Source code for ibeis.tests.test_gui_all

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import multiprocessing
import utool
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
from ibeis.init import sysres
from vtool.tests import grabdata
import ibeis
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = utool.inject(__name__, '[TEST_GUI_ALL]')
TAU = 2 * np.pi

[docs]def TEST_GUI_ALL(ibs, back, gpath_list): """ Creates a new database Adds test images Creates dummy ANNOTATIONS Selects things """ # DELETE OLD print('[TEST] DELETE_OLD_DATABASE') work_dir = sysres.get_workdir() new_dbname = 'testdb_guiall' new_dbdir = utool.truepath(join(work_dir, new_dbname)) ibs_dbdir = utool.truepath(ibs.dbdir) msg = 'must start in different dir new_dbdir=%r != ibs_dbdir=%r,' % (new_dbdir, ibs_dbdir) assert new_dbdir != ibs_dbdir, msg print('passed: ' + msg) utool.delete(new_dbdir, ignore_errors=False) # # # CREATE NEW print('[TEST] CREATE_NEW_DATABASE') back.new_database(new_dbdir) ibs = back.ibs # The backend has a new ibeis do not use the old one # Dont refresh for speed _kwargs = {'refresh': False} # # # IMPORT IMAGES print('[TEST] IMPORT_TEST_GPATHS') print('gpath_list = ' + utool.indentjoin(gpath_list)) gid_list = back.import_images(gpath_list=gpath_list, **_kwargs) print('\n'.join(' * gid_list[%d] = %r' % (count, gid) for count, gid in enumerate(gid_list))) assert len(gid_list) == len(gpath_list) # # # ADD ANNOTATIONS print('[TEST] ADD_ANNOTATIONS') def add_annot(gid, bbox, theta=0.0): aid = back.add_annot(gid=gid, bbox=bbox, theta=theta, **_kwargs) return aid preadd_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() # this should be [] assert len(preadd_aids) == 0, 'there are already aids in the database!' print('preadd_aids = %r' % preadd_aids) aid1 = add_annot(gid_list[0], (50, 50, 100, 100), (TAU / 8)) aid2 = add_annot(gid_list[1], (50, 50, 100, 100)) aid3 = add_annot(gid_list[2], (50, 50, 64, 64)) aid4 = add_annot(gid_list[2], (50, 50, 200, 200)) aid5 = add_annot(gid_list[1], (0, 0, 400, 400)) print('aid1 = %r' % aid1) print('aid2 = %r' % aid2) print('aid3 = %r' % aid3) print('aid4 = %r' % aid4) print('aid5 = %r' % aid5) # # # SELECT ANNOTATIONS print('[TEST] SELECT ANNOTATION / Add Chips') # get_valid_aids seems to return aids in an arbitrary order, it's an SQL thing aid_list = sorted(ibs.get_valid_aids()) print('\n'.join(' * aid_list[%d] = %r' % (count, aid) for count, aid in enumerate(aid_list))) back.select_aid(aid_list[0], show_image=True, **_kwargs) try: bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) assert bbox_list[0] == (50, 50, 100, 100) except AssertionError as ex: utool.printex(ex, key_list=['bbox_list', 'aid_list']) raise back.reselect_annotation(bbox=[51, 52, 103, 104]) assert ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list[0]) == (51, 52, 103, 104) back.compute_encounters() unixtime_list = [100, 23, 24] ibs.set_image_unixtime(gid_list, unixtime_list) back.compute_encounters() # Change some ANNOTATIONs #add_annot(gid_list[2], None) # user selection #add_annot(None, [42, 42, 8, 8]) # back selection # I'm not sure how I want to integrate that IPython stuff return locals()
if __name__ == '__main__': multiprocessing.freeze_support() # For windows main_locals = ibeis.main(defaultdb='testdb0', gui=True) gpath_list = grabdata.get_test_gpaths(names=['lena', 'zebra', 'jeff']) ibs = main_locals['ibs'] # IBEIS Control back = main_locals['back'] # IBEIS GUI backend test_locals = utool.run_test(TEST_GUI_ALL, ibs, back, gpath_list) #execstr = utool.execstr_dict(test_locals, 'test_locals') #exec(execstr)