.append(hist_dict) else: config_hists[cfgx] = bin_values if not asdict: return config_hists, bin_edges else: return config_hists
[docs] def get_rank_percentage_cumhist(testres, bins='dense', key=None, join_acfgs=False): r""" Args: bins (unicode): (default = u'dense') Returns: tuple: (config_cdfs, edges) CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_rank_percentage_cumhist python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_rank_percentage_cumhist -t baseline -a uncontrolled ctrl python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_rank_percentage_cumhist \ --db lynx \ -a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True \ -t default:K=1 --show --cmd Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> #ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('testdb1') >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('testdb1', a=['default:num_names=1,name_offset=[0,1]']) >>> bins = u'dense' >>> key = None >>> (config_cdfs, edges) = testres.get_rank_percentage_cumhist(bins) >>> result = ('(config_cdfs, edges) = %s' % (str((config_cdfs, edges)),)) >>> print(result) """ #testres.rrr() cfgx2_hist, edges = testres.get_rank_histograms(bins, asdict=False, jagged=True, key=key) cfgx2_cumhist = np.cumsum(cfgx2_hist, axis=1) if join_acfgs: # Hack for turtles groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() cfgx2_cumhist = np.array([np.sum(group, axis=0) for group in ut.apply_grouping(cfgx2_cumhist, groupxs)]) cfgx2_cumhist_percent = 100 * cfgx2_cumhist / cfgx2_cumhist.T[-1].T[:, None] return cfgx2_cumhist_percent, edges
[docs] def get_cfgx_groupxs(testres): """ Groupxs configurations specified to be joined Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> #ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('testdb1') >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts( >>> 'PZ_MTEST', >>> a=['default:qnum_names=1,qname_offset=[0,1],joinme=1,dpername=1', 'default:qsize=1,dpername=[1,2]'], >>> t=['default:K=[1,2]']) >>> groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() >>> result = groupxs >>> print(result) [[7], [6], [5], [4], [0, 1, 2, 3]] """ import itertools #group_ids_ = [acfg['qcfg']['joinme'] for acfg in testres.acfg_list] group_ids_ = [acfg['qcfg']['joinme'] for acfg in testres.cfgx2_acfg] gen_groupid = itertools.count(1) group_ids = [groupid if groupid is not None else -1 * for groupid in group_ids_] #phashid_list = [qreq_.get_pipe_hashid() for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] groupxs = ut.group_indices(group_ids)[1] return groupxs
[docs] def get_rank_cumhist(testres, bins='dense'): #testres.rrr() hist_list, edges = testres.get_rank_histograms(bins, asdict=False) #hist_list, edges = testres.get_rank_histograms(bins, asdict=False, jagged=True) config_cdfs = np.cumsum(hist_list, axis=1) return config_cdfs, edges
[docs] def get_rank_histogram_bins(testres): """ easy to see histogram bins """ worst_possible_rank = testres.get_worst_possible_rank() if worst_possible_rank > 50: bins = [0, 1, 5, 50, worst_possible_rank, worst_possible_rank + 1] elif worst_possible_rank > 5: bins = [0, 1, 5, worst_possible_rank, worst_possible_rank + 1] else: bins = [0, 1, 5] return bins
[docs] def get_rank_histogram_bin_edges(testres): bins = testres.get_rank_histogram_bins() bin_keys = list(zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:])) return bin_keys
[docs] def get_rank_histogram_qx_binxs(testres): rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() config_hists = testres.get_rank_histograms() config_binxs = [] bin_keys = testres.get_rank_histogram_bin_edges() for hist_dict, ranks in zip(config_hists, rank_mat.T): bin_qxs = [np.where(np.logical_and(low <= ranks, ranks < high))[0] for low, high in bin_keys] qx2_binx = -np.ones(len(ranks)) for binx, qxs in enumerate(bin_qxs): qx2_binx[qxs] = binx config_binxs.append(qx2_binx) return config_binxs
[docs] def get_rank_histogram_qx_sample(testres, size=10): size = 10 rank_mat = testres.get_rank_mat() config_hists = testres.get_rank_histograms() config_rand_bin_qxs = [] bins = testres.get_rank_histogram_bins() bin_keys = list(zip(bins[:-1], bins[1:])) randstate = np.random.RandomState(seed=0) for hist_dict, ranks in zip(config_hists, rank_mat.T): bin_qxs = [np.where(np.logical_and(low <= ranks, ranks < high))[0] for low, high in bin_keys] rand_bin_qxs = [qxs if len(qxs) <= size else randstate.choice(qxs, size=size, replace=False) for qxs in bin_qxs] config_rand_bin_qxs.append(rand_bin_qxs) return config_rand_bin_qxs
[docs] def get_X_LIST(testres): #X_LIST = ut.get_argval('--rank-lt-list', type_=list, default=[1]) X_LIST = ut.get_argval('--rank-lt-list', type_=list, default=[1, 5]) return X_LIST
[docs] def get_nLessX_dict(testres): # Build a (histogram) dictionary mapping X (as in #ranks < X) to a list of cfg scores X_LIST = testres.get_X_LIST() nLessX_dict = {int(X): np.zeros(testres.nConfig) for X in X_LIST} cfgx2_qx2_bestrank = testres.get_infoprop_list('qx2_bestranks') #rank_mat = testres.rank_mat # HACK for X in X_LIST: cfgx2_lessX_mask = [ np.logical_and(0 <= qx2_ranks, qx2_ranks < X) for qx2_ranks in cfgx2_qx2_bestrank] #lessX_ = np.logical_and(np.less(rank_mat, X), np.greater_equal(rank_mat, 0)) cfgx2_nLessX = np.array([lessX_.sum(axis=0) for lessX_ in cfgx2_lessX_mask]) nLessX_dict[int(X)] = cfgx2_nLessX return nLessX_dict
[docs] def get_all_varied_params(testres): r""" Returns the parameters that were varied between different configurations in this test Returns: list: varied_params CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf -get_all_varied_params Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', t='default:K=[1,2]')[1] >>> varied_params = testres.get_all_varied_params() >>> result = ('varied_params = %s' % (ut.repr2(varied_params),)) >>> print(result) varied_params = ['K', '_cfgindex'] """ # only for big results varied_cfg_params = list(set(ut.flatten( [cfgdict.keys() for cfgdict in testres.varied_cfg_list]))) varied_acfg_params = list(set(ut.flatten([ acfg.keys() for acfg in testres.varied_acfg_list]))) varied_params = varied_acfg_params + varied_cfg_params return varied_params
[docs] def get_total_num_varied_params(testres): return len(testres.get_all_varied_params())
[docs] def get_param_basis(testres, key): """ Returns what a param was varied between over all tests key = 'K' key = 'dcfg_sample_size' """ if key == 'len(daids)': basis = sorted(list(set([len(daids) for daids in testres.cfgx2_daids]))) elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.varied_cfg_list]): basis = sorted(list(set([ cfgdict[key] for cfgdict in testres.varied_cfg_list]))) elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.varied_acfg_list]): basis = sorted(list(set([ acfg[key] for acfg in testres.varied_acfg_list]))) else: #assert False, 'param is not varied' if key in testres.common_cfgdict: basis = [testres.common_cfgdict[key]] elif key in testres.nonvaried_acfg: basis = [testres.nonvaried_acfg[key]] else: assert False, 'param=%r doesnt exist' % (key,) return basis
[docs] def get_param_val_from_cfgx(testres, cfgx, key): if key == 'len(daids)': return len(testres.cfgx2_daids[cfgx]) # --- HACK - the keys are different in varied dict for some reason --- elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.varied_cfg_list]): return testres.varied_cfg_list[cfgx][key] elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.varied_acfg_list]): return testres.varied_acfg_list[cfgx][key] # --- / Hack elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.cfgx2_pcfg]): return testres.cfgx2_pcfg[cfgx][key] elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.cfgx2_acfg]): return testres.cfgx2_acfg[cfgx][key] else: assert False, 'param=%r doesnt exist' % (key,)
[docs] def get_cfgx_with_param(testres, key, val): """ Gets configs where the given parameter is held constant """ if key == 'len(daids)': cfgx_list = [cfgx for cfgx, daids in enumerate(testres.cfgx2_daids) if len(daids) == val] elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.varied_cfg_list]): cfgx_list = [cfgx for cfgx, cfgdict in enumerate(testres.varied_cfg_list) if cfgdict[key] == val] elif any([key in cfgdict for cfgdict in testres.varied_acfg_list]): cfgx_list = [cfgx for cfgx, acfg in enumerate(testres.varied_acfg_list) if acfg[key] == val] else: if key in testres.common_cfgdict: cfgx_list = list(range(testres.nConfig)) elif key in testres.nonvaried_acfg: cfgx_list = list(range(testres.nConfig)) else: assert False, 'param=%r doesnt exist' % (key,) #assert False, 'param is not varied' return cfgx_list
[docs] def get_pipecfg_args(testres): if '_cfgstr' in testres.common_cfgdict: pipecfg_args = [testres.common_cfgdict['_cfgstr']] else: pipecfg_args = ut.unique_ordered( [cfg['_cfgstr'] for cfg in testres.varied_cfg_list]) return ' ' .join(pipecfg_args)
