Source code for ibeis.tests.test_sql_revert

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool
from six.moves import range
from ibeis.control import __SQLITE3__ as lite
from os.path import join, realpath
import random
print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile = utool.inject(__name__, '[TEST_SQL_REVERT]')

def _val1(i):
    return i * 2

def _val2(i):
    return str(i * 2) + "_string"

[docs]def test_query(connection, cur, _type, alter_callback, isolation_level, bound=10, transaction=True, commit=False): # Offset bound by 1 bound += 1 retval = True # Clear test data operation = ''' DELETE FROM test WHERE rowid > 0 ''' cur.execute(operation, []) # Add dummy data and commit it for i in range(1, bound): operation = ''' INSERT INTO test ( rowid, test_int, test_string ) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?) ''' cur.execute(operation, [_val1(i), _val2(i)]) connection.commit() # Begin the transaction if transaction: cur.execute('BEGIN', ()) # Alter the data try: expected = alter_callback(connection, cur, bound) print("%s (isolation=%r, trans=%r, commit=%r) Passed Alter" % (_type, isolation_level, transaction, commit)) except Exception as e: retval = False expected = None print("%s (isolation=%r, trans=%r, commit=%r) Failed Alter: %r" % (_type, isolation_level, transaction, commit, e)) # Commit change if commit: connection.commit() try: # Rollback to previous state connection.rollback() # Check for consistency operation = ''' SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY rowid ASC ''' cur.execute(operation, []) rows = cur.fetchall() indices = [] # Check for UPDATE and Rollback for row in rows: i = row[0] indices.append(i) # Must check extreme case where there are no transactions, no commiting and the isolation is None if commit or (isolation_level is None and not transaction and not commit): if _type == 'UPDATE' and (row[1] == _val1(i) or row[2] == _val2(i)): raise IOError("ERROR, DATA SHOULD HAVE BEEN COMMITED AND CANNOT ROLLBACK") else: if row[1] != _val1(i) or row[2] != _val2(i): raise IOError("ERROR, DATA SHOULD HAVE BEEN ROLLED BACK") # Check for INSERT / DELETE original = 0 missing = 0 added = 0 originals = list(range(1, bound)) for i in set(originals + indices): if i not in indices: missing += 1 elif i in indices and i not in originals: added += 1 else: original += 1 if commit and _type == 'DELETE' and missing != expected: raise IOError("ERROR, DATA MISMATCH MISSING %r - %r" % (missing, expected)) if commit and _type == 'INSERT' and added != expected: raise IOError("ERROR, DATA MISMATCH ADDED %r - %r" % (added, expected)) print("%s (isolation=%r, trans=%r, commit=%r) Passed Rollback" % (_type, isolation_level, transaction, commit)) print('Original: %r, Missing: %r, Added: %r, Expected: %r' % (original, missing, added, expected)) except IOError as e: retval = False print("%s (isolation=%r, trans=%r, commit=%r) Failed Rollback: %r" % (_type, isolation_level, transaction, commit, e)) print('') return retval
[docs]def alter_update(connection, cur, bound): # Modify Data for i in range(1, bound): operation = ''' UPDATE test SET test_int=?, test_string=? WHERE rowid=? ''' cur.execute(operation, [i * 5, str(i * 5) + "_string", i]) # Check for change operation = ''' SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY rowid ASC ''' cur.execute(operation, []) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = row[0] if row[1] == _val1(i) or row[2] == _val2(i): raise IOError("ERROR, DATA SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALTERED") return 0
[docs]def alter_delete(connection, cur, bound): # Get random indices randoms = sorted(set([random.randint(1, bound - 1) for x in range( int(bound * 0.10) )])) # Modify Data for i in randoms: operation = ''' DELETE FROM test WHERE rowid=? ''' cur.execute(operation, [i]) # Check for change operation = ''' SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY rowid ASC ''' cur.execute(operation, []) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = row[0] if (i in randoms and row is not None) or (i not in randoms and row is None): raise IOError("ERROR, DATA SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALTERED") return len(randoms)
[docs]def alter_insert(connection, cur, bound): added = int(bound * 0.10) # Modify Data for i in range(bound, bound + added): operation = ''' INSERT INTO test ( rowid, test_int, test_string ) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?) ''' cur.execute(operation, [_val1(i), _val2(i)]) # Check for change operation = ''' SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY rowid ASC ''' cur.execute(operation, []) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: i = row[0] if row is None or row[1] != _val1(i) or row[2] != _val2(i): raise IOError("ERROR, DATA SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALTERED") return added
[docs]def TEST_SQL_REVERT(isolation_level=None): base = realpath('.') # Create SQLITE3 object connection = lite.connect( join(base, 'test_sql_revert.sqlite3'), detect_types=lite.PARSE_DECLTYPES, isolation_level=isolation_level ) cur = connection.cursor() # Clear the database and drop all current test data operation = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test ''' cur.execute(operation, []) # Create the test database because it will not exist operation = ''' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test ( test_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, test_int INTEGER NOT NULL, test_string TEXT ) ''' cur.execute(operation, []) connection.commit() status = [] for trans in [True, False]: status.append(test_query(connection, cur, 'UPDATE', alter_update, isolation_level, transaction=trans)) status.append(test_query(connection, cur, 'UPDATE', alter_update, isolation_level, transaction=trans, commit=True)) status.append(test_query(connection, cur, 'DELETE', alter_delete, isolation_level, transaction=trans)) status.append(test_query(connection, cur, 'DELETE', alter_delete, isolation_level, transaction=trans, commit=True)) status.append(test_query(connection, cur, 'INSERT', alter_insert, isolation_level, transaction=trans)) status.append(test_query(connection, cur, 'INSERT', alter_insert, isolation_level, transaction=trans, commit=True)) if not all(status): raise Exception("Tests failed for %r" % (isolation_level)) # This will never happen unless SQLite 3 freaks out return locals()
if __name__ == '__main__': import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # For windows test_locals = utool.run_test(TEST_SQL_REVERT) test_locals = utool.run_test(TEST_SQL_REVERT, isolation_level='DEFERRED') test_locals = utool.run_test(TEST_SQL_REVERT, isolation_level='IMMEDIATE') test_locals = utool.run_test(TEST_SQL_REVERT, isolation_level='EXCLUSIVE') execstr = utool.execstr_dict(test_locals, 'test_locals') exec(execstr)