Source code for ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Feature Weighting
    Viewpoints Labels
    Choose Examplars based on Scores
    Normalizing Scores
    Per Name
    Incremental Version
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug
from vtool import patch as ptool
from vtool import image as gtool
import six
import scipy.stats.mstats as spms
from os.path import join
from os.path import basename
import scipy.spatial.distance as spdist
from collections import namedtuple
(print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[smk_plots]')

Metrics = namedtuple('Metrics', ('wx2_nMembers', 'wx2_pdist_stats', 'wx2_wdist_stats',))

[docs]def vizualize_vocabulary(ibs, invindex): """ cleaned up version of dump_word_patches. Makes idf scatter plots and dumps the patches that contributed to each word. CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-vizualize_vocabulary python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-vizualize_vocabulary --vf Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_repr >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='GZ_ALL', nWords=64000) >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='GZ_ALL', nWords=8000) >>> tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='PZ_Master0', nWords=64000) >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='PZ_Mothers', nWords=8000) >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_ = tup >>> smk_repr.compute_data_internals_(invindex, qreq_.qparams, delete_rawvecs=False) >>> vizualize_vocabulary(ibs, invindex) """ invindex.idx2_wxs = np.array(invindex.idx2_wxs) print('[smk_plots] Vizualizing vocabulary') # DUMPING PART --- dumps patches to disk figdir = ibs.get_fig_dir() ut.ensuredir(figdir) if ut.get_argflag('--vf'): ut.view_directory(figdir) # Compute Word Statistics metrics = compute_word_metrics(invindex) wx2_nMembers, wx2_pdist_stats, wx2_wdist_stats = metrics #(wx2_pdist, wx2_wdist, wx2_nMembers, wx2_pdist_stats, wx2_wdist_stats) = metrics #wx2_prad = {wx: pdist_stats['max'] for wx, pdist_stats in six.iteritems(wx2_pdist_stats) if 'max' in pdist_stats} #wx2_wrad = {wx: wdist_stats['max'] for wx, wdist_stats in six.iteritems(wx2_wdist_stats) if 'max' in wdist_stats} wx2_prad = {wx: stats['max'] for wx, stats in wx2_pdist_stats.items() if 'max' in stats} wx2_wrad = {wx: stats['max'] for wx, stats in wx2_wdist_stats.items() if 'max' in stats} #wx2_prad = get_metric(metrics, 'wx2_pdist_stats', 'max') #wx2_wrad = get_metric(metrics, 'wx2_wdist_stats', 'max') wx_sample1 = select_by_metric(wx2_nMembers) wx_sample2 = select_by_metric(wx2_prad) wx_sample3 = select_by_metric(wx2_wrad) wx_sample = wx_sample1 + wx_sample2 + wx_sample3 overlap123 = len(wx_sample) - len(set(wx_sample)) print('overlap123 = %r' % overlap123) wx_sample = set(wx_sample) print('len(wx_sample) = %r' % len(wx_sample)) #make_scatterplots(ibs, figdir, invindex, metrics) vocabdir = join(figdir, 'vocab_patches2') wx2_dpath = get_word_dpaths(vocabdir, wx_sample, metrics) make_wordfigures(ibs, metrics, invindex, figdir, wx_sample, wx2_dpath)
[docs]def metric_clamped_stat(metrics, wx_list, key): """ if key is a tuple it specifies a statdict and a chosen stat else its just a key """ try: if isinstance(key, tuple): metrickey, statkey = key wx2_statdict = metrics.__dict__[metrickey] def wx2_metric(wx): return wx2_statdict[wx][statkey] if wx in wx2_statdict and statkey in wx2_statdict[wx] else -1 stat_list = np.array([wx2_metric(wx) for wx in wx_list]) else: wx2_metric = metrics.__dict__[key] stat_list = np.array([wx2_metric[wx] for wx in wx_list]) stat_list = ut.negative_minclamp_inplace(stat_list) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['key']) return stat_list