[docs] def get_annotcfg_args(testres): """ CommandLine: # TODO: More robust fix # To reproduce the error ibeis -e rank_cdf --db humpbacks_fb -a default:mingt=2,qsize=10,dsize=100 default:qmingt=2,qsize=10,dsize=100 -t default:proot=BC_DTW,decision=max,crop_dim_size=500,crop_enabled=True,manual_extract=False,use_te_scorer=True,ignore_notch=True,te_score_weight=0.5 --show """ if '_cfgstr' in testres.common_acfg['common']: annotcfg_args = [testres.common_acfg['common']['_cfgstr']] else: try: annotcfg_args = ut.unique_ordered([ acfg['common']['_cfgstr'] for acfg in testres.varied_acfg_list]) except KeyError: # HACK FIX try: annotcfg_args = ut.unique_ordered([ acfg['_cfgstr'] for acfg in testres.varied_acfg_list]) except KeyError: annotcfg_args = ut.unique_ordered([ acfg['qcfg__cfgstr'] for acfg in testres.varied_acfg_list]) return ' ' .join(annotcfg_args)
[docs] def reconstruct_test_flags(testres): flagstr = ' '.join([ '-a ' + testres.get_annotcfg_args(), '-t ' + testres.get_pipecfg_args(), '--db ' + testres.ibs.get_dbname() ]) return flagstr
[docs] def get_full_cfgstr(testres, cfgx): """ both qannots and dannots included """ full_cfgstr = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx].get_full_cfgstr() return full_cfgstr
[docs] def get_cfgstr(testres, cfgx): """ just dannots and config_str """ cfgstr = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx].get_cfgstr() return cfgstr
def _shorten_lbls(testres, lbl): """ hacky function """ import re repl_list = [ ('candidacy_', ''), ('viewpoint_compare', 'viewpoint'), #('custom', 'default'), #('fg_on', 'FG'), #('fg_on=True', 'FG'), #('fg_on=False,?', ''), ('fg_on=True', 'FG=True'), ('fg_on=False,?', 'FG=False'), ('lnbnn_on=True', 'LNBNN'), ('lnbnn_on=False,?', ''), ('normonly_on=True', 'normonly'), ('normonly_on=False,?', ''), ('bar_l2_on=True', 'dist'), ('bar_l2_on=False,?', ''), ('sv_on', 'SV'), ('rotation_invariance', 'RI'), ('affine_invariance', 'AI'), ('augment_queryside_hack', 'QRH'), ('nNameShortlistSVER', 'nRR'), # #('sample_per_ref_name', 'per_ref_name'), ('sample_per_ref_name', 'per_gt_name'), ('require_timestamp=True', 'require_timestamp'), ('require_timestamp=False,?', ''), ('require_timestamp=None,?', ''), ('[_A-Za-z]*=None,?', ''), ('dpername=None,?', ''), #??? #('sample_per_ref_name', 'per_gt_name'), #('per_name', 'per_gf_name'), # Try to make labels clearer for paper #---- #('prescore_method=\'?csum\'?,score_method=\'?csum\'?,?', 'amech'), #('prescore_method=\'?nsum\'?,score_method=\'?nsum\'?,?', 'fmech'), ('prescore_method=\'?csum\'?,score_method=\'?csum\'?,?', 'mech=annot'), ('prescore_method=\'?nsum\'?,score_method=\'?nsum\'?,?', 'mech=name'), ('force_const_size=[^,]+,?', ''), (r'[dq]?_true_size=\d+,?', ''), (r'[dq]?_orig_size=[^,]+,?', ''), # Hack ('[qd]?exclude_reference=' + ut.regex_or(['True', 'False', 'None']) + '\,?', ''), #('=True', '=On'), #('=False', '=Off'), ('=True', '=T'), ('=False', '=F'), (',$', ''), ] for ser, rep in repl_list: lbl = re.sub(ser, rep, lbl) return lbl #def _friendly_shorten_lbls(testres, lbl): # import re # repl_list = [ # ('dmingt=None,?', ''), # ('qpername=None,?', ''), # ] # for ser, rep in repl_list: # lbl = re.sub(ser, rep, lbl) # return lbl
[docs] def get_short_cfglbls(testres, join_acfgs=False): """ Labels for published tables cfg_lbls = ['baseline:nRR=200+default:', 'baseline:+default:'] CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_short_cfglbls Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> #ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['unctrl', 'ctrl::unctrl_comp'], t=['default:dim_size:[450,550]']) >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl:size=10'], t=['default:dim_size=[450,550]']) >>> #ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl:size=10'], t=['default:dim_size=450', 'default:dim_size=550']) >>> cfg_lbls = testres.get_short_cfglbls() >>> result = ('cfg_lbls = %s' % (ut.list_str(cfg_lbls),)) >>> print(result) cfg_lbls = [ 'default:dim_size=450+ctrl', 'default:dim_size=550+ctrl', ] """ from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs if False: acfg_names = [acfg['qcfg']['_cfgstr'] for acfg in testres.cfgx2_acfg] pcfg_names = [pcfg['_cfgstr'] for pcfg in testres.cfgx2_pcfg] # Only vary the label settings within the cfgname acfg_hashes = np.array(list(map(hash, acfg_names))) unique_hashes, a_groupxs = vt.group_indices(acfg_hashes) a_label_groups = [] for groupx in a_groupxs: acfg_list = ut.take(testres.cfgx2_acfg, groupx) varied_lbls = annotation_configs.get_varied_acfg_labels( acfg_list, mainkey='_cfgstr') a_label_groups.append(varied_lbls) acfg_lbls = vt.invert_apply_grouping(a_label_groups, a_groupxs) pcfg_hashes = np.array(list(map(hash, pcfg_names))) unique_hashes, p_groupxs = vt.group_indices(pcfg_hashes) p_label_groups = [] for groupx in p_groupxs: pcfg_list = ut.take(testres.cfgx2_pcfg, groupx) varied_lbls = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(pcfg_list, mainkey='_cfgstr') p_label_groups.append(varied_lbls) pcfg_lbls = vt.invert_apply_grouping(p_label_groups, p_groupxs) cfg_lbls = [albl + '+' + plbl for albl, plbl in zip(acfg_lbls, pcfg_lbls)] else: cfg_lbls_ = testres.cfgx2_lbl[:] cfg_lbls_ = [testres._shorten_lbls(lbl) for lbl in cfg_lbls_] # split configs up by param and annots pa_tups = [lbl.split('+') for lbl in cfg_lbls_] cfg_lbls = [] for pa in pa_tups: new_parts = [] for part in pa: _tup = part.split(ut.NAMEVARSEP) name, settings = _tup if len(_tup) > 1 else (_tup[0], '') new_parts.append(part if settings else name) if len(new_parts) == 2 and new_parts[1] == 'default': newlbl = new_parts[0] else: newlbl = '+'.join(new_parts) cfg_lbls.append(newlbl) if join_acfgs: groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() group_lbls = [] for group in ut.apply_grouping(cfg_lbls, groupxs): num_parts = 0 part_dicts = [] for lbl in group: parts = [] for count, pa in enumerate(lbl.split('+')): num_parts = max(num_parts, count + 1) cfgdict = cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2([pa], strict=False)[0][0] parts.append(cfgdict) part_dicts.append(parts) group_lbl_parts = [] for px in range(num_parts): cfgs = ut.take_column(part_dicts, px) nonvaried_cfg = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list(cfgs)[0] group_lbl_parts.append(ut.get_cfg_lbl(nonvaried_cfg)) # print('nonvaried_lbl = %r' % (nonvaried_lbl,)) group_lbl = '+'.join(group_lbl_parts) group_lbls.append(group_lbl) cfg_lbls = group_lbls return cfg_lbls
[docs] def get_varied_labels(testres, shorten=False, join_acfgs=False): """ Returns labels indicating only the parameters that have been varied between different annot/pipeline configurations. Helper for consistent figure titles CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.make_figtitle --prefix "Seperability " --db GIRM_Master1 -a timectrl -t Ell:K=2 --hargv=scores python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.make_figtitle Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', t='default:K=[1,2]', a='timectrl:qsize=[1,2],dsize=3') >>> varied_lbls = testres.get_varied_labels() >>> result = ('varied_lbls = %r' % (varied_lbls,)) >>> print(result) varied_lbls = [u'K=1+qsize=1', u'K=2+qsize=1', u'K=1+qsize=2', u'K=2+qsize=2'] """ from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs varied_acfgs = annotation_configs.get_varied_acfg_labels(testres.cfgx2_acfg, checkname=True) #print('testres.cfgx2_acfg = %s' % (ut.repr3(testres.cfgx2_acfg),)) varied_pcfgs = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(testres.cfgx2_pcfg, checkname=True) print('varied_pcfgs = %r' % (varied_pcfgs,)) #varied_acfgs = ut.get_varied_cfg_lbls(testres.cfgx2_acfg, checkname=True) def combo_lbls(lbla, lblp): parts = [] if lbla != ':' and lbla: parts.append(lbla) if lblp != ':' and lblp: parts.append(lblp) return '+'.join(parts) if join_acfgs: # Hack for the grouped config problem new_varied_acfgs = [] groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() grouped_acfgs = ut.apply_grouping(varied_acfgs, groupxs) grouped_pcfgs = ut.apply_grouping(varied_pcfgs, groupxs) for part in grouped_acfgs: part = [p if ':' in p else ':' + p for p in part] cfgdict = cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2(part, strict=False)[0][0] new_acfg = ut.partition_varied_cfg_list([cfgdict])[0] new_lbl = ut.get_cfg_lbl(new_acfg, with_name=False) new_varied_acfgs.append(new_lbl) varied_pcfgs = ut.take_column(grouped_pcfgs, 0) varied_acfgs = new_varied_acfgs varied_lbls = [combo_lbls(lbla, lblp) for lblp, lbla in zip(varied_acfgs, varied_pcfgs)] if shorten: varied_lbls = [testres._shorten_lbls(lbl) for lbl in varied_lbls] return varied_lbls #def get_nonvaried_labels(testres): # """ # Returns labels the parameters common to all annot/pipeline configurations. # """ # nonvaried_pcfgs = ut.get_nonvaried_cfg_lbls(testres.cfgx2_pcfg) # nonvaried_acfgs = ut.get_nonvaried_cfg_lbls(testres.cfgx2_acfg) # def combo_lbls(lbla, lblp): # parts = [] # if lbla != ':' and lbla: # parts.append(lbla) # if lblp != ':' and lblp: # parts.append(lblp) # return '+'.join(parts) # nonvaried_lbls = [combo_lbls(lbla, lblp) for lblp, lbla in zip(nonvaried_acfgs, nonvaried_pcfgs)] # return nonvaried_lbls
[docs] def get_sorted_config_labels(testres): """ helper """ key = 'qx2_bestranks' cfgx2_cumhist_percent, edges = testres.get_rank_percentage_cumhist(bins='dense', key=key) label_list = testres.get_short_cfglbls() label_list = [ ('%6.2f%%' % (percent,)) + #ut.scalar_str(percent, precision=2) ' - ' + label for percent, label in zip(cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T[0], label_list)] sortx = cfgx2_cumhist_percent.T[0].argsort()[::-1] label_list = ut.take(label_list, sortx) return label_list
