Source code for ibeis.viz.interact.interact_qres2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
#from ibeis.viz.interact.interact_matches import ishow_matches
from six.moves import range
import functools
import six
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
from plottool import interact_helpers as ih
from plottool import plot_helpers as ph
import matplotlib as mpl
import plottool.draw_func2 as df2
from ibeis.other import ibsfuncs
from ibeis.viz import viz_helpers as vh
from ibeis.viz import viz_matches
from ibeis.viz.interact.interact_sver import ishow_sver

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[interact_qres2]')

BREAK_MATCH_PREF = 'break match'
NEW_MATCH_PREF   = 'new match'
RENAME1_PREF     = 'rename query: '
RENAME2_PREF     = 'rename result: '

[docs]def default_interact_qres_params(): params = { 'fnum' : 512, 'nPerPage' : 6, 'ranks_lt' : 3, 'on_change_callback' : None } return params
[docs]class Interact_QueryResult(object): def __init__(self, ibs, qaid2_qres, **kwargs): # Initialize variables. No logic self.fnum = None self.nPerPage = None self.ranks_lt = None self.on_change_callback = None self.ibs = None self.nCands = 0 # number of candidate matches self.qaid2_qres = {} self.cand_match_list = [] self.start_index = 0 self.current_pagenum = -1 self.current_match_aids = None self.current_qres = None self.scope = [] # for keeping those widgets alive! self.nPages = 0 self.stop_index = -1 self.interactkw = { 'draw_fmatches': False, 'draw_ell': True, 'draw_rect': True, 'draw_lines': True, 'in_image': False, 'draw_lbl': True, 'show_timedelta': False, } self.toggleable_kws = odict([ ('TOG: fmatch', 'draw_fmatches'), ('TOG: in_image', 'in_image'), ('TOG: timedelta', 'show_timedelta'), ('TOG: lbl', 'draw_lbl'), ]) # Initialize Logic # main data self.ibs = ibs self.qaid2_qres = qaid2_qres # update keyword args params = default_interact_qres_params() ut.updateif_haskey(params, kwargs) self.__dict__.update(**params) # initialize matches self.init_candidates(qaid2_qres) # show first page self.show_page(0)
[docs] def get_default_params(self): return default_interact_qres_params()
[docs] def init_candidates(self, qaid2_qres): self.qaid2_qres = qaid2_qres from ibeis.gui import inspect_gui self.cand_match_list = inspect_gui.get_automatch_candidates(self.qaid2_qres, ranks_lt=self.ranks_lt, directed=False) (qaids, aids, scores, ranks) = self.cand_match_list self.qaids = qaids self.aids = aids self.nCands = len(self.qaids) self.nPages = vt.iceil(self.nCands / self.nPerPage) #if self.nCands > 0: # index = 0 # self.select_candidate_match(index)
[docs] def select_candidate_match(self, index): #if not ut.isiterable(index_list): # index = index_list #if index < 0 or index >= len(self.cand_match_list): raise AssertionError('no results') #return None (qaid, aid, rank, score) = [list_[index] for list_ in self.cand_match_list] self.current_match_aids = (self.qaids[index], self.aids[index]) self.current_qres = self.qaid2_qres[qaid]
[docs] def append_button(self, text, divider=None, rect=None, callback=None, size='9%', **kwargs): """ Adds a button to the current page """ if divider is not None: new_ax = divider.append_axes('bottom', size='9%', pad=.05) if rect is not None: new_ax = df2.plt.axes(rect) new_but = mpl.widgets.Button(new_ax, text) if callback is not None: new_but.on_clicked(callback) ph.set_plotdat(new_ax, 'viztype', 'button') ph.set_plotdat(new_ax, 'text', text) for key, val in six.iteritems(kwargs): ph.set_plotdat(new_ax, key, val) # Keep buttons from losing scrop self.scope.append((new_but, new_ax))
[docs] def clean_scope(self): """ Removes any widgets saved in the interaction scope """ #for (but, ax) in self.scope: # but.disconnect_events() # ax.set_visible(False) # assert len(ax.callbacks.callbacks) == 0 self.scope = []
[docs] def prepare_page(self, pagenum): """ Gets indexes for the pagenum ready to be displayed """ # Set the start index self.start_index = pagenum * self.nPerPage # Clip based on nCands self.nDisplay = min(self.nCands - self.start_index, self.nPerPage) nRows, nCols = ph.get_square_row_cols(self.nDisplay) # Create a grid to hold nPerPage self.pnum_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols) # Adjust stop index self.stop_index = self.start_index + self.nDisplay # Clear current figure self.clean_scope() self.fig = df2.figure(fnum=self.fnum, pnum=self.pnum_(0), doclf=True, docla=True) ih.disconnect_callback(self.fig, 'button_press_event') ih.connect_callback(self.fig, 'button_press_event', self.on_figure_clicked)
[docs] def show_page(self, pagenum=None): """ Displays a page of matches """ if pagenum is None: pagenum = self.current_pagenum print('[iqr2] show page: %r' % pagenum) self.current_pagenum = pagenum self.prepare_page(pagenum) # Begin showing matches index = self.start_index for index in range(self.start_index, self.stop_index): self.plot_annotationmatch(index, draw=False) self.make_hud() self.draw()