[docs]def compute_word_metrics(invindex): invindex.idx2_wxs = np.array(invindex.idx2_wxs) wx2_idxs = invindex.wx2_idxs idx2_dvec = invindex.idx2_dvec words = invindex.words wx2_pdist = {} wx2_wdist = {} wx2_nMembers = {} wx2_pdist_stats = {} wx2_wdist_stats = {} wordidx_iter = ut.progiter(six.iteritems(wx2_idxs), lbl='Word Dists: ', num=len(wx2_idxs), freq=200) for _item in wordidx_iter: wx, idxs = _item dvecs = idx2_dvec.take(idxs, axis=0) word = words[wx:wx + 1] wx2_pdist[wx] = spdist.pdist(dvecs) # pairwise dist between words wx2_wdist[wx] = ut.euclidean_dist(dvecs, word) # dist to word center wx2_nMembers[wx] = len(idxs) for wx, pdist in ut.progiter(six.iteritems(wx2_pdist), lbl='Word pdist Stats: ', num=len(wx2_idxs), freq=2000): wx2_pdist_stats[wx] = ut.get_stats(pdist) for wx, wdist in ut.progiter(six.iteritems(wx2_wdist), lbl='Word wdist Stats: ', num=len(wx2_idxs), freq=2000): wx2_wdist_stats[wx] = ut.get_stats(wdist) ut.print_stats(wx2_nMembers.values(), 'word members') metrics = Metrics(wx2_nMembers, wx2_pdist_stats, wx2_wdist_stats) return metrics #word_pdist = spdist.pdist(invindex.words)
[docs]def draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, datax, datay, xlabel, ylabel, color, fnum=None): from plottool import df2 datac = [color for _ in range(len(datax))] assert len(datax) == len(datay), '%r %r' % (len(datax), len(datay)) df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) df2.plt.scatter(datax, datay, c=datac, s=20, marker='o', alpha=.9) ax = df2.gca() title = '%s vs %s.\nnWords=%r. db=%r' % (xlabel, ylabel, len(datax), ibs.get_dbname()) df2.set_xlabel(xlabel) df2.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_ylim(min(datay) - 1, max(datay) + 1) ax.set_xlim(min(datax) - 1, max(datax) + 1) df2.dark_background() df2.set_figtitle(title) figpath = join(figdir, title) df2.save_figure(fnum, figpath)
[docs]def dump_word_patches(ibs, vocabdir, invindex, wx_sample, metrics): """ Dumps word member patches to disk """ wx2_dpath = get_word_dpaths(vocabdir, wx_sample, metrics) # Write each patch from each annotation to disk idx2_daid = invindex.idx2_daid daids = invindex.daids idx2_dfx = invindex.idx2_dfx #maws_list = invindex.idx2_wxs[idxs] # Loop over all annotations skipping the ones without any words in the sample ax2_idxs = [np.where(idx2_daid == aid_)[0] for aid_ in ut.progiter(daids, 'Building Forward Index: ', freq=100)] patchdump_iter = ut.progiter(zip(daids, ax2_idxs), freq=1, lbl='Dumping Selected Patches: ', num=len(daids)) for aid, idxs in patchdump_iter: wxs_list = invindex.idx2_wxs[idxs] if len(set(ut.flatten(wxs_list)).intersection(set(wx_sample))) == 0: # skip this annotation continue fx_list = idx2_dfx[idxs] chip = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid) chip_kpts = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid) nid = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid) patches, subkpts = ptool.get_warped_patches(chip, chip_kpts) for fx, wxs, patch in zip(fx_list, wxs_list, patches): assert len(wxs) == 1, 'did you multiassign the database? If so implement it here too' for k, wx in enumerate(wxs): if wx not in wx_sample: continue patch_fname = 'patch_nid=%04d_aid=%04d_fx=%04d_k=%d' % (nid, aid, fx, k) fpath = join(wx2_dpath[wx], patch_fname) #gtool.imwrite(fpath, patch, fallback=True) gtool.imwrite_fallback(fpath, patch)
[docs]def get_word_dname(wx, metrics): stats_ = metrics.wx2_wdist_stats[wx] wname_clean = 'wx=%06d' % wx stats1 = 'max={max},min={min},mean={mean},'.format(**stats_) stats2 = 'std={std},nMaxMin=({nMax},{nMin}),shape={shape}'.format(**stats_) fname_fmt = wname_clean + '_{stats1}{stats2}' fmt_dict = dict(stats1=stats1, stats2=stats2) word_dname = ut.long_fname_format(fname_fmt, fmt_dict, ['stats2', 'stats1'], max_len=250, hashlen=4) return word_dname
[docs]def get_word_dpaths(vocabdir, wx_sample, metrics): """ Gets word folder names and ensure they exist """ ut.ensuredir(vocabdir) wx2_dpath = {wx: join(vocabdir, get_word_dname(wx, metrics)) for wx in wx_sample} iter_ = ut.progiter(six.itervalues(wx2_dpath), lbl='Ensuring word_dpath: ', freq=200) for dpath in iter_: ut.ensuredir(dpath) return wx2_dpath
