Source code for ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Runs functions in pipeline to get query reuslts and does some caching.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import utool as ut
import six  # NOQA
from os.path import exists
#from ibeis.model.hots import query_request
#from ibeis.model.hots import hots_query_result
#from ibeis.model.hots import exceptions as hsexcept
from ibeis.model.hots import chip_match
from ibeis.model.hots import pipeline
from ibeis.model.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh  # NOQA
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[mc4]')

# TODO: Move to params
USE_CACHE    = not ut.get_argflag(('--nocache-query', '--noqcache'))  and USE_HOTSPOTTER_CACHE
USE_BIGCACHE = not ut.get_argflag(('--nocache-big', '--no-bigcache-query', '--noqcache', '--nobigcache')) and ut.USE_CACHE
SAVE_CACHE   = not ut.get_argflag('--nocache-save')
HOTS_BATCH_SIZE = ut.get_argval('--hots-batch-size', type_=int, default=None)

# Main Query Logic

[docs]def empty_query(ibs, qaids): r""" Hack to give an empty query a query result object Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaids (?): Returns: tuple: (qaid2_cm, qreq_) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-empty_query python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-empty_query --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ibeis.const.Species.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> # execute function >>> (qaid2_cm, qreq_) = empty_query(ibs, qaids) >>> # verify results >>> result = str((qaid2_cm, qreq_)) >>> print(result) >>> cm = qaid2_cm[qaids[0]] >>> ut.assert_eq(len(cm.get_top_aids()), 0) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> cm.ishow_top(ibs, update=True, make_figtitle=True, show_query=True, sidebyside=False) >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> """ daids = [] qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaids, daids) cm = qreq_.make_empty_chip_matches() qaid2_cm = dict(zip(qaids, cm)) return qaid2_cm, qreq_
[docs]def submit_query_request_nocache(ibs, qreq_, verbose=pipeline.VERB_PIPELINE): assert len(qreq_.get_external_qaids()) > 0, ' no current query aids' if len(qreq_.get_external_daids()) == 0: print('[mc4] WARNING no daids... returning empty query') qaid2_cm, qreq_ = empty_query(ibs, qreq_.get_external_qaids()) return qaid2_cm save_qcache = False qaid2_cm = execute_query2(ibs, qreq_, verbose, save_qcache) return qaid2_cm
[docs]def submit_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, use_cache=None, use_bigcache=None, cfgdict=None, qreq_=None, verbose=pipeline.VERB_PIPELINE, save_qcache=None, prog_hook=None): """ The standard query interface. TODO: rename use_cache to use_qcache Checks a big cache for qaid2_cm. If cache miss, tries to load each cm individually. On an individual cache miss, it preforms the query. Args: ibs (IBEISController) : ibeis control object qaid_list (list): query annotation ids daid_list (list): database annotation ids use_cache (bool): use_bigcache (bool): Returns: qaid2_cm (dict): dict of QueryResult objects CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-submit_query_request Examples: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> qaid_list = [1] >>> daid_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> use_bigcache = True >>> use_cache = True >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(db='testdb1') >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(qaid_list, daid_list, cfgdict={}, verbose=True) >>> qaid2_cm = submit_query_request(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, use_cache, use_bigcache, qreq_=qreq_) """ # Get flag defaults if necessary if use_cache is None: use_cache = USE_CACHE if save_qcache is None: save_qcache = SAVE_CACHE if use_bigcache is None: use_bigcache = USE_BIGCACHE # Create new query request