Source code for ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool as ut
# Python
import six
from six.moves import zip, cPickle
from os.path import exists, split, join
from zipfile import error as BadZipFile  # Screwy naming convention.
import os
# Scientific
import numpy as np
from ibeis.model.hots import precision_recall
from ibeis.model.hots import chip_match
from ibeis.model.hots import name_scoring
from ibeis.model.hots import exceptions as hsexcept
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[QRes]', DEBUG=False)

#FORCE_LONGNAME = ut.get_argflag('--longname') or (not ut.WIN32 and not ut.get_argflag('--nolongname'))
MAX_FNAME_LEN = 64 if ut.WIN32 else 200
TRUNCATE_UUIDS = ut.get_argflag(('--truncate-uuids', '--trunc-uuids'))
#or ( ut.is_developer() and not ut.get_argflag(('--notruncate-uuids', '--notrunc-uuids')))
VERBOSE = ut.get_argflag(('--verbose-query-result', '--verb-qres')) or ut.VERBOSE

# Query Result Class

[docs]def qres_get_matching_keypoints(qres, ibs, aid2_list): # aid2 is a name. 2 != 2 to here aid1 = qres.qaid kpts1 = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid1) kpts2_list = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid2_list) matching_kpts_list = [] empty_fm = np.empty((0, 2)) for aid2, kpts2 in zip(aid2_list, kpts2_list): fm = qres.aid2_fm.get(aid2, empty_fm) if len(fm) == 0: continue kpts1_m = kpts1[fm.T[0]] kpts2_m = kpts2[fm.T[1]] kpts_match = (kpts1_m, kpts2_m) matching_kpts_list.append(kpts_match) return matching_kpts_list
[docs]def remove_corrupted_queries(qresdir, qres, dryrun=True): # This qres must be corrupted! cfgstr = qres.cfgstr hash_id = ut.hashstr(cfgstr) qres_dir = qresdir testres_dir = join(qresdir, '..', 'experiment_harness_results') ut.remove_files_in_dir(testres_dir, dryrun=dryrun) ut.remove_files_in_dir(qres_dir, '*' + cfgstr + '*', dryrun=dryrun) ut.remove_files_in_dir(qres_dir, '*' + hash_id + '*', dryrun=dryrun)
[docs]def query_result_fpath(qresdir, qaid, qauuid, cfgstr): fname = query_result_fname(qaid, qauuid, cfgstr) fpath = join(qresdir, fname) return fpath
[docs]def query_result_fname(qaid, qauuid, cfgstr, ext='.npz', hack27=False): """ Builds a filename for a queryresult Args: qaid (int): query annotation rowid qauuid (uuid.UUID): query annotation unique universal id cfgstr (str): query parameter configuration string ext (str): filetype extension """ import warnings warnings.warn('Should be using new chip_match structure') #fname_fmt = 'res_{cfgstr}_qaid={qaid}_qauuid={quuid}{ext}' fname_fmt = 'qaid={qaid}_res_{cfgstr}_quuid={quuid}{ext}' quuid_str = str(qauuid)[0:8] if TRUNCATE_UUIDS else str(qauuid) fmt_dict = dict(cfgstr=cfgstr, qaid=qaid, quuid=quuid_str, ext=ext) #fname = fname_fmt.format(**fmt_dict) fname = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['cfgstr'], max_len=MAX_FNAME_LEN, hack27=hack27) # condence the filename if it is too long (grumble grumble windows) #if (not FORCE_LONGNAME) and len(fname) > 64: #if len(fname) > MAX_FNAME_LEN: # hash_id = ut.hashstr(cfgstr) # fname = fname_fmt.format( # cfgstr=hash_id, qaid=qaid, quuid=quuid_str, ext=ext) return fname
def _qres_dicteq(aid2_xx1, aid2_xx2): """ Checks to see if qres dicts are the same """ try: for (aid1, xx1), (aid2, xx2) in zip(aid2_xx1.items(), aid2_xx2.items()): assert aid1 == aid2, 'key mismatch' if np.iterable(xx1): assert all([np.all(x1 == x2) for (x1, x2) in zip(xx1, xx2)]) else: assert xx1 == xx2 except AssertionError: return False return True __OBJECT_BASE__ = object # ut.util_dev.get_object_base()
