Source code for ibeis.model.Config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Algorithm and behavior configurations are stored here.  These classes are based
off of the utool.Preference.Pref class which really needs a good overhaul

Flat definitions? Then link dependencies?
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool as ut
import six
import copy
from os.path import join
from os.path import splitext
from six.moves import zip, map, range, filter  # NOQA
from ibeis import constants as const
from utool._internal.meta_util_six import get_funcname
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[cfg]')

#ConfigBase = ut.DynStruct
#ConfigBase = object
ConfigBase = ut.Pref

[docs]def parse_config_items(cfg): """ Recursively extracts key, val pairs from Config objects into a flat list. (there must not be name conflicts) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> cfg = ibs.cfg.query_cfg >>> param_list = parse_config_items(cfg) """ import ibeis param_list = [] seen = set([]) for item in cfg.items(): key, val = item if isinstance(val, ibeis.model.Config.ConfigBase): child_cfg = val param_list.extend(parse_config_items(child_cfg)) #print(key) pass elif key.startswith('_'): #print(key) pass else: if key in seen: print('[Config] WARNING: key=%r appears more than once' % (key,)) seen.add(key) param_list.append(item) #print(key) return param_list
[docs]def make_config_metaclass(): """ Creates a metaclass for Config objects that automates some of the more tedious functions to write Like: get_cfgstr and the comparison methods Example: from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA @six.add_metaclass(ConfigMetaclass) class FooConfig(ConfigBase): def __init__(cfg): super(FooConfig, cfg).__init__(name='FooConfig') cfg.initialize_params() def get_param_info_list(cfg): return [ ut.ParamInfo('x', 'y'), ut.ParamInfo('z', 3), ] cfg = FooConfig() print(cfg.get_cfgstr(ignore_keys=['x'])) print(cfg.get_cfgstr(ignore_keys=[])) cfg = GenericConfig() cfg.x = 'y' """ methods_list = ut.get_comparison_methods() # Decorator for functions that we will inject into our metaclass def _register(func): methods_list.append(func) return func @_register def get_cfgstr_list(cfg, ignore_keys=None, **kwargs): """ default get_cfgstr_list, can be overrided by a config object """ if hasattr(cfg, 'get_param_info_list'): if ignore_keys is not None: itemstr_list = [pi.get_itemstr(cfg) for pi in cfg.get_param_info_list() if pi.varname not in ignore_keys] else: itemstr_list = [pi.get_itemstr(cfg) for pi in cfg.get_param_info_list()] else: item_list = parse_config_items(cfg) if ignore_keys is not None: itemstr_list = [key + '=' + str(val) for key, val in item_list] else: itemstr_list = [key + '=' + str(val) for key, val in item_list if key not in ignore_keys] filtered_itemstr_list = list(filter(len, itemstr_list)) config_name = cfg.get_config_name() body = ','.join(filtered_itemstr_list) cfgstr = ''.join(['_', config_name, '(', body, ')']) return cfgstr @_register def initialize_params(cfg): """ Initializes config class attributes based on params info list """ for pi in cfg.get_param_info_list(): setattr(cfg, pi.varname, pi.default) @_register def parse_items(cfg, **kwargs): return parse_config_items(cfg) @_register def get_config_name(cfg, **kwargs): """ the user might want to overwrite this function """ class_str = str(cfg.__class__) full_class_str = class_str.replace('<class \'', '').replace('\'>', '') config_name = splitext(full_class_str)[1][1:].replace('Config', '') return config_name #return 'METACONFIG' @_register def __hash__(cfg): """ Needed for comparison operators """ return hash(cfg.get_cfgstr()) @_register def get_cfgstr(cfg, **kwargs): return ''.join(cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs)) class ConfigMetaclass(type): """ Defines extra methods for Configs """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): """ cls - meta name - classname supers - bases dct - class dictionary """ #assert 'get_cfgstr_list' in dct, 'must have defined get_cfgstr_list. name=%r' % (name,) # Inject registered function for func in methods_list: if get_funcname(func) not in dct: funcname = get_funcname(func) dct[funcname] = func else: funcname = get_funcname(func) dct['meta_' + funcname] = func #ut.inject_func_as_method(metaself, func) return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) return ConfigMetaclass
ConfigMetaclass = make_config_metaclass() @six.add_metaclass(ConfigMetaclass)
[docs]class GenericConfig(ConfigBase): def __init__(cfg, *args, **kwargs): super(GenericConfig, cfg).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #def get_cfgstr_list(cfg, **kwargs): # #raise NotImplementedError('abstract') # item_list = parse_config_items(cfg) # return ['GENERIC(' + ','.join([key + '=' + str(val) for key, val in item_list]) + ')'] # #return ['unimplemented'] # #pass #@abstract(): #def get_cfgstr_list(cfg, **kwargs):
