Source code for ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
smk core
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
#import six
from six.moves import zip
from itertools import product
import utool
#import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as spsparse
from ibeis.model.hots import hstypes
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_scoring
from vtool import clustering2 as clustertool

(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = utool.inject(__name__, '[smk_core]')

DEBUG_SMK = utool.DEBUG2 or utool.get_argflag('--debug-smk')

[docs]def accumulate_scores(dscores_list, daids_list): """ helper to accumulate grouped scores for database annotations """ daid2_aggscore = utool.ddict(lambda: 0) ### Weirdly iflatten was slower here for dscores, daids in zip(dscores_list, daids_list): for daid, score in zip(daids, dscores): daid2_aggscore[daid] += score daid_agg_keys = np.array(list(daid2_aggscore.keys())) daid_agg_scores = np.array(list(daid2_aggscore.values())) return daid_agg_keys, daid_agg_scores
[docs]def match_kernel_L0(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qflags_list, dflags_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list, daids_list, daid2_sccw, query_sccw): """ Computes smk kernels Args: qrvecs_list (list): drvecs_list (list): qflags_list (list): dflags_list (list): qmaws_list (list): dmaws_list (list): smk_alpha (float): selectivity power smk_thresh (float): selectivity threshold idf_list (list): daids_list (list): daid2_sccw (dict): query_sccw (float): query self-consistency-criterion Returns: retL0 : (daid2_totalscore, scores_list, daid_agg_keys,) CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core --test-match_kernel_L0 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> #smk_debug.rrr() >>> core1, core2, extra = smk_debug.testdata_match_kernel_L0() >>> smk_alpha, smk_thresh, query_sccw, daids_list, daid2_sccw = core1 >>> qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, idf_list = core2 >>> qaid2_sccw, qaids_list = extra >>> retL0 = match_kernel_L0(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list, daids_list, daid2_sccw, query_sccw) >>> # Test Asymetric Matching >>> (daid2_totalscore, scores_list, daid_agg_keys,) = retL0 >>> print(daid2_totalscore[5]) 0.336434201301 >>> # Test Self Consistency >>> qret = match_kernel_L0(qrvecs_list, qrvecs_list, qmaws_list, qmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list, qaids_list, qaid2_sccw, query_sccw) >>> (qaid2_totalscore, qscores_list, qaid_agg_keys,) = qret >>> print(qaid2_totalscore[42]) 1.0000000000000007 """ # Residual vector scores scores_list = smk_scoring.score_matches(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qflags_list, dflags_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list) # Summation over query features (resulting in scores over daids) dscores_list = [scores.sum(axis=0) for scores in scores_list] # Accumulate scores over daids (database annotation ids) daid_agg_keys, daid_agg_scores = accumulate_scores(dscores_list, daids_list) # Apply database-side sccw (self consistency criterion weight) daid_sccw_list = [daid2_sccw[daid] for daid in daid_agg_keys] # Apply query-side sccw (self consistency criterion weight ) daid_total_list = np.multiply(np.multiply(daid_sccw_list, daid_agg_scores), query_sccw) # Group scores by daid using a dictionary daid2_totalscore = dict(zip(daid_agg_keys, daid_total_list)) retL0 = (daid2_totalscore, scores_list, daid_agg_keys,) return retL0