[docs]def assert_qres(qres): def lenmap(iter_): return list(map(len, iter_)) try: fm_list = qres.get_fm_list() fk_list = qres.get_fk_list() fs_list = qres.get_fs_list() fsv_list = qres.get_fsv_list() score_list = qres.get_score_list() prob_list = qres.get_prob_list() try: assert len(fm_list) == len(fs_list), 'fm and fs do not agree' assert len(fm_list) == len(fk_list), 'fm and fk do not agree' assert len(fm_list) == len(score_list), 'fm and score do not agree' assert fsv_list is None or len(fm_list) == len(fsv_list), 'fm and score do not agree' assert prob_list is None or len(fm_list) == len(prob_list), 'fm and score do not agree' except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, '[!qr] matching dicts do not agree', keys=[ (ut.dictinfo, 'qres.aid2_fm'), (ut.dictinfo, 'qres.aid2_fs'), (ut.dictinfo, 'qres.aid2_fk'), (ut.dictinfo, 'qres.aid2_score'), ]) raise nMatch_list = get_num_feats_in_matches(qres) assrtlsteq = ut.assert_lists_eq if qres.filtkey_list is not None: all([fsv.shape[1] == len(qres.filtkey_list) for fsv in fsv_list]) # Assert lengths of feature maps assrtlsteq(nMatch_list, lenmap(fm_list), 'fm failed') assrtlsteq(nMatch_list, lenmap(fs_list), 'fs failed') assrtlsteq(nMatch_list, lenmap(fk_list), 'fr failed') if fsv_list is not None: assrtlsteq(nMatch_list, lenmap(fsv_list), 'fk failed') if qres.aid2_prob is not None: assert len(qres.aid2_prob) == len(qres.aid2_score) except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Query Result Checks Failed') raise
[docs]def get_num_chip_matches(qres): return len(qres.aid2_fm)
[docs]def get_num_feats_in_matches(qres): return [len(fm) for fm in qres.get_fm_list()]
[docs]class QueryResult(__OBJECT_BASE__): #__slots__ = ['qaid', 'qauuid', 'cfgstr', 'eid', # 'aid2_fm', 'aid2_fs', 'aid2_fk', 'aid2_score', # 'metadata'] def __init__(qres, qaid, qauuid, cfgstr, daids): """ TODO: * the dict mappings should be removed in favor using lists with another list of keys that all the (previously dicts) share. * make sure cfgstr includes database semantic uuid information * qaid should also be a semantic uuids * eid should have a uuid """ raise AssertionError('USE CHIPMATCH INSTEAD') # THE UID MUST BE SPECIFIED CORRECTLY AT CREATION TIME # TODO: Merge FS and FK super(QueryResult, qres).__init__() qres.qaid = qaid qres.qauuid = qauuid # query annot uuid # TODO: qreq.daids could easilly be a hash of the duuids in the qreq_ so # the daids list can be looked up instead of stored on disk for every # query result. qres.daids = daids # matchable database chips. external_daids from qreq_. (should this be duuids?) #qres.qauuid = qauuid qres.cfgstr = cfgstr # should have database info hashed in from qreq qres.eid = None # encounter id # Assigned features matches qres.aid2_fm = None # feat_match_list qres.aid2_fs = None # feat_score_list qres.aid2_fsv = None # feat_scorevec_list qres.aid2_fk = None # feat_rank_list qres.aid2_score = None # annotation score qres.aid2_H = None # annotation score qres.aid2_prob = None # annotation normalized score qres.filtkey_list = None # list of filter keys for each dimension in fsv qres.metadata = None # messy (meta information of query) #qres.daid_list = None # matchable daids # HACK for keeping interactions alive qres._live_interactions = []
[docs] def as_chipmatch(qres): return chip_match.ChipMatch2.from_qres(qres)
[docs] def get_fm_list(qres): """ returns list of fm's wrt database annotation ids THIS AND OTHER ANALOGOUS FUNCS WILL BE FIRST LEVEL GETTERS ONCE qres.aid2_xxx becomes qres.xxx_list with qres.daid_list """ return [qres.aid2_fm[daid] for daid in qres.daids if daid in qres.aid2_fm]
[docs] def get_fs_list(qres): """ returns list of fs's wrt database annotation ids """ return [qres.aid2_fs[daid] for daid in qres.daids if daid in qres.aid2_fs]
[docs] def get_fsv_list(qres): """ returns list of fsv's wrt database annotation ids """ if qres.aid2_fsv is None: return None return [qres.aid2_fsv[daid] for daid in qres.daids if daid in qres.aid2_fsv]
[docs] def get_fk_list(qres): """ returns list of fk's wrt database annotation ids """ return [qres.aid2_fk[daid] for daid in qres.daids if daid in qres.aid2_fk]
[docs] def get_score_list(qres): """ returns list of fk's wrt database annotation ids """ return [qres.aid2_score[daid] for daid in qres.daids if daid in qres.aid2_score]