[docs] def make_figtitle(testres, plotname='', filt_cfg=None): """ Helper for consistent figure titles CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.make_figtitle --prefix "Seperability " --db GIRM_Master1 -a timectrl -t Ell:K=2 --hargv=scores python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.make_figtitle Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> plotname = '' >>> figtitle = testres.make_figtitle(plotname) >>> result = ('figtitle = %r' % (figtitle,)) >>> print(result) """ figtitle_prefix = ut.get_argval('--prefix', type_=str, default='') if figtitle_prefix != '': figtitle_prefix = figtitle_prefix.rstrip() + ' ' figtitle = (figtitle_prefix + plotname) hasprefix = figtitle_prefix == '' if hasprefix: figtitle += '\n' title_aug = testres.get_title_aug(friendly=True, with_cfg=hasprefix) figtitle += ' ' + title_aug if filt_cfg is not None: filt_cfgstr = ut.get_cfg_lbl(filt_cfg) if filt_cfgstr.strip() != ':': figtitle += ' ' + filt_cfgstr return figtitle
[docs] def get_title_aug(testres, with_size=True, with_db=True, with_cfg=True, friendly=False): r""" Args: with_size (bool): (default = True) Returns: str: title_aug CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_title_aug --db PZ_Master1 -a timequalctrl::timectrl Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> with_size = True >>> title_aug = testres.get_title_aug(with_size) >>> res = u'title_aug = %s' % (title_aug,) >>> print(res) """ ibs = testres.ibs title_aug = '' if with_db: title_aug += 'db=' + (ibs.get_dbname()) if with_cfg: try: if '_cfgname' in testres.common_acfg['common']: try: annot_cfgname = testres.common_acfg['common']['_cfgstr'] except KeyError: annot_cfgname = testres.common_acfg['common']['_cfgname'] else: cfgname_list = [cfg['dcfg__cfgname'] for cfg in testres.varied_acfg_list] cfgname_list = ut.unique_ordered(cfgname_list) annot_cfgname = '[' + ','.join(cfgname_list) + ']' try: pipeline_cfgname = testres.common_cfgdict['_cfgstr'] except KeyError: #pipeline_cfgname = testres.common_cfgdict['_cfgname'] cfgstr_list = [cfg['_cfgstr'] for cfg in testres.varied_cfg_list] uniuqe_cfgstrs = ut.unique_ordered(cfgstr_list) pipeline_cfgname = '[' + ','.join(uniuqe_cfgstrs) + ']' annot_cfgname = testres._shorten_lbls(annot_cfgname) pipeline_cfgname = testres._shorten_lbls(pipeline_cfgname) # hack turn these off if too long if len(annot_cfgname) < 64: title_aug += ' a=' + annot_cfgname if len(pipeline_cfgname) < 64: title_aug += ' t=' + pipeline_cfgname except Exception as ex: print(ut.dict_str(testres.common_acfg)) print(ut.dict_str(testres.common_cfgdict)) ut.printex(ex) raise if with_size: if ut.get_argflag('--hack_size_nl'): title_aug += '\n' if testres.has_constant_qaids(): title_aug += ' #qaids=%r' % (len(testres.qaids),) elif testres.has_constant_length_qaids(): title_aug += ' #qaids=%r*' % (len(testres.cfgx2_qaids[0]),) if testres.has_constant_daids(): daids = testres.cfgx2_daids[0] title_aug += ' #daids=%r' % (len(testres.cfgx2_daids[0]),) if testres.has_constant_qaids(): locals_ = ibs.get_annotconfig_stats( testres.qaids, daids, verbose=False)[1] all_daid_per_name_stats = locals_['all_daid_per_name_stats'] if all_daid_per_name_stats['std'] == 0: title_aug += ' dper_name=%s' % ( ut.scalar_str(all_daid_per_name_stats['mean'], max_precision=2),) else: title_aug += ' dper_name=%s±%s' % ( ut.scalar_str(all_daid_per_name_stats['mean'], precision=2), ut.scalar_str(all_daid_per_name_stats['std'], precision=2),) elif testres.has_constant_length_daids(): daids = testres.cfgx2_daids[0] title_aug += ' #daids=%r*' % (len(testres.cfgx2_daids[0]),) if friendly: # Hackiness for friendliness #title_aug = title_aug.replace('db=PZ_Master1', 'Plains Zebras') #title_aug = title_aug.replace('db=NNP_MasterGIRM_core', 'Masai Giraffes') #title_aug = title_aug.replace('db=GZ_ALL', 'Grevy\'s Zebras') title_aug = ut.multi_replace( title_aug, list(ibs.const.DBNAME_ALIAS.keys()), list(ibs.const.DBNAME_ALIAS.values())) #title_aug = title_aug.replace('db=PZ_Master1', 'db=PZ') #title_aug = title_aug.replace('db=NNP_MasterGIRM_core', 'Masai Giraffes') #title_aug = title_aug.replace('db=GZ_ALL', 'Grevy\'s Zebras') return title_aug
[docs] def get_fname_aug(testres, **kwargs): import re title_aug = testres.get_title_aug(**kwargs) valid_regex = '-a-zA-Z0-9_.() ' valid_extra = '=,' valid_regex += valid_extra title_aug = title_aug.replace(' ', '_') # spaces suck fname_aug = re.sub('[^' + valid_regex + ']+', '', title_aug) fname_aug = fname_aug.strip('_') return fname_aug
[docs] def print_pcfg_info(testres): """ Prints verbose information about each pipeline configuration >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA """ # TODO: Rectify with other printers # for pcfgx, (pipecfg, lbl) in enumerate(zip(pipecfg_list, pipecfg_lbls)): # print('+--- %d / %d ===' % (pcfgx, (len(pipecfg_list)))) # ut.colorprint(lbl, 'white') # print(pipecfg.get_cfgstr()) # print('L___') # for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_: # print(qreq_.get_full_cfgstr()) # cfgdict_list = [qreq_.qparams for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] experiment_helpers.print_pipe_configs(testres.cfgx2_pcfg, testres.cfgx2_qreq_)
[docs] def print_acfg_info(testres, **kwargs): """ Prints verbose information about the annotations used in each test configuration CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.print_acfg_info Kwargs; see ibs.get_annot_stats_dict hashid, per_name, per_qual, per_vp, per_name_vpedge, per_image, min_name_hourdist Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl::unctrl_comp'], t=['candk:K=[1,2]']) >>> ibs = None >>> result = testres.print_acfg_info() >>> print(result) """ from ibeis.expt import annotation_configs ibs = testres.ibs # Get unique annotation configs cfgx2_acfg_label = annotation_configs.get_varied_acfg_labels(testres.cfgx2_acfg) flags = ut.flag_unique_items(cfgx2_acfg_label) qreq_list = ut.compress(testres.cfgx2_qreq_, flags) acfg_list = ut.compress(testres.cfgx2_acfg, flags) expanded_aids_list = [(qreq_.qaids, qreq_.daids) for qreq_ in qreq_list] annotation_configs.print_acfg_list(acfg_list, expanded_aids_list, ibs, **kwargs)
[docs] def print_unique_annot_config_stats(testres, ibs=None): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object(default = None) CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.print_unique_annot_config_stats Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl::unctrl_comp']) >>> ibs = None >>> result = testres.print_unique_annot_config_stats(ibs) >>> print(result) """ if ibs is None: ibs = testres.ibs cfx2_dannot_hashid = [ibs.get_annot_hashid_visual_uuid(daids) for daids in testres.cfgx2_daids] unique_daids = ut.compress(testres.cfgx2_daids, ut.flag_unique_items(cfx2_dannot_hashid)) with ut.Indenter('[acfgstats]'): print('+====') print('Printing %d unique annotconfig stats' % (len(unique_daids))) common_acfg = testres.common_acfg common_acfg['common'] = ut.dict_filter_nones(common_acfg['common']) print('testres.common_acfg = ' + ut.dict_str(common_acfg)) print('param_basis(len(daids)) = %r' % ( testres.get_param_basis('len(daids)'),)) for count, daids in enumerate(unique_daids): print('+---') print('acfgx = %r/%r' % (count, len(unique_daids))) if testres.has_constant_qaids(): ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(testres.qaids, daids) else: ibs.print_annot_stats(daids, prefix='d') print('L___')
[docs] def print_results(testres): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.print_results Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.expt import harness >>> ibs, testres = harness.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST') >>> result = testres.print_results() >>> print(result) """ from ibeis.expt import experiment_printres ibs = testres.ibs experiment_printres.print_results(ibs, testres)
[docs] def get_common_qaids(testres): if not testres.has_constant_qaids(): # Get only cases the tests share for now common_qaids = reduce(np.intersect1d, testres.cfgx2_qaids) return common_qaids else: return testres.qaids
[docs] def get_all_qaids(testres): all_qaids = np.array(ut.unique(ut.flatten(testres.cfgx2_qaids))) return all_qaids
[docs] def get_test_qaids(testres): # Transition fucntion return testres.get_all_qaids() # return testres.get_common_qaids() # all_qaids = ut.unique(ut.flatten(testres.cfgx2_qaids)) # return all_qaids
