Source code for ibeis.scripts.rsync_ibeisdb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    python -m ibeis.scripts.rsync_ibeisdb
    python -m ibeis.scripts.rsync_ibeisdb --dryrun
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool as ut

[docs]def sync_ibeisdb(remote_uri, dbname, mode='pull', workdir=None, port=22, dryrun=False): """ syncs an ibeisdb without syncing the cache or the chip directory (or the top level image directory because it shouldnt exist unless it is an old hots database) """ print('[sync_ibeisdb] Syncing') print(' * dbname=%r ' % (dbname,)) print(' * remote_uri=%r' % (remote_uri,)) print(' * mode=%r' % (mode)) import ibeis assert dbname is not None, 'must specify a database name' # Excluded temporary and cached data exclude_dirs = list(map(ut.ensure_unixslash, ibeis.const.EXCLUDE_COPY_REL_DIRS)) # Specify local workdir if workdir is None: workdir = ibeis.sysres.get_workdir() local_uri = ut.ensure_unixslash(workdir) if ut.WIN32: # fix for mingw rsync local_uri = ut.ensure_mingw_drive(local_uri) if mode == 'pull': # pull remote to local remote_src = ut.unixjoin(remote_uri, dbname) ut.assert_exists(local_uri) ut.rsync(remote_src, local_uri, exclude_dirs, port, dryrun=dryrun) elif mode == 'push': # push local to remote local_src = ut.unixjoin(local_uri, dbname) if not dryrun: ut.assert_exists(local_src) ut.rsync(local_src, remote_uri, exclude_dirs, port, dryrun=dryrun) if dryrun: ut.assert_exists(local_src) else: raise AssertionError('unknown mode=%r' % (mode,))
[docs]def rsync_ibsdb_main(): import sys default_user = ut.get_user_name() # default_db = 'MUGU_Master' default_db = None # Get positional commandline arguments cmdline_varags = ut.get_cmdline_varargs() if len(cmdline_varags) > 0 and cmdline_varags[0] == 'rsync': # ignore rsync as first command (b/c we are calling from ibeis.__main__) cmdline_varags = cmdline_varags[1:] valid_modes = ['push', 'pull', 'list'] if len(cmdline_varags) < 1: print('Usage: ' # 'python -m ibeis.scripts.rsync_ibeisdb' 'python -m ibeis rsync' '%s --db <db=%s> --user <user=%s>' % (valid_modes, default_db, default_user,)) sys.exit(1) varargs_dict = dict(enumerate(cmdline_varags)) mode = varargs_dict.get(0, None) default_db = varargs_dict.get(1, None) user = ut.get_argval('--user', type_=str, default=default_user) port = ut.get_argval('--port', type_=int, default=22) dbname = ut.get_argval(('--db', '--dbname'), type_=str, default=default_db) workdir = ut.get_argval(('--workdir', '--dbname'), type_=str, default=None, help_='local work dir override') dry_run = ut.get_argflag(('--dryrun', '--dry-run', '--dry')) assert mode in valid_modes, 'mode=%r must be in %r' % (mode, valid_modes) remote_key = ut.get_argval('--remote', type_=str, default='hyrule') remote_map = { 'hyrule': '', 'pachy': '', 'lewa': '', 'lev': '', } remote_workdir_map = { 'hyrule': '/raid/work', 'pachy': '/home/shared_ibeis/data/work', 'lewa': '/data/ibeis', 'lev': '/media/hdd/work', } if ':' in remote_key: remote_key_, remote_workdir = remote_key.split(':') else: remote_key_ = remote_key remote_workdir = remote_workdir_map.get(remote_key, '') remote = remote_map.get(remote_key_, remote_key_) remote_uri = user + '@' + remote + ':' + remote_workdir if mode == 'list': print('remote = %r' % (remote,)) print('need to list') remote_paths = ut.list_remote(remote_uri) print('REMOTE LS -- TODO need to get only ibeis dirs') print('\n'.join(remote_paths)) elif mode in ['push', 'pull']: ut.change_term_title('RSYNC IBEISDB %r' % (dbname,)) sync_ibeisdb(remote_uri, dbname, mode, workdir, port, dry_run)
