Source code for ibeis.init.sysres

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" == system_resources
Module for dealing with system resoureces in the context of IBEIS
but without the need for an actual IBEIS Controller

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import os
from os.path import exists, join, realpath
import utool as ut
from six.moves import input, zip, map
from utool import util_cache, util_list
from ibeis import constants as const
from ibeis import params

# Inject utool functions
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[sysres]')

WORKDIR_CACHEID   = 'work_directory_cache_id'
DEFAULTDB_CAHCEID = 'cached_dbdir'
LOGDIR_CACHEID = ut.logdir_cacheid
__APPNAME__ = 'ibeis'

[docs]def get_ibeis_resource_dir(): return ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('ibeis')
def _ibeis_cache_dump(): util_cache.global_cache_dump(appname=__APPNAME__) def _ibeis_cache_write(key, val): """ Writes to global IBEIS cache TODO: Use text based config file """ print('[sysres] set %s=%r' % (key, val)) util_cache.global_cache_write(key, val, appname=__APPNAME__) def _ibeis_cache_read(key, **kwargs): """ Reads from global IBEIS cache """ return util_cache.global_cache_read(key, appname=__APPNAME__, **kwargs) # Specific cache getters / setters
[docs]def set_default_dbdir(dbdir): """ """ if ut.DEBUG2: print('[sysres] SETTING DEFAULT DBDIR: %r' % dbdir) _ibeis_cache_write(DEFAULTDB_CAHCEID, dbdir)
[docs]def get_default_dbdir(): dbdir = _ibeis_cache_read(DEFAULTDB_CAHCEID, default=None) if ut.DEBUG2: print('[sysres] READING DEFAULT DBDIR: %r' % dbdir) return dbdir
[docs]def get_workdir(allow_gui=True): """ Returns the work directory set for this computer. If allow_gui is true, a dialog will ask a user to specify the workdir if it does not exist. python -c "import ibeis; print(ibeis.get_workdir())" Args: allow_gui (bool): (default = True) Returns: str: work_dir CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-get_workdir Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> allow_gui = True >>> work_dir = get_workdir(allow_gui) >>> result = ('work_dir = %s' % (str(work_dir),)) >>> print(result) """ work_dir = _ibeis_cache_read(WORKDIR_CACHEID, default='.') if work_dir is not '.' and exists(work_dir): return work_dir if allow_gui: work_dir = set_workdir() return get_workdir(allow_gui=False) return None
ALLOW_GUI = ut.WIN32 or os.environ.get('DISPLAY', None) is not None
[docs]def set_workdir(work_dir=None, allow_gui=ALLOW_GUI): """ Sets the workdirectory for this computer Args: work_dir (None): (default = None) allow_gui (bool): (default = True) CommandLine: python -c "import ibeis; ibeis.sysres.set_workdir('/raid/work2')" python -c "import ibeis; ibeis.sysres.set_workdir('/raid/work')" python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-set_workdir --workdir Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> print('current_work_dir = %s' % (str(get_workdir(False)),)) >>> work_dir = ut.get_argval('--workdir', type_=str, default=None) >>> allow_gui = True >>> result = set_workdir(work_dir, allow_gui) """ if work_dir is None: if allow_gui: try: work_dir = guiselect_workdir() except ImportError: allow_gui = False if not allow_gui: work_dir = ut.truepath(input('specify a workdir: ')) if work_dir is None or not exists(work_dir): raise AssertionError('invalid workdir=%r' % work_dir) _ibeis_cache_write(WORKDIR_CACHEID, work_dir)
[docs]def set_logdir(log_dir): from os.path import realpath, expanduser log_dir = realpath(expanduser(log_dir)) ut.ensuredir(log_dir, verbose=True) ut.stop_logging() _ibeis_cache_write(LOGDIR_CACHEID, log_dir) ut.start_logging(appname=__APPNAME__)
[docs]def get_logdir(): return _ibeis_cache_read(LOGDIR_CACHEID, default=ut.get_logging_dir(appname='ibeis'))