[docs]def select_by_metric(wx2_metric, per_quantile=20): # sample a few words around the quantile points metric_list = np.array(list(wx2_metric.values())) wx_list = np.array(list(wx2_metric.keys())) metric_quantiles = spms.mquantiles(metric_list) metric_quantiles = np.array(metric_quantiles.tolist() + [metric_list.max(), metric_list.min()]) wx_interest = [] for scalar in metric_quantiles: dist = (metric_list - scalar) ** 2 wx_quantile = wx_list[dist.argsort()[0:per_quantile]] wx_interest.extend(wx_quantile.tolist()) overlap = len(wx_interest) - len(set(wx_interest)) if overlap > 0: print('warning: overlap=%r' % overlap) return wx_interest
[docs]def get_metric(metrics, tupkey, statkey=None): wx2_metric = metrics.__dict__[tupkey] if statkey is not None: wx2_submetric = [stats_[statkey] for wx, stats_ in six.iteritems(wx2_metric) if statkey in stats_] return wx2_submetric return wx2_metric #{wx: pdist_stats['max'] for wx, pdist_stats in six.iteritems(wx2_pdist_stats) if 'max' in pdist_stats} #wx2_wrad = {wx: wdist_stats['max'] for wx, wdist_stats in six.iteritems(wx2_wdist_stats) if 'max' in wdist_stats}
[docs]def make_scatterplots(ibs, figdir, invindex, metrics): from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 wx2_pdist_stats = metrics.wx2_pdist_stats wx2_wdist_stats = metrics.wx2_pdist_stats wx2_nMembers = metrics.wx2_nMembers def wx2_avepdist(wx): return wx2_pdist_stats[wx]['mean'] if wx in wx2_pdist_stats and 'mean' in wx2_pdist_stats[wx] else -1 def wx2_avewdist(wx): return wx2_wdist_stats[wx]['mean'] if wx in wx2_wdist_stats and 'mean' in wx2_wdist_stats[wx] else -1 wx2_idf = invindex.wx2_idf # data wx_list = list(wx2_idf.keys()) idf_list = [wx2_idf[wx] for wx in wx_list] nPoints_list = [wx2_nMembers[wx] if wx in wx2_nMembers else -1 for wx in wx_list] avepdist_list = [wx2_avepdist(wx) for wx in wx_list] avewdist_list = [wx2_avewdist(wx) for wx in wx_list] df2.reset() draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, idf_list, avepdist_list, 'idf', 'mean(pdist)', df2.WHITE, fnum=1) draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, idf_list, avewdist_list, 'idf', 'mean(wdist)', df2.PINK, fnum=3) draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, nPoints_list, avepdist_list, 'nPointsInWord', 'mean(pdist)', df2.GREEN, fnum=2) draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, avepdist_list, avewdist_list, 'mean(pdist)', 'mean(wdist)', df2.YELLOW, fnum=4) draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, nPoints_list, avewdist_list, 'nPointsInWord', 'mean(wdist)', df2.ORANGE, fnum=5) draw_scatterplot(figdir, ibs, idf_list, nPoints_list, 'idf', 'nPointsInWord', df2.LIGHT_BLUE, fnum=6) #df2.present()
[docs]def make_wordfigures(ibs, metrics, invindex, figdir, wx_sample, wx2_dpath): """ Builds mosaics of patches assigned to words in sample ouptuts them to disk """ from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 import vtool as vt import parse vocabdir = join(figdir, 'vocab_patches2') ut.ensuredir(vocabdir) dump_word_patches(ibs, vocabdir, invindex, wx_sample, metrics) # COLLECTING PART --- collects patches in word folders #vocabdir seldpath = vocabdir + '_selected' ut.ensurepath(seldpath) # stack for show for wx, dpath in ut.progiter(six.iteritems(wx2_dpath), lbl='Dumping Word Images:', num=len(wx2_dpath), freq=1, backspace=False): #df2.rrr() fpath_list = fname_list = [basename(fpath_) for fpath_ in fpath_list] patch_list = [gtool.imread(fpath_) for fpath_ in fpath_list] # color each patch by nid nid_list = [int(parse.parse('{}_nid={nid}_{}', fname)['nid']) for fname in fname_list] nid_set = set(nid_list) nid_list = np.array(nid_list) if len(nid_list) == len(nid_set): # no duplicate names newpatch_list = patch_list else: # duplicate names. do coloring sortx = nid_list.argsort() patch_list = np.array(patch_list, dtype=object)[sortx] fname_list = np.array(fname_list, dtype=object)[sortx] nid_list = nid_list[sortx] colors = (255 * np.array(df2.distinct_colors(len(nid_set)))).astype(np.int32) color_dict = dict(zip(nid_set, colors)) wpad, hpad = 3, 3 newshape_list = [tuple((np.array(patch.shape) + (wpad * 2, hpad * 2, 0)).tolist()) for patch in patch_list] color_list = [color_dict[nid_] for nid_ in nid_list] newpatch_list = [np.zeros(shape) + color[None, None] for shape, color in zip(newshape_list, color_list)] for patch, newpatch in zip(patch_list, newpatch_list): newpatch[wpad:-wpad, hpad:-hpad, :] = patch #img_list = patch_list #bigpatch = vt.stack_image_recurse(patch_list) #bigpatch = vt.stack_image_list(patch_list, vert=False) bigpatch = vt.stack_square_images(newpatch_list) bigpatch_fpath = join(seldpath, basename(dpath) + '_patches.png') # def _dictstr(dict_): str_ = ut.dict_str(dict_, newlines=False) str_ = str_.replace('\'', '').replace(': ', '=').strip('{},') return str_ figtitle = '\n'.join([ 'wx=%r' % wx, 'stat(pdist): %s' % _dictstr(metrics.wx2_pdist_stats[wx]), 'stat(wdist): %s' % _dictstr(metrics.wx2_wdist_stats[wx]), ]) metrics.wx2_nMembers[wx] df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) fig, ax = df2.imshow(bigpatch, figtitle=figtitle) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle) df2.adjust_subplots(top=.878, bottom=0) df2.save_figure(1, bigpatch_fpath) #gtool.imwrite(bigpatch_fpath, bigpatch)
[docs]def get_cached_vocabs(): import parse # Parse some of the training data from fname parse_str = '{}nC={num_cent},{}_DPTS(({num_dpts},{dim}){}' smkdir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('smk') fname_list = ut.glob(smkdir, 'akmeans*') fpath_list = [join(smkdir, fname) for fname in fname_list] result_list = [parse.parse(parse_str, fpath) for fpath in fpath_list] nCent_list = [int(res['num_cent']) for res in result_list] nDpts_list = [int(res['num_dpts']) for res in result_list] key_list = zip(nCent_list, nDpts_list) fpath_sorted = ut.sortedby(fpath_list, key_list, reverse=True) return fpath_sorted
[docs]def view_vocabs(): """ looks in vocab cachedir and prints info / vizualizes the vocabs using PCA CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-view_vocabs --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> # execute function >>> view_vocabs() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from vtool import clustering2 as clustertool import numpy as np fpath_sorted = get_cached_vocabs() num_pca_dims = 2 # 3 whiten = False kwd = dict(num_pca_dims=num_pca_dims, whiten=whiten,) def view_vocab(fpath): # QUANTIZED AND FLOATING POINT STATS centroids = ut.load_cPkl(fpath) print('viewing vocat fpath=%r' % (fpath,)) smk_debug.vector_stats(centroids, 'centroids') #centroids_float = centroids.astype(np.float64) / 255.0 centroids_float = centroids.astype(np.float64) / 512.0 smk_debug.vector_stats(centroids_float, 'centroids_float') fig = clustertool.plot_centroids(centroids, centroids, labels='centroids', fnum=1, prefix='centroid vecs\n', **kwd) for count, fpath in enumerate(fpath_sorted): if count > 0: break view_vocab(fpath)
[docs]def plot_chip_metric(ibs, aid, metric=None, fnum=1, lbl='', figtitle='', colortype='score', darken=.5, cmap_='hot', reverse_cmap=False, **kwargs): """ Plots one annotation with one metric. The word metric is used liberally. Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_plots >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_repr >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='GZ_ALL', nWords=64000) >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='GZ_ALL', nWords=8000) >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='PZ_Master0', nWords=64000) >>> tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='PZ_Mothers', nWords=8000) >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_ = tup >>> smk_repr.compute_data_internals_(invindex, qreq_.qparams, delete_rawvecs=False) >>> invindex.idx2_wxs = np.array(invindex.idx2_wxs) >>> metric = None >>> aid = 1 >>> fnum = 0 >>> lbl='test' >>> colortype='score' >>> kwargs = {'annote': False} #>>> df2.rrr() >>> smk_plots.plot_chip_metric(ibs, aid, metric, fnum, lbl, colortype, **kwargs) >>> df2.present() """ import plottool.draw_func2 as df2 from ibeis.viz import viz_chip df2.