object to store temporary state if verbose: print(' --- Submit QueryRequest_ --- ') assert qreq_ is not None, 'query request must be prebuilt' qreq_.prog_hook = prog_hook # --- BIG CACHE --- # Do not use bigcache single queries use_bigcache_ = (use_bigcache and use_cache and len(qaid_list) > MIN_BIGCACHE_BUNDLE) if (use_bigcache_ or save_qcache) and len(qaid_list) > MIN_BIGCACHE_BUNDLE: bc_dpath = ibs.get_big_cachedir() # TODO: SYSTEM : semantic should only be used if name scoring is on qhashid = ibs.get_annot_hashid_semantic_uuid(qaid_list, prefix='Q') dhashid = ibs.get_annot_hashid_semantic_uuid(daid_list, prefix='D') pipe_hashstr = qreq_.get_pipe_hashstr() #bc_fname = ''.join((ibs.get_dbname(), '_QRESMAP', qhashid, dhashid, pipe_hashstr)) bc_fname = ''.join((ibs.get_dbname(), '_BIG_CM', qhashid, dhashid, pipe_hashstr)) bc_cfgstr = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.get_cfgstr() # FIXME, rectify w/ qparams if use_bigcache_: # Try and load directly from a big cache try: qaid2_cm = ut.load_cache(bc_dpath, bc_fname, bc_cfgstr) except IOError: pass else: return qaid2_cm # ------------ # Execute query request qaid2_cm = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose=verbose) # ------------ if save_qcache and len(qaid_list) > MIN_BIGCACHE_BUNDLE: ut.save_cache(bc_dpath, bc_fname, bc_cfgstr, qaid2_cm) return qaid2_cm
[docs]def execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose=True, batch_size=None): """ Args: ibs (IBEISController): qreq_ (QueryRequest): use_cache (bool): Returns: qaid2_cm CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-execute_query_and_save_L1:0 python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-execute_query_and_save_L1:1 python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-execute_query_and_save_L1:2 python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-execute_query_and_save_L1:3 Example0: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> cfgdict1 = dict(codename='vsmany', sv_on=True) >>> ibs, qreq_ = plh.get_pipeline_testdata(cfgdict=cfgdict1, qaid_list=[1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> use_cache, save_qcache, verbose = False, False, True >>> qaid2_cm = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose) >>> print(qaid2_cm) Example1: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> cfgdict1 = dict(codename='vsone', sv_on=True) >>> ibs, qreq_ = plh.get_pipeline_testdata(cfgdict=cfgdict1, qaid_list=[1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> use_cache, save_qcache, verbose = False, False, True >>> qaid2_cm = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose) >>> print(qaid2_cm) Example1: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # TEST SAVE >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> cfgdict1 = dict(codename='vsmany', sv_on=True) >>> ibs, qreq_ = plh.get_pipeline_testdata(cfgdict=cfgdict1, qaid_list=[1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> use_cache, save_qcache, verbose = False, True, True >>> qaid2_cm = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose) >>> print(qaid2_cm) Example2: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # TEST LOAD >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> cfgdict1 = dict(codename='vsmany', sv_on=True) >>> ibs, qreq_ = plh.get_pipeline_testdata(cfgdict=cfgdict1, qaid_list=[1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> use_cache, save_qcache, verbose = True, True, True >>> qaid2_cm = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose) >>> print(qaid2_cm) Example2: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # TEST PARTIAL HIT >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA >>> cfgdict1 = dict(codename='vsmany', sv_on=False, prescore_method='csum') >>> #ibs.cfg.other_cfg.hots_batch_size = 2 >>> ibs, qreq_ = plh.get_pipeline_testdata(cfgdict=cfgdict1, qaid_list=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) >>> use_cache, save_qcache, verbose = False, True, False >>> qaid2_cm = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose, batch_size=3) >>> cm = qaid2_cm[1] >>> ut.delete(cm.get_fpath(qreq_)) >>> cm = qaid2_cm[4] >>> ut.delete(cm.get_fpath(qreq_)) >>> cm = qaid2_cm[5] >>> ut.delete(cm.get_fpath(qreq_)) >>> cm = qaid2_cm[6] >>> ut.delete(cm.get_fpath(qreq_)) >>> print('Re-execute') >>> qaid2_cm_ = execute_query_and_save_L1(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose, batch_size=3) >>> assert all([qaid2_cm_[qaid] == qaid2_cm[qaid] for qaid in qreq_.get_external_qaids()]) >>> [ut.delete(fpath) for fpath in qreq_.get_chipmatch_fpaths(qreq_.get_external_qaids())] Ignore: other = cm_ = qaid2_cm_[qaid] cm = qaid2_cm[qaid] """ #print('[q1] execute_query_and_save_L1()') if use_cache: if ut.VERBOSE: print('[mc4] cache-query is on') if ut.DEBUG2: # sanity check qreq_.assert_self(ibs) # Try loading as many cached results as possible qaid2_cm_hit = {} external_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() fpath_list = qreq_.get_chipmatch_fpaths(external_qaids) exists_flags = [exists(fpath) for fpath in fpath_list] qaids_hit = ut.list_compress(external_qaids, exists_flags) fpaths_hit = ut.list_compress(fpath_list, exists_flags) fpath_iter = ut.ProgressIter( fpaths_hit, nTotal=len(fpaths_hit), enabled=len(fpaths_hit) > 1, lbl='loading cache hits', adjust=True, freq=1) cm_hit_list = [ chip_match.ChipMatch2.load_from_fpath(fpath, verbose=False) for fpath in fpath_iter ] assert all([qaid == cm.qaid for qaid, cm in zip(qaids_hit, cm_hit_list)]), 'inconsistent' qaid2_cm_hit = {cm.qaid: cm for cm in cm_hit_list} #qaid2_cm_hit = {qaid: cm for qaid, cm in zip(qaids_hit, cm_hit_list)} if len(qaid2_cm_hit) == len(external_qaids): return qaid2_cm_hit else: if len(qaid2_cm_hit) > 0 and not ut.QUIET: print('... partial cm cache hit %d/%d' % ( len(qaid2_cm_hit), len(external_qaids))) cachehit_qaids = list(qaid2_cm_hit.keys()) # mask queries that have already been executed qreq_.set_external_qaid_mask(cachehit_qaids) else: if ut.VERBOSE: print('[mc4] cache-query is off') qaid2_cm_hit = {} qaid2_cm = execute_query2(ibs, qreq_, verbose, save_qcache, batch_size) if ut.DEBUG2: # sanity check qreq_.assert_self(ibs) # Merge cache hits with computed misses if len(qaid2_cm_hit) > 0: qaid2_cm.update(qaid2_cm_hit) qreq_.set_external_qaid_mask(None) # undo state changes return qaid2_cm
[docs]def execute_query2(ibs, qreq_, verbose, save_qcache, batch_size=None): """ Breaks up query request into several subrequests to process "more efficiently" and safer as well. """ qreq_.lazy_preload(verbose=verbose and ut.NOT_QUIET) all_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() print('len(missed_qaids) = %r' % (len(all_qaids),)) qaid2_cm = {} # vsone must have a chunksize of 1 if batch_size is None: if HOTS_BATCH_SIZE is None: hots_batch_size = ibs.cfg.other_cfg.hots_batch_size else: hots_batch_size = HOTS_BATCH_SIZE else: hots_batch_size = batch_size chunksize = 1 if qreq_.qparams.vsone else hots_batch_size # Iterate over vsone queries in chunks. This ensures that we dont lose # too much time if a qreq_ crashes after the 2000th nn index. nTotalChunks = ut.get_nTotalChunks(len(all_qaids), chunksize) qaid_chunk_iter = ut.ichunks(all_qaids, chunksize) _qreq_iter = ( qreq_.shallowcopy(qaids=qaids) for qaids in qaid_chunk_iter ) sub_qreq_iter = ut.ProgressIter( _qreq_iter, nTotal=nTotalChunks, freq=1, lbl='[mc4] query chunk: ', prog_hook=qreq_.prog_hook) for sub_qreq_ in sub_qreq_iter: if ut.VERBOSE: print('Generating vsmany chunk') sub_cm_list = pipeline.request_ibeis_query_L0( ibs, sub_qreq_, verbose=verbose) assert len(sub_qreq_.get_external_qaids()) == len(sub_cm_list) assert all([qaid == cm.qaid for qaid, cm in zip(sub_qreq_.get_external_qaids(), sub_cm_list)]) if