[docs] def get_all_tags(testres): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_all_tags --db PZ_Master1 --show --filt : python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_all_tags --db PZ_Master1 --show --filt :min_gf_timedelta=24h python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_all_tags --db PZ_Master1 --show --filt :min_gf_timedelta=24h,max_gt_rank=5 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_Master1', a=['timectrl']) >>> filt_cfg = main_helpers.testdata_filtcfg() >>> case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg) >>> all_tags = testres.get_all_tags() >>> selected_tags = ut.take(all_tags, case_pos_list.T[0]) >>> flat_tags = list(map(str, ut.flatten(ut.flatten(selected_tags)))) >>> print(ut.dict_str(ut.dict_hist(flat_tags), key_order_metric='val')) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> pt.word_histogram2(flat_tags, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> pt.wordcloud(' '.join(flat_tags), fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> pt.set_figtitle(ut.get_cfg_lbl(filt_cfg)) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ gt_tags = testres.get_gt_tags() gf_tags = testres.get_gf_tags() all_tags = [ut.list_zipflatten(*item) for item in zip(gf_tags, gt_tags)] return all_tags
[docs] def get_gf_tags(testres): r""" Returns: list: case_pos_list CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.get_gf_tags --db PZ_Master1 --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_Master1', a=['timectrl']) >>> filt_cfg = main_helpers.testdata_filtcfg() >>> case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg) >>> gf_tags = testres.get_gf_tags() """ ibs = testres.ibs truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() gf_annotmatch_rowids = truth2_prop['gf']['annotmatch_rowid'] gf_tags = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags, gf_annotmatch_rowids) return gf_tags
[docs] def get_gt_tags(testres): ibs = testres.ibs truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() gt_annotmatch_rowids = truth2_prop['gt']['annotmatch_rowid'] gt_tags = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags, gt_annotmatch_rowids) return gt_tags
[docs] def get_gt_annot_tags(testres): ibs = testres.ibs truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() gt_annot_tags = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_case_tags, truth2_prop['gt']['aid']) return gt_annot_tags
[docs] def get_query_annot_tags(testres): # FIXME: will break with new config structure ibs = testres.ibs truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() unflat_qids = np.tile(testres.qaids[:, None], (len(testres.cfgx2_qaids))) query_annot_tags = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_case_tags, unflat_qids) return query_annot_tags
[docs] def get_gtquery_annot_tags(testres): gt_annot_tags = testres.get_gt_annot_tags() query_annot_tags = testres.get_query_annot_tags() both_tags = [[ut.flatten(t) for t in zip(*item)] for item in zip(query_annot_tags, gt_annot_tags)] return both_tags
[docs] def case_sample2(testres, filt_cfg, qaids=None, return_mask=False, verbose=None): r""" Filters individual test result cases based on how they performed, what tags they had, and various other things. Args: filt_cfg (dict): Returns: list: case_pos_list (list of (qx, cfgx)) or isvalid mask CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.case_sample2 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.case_sample2:0 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.case_sample2:1 --db GZ_ALL --filt :min_tags=1 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.case_sample2:1 --db PZ_Master1 --filt :min_gf_tags=1 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.case_sample2:2 --db PZ_Master1 Example0: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # The same results is achievable with different filter config settings >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> verbose = True >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl']) >>> filt_cfg1 = {'fail': True} >>> case_pos_list1 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg1) >>> filt_cfg2 = {'min_gtrank': 1} >>> case_pos_list2 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg2) >>> filt_cfg3 = {'min_gtrank': 0} >>> case_pos_list3 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg3) >>> filt_cfg4 = {} >>> case_pos_list4 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg4) >>> assert np.all(case_pos_list1 == case_pos_list2), 'should be equiv configs' >>> assert np.any(case_pos_list2 != case_pos_list3), 'should be diff configs' >>> assert np.all(case_pos_list3 == case_pos_list4), 'should be equiv configs' >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl'], t=['default:sv_on=[True,False]']) >>> filt_cfg5 = filt_cfg1.copy() >>> mask5 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg5, return_mask=True) >>> case_pos_list5 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg5, return_mask=False) >>> assert len(mask5.shape) == 2 >>> assert not np.all(mask5.T[0] == mask5.T[1]) >>> filt_cfg6 = {'fail': True, 'allcfg': True} >>> mask6 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg6, return_mask=True) >>> assert np.all(mask6.T[0] == mask6.T[1]) >>> print(mask5) >>> print(case_pos_list5) >>> filt_cfg = filt_cfg7 = {'disagree': True} >>> case_pos_list7 = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg7, verbose=verbose) >>> print(case_pos_list7) Example1: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl']) >>> filt_cfg = main_helpers.testdata_filtcfg() >>> case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg) >>> result = ('case_pos_list = %s' % (str(case_pos_list),)) >>> print(result) >>> # Extra stuff >>> all_tags = testres.get_all_tags() >>> selcted_tags = ut.take(all_tags, case_pos_list.T[0]) >>> print('selcted_tags = %r' % (selcted_tags,)) Example1: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl'], t=['default:K=[1,2,3]']) >>> ut.exec_funckw(testres.case_sample2, globals()) >>> filt_cfg = {'fail': True, 'min_gtrank': 1, 'max_gtrank': None, 'min_gf_timedelta': '24h'} >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts('humpbacks_fb', a=['default:has_any=hasnotch,mingt=2,qindex=0:300,dindex=0:300'], t=['default:proot=BC_DTW,decision=max,crop_dim_size=500,crop_enabled=True,manual_extract=False,use_te_scorer=True,ignore_notch=True,te_net=annot_simple', 'default:proot=vsmany'], qaid_override=[12]) >>> filt_cfg = ':disagree=True,index=0:8,min_gtscore=.00001,require_all_cfg=True' >>> #filt_cfg = cfghelpers.parse_argv_cfg('--filt')[0] >>> case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg, verbose=True) >>> result = ('case_pos_list = %s' % (str(case_pos_list),)) >>> print(result) >>> # Extra stuff >>> all_tags = testres.get_all_tags() >>> selcted_tags = ut.take(all_tags, case_pos_list.T[0]) >>> print('selcted_tags = %r' % (selcted_tags,)) print('qaid = %r' % (qaid,)) print('qx = %r' % (qx,)) print('cfgxs = %r' % (cfgxs,)) # print testres info about this item take_cfgs = ut.partial(ut.take, index_list=cfgxs) take_qx = ut.partial(ut.take, index_list=qx) truth_cfgs = ut.hmap_vals(take_qx, truth2_prop) truth_item = ut.hmap_vals(take_cfgs, truth_cfgs, max_depth=1) prop_cfgs = ut.hmap_vals(take_qx, prop2_mat) prop_item = ut.hmap_vals(take_cfgs, prop_cfgs, max_depth=0) print('truth2_prop[item] = ' + ut.repr3(truth_item, nl=2)) print('prop2_mat[item] = ' + ut.repr3(prop_item, nl=1)) """ from ibeis.expt import cfghelpers if verbose is None: verbose = ut.NOT_QUIET if verbose: print('[testres] case_sample2') if isinstance(filt_cfg, six.string_types): filt_cfg = [filt_cfg] if isinstance(filt_cfg, list): _combos = cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2(filt_cfg, strict=False) filt_cfg = ut.flatten(_combos)[0] if isinstance(filt_cfg, six.string_types): _combos = cfghelpers.parse_cfgstr_list2([filt_cfg], strict=False) filt_cfg = ut.flatten(_combos)[0] if filt_cfg is None: filt_cfg = {} qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() if qaids is None else qaids truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop(qaids) ibs = testres.ibs # Initialize isvalid flags to all true # np.ones(prop2_mat['is_success'].shape, dtype=np.bool) participates = prop2_mat['participates'] is_valid = participates.copy() def unflat_tag_filterflags(tags_list, **kwargs): from ibeis import tag_funcs flat_tags, cumsum = ut.invertible_flatten2(tags_list) flat_flags = tag_funcs.filterflags_general_tags(flat_tags, **kwargs) flags = np.array(ut.unflatten2(flat_flags, cumsum)) return flags UTFF = unflat_tag_filterflags def cols_disagree(mat, val): """ is_success = prop2_mat['is_success'] """ nCols = mat.shape[1] sums = mat.sum(axis=1) # Find out which rows have different values disagree_flags1d = np.logical_and(sums > 0, sums < nCols) disagree_flags2d = np.tile(disagree_flags1d[:, None], (1, nCols)) if not val: # User asked for rows that agree flags = np.logical_not(disagree_flags2d) else: flags = disagree_flags2d return flags def cfg_scoresep(mat, val, op): """ Compares scores between different configs op = is_success = prop2_mat['is_success'] """ #import scipy.spatial.distance as spdist nCols = mat.shape[1] pdistx = vt.pdist_indicies(nCols) pdist_list = np.array([vt.safe_pdist(row) for row in mat]) flags_list = op(pdist_list, val) colx_list = [np.unique(ut.flatten(pdistx.compress(flags, axis=0))) for flags in flags_list] offsets = np.arange(0, nCols * len(mat), step=nCols) idx_list = ut.flatten([colx + offset for colx, offset in zip(colx_list, offsets)]) mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(idx_list, maxval=offsets[-1] + nCols) flags = mask.reshape(mat.shape) return flags # List of rules that can filter results rule_list = [ ('disagree', lambda val: cols_disagree(prop2_mat['is_failure'], val)), ('min_gt_cfg_scoresep', lambda val: cfg_scoresep(truth2_prop['gt']['score'], val,, ('fail', prop2_mat['is_failure']), ('success', prop2_mat['is_success']), ('min_gtrank', partial(, truth2_prop['gt']['rank'])), ('max_gtrank', partial(operator.le, truth2_prop['gt']['rank'])), ('max_gtscore', partial(operator.le, truth2_prop['gt']['score'])), ('min_gtscore', partial(, truth2_prop['gt']['score'])), ('min_gf_timedelta', partial(, truth2_prop['gf']['timedelta'])), ('max_gf_timedelta', partial(operator.le, truth2_prop['gf']['timedelta'])), # Tag filtering # FIXME: will break with new config structure ('min_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_all_tags(), min_num=val)), ('max_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_all_tags(), max_num=val)), ('min_gf_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gf_tags(), min_num=val)), ('max_gf_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gf_tags(), max_num=val)), ('min_gt_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gt_tags(), min_num=val)), ('max_gt_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gt_tags(), max_num=val)), ('min_query_annot_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_query_annot_tags(), min_num=val)), ('min_gt_annot_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gt_annot_tags(), min_num=val)), ('min_gtq_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gtquery_annot_tags(), min_num=val)), ('max_gtq_tags', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gtquery_annot_tags(), max_num=val)), ('without_gf_tag', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gf_tags(), has_none=val)), ('without_gt_tag', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gt_tags(), has_none=val)), ('with_gf_tag', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gf_tags(), has_any=val)), ('with_gt_tag', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_gt_tags(), has_any=val)), ('with_tag', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_all_tags(), has_any=val)), ('without_tag', lambda val: UTFF(testres.get_all_tags(), has_none=val)), ] rule_dict = ut.odict(rule_list) rule_list.append(('max_gf_td', rule_dict['max_gf_timedelta'])) rule_list.append(('min_gf_td', rule_dict['min_gf_timedelta'])) filt_cfg_ = copy.deepcopy(filt_cfg) # hack to convert to seconds for tdkey in filt_cfg_.keys(): #timedelta_keys = ['min_gf_timedelta', 'max_gf_timedelta'] #for tdkey in timedelta_keys: if tdkey.endswith('_timedelta'): filt_cfg_[tdkey] = ut.ensure_timedelta(filt_cfg_[tdkey]) class VerbFilterInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.prev_num_valid = None def print_pre(self, is_valid, filt_cfg_): num_valid = is_valid.sum() print('[testres] Sampling from is_valid.size=%r with filt=%r' % (is_valid.size, ut.get_cfg_lbl(filt_cfg_))) print(' * is_valid.shape = %r' % (is_valid.shape,)) print(' * num_valid = %r' % (num_valid,)) self.prev_num_valid = num_valid def print_post(self, is_valid, flags, msg): if flags is not None: num_passed = flags.sum() num_valid = is_valid.sum() num_invalidated = self.prev_num_valid - num_valid print(msg) if num_invalidated == 0: if flags is not None: print(' * num_passed = %r' % (num_passed,)) print(' * num_invalided = %r' % (num_invalidated,)) else: print(' * prev_num_valid = %r' % (self.prev_num_valid,)) print(' * num_valid = %r' % (num_valid,)) #print(' * is_valid.shape = %r' % (is_valid.shape,)) self.prev_num_valid = num_valid verbinfo = VerbFilterInfo() if verbose: verbinfo.print_pre(is_valid, filt_cfg_) # Pop irrelevant info ut.delete_keys(filt_cfg_, ['_cfgstr', '_cfgindex', '_cfgname', '_cfgtype']) # Pop other non-rule config options valid_rules = [] def poprule(rulename, default): # register other rule names for debuging valid_rules.append(rulename) return filt_cfg_.pop(rulename, default) allcfg = poprule('allcfg', None) orderby = poprule('orderby', None) reverse = poprule('reverse', None) sortasc = poprule('sortasc', None) sortdsc = poprule('sortdsc', poprule('sortdesc', None)) max_pername = poprule('max_pername', None) require_all_cfg = poprule('require_all_cfg', None) index = poprule('index', None) # Pop all chosen rules rule_value_list = [poprule(key, None) for key, rule in rule_list] # Assert that only valid configurations were given if len(filt_cfg_) > 0: print('ERROR') print('filtcfg valid rules are = %s' % (ut.repr2(valid_rules, nl=1),)) for key in filt_cfg_.keys(): print('did you mean %r instead of %r?' % (ut.closet_words(key, valid_rules)[0], key)) raise NotImplementedError('Unhandled filt_cfg.keys() = %r' % (filt_cfg_.keys())) # Remove test cases that do not satisfy chosen rules chosen_rule_idxs = ut.where([val is not None for val in rule_value_list]) chosen_rules = ut.take(rule_list, chosen_rule_idxs) chosen_vals = ut.take(rule_value_list, chosen_rule_idxs) for (key, rule), val in zip(chosen_rules, chosen_vals): if isinstance(rule, np.ndarray): # When a rule is an ndarray it must have boolean values flags = rule == val else: flags = rule(val) # HACK: flags are forced to be false for non-participating cases flags = np.logical_and(flags, participates) # conjunctive normal form of satisfiability is_valid = np.logical_and(is_valid, flags) if verbose: verbinfo.print_post(is_valid, flags, 'SampleRule: %s = %r' % (key, val)) # HACK: # If one config for a row passes the filter then all configs should pass if allcfg: is_valid = np.logical_or(np.logical_or.reduce(is_valid.T)[:, None], is_valid) is_valid = np.logical_and(is_valid, participates) qx_list, cfgx_list = np.nonzero(is_valid) # Determine a good ordering of the test cases if sortdsc is not None: assert orderby is None, 'use orderby or sortasc' assert reverse is None, 'reverse does not work with sortdsc' orderby = sortdsc reverse = True elif sortasc is not None: assert reverse is None, 'reverse does not work with sortasc' assert orderby is None, 'use orderby or sortasc' orderby = sortasc reverse = False else: reverse = False if orderby is not None: #if orderby == 'gtscore': # order_values = truth2_prop['gt']['score'] #elif orderby == 'gfscore': # order_values = truth2_prop['gf']['score'] #else: import re order_values = None for prefix_pattern in ['^gt_?', '^gf_?']: prefix_match = re.match(prefix_pattern, orderby) if prefix_match is not None: truth = prefix_pattern[1:3] propname = orderby[prefix_match.end():] if verbose: print('Ordering by truth=%s propname=%s' % (truth, propname)) order_values = truth2_prop[truth][propname] break if order_values is None: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown orerby=%r' % (orderby,)) else: order_values = np.arange(is_valid.size).reshape(is_valid.shape) # Convert mask into indicies flat_order = order_values[is_valid] # Flat sorting indeices in a matrix if verbose: if verbose: print('Reversing ordering (descending)') else: print('Normal ordering (ascending)') if reverse: sortx = flat_order.argsort()[::-1] else: sortx = flat_order.argsort() qx_list = qx_list.take(sortx, axis=0) cfgx_list = cfgx_list.take(sortx, axis=0) # Return at most ``max_pername`` annotation examples per name if max_pername is not None: if verbose: print('Returning at most %d cases per name ' % (max_pername,)) # FIXME: multiple configs _qaid_list = np.take(qaids, qx_list) _qnid_list = ibs.get_annot_nids(_qaid_list) _valid_idxs = [] seen_ = ut.ddict(lambda: 0) for idx, _qnid in enumerate(_qnid_list): if seen_[_qnid] < max_pername: seen_[_qnid] += 1 _valid_idxs.append(idx) _qx_list = qx_list[_valid_idxs] _cfgx_list = cfgx_list[_valid_idxs] _valid_index = np.vstack((_qx_list, _cfgx_list)).T is_valid = vt.index_to_boolmask(_valid_index, is_valid.shape, isflat=False) qx_list = _qx_list cfgx_list = _cfgx_list if require_all_cfg: if verbose: prev_num_valid = is_valid.sum() print('Enforcing that all configs must pass filters') print(' * prev_num_valid = %r' % (prev_num_valid,)) qx2_valid_cfgs = ut.group_items(cfgx_list, qx_list) hasall_cfg = [len(qx2_valid_cfgs[qx]) == testres.nConfig for qx in qx_list] _qx_list = qx_list.compress(hasall_cfg) _cfgx_list = cfgx_list.compress(hasall_cfg) _valid_index = np.vstack((_qx_list, _cfgx_list)).T is_valid = vt.index_to_boolmask(_valid_index, is_valid.shape, isflat=False) qx_list = _qx_list cfgx_list = _cfgx_list if verbose: verbinfo.print_post(is_valid, None, 'Enforcing that all configs must pass filters') if index is not None: if isinstance(index, six.string_types): index = ut.smart_cast(index, slice) _qx_list = ut.take(qx_list, index) _cfgx_list = ut.take(cfgx_list, index) _valid_index = np.vstack((_qx_list, _cfgx_list)).T is_valid = vt.index_to_boolmask(_valid_index, is_valid.shape, isflat=False) qx_list = _qx_list cfgx_list = _cfgx_list if verbose: verbinfo.print_post( is_valid, None, 'Taking index=%r sample from len(qx_list) = %r' % ( index, len(qx_list),)) if not return_mask: case_pos_list = np.vstack((qx_list, cfgx_list)).T case_identifier = case_pos_list else: if verbose: print('Converting cases indicies to a 2d-mask') case_identifier = is_valid if verbose: print('Finished case filtering') print('Final case stats:') qx_hist = ut.dict_hist(qx_list) print('config per query stats: %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(qx_hist.values()),)) print('query per config stats: %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(ut.dict_hist(cfgx_list).values()),)) return case_identifier