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) if metric is not None: if colortype == 'score': colors = df2.scores_to_color(metric, cmap_=cmap_, reverse_cmap=reverse_cmap) elif colortype == 'label': colors = df2.label_to_colors(metric) elif colortype == 'custom': # Give ranks of -1 and -2 special meaning val2_customcolor = { -1: df2.UNKNOWN_PURP, -2: df2.LIGHT_BLUE, } # Inconsistent but visable colors scale_max = .7 #consistent colors (needs to know highest K) #maxval = np.array(metric).max() #scale_max = .7 * (float(maxval) / 20.0) colors = df2.scores_to_color(metric, cmap_=cmap_, reverse_cmap=reverse_cmap, scale_max=scale_max, val2_customcolor=val2_customcolor) else: raise ValueError('no known colortype = %r' % (colortype,)) else: colors = 'distinct' viz_chip.show_chip(ibs, aid, color=colors, darken=darken, ell_alpha=.8, #ell_linewidth=4, ell_linewidth=2, **kwargs) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle) if metric is not None: cb = df2.colorbar(metric, colors, custom=(colortype == 'custom')) cb.set_label(lbl)
[docs]def get_qres_and_closest_valid_k(ibs, aid, K=4): """ Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> from ibeis.model.hots import query_request >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid = 2 """ # FIXME: Put query_cfg into the qreq_ structure by itself. # Don't change the IBEIS Structure cfgdict = { 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'with_metadata': True, 'K': K, #'sv_on': False, 'sv_on': True, #K=4 } #ibs.cfg.query_cfg.pipeline_root = 'vsmany' #ibs.cfg.query_cfg.with_metadata = True qaid2_qres, qreq_ = ibs.query_chips([aid], ibs.get_valid_aids(), use_cache=False, return_request=True, cfgdict=cfgdict) indexer = qreq_.indexer qres = qaid2_qres[aid] return qres, None (qfx2_idx, qfx2_dist) = qres.metadata['nns'] nid = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid) qfx2_aids = indexer.get_nn_aids(qfx2_idx) qfx2_nids = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(qfx2_aids) qfx2_isself = qfx2_aids != aid qfx2_correct = np.logical_and(qfx2_nids == nid, qfx2_isself) # Mark the top ranked groundtruth qfx2_valid_ks = [np.flatnonzero(ranks) for ranks in qfx2_correct] NO_VALID_RANKS_CODE = -2 POSSIBLY_VALID_RANKS_CODE = -1 qfx2_closest_k = [ks[0] if len(ks) > 0 else NO_VALID_RANKS_CODE for ks in qfx2_valid_ks] # Mark cases where it is not possible to know the groundtruth qfx2_isimpossible = np.logical_and(qfx2_nids < 0, qfx2_isself) qfx2_possibly_impossible_ks = [np.flatnonzero(ranks) for ranks in qfx2_isimpossible] # Mark as POSSIBLY_VALID_RANKS_CODE if there is no best k # def is_possible(k, pi_ks): ERR_ON_THE_SIDE_OF_THE_IMPOSSIBLE = False if len(pi_ks) == 0: return False elif k == NO_VALID_RANKS_CODE: return True elif ERR_ON_THE_SIDE_OF_THE_IMPOSSIBLE and pi_ks[0] < k: return True else: return False qfx2_closest_k2 = [POSSIBLY_VALID_RANKS_CODE if is_possible(k, pi_ks) else k for pi_ks, k in zip(qfx2_possibly_impossible_ks, qfx2_closest_k)] return qres, qfx2_closest_k2