[docs] def get_prob_list(qres): """ returns list of fk's wrt database annotation ids """ if qres.aid2_prob is None: return None return [qres.aid2_prob[daid] for daid in qres.daids if daid in qres.aid2_prob]
[docs] def load(qres, qresdir, verbose=VERBOSE, force_miss=False): """ Loads the result from the given database """ import warnings warnings.warn('Should be using new chip_match structure') fpath = qres.get_fpath(qresdir) qaid_good = qres.qaid qauuid_good = qres.qauuid daids_good = qres.daids try: if force_miss: raise hsexcept.HotsCacheMissError('force miss') #print('[qr] qres.load() fpath=%r' % (split(fpath)[1],)) with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_: loaded_dict = cPickle.load(file_) if 'aid2_H' not in loaded_dict: raise hsexcept.HotsCacheMissError('old qres error') qres.__dict__.update(loaded_dict) #if not isinstance(qres.metadata, dict): # print('[qr] loading old result format') # qres.metadata = {} if verbose: print('... qres cache hit: %r' % (split(fpath)[1],)) except IOError as ex: if not exists(fpath): msg = '... qres cache miss: %r' % (split(fpath)[1],) if verbose: print(msg) raise hsexcept.HotsCacheMissError(msg) msg = '[!qr] QueryResult(qaid=%d) is corrupt' % (qres.qaid) ut.printex(ex, msg, iswarning=True) raise hsexcept.HotsNeedsRecomputeError(msg) except BadZipFile as ex: msg = '[!qr] QueryResult(qaid=%d) has bad zipfile' % (qres.qaid) ut.printex(ex, msg, iswarning=True) if exists(fpath): print('[qr] Removing corrupted file: %r' % fpath) os.remove(fpath) raise hsexcept.HotsNeedsRecomputeError(msg) else: raise Exception(msg) except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True) exstr = str(ex) print(exstr) if exstr == 'unsupported pickle protocol: 3': raise hsexcept.HotsNeedsRecomputeError(str(ex)) elif exstr.startswith('("\'numpy.ndarray\' object is not callable",'): raise hsexcept.HotsNeedsRecomputeError(str(ex)) raise except hsexcept.HotsCacheMissError: msg = '... qres cache miss: %r' % (split(fpath)[1],) if verbose: print(msg) raise except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'unknown exception while loading query result') raise assert qauuid_good == qres.qauuid if qres.daids is None: qres.daids = daids_good else: if isinstance(daids_good, np.ndarray): assert np.all(daids_good == qres.daids) else: assert daids_good == qres.daids qres.qauuid = qauuid_good qres.qaid = qaid_good
[docs] def save(qres, qresdir, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET and ut.VERBOSE): """ saves query result to directory """ import warnings warnings.warn('Should be using new chip_match structure') fpath = qres.get_fpath(qresdir) if verbose: print('[qr] cache save: %r' % (split(fpath)[1],)) ignore_keys = ['_live_interactions'] if ignore_keys is None: save_dict = qres.__dict__ else: save_dict = {key: val for (key, val) in six.iteritems(qres.__dict__) if key not in ignore_keys} with open(fpath, 'wb') as file_: cPickle.dump(save_dict, file_, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ For testing. Do not use""" return all([ self.qaid == other.qaid, self.cfgstr == other.cfgstr, self.eid == other.eid, _qres_dicteq(self.aid2_fm, other.aid2_fm), _qres_dicteq(self.aid2_fs, self.aid2_fs), _qres_dicteq(self.aid2_fk, self.aid2_fk), _qres_dicteq(self.aid2_score, other.aid2_score), _qres_dicteq(self.metadata, other.metadata), ])
[docs] def get_fpath(qres, qresdir): return query_result_fpath(qresdir, qres.qaid, qres.qauuid, qres.cfgstr)
[docs] def has_cache(qres, qresdir): return exists(qres.get_fpath(qresdir))
[docs] def get_fname(qres, **kwargs): return query_result_fname(qres.qaid, qres.qauuid, qres.cfgstr, **kwargs)