[docs]def get_rawdir(): """ Returns the standard raw data directory """ workdir = get_workdir() rawdir = ut.truepath(join(workdir, '../raw')) return rawdir
[docs]def guiselect_workdir(): """ Prompts the user to specify a work directory """ import guitool guitool.ensure_qtapp() # Gui selection work_dir = guitool.select_directory('Select a work directory') # Make sure selection is ok if not exists(work_dir): try_again = guitool.user_option( paremt=None, msg='Directory %r does not exist.' % work_dir, title='get work dir failed', options=['Try Again'], use_cache=False) if try_again == 'Try Again': return guiselect_workdir() return work_dir
[docs]def get_dbalias_dict(): dbalias_dict = {} if ut.is_developer(): # For jon's convinience dbalias_dict.update({ 'NAUTS': 'NAUT_Dan', 'WD': 'WD_Siva', 'LF': 'LF_all', 'GZ': 'GZ_ALL', 'MOTHERS': 'PZ_MOTHERS', 'FROGS': 'Frogs', 'TOADS': 'WY_Toads', 'SEALS_SPOTTED': 'Seals', 'OXFORD': 'Oxford_Buildings', 'PARIS': 'Paris_Buildings', 'JAG_KELLY': 'JAG_Kelly', 'JAG_KIERYN': 'JAG_Kieryn', 'WILDEBEAST': 'Wildebeast', 'WDOGS': 'WD_Siva', 'PZ': 'PZ_FlankHack', 'PZ2': 'PZ-Sweatwater', 'PZ_MARIANNE': 'PZ_Marianne', 'PZ_DANEXT_TEST': 'PZ_DanExt_Test', 'PZ_DANEXT_ALL': 'PZ_DanExt_All', 'LF_ALL': 'LF_all', 'WS_HARD': 'WS_hard', 'SONOGRAMS': 'sonograms', }) dbalias_dict['JAG'] = dbalias_dict['JAG_KELLY'] return dbalias_dict
[docs]def db_to_dbdir(db, allow_newdir=False, extra_workdirs=[], use_sync=False): """ Implicitly gets dbdir. Searches for db inside of workdir """ if ut.VERBOSE: print('[sysres] db_to_dbdir: db=%r, allow_newdir=%r' % (db, allow_newdir)) work_dir = get_workdir() dbalias_dict = get_dbalias_dict() workdir_list = [] for extra_dir in extra_workdirs: if exists(extra_dir): workdir_list.append(extra_dir) if use_sync: sync_dir = join(work_dir, '../sync') if exists(sync_dir): workdir_list.append(sync_dir) workdir_list.append(work_dir) # TODO: Allow multiple workdirs # Check all of your work directories for the database for _dir in workdir_list: dbdir = realpath(join(_dir, db)) # Use db aliases if not exists(dbdir) and db.upper() in dbalias_dict: dbdir = join(_dir, dbalias_dict[db.upper()]) if exists(dbdir): break # Create the database if newdbs are allowed in the workdir #print('allow_newdir=%r' % allow_newdir) if allow_newdir: ut.ensuredir(dbdir, verbose=True) # Complain if the implicit dbdir does not exist if not exists(dbdir): print('!!!') print('[sysres] WARNING: db=%r not found in work_dir=%r' % (db, work_dir)) fname_list = os.listdir(work_dir) lower_list = [fname.lower() for fname in fname_list] index = util_list.listfind(lower_list, db.lower()) if index is not None: print('[sysres] WARNING: db capitalization seems to be off') if not ut.STRICT: print('[sysres] attempting to fix it') db = fname_list[index] dbdir = join(work_dir, db) print('[sysres] dbdir=%r' % dbdir) print('[sysres] db=%r' % db) if not exists(dbdir): msg = '[sysres!] ERROR: Database does not exist and allow_newdir=False' print('<!!!>') print(msg) print('[sysres!] Here is a list of valid dbs: ' + ut.indentjoin(sorted(fname_list), '\n * ')) print('[sysres!] dbdir=%r' % dbdir) print('[sysres!] db=%r' % db) print('[sysres!] work_dir=%r' % work_dir) print('</!!!>') raise AssertionError(msg) print('!!!') return dbdir
