Source code for ibeis.tests.assert_modules

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Very useful script to ensure you have all the modules you need

    python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules
    python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules --test-assert_modules --nolibdep
    python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules --test-assert_modules

    # Remove the copy of pyrf
    sudo rm -rf pyrf-1.0.0.dev1-py2.7.egg/

Updater For Linux:
    sudo pip install matplotlib --upgrade
    sudo pip install Pillow --upgrade
    sudo pip install scipy --upgrade
    sudo pip install numpy --upgrade

    ./ --bootstrap --upgrade
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import sys
import functools
import utool as ut
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from utool._internal.meta_util_six import get_funcname


#LIB_DEP = ut.get_argflag('--nolibdep')
LIB_DEP = not ut.get_argflag('--libdep')

[docs]def get_site_package_directories(): import site import sys import six sitepackages = site.getsitepackages() if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): if six.PY2: macports_site = '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages' else: macports_site = '/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages' assert six.PY2, 'fix this for python 3' sitepackages = [macports_site] + sitepackages return sitepackages
[docs]def check_alternate_installs(): '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages' pass
[docs]def version_ge_target(version, target=None): if target is None: passed = True elif version is None: passed = False else: _version = version.replace('.dev1', '') passed = parse_version(_version) >= parse_version(target) return passed
[docs]def checkinfo(target=None, pipname=None): """ checkinfo functions return info_dict containing __version__ """ def wrapper1(func): """ Returns; tuple : passed, current_version, target, infodict, statustext, suggested_fix """ # Decorator which adds funcs to ASSERT_FUNCS global ASSERT_FUNCS @functools.wraps(func) def checkinfo_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): suggested_fix = '' funcname = get_funcname(func) packagename = funcname.replace('_version', '') pipname_ = pipname if pipname is not None else packagename try: infodict = func(*args, **kwargs) except ImportError as ex: infodict = module_stdinfo_dict(None, name=pipname_) suggested_fix = 'pip install ' + pipname_ if not sys.platform.startswith('win32'): suggested_fix = 'sudo ' + suggested_fix return False, 'None', target, infodict, ut.formatex(ex), suggested_fix except Exception as ex: infodict = module_stdinfo_dict(None, name=pipname_) return False, 'None', target, infodict, ut.formatex(ex), 'Some unknown error in ' + packagename current_version = infodict['__version__'] # Build status text msg = ut.dict_str(infodict, strvals=True) msg += '\n' + '%s: %r >= (target=%r)?' % (funcname, current_version, target) statustext = ut.msgblock(infodict['__name__'], msg) # Check if passed passed = version_ge_target(current_version, target) # Suggest possible fix if not passed: suggested_fix = 'pip install ' + infodict['__name__'] + ' --upgrade' if not sys.platform.startswith('win32'): suggested_fix = 'sudo ' + suggested_fix return passed, current_version, target, infodict, statustext, suggested_fix ASSERT_FUNCS.append(checkinfo_wrapper) return checkinfo_wrapper return wrapper1
[docs]def module_stdinfo_dict(module, versionattr='__version__', version=None, libdep=None, name=None, **kwargs): #if module is None: # module = object infodict = { '__version__': version if module is None or version is not None else getattr(module, versionattr, None), '__name__': name if module is None else getattr(module, '__name__', name), '__file__': 'None' if module is None else getattr(module, '__file__', None), } if libdep is not None: infodict['libdep'] = libdep if not ut.QUIET: infodict.update(kwargs) return infodict
[docs]def reg_std_version_check(version, modname): def checkstdmod_version(): mod = ut.import_modname(modname) return module_stdinfo_dict(mod) ut.set_funcname(checkstdmod_version, '%s_version' % (modname,)) func = checkinfo(version)(checkstdmod_version) return func
reg_std_version_check('1.5.3', 'pynmea2') reg_std_version_check(None, 'wget') reg_std_version_check(None, 'pygco') reg_std_version_check('6.0.8', 'pip') reg_std_version_check('1.1.1', 'utool') # @checkinfo('1.1.1') # def utool_version(): # import utool # return module_stdinfo_dict(utool) # @checkinfo('1.5.3') # def pynmea2_version(): # # for web # import pynmea2 # return module_stdinfo_dict(pynmea2) # @checkinfo('6.0.8') # def pip_version(): # import pip # return module_stdinfo_dict(pip) @checkinfo(None)
[docs]def pyflann_version(): import pyflann if LIB_DEP: libdep = None else: libdep = ut.get_dynlib_dependencies(pyflann.flannlib._name) return module_stdinfo_dict(pyflann, libdep=libdep)
[docs]def pyhesaff_version(): import pyhesaff if LIB_DEP: libdep = None else: libdep = ut.get_dynlib_dependencies(pyhesaff.__LIB_FPATH__) return module_stdinfo_dict(pyhesaff, libdep=libdep)
[docs]def pyrf_version(): import pyrf if LIB_DEP: libdep = None else: libdep = ut.get_dynlib_dependencies(pyrf.RF_CLIB._name) return module_stdinfo_dict(pyrf, libdep=libdep)