[docs]class NNConfig(ConfigBase): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --exec-NNConfig Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> nn_cfg = NNConfig() >>> result = nn_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(result) """ def __init__(nn_cfg, **kwargs): super(NNConfig, nn_cfg).__init__() if True: nn_cfg.initialize_params() else: nn_cfg.K = 4 nn_cfg.use_k_padding = False # TODO: force to false when in vsone #nn_cfg.min_reindex_thresh = 3 # 200 # number of annots before a new multi-indexer is built #nn_cfg.index_method = 'multi' nn_cfg.index_method = 'single' nn_cfg.Knorm = 1 nn_cfg.checks = 800 nn_cfg.normalizer_rule = ['last', 'name'][0] nn_cfg.min_reindex_thresh = 200 # number of annots before a new multi-indexer is built nn_cfg.max_subindexers = 2 # number of annots before a new multi-indexer is built nn_cfg.valid_index_methods = ['single', 'multi', 'name'] nn_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_feasible(nn_cfg): # normalizer rule depends on Knorm assert nn_cfg.index_method in nn_cfg.valid_index_methods #if isinstance(nn_cfg.Knorm, int) and nn_cfg.Knorm == 1: # nn_cfg.normalizer_rule = 'last' #def get_cfgstr_list(nn_cfg, **kwargs): # nn_cfgstr = ['_NN(', # nn_cfg.index_method, # ',K', str(nn_cfg.K), # '+', str(nn_cfg.Knorm), # ',padk=%r' % (nn_cfg.use_k_padding), # ',', nn_cfg.normalizer_rule, # ',cks', str(nn_cfg.checks), # ')'] # return nn_cfgstr
[docs] def get_param_info_list(rrvsone_cfg): # new way to try and specify config options. # not sure if i like it yet param_info_list = ut.flatten([ [ ut.ParamInfo('index_method', 'single', ''), ut.ParamInfo('K', 4, type_=int), ut.ParamInfo('Knorm', 1, 'Kn='), ut.ParamInfo('use_k_padding', False, 'padk='), #ut.ParamInfo('normalizer_rule', 'last', ''), ut.ParamInfo('checks', 800, 'cks', type_=int), #ut.ParamInfo('ratio_thresh', None, type_=float, hideif=None), ], ]) return param_info_list
[docs]class SpatialVerifyConfig(ConfigBase): """ Spatial verification """ def __init__(sv_cfg, **kwargs): super(SpatialVerifyConfig, sv_cfg).__init__(name='sv_cfg') tau = 6.28 # 318530 sv_cfg.sv_on = True sv_cfg.xy_thresh = .01 sv_cfg.scale_thresh = 2.0 sv_cfg.ori_thresh = tau / 4.0 sv_cfg.min_nInliers = 4 sv_cfg.full_homog_checks = True sv_cfg.nNameShortlistSVER = 50 sv_cfg.nAnnotPerNameSVER = 6 #sv_cfg.prescore_method = 'csum' sv_cfg.prescore_method = 'nsum' sv_cfg.use_chip_extent = True # BAD CONFIG? sv_cfg.sver_output_weighting = False # weight feature scores with sver errors sv_cfg.refine_method = 'homog' sv_cfg.weight_inliers = True # weight feature scores with sver errors sv_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(sv_cfg, **kwargs): if not sv_cfg.sv_on or sv_cfg.xy_thresh is None: return ['_SV(OFF)'] thresh_tup = (sv_cfg.xy_thresh, sv_cfg.scale_thresh, sv_cfg.ori_thresh) thresh_str = ut.remove_chars(str(thresh_tup), ' ()').replace(',', ';') sv_cfgstr = [ '_SV(', thresh_str, 'minIn=%d,' % (sv_cfg.min_nInliers,), 'nNRR=%d,' % (sv_cfg.nNameShortlistSVER,), 'nARR=%d,' % (sv_cfg.nAnnotPerNameSVER,), sv_cfg.prescore_method, ',', 'cdl,' * sv_cfg.use_chip_extent, # chip diag len '+ow,' * sv_cfg.sver_output_weighting, # chip diag len '+wi,' * sv_cfg.weight_inliers, # chip diag len '+fc,' * sv_cfg.full_homog_checks, ] if sv_cfg.refine_method != 'homog': sv_cfgstr += [sv_cfg.refine_method] sv_cfgstr += [ ')', ] return sv_cfgstr
[docs]class AggregateConfig(ConfigBase): """ Old Agg Cfg """ def __init__(agg_cfg, **kwargs): super(AggregateConfig, agg_cfg).__init__(name='agg_cfg') # chipsum, namesum, placketluce #agg_cfg.score_method = 'csum' agg_cfg.score_method = 'nsum' agg_cfg.score_normalization = False #agg_cfg.score_normalization = True alt_methods = { 'topk': 'topk', 'borda': 'borda', 'placketluce': 'pl', 'chipsum': 'csum', 'namesum': 'nsum', 'coverage': 'coverage', } # For Placket-Luce agg_cfg.max_alts = 50 #----- # User update agg_cfg.update(**kwargs) # --- key = agg_cfg.score_method.lower() # Use w as a toggle for weighted mode # Sanatize the scoring method if key in alt_methods: agg_cfg.score_method = alt_methods[key]
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(agg_cfg, **kwargs): agg_cfgstr = [] agg_cfgstr.append('_AGG(') agg_cfgstr.append(agg_cfg.score_method) if agg_cfg.score_method == 'pl': agg_cfgstr.append(',%d' % (agg_cfg.max_alts,)) if agg_cfg.score_normalization: agg_cfgstr.append(',norm') agg_cfgstr.append(')') return agg_cfgstr
[docs]class FlannConfig(ConfigBase): """ this flann is only for neareset neighbors in vsone/many TODO: this might not need to be here, should be part of neighbor config References: """ def __init__(flann_cfg, **kwargs): super(FlannConfig, flann_cfg).__init__(name='flann_cfg') #General Params flann_cfg.algorithm = 'kdtree' # linear flann_cfg.flann_cores = 0 # doesnt change config, just speed # KDTree params flann_cfg.trees = 8 # KMeansTree params flann_cfg.iterations = 11 flann_cfg.centers_init = 'random' flann_cfg.cb_index = .4 flann_cfg.branching = 64 flann_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_flann_params(flann_cfg): flann_params = dict( algorithm=flann_cfg.algorithm, trees=flann_cfg.trees, cores=flann_cfg.flann_cores, ) return flann_params
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(flann_cfg, **kwargs): flann_cfgstrs = ['_FLANN('] if flann_cfg.algorithm == 'kdtree': flann_cfgstrs += ['%d_kdtrees' % flann_cfg.trees] elif flann_cfg.algorithm == 'kdtree': flann_cfgstrs += [ '%s_' % flann_cfg.algorithm, 'iter=%s_' % flann_cfg.iterations, 'cb=%s_' % flann_cfg.cb_index, 'branch=%s' % flann_cfg.branching, ] elif flann_cfg.algorithm == 'linear': flann_cfgstrs += ['%s' % flann_cfg.algorithm] else: flann_cfgstrs += ['%s' % flann_cfg.algorithm] #flann_cfgstrs += ['checks=%r' % flann_cfg.checks] flann_cfgstrs += [')'] return flann_cfgstrs
