Source code for ibeis.model.hots.query_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TODO: Restructure
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
from six.moves import zip, range, map
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = ut.inject(__name__, '[query_helpers]')

[docs]def get_query_components(ibs, qaids): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object qaids (?): Returns: ?: CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.query_helpers --test-get_query_components Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.query_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> # build test data >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> # execute function >>> result = get_query_components(ibs, qaids) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ from ibeis.model.hots import pipeline from ibeis.model.hots import query_request daids = ibs.get_valid_aids() cfgdict = dict(with_metadata=True) qreq_ = query_request.new_ibeis_query_request(ibs, qaids, daids, cfgdict) qaid = qaids[0] assert len(daids) > 0, '!!! nothing to search' assert len(qaids) > 0, '!!! nothing to query' qreq_.lazy_load() pipeline_locals_ = pipeline.testrun_pipeline_upto(qreq_, None) qaid2_nns = pipeline_locals_['qaid2_nns'] qaid2_nnvalid0 = pipeline_locals_['qaid2_nnvalid0'] qaid2_filtweights = pipeline_locals_['qaid2_filtweights'] qaid2_nnfilts = pipeline_locals_['qaid2_nnfilts'] qaid2_chipmatch_FILT = pipeline_locals_['qaid2_chipmatch_FILT'] qaid2_chipmatch_SVER = pipeline_locals_['qaid2_chipmatch_SVER'] qaid2_svtups = qreq_.metadata['qaid2_svtups'] #--- qaid2_qres = pipeline.chipmatch_to_resdict(qreq_, qaid2_chipmatch_SVER) ##################### # Testing components ##################### with ut.Indenter('[components]'): qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist = qaid2_nns[qaid] qfx2_aid = qreq_.indexer.get_nn_aids(qfx2_idx) qfx2_fx = qreq_.indexer.get_nn_featxs(qfx2_idx) qfx2_gid = ibs.get_annot_gids(qfx2_aid) # NOQA qfx2_nid = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qfx2_aid) # NOQA filtkey_list, qfx2_scores, qfx2_valids = qaid2_nnfilts[qaid] qaid2_nnfilt_ORIG = pipeline.identity_filter(qreq_, qaid2_nns) qaid2_chipmatch_ORIG = pipeline.build_chipmatches(qreq_, qaid2_nns, qaid2_nnfilt_ORIG) qaid2_qres_ORIG = pipeline.chipmatch_to_resdict(qaid2_chipmatch_ORIG, qreq_) qaid2_qres_FILT = pipeline.chipmatch_to_resdict(qaid2_chipmatch_FILT, qreq_) qaid2_qres_SVER = qaid2_qres ##################### # Relevant components ##################### qaid = qaids[0] qres_ORIG = qaid2_qres_ORIG[qaid] qres_FILT = qaid2_qres_FILT[qaid] qres_SVER = qaid2_qres_SVER[qaid] return locals()
[docs]def data_index_integrity(ibs, qreq): print('checking qreq.data_index integrity') aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() desc_list = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid_list) fid_list = ibs.get_annot_feat_rowids(aid_list) desc_list2 = ibs.get_feat_vecs(fid_list) assert all([np.all(desc1 == desc2) for desc1, desc2 in zip(desc_list, desc_list2)]) dx2_data = qreq.data_index.dx2_data check_sift_desc(dx2_data) dx2_aid = qreq.data_index.dx2_aid dx2_fx = qreq.data_index.dx2_fx # For each descriptor create a (aid, fx) pair indicating its # chip id and the feature index in that chip id. nFeat_list = list(map(len, desc_list)) _dx2_aid = [[aid] * nFeat for (aid, nFeat) in zip(aid_list, nFeat_list)] _dx2_fx = [list(range(nFeat)) for nFeat in nFeat_list] assert len(_dx2_fx) == len(aid_list) assert len(_dx2_aid) == len(aid_list) print('... loop checks') for count in range(len(aid_list)): aid = aid_list[count] assert np.all(np.array(_dx2_aid[count]) == aid) assert len(_dx2_fx[count]) == desc_list[count].shape[0] dx_list = np.where(dx2_aid == aid)[0] np.all(dx2_data[dx_list] == desc_list[count]) np.all(dx2_fx[dx_list] == np.arange(len(dx_list))) print('... seems ok') #def find_matchable_chips(ibs): # """ quick and dirty test to score by number of assignments """ # import six # from . import match_chips3 as mc3 # from . import matching_functions as pipeline # qreq = ibs.qreq # qaids = ibs.get_valid_aids() # qreq = mc3.prep_query_request(qreq=qreq, qaids=qaids, daids=qaids) # mc3.pre_exec_checks(ibs, qreq) # qaid2_nns = pipeline.nearest_neighbors(ibs, qaids, qreq) # pipeline.rrr() # qaid2_nnfilt = pipeline.identity_filter(qaid2_nns, qreq) # qaid2_chipmatch_FILT = pipeline.build_chipmatches(qaid2_nns, qaid2_nnfilt, qreq) # qaid2_ranked_list = {} # qaid2_ranked_scores = {} # for qaid, cmtup_old in six.iteritems(qaid2_chipmatch_FILT): # (aid2_fm, aid2_fs, aid2_fk) = cmtup_old # #aid2_nMatches = {aid: fs.sum() for (aid, fs) in six.iteritems(aid2_fs)} # aid2_nMatches = {aid: len(fm) for (aid, fm) in six.iteritems(aid2_fs)} # nMatches_list = np.array(aid2_nMatches.values()) # aid_list = np.array(aid2_nMatches.keys()) # sortx = nMatches_list.argsort()[::-1] # qaid2_ranked_list[qaid] = aid_list[sortx] # qaid2_ranked_scores[qaid] = nMatches_list[sortx] # scores_list = [] # strings_list = [] # for qaid in qaids: # aid = qaid2_ranked_list[qaid][0] # score = qaid2_ranked_scores[qaid][0] # strings_list.append('qaid=%r, aid=%r, score=%r' % (qaid, aid, score)) # scores_list.append(score) # sorted_scorestr = np.array(strings_list)[np.array(scores_list).argsort()] # print('\n'.join(sorted_scorestr))
[docs]def check_sift_desc(desc): varname = 'desc' verbose = True if verbose: print('%s.shape=%r' % (varname, desc.shape)) print('%s.dtype=%r' % (varname, desc.dtype)) assert desc.shape[1] == 128 assert desc.dtype == np.uint8 # Checks to make sure descriptors are close to valid SIFT descriptors. # There will be error because of uint8 target = 1.0 # this should be 1.0 bindepth = 256.0 L2_list = np.sqrt(((desc / bindepth) ** 2).sum(1)) / 2.0 # why? err = (target - L2_list) ** 2 thresh = 1 / 256.0 invalids = err >= thresh if np.any(invalids): print('There are %d/%d problem SIFT descriptors' % (invalids.sum(), len(invalids))) L2_range = L2_list.max() - L2_list.min() indexes = np.where(invalids)[0] print('L2_range = %r' % (L2_range,)) print('thresh = %r' % thresh) print('L2_list.mean() = %r' % L2_list.mean()) print('at indexes: %r' % indexes) print('with errors: %r' % err[indexes]) else: print('There are %d OK SIFT descriptors' % (len(desc),)) return invalids