[docs]def get_args_dbdir(defaultdb=None, allow_newdir=False, db=None, dbdir=None, cache_priority=False): """ Machinery for finding a database directory such a hacky function with bad coding. Needs to just return a database dir and use the following priority dbdir, db, cache, something like that... """ if not ut.QUIET and ut.VERBOSE: print('[sysres] get_args_dbdir: parsing commandline for dbdir') print('[sysres] defaultdb=%r, allow_newdir=%r, cache_priority=%r' % (defaultdb, allow_newdir, cache_priority)) print('[sysres] db=%r, dbdir=%r' % (db, dbdir)) if ut.get_argflag('--nodbcache'): return dbdir def _db_arg_priorty(dbdir_, db_): invalid = ['', ' ', '.', 'None'] # Invalidate bad db's if dbdir_ in invalid: dbdir_ = None if db_ in invalid: db_ = None # Return values with a priority if dbdir_ is not None: return realpath(dbdir_) if db_ is not None: return db_to_dbdir(db_, allow_newdir=allow_newdir) return None if not cache_priority: # Check function's passed args dbdir = _db_arg_priorty(dbdir, db) if dbdir is not None: return dbdir # Get command line args dbdir = params.args.dbdir db = params.args.db # TODO; use these instead of params #ut.get_argval('--dbdir', return_was_specified=True)) #ut.get_argval('--db', return_was_specified=True) # Check command line passed args dbdir = _db_arg_priorty(dbdir, db) if dbdir is not None: return dbdir # Return cached database directory if defaultdb == 'cache': return get_default_dbdir() else: return db_to_dbdir(defaultdb, allow_newdir=allow_newdir)
[docs]def resolve_dbdir2(defaultdb=None, allow_newdir=False, db=None, dbdir=None): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-resolve_dbdir2 --db PZ_MTEST python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-resolve_dbdir2 --db None python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-resolve_dbdir2 --dbdir None Args: defaultdb (None): (default = None) allow_newdir (bool): (default = False) db (None): (default = None) dbdir (None): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-resolve_dbdir2 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> defaultdb = 'cache' >>> allow_newdir = False >>> dbdir_ = resolve_dbdir2(defaultdb) >>> result = ('dbdir_ = %r' % (dbdir_,)) >>> print(result) """ invalid = ['', ' ', '.', 'None'] if db in invalid: db = None if dbdir in invalid: dbdir = None db, db_specified = ut.get_argval( '--db', type_=str, default=db, return_was_specified=True) dbdir, dbdir_specified = ut.get_argval( '--dbdir', type_=str, default=dbdir, return_was_specified=True) dbdir_flag = dbdir_specified or dbdir is not None db_flag = db_specified or db is not None if dbdir_flag: # Priority 1 dbdir_ = realpath(dbdir) elif db_flag: # Priority 2 dbdir_ = db_to_dbdir(db, allow_newdir=allow_newdir) else: # Priority 3 if defaultdb == 'cache': dbdir_ = get_default_dbdir() else: dbdir_ = db_to_dbdir(defaultdb, allow_newdir=allow_newdir) return dbdir_
[docs]def is_ibeisdb(path): """ Checks to see if path contains the IBEIS internal dir """ return exists(join(path, const.PATH_NAMES._ibsdb))
[docs]def get_ibsdb_list(workdir=None): r""" Lists the available valid ibeis databases inside of a work directory Args: workdir (None): Returns: IBEISController: ibsdb_list - ibeis controller object CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --test-get_ibsdb_list Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> workdir = None >>> ibsdb_list = get_ibsdb_list(workdir) >>> result = str('\n'.join(ibsdb_list)) >>> print(result) """ import numpy as np if workdir is None: workdir = get_workdir() dbname_list = os.listdir(workdir) dbpath_list = np.array([join(workdir, name) for name in dbname_list]) is_ibs_list = np.array(list(map(is_ibeisdb, dbpath_list))) ibsdb_list = dbpath_list[is_ibs_list].tolist() return ibsdb_list
list_dbs = get_ibsdb_list get_available_databases = get_ibsdb_list