[docs]class SMKConfig(ConfigBase): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> smk_cfg = SMKConfig() >>> result1 = smk_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(result1) Example2: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> smk_cfg = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.smk_cfg >>> smk_cfg.printme3() """ def __init__(smk_cfg, **kwargs): super(SMKConfig, smk_cfg).__init__(name='smk_cfg') smk_cfg.smk_thresh = 0.0 # tau in the paper smk_cfg.smk_alpha = 3.0 smk_cfg.smk_aggregate = False # TODO Separate into vocab config smk_cfg._valid_vocab_weighting = ['idf', 'negentropy'] smk_cfg.vocab_weighting = 'idf' smk_cfg.allow_self_match = False smk_cfg.vocabtrain_cfg = VocabTrainConfig(**kwargs) smk_cfg.vocabassign_cfg = VocabAssignConfig(**kwargs) smk_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_feasible(smk_cfg): hasvalid_weighting = any([ smk_cfg.vocab_weighting == x for x in smk_cfg._valid_vocab_weighting]) assert hasvalid_weighting, 'invalid vocab weighting %r' % smk_cfg.vocab_weighting
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(smk_cfg, **kwargs): smk_cfgstr_list = [ '_SMK(', 'agg=', str(smk_cfg.smk_aggregate), ',t=', str(smk_cfg.smk_thresh), ',a=', str(smk_cfg.smk_alpha), ',SelfOk' if smk_cfg.allow_self_match else '', ',%s' % smk_cfg.vocab_weighting, ')', ] smk_cfgstr_list.extend(smk_cfg.vocabassign_cfg.get_cfgstr_list()) smk_cfgstr_list.extend(smk_cfg.vocabtrain_cfg.get_cfgstr_list()) return smk_cfgstr_list
[docs]class VocabTrainConfig(ConfigBase): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> vocabtrain_cfg = VocabTrainConfig() >>> result = vocabtrain_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(result) """ def __init__(vocabtrain_cfg, **kwargs): super(VocabTrainConfig, vocabtrain_cfg).__init__(name='vocabtrain_cfg') vocabtrain_cfg.override_vocab = 'default' # Vocab vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_taids = 'all' # Vocab vocabtrain_cfg.nWords = int(8E3) # vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_init_method = 'akmeans++' vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_nIters = 128 vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_flann_params = dict(cores=0) # TODO: easy flann params cfgstr vocabtrain_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(vocabtrain_cfg, **kwargs): if vocabtrain_cfg.override_vocab == 'default': if isinstance(vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_taids, six.string_types): taids_cfgstr = 'taids=%s' % vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_taids else: taids_cfgstr = ut.hashstr_arr(vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_taids, 'taids', hashlen=8) vocabtrain_cfg_list = [ '_VocabTrain(', 'nWords=%d' % (vocabtrain_cfg.nWords,), ',init=', str(vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_init_method), ',nIters=%d,' % int(vocabtrain_cfg.vocab_nIters), taids_cfgstr, ')', ] else: vocabtrain_cfg_list = ['_VocabTrain(override=%s)' % (vocabtrain_cfg.override_vocab,)] return vocabtrain_cfg_list
[docs]class VocabAssignConfig(ConfigBase): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> vocabassign_cfg = VocabAssignConfig() >>> result = vocabassign_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(result) """ def __init__(vocabassign_cfg, **kwargs): super(VocabAssignConfig, vocabassign_cfg).__init__(name='vocabassign_cfg') vocabassign_cfg.nAssign = 10 # MultiAssignment vocabassign_cfg.massign_equal_weights = True vocabassign_cfg.massign_alpha = 1.2 vocabassign_cfg.massign_sigma = 80.0 vocabassign_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_feasible(vocabassign_cfg): assert vocabassign_cfg.nAssign > 0, 'cannot assign to nothing' if vocabassign_cfg.nAssign == 1: # No point to multiassign weights if nAssign is 1 vocabassign_cfg.massign_equal_weights = True if vocabassign_cfg.massign_equal_weights: # massign sigma makes no difference if there are equal weights vocabassign_cfg.massign_sigma = None
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(vocabassign_cfg, **kwargs): vocabassign_cfg_list = [ '_VocabAssign(', 'nAssign=', str(vocabassign_cfg.nAssign), ',a=', str(vocabassign_cfg.massign_alpha), ',s=', str(vocabassign_cfg.massign_sigma) if vocabassign_cfg.massign_equal_weights else '', ',eqw=T' if vocabassign_cfg.massign_equal_weights else ',eqw=F', ')', ] return vocabassign_cfg_list
[docs]class NNWeightConfig(ConfigBase): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --test-NNWeightConfig Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> cfg_list = [ ... NNWeightConfig(), ... NNWeightConfig(can_match_sameimg=True, can_match_samename=False), ... NNWeightConfig(ratio_thresh=.625, lnbnn_on=False) ... ] >>> result = '\n'.join([cfg.get_cfgstr() for cfg in cfg_list]) >>> print(result) _NNWeight(lnbnn,fg) _NNWeight(lnbnn,fg,sameimg,nosamename) _NNWeight(ratio_thresh=0.625,fg) """ def __init__(nnweight_cfg, **kwargs): super(NNWeightConfig, nnweight_cfg).__init__(name='nnweight_cfg') nnweight_cfg.initialize_params() nnweight_cfg.update(**kwargs) #def get_config_name(nnweight_cfg): # return 'NNWeight' #def make_feasible(nnweight_cfg): # # normalizer rule depends on Knorm # #if isinstance(nn_cfg.Knorm, int) and nn_cfg.Knorm == 1: # # nn_cfg.normalizer_rule = 'last'