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: ib ibeis rsync push ibeis rsync pull --db MUGU_Master ibeis rsync pull --db GIRM_MUGU_20 ibeis rsync pull --db PZ_MUGU_ALL ibeis rsync push --db MUGU_Master --user joncrall --dryrun mv "NNP_Master3_nids=arr((3)wjybfvpk)_1" NNP_Master3_nids=arr__3_wjybfvpk__1 ibeis rsync pull --db NNP_Master3_nids=arr__3_wjybfvpk__1 --user jonc --remote pachy --dryrun ibeis rsync pull --db NNP_Master3_nids=arr__3_wjybfvpk__1 --user jonc --remote pachy ibeis rsync pull --db NNP_Master3 --user jonc --remote pachy ibeis rsync pull --db testdb3 --user joncrall --remote hyrule ibeis rsync pull --db NNP_MasterGIRM_core --user jonc --remote pachy #ibeis rsync push --db lewa_grevys --user joncrall --remote hyrule --port 1022 --workdir=/data/ibeis --dryrun ibeis rsync pull --db lewa_grevys --user jonathan --remote lewa --port 1022 --dryrun ibeis rsync push --db ELEPH_Master --user jonc --remote pachy --workdir=/raid/work2/Turk --dryrun ibeis rsync push --db ELPH_Master --user jonc --remote pachy --workdir=/raid/work2/Turk ibeis rsync pull --db PZ_ViewPoints --user joncrall --remote hyrule --dryrun ibeis rsync push --db PZ_Master1 --user joncrall --remote lev --dryrun stty -echo; ssh sudo -v; stty echo rsync -avhzP -e "ssh -p 22" --rsync-path="sudo rsync" /raid/raw_rsync rsync -avhzP -e "ssh -p 22" /raid/raw_rsync rsync -avhzP -e "ssh -p 22" /raid/raw_rsync rsync -avhzP -e "ssh -p 22" --rsync-path="sudo rsync" /raid/raw_rsync # make sure group read bits are set ssh -t "sudo chown -R apache:ibeis /home/ibeis-repos/" ssh -t "sudo chmod -R g+r /home/ibeis-repos" rsync -avhzP -e "ssh -p 22" /raid/raw_rsync rsync -avhzP -e "ssh -p 22" . rsync -avhzP . ibeis rsync pull --db humpbacks --user joncrall --remote lev:/home/zach/data/IBEIS/ --dryrun ibeis rsync pull --db humpbacks --user joncrall --remote lev:/home/zach/data/IBEIS/ ibeis rsync pull --db humpbacks_fb --user joncrall --remote lev:/media/hdd/zach/data/IBEIS/ /home/zach/data/IBEIS/humpbacks_fb ibeis rsync pull --db seaturtles2 --user 'ubuntu' --remote drewami:/data/ibeis ibeis rsync pull --db testdb3 --user joncrall --remote hyrule Fix Patchy pachy cd /home/ibeis-repos sudo chmod -R g+r * Feasibility Testing Example: # --- GET DATA --- ssh -t "sudo chmod -R g+r /home/ibeis-repos" rsync -avhzP /raid/raw_rsync rsync -avhzP drewami:turtles . WildDog Example: # --- GET DATA --- # make sure group read bits are set ssh -t "sudo chown -R apache:ibeis /home/ibeis-repos/" ssh -t "sudo chmod -R g+r /home/ibeis-repos" rsync -avhzP /raid/raw_rsync # --- GET DATA --- # Get the data via rsync, pydio. (I always have issues doing this with # rsync on pachy, so I usually just do it manually) rsync -avhzP <user>@<host>:<remotedir> <path-to-raw-imgs> # --- RUN INGEST SCRIPT --- # May have to massage folder names things to make everything work. Can # also specify fmtkey to use the python parse module to find the name # within the folder names. python -m ibeis --tf ingest_rawdata --db <new-ibeis-db-name> --imgdir <path-to-raw-imgs> --ingest-type=named_folders --species=<optional> --fmtkey=<optional> # --- OPEN DATABASE / FIX PROBLEMS --- ibeis --db <new-ibeis-db-name> # You will probably need to fix some bounding boxes. # --- LAUNCH IPYTHON NOTEBOOK --- # Then click Dev -> Launch IPython Notebook and run it # OR RUN ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db <new-ibeis-db-name> --ipynb Here is what I did for wild dogs # --- GET DATA --- # Download raw data to /raid/raw_rsync/african-dogs rsync -avhzP /raid/raw_rsync # --- RUN INGEST SCRIPT --- python -m ibeis --tf ingest_rawdata --db wd_peter2 --imgdir /raid/raw_rsync/african-dogs --ingest-type=named_folders --species=wild_dog --fmtkey='African Wild Dog: {name}' # --- OPEN DATABASE / FIX PROBLEMS --- ibeis --db wd_peter2 # Fixed some bounding boxes # --- LAUNCH IPYTHON NOTEBOOK --- # I actually made two notebooks for this species to account for timedeltas # The first is the default notebook ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db wd_peter --ipynb # The second removes images without timestamps and annotations that are too close together in time ibeis --tf autogen_ipynb --db wd_peter --ipynb -t default:is_known=True,min_timedelta=3600,require_timestamp=True,min_pername=2 # I then click download as html in the notebook. Although I'm sure there is a way to automate this """ rsync_ibsdb_main()