[docs]def ensure_wd_peter2(): """ publish to lev:Leviathan:/media/hdd/PUBLIC/databases Ignore: >>> # publish wd_peter2 to lev >>> from os.path import join, basename >>> dbdir = ut.truepath('~/work/wd_peter2') >>> dbname = basename(dbdir) >>> ibsdb_dpath = join(dbdir, '_ibsdb') >>> fpath_list = [] >>> fpath_list += ut.glob(ibsdb_dpath, '*sqlite*') >>> fpath_list +=, 'images')) >>> archive_name = dbname + '.zip' >>> ut.archive_files(archive_name, fpath_list, common_prefix=dbdir) >>> ut.rsync(archive_name, '') CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-ensure_wd_peter2 Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_wd_peter2() """ zipped_db_url = '' ensure_db_from_url(zipped_db_url)
[docs]def ensure_pz_mtest(): """ Ensures that you have the PZ_MTEST dataset CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --exec-ensure_pz_mtest python -m ibeis --tf ensure_pz_mtest Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest() """ print('ensure_pz_mtest') from ibeis import sysres workdir = sysres.get_workdir() mtest_zipped_url = const.ZIPPED_URLS.PZ_MTEST mtest_dir = ut.grab_zipped_url(mtest_zipped_url, ensure=True, download_dir=workdir) print('have mtest_dir=%r' % (mtest_dir,)) # update the the newest database version import ibeis ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MTEST') print('cleaning up old database and ensureing everything is properly computed') ibs.db.vacuum() valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() assert len(valid_aids) == 119 ibs.update_annot_semantic_uuids(valid_aids) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: ibs.print_annotation_table() nid = ibs.get_name_rowids_from_text('', ensure=False) if nid is not None: ibs.set_name_texts([nid], ['lostname']) # Remove old imagesets and update to new special ones all_imgset_ids = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() special_imgset_ids = ibs.get_special_imgsetids() other_imgset_ids = ut.setdiff(all_imgset_ids, special_imgset_ids) ibs.delete_imagesets(other_imgset_ids) ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint() ibs.update_all_image_special_imageset() occurrence_gids = [2, 9, 12, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 90, 96, 97, 103, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113] other_gids = ut.setdiff(ibs.get_valid_gids(), occurrence_gids) other_gids1 = other_gids[0::2] other_gids2 = other_gids[1::2] ibs.set_image_imagesettext(occurrence_gids, ['Occurrence 1'] * len(occurrence_gids)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids1, ['Occurrence 2'] * len(other_gids1)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids2, ['Occurrence 3'] * len(other_gids2)) # hack in some tags print('Hacking in some tags') foal_aids = [4, 8, 15, 21, 28, 34, 38, 41, 45, 49, 51, 56, 60, 66, 69, 74, 80, 83, 91, 97, 103, 107, 109, 119] mother_aids = [9, 16, 35, 42, 52, 57, 61, 67, 75, 84, 98, 104, 108, 114] ibs.append_annot_case_tags(foal_aids, ['foal'] * len(foal_aids)) ibs.append_annot_case_tags(mother_aids, ['mother'] * len(mother_aids))
[docs]def copy_ibeisdb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir): # TODO; rectify with rsycn script from os.path import normpath import ibeis exclude_dirs = [ut.ensure_unixslash(normpath(rel)) for rel in ibeis.const.EXCLUDE_COPY_REL_DIRS + ['_hsdb', '.hs_internals']] rel_tocopy = ut.glob(source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=True, with_dirs=False, fullpath=False) rel_tocopy_dirs = ut.glob(source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=False, with_dirs=True, fullpath=False) src_list = [join(source_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] dst_list = [join(dest_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] # ensure directories exist rel_tocopy_dirs = [dest_dbdir] + [join(dest_dbdir, dpath_) for dpath_ in rel_tocopy_dirs] for dpath in rel_tocopy_dirs: ut.ensuredir(dpath) # copy files ut.copy(src_list, dst_list)