[docs]def vtool_version(): import vtool libdep = None if LIB_DEP: libdep = None else: try: libdep = ut.get_dynlib_dependencies(vtool.sver_c_wrapper.lib_fname) except Exception: pass return module_stdinfo_dict(vtool, libdep=libdep) #@checkinfo('1.1.7') #@checkinfo('2.4.0')
[docs]def pillow_version(): from PIL import Image import PIL pil_path = PIL.__path__ if len(PIL.__path__) > 1: print('WARNING!!! THERE ARE MULTIPLE PILS! %r ' % PIL.__path__) return module_stdinfo_dict( Image, versionattr='PILLOW_VERSION', image_version=Image.VERSION, pil_path=pil_path) #@checkinfo('1.3.1')
[docs]def matplotlib_version(): import matplotlib as mpl return module_stdinfo_dict(mpl)
[docs]def opencv_version(): import cv2 #print(cv2.getBuildInformation()) if LIB_DEP: libdep = None else: libdep = ut.get_dynlib_dependencies(cv2.__file__) return module_stdinfo_dict(cv2, libdep=libdep)
[docs]def scipy_version(): import scipy return module_stdinfo_dict(scipy)
[docs]def scipy_linalg_version(): import scipy.linalg return module_stdinfo_dict(scipy.linalg)
[docs]def numpy_version(): import numpy return module_stdinfo_dict(numpy) #@checkinfo()
[docs]def theano_version(): import theano return module_stdinfo_dict(theano) #@checkinfo()
[docs]def lasagne_version(): import lasagne return module_stdinfo_dict(lasagne)
@checkinfo('4.9.1') # 4.10.1 on windows
[docs]def PyQt4_version(): from PyQt4 import QtCore return module_stdinfo_dict(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION_STR')
[docs]def pandas_version(): import pandas version = pandas.version.version return module_stdinfo_dict(pandas, version=version)
[docs]def statsmodels_version(): import statsmodels version = statsmodels.version.version return module_stdinfo_dict(statsmodels, version=version)
[docs]def flask_version(): import flask return module_stdinfo_dict(flask)
[docs]def flask_cors_version(): import flask.ext.cors return module_stdinfo_dict(flask.ext.cors)
[docs]def tornado_version(): import tornado return module_stdinfo_dict(tornado, 'version')
[docs]def pygraphviz_version(): import pygraphviz return module_stdinfo_dict(pygraphviz)
[docs]def networkx_version(): # for web import networkx return module_stdinfo_dict(networkx)
[docs]def check_modules_exists(): # Modules in this list don't really need to be inspected # just make sure they are there modname_list = [ 'simplejson', 'flask', 'parse', 'tornado', 'pandas', 'statsmodels', ] failed_list = [] for modname in modname_list: try: globals_ = {} locals_ = {} exec('import ' + modname, globals_, locals_) except ImportError: failed_list.append(modname) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Some othere error happened when importing %r ' % (modname,), iswarning=True) failed_list.append(modname) if len(failed_list) > 0: print('The following modules are not installed') print('\n'.join(failed_list)) return ''
[docs]def assert_modules(): """ checkinfo functions return info_dict checkinfo_func CommandLine: python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules --test-assert_modules Example: >>> # DOCTEST_ENABLE >>> from ibeis.tests.assert_modules import * # NOQA >>> detailed_msg = assert_modules() >>> print(detailed_msg) """ MACHINE_NAME = ut.get_computer_name() machine_info_lines = [] machine_info_lines.append('sys.version = %r ' % (sys.version)) machine_info_lines.append('PATH = ' + ut.list_str(ut.get_path_dirs())) machine_info_lines.append('\n\n\n============================') machine_info_lines.append('Begining assert modules main') machine_info_lines.append('* MACHINE_NAME = %r' % MACHINE_NAME) machine_info_text = '\n'.join(machine_info_lines) print(machine_info_text) statustext_list = [] failed_list = [] fix_list = [] SHOW_STATUS = not ut.get_argflag(('--nostatus', '--nostat')) for checkinfo_wrapper in ASSERT_FUNCS: passed, current_version, target, infodict, statustext, suggested_fix = checkinfo_wrapper() funcname = get_funcname(checkinfo_wrapper) if SHOW_STATUS: statustext_list.append(statustext) if passed: statustext_list.append(funcname + ' ' + str(infodict['__version__']) + ' passed') #statustext_list.append('') else: failed_list.append(funcname + ' FAILED!!!') fix_list.append(suggested_fix) statustext_list.append(funcname + ' FAILED!!!') if SHOW_STATUS: statustext_list.append('') output_text = '\n'.join(statustext_list) failed_text = '\n'.join(failed_list) print(output_text) print(failed_text) check_exist_text = check_modules_exists() print(check_exist_text) fix_text = '' if len(fix_list) > 0: fix_text += ('suggested fixes:\n') fix_text += ('\n'.join(fix_list) + '\n') print(fix_text) detailed_msg = '\n'.join([ machine_info_text, output_text, failed_text, check_exist_text, fix_text, ]) return detailed_msg
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules python -c "import utool, ibeis.tests.assert_modules; utool.doctest_funcs(ibeis.tests.assert_modules, allexamples=True)" python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules --allexamples python ~/code/ibeis/ibeis/tests/ python -m ibeis.tests.assert_modules """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA print('in assert module main') #if len(sys.argv) == 1: if not any(argv.startswith('--test-') or argv.startswith('--exec') for argv in sys.argv): assert_modules() else: ut.doctest_funcs()