save_qcache: fpath_list = qreq_.get_chipmatch_fpaths(sub_qreq_.get_external_qaids()) _iter = zip(sub_cm_list, fpath_list) _iter = ut.ProgressIter(_iter, nTotal=len(sub_cm_list), lbl='saving chip matches', adjust=True, freq=1) for cm, fpath in _iter: cm.save_to_fpath(fpath, verbose=False) else: if ut.VERBOSE: print('[mc4] not saving vsmany chunk') qaid2_cm.update({cm.qaid: cm for cm in sub_cm_list}) return qaid2_cm #@profile #def execute_query_and_save_L1_OLD(ibs, qreq_, use_cache, save_qcache, verbose=True): # if use_cache: # if ut.VERBOSE: # print('[mc4] cache-query is on') # if ut.DEBUG2: # # sanity check # qreq_.assert_self(ibs) # # Try loading as many cached results as possible # qaid2_qres_hit = try_load_resdict(qreq_, verbose=verbose) # if len(qaid2_qres_hit) == len(qreq_.get_external_qaids()): # return qaid2_qres_hit # else: # if len(qaid2_qres_hit) > 0 and not ut.QUIET: # print('... partial qres cache hit %d/%d' % ( # len(qaid2_qres_hit), len(qreq_.get_external_qaids()))) # cachehit_qaids = list(qaid2_qres_hit.keys()) # # mask queries that have already been executed # qreq_.set_external_qaid_mask(cachehit_qaids) # else: # if ut.VERBOSE: # print('[mc4] cache-query is off') # qaid2_qres_hit = {} # qaid2_qres = execute_query2_OLD(ibs, qreq_, verbose, save_qcache) # if ut.DEBUG2: # # sanity check # qreq_.assert_self(ibs) # # Merge cache hits with computed misses # if len(qaid2_qres_hit) > 0: # qaid2_qres.update(qaid2_qres_hit) # qreq_.set_external_qaid_mask(None) # undo state changes # return qaid2_qres #def execute_query2_OLD(ibs, qreq_, verbose, save_qcache): # qreq_.lazy_preload(verbose=verbose) # all_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() # qaid2_qres = {} # # vsone must have a chunksize of 1 # if HOTS_BATCH_SIZE is None: # hots_batch_size = ibs.cfg.other_cfg.hots_batch_size # else: # hots_batch_size = HOTS_BATCH_SIZE # chunksize = 1 if qreq_.qparams.vsone else hots_batch_size # # Iterate over vsone queries in chunks. This ensures that we dont lose # # too much time if a qreq_ crashes after the 2000th nn index. # nTotalChunks = ut.get_nTotalChunks(len(all_qaids), chunksize) # qaid_chunk_iter = ut.ichunks(all_qaids, chunksize) # _qreq_iter = (qreq_.shallowcopy(qaids=qaids) for qaids in qaid_chunk_iter) # sub_qreq_iter = ut.ProgressIter( # _qreq_iter, nTotal=nTotalChunks, freq=1, lbl='[mc4] query chunk: ', # backspace=False, prog_hook=qreq_.prog_hook) # for sub_qreq_ in sub_qreq_iter: # if ut.VERBOSE: # print('Generating vsmany chunk') # __cm_list = pipeline.request_ibeis_query_L0(ibs, sub_qreq_, verbose=verbose) # __qaid2_qres = chipmatch_to_resdict(qreq_, __cm_list, verbose=verbose) # if save_qcache: # for cm in __cm_list: # # save_resdict(sub_qreq_, __qaid2_qres, verbose=verbose) # else: # if ut.VERBOSE: # print('[mc4] not saving vsmany chunk') # qaid2_qres.update(__qaid2_qres) # return qaid2_qres #============================ # Result Caching #============================ #@ut.indent_func('[tlr]') #@profile #def try_load_resdict(qreq_, force_miss=False, verbose=pipeline.VERB_PIPELINE): # """ # DEPRICATE # Try and load the result structures for each query. # returns a list of failed qaids # python -m utool --tf grep_projects --find try_load_resdict # """ # qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() # qauuids = qreq_.get_external_quuids() # daids = qreq_.get_external_daids() # cfgstr = qreq_.get_cfgstr() # qresdir = qreq_.get_qresdir() # qaid2_qres_hit = {} # #cachemiss_qaids = [] # # TODO: could prefiler paths that don't exist # for qaid, qauuid in zip(qaids, qauuids): # qres = hots_query_result.QueryResult(qaid, qauuid, cfgstr, daids) # try: # qres.load(qresdir, force_miss=force_miss, verbose=verbose) # 77.4 % time # except (hsexcept.HotsCacheMissError, hsexcept.HotsNeedsRecomputeError) as ex: # if ut.VERYVERBOSE: # ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True) # #cachemiss_qaids.append(qaid) # cache miss # else: # qaid2_qres_hit[qaid] = qres # cache hit # return qaid2_qres_hit # , cachemiss_qaids #@profile #def save_resdict(qreq_, qaid2_qres, verbose=pipeline.VERB_PIPELINE): # """ # DEPRICATE # Saves a dictionary of query results to disk # python -m utool --tf grep_projects --find save_resdict # """ # qresdir = qreq_.get_qresdir() # if verbose: # print('[hs] saving %d query results' % len(qaid2_qres)) # save_gen = ( for qres in six.itervalues(qaid2_qres)) # for _ in save_gen: # pass #@profile #def chipmatch_to_resdict(qreq_, cm_list, verbose=pipeline.VERB_PIPELINE): # """ # DEPRICATE # Converts a dictionary of cmtup_old tuples into a dictionary of query results # Args: # cm_list (dict): # qreq_ (QueryRequest): hyper-parameters # Returns: # qaid2_qres # CommandLine: # python -m ibeis --tf chipmatch_to_resdict # python -m ibeis --tf chipmatch_to_resdict:1 # -m ibeis.model.hots.pipeline --test-chipmatch_to_resdict # -m ibeis --tf chipmatch_to_resdict --GZ_ALL --allgt # Example: # >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST # >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA # >>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[1, 5]) # >>> qaid2_qres = chipmatch_to_resdict(qreq_, cm_list) # >>> qres = qaid2_qres[1] # Example2: # >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST # >>> import numpy as np # >>> from ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 import * # NOQA # >>> cfgdict = dict(sver_output_weighting=True) # >>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[1, 2], cfgdict=cfgdict) # >>> qaid2_qres = chipmatch_to_resdict(qreq_, cm_list) # >>> qres = qaid2_qres[1] # >>> num_filtkeys = len(qres.filtkey_list) # >>> ut.assert_eq(num_filtkeys, qres.aid2_fsv[2].shape[1]) # >>> ut.assert_eq(num_filtkeys, 3) # >>> ut.assert_inbounds(qres.aid2_fsv[2].shape[0], 105, 150) # >>> assert np.all(qres.aid2_fs[2] == qres.aid2_fsv[2].prod(axis=1)), 'math is broken' # """ # if verbose: # print('[hs] Step 6) Convert chipmatch -> qres') # qaid2_qres = {cm.qaid: cm.as_qres(qreq_) for cm in cm_list} # #if False: # # from ibeis.model.hots import scoring # # # Matchable daids # # external_qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids() # # # Create the result structures for each query. # # qres_list = qreq_.make_empty_query_results() # # # Perform final scoring # # # TODO: only score if already unscored # # score_method = qreq_.qparams.score_method # # scoring.score_chipmatch_list(qreq_, cm_list, score_method) # # # Normalize scores if requested # # # TODO: move this out # # if qreq_.qparams.score_normalization: # # normalizer = qreq_.normalizer # # for cm in cm_list: # # cm.prob_list = normalizer.normalize_score_list(cm.score_list) # # for qaid, qres, cm in zip(external_qaids, qres_list, cm_list): # # assert qaid == cm.qaid # # assert qres.qaid == qaid # # #ut.assert_eq(qaid, cm.qaid) # # qres.filtkey_list = cm.fsv_col_lbls # # qres.aid2_fm = dict(zip(cm.daid_list, cm.fm_list)) # # qres.aid2_fsv = dict(zip(cm.daid_list, cm.fsv_list)) # # qres.aid2_fs = dict(zip(cm.daid_list, [ for fsv in cm.fsv_list])) # # qres.aid2_fk = dict(zip(cm.daid_list, cm.fk_list)) # # qres.aid2_score = dict(zip(cm.daid_list, cm.score_list)) # # qres.aid2_H = None if cm.H_list is None else dict(zip(cm.daid_list, cm.H_list)) # # qres.aid2_prob = None if cm.prob_list is None else dict(zip(cm.daid_list, cm.prob_list)) # # # Build dictionary structure to maintain functionality # # qaid2_qres = {qaid: qres for qaid, qres in zip(external_qaids, qres_list)} # return qaid2_qres
if __name__ == '__main__': """ python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --allexamples --testslow python -m ibeis.model.hots.match_chips4 --test-execute_query_and_save_L1 """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() ut.doctest_funcs()