Source code for ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from PIL import Image
from os.path import splitext, basename
import warnings  # NOQA
import vtool.exif as vtexif
import utool as ut
#import numpy as np  # NOQA
#import hashlib
#import uuid
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[preproc_img]', DEBUG=False)

[docs]def parse_exif(pil_img): """ Image EXIF helper Cyth:: cdef: Image pil_img dict exif_dict long lat long lon long exiftime """ exif_dict = vtexif.get_exif_dict(pil_img) # TODO: More tags # (mainly the orientation tag) lat, lon = vtexif.get_lat_lon(exif_dict) time = vtexif.get_unixtime(exif_dict) return time, lat, lon
[docs]def get_standard_ext(gpath): """ Returns standardized image extension Cyth:: cdef: str gpath str ext """ ext = splitext(gpath)[1].lower() return '.jpg' if ext == '.jpeg' else ext
[docs]def parse_imageinfo(gpath): """ Worker function: gpath must be in UNIX-PATH format! Args: tup (tuple): a tuple or one argument (so the function can be parallelized easily) (here it is just gpath, no tuple, sorry for confusion) Returns: tuple: param_tup - if successful returns a tuple of image parameters which are values for SQL columns on else returns None CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image --exec-parse_imageinfo Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image import * # NOQA >>> gpath = ('/media/raid/work/lynx/_ibsdb/images/f6c84c6d-55ca-fd02-d0b4-1c7c9c27c894.jpg') >>> param_tup = parse_imageinfo(tup) >>> result = ('param_tup = %s' % (str(param_tup),)) >>> print(result) """ # Parse arguments from tuple #print('[ginfo] gpath=%r' % gpath) # Try to open the image with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: try: pil_img =, 'r') # Open PIL Image except IOError as ex: print('[preproc] IOError: %s' % (str(ex),)) return None if len(w) > 0: for warn in w: warnings.showwarning(warn.message, warn.category, warn.filename, warn.lineno, warn.file, warn.line) #warnstr = warnings.formatwarning #print(warnstr) print('Warnings issued by %r' % (gpath,)) # Parse out the data width, height = pil_img.size # Read width, height time, lat, lon = parse_exif(pil_img) # Read exif tags # We cannot use pixel data as libjpeg is not determenistic (even for reads!) image_uuid = ut.get_file_uuid(gpath) # Read file ]-hash-> guid = gid #orig_gpath = gpath orig_gname = basename(gpath) ext = get_standard_ext(gpath) notes = '' # Build parameters tuple param_tup = ( image_uuid, gpath, gpath, orig_gname, #orig_gpath, ext, width, height, time, lat, lon, notes ) #print('[ginfo] %r %r' % (image_uuid, orig_gname)) return param_tup
[docs]def add_images_params_gen(gpath_list, **kwargs): """ generates values for add_images sqlcommands asychronously Args: gpath_list (list): Kwargs: ordered, force_serial, chunksize, prog, verbose, quiet, nTasks, freq, adjust Returns: generator: params_gen CommandLine: python -m ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image --exec-add_images_params_gen Example0: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image import * # NOQA >>> from vtool.tests import grabdata >>> gpath_list = grabdata.get_test_gpaths(ndata=3) + ['doesnotexist.jpg'] >>> params_list = list(add_images_params_gen(gpath_list)) >>> assert str(params_list[0][0]) == '66ec193a-1619-b3b6-216d-1784b4833b61', 'UUID gen method changed' >>> assert str(params_list[0][3]) == 'easy1.JPG', 'orig name is different' >>> assert params_list[3] is None """ #preproc_args = [(gpath, kwargs) for gpath in gpath_list] #print('[about to parse]: gpath_list=%r' % (gpath_list,)) params_gen = ut.generate(parse_imageinfo, gpath_list, adjust=True, force_serial=True, **kwargs) return params_gen
[docs]def on_delete(ibs, featweight_rowid_list, qreq_=None): print('Warning: Not Implemented')
if __name__ == '__main__': """ python -m ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image python -m ibeis.model.preproc.preproc_image --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() ut.doctest_funcs()