[docs] def cache_bytes(qres, qresdir): """ Size of the cached query result on disk """ fpath = qres.get_fpath(qresdir) nBytes = ut.file_bytes(fpath) return nBytes # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def get_nscoretup(qres, ibs): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): Returns: tuple: nscoretup CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --test-get_nscoretup Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:1] >>> qres = ibs.query_chips(qaids)[0] >>> nscoretup = qres.get_nscoretup(ibs) >>> (sorted_nids, sorted_nscore, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscoretup >>> result = str(nscoretup) >>> print(result) """ aid_list, score_list = qres.get_aids_and_chip_scores() if np.all(np.isnan(score_list)): score_list = qres.get_aid_scores(aid_list, rawscore=True) nscoretup = name_scoring.group_scores_by_name(ibs, aid_list, score_list) # (sorted_nids, sorted_nscore, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscoretup return nscoretup
[docs] def get_sorted_nids_and_scores(qres, ibs): nscoretup = qres.get_nscoretup(ibs) (sorted_nids, sorted_nscores, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscoretup return sorted_nids, sorted_nscores
[docs] def get_aids_and_chip_scores(qres, rawscore=False): if qres.aid2_prob is None or rawscore: aid_arr = np.array(list(qres.aid2_score.keys()), dtype=np.int32) score_arr = np.array(list(qres.aid2_score.values()), dtype=np.float64) else: aid_arr = np.array(list(qres.aid2_prob.keys()), dtype=np.int32) score_arr = np.array(list(qres.aid2_prob.values()), dtype=np.float64) return aid_arr, score_arr
[docs] def get_aids_and_scores(qres, name_scoring=False, ibs=None): """ returns a chip index list and associated score list """ if name_scoring: assert ibs is not None, 'must specify ibs for name_scoring' nscoretup = qres.get_nscoretup(ibs) (sorted_nids, sorted_nscore, sorted_aids, sorted_scores) = nscoretup score_arr = np.array(sorted_nscore) aid_arr = np.array(ut.get_list_column(sorted_aids, 0)) else: aid_arr, score_arr = qres.get_aids_and_chip_scores() return aid_arr, score_arr
[docs] def get_aid_scores(qres, aid_arr, fillvalue=None, rawscore=False): if rawscore or qres.aid2_prob is None: return [qres.aid2_score.get(aid, fillvalue) for aid in aid_arr] else: return [qres.aid2_prob.get(aid, fillvalue) for aid in aid_arr]
get_annot_scores = get_aid_scores # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def get_name_decisiontup(qres, ibs): sorted_nids, sorted_nscores = qres.get_sorted_nids_and_scores(ibs) if len(sorted_nids) == 0: return (None, None) else: nid = sorted_nids[0] nscore = sorted_nscores[0] return (nid, nscore)
[docs] def get_top_aids(qres, num=None, name_scoring=False, ibs=None): """ Returns a ranked list of chip indexes """ # TODO: rename num to ranks_lt aid_arr, score_arr = qres.get_aids_and_scores(name_scoring=name_scoring, ibs=ibs) # fix when score_arr is a bad probability score_arr = np.array(qres.get_aid_scores(aid_arr, rawscore=True)) # Get chip-ids sorted by scores top_aids = aid_arr[score_arr.argsort()[::-1]] num_indexed = len(top_aids) if num is None: num = num_indexed return top_aids[0:min(num, num_indexed)]
[docs] def get_aid_ranks(qres, aid_arr, fillvalue=None): """ get ranks of annotation ids """ if isinstance(aid_arr, (tuple, list)): aid_arr = np.array(aid_arr) top_aids = qres.get_top_aids() foundpos = [np.where(top_aids == aid)[0] for aid in aid_arr] ranks_ = [ranks if len(ranks) > 0 else [fillvalue] for ranks in foundpos] assert all([len(ranks) == 1 for ranks in ranks_]), ( 'len(aid_ranks) != 1') rank_list = [ranks[0] for ranks in ranks_] return rank_list
get_annot_ranks = get_aid_ranks
[docs] def get_aid_truth(qres, ibs, aid_list): # 0: false, 1: True, 2: unknown isgt_list = [ibs.get_match_truth(qres.qaid, aid) for aid in aid_list] return isgt_list # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def get_daids(qres): """ returns database annotation ids this query was run with """ # TODO: possibly look this up in a more space efficient way return qres.daids
[docs] def get_qaid(qres): """ returns query database annotation id """ return qres.qaid
[docs] def get_matching_keypoints(qres, ibs, aid2_list): return qres_get_matching_keypoints(qres, ibs, aid2_list)
[docs] def is_nsum(qres): return 'AGG(nsum)' in qres.cfgstr and ',nsum,' in qres.cfgstr