[docs]def match_kernel_L1(qindex, invindex, qparams): """ Builds up information and does verbosity before going to L0 """ # Unpack Query (wx2_qrvecs, wx2_qflags, wx2_qmaws, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, query_sccw) = qindex # Unpack Database wx2_drvecs = invindex.wx2_drvecs wx2_idf = invindex.wx2_idf wx2_daid = invindex.wx2_aids wx2_dflags = invindex.wx2_dflags daid2_sccw = invindex.daid2_sccw smk_alpha = qparams.smk_alpha smk_thresh = qparams.smk_thresh # for each word compute the pairwise scores between matches common_wxs = set(wx2_qrvecs.keys()).intersection(set(wx2_drvecs.keys())) # Build lists over common word indexes qrvecs_list = [ wx2_qrvecs[wx] for wx in common_wxs] drvecs_list = [ wx2_drvecs[wx] for wx in common_wxs] daids_list = [ wx2_daid[wx] for wx in common_wxs] idf_list = [ wx2_idf[wx] for wx in common_wxs] qmaws_list = [ wx2_qmaws[wx] for wx in common_wxs] # NOQA dflags_list = [ wx2_dflags[wx] for wx in common_wxs] # NOQA qflags_list = [ wx2_qflags[wx] for wx in common_wxs] dmaws_list = None if utool.VERBOSE: mark, end_ = utool.log_progress('[smk_core] query word: ', len(common_wxs), flushfreq=100, writefreq=25, with_totaltime=True) #-------- retL0 = match_kernel_L0(qrvecs_list, drvecs_list, qflags_list, dflags_list, qmaws_list, dmaws_list, smk_alpha, smk_thresh, idf_list, daids_list, daid2_sccw, query_sccw) (daid2_totalscore, scores_list, daid_agg_keys) = retL0 #print('[smk_core] Matched %d daids' % daid2_totalscore.keys()) #utool.embed() retL1 = (daid2_totalscore, common_wxs, scores_list, daids_list) #-------- if utool.VERBOSE: end_() print('[smk_core] Matched %d daids. nAssign=%r' % (len(daid2_totalscore.keys()), qparams.nAssign)) return retL1
[docs]def match_kernel_L2(qindex, invindex, qparams, withinfo=True): """ Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, invindex, qindex, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_match_kernel_L2() >>> withinfo = True # takes an 11s vs 2s >>> smk_debug.rrr() >>> smk_debug.invindex_dbgstr(invindex) >>> daid2_totalscore, daid2_wx2_scoremat = match_kernel_L2(qindex, invindex, qparams, withinfo) """ if DEBUG_SMK: from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug assert smk_debug.check_wx2_rvecs2(invindex), 'bad invindex' smk_debug.dbstr_qindex() # UNSAFE FUNC STACK INSPECTOR # Unpack qindex # Call match kernel logic retL1 = match_kernel_L1(qindex, invindex, qparams) # Unpack (daid2_totalscore, common_wxs, scores_list, daids_list) = retL1 if withinfo: # Build up cmtup_old if requested TODO: Only build for a shortlist daid2_chipmatch = build_daid2_chipmatch3(qindex, invindex, common_wxs, scores_list, daids_list) else: daid2_chipmatch = None return daid2_totalscore, daid2_chipmatch
[docs]def build_daid2_chipmatch3(qindex, invindex, common_wxs, scores_list, daids_list): """ Args: invindex (InvertedIndex): object for fast vocab lookup common_wxs (list): list of word intersections wx2_qfxs (dict): scores_list (list): daids_list (list): query_sccw (float): query self-consistency-criterion Returns: daid2_chipmatch Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, invindex, qindex, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_match_kernel_L2(aggregate=True) >>> args = (qindex, invindex, qparms) >>> retL1 = match_kernel_L1(*args) >>> (daid2_totalscore, common_wxs, scores_list, daids_list, idf_list, daid_agg_keys,) = retL1 >>> daid2_chipmatch_new = build_daid2_chipmatch3(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) >>> daid2_chipmatch_old = build_daid2_chipmatch2(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) >>> print(utool.is_dicteq(daid2_chipmatch_old[0], daid2_chipmatch_new[0])) >>> print(utool.is_dicteq(daid2_chipmatch_old[2], daid2_chipmatch_new[2])) >>> print(utool.is_dicteq(daid2_chipmatch_old[1], daid2_chipmatch_new[1])) Notation:: The Format of Feature Index Lists are: fxs_list ~ [ ... list_per_word ... ] list_per_word ~ [ ... list_per_rvec ... ] list_per_rvec ~ [ features contributing to rvec (only one if agg=False)] """ """ CommandLine:: python -t smk0 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --index 2:5 python -t smk --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 1:3 --noqcache --va --vf Timeit: num_matches = sum(map(len, daid_nestlist)) %timeit np.array(list(utool.iflatten(daid_nestlist)), dtype=hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) %timeit num_matches = sum(map(len, daid_nestlist)) %timeit np.fromiter(utool.iflatten(daid_nestlist), hstypes.INDEX_TYPE, num_matches) This function is still a tiny bit slower than the other one. There are probably faster ways to do a few things %timeit build_daid2_chipmatch2(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) %timeit build_daid2_chipmatch3(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) """ if utool.VERBOSE: print(' +--- START BUILD CHIPMATCH3') wx2_qfxs = qindex.wx2_qfxs query_sccw = qindex.query_sccw daid2_sccw = invindex.daid2_sccw wx2_dfxs = invindex.wx2_fxs # For each word the query feature indexes mapped to it qfxs_list = [wx2_qfxs[wx] for wx in common_wxs] # For each word the database feature indexes mapped to it dfxs_list = [wx2_dfxs[wx] for wx in common_wxs] # There are a lot of 0 scores, represent sparsely # 117 ms sparse_list = [spsparse.coo_matrix(scores) for scores in scores_list] if DEBUG_SMK: assert len(sparse_list) == len(qfxs_list), 'words to not corresond' assert len(dfxs_list) == len(qfxs_list), 'words to not corresond' assert len(daids_list) == len(qfxs_list), 'words to not corresond' for scores, qfxs, dfxs, daids in zip(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list): assert scores.shape == (len(qfxs), len(dfxs)), 'indices do not correspond' assert len(daids) == len(dfxs), 'data indices do not corresond' print('[smk_core] checked build_chipmatch input ...ok') # 47ms nest_ret = build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list) fm_nestlist, fs_nestlist, daid_nestlist = nest_ret # 7ms flat_ret = flatten_correspondences(fm_nestlist, fs_nestlist, daid_nestlist, query_sccw) all_matches, all_scores, all_daids = flat_ret # 3.61ms daid2_chipmatch = group_correspondences(all_matches, all_scores, all_daids, daid2_sccw) if utool.VERBOSE: print(' L___ END BUILD CHIPMATCH3') return daid2_chipmatch
[docs]def build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list): """ helper these list comprehensions replace the prevous for loop they still need to be optimized a little bit (and made clearer) can probably unnest the list comprehensions as well """ """ IGNORE Legacy:: def old_build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list): fm_nestlist_ = [] fs_nestlist_ = [] daid_nestlist_ = [] for scores, qfxs, dfxs, daids in zip(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list): for rx, cx, score in zip(scores.row, scores.col, _fm = tuple(product(qfxs[rx], dfxs[cx])) _fs = [score / len(_fm)] * len(_fm) _daid = [daids[cx]] * len(_fm) fm_nestlist_.append(_fm) fs_nestlist_.append(_fs) daid_nestlist_.append(_daid) return fm_nestlist_, fs_nestlist_, daid_nestlist_ oldtup_ = old_build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list) fm_nestlist_, fs_nestlist_, daid_nestlist_ = oldtup_ newtup_ = build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list) fm_nestlist, fs_nestlist, daid_nestlist = newtup_ assert fm_nestlist == fm_nestlist_ assert fs_nestlist == fs_nestlist_ assert daid_nestlist == daid_nestlist_ 47ms %timeit build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list) 59ms %timeit old_build_correspondences(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list, daids_list) IGNORE """ # FIXME: rewrite double comprehension as a flat comprehension # Build nested feature matches (a single match might have many members) fm_nestlist = [ tuple(product(qfxs[rx], dfxs[cx])) for scores, qfxs, dfxs in zip(sparse_list, qfxs_list, dfxs_list) for rx, cx in zip(scores.row, scores.col) ] nFm_list = [len(fm) for fm in fm_nestlist] #fs_unsplit = (score # for scores in sparse_list # for score in #daid_unsplit = (daids[cx] # for scores, daids in zip(sparse_list, daids_list) # for cx in scores.col) # Build nested feature scores fs_unsplit = utool.iflatten( ( for scores in sparse_list)) # Build nested feature matches (a single match might have many members) daid_unsplit = utool.iflatten( (daids.take(scores.col) for scores, daids in zip(sparse_list, daids_list))) # Expand feature scores and daids splitting scores amongst match members fs_nestlist = [ [score / nFm] * nFm for score, nFm in zip(fs_unsplit, nFm_list) ] daid_nestlist = [ [daid] * nFm for daid, nFm in zip(daid_unsplit, nFm_list) ] if DEBUG_SMK: assert len(fm_nestlist) == len(fs_nestlist), 'inconsistent len' assert len(fm_nestlist) == len(nFm_list), 'inconsistent len' assert len(daid_nestlist) == len(fs_nestlist), 'inconsistent len' min_ = min(2, len(nFm_list)) max_ = min(15, len(nFm_list)) print('nFm_list[_min:_max] = ' + utool.list_str(nFm_list[min_:max_])) print('fm_nestlist[_min:_max] = ' + utool.list_str(fm_nestlist[min_:max_])) print('fs_nestlist[_min:_max] = ' + utool.list_str(fs_nestlist[min_:max_])) print('daid_nestlist[_min:_max] = ' + utool.list_str(daid_nestlist[min_:max_])) for fm_, fs_, daid_ in zip(fm_nestlist, fs_nestlist, daid_nestlist): assert len(fm_) == len(fs_), 'inconsistent len' assert len(fm_) == len(daid_), 'inconsistent len' print('[smk_core] checked build_chipmatch correspondence ...ok') return fm_nestlist, fs_nestlist, daid_nestlist
[docs]def flatten_correspondences(fm_nestlist, fs_nestlist, daid_nestlist, query_sccw): """ helper """ iflat_ = utool.iflatten DAID_DTYPE = hstypes.INDEX_TYPE FS_DTYPE = hstypes.FS_DTYPE FM_DTYPE = hstypes.FM_DTYPE #_all_daids = np.array(list(utool.iflatten(daid_nestlist)), dtype=hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) #_all_scores = np.array(list(utool.iflatten(fs_nestlist)), dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE) * query_sccw #_all_matches = np.array(list(utool.iflatten(fm_nestlist)), dtype=hstypes.FM_DTYPE) #count1 = sum(map(len, daid_nestlist)) count = sum(map(len, fs_nestlist)) #count3 = sum(map(len, fm_nestlist)) all_daids = np.fromiter(iflat_(daid_nestlist), DAID_DTYPE, count) all_scores = np.fromiter(iflat_(fs_nestlist), FS_DTYPE, count) * query_sccw # Shape hack so we can use fromiter which outputs a 1D array all_matches = np.fromiter(iflat_(iflat_(fm_nestlist)), FM_DTYPE, 2 * count) all_matches.shape = (all_matches.size / 2, 2) if utool.DEBUG2: assert len(all_daids) == len(all_scores), 'inconsistent len' assert len(all_matches) == len(all_scores), 'inconsistent len' print('[smk_core] checked build_chipmatch flatten ...ok') return all_matches, all_scores, all_daids