[docs] def plot_annotationmatch(self, index, draw=True, make_buttons=True): self.select_candidate_match(index) # Get index relative to the page px = index - self.start_index pnum = self.pnum_(px) # Setup figure fnum = self.fnum fig = df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, docla=True, doclf=False) fig = ax = df2.gca() # Get viz params qres = self.current_qres aid1, aid2 = self.current_match_aids ibs = self.ibs kwargs = self.interactkw # Vizualize ax = viz_matches.show_matches(ibs, qres, aid2, self_fm=[], fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, **kwargs)[0] divider = df2.ensure_divider(ax) name1, name2 = ibs.get_annot_names([aid1, aid2]) #truth = self.ibs.get_match_truth(aid1, aid2) if make_buttons: butkw = { 'divider': divider, 'callback': self.match_reviewed, 'index': index, } if name1 == name2 and not name1.startswith('____'): self.append_button(BREAK_MATCH_PREF, **butkw) else: if not name1.startswith('____'): self.append_button(RENAME2_PREF + name1, **butkw) if not name2.startswith('____'): self.append_button(RENAME1_PREF + name2, **butkw) if name1.startswith('____') and name2.startswith('____'): self.append_button(NEW_MATCH_PREF, **butkw) if draw: vh.draw()
[docs] def make_hud(self): """ Creates heads up display """ # Button positioning nToggle = len(self.toggleable_kws) # horizontal left, horizonal right hl_slot, hr_slot = df2.make_bbox_positioners(y=.02, w=.08, h=.04, xpad=.05, startx=0, stopx=1) prev_rect = hl_slot(0) # left button next_rect = hr_slot(0) # right button tw = df2.width_from(nToggle, pad=.05, start=.13, stop=.87) hlt_slot, hrt_slot = df2.make_bbox_positioners(y=.02, w=tw, h=.04, xpad=.05, startx=.13, stopx=.87) # Create buttons if self.current_pagenum != 0: self.append_button('prev', callback=self.prev_page, rect=prev_rect) if self.current_pagenum != self.nPages - 1: self.append_button('next', callback=self.next_page, rect=next_rect) for count, (text, keyword) in enumerate(six.iteritems(self.toggleable_kws)): callback = functools.partial(self.toggle_kw, keyword=keyword) rect = hlt_slot(count) self.append_button(text, callback=callback, rect=rect) figtitle_fmt = ''' Match Candidates ({start_index}-{stop_index}) / {nCands} page {current_pagenum} / {nPages} ''' # sexy: using object dict as format keywords figtitle = figtitle_fmt.format(**self.__dict__) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle)
[docs] def next_page(self, event): print('next') self.show_page(self.current_pagenum + 1) pass
[docs] def prev_page(self, event): self.show_page(self.current_pagenum - 1) pass
[docs] def toggle_kw(self, event, keyword=None): print('toggle %r' % keyword) self.interactkw[keyword] = not self.interactkw[keyword] self.show_page()
[docs] def match_reviewed(self, event): ax = event.inaxes viztype = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'viztype', '') assert viztype == 'button', 'bad mpl button slot' # The change name button was clicked index = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'index', -1) text = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'text', -1) self.select_candidate_match(index) aid1, aid2 = self.current_match_aids print(index) print(text) ibs = self.ibs if text.startswith(BREAK_MATCH_PREF): ibs.set_annot_names([aid1, aid2], ['____', '____']) elif text.startswith(NEW_MATCH_PREF): next_name = ibsfuncs.make_next_name(ibs) ibs.set_annot_names([aid1, aid2], [next_name, next_name]) elif text.startswith(RENAME1_PREF): name2 = ibs.get_annot_names(aid2) ibs.set_annot_names([aid1], [name2]) elif text.startswith(RENAME2_PREF): name1 = ibs.get_annot_names(aid1) ibs.set_annot_names([aid2], [name1]) # Emit that something has changed self.on_change_callback() self.show_page()
[docs] def on_figure_clicked(self, event): """ Clicked a match between query annotation and result annotation: parses the type of click it was and execute the correct visualiztion """ print('[viz] clicked result') if ih.clicked_outside_axis(event): #self.toggle_fmatch() pass else: ax = event.inaxes viztype = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'viztype', '') # Clicked a specific matches if viztype == 'matches': aid1 = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'aid1', None) aid2 = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'aid2', None) # Ctrl-Click key = '' if event.key is None else event.key print('key = %r' % key) if key.find('control') == 0: print('[viz] result control clicked') self.on_ctrl_clicked_match(aid1, aid2) # Left-Click else: print('[viz] result clicked') self.on_clicked_match(aid1, aid2)
[docs] def on_ctrl_clicked_match(self, aid1, aid2): """ HELPER: Executed when a result ANNOTATION is control-clicked """ fnum_ = df2.next_fnum() ishow_sver(self.ibs, aid1, aid2, fnum=fnum_) fig = df2.gcf() fig.canvas.draw() df2.bring_to_front(fig)
[docs] def on_clicked_match(self, aid1, aid2): """ HELPER: Executed when a result ANNOTATION is clicked """ fnum_ = df2.next_fnum() qres = self.qaid2_qres[aid1] qres.ishow_matches(self.ibs, aid2, fnum=fnum_) fig = df2.gcf() fig.canvas.draw() df2.bring_to_front(fig) #self.draw() #self.bring_to_front()
[docs] def bring_to_front(self): df2.bring_to_front(self.fig)
[docs] def draw(self): self.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def show(self): self.draw() self.bring_to_front()
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.viz.interact.interact_qres2 python -m ibeis.viz.interact.interact_qres2 --allexamples python -m ibeis.viz.interact.interact_qres2 --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()