[docs] def get_fmatch_index(qres, aid, qfx): """ Returns the feature index in aid matching the query's qfx-th feature (if it exists) """ fm = qres.aid2_fm[aid] mx_list = np.where(fm[:, 0] == qfx)[0] if len(mx_list) != 1: raise IndexError('[!qr] qfx=%r not found' % (qfx)) else: mx = mx_list[0] return mx
[docs] def get_worse_possible_rank(qres): """ DEPRICATE a good non None value to use for None ranks """ #worse_possible_rank = max(len(qres.get_daids()) + 2, 9001) worse_possible_rank = len(qres.get_daids()) + 1 return worse_possible_rank
[docs] def get_classified_pos(qres): top_aids = np.array(qres.get_top_aids()) pos_aids = top_aids[0:1] return pos_aids # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def get_groundfalse_aids(qres, ibs): assert ibs is not None, 'must pass in valid ibs controller' gf_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundfalse(qres.get_qaid(), daid_list=qres.get_daids()) return gf_aids
[docs] def get_groundtruth_aids(qres, ibs): """ returns the groundtruth with respect to what could have been matched for this query """ assert ibs is not None, 'must pass in valid ibs controller' gt_aids = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(qres.get_qaid(), daid_list=qres.get_daids()) return gt_aids
[docs] def get_gt_scores(qres, gt_aids=None, ibs=None, return_gtaids=False): """ returns groundfalse scores """ # Ensure correct input if gt_aids is None and ibs is None: raise Exception('[qr] must pass in the gt_aids or ibs object') if gt_aids is None: gt_aids = qres.get_groundtruth_aids(ibs) gt_scores = qres.get_aid_scores(gt_aids) if return_gtaids: return gt_scores, gt_aids else: return gt_scores
[docs] def get_gf_scores(qres, gf_aids=None, ibs=None, return_gfaids=False): """ returns groundfalse scores """ # Ensure correct input if gf_aids is None and ibs is None: raise Exception('[qr] must pass in the gf_aids or ibs object') if gf_aids is None: gf_aids = qres.get_groundfalse_aids(ibs) gf_scores = qres.get_aid_scores(gf_aids) if return_gfaids: return gf_scores, gf_aids else: return gf_scores
[docs] def get_gt_ranks(qres, gt_aids=None, ibs=None, return_gtaids=False, fillvalue=None): """ returns the 0 indexed ranking of each groundtruth chip """ # Ensure correct input if gt_aids is None and ibs is None: raise Exception('[qr] must pass in the gt_aids or ibs object') if gt_aids is None: gt_aids = qres.get_groundtruth_aids(ibs) gt_ranks = qres.get_aid_ranks(gt_aids, fillvalue=fillvalue) if return_gtaids: return gt_ranks, gt_aids else: return gt_ranks
[docs] def get_best_aid_rank(qres, aids): """ Returns the best rank over all the input aids """ ranks, aids = qres.get_aid_ranks(aids) aidrank_tups = list(zip(aids, ranks)) # Get only the aids that placed in the shortlist valid_ranks = np.array([rank for aid, rank in aidrank_tups if rank is not None]) # Sort so lowest score is first best_rankx = valid_ranks.argsort() #best_gtaids = best_gtaids[best_rankx] best_ranks = valid_ranks[best_rankx] if len(best_ranks) == 0: best_rank = -1 else: best_rank = best_ranks[0] return best_rank
[docs] def get_top_groundtruth_aid(qres, ibs=None): gt_ranks, gt_aids = qres.get_gt_ranks(ibs=ibs, return_gtaids=True) bestx = np.array(gt_ranks).argsort()[0] best_aid = gt_aids[bestx] return best_aid # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def get_average_percision(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None): return precision_recall.get_average_percision_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids)
[docs] def get_interpolated_precision_vs_recall(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None): return precision_recall.get_interpolated_precision_vs_recall_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids)
[docs] def show_precision_recall_curve(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None, fnum=1): return precision_recall.show_precision_recall_curve_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids, fnum=fnum)