[docs] def get_param_info_list(nnweight_cfg): # new way to try and specify config options. # not sure if i like it yet param_info_list = ut.flatten([ [ ut.ParamInfo('ratio_thresh', None, type_=float, hideif=None), ut.ParamInfoBool('lnbnn_on', True, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('const_on', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('borda_on', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('lograt_on', False, hideif=False), #ut.ParamInfoBool('loglnbnn_on', False, hideif=False), #ut.ParamInfoBool('logdist_on', False, hideif=False), #ut.ParamInfoBool('dist_on', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('normonly_on', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('bar_l2_on', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('cos_on', False, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('fg_on', True, hideif=False), ut.ParamInfo('normalizer_rule', 'last', ''), # ut.ParamInfoBool('can_match_sameimg', False, 'sameimg', hideif=False), ut.ParamInfoBool('can_match_samename', True, 'samename', hideif=True), ], ]) return param_info_list
[docs]class RerankVsOneConfig(ConfigBase): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --test-RerankVsOneConfig Example0: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> rrvsone_cfg = RerankVsOneConfig(rrvsone_on=True) >>> result = rrvsone_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> assert result.startswith('_RRVsOne(True,') Example1: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> rrvsone_cfg = RerankVsOneConfig(rrvsone_on=False) >>> result = rrvsone_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(result) _RRVsOne(False) """ def __init__(rrvsone_cfg, **kwargs): super(RerankVsOneConfig, rrvsone_cfg).__init__(name='rrvsone_cfg') rrvsone_cfg.initialize_params() rrvsone_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_config_name(rrvsone_cfg): return 'RRVsOne'
[docs] def get_param_info_list(rrvsone_cfg): from ibeis.model.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer from ibeis.model.hots import vsone_pipeline # new way to try and specify config options. # not sure if i like it yet param_info_list = ut.flatten([ [ ut.ParamInfo('rrvsone_on', False, ''), ], vsone_pipeline.OTHER_RRVSONE_PARAMS.aslist(), vsone_pipeline.SHORTLIST_DEFAULTS.aslist(), vsone_pipeline.COEFF_DEFAULTS.aslist(), vsone_pipeline.UNC_DEFAULTS.aslist(), vsone_pipeline.SCR_DEFAULTS.aslist(), vsone_pipeline.COVKPTS_DEFAULT.aslist( hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['covscore_on'] and cfg['maskscore_mode'] != 'kpts'), vsone_pipeline.COVGRID_DEFAULT.aslist( hideif=lambda cfg: cfg['covscore_on'] and cfg['maskscore_mode'] != 'grid'), distinctiveness_normalizer.DCVS_DEFAULT.aslist(), ]) return param_info_list
[docs] def get_constraint_func(): # TODO: def constraint_func(cfg): if cfg['rrvsone_on']: return False if cfg['use_gridcov_scoring'] and cfg['use_kptscov_scoring']: return False
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(rrvsone_cfg, **kwargs): if rrvsone_cfg.rrvsone_on: rrvsone_cfg_list = rrvsone_cfg.meta_get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) else: rrvsone_cfg_list = [ '_RRVsOne(', str(rrvsone_cfg.rrvsone_on), ')' ] return rrvsone_cfg_list
[docs]class QueryConfig(ConfigBase): """ query configuration parameters Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> cfg = ibs.cfg.query_cfg >>> cfgstr = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(cfgstr) """ def __init__(query_cfg, **kwargs): super(QueryConfig, query_cfg).__init__(name='query_cfg') query_cfg.nn_cfg = NNConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.nnweight_cfg = NNWeightConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.sv_cfg = SpatialVerifyConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.agg_cfg = AggregateConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.flann_cfg = FlannConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.smk_cfg = SMKConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.rrvsone_cfg = RerankVsOneConfig(**kwargs) # causes some bug in Preference widget if these don't have underscore query_cfg._featweight_cfg = FeatureWeightConfig(**kwargs) query_cfg.use_cache = False # Start of pipeline query_cfg._valid_pipeline_roots = ['vsmany', 'vsone', 'smk'] query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'vsmany' # <Hack Paramaters> query_cfg.with_metadata = False query_cfg.augment_queryside_hack = False query_cfg.return_expanded_nns = False # for hacky distinctivness query_cfg.use_external_distinctiveness = False # for distinctivness model query_cfg.codename = 'None' query_cfg.species_code = '____' # TODO: make use of this # </Hack Paramaters> #if ut.is_developer(): # query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'smk' # Depends on feature config query_cfg.update_query_cfg(**kwargs) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: print('[config] NEW QueryConfig')
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(query_cfg, **kwargs): # Ensure feasibility of the configuration query_cfg.make_feasible() # Build cfgstr cfgstr_list = ['_' + query_cfg.pipeline_root ] if str(query_cfg.pipeline_root) == 'smk': # SMK Parameters if kwargs.get('use_smk', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.smk_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('use_sv', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.sv_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) elif str(query_cfg.pipeline_root) == 'vsmany' or str(query_cfg.pipeline_root) == 'vsone': # Naive Bayes Parameters if kwargs.get('use_nn', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.nn_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('use_nnweight', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.nnweight_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('use_sv', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.sv_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('use_agg', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.agg_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('use_flann', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.flann_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if kwargs.get('use_rrvsone', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg.rrvsone_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) else: raise AssertionError('bad pipeline root: ' + str(query_cfg.pipeline_root)) if kwargs.get('use_featweight', True): cfgstr_list += query_cfg._featweight_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs) if query_cfg.augment_queryside_hack: # HACK cfgstr_list += ['_HACK(augment_queryside)'] return cfgstr_list