[docs] def get_truth2_prop(testres, qaids=None, join_acfg=False): r""" Returns: tuple: (truth2_prop, prop2_mat) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.test_result --exec-get_truth2_prop --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_MTEST', a=['ctrl']) >>> (truth2_prop, prop2_mat) = testres.get_truth2_prop() >>> result = '(truth2_prop, prop2_mat) = %s' % str((truth2_prop, prop2_mat)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ ibs = testres.ibs test_qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() if qaids is None else qaids #test_qaids = ut.random_sample(test_qaids, 20) truth2_prop = ut.ddict(ut.odict) # TODO: have this function take in a case_pos_list as input instead participates = testres.get_infoprop_mat('participant', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gt']['aid'] = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_aid', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gf']['aid'] = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_aid', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gt']['rank'] = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_rank', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gf']['rank'] = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_rank', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gt']['score'] = testres.get_infoprop_mat( 'qx2_gt_raw_score', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gf']['score'] = testres.get_infoprop_mat( 'qx2_gf_raw_score', test_qaids) truth2_prop['gt']['score'] = np.nan_to_num(truth2_prop['gt']['score']) truth2_prop['gf']['score'] = np.nan_to_num(truth2_prop['gf']['score']) # Cast nans to ints (that are participants) # if False: for truth in ['gt', 'gf']: rank_mat = truth2_prop[truth]['rank'] flags = np.logical_and(np.isnan(rank_mat), participates) rank_mat[flags] = testres.get_worst_possible_rank() # truth2_prop[truth]['rank'] = rank_mat.astype( is_success = truth2_prop['gt']['rank'] == 0 is_failure = np.logical_not(is_success) # THIS IS NOT THE CASE IF THERE ARE UNKNOWN INDIVIDUALS IN THE DATABASE assert np.all(is_success == (truth2_prop['gt']['rank'] == 0)) # WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN UNKNOWNS ARE HERE #hardness_degree_rank[is_success] # These probably just completely failure spatial verification #is_weird = hardness_degree_rank == 0 # Get timedelta and annotmatch rowid for truth in ['gt', 'gf']: aid_mat = truth2_prop[truth]['aid'] timedelta_mat = np.vstack([ ibs.get_annot_pair_timdelta(test_qaids, aids) for aids in aid_mat.T ]).T annotmatch_rowid_mat = np.vstack([ ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey(test_qaids, aids) for aids in aid_mat.T ]).T truth2_prop[truth]['annotmatch_rowid'] = annotmatch_rowid_mat truth2_prop[truth]['timedelta'] = timedelta_mat prop2_mat = {} prop2_mat['is_success'] = is_success prop2_mat['is_failure'] = is_failure prop2_mat['participates'] = participates groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() def group_prop(val, grouped_flags, groupxs): nRows = len(val) # Allocate space for new val new_shape = (nRows, len(groupxs)) if val.dtype == object or val.dtype.type == object: new_val = np.full(new_shape, None, dtype=val.dtype) elif ut.is_float(val): new_val = np.full(new_shape, np.nan, dtype=val.dtype) else: new_val = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype=val.dtype) # Populate new val grouped_vals = vt.apply_grouping(val.T, groupxs) _iter = enumerate(zip(grouped_flags, grouped_vals)) for new_col, (flags, group) in _iter: rows, cols = np.where(flags.T) new_val[rows, new_col] = group.T[(rows, cols)] return new_val if join_acfg: assert ut.allsame(participates.sum(axis=1)) grouped_flags = vt.apply_grouping(participates.T, groupxs) #new_prop2_mat = {key: group_prop(val) # for key, val in prop2_mat.items()} #new_truth2_prop = { # truth: {key: group_prop(val) # for key, val in props.items()} # for truth, props in truth2_prop.items()} new_prop2_mat = {} for key, val in prop2_mat.items(): new_prop2_mat[key] = group_prop(val, grouped_flags, groupxs) new_truth2_prop = {} for truth, props in truth2_prop.items(): new_props = {} for key, val in props.items(): new_props[key] = group_prop(val, grouped_flags, groupxs) new_truth2_prop[truth] = new_props prop2_mat_ = new_prop2_mat truth2_prop_ = new_truth2_prop else: prop2_mat_ = prop2_mat truth2_prop_ = truth2_prop return truth2_prop_, prop2_mat_
[docs] def interact_individual_result(testres, qaid, cfgx=0): ibs = testres.ibs cfgx_list = ut.ensure_iterable(cfgx) qreq_list = ut.take(testres.cfgx2_qreq_, cfgx_list) # Preload any requested configs qres_list = [qreq_.load_cached_qres(qaid) for qreq_ in qreq_list] cfgx2_shortlbl = testres.get_short_cfglbls() show_kwargs = { 'N': 3, 'ori': True, 'ell_alpha': .9, } # SHOW ANALYSIS show_kwargs['show_query'] = False show_kwargs['viz_name_score'] = True show_kwargs['show_timedelta'] = True show_kwargs['show_gf'] = True show_kwargs['with_figtitle'] = False for cfgx, qres, qreq_ in zip(cfgx_list, qres_list, qreq_list): query_lbl = cfgx2_shortlbl[cfgx] fnum = cfgx qres.ishow_analysis( ibs, figtitle=query_lbl, fnum=fnum, annot_mode=1, qreq_=qreq_, **show_kwargs)
[docs] def draw_score_diff_disti(testres): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_score_diff_disti --show -a varynannots_td -t best --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_score_diff_disti --show -a varynannots_td -t best --db GZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_score_diff_disti --show -a varynannots_td1h -t best --db GIRM_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_score_diff_disti --show -a varynannots_td:qmin_pername=3,dpername=2 -t best --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf get_annotcfg_list -a varynannots_td -t best --db PZ_Master1 13502 python -m ibeis --tf draw_match_cases --db PZ_Master1 -a varynannots_td:dsample_size=.01 -t best --show --qaid 13502 python -m ibeis --tf draw_match_cases --db PZ_Master1 -a varynannots_td -t best --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts('PZ_Master1', a=['varynannots_td'], t=['best']) >>> result = testres.draw_score_diff_disti() >>> print(result) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt import vtool as vt # dont look at filtered cases ibs = testres.ibs qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() qaids = ibs.get_annot_tag_filterflags(qaids, {'has_none': 'timedeltaerror'}) gt_rawscore = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_raw_score') gf_rawscore = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_raw_score') gt_valid_flags_list = np.isfinite(gt_rawscore).T gf_valid_flags_list = np.isfinite(gf_rawscore).T cfgx2_gt_scores = vt.zipcompress(gt_rawscore.T, gt_valid_flags_list) cfgx2_gf_scores = vt.zipcompress(gf_rawscore.T, gf_valid_flags_list) # partition by rank gt_rank = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_rank') gf_ranks = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_rank') cfgx2_gt_ranks = vt.zipcompress(gt_rank.T, gt_valid_flags_list) cfgx2_rank0_gt_scores = vt.zipcompress(cfgx2_gt_scores, [ranks == 0 for ranks in cfgx2_gt_ranks]) cfgx2_rankX_gt_scores = vt.zipcompress(cfgx2_gt_scores, [ranks > 0 for ranks in cfgx2_gt_ranks]) cfgx2_gf_ranks = vt.zipcompress(gf_ranks.T, gf_valid_flags_list) cfgx2_rank0_gf_scores = vt.zipcompress(cfgx2_gf_scores, [ranks == 0 for ranks in cfgx2_gf_ranks]) #valid_gtranks = gt_rank[isvalid] #valid_qaids = qaids[isvalid] # Hack remove timdelta error #valid_qaids = valid_qaids[flags] #valid_gt_rawscore = valid_gt_rawscore[flags] #valid_gtranks = valid_gtranks[flags] xdata = list(map(len, testres.cfgx2_daids)) USE_MEDIAN = True # not ut.get_argflag('--use-mean') #USE_LOG = True USE_LOG = False if USE_MEDIAN: ave = np.median dev = vt.median_abs_dev else: ave = np.mean dev = np.std def make_interval_args(arr_list, ave=ave, dev=dev, **kwargs): #if not USE_MEDIAN: # # maybe approximate median by removing the most extreme values # arr_list = [np.array(sorted(arr))[5:-5] for arr in arr_list] import utool as ut if USE_LOG: arr_list = list(map(lambda x: np.log(x + 1), arr_list)) sizes_ = list(map(len, arr_list)) ydata_ = list(map(ave, arr_list)) spread_ = list(map(dev, arr_list)) #ut.get_stats(arr_list, axis=0) label = kwargs.get('label', '') label += ' ' + ut.get_funcname(ave) kwargs['label'] = label print(label + 'score stats : ' + ut.repr2(ut.get_jagged_stats(arr_list, use_median=True), nl=1, precision=1)) return ydata_, spread_, kwargs, sizes_ args_list1 = [ make_interval_args(cfgx2_gt_scores, label='GT', color=pt.TRUE_BLUE), make_interval_args(cfgx2_gf_scores, label='GF', color=pt.FALSE_RED), ] args_list2 = [ make_interval_args(cfgx2_rank0_gt_scores, label='GT-rank = 