[docs] def get_precision_recall_curve(qres, ibs=None, gt_aids=None): return precision_recall.get_precision_recall_curve_(qres, ibs=ibs, gt_aids=gt_aids) # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def get_match_tbldata(qres, ranks_lt=6, name_scoring=False, ibs=None): """ Returns matchinfo in table format (qaids, aids, scores, ranks) """ # TODO: get rid of conflict with module name name_scoring aid_arr, score_arr = qres.get_aids_and_scores(name_scoring=name_scoring, ibs=ibs) # Sort the scores in rank order sortx = score_arr.argsort()[::-1] score_arr = score_arr[sortx] aid_arr = aid_arr[sortx] rank_arr = np.arange(sortx.size) # Return only rows where rank < ranks_lt isvalid = rank_arr < ranks_lt aids = aid_arr[isvalid] scores = score_arr[isvalid] ranks = rank_arr[isvalid] qaids = np.full(aids.shape, qres.qaid, dtype=aids.dtype) tbldata = (qaids, aids, scores, ranks) # DEBUG #column_lbls = ['qaids', 'aids', 'scores', 'ranks'] #qaid_arr = np.full(aid_arr.shape, qres.qaid, dtype=aid_arr.dtype) #tbldata2 = (qaid_arr, aid_arr, score_arr, rank_arr) #print(ut.make_csv_table(tbldata, column_lbls)) #print(ut.make_csv_table(tbldata2, column_lbls)) #ut.embed() return tbldata
[docs] def print_inspect_str(qreq_, *args, **kwargs): print(qreq_.get_inspect_str(*args, **kwargs))
[docs] def get_inspect_str(qres, ibs=None, name_scoring=False): qres.assert_self() #ut.embed() top_lbls = [' top aids', ' scores', ' rawscores', ' ranks'] top_aids = np.array(qres.get_top_aids(num=6, name_scoring=name_scoring, ibs=ibs), dtype=np.int32) top_scores = np.array(qres.get_aid_scores(top_aids), dtype=np.float64) top_rawscores = np.array(qres.get_aid_scores(top_aids, rawscore=True), dtype=np.float64) top_ranks = np.array(qres.get_aid_ranks(top_aids), dtype=np.int32) top_list = [top_aids, top_scores, top_rawscores, top_ranks] if ibs is not None: top_lbls += [' isgt'] istrue = qres.get_aid_truth(ibs, top_aids) top_list.append(np.array(istrue, dtype=np.int32)) if name_scoring: top_lbls = ['top nid'] + top_lbls top_list = [ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(top_aids)] + top_list top_stack = np.vstack(top_list) #top_stack = np.array(top_stack, dtype=object) top_stack = np.array(top_stack, dtype=np.float32) #np.int32) top_str = np.array_str(top_stack, precision=3, suppress_small=True, max_line_width=200) top_lbl = '\n'.join(top_lbls) inspect_list = ['QueryResult', qres.cfgstr, ] if ibs is not None: gt_ranks = qres.get_gt_ranks(ibs=ibs) gt_scores = qres.get_gt_scores(ibs=ibs) inspect_list.append('gt_ranks = %r' % gt_ranks) inspect_list.append('gt_scores = %r' % gt_scores) nFeatMatch_list = get_num_feats_in_matches(qres) nFeatMatch_stats_str = ut.get_stats_str(nFeatMatch_list, newlines=True, exclude_keys=('nMin', 'nMax')) inspect_list.extend([ 'qaid=%r ' % qres.qaid, ut.hz_str(top_lbl, ' ', top_str), 'num feat matches per annotation stats:', #ut.indent(ut.dict_str(nFeatMatch_stats)), ut.indent(nFeatMatch_stats_str), ]) inspect_str = '\n'.join(inspect_list) #inspect_str = ut.indent(inspect_str, '[INSPECT] ') return inspect_str # ----------------------------------------
[docs] def make_smaller_title(qres, remove_dsuuids=True, remove_chip=True, remove_feat=True): return qres.make_title(remove_dsuuids=remove_dsuuids, remove_chip=remove_chip, remove_feat=remove_feat)
[docs] def make_title(qres, pack=False, remove_dsuuids=False, remove_chip=False, remove_feat=False, textwidth=80): cfgstr = qres.cfgstr def parse_remove(format_, string_): import parse # TODO: move to ut # Do padding so prefix or suffix could be empty pad_format_ = '{prefix}' + format_ + '{suffix}' pad_string_ = '_' + string_ + '_' parse_result = parse.parse(pad_format_, pad_string_) new_string = parse_result['prefix'][1:] + parse_result['suffix'][:-1] return new_string, parse_result if remove_dsuuids: cfgstr, _ = parse_remove('_DSUUIDS(({daid_shape}){daid_hash})', cfgstr) if remove_chip: cfgstr, _ = parse_remove('_CHIP({chip_cfgstr})', cfgstr) if remove_feat: cfgstr, _ = parse_remove('_FEAT({feat_cfgstr})', cfgstr) if pack: # Separate into newlines if requested (makes it easier to fit on screen) cfgstr = ut.packstr(cfgstr, textwidth=textwidth, break_words=False, breakchars='_', wordsep='_') component_list = [ 'qaid={qaid} '.format(qaid=qres.qaid), #'qauuid={qauuid}'.format(qauuid=qres.qauuid), 'cfgstr={cfgstr}'.format(cfgstr=cfgstr), ] title_str = ''.join(component_list) return title_str # ---------------------------------------- #TODO?: @ut.augment_signature(viz_qres.show_qres_top)
