Source code for ibeis.tests.test_sql_numpy

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from six.moves import range
import numpy as np
import utool
from ibeis.control import SQLDatabaseControl as sqldbc
from ibeis.control._sql_helpers import _results_gen
from os.path import join
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = utool.inject(__name__, '[TEST_SQL_NUMPY] ')

# list of 10,000 chips with 3,000 features apeice.
[docs]def grab_numpy_testdata(shape=(3e3, 128), dtype=np.uint8): ndata = utool.get_argval('--ndata', type_=int, default=2) print('[TEST] build ndata=%d numpy arrays with shape=%r' % (ndata, shape)) print(' * expected_memory(table_list) = %s' % utool.byte_str2(ndata * np.product(shape))) table_list = [np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) for i in range(ndata)] print(' * memory+overhead(table_list) = %s' % utool.byte_str2(utool.get_object_size(table_list))) return table_list
[docs]def TEST_SQL_NUMPY(): sqldb_fname = 'temp_test_sql_numpy.sqlite3' sqldb_dpath = utool.util_cplat.get_app_resource_dir('ibeis', 'testfiles') utool.ensuredir(sqldb_dpath) utool.util_path.remove_file(join(sqldb_dpath, sqldb_fname), dryrun=False) db = sqldbc.SQLDatabaseController(sqldb_dpath=sqldb_dpath, sqldb_fname=sqldb_fname) db.add_table('temp', [ ('temp_id', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('temp_hash', 'NUMPY'), ]) tt = utool.tic() feats_list = grab_numpy_testdata(shape=(3e3, 128), dtype=np.uint8) print(' * time=%r sec' % utool.toc(tt)) print('[TEST] insert numpy arrays') tt = utool.tic() feats_iter = ((feats, ) for feats in feats_list) db.executemany(operation=''' INSERT INTO temp ( temp_hash ) VALUES (?) ''', params_iter=feats_iter) print(' * execute insert time=%r sec' % utool.toc(tt)) print('[TEST] save sql database') tt = utool.tic() #db.cur.commit() db.connection.commit() print(' * commit time=%r sec' % utool.toc(tt)) print('[TEST] read from sql database') tt = utool.tic() db.cur.execute('SELECT temp_hash FROM temp', []) print(' * execute select time=%r sec' % utool.toc(tt)) tt = utool.tic() result_list = _results_gen(db.cur) print(' * iter results time=%r sec' % utool.toc(tt)) print(' * memory(result_list) = %s' % utool.byte_str2(utool.get_object_size(result_list))) del result_list #print('[TEST] result_list=%r' % result_list) print('[TEST] dump sql database') tt = utool.tic() db.dump('temp.dump.txt') print(' * dump time=%r sec' % utool.toc(tt)) #with open('temp.dump.txt') as file_: # print( return locals()
if __name__ == '__main__': import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # For win32 test_locals = utool.run_test(TEST_SQL_NUMPY) execstr = utool.execstr_dict(test_locals, 'test_locals') exec(execstr)