0', color=pt.LIGHT_GREEN), make_interval_args(cfgx2_rankX_gt_scores, label='GT-rank > 0', color=pt.YELLOW), make_interval_args(cfgx2_rank0_gf_scores, label='GF-rank = 0', color=pt.PINK), #make_interval_args(cfgx2_rank2_gt_scores, label='gtrank < 2'), ] plotargs_list = [args_list1, args_list2] #plotargs_list = [args_list1] ymax = -np.inf ymin = np.inf for args_list in plotargs_list: ydata_list = np.array(ut.get_list_column(args_list, 0)) spread = np.array(ut.get_list_column(args_list, 1)) ymax = max(ymax, np.array(ydata_list + spread).max()) ymin = min(ymax, np.array(ydata_list - spread).min()) ylabel = 'log name score' if USE_LOG else 'name score' statickw = dict( #title='scores vs dbsize', xlabel='database size (number of annotations)', ylabel=ylabel, #xscale='log', ymin=0, ymax=10, linewidth=2, spread_alpha=.5, lightbg=True, marker='o', #xmax='data', ymax=ymax, ymin=ymin, xmax='data', xmin='data', ) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(len(plotargs_list), 1) for args_list in plotargs_list: ydata_list = ut.get_list_column(args_list, 0) spread_list = ut.get_list_column(args_list, 1) kwargs_list = ut.get_list_column(args_list, 2) sizes_list = ut.get_list_column(args_list, 3) print('sizes_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(sizes_list, nl=1),)) # Pack kwargs list for multi_plot plotkw = ut.dict_stack2(kwargs_list, '_list') plotkw2 = ut.merge_dicts(statickw, plotkw) pt.multi_plot(xdata, ydata_list, spread_list=spread_list, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), **plotkw2) #pt.adjust_subplots2(hspace=.3) figtitle = 'Score vs DBSize: %s' % (testres.get_title_aug()) pt.set_figtitle(figtitle)
[docs] def draw_rank_cdf(testres): """ Wrapper """ from ibeis.expt import experiment_drawing experiment_drawing.draw_rank_cdf(testres.ibs, testres)
[docs] def draw_match_cases(testres, **kwargs): """ Wrapper """ from ibeis.expt import experiment_drawing experiment_drawing.draw_match_cases(testres.ibs, testres, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw_failure_cases(testres, **kwargs): """ >>> from ibeis.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a='timectrl:qsize=2', t='invar:AI=[False],RI=False', use_cache=False) """ from ibeis.expt import experiment_drawing #kwargs = kwargs.copy() orig_filter = ':' kwargs['f'] = orig_filter + 'fail' case_pos_list = testres.case_sample2(':fail=True,index=0:5') experiment_drawing.draw_match_cases(testres.ibs, testres, case_pos_list=case_pos_list, annot_modes=[1], interact=True)
[docs] def find_score_thresh_cutoff(testres): """ FIXME DUPLICATE CODE rectify with experiment_drawing """ #import plottool as pt import vtool as vt if ut.VERBOSE: print('[dev] FIX DUPLICATE CODE find_thresh_cutoff') #from ibeis.expt import cfghelpers assert len(testres.cfgx2_qreq_) == 1, 'can only specify one config here' cfgx = 0 #qreq_ = testres.cfgx2_qreq_[cfgx] test_qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() gt_rawscore = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_raw_score').T[cfgx] gf_rawscore = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_raw_score').T[cfgx] # FIXME: may need to specify which cfg is used in the future #isvalid = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg, return_mask=True).T[cfgx] tp_nscores = gt_rawscore tn_nscores = gf_rawscore tn_qaids = tp_qaids = test_qaids #encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(target_tpr=.7) #print(qreq_.get_cfgstr()) part_attrs = {1: {'qaid': tp_qaids}, 0: {'qaid': tn_qaids}} fpr = None tpr = .85 encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(adjust=8, fpr=fpr, tpr=tpr, monotonize=True) #tp_scores = tp_nscores #tn_scores = tn_nscores name_scores, labels, attrs = encoder._to_xy(tp_nscores, tn_nscores, part_attrs), labels, attrs) score_thresh = encoder.learn_threshold2() # Find intersection point # TODO: add to score normalizer. # Improve robustness #pt.figure() #pt.plot(xdata, curve) #pt.plot(x_submax, y_submax, 'o') return score_thresh
[docs] def print_percent_identification_success(testres): """ Prints names identified (at rank 1) / names queried. This combines results over multiple queries of a particular name using max OLD, MAYBE DEPRIATE Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA """ ibs = testres.ibs qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() unique_nids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(ibs.get_annot_nids(qaids)) qx2_gt_raw_score = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gt_raw_score') qx2_gf_raw_score = testres.get_infoprop_mat('qx2_gf_raw_score') nx2_gt_raw_score = np.array([ np.nanmax(scores, axis=0) for scores in vt.apply_grouping(qx2_gt_raw_score, groupxs)]) nx2_gf_raw_score = np.array([ np.nanmax(scores, axis=0) for scores in vt.apply_grouping(qx2_gf_raw_score, groupxs)]) cfgx2_success = (nx2_gt_raw_score > nx2_gf_raw_score).T print('Identification success (names identified / names queried)') for cfgx, success in enumerate(cfgx2_success): pipelbl = testres.cfgx2_lbl[cfgx] percent = 100 * success.sum() / len(success) print('%2d) success = %r/%r = %.2f%% -- %s' % ( cfgx, success.sum(), len(success), percent, pipelbl))
[docs] def print_config_overlap(testres, with_plot=True): truth2_prop, prop2_mat = testres.get_truth2_prop() qx2_gt_ranks = truth2_prop['gt']['rank'] qx2_success = (qx2_gt_ranks == 0) cfgx2_num_correct = np.nansum(qx2_success, axis=0) best_cfgx = cfgx2_num_correct.argmax() print('Config Overlap') # Matrix version #disjoint_mat = np.zeros((testres.nConfig, testres.nConfig), dtype=np.int32) #improves_mat = np.zeros((testres.nConfig, testres.nConfig), dtype=np.int32) isect_mat = np.zeros((testres.nConfig, testres.nConfig), dtype=np.int32) union_mat = np.zeros((testres.nConfig, testres.nConfig), dtype=np.int32) for cfgx1 in range(testres.nConfig): for cfgx2 in range(testres.nConfig): if cfgx1 == cfgx2: success_qx1 = np.where(qx2_success.T[cfgx1])[0] isect_mat[cfgx1][cfgx2] = len(success_qx1) union_mat[cfgx1][cfgx2] = len(success_qx1) continue success_qx1 = np.where(qx2_success.T[cfgx1])[0] success_qx2 = np.where(qx2_success.T[cfgx2])[0] union_ = np.union1d(success_qx1, success_qx2) isect_ = np.intersect1d(success_qx1, success_qx2) #disjoints = np.setdiff1d(union_, isect_) #disjoint_mat[cfgx1][cfgx2] = len(disjoints) isect_mat[cfgx1][cfgx2] = len(isect_) union_mat[cfgx1][cfgx2] = len(union_) #improves = np.setdiff1d(success_qx2, isect_) #improves_mat[cfgx2][cfgx1] = len(improves) n_success_list = np.array([qx2_success.T[cfgx1].sum() for cfgx1 in range(testres.nConfig)]) improves_mat = n_success_list[:, None] - isect_mat disjoint_mat = union_mat - isect_mat print('n_success_list = %r' % (n_success_list,)) print('union_mat =\n%s' % (union_mat,)) print('isect_mat =\n%s' % (isect_mat,)) print('cfgx1 and cfgx2 have <x> not in common') print('disjoint_mat =\n%s' % (disjoint_mat,)) print('cfgx1 helps cfgx2 by <x>') print('improves_mat =\n%s' % (improves_mat,)) print('improves_mat.sum(axis=1) = \n%s' % (improves_mat.sum(axis=1),)) bestx_by_improves = improves_mat.sum(axis=1).argmax() print('bestx_by_improves = %r' % (bestx_by_improves,)) # Numbered version print('best_cfgx = %r' % (best_cfgx,)) for cfgx in range(testres.nConfig): if cfgx == best_cfgx: continue pipelbl = testres.cfgx2_lbl[cfgx] qx2_anysuccess = np.logical_or(qx2_success.T[cfgx], qx2_success.T[best_cfgx]) # Queries that other got right that best did not get right qx2_othersuccess = np.logical_and(qx2_anysuccess, np.logical_not(qx2_success.T[best_cfgx])) print('cfgx %d) has %d success cases that that the best config does not have -- %s' % (cfgx, qx2_othersuccess.sum(), pipelbl)) qx2_success.T[cfgx] if with_plot: #y = None #for x in qx2_gt_ranks: # x = np.minimum(x, 3) # z = (x.T - x[:, None]) # if np.any(z): # print(z) # if y is None: # y = z # else: # y += z if False: # Chip size stats ave_dlen = [np.sqrt(np.array(testres.ibs.get_annot_chip_dlensqrd( # NOQA testres.qaids, config2_=qreq_.query_config2_))).mean() for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] ave_width_inimg = [np.array(testres.ibs.get_annot_bboxes( # NOQA testres.qaids, config2_=qreq_.query_config2_))[:, 2 + 0].mean() for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] ave_width = [np.array(testres.ibs.get_annot_chip_sizes( # NOQA testres.qaids, config2_=qreq_.query_config2_))[:, 0].mean() for qreq_ in testres.cfgx2_qreq_] import plottool as pt #pt.plt.imshow(-y, interpolation='none', cmap='hot') #pt.plt.colorbar() def label_ticks(): import plottool as pt ax = pt.gca() labels = testres.get_varied_labels() ax.set_xticks(list(range(len(labels)))) ax.set_xticklabels([lbl[0:100] for lbl in labels]) [lbl.set_rotation(-25) for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels()] [lbl.set_horizontalalignment('left') for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels()] #xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(range(len(labels)), range(len(labels))) #pt.plot_surface3d(xgrid, ygrid, disjoint_mat) ax.set_yticks(list(range(len(labels)))) ax.set_yticklabels([lbl[0:100] for lbl in