[docs] def update_query_cfg(query_cfg, **cfgdict): # Each config paramater should be unique # So updating them all should not cause conflicts # FIXME: Should be able to infer all the children that need updates # # apply codename before updating subconfigs query_cfg.apply_codename(cfgdict.get('codename', None)) # update subconfigs query_cfg.nn_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.nnweight_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.sv_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.agg_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.flann_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.smk_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.smk_cfg.vocabassign_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.smk_cfg.vocabtrain_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.rrvsone_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg._featweight_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg._chip_cfg.update(**cfgdict) query_cfg.update(**cfgdict) # Ensure feasibility of the configuration try: query_cfg.make_feasible() except AssertionError as ex: print(ut.dict_str(cfgdict, sorted_=True)) ut.printex(ex) raise
[docs] def apply_codename(query_cfg, codename=None): """ codenames denote mass changes to configurations it is a hacky solution to setting different parameter values all at once. """ if codename is None: codename = query_cfg.codename nnweight_cfg = query_cfg.nnweight_cfg nn_cfg = query_cfg.nn_cfg agg_cfg = query_cfg.agg_cfg if codename.startswith('csum') or codename.endswith('_csum'): raise NotImplementedError('codename nsum') if codename.startswith('nsum'): raise NotImplementedError('codename nsum') if codename.startswith('vsmany'): query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'vsmany' elif codename.startswith('vsone'): query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'vsone' nn_cfg.K = 1 nn_cfg.Knorm = 1 nnweight_cfg.lnbnn_on = False #nnweight_cfg.ratio_thresh = 1.6 if codename.endswith('_dist') or '_dist_' in codename: # no ratio use distance nnweight_cfg.ratio_thresh = None nnweight_cfg.dist_on = True else: nnweight_cfg.ratio_thresh = .625 if '_ratio' in codename: nnweight_cfg.ratio_thresh = .625 if '_extern_distinctiveness' in codename: query_cfg.use_external_distinctiveness = True if codename.startswith('vsone_unnorm'): agg_cfg.score_normalization = False elif codename.startswith('vsone_norm'): agg_cfg.score_normalization = True elif codename.startswith('asmk'): query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'asmk' elif codename.startswith('smk'): query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'smk' elif codename == 'None': pass
[docs] def make_feasible(query_cfg): try: query_cfg.make_feasible_() except AssertionError as ex: if ut.NOT_QUIET: query_cfg.printme3() ut.printex(ex, 'failed ot make feasible') raise
[docs] def make_feasible_(query_cfg): """ removes invalid parameter settings over all cfgs (move to QueryConfig) """ nnweight_cfg = query_cfg.nnweight_cfg nn_cfg = query_cfg.nn_cfg featweight_cfg = query_cfg._featweight_cfg #feat_cfg = query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg smk_cfg = query_cfg.smk_cfg vocabassign_cfg = query_cfg.smk_cfg.vocabassign_cfg agg_cfg = query_cfg.agg_cfg #sv_cfg = query_cfg.sv_cfg #assert sv_cfg.prescore_method == agg_cfg.score_method, 'cannot be different yet.' if agg_cfg.score_normalization and query_cfg.pipeline_root == 'vsmany': assert agg_cfg.score_method == 'nsum' if query_cfg.pipeline_root == 'asmk': query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'smk' smk_cfg.smk_aggregate = True hasvalid_root = any([ query_cfg.pipeline_root == root for root in query_cfg._valid_pipeline_roots]) try: assert hasvalid_root, 'invalid pipeline root %r' % query_cfg.pipeline_root except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex) if ut.SUPER_STRICT: raise else: query_cfg.pipeline_root = query_cfg._valid_pipeline_roots[0] pass # HACK if nnweight_cfg.fg_on is not True: featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled = False if featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled is not True: nnweight_cfg.fg_on = False vocabassign_cfg.make_feasible() smk_cfg.make_feasible() #nnweight_cfg.make_feasible() nn_cfg.make_feasible()
[docs] def deepcopy(query_cfg, **kwargs): copy_ = copy.deepcopy(query_cfg) copy_.update_query_cfg(**kwargs) return copy_