[docs]def group_correspondences(all_matches, all_scores, all_daids, daid2_sccw): daid_keys, groupxs = clustertool.group_indices(all_daids) fs_list = clustertool.apply_grouping(all_scores, groupxs) fm_list = clustertool.apply_grouping(all_matches, groupxs) daid2_fm = {daid: fm for daid, fm in zip(daid_keys, fm_list)} daid2_fs = {daid: fs * daid2_sccw[daid] for daid, fs in zip(daid_keys, fs_list)} # FIXME: generalize to when nAssign > 1 daid2_fk = {daid: np.ones(fs.size, dtype=hstypes.FK_DTYPE) for daid, fs in zip(daid_keys, fs_list)} daid2_chipmatch = (daid2_fm, daid2_fs, daid2_fk) return daid2_chipmatch
[docs]def build_daid2_chipmatch2(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw): """ Builds explicit chipmatches that the rest of the pipeline plays nice with Notation: An explicit cmtup_old is a tuple (fm, fs, fk) feature_matches, feature_scores, and feature_ranks. Let N be the number of matches A feature match, fm{shape=(N, 2), dtype=int32}, is an array where the first column corresponds to query_feature_indexes (qfx) and the second column corresponds to database_feature_indexes (dfx). A feature score, fs{shape=(N,), dtype=float64} is an array of scores A feature rank, fk{shape=(N,), dtype=int16} is an array of ranks Returns: daid2_chipmatch (dict) : (daid2_fm, daid2_fs, daid2_fk) Return Format:: daid2_fm (dict): {daid: fm, ...} daid2_fs (dict): {daid: fs, ...} daid2_fk (dict): {daid: fk, ...} Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> ibs, invindex, qindex, qparams = smk_debug.testdata_match_kernel_L2() >>> wx2_qrvecs, wx2_qmaws, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, query_sccw = qindex >>> smk_alpha = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.smk_cfg.smk_alpha >>> smk_thresh = ibs.cfg.query_cfg.smk_cfg.smk_thresh >>> withinfo = True # takes an 11s vs 2s >>> args = (wx2_qrvecs, wx2_qmaws, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, query_sccw, invindex, withinfo, smk_alpha, smk_thresh) >>> retL1 = match_kernel_L1(*args) >>> (daid2_totalscore, common_wxs, scores_list, daids_list, idf_list, daid_agg_keys,) = retL1 >>> daid2_chipmatch_old = build_daid2_chipmatch2(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) >>> daid2_chipmatch_new = build_daid2_chipmatch3(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) >>> print(utool.is_dicteq(daid2_chipmatch_old[0], daid2_chipmatch_new[0])) >>> print(utool.is_dicteq(daid2_chipmatch_old[2], daid2_chipmatch_new[2])) >>> print(utool.is_dicteq(daid2_chipmatch_old[1], daid2_chipmatch_new[1])) %timeit build_daid2_chipmatch2(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) %timeit build_daid2_chipmatch3(invindex, common_wxs, wx2_qaids, wx2_qfxs, scores_list, daids_list, query_sccw) """ # FIXME: move groupby to vtool if utool.VERBOSE: print('[smk_core] build cmtup_old') wx2_dfxs = invindex.wx2_fxs daid2_sccw = invindex.daid2_sccw qfxs_list = [wx2_qfxs[wx] for wx in common_wxs] dfxs_list = [wx2_dfxs[wx] for wx in common_wxs] shapes_list = [scores.shape for scores in scores_list] # 51us shape_ranges = [(mem_arange(w), mem_arange(h)) for (w, h) in shapes_list] # 230us ijs_list = [mem_meshgrid(wrange, hrange) for (wrange, hrange) in shape_ranges] # 278us # Normalize