[docs]def ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test python -m ibeis.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test --reset python -m ibeis.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test --reset Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test() """ import ibeis ibeis.ensure_pz_mtest() workdir = ibeis.sysres.get_workdir() mtest_dbpath = join(workdir, 'PZ_MTEST') source_dbdir = mtest_dbpath dest_dbdir = join(workdir, 'PZ_BATCH_WORKFLOW_MTEST') if ut.get_argflag('--reset'): ut.delete(dest_dbdir) if ut.checkpath(dest_dbdir): return else: copy_ibeisdb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir) ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_BATCH_WORKFLOW_MTEST') assert len(ibs.get_valid_aids()) == 119 assert len(ibs.get_valid_nids()) == 41 ibs.delete_all_imagesets() aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() unixtime_list = ibs.get_annot_image_unixtimes(aid_list) untimed_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, [t == -1 for t in unixtime_list]) ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(untimed_aids, aid_list) aids_list, nid_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aid_list) hourdiffs_list = ibs.get_name_hourdiffs(nid_list) imageset_aids_list = [[] for _ in range(4)] imageset_idx = 0 for hourdiffs, aids in zip(hourdiffs_list, aids_list): #import scipy.spatial.distance as spdist if len(aids) == 1: imageset_aids_list[imageset_idx].extend(aids) imageset_idx = (imageset_idx + 1) % len(imageset_aids_list) else: for chunk in list(ut.ichunks(aids, 2)): imageset_aids_list[imageset_idx].extend(chunk) imageset_idx = (imageset_idx + 1) % len(imageset_aids_list) #import vtool as vt #import networkx as netx #nodes = list(range(len(aids))) #edges_pairs = vt.pdist_argsort(hourdiffs) #edge_weights = -hourdiffs[hourdiffs.argsort()] #netx_graph = make_netx_graph(edges_pairs, nodes, edge_weights) #cut_edges = netx.minimum_edge_cut(netx_graph) #netx_graph.remove_edges_from(cut_edges) #components = list(netx.connected_components(netx_graph)) #components = ut.sortedby(components, list(map(len, components)), reverse=True) #print(components) #imageset_aids_list[0].extend(components[0]) #for compoment in components: # TODO do max-nway cut #day_diffs = spdist.squareform(hourdiffs) / 24.0 #print(ut.numpy_str(day_diffs, precision=2, suppress_small=True)) #import itertools #compare_idxs = [(r, c) for r, c in itertools.product(range(len(aids)), range(len(aids))) if (c > r)] #print(len(aids)) #def make_netx_graph(edges_pairs, nodes=None, edge_weights=None): # import networkx as netx # node_lbls = [('id_', 'int')] # edge_lbls = [('weight', 'float')] # edges = [(pair[0], pair[1], weight) for pair, weight in zip(edges_pairs, edge_weights)] # print('make_netx_graph') # # Make a graph between the chips # netx_nodes = [(ntup[0], {key[0]: val for (key, val) in zip(node_lbls, ntup[1:])}) # for ntup in iter(zip(nodes))] # netx_edges = [(etup[0], etup[1], {key[0]: val for (key, val) in zip(edge_lbls, etup[2:])}) # for etup in iter(edges)] # netx_graph = netx.Graph() # netx_graph.add_nodes_from(netx_nodes) # netx_graph.add_edges_from(netx_edges) # return netx_graph # Group into imagesets based on old names gids_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_image_rowids, imageset_aids_list) imgsetid_list = ibs.new_imagesets_from_images(gids_list) # NOQA # Remove all names ibs.delete_annot_nids(aid_list)