labels]) [lbl.set_horizontalalignment('right') for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels()] [lbl.set_verticalalignment('center') for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels()] #[lbl.set_rotation(20) for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels()] pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum()) pt.plt.imshow(union_mat, interpolation='none', cmap='hot') pt.plt.colorbar() pt.set_title('union mat: cfg<x> and cfg<y> have <z> success cases in in total') label_ticks() label_ticks() pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum()) pt.plt.imshow(isect_mat, interpolation='none', cmap='hot') pt.plt.colorbar() pt.set_title('isect mat: cfg<x> and cfg<y> have <z> success cases in common') label_ticks() pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum()) pt.plt.imshow(disjoint_mat, interpolation='none', cmap='hot') pt.plt.colorbar() pt.set_title('disjoint mat (union - isect): cfg<x> and cfg<y> have <z> success cases not in common') #xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(range(len(labels)), range(len(labels))) #pt.plot_surface3d(xgrid, ygrid, improves_mat) pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum()) pt.plt.imshow(improves_mat, interpolation='none', cmap='hot') pt.plt.colorbar() pt.set_title('improves mat (diag.T - isect): cfg<x> got <z> qaids that cfg <y> missed') label_ticks() #pt.colorbar(np.unique(y)) #def load_full_chipmatch_results(testres): # #cfgx2_qres # pass
[docs] def compare_score_pdfs(testres): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.test_result --exec-compare_score_pdfs --show --present python -m ibeis.expt.test_result --exec-compare_score_pdfs --show --present --nocache python -m ibeis.expt.test_result --exec-compare_score_pdfs --show --present -a timectrl:qindex=0:50 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_Master1' >>> ibs, testres = ibeis.testdata_expts( >>> defaultdb=defaultdb, a=['timectrl'], t=['best']) >>> testres.compare_score_pdfs() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ #from ibeis.init import main_helpers import utool as ut #import plottool as pt ut.ensure_pylab_qt4() testres.draw_annot_scoresep(f='fail=False') #pt.adjust_subplots(bottom=.25, top=.8) encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=None) #pt.adjust_subplots(bottom=.25, top=.8) #encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['lnbnn']) #encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['ratio']) #encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['L2_sift']) encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['lnbnn', 'fg']) #pt.adjust_subplots(bottom=.25, top=.8) #ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts( # defaultdb=defaultdb, a=['timectrl'], t=['best:lnbnn_on=False,ratio_thresh=1.0']) #encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['ratio']) #encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['lnbnn']) #encoder = testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f='fail=False', disttype=['L2_sift']) # TODO: return encoder
[docs] def draw_annot_scoresep(testres, f=None): from ibeis.expt import experiment_drawing experiment_drawing.draw_annot_scoresep(testres.ibs, testres, f=f)
[docs] def draw_feat_scoresep(testres, f=None, disttype=None): r""" SeeAlso: ibeis.algo.hots.scorenorm.train_featscore_normalizer CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show -t default:sv_on=[True,False] python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 --disttype=L2_sift,fg python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 --disttype=L2_sift python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_MTEST -t best:lnbnn_on=True --namemode=True python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_MTEST -t best:lnbnn_on=True --namemode=False python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_MTEST --disttype=L2_sift python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_MTEST --disttype=L2_sift -t best:SV=False -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 --fsvx=1:2 -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 --fsvx=0:1 -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_Master1 -t best:lnbnn_on=False,bar_l2_on=True --fsvx=0:1 # We want to query the oxford annots taged query # and we want the database to contain # K correct images per query, as well as the distractors python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=\(query,\),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True,minqual=ok python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=\(query,\),dpername=1,exclude_reference=True,minqual=good python -m ibeis --tf get_annotcfg_list --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl --acfginfo --verbtd --veryverbtd --nocache-aid python -m ibeis --tf TestResult.draw_feat_scoresep --show --db PZ_MTEST --disttype=ratio Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.expt.test_result import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.init import main_helpers >>> disttype = ut.get_argval('--disttype', type_=list, default=None) >>> ibs, testres = main_helpers.testdata_expts( >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['timectrl'], t=['best']) >>> f = ut.get_argval(('--filt', '-f'), type_=list, default=['']) >>> testres.draw_feat_scoresep(f=f) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ print('[testres] draw_feat_scoresep') import plottool as pt def load_feat_scores(qreq_, qaids): import ibeis # NOQA from os.path import dirname, join # NOQA # HACKY CACHE cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr(with_input=True) cache_dir = join(dirname(dirname(ibeis.__file__)), 'TMP_FEATSCORE_CACHE') namemode = ut.get_argval('--namemode', default=True) fsvx = ut.get_argval('--fsvx', type_='fuzzy_subset', default=slice(None, None, None)) threshx = ut.get_argval('--threshx', type_=int, default=None) thresh = ut.get_argval('--thresh', type_=float, default=.9) num = ut.get_argval('--num', type_=int, default=1) cfg_components = [cfgstr, disttype, namemode, fsvx, threshx, thresh, f, num] cache_cfgstr = ','.join(ut.lmap(six.text_type, cfg_components)) cache_hashid = ut.hashstr27(cache_cfgstr + '_v1') cache_name = ('get_cfgx_feat_scores_' + cache_hashid) @ut.cached_func(cache_name, cache_dir=cache_dir, key_argx=[], use_cache=True) def get_cfgx_feat_scores(qreq_, qaids): from ibeis.algo.hots import scorenorm cm_list = qreq_.execute_subset(qaids) # print('Done loading cached chipmatches') tup = scorenorm.get_training_featscores(qreq_, cm_list, disttype, namemode, fsvx, threshx, thresh, num=num) # print(ut.depth_profile(tup)) tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg = tup return tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg = get_cfgx_feat_scores(qreq_, qaids) return tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg valid_case_pos = testres.case_sample2(filt_cfg=f, return_mask=False) cfgx2_valid_qxs = ut.group_items(valid_case_pos.T[0], valid_case_pos.T[1]) test_qaids = testres.get_test_qaids() cfgx2_valid_qaids = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.partial(ut.take, test_qaids), cfgx2_valid_qxs) join_acfgs = True # TODO: option to average over pipeline configurations if join_acfgs: groupxs = testres.get_cfgx_groupxs() else: groupxs = list(zip(range(len(testres.cfgx2_qreq_)))) grouped_qreqs = ut.apply_grouping(testres.cfgx2_qreq_, groupxs) grouped_scores = [] for cfgxs, qreq_group in zip(groupxs, grouped_qreqs): # testres.print_pcfg_info() score_group = [] for cfgx, qreq_ in zip(cfgxs, testres.cfgx2_qreq_): print('Loading cached chipmatches') qaids = cfgx2_valid_qaids[cfgx] tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg = load_feat_scores(qreq_, qaids) score_group.append((tp_scores, tn_scores, scorecfg)) grouped_scores.append(score_group) cfgx2_shortlbl = testres.get_short_cfglbls(join_acfgs=join_acfgs) for score_group, lbl in zip(grouped_scores, cfgx2_shortlbl): tp_scores = np.hstack(ut.take_column(score_group, 0)) tn_scores = np.hstack(ut.take_column(score_group, 1)) scorecfg = '+++'.join(ut.unique(ut.take_column(score_group, 2))) score_group # TODO: learn this score normalizer as a model # encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(adjust=4, monotonize=False) encoder = vt.ScoreNormalizer(adjust=2, monotonize=True) encoder.fit_partitioned(tp_scores, tn_scores, verbose=False) figtitle = 'Feature Scores: %s, %s' % (scorecfg, lbl) fnum = None vizkw = {} sephack = ut.get_argflag('--sephack') if not sephack: vizkw['target_tpr'] = .95 vizkw['score_range'] = (0, 1.0) encoder.visualize( figtitle=figtitle, fnum=fnum, with_scores=False, #with_prebayes=True, with_prebayes=False, with_roc=True, with_postbayes=False, #with_postbayes=True, **vizkw ) icon = testres.ibs.get_database_icon() if icon is not None: pt.overlay_icon(icon, coords=(1, 0), bbox_alignment=(1, 0)) if ut.get_argflag('--contextadjust'): pt.adjust_subplots(left=.1, bottom=.25, wspace=.2, hspace=.2) pt.adjust_subplots2(use_argv=True) return encoder
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.expt.test_result python -m ibeis.expt.test_result --allexamples python -m ibeis.expt.test_result --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()