[docs] def show_top(qres, ibs, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): print('[qres] show_top') from ibeis.viz import viz_qres fig = viz_qres.show_qres_top(ibs, qres, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('update', False): return fig
[docs] def show_analysis(qres, ibs, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): #print('[qres] show_analysis') from ibeis.viz import viz_qres return viz_qres.show_qres_analysis(ibs, qres, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs)
[docs] def ishow_analysis(qres, ibs, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): #print('[qres] ishow_analysis') from ibeis.viz.interact import interact_qres return interact_qres.ishow_analysis(ibs, qres, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs)
[docs] def ishow_top(qres, ibs, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): print('[qres] ishow_top') from ibeis.viz.interact import interact_qres # use make_title=True instead #if 'figtitle' not in kwargs: # kwargs['figtitle'] = qres.make_smaller_title() try: fig = interact_qres.ishow_qres(ibs, qres, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) if kwargs.get('update', False): return fig except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'failed in qres.ishow_top', keys=['aid', 'qreq_']) raise
[docs] def show_matches(qres, ibs, aid, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): from ibeis.viz import viz_matches try: return viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'failed in qres.show_matches', keys=['aid', 'qreq_']) raise
[docs] def show_name_matches(qres, ibs, aid, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): from ibeis.model.hots import chip_match #from ibeis.viz import viz_matches assert qreq_ is not None, 'must pass in qreq' cm = chip_match.ChipMatch2.from_qres(qres) cm.score_nsum(qreq_) cm.show_single_namematch(qreq_, ibs.get_annot_nids(aid), **kwargs) #try: # return viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) #except Exception as ex: # ut.printex(ex, 'failed in qres.show_matches', keys=['aid', 'qreq_']) # raise
[docs] def dump_top_match(qres, ibs, qreq_=None, fnum=None, *args, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --test-dump_top_match --show python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --test-dump_top_match --show --quality python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --test-dump_top_match --show --dpi=160 --no-fmatches python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --test-dump_top_match --show --dpi=120 --no-fmatches --saveax python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --test-dump_top_match --show --dpi=120 --saveax Kwargs; saveax (bool): if True only save the axes not the entire figure Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result import * # NOQA >>> import plottool as pt >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> kwargs = {} >>> kwargs['dpi'] = ut.get_argval('--dpi', int, None) >>> kwargs['figsize'] = ut.get_argval('--figsize', list, None) >>> kwargs['fpath'] = ut.get_argval('--fpath', str, None) >>> kwargs['draw_fmatches'] = not ut.get_argflag('--no-fmatches') >>> kwargs['vert'] = ut.get_argflag('--vert') >>> kwargs['draw_border'] = ut.get_argflag('--draw_border') >>> kwargs['saveax'] = ut.get_argflag('--saveax') >>> kwargs['in_image'] = ut.get_argflag('--in-image') >>> kwargs['draw_lbl'] = ut.get_argflag('--no-draw-lbl') >>> qres = ibs.query_chips(ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:1])[0] >>> img_fpath = qres.dump_top_match(ibs, **kwargs) >>> if ut.show_was_requested(): >>> # show the image dumped to disk >>> ut.startfile(img_fpath, quote=True) >>> #pt.show_if_requested() """ aid = qres.get_top_aids(ibs)[0] return qres.dump_match_img(ibs, aid, qreq_=qreq_, fnum=fnum, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dump_match_img(qres, ibs, aid, qreq_=None, fnum=None, *args, **kwargs): import plottool as pt import matplotlib as mpl # Pop save kwargs from kwargs save_keys = ['dpi', 'figsize', 'saveax', 'fpath', 'fpath_strict', 'verbose'] save_vals = ut.dict_take_pop(kwargs, save_keys, None) savekw = dict(zip(save_keys, save_vals)) fpath = savekw.pop('fpath') if fpath is None and 'fpath_strict' not in savekw: savekw['usetitle'] = True was_interactive = mpl.is_interactive() if was_interactive: mpl.interactive(False) # Make new figure if fnum is None: fnum = pt.next_fnum() #fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) fig = pt.plt.figure(fnum) fig.clf() # Draw Matches ax, xywh1, xywh2 = qres.show_matches(ibs, aid, colorbar_=False, qreq_=qreq_, fnum=fnum, **kwargs) if not kwargs.get('notitle', False): pt.set_figtitle(qres.make_smaller_title()) # Save Figure # Setting fig=fig might make the dpi and figsize code not work img_fpath = pt.save_figure(fpath=fpath, fig=fig, **savekw) if was_interactive: mpl.interactive(was_interactive) pt.plt.close(fig) # Ensure that this figure will not pop up #if False: # ut.startfile(img_fpath) return img_fpath #pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum()) #pt.imshow(img_fpath)
[docs] def ishow_matches(qres, ibs, aid, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): from ibeis.viz.interact import interact_matches # NOQA #if aid == 'top': # aid = qres.get_top_aids(ibs) try: match_interaction = interact_matches.MatchInteraction(ibs, qres, aid, qreq_=qreq_, *args, **kwargs) # Keep the interaction alive at least while the qres is alive # (maybe dont need to do this for abstract interactions) qres._live_interactions.append(match_interaction) return match_interaction except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'failed in qres.show_matches', keys=['aid', 'qreq_']) raise #fig = interact_matches.ishow_matches(ibs, qres, aid, *args, **kwargs) #return fig
[docs] def qt_inspect_gui(qres, ibs, ranks_lt=6, qreq_=None, name_scoring=False): print('[qres] qt_inspect_gui') from ibeis.gui import inspect_gui import guitool guitool.ensure_qapp() qaid2_qres = {qres.qaid: qres} print('[inspect_matches] make_qres_widget') qres_wgt = inspect_gui.QueryResultsWidget(ibs, qaid2_qres, ranks_lt=ranks_lt, name_scoring=name_scoring, qreq_=qreq_) print('[inspect_matches] show') print('[inspect_matches] raise') qres_wgt.raise_() return qres_wgt
[docs] def show(qres, ibs, type_, qreq_=None, *args, **kwargs): if type_ == 'top': return qres.show_top(ibs, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) elif type_ == 'analysis': return qres.show_analysis(ibs, *args, qreq_=qreq_, **kwargs) else: raise AssertionError('Uknown type=%r' % type_)
[docs] def assert_self(qres): assert_qres(qres)
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" TODO: * Remove all nonmethod calls to qres Find them with this: rob gp 'qres\\.[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*\\b[^(]' * Do not store results in dicts. use ndarrays CommandLine: python -c "import utool, ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result; utool.doctest_funcs(ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result, allexamples=True)" python -c "import utool, ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result; utool.doctest_funcs(ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result)" python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result python -m ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()