[docs]def ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test(): r""" Make a test database for MERGE and SPLIT cases CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from ibeis.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test() """ import ibeis ibeis.ensure_pz_mtest() workdir = ibeis.sysres.get_workdir() mtest_dbpath = join(workdir, 'PZ_MTEST') source_dbdir = mtest_dbpath dest_dbdir = join(workdir, 'PZ_MERGESPLIT_MTEST') if ut.get_argflag('--reset'): ut.delete(dest_dbdir) if ut.checkpath(dest_dbdir): return copy_ibeisdb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir) ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_MERGESPLIT_MTEST') assert len(ibs.get_valid_aids()) == 119 assert len(ibs.get_valid_nids()) == 41 aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() aids_list, nid_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aid_list) num_aids = list(map(len, aids_list)) # num cases wanted num_merge = 3 num_split = 1 num_combo = 1 # num inputs needed num_merge_names = num_merge num_split_names = num_split * 2 num_combo_names = num_combo * 3 total_names = num_merge_names + num_split_names + num_combo_names modify_aids = ut.take(aids_list, ut.list_argsort(num_aids, reverse=True)[0:total_names]) merge_nids1 = ibs.make_next_nids(num_merge, location_text='XMERGE') merge_nids2 = ibs.make_next_nids(num_merge, location_text='XMERGE') split_nid = ibs.make_next_nids(num_split, location_text='XSPLIT')[0] combo_nids = ibs.make_next_nids(num_combo * 2, location_text='XCOMBO') # the first 3 become merge cases #left = 0 #right = left + num_merge for aids, nid1, nid2 in zip(modify_aids[0:3], merge_nids1, merge_nids2): #ibs.get_annot_nids(aids) aids_ = aids[::2] ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_, [nid1] * len(aids_)) ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_, [nid2] * len(aids_)) # the next 2 become split cases #left = right #right = left + num_split_names for aids in modify_aids[3:5]: ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids, [split_nid] * len(aids)) #left = right #right = left + num_combo_names # The final 3 are a combination case for aids in modify_aids[5:8]: aids_even = aids[::2] aids_odd = aids[1::2] ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_even, [combo_nids[0]] * len(aids_even)) ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_odd, [combo_nids[1]] * len(aids_odd)) final_result = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_nids, modify_aids) print('final_result = %s' % (ut.list_str(final_result),))
[docs]def ensure_wilddogs(): """ Ensures that you have the NAUT_test dataset """ ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.WDS)
[docs]def ensure_nauts(): """ Ensures that you have the NAUT_test dataset """ ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.NAUTS)
[docs]def ensure_testdb2(): """ SeeAlso ibeis.init.sysres """ zipped_db_url = '' ensure_db_from_url(zipped_db_url)
[docs]def ensure_db_from_url(zipped_db_url): """ SeeAlso ibeis.init.sysres """ from ibeis import sysres workdir = sysres.get_workdir() dbdir = ut.grab_zipped_url(zipped_url=zipped_db_url, ensure=True, download_dir=workdir) print('have %s=%r' % (zipped_db_url, dbdir,))
[docs]def get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir(ensure=True): resource_dir = get_ibeis_resource_dir() global_distinctdir = join(resource_dir, const.PATH_NAMES.distinctdir) if ensure: ut.ensuredir(global_distinctdir) return global_distinctdir
[docs]def grab_example_smart_xml_fpath(): """ Gets smart example xml CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres --test-grab_example_smart_xml_fpath Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> import ibeis >>> import os >>> smart_xml_fpath = ibeis.sysres.grab_example_smart_xml_fpath() >>> os.system('gvim ' + smart_xml_fpath) >>> #ut.editfile(smart_xml_fpath) """ smart_xml_url = '' smart_sml_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(smart_xml_url, ensure=True, appname='ibeis') return smart_sml_fpath
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.init.sysres python -m ibeis.init.sysres --allexamples python -m ibeis.init.sysres --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()