[docs]class FeatureWeightConfig(ConfigBase): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --exec-FeatureWeightConfig Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> featweight_cfg = FeatureWeightConfig(featweight_detector='rf', featweight_enabled=True) >>> result = featweight_cfg.get_cfgstr() >>> print(result) _FEATWEIGHT(ON,uselabel,rf)_FEAT(hesaff+sift_)_CHIP(sz450) _FEATWEIGHT(OFF)_FEAT(hesaff+sift_)_CHIP(sz450) """ def __init__(featweight_cfg, **kwargs): super(FeatureWeightConfig, featweight_cfg).__init__(name='featweight_cfg') # Featweights depend on features featweight_cfg._feat_cfg = FeatureConfig(**kwargs) # Feature weights depend on the detector, but we only need to mirror # some parameters because featweight_cfg should not use the detect_cfg # object #featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled = False featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled = True featweight_cfg.featweight_species = 'uselabel' #featweight_cfg.featweight_detector = 'rf' featweight_cfg.featweight_detector = 'cnn' featweight_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_feasible(featweight_cfg): #featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled = False pass
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(featweight_cfg, **kwargs): featweight_cfg.make_feasible() featweight_cfgstrs = [] if kwargs.get('use_featweight', True): if featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled is not True: if featweight_cfg.featweight_enabled == 'ERR': featweight_cfgstrs.extend(['_FEATWEIGHT(ERR)']) else: featweight_cfgstrs.extend(['_FEATWEIGHT(OFF)']) else: featweight_cfgstrs.extend([ '_FEATWEIGHT(ON', ',' + featweight_cfg.featweight_species, ',' + featweight_cfg.featweight_detector, ')']) featweight_cfgstrs.extend(featweight_cfg._feat_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs)) return featweight_cfgstrs
[docs]class FeatureConfig(ConfigBase): """ Feature configuration object. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --test-FeatureConfig Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model import Config # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> feat_cfg = Config.FeatureConfig() >>> result = (feat_cfg.get_cfgstr()) >>> print(result) _FEAT(hesaff+sift_)_CHIP(sz450) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model import Config # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> feat_cfg = Config.FeatureConfig(rotation_invariance=True) >>> result = (feat_cfg.get_cfgstr()) >>> print(result) _FEAT(hesaff+sift_rotation_invariance=True)_CHIP(sz450) _FEAT(hesaff+sift_nScal=3,thrsh=5.33,edggn=10.00,nIter=16,cnvrg=0.05,intlS=1.60)_CHIP(sz450) """ def __init__(feat_cfg, **kwargs): # Features depend on chips import pyhesaff super(FeatureConfig, feat_cfg).__init__(name='feat_cfg') feat_cfg._chip_cfg = ChipConfig(**kwargs) feat_cfg.feat_type = 'hesaff+sift' feat_cfg.bgmethod = None feat_cfg._param_list = list(six.iteritems(pyhesaff.get_hesaff_default_params())) for type_, name, default, doc in feat_cfg._iterparams(): setattr(feat_cfg, name, default) #feat_cfg.affine_invariance = False # 9001 # 80 #feat_cfg.rotation_invariance = True # 9001 # 80 """ # TODO: multiple features (lists of features to use) per-chip filtering based on decision (this probably should belong to chip cfg) optional mask """ feat_cfg.use_adaptive_scale = False # 9001 # 80 feat_cfg.nogravity_hack = False # 9001 # 80 feat_cfg.update(**kwargs) def _iterparams(feat_cfg): """ DEPRICATE """ for name, default in feat_cfg._param_list: type_ = None doc = None yield (type_, name, default, doc)
[docs] def get_hesaff_params(feat_cfg): dict_args = { name: feat_cfg[name] for type_, name, default, doc in feat_cfg._iterparams() } return dict_args
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(feat_cfg, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('use_feat', True): import pyhesaff feat_cfgstrs = ['_FEAT('] feat_cfgstrs += [feat_cfg.feat_type] #feat_cfgstrs += [',%r_%r' % (feat_cfg.scale_min, feat_cfg.scale_max)] feat_cfgstrs += [',adaptive'] * feat_cfg.use_adaptive_scale feat_cfgstrs += [',nogravity'] * feat_cfg.nogravity_hack if feat_cfg.bgmethod is not None: feat_cfgstrs += [',bg=%s' % (feat_cfg.bgmethod)] # TODO: Named Tuple alias = { 'numberOfScales': 'nScales', 'edgeEigValRat': 'EdgeEigvRat', 'maxIterations': 'nIter', } ignore = [] ignore_if_default = set(pyhesaff.get_hesaff_default_params().keys()) def _gen(): for param in feat_cfg._iterparams(): # a parameter is a type, name, default value, and docstring (type_, name, default, doc) = param if name in ignore: continue val = feat_cfg[name] if name in ignore_if_default and val == default: continue if isinstance(val, float): valstr = '%.2f' % val else: valstr = str(val) #namestr = ut.hashstr(alias.get(name, name), hashlen=6, # alphabet=ut.util_hash.ALPHABET_27) #namestr = ut.clipstr(alias.get(name, name), 5) namestr = alias.get(name, name) str_ = namestr + '=' + valstr yield str_ feat_cfgstrs.append('_' + ',' .join(list(_gen()))) feat_cfgstrs.append(')') else: feat_cfgstrs = [] feat_cfgstrs.extend(feat_cfg._chip_cfg.get_cfgstr_list(**kwargs)) return feat_cfgstrs #def get(self, key, *d): # """ get a paramater value by string # HUGE HACK. Makes it appear like the chip config string is part of the # dictionary of this item This is a monkey patch # """ # ERROR_ON_DEFAULT = True # if ERROR_ON_DEFAULT: # if key == 'feat_cfgstr': # return self.get_cfgstr() # elif key == 'feat_cfg_dict': # return self.to_dict() # else: # #return super(ConfigBase, self).__getitem(key) # return getattr(self, key) # else: # return getattr(self, key, *d)