[docs]def viz_annot_with_metrics(ibs, invindex, aid, metrics, metric_keys=['wx2_nMembers', ('wx2_pdist_stats', 'mean'), ('wx2_wdist_stats', 'mean')], show_orig=True, show_idf=True, show_words=False, show_analysis=True, show_aveprecision=True, show_featweights=True, qfx2_closest_k_list=None, show_word_correct_assignments=False, qres_list=None): """ Args: ibs (IBEISController): invindex (InvertedIndex): object for fast vocab lookup aid (int): metrics (namedtuple): Example: >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots import * # NOQA >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_debug >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_repr >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='GZ_ALL', nWords=64000) >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='GZ_ALL', nWords=8000) >>> #tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='PZ_Master0', nWords=64000) >>> tup = smk_debug.testdata_raw_internals0(db='PZ_Mothers', nWords=8000) >>> ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_ = tup >>> smk_repr.compute_data_internals_(invindex, qreq_.qparams, delete_rawvecs=False) >>> invindex.idx2_wxs = np.array(invindex.idx2_wxs) >>> metric_keys=['wx2_nMembers', ('wx2_pdist_stats', 'mean'), ('wx2_wdist_stats', 'mean')] >>> metrics = compute_word_metrics(invindex) >>> aid = 1 """ #viz_chip.rrr() #df2.rrr() kpts = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid) if ut.VERBOSE: ut.super_print(kpts) if show_word_correct_assignments or show_idf: # Get only the first assigned word # FIXME: need to look at multi-assignment _mask = invindex.idx2_daid == aid fxs = invindex.idx2_dfx[_mask] wxs = invindex.idx2_wxs[_mask].T[0].T assert len(fxs) == len(kpts) assert len(fxs) == len(wxs) fnum = 1 dbname = ibs.get_dbname() def _plot(metric, fnum=1, lbl='', annote=True, darken=.1, colortype='score', **kwargs): print('ploting fnum=%r' % fnum) #lblaug = ' db=%r, nWords = %r' % (dbname, nWords) lblaug = ' db=%r' % (dbname) figtitle = lbl + lblaug lbl = lbl plot_chip_metric(ibs, aid, metric=metric, fnum=fnum, lbl=lbl, figtitle=figtitle, annote=annote, darken=darken, colortype=colortype, **kwargs) return fnum + 1 # Original Plot if show_orig: fnum = _plot(None, fnum=fnum, lbl='Orig Chip', annote=False, darken=None) # IDF Plot if show_idf: idf_list = np.array(list(ut.dict_take_gen(invindex.wx2_idf, wxs))) fnum = _plot(idf_list, fnum=fnum, lbl='IDF') print('stats(idf_list) = ' + ut.get_stats_str(idf_list)) # Word Plot if show_words: fnum = _plot(wxs, fnum=fnum, lbl='Words', colortype='label') # LNBNN Result Plots if qfx2_closest_k_list is not None: for qres, qfx2_closest_k in zip(qres_list, qfx2_closest_k_list): print(' --- qres item ---') if qres is not None: from ibeis.model.hots.hots_query_result import QueryResult assert isinstance(qres, QueryResult) if show_analysis: qres.show_analysis(ibs=ibs, fnum=fnum, figtitle=qres.make_smaller_title()) fnum += 1 if show_aveprecision: qres.show_precision_recall_curve(ibs=ibs, fnum=fnum) fnum += 1 if qfx2_closest_k is not None: # Plot ranked positions qfx2_closest_k = np.array(qfx2_closest_k) qfx2_closest_k_qeq0 = qfx2_closest_k[qfx2_closest_k >= 0] qfx2_closest_k_lt0 = qfx2_closest_k[qfx2_closest_k < 0] print('stats(qfx2_closest_k_qeq0) = ' + ut.get_stats_str(qfx2_closest_k_qeq0)) print('stats(qfx2_closest_k_lt0) = ' + ut.get_stats_str(qfx2_closest_k_lt0)) fnum = _plot(qfx2_closest_k, fnum=fnum, lbl='Correct Ranks ' + qres.make_smaller_title(), colortype='custom', reverse_cmap=True) # Correct word assignment plots if show_word_correct_assignments: unique_wxs, unique_inverse = np.unique(wxs, return_inverse=True) # Get the aids that belong to each word _idxs_list = ut.dict_take(invindex.wx2_idxs, unique_wxs) _aids_list = [invindex.idx2_daid.take(idxs) for idxs in _idxs_list] # Check if this word will provide a correct assignment - # two ground truth chip exist within the same word gt_aids = np.array(ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aid)) _hastp_list = np.array([len(np.intersect1d(aids, gt_aids)) > 0 for aids in _aids_list]) # Map back to the space of features # mark each feature match as having a correct word mapping or not hascorrectmatch = _hastp_list[unique_inverse] hascorrectmatch_ = hascorrectmatch.astype(np.int32) * 3 - 2 lbl = 'Correct Words ' + qres.make_smaller_title() + '\n Yellow means the word