# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
#import six
from six.moves import zip, range, map # NOQA
import utool
import numpy as np
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_index
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_repr
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_core
#from six.moves import zip
#from ibeis.model.hots.hstypes import INTEGER_TYPE
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = utool.inject(__name__, '[smk_match]')
DEBUG_SMK = utool.DEBUG2 or utool.get_argflag('--debug-smk')
[docs]def execute_smk_L5(qreq_):
ibeis query interface
>>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_match import * # NOQA
>>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_match
>>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
>>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_ = smk_debug.testdata_internals_full()
>>> qaid2_scores, qaid2_chipmatch = smk_match.execute_smk_L5(qreq_)
from ibeis.model.hots import pipeline
filt2_meta = {}
# Get both spatial verified and not
qaid2_chipmatch_FILT_ = qaid2_chipmatch
qaid2_chipmatch_SVER_ = pipeline.spatial_verification(qaid2_chipmatch_FILT_, qreq_)
qaid2_qres_FILT_ = pipeline.chipmatch_to_resdict(qaid2_chipmatch_FILT_, filt2_meta, qreq_)
qaid2_qres_SVER_ = pipeline.chipmatch_to_resdict(qaid2_chipmatch_SVER_, filt2_meta, qreq_)
qres_FILT = qaid2_qres_FILT_[qaids[0]]
qres_SVER = qaid2_qres_SVER_[qaids[0]]
fig1 = qres_FILT.show_top(ibs, fnum=1, figtitle='filt')
fig2 = qres_SVER.show_top(ibs, fnum=2, figtitle='sver')
python -m memory_profiler dev.py --db PZ_Mothers -t smk2 --allgt --index 0
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --index 2:10 --vf --va
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --index 2:10 --vf --va --print-cfgstr
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --index 2:20 --vf --va
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --noqcache --index 2:20 --va --vf
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db PZ_Master0 && python dev.py -t smk3 --allgt --db PZ_Master0
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db PZ_Master0 --index 2:10 --va
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 20:30
python dev.py -t smk2 --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --noqcache --index 18:20 --super-strict --va
python dev.py -t smk2 --db PZ_Master0 --qaid 7199 --va --quality --vf --noqcache
python dev.py -t smk3 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --index 2:10 --vf --va
python dev.py -t smk5 --allgt --db PZ_Master0 --noqcache ; python dev.py -t smk5 --allgt --db GZ_ALL --noqcache
python dev.py -t smkd --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 1:3 --va --quality --vf --noqcache
python dev.py -t smk_8k --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 20:30 --va --vf
python dev.py -t smk_8k --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 20:30 --echo-hardcase
python dev.py -t smk_8k --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 20:30 --vh
python dev.py -t smk_8k_compare --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 20:30 --view-hard
memtrack = utool.MemoryTracker('[SMK ENTRY]')
qaids = qreq_.get_external_qaids()
ibs = qreq_.ibs
# Params
qparams = qreq_.qparams
memtrack.report('[SMK PREINIT]')
# Build ~~Pandas~~ dataframe (or maybe not)
annots_df = smk_repr.make_annot_df(ibs)
words, invindex = prepare_qreq(qreq_, annots_df, memtrack)
withinfo = True
# Execute smk for each query
memtrack.report('[SMK QREQ INITIALIZED]')
print('[SMK_MEM] invindex is using ' + utool.get_object_size_str(invindex))
print('[SMK_MEM] qreq_ is using ' + utool.get_object_size_str(qreq_))
if utool.DEBUG2:
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
qaid2_scores, qaid2_chipmatch = execute_smk_L4(annots_df, qaids, invindex, qparams, withinfo)
memtrack.report('[SMK QREQ FINISHED]')
return qaid2_scores, qaid2_chipmatch
[docs]def prepare_qreq(qreq_, annots_df, memtrack):
""" Called if pipeline did not setup qreq correctly """
print('\n\n+--- QREQ NEEDS TO LOAD VOCAB --- ')
if hasattr(qreq_, 'words'):
# Hack
raise NotImplementedError('pipeline still isnt fully ready for smk')
words = qreq_.words
invindex = qreq_.invindex
# Load vocabulary
qparams = qreq_.qparams
daids = qreq_.get_external_daids()
words = smk_index.learn_visual_words(annots_df, qreq_, memtrack=memtrack)
memtrack.report('[SMK LEARN VWORDS]')
# Index database annotations
with_internals = True
invindex = smk_repr.index_data_annots(annots_df, daids, words, qparams,
with_internals, memtrack)
memtrack.report('[SMK INDEX ANNOTS]')
print('L___ FINISHED LOADING VOCAB ___\n')
return words, invindex
[docs]def execute_smk_L4(annots_df, qaids, invindex, qparams, withinfo):
Loop over execute_smk_L3
python dev.py -t smk --allgt --db PZ_Mothers --index 1:3 --noqcache --va --vf
# Progress
lbl = 'ASMK query: ' if qparams.aggregate else 'SMK query: '
logkw = dict(flushfreq=1, writefreq=1, with_totaltime=True, backspace=False)
mark, end_ = utool.log_progress(lbl, len(qaids), **logkw)
# Output
qaid2_chipmatch = {}
qaid2_scores = {}
# Foreach query annotation
for count, qaid in enumerate(qaids):
tup = execute_smk_L3(annots_df, qaid, invindex, qparams, withinfo)
daid2_score, daid2_chipmatch = tup
qaid2_scores[qaid] = daid2_score
qaid2_chipmatch[qaid] = daid2_chipmatch
#memtrack.report('[SMK SINGLE QUERY]')
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
smk_debug.check_qaid2_chipmatch(qaid2_chipmatch, qaids)
return qaid2_scores, qaid2_chipmatch
[docs]def execute_smk_L3(annots_df, qaid, invindex, qparams, withinfo=True):
Executes a single smk query
>>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_match import * # NOQA
>>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
>>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_ = smk_debug.testdata_internals_full()
>>> qaid = qaids[0]
>>> qparams = qreq_.qparams
>>> withinfo = True
>>> daid2_totalscore, daid2_chipmatch = execute_smk_L3(annots_df, qaid, invindex, qparams, withinfo)
#from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_index
# Get query words / residuals
qindex = smk_repr.new_qindex(annots_df, qaid, invindex, qparams)
# Compute match kernel for all database aids
daid2_totalscore, daid2_chipmatch = smk_core.match_kernel_L2(qindex, invindex, qparams, withinfo) # 54 %
# Prevent self matches
allow_self_match = qparams.allow_self_match
if (not allow_self_match) and qaid in daid2_totalscore:
# If we cannot do self-matches
daid2_totalscore[qaid] = 0
daid2_chipmatch[0][qaid] = np.empty((0, 2), dtype=np.int32)
daid2_chipmatch[1][qaid] = np.empty((0), dtype=np.float32)
daid2_chipmatch[2][qaid] = np.empty((0), dtype=np.int32)
# Build chipmatches if daid2_wx2_scoremat is not None
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
return daid2_totalscore, daid2_chipmatch
if __name__ == '__main__':
def main():
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_match
from ibeis.model.hots import pipeline
ibs, taids, daids, qaids, qreq_ = smk_debug.testdata_ibeis2()
qaid2_scores, qaid2_chipmatch = smk_match.execute_smk_L5(qreq_)
filt2_meta = {}
qaid2_qres_ = pipeline.chipmatch_to_resdict(qaid2_chipmatch, filt2_meta, qreq_)
qres = qaid2_qres_[qaids[0]]
fig = qres.show_top(ibs)
from plottool import draw_func2 as df2