[docs]class ChipConfig(ConfigBase): """ ChipConfig """ def __init__(cc_cfg, **kwargs): super(ChipConfig, cc_cfg).__init__(name='chip_cfg') cc_cfg.chip_sqrt_area = 450 cc_cfg.grabcut = False cc_cfg.histeq = False cc_cfg.adapteq = False cc_cfg.region_norm = False cc_cfg.rank_eq = False cc_cfg.local_eq = False cc_cfg.maxcontrast = False cc_cfg.chipfmt = '.png' cc_cfg.update(**kwargs) #def __getitem__(self, key): #def get(self, key, *d): # """ get a paramater value by string # HUGE HACK. Makes it appear like the chip config string is part of the # dictionary of this item This is a monkey patch # """ # ERROR_ON_DEFAULT = True # if ERROR_ON_DEFAULT: # if key == 'chip_cfgstr': # return self.get_cfgstr() # elif key == 'chip_cfg_dict': # return self.to_dict() # else: # #return super(ConfigBase, self).__getitem(key) # return getattr(self, key) # else: # return getattr(self, key, *d)
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(cc_cfg, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('use_chip', True): chip_cfgstr = [] #assert cc_cfg.chipfmt[0] == '.' chip_cfgstr += [cc_cfg.chipfmt[1:].lower()] * (cc_cfg.chipfmt != '.png') chip_cfgstr += ['histeq'] * cc_cfg.histeq chip_cfgstr += ['adapteq'] * cc_cfg.adapteq chip_cfgstr += ['grabcut'] * cc_cfg.grabcut chip_cfgstr += ['regnorm'] * cc_cfg.region_norm chip_cfgstr += ['rankeq'] * cc_cfg.rank_eq chip_cfgstr += ['localeq'] * cc_cfg.local_eq chip_cfgstr += ['maxcont'] * cc_cfg.maxcontrast isOrig = cc_cfg.chip_sqrt_area is None or cc_cfg.chip_sqrt_area <= 0 chip_cfgstr += ['szorig'] if isOrig else ['sz%r' % cc_cfg.chip_sqrt_area] chip_cfgstr_list = ['_CHIP(', (','.join(chip_cfgstr)), ')'] else: chip_cfgstr_list = [] return chip_cfgstr_list
[docs]class DetectionConfig(ConfigBase): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --test-DetectionConfig Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> detect_cfg = DetectionConfig() >>> result = (detect_cfg.get_cfgstr()) >>> print(result) _DETECT(rf,____,sz=800) """ def __init__(detect_cfg, **kwargs): super(DetectionConfig, detect_cfg).__init__(name='detect_cfg') #detect_cfg.species_text = const.Species.ZEB_GREVY detect_cfg.species_text = const.Species.UNKNOWN detect_cfg.detector = 'rf' # detect_cfg.scale_list = '1.3, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1' # detect_cfg.scale_list = '1.15, 1.0, 0.85, 0.7, 0.55, 0.4, 0.25, 0.10' detect_cfg.scale_list = '1.25, 1.0, 0.80, 0.65, 0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10' detect_cfg.trees_path = '' detect_cfg.detectimg_sqrt_area = 800 detect_cfg.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(detect_cfg): cfgstrs = ['_DETECT(', detect_cfg.detector, ',', detect_cfg.species_text, ',sz=%d' % (detect_cfg.detectimg_sqrt_area,), ')'] return cfgstrs
[docs]class EncounterConfig(ConfigBase): """ EncounterConfig """ valid_cluster_algos = ['meanshift', 'agglomerative'] def __init__(enc_cfg, **kwargs): super(EncounterConfig, enc_cfg).__init__(name='enc_cfg') enc_cfg.min_imgs_per_encounter = 1 #enc_cfg.cluster_algo = 'meanshift' # [agglomerative] enc_cfg.cluster_algo = 'agglomerative' enc_cfg.quantile = .01 # depends meanshift enc_cfg.seconds_thresh = 60 # depends agglomerative enc_cfg.use_gps = False
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(enc_cfg): enc_cfgstrs = [] if enc_cfg.cluster_algo == 'meanshift': enc_cfgstrs.append('ms') enc_cfgstrs.append('quant_%r' % enc_cfg.quantile) elif enc_cfg.cluster_algo == 'agglomerative': enc_cfgstrs.append('agg') enc_cfgstrs.append('sec_%r' % enc_cfg.seconds_thresh) if enc_cfg.use_gps: enc_cfgstrs.append('gps') enc_cfgstrs.append(str(enc_cfg.min_imgs_per_encounter)) return ['_ENC(', ','.join(enc_cfgstrs), ')']
[docs]class DisplayConfig(ConfigBase): """ DisplayConfig """ def __init__(display_cfg, **kwargs): super(DisplayConfig, display_cfg).__init__(name='display_cfg') display_cfg.N = 6 display_cfg.name_scoring = False display_cfg.showanalysis = False display_cfg.annotations = True display_cfg.vert = True # None display_cfg.show_results_in_image = False # None
[docs] def get_cfgstr_list(nn_cfg): raise NotImplementedError('abstract') return ['unimplemented']
[docs]class OtherConfig(ConfigBase): def __init__(other_cfg, **kwargs): super(OtherConfig, other_cfg).__init__(name='other_cfg') #other_cfg.thumb_size = 128 other_cfg.thumb_size = 221 other_cfg.thumb_bare_size = 700 other_cfg.ranks_lt = 2 other_cfg.auto_localize = True # maximum number of exemplars per name other_cfg.max_exemplars = 6 other_cfg.exemplars_per_view = 2 other_cfg.prioritized_subset_annots_per_name = 2 other_cfg.exemplar_distinctiveness_thresh = .95 other_cfg.detect_add_after = 1 # other_cfg.detect_use_chunks = True other_cfg.use_more_special_encounters = True other_cfg.location_for_names = 'IBEIS' #other_cfg.location_for_names = 'MUGU' other_cfg.smart_enabled = True other_cfg.enable_custom_filter = False other_cfg.hots_batch_size = 256 other_cfg.use_augmented_indexer = True other_cfg.show_shipped_encounters = ut.is_developer() other_cfg.update(**kwargs) #def get_cfgstr_list(nn_cfg): # raise NotImplementedError('abstract') # return ['unimplemented'] # Convinience
def __dict_default_func(dict_): # Sets keys only if they dont exist def set_key(key, val): if key not in dict_: dict_[key] = val return set_key
[docs]def default_vsone_cfg(ibs, **kwargs): # DEPRICATE kwargs['pipeline_root'] = 'vsone' ut.dict_update_newkeys(kwargs, { 'lnbnn_on': False, 'checks': 256, 'K': 1, 'Knorm': 1, 'ratio_thresh': .6666 # 1.5, }) query_cfg = QueryConfig(**kwargs) return query_cfg
[docs]def set_query_cfg(cfg, query_cfg): """ hack 12-30-2014 """ cfg.query_cfg = query_cfg cfg.featweight_cfg = cfg.query_cfg._featweight_cfg cfg.feat_cfg = cfg.query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg cfg.chip_cfg = cfg.query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg._chip_cfg