scores for words, nMatches, and query sccw (still need daid sccw) nscores_iter = (scores * query_sccw for scores in scores_list) # FIXME: Preflatten all of these lists out_ijs = [ list(zip(_is.flat, _js.flat)) for (_is, _js) in ijs_list ] out_qfxs = [ [qfxs[ix] for (ix, jx) in ijs] for (qfxs, ijs) in zip(qfxs_list, out_ijs) ] out_dfxs = [ [dfxs[jx] for (ix, jx) in ijs] for (dfxs, ijs) in zip(dfxs_list, out_ijs) ] out_daids = ( [daids[jx] for (ix, jx) in ijs] for (daids, ijs) in zip(daids_list, out_ijs) ) out_scores = ( [nscores[ijx] for ijx in ijs] for (nscores, ijs) in zip(nscores_iter, out_ijs) ) nested_fm_iter = [ [ tuple(product(qfxs_, dfxs_)) for qfxs_, dfxs_ in zip(qfxs, dfxs) ] for qfxs, dfxs in zip(out_qfxs, out_dfxs) ] all_fms = np.array(list(utool.iflatten(utool.iflatten(nested_fm_iter))), dtype=hstypes.FM_DTYPE) nested_nmatch_list = [[len(fm) for fm in fms] for fms in nested_fm_iter] nested_daid_iter = ( [ [daid] * nMatch for nMatch, daid in zip(nMatch_list, daids) ] for nMatch_list, daids in zip(nested_nmatch_list, out_daids) ) nested_score_iter = ( [ [score / nMatch] * nMatch for nMatch, score in zip(nMatch_list, scores) ] for nMatch_list, scores in zip(nested_nmatch_list, out_scores) ) all_daids_ = np.array(list(utool.iflatten(utool.iflatten(nested_daid_iter))), dtype=hstypes.INDEX_TYPE) all_fss = np.array(list(utool.iflatten(utool.iflatten(nested_score_iter))), dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE) # Filter out 0 scores keep_xs = np.where(all_fss > 0)[0] all_fss = all_fss.take(keep_xs) all_fms = all_fms.take(keep_xs, axis=0) all_daids_ = all_daids_.take(keep_xs) daid_keys, groupxs = clustertool.group_indices(all_daids_) fs_list = clustertool.apply_grouping(all_fss, groupxs) fm_list = clustertool.apply_grouping(all_fms, groupxs) daid2_fm = {daid: fm for daid, fm in zip(daid_keys, fm_list)} daid2_fs = {daid: fs * daid2_sccw[daid] for daid, fs in zip(daid_keys, fs_list)} # FIXME: generalize to when nAssign > 1 daid2_fk = {daid: np.ones(fs.size, dtype=hstypes.FK_DTYPE) for daid, fs in zip(daid_keys, fs_list)} daid2_chipmatch = (daid2_fm, daid2_fs, daid2_fk) return daid2_chipmatch #if False: # np.all(all_fms == all_matches) # np.all(all_fss == all_scores) # np.all(np.abs(all_scores - all_fss) < .00001) #assert len(all_daids_) == len(all_fss) #assert len(all_fms) == len(all_fss) #with utool.EmbedOnException(): # try: # except Exception as ex: # utool.printex(ex) # #utool.list_depth(dfxs_list, max) # #utool.list_depth(dfxs_list, min) # raise # This code is incomprehensable. I feel ashamed. # Number of times to duplicate scores #nested_nmatch_list = [ # [ # qfxs_.size * dfxs_.size # for qfxs_, dfxs_ in zip(dfxs, qfxs) # ] # for dfxs, qfxs in zip(out_dfxs, out_qfxs) #] #test = [[(qfxs_, dfxs_) for (qfxs_, dfxs_) in zip(qfxs, dfxs)] for qfxs, dfxs in zip(out_qfxs, out_dfxs)] #flatqfxs = utool.flatten([[(qfxs_, dfxs_) for (qfxs_, dfxs_) in zip(qfxs, dfxs)] for qfxs, dfxs in zip(out_qfxs, out_dfxs)])
[docs]def mem_arange(num, cache={}): # TODO: weakref cache if num not in cache: cache[num] = np.arange(num) return cache[num]
[docs]def mem_meshgrid(wrange, hrange, cache={}): # TODO: weakref cache key = (id(wrange), id(hrange)) if key not in cache: cache[key] = np.meshgrid(wrange, hrange, indexing='ij') return cache[key]
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core --allexamples python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_core --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()