contains a correct match in the word\'s invindex. Blue is the opposite.' fnum = _plot(hascorrectmatch_, fnum=fnum, lbl=lbl, colortype='custom', reverse_cmap=False) # Feature Weight Plots if show_featweights: from ibeis.model.preproc import preproc_featweight featweights = preproc_featweight.compute_fgweights(ibs, [aid])[0] # plot rf feature weights detect_cfgstr = ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.get_cfgstr() fnum = _plot(featweights, fnum=fnum, lbl='Feature Weights ' + detect_cfgstr, colortype='score') # Word Metric Plots for count, metrickey in enumerate(metric_keys): if isinstance(metrickey, tuple): #lbl = repr(metrickey) def fixstr(str_): return str_.replace('wx2_', '').replace('_stats', '') lbl = '%s(%s)' % (metrickey[1].upper(), fixstr(metrickey[0])) else: lbl = str(metrickey) metric_list = metric_clamped_stat(metrics, wxs, metrickey) fnum = _plot(metric_list, fnum=fnum, lbl=lbl)
[docs]def smk_plots_main(): """ smk python --db PZ_MTEST --notoolbar CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-smk_plots_main python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-smk_plots_main --db PZ_MTEST --notoolbar Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots import * # NOQA >>> smk_plots_main() """ from ibeis.model.hots.smk import smk_plots import utool as ut #from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 kwargs = { #'db': 'GZ_ALL', #'db': 'PZ_MTEST', 'db': ut.get_argval('--db', str, default='testdb1'), 'nWords': ut.get_argval('--nWords', int, default=8000), 'delete_rawvecs': False, } (ibs, annots_df, daids, qaids, invindex, qreq_) = smk_debug.testdata_internals_full(**kwargs) kwargs = {} aid = 3 #try: # testdata = ('metrics',) # metrics = ut.load_testdata(*testdata) #except Exception as ex: metrics = smk_plots.compute_word_metrics(invindex) #ut.save_testdata(*testdata) valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() # HACK if ibs.get_dbname().startswith('GZ_'): ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = 'zebra_grevys' else: ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.species_text = 'zebra_plains' # Define the plots you want startx = ut.get_argval(('--startx', '--x'), int, default=min(18, len(valid_aids) - 1)) for aid in ut.InteractiveIter(valid_aids, startx=startx): #df2.rrr() #smk_plots.rrr() print('[smk_plot] visualizing annotation aid=%r' % (aid,)) kwargs = smk_plots.main_options() qres_list = [] qfx2_closest_k_list = [] K_list = kwargs.pop('K_list') for K in K_list: qres, qfx2_closest_k = smk_plots.get_qres_and_closest_valid_k(ibs, aid, K=K) qres_list.append(qres) qfx2_closest_k_list.append(qfx2_closest_k) smk_plots.viz_annot_with_metrics(ibs, invindex, aid, metrics, qfx2_closest_k_list=qfx2_closest_k_list, qres_list=qres_list, **kwargs) smk_plots.present() #return execstr
[docs]def present(): # In its own function for reloadableness from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 return df2.present(max_rows=4, row_first=False)
[docs]def main_options(): metric_keys = [ #'wx2_nMembers', #('wx2_pdist_stats', 'mean'), #('wx2_wdist_stats', 'mean'), ] kwargs = dict( show_orig=False, show_idf=False, show_words=False, show_analysis=True, show_aveprecision=False, show_featweights=False, show_word_correct_assignments=True, metric_keys=metric_keys, K_list=[2, 4, 10], #K_list=[10, 20], #K_list=[4, 10], ) return kwargs #if __name__ == '__main__': # """ # >>> aid = 1 # """ # execstr = smk_plots_main() # #exec(execstr)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-view_vocabs --show python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_debug --test-main_smk_debug python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --test-smk_plots_main --db PZ_MTEST --notoolbar CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --allexamples python -m ibeis.model.hots.smk.smk_plots --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()