[docs]def update_query_config(cfg, **kwargs): """ hack 12-30-2014 """ cfg.query_cfg.update_query_cfg(**kwargs) cfg.featweight_cfg = cfg.query_cfg._featweight_cfg cfg.feat_cfg = cfg.query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg cfg.chip_cfg = cfg.query_cfg._featweight_cfg._feat_cfg._chip_cfg
[docs]def load_named_config(cfgname, dpath, use_config_cache=False, verbose=ut.VERBOSE and ut.NOT_QUIET): """ hack 12-30-2014 Args: cfgname (str): dpath (str): use_config_cache (bool): Returns: Config: cfg CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.Config --test-load_named_config Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.Config import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.Config import _default_config # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('PZ_Master0') >>> >>> # build test data >>> cfgname = 'zebra_plains' >>> dpath = ibs.get_dbdir() >>> use_config_cache = True >>> # execute function >>> cfg = load_named_config(cfgname, dpath, use_config_cache) >>> # >>> keys1 = ut.get_list_column(cfg.parse_items(), 0) >>> keys2 = ut.get_list_column(ibs.cfg.parse_items(), 0) >>> symdiff = set(keys1) ^ set(keys2) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(cfg) >>> print(result) """ if cfgname is None: # TODO: find last cfgname cfgname = 'cfg' fpath = join(dpath, cfgname) + '.cPkl' if verbose: print('[Config] loading named config fpath=%r' % (fpath,)) # Always a fresh object cfg = GenericConfig(cfgname, fpath=fpath) try: # Use pref cache if not use_config_cache: raise Exception('force config cache miss') # Get current "schema" tmp = _default_config(cfg, cfgname, new=True) current_itemset = tmp.parse_items() current_keyset = list(ut.get_list_column(current_itemset, 0)) # load saved preferences cfg.load() # Check if loaded schema has changed loaded_keyset = list(ut.get_list_column(cfg.parse_items(), 0)) missing_keys = set(current_keyset) - set(loaded_keyset) if len(missing_keys) != 0: # Bring over new values into old structure tmp.update(**dict(cfg.parse_items())) cfg = tmp #missing_vals = ut.dict_take(dict(current_itemset), missing_keys) #def find_cfgkey_parent(tmp, key): # subconfig_list = [] # for attr in dir(tmp): # if attr == key: # return tmp # child = getattr(tmp, attr) # if isinstance(child, ConfigBase): # subconfig_list.append(child) # for subconfig in subconfig_list: # found = find_cfgkey_parent(subconfig, key) # if found is not None: # return found #missing_parents = [find_cfgkey_parent(tmp, key) for key in missing_keys] #for parent, key, val in zip(missing_parents, missing_keys, missing_vals): # setattr(parent, key, val) # # TODO: Finishme update the out of data preferences # pass if verbose: print('[Config] successfully loaded config cfgname=%r' % (cfgname,)) except Exception as ex: if ut.VERBOSE: ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True) # Totally new completely default preferences cfg = _default_config(cfg, cfgname) # Hack in cfgname if verbose: print('[Config] hack in z_cfgname=%r' % (cfgname,)) cfg.z_cfgname = cfgname return cfg
def _default_config(cfg, cfgname=None, new=True): """ hack 12-30-2014 """ if ut.VERBOSE: print('[Config] building default config') if cfgname is None: cfgname = cfg.z_cfgname if new: fpath = cfg.get_fpath() cfg = GenericConfig(cfgname, fpath=fpath) cfg.z_cfgname = cfgname query_cfg = QueryConfig(pipeline_root='vsmany') set_query_cfg(cfg, query_cfg) cfg.enc_cfg = EncounterConfig() cfg.detect_cfg = DetectionConfig() cfg.other_cfg = OtherConfig() _default_named_config(cfg, cfgname) #if len(species_list) == 1: # # try to be intelligent about the default speceis # cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = species_list[0] return cfg def _default_named_config(cfg, cfgname): """ hack 12-30-2014 list default parameters per species """ if cfgname == 'cfg': cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = 'none' elif cfgname == const.Species.ZEB_PLAIN: cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = cfgname #speedup': 46.90769958496094, cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.algorithm = 'kdtree' cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.trees = 8 cfg.query_cfg.nn_cfg.checks = 704 #'algorithm': 'kdtree', #[dev.tune_flann] 'checks': 6656, #[dev.tune_flann] 'trees': 4, # Kmeans seems a bit more accurate #'algorithm': 'kmeans', #'branching': 16, #'cb_index': 0.6000000238418579, #'centers_init': 'random', #'checks': 18432, #'iterations': 1, #'leaf_max_size': 4, #'speedup': 65.54280090332031, #'target_precision': 0.9800000190734863, elif cfgname == const.Species.ZEB_GREVY: cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = cfgname #speedup': 224.7425994873047, cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.algorithm = 'kdtree' cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.trees = 4 cfg.query_cfg.nn_cfg.checks = 896 elif cfgname == const.Species.GIRAFFE: cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = cfgname cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.algorithm = 'kdtree' cfg.query_cfg.flann_cfg.trees = 8 cfg.query_cfg.nn_cfg.checks = 316 else: print('WARNING: UNKNOWN CFGNAME=%r' % (cfgname,)) if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -c "import utool, ibeis.model.Config; utool.doctest_funcs(ibeis.model.Config, allexamples=True)" python -c "import utool, ibeis.model.Config; utool.doctest_funcs(ibeis.model.Config)" python -m ibeis.model.Config python -m ibeis.model.Config --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()