Source code for ibeis.viz.viz_graph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Displays the matching graph of individuals

    pip install networkx
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import numpy as np  # NOQA
import itertools
#import sys
#from os.path import join
    import networkx as nx
except ImportError as ex:
    ut.printex(ex, 'Cannot import networkx. pip install networkx', iswarning=True)

[docs]def get_name_rowid_edges_from_nids(ibs, nids): aids_list = ibs.get_name_aids(nids) import itertools unflat_edges = (list(itertools.product(aids, aids)) for aids in aids_list) aid_pairs = [tup for tup in ut.iflatten(unflat_edges) if tup[0] != tup[1]] aids1 = ut.get_list_column(aid_pairs, 0) aids2 = ut.get_list_column(aid_pairs, 1) return aids1, aids2
[docs]def get_name_rowid_edges_from_aids(ibs, aid_list): aids_list, nids = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aid_list) #aids_list = ibs.get_name_aids(nids) import itertools unflat_edges = (list(itertools.product(aids, aids)) for aids in aids_list) aid_pairs = [tup for tup in ut.iflatten(unflat_edges) if tup[0] != tup[1]] aids1 = ut.get_list_column(aid_pairs, 0) aids2 = ut.get_list_column(aid_pairs, 1) return aids1, aids2
[docs]def make_netx_graph_from_aidpairs(ibs, aids1, aids2, unique_aids=None): # Enumerate annotmatch properties import numpy as np # NOQA #rng = np.random.RandomState(0) #edge_props = { # 'weight': rng.rand(len(aids1)), # #'reviewer_confidence': rng.rand(len(aids1)), # #'algo_confidence': rng.rand(len(aids1)), #} #edge_keys = list(edge_props.keys()) #edge_vals = ut.dict_take(edge_props, edge_keys) if unique_aids is None: unique_aids = list(set(aids1 + aids2)) # Make a graph between the chips nodes = list(zip(unique_aids)) edges = list(zip(aids1, aids2)) #, *edge_vals)) node_lbls = [('aid', 'int')] #edge_lbls = [('weight', 'float')] # Make a graph between the chips netx_nodes = [(ntup[0], {key[0]: val for (key, val) in zip(node_lbls, ntup[1:])}) for ntup in iter(nodes)] netx_edges = [(etup[0], etup[1], {}) for etup in iter(edges)] #netx_edges = [(etup[0], etup[1], {key[0]: val for (key, val) in zip(edge_lbls, etup[2:])}) # for etup in iter(edges)] graph = nx.DiGraph() graph.add_nodes_from(netx_nodes) graph.add_edges_from(netx_edges) #import plottool as pt #nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'color', pt.DARK_ORANGE) return graph
[docs]def ensure_names_are_connected(graph, aids_list): aug_graph = graph.copy().to_undirected() orig_edges = aug_graph.edges() unflat_edges = [list(itertools.product(aids, aids)) for aids in aids_list] aid_pairs = [tup for tup in ut.iflatten(unflat_edges) if tup[0] != tup[1]] new_edges = ut.setdiff_ordered(aid_pairs, aug_graph.edges()) preweighted_edges = nx.get_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight') if preweighted_edges: orig_edges = ut.setdiff(orig_edges, list(preweighted_edges.keys())) aug_graph.add_edges_from(new_edges) # Ensure the largest possible set of original edges is in the MST nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight', dict([(edge, 1.0) for edge in new_edges])) nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_graph, 'weight', dict([(edge, 0.1) for edge in orig_edges])) for cc_sub_graph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(aug_graph): mst_sub_graph = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(cc_sub_graph) for edge in mst_sub_graph.edges(): redge = edge[::-1] if not (graph.has_edge(*edge) or graph.has_edge(*redge)): graph.add_edge(*redge, attr_dict={})
[docs]def make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups(ibs, aids_list, only_reviewed_matches=True, invis_edges=None, ensure_edges=None, temp_nids=None, allow_directed=False): r""" Args: ibs (ibeis.IBEISController): image analysis api aids_list (list): Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_graph import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids_list = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]] >>> invis_edges = [(1, 5)] >>> only_reviewed_matches = True >>> graph = make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups(ibs, aids_list, >>> only_reviewed_matches, >>> invis_edges) >>> list(nx.connected_components(graph.to_undirected())) """ #aids_list, nid_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aid_list) unique_aids = list(ut.flatten(aids_list)) # grouped version unflat_edges = (list(itertools.product(aids, aids)) for aids in aids_list) aid_pairs = [tup for tup in ut.iflatten(unflat_edges) if tup[0] != tup[1]] aids1 = ut.get_list_column(aid_pairs, 0) aids2 = ut.get_list_column(aid_pairs, 1) if only_reviewed_matches: annotmatch_rowids = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey(aids1, aids2) annotmatch_rowids = ut.filter_Nones(annotmatch_rowids) aids1 = ibs.get_annotmatch_aid1(annotmatch_rowids) aids2 = ibs.get_annotmatch_aid2(annotmatch_rowids) graph = make_netx_graph_from_aidpairs(ibs, aids1, aids2, unique_aids=unique_aids) if ensure_edges is not None: if ensure_edges == 'all': ensure_edges = list(ut.upper_diag_self_prodx(list(graph.nodes()))) ensure_edges_ = [] for edge in ensure_edges: edge = tuple(edge) redge = tuple(edge[::-1]) # HACK if graph.has_edge(*edge): ensure_edges_.append(edge) pass #nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight', {edge: .001}) elif (not allow_directed) and graph.has_edge(*redge): ensure_edges_.append(redge) #nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight', {redge: .001}) pass else: ensure_edges_.append(edge) #graph.add_edge(*edge, weight=.001) graph.add_edge(*edge) if temp_nids is None: unique_nids = ibs.get_annot_nids(list(graph.nodes())) else: # HACK unique_nids = [1] * len(list(graph.nodes())) #unique_nids = temp_nids nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'nid', dict(zip(graph.nodes(), unique_nids))) import plottool as pt ensure_names_are_connected(graph, aids_list) # Color edges by nid color_by_nids(graph, unique_nids=unique_nids) if invis_edges: for edge in invis_edges: if graph.has_edge(*edge): nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'style', {edge: 'invis'}) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'invisible', {edge: True}) else: graph.add_edge(*edge, style='invis', invisible=True) # Hack color images orange if ensure_edges: nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'color', {tuple(edge): pt.ORANGE for edge in ensure_edges_}) return graph
[docs]def ensure_graph_nid_labels(graph, unique_nids=None, ibs=None): if unique_nids is None: unique_nids = ibs.get_annot_nids(list(graph.nodes())) nodeattrs = dict(zip(graph.nodes(), unique_nids)) ut.nx_set_default_node_attributes(graph, 'nid', nodeattrs)
[docs]def color_by_nids(graph, unique_nids=None, ibs=None, nid2_color_=None): """ Colors edges and nodes by nid """ # TODO use ut.color_nodes import plottool as pt ensure_graph_nid_labels(graph, unique_nids, ibs=ibs) node_to_nid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'nid') unique_nids = ut.unique(node_to_nid.values()) ncolors = len(unique_nids) if (ncolors) == 1: unique_colors = [pt.UNKNOWN_PURP] else: if nid2_color_ is not None: unique_colors = pt.distinct_colors(ncolors + len(nid2_color_) * 2) else: unique_colors = pt.distinct_colors(ncolors) # Find edges and aids strictly between two nids nid_to_color = dict(zip(unique_nids, unique_colors)) if nid2_color_ is not None: # HACK NEED TO ENSURE COLORS ARE NOT REUSED nid_to_color.update(nid2_color_) edge_aids = list(graph.edges()) edge_nids = ut.unflat_take(node_to_nid, edge_aids) flags = [nids[0] == nids[1] for nids in edge_nids] flagged_edge_aids = ut.compress(edge_aids, flags) flagged_edge_nids = ut.compress(edge_nids, flags) flagged_edge_colors = [nid_to_color[nids[0]] for nids in flagged_edge_nids] edge_to_color = dict(zip(flagged_edge_aids, flagged_edge_colors)) node_to_color = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.partial(ut.take, nid_to_color), node_to_nid) nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, 'color', edge_to_color) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'color', node_to_color)
[docs]def augment_graph_mst(ibs, graph): import plottool as pt #spantree_aids1_ = [] #spantree_aids2_ = [] # Add edges between all names aid_list = list(graph.nodes()) aug_digraph = graph.copy() # Change all weights in initial graph to be small (likely to be part of mst) nx.set_edge_attributes(aug_digraph, 'weight', .0001) aids1, aids2 = get_name_rowid_edges_from_aids(ibs, aid_list) if False: # Weight edges in the MST based on tenative distances # Get tentative node positions initial_pos = pt.get_nx_layout(graph.to_undirected(), 'graphviz')['node_pos'] #initial_pos = pt.get_nx_layout(graph.to_undirected(), 'agraph')['node_pos'] edge_pts1 = ut.dict_take(initial_pos, aids1) edge_pts2 = ut.dict_take(initial_pos, aids2) edge_pts1 = vt.atleast_nd(np.array(edge_pts1, dtype=np.int32), 2) edge_pts2 = vt.atleast_nd(np.array(edge_pts2, dtype=np.int32), 2) edge_weights = vt.L2(edge_pts1, edge_pts2) else: edge_weights = [1.0] * len(aids1) # Create implicit fully connected (by name) graph aug_edges = [(a1, a2, {'weight': w}) for a1, a2, w in zip(aids1, aids2, edge_weights)] aug_digraph.add_edges_from(aug_edges) # Determine which edges need to be added to # make original graph connected by name aug_graph = aug_digraph.to_undirected() for cc_sub_graph in nx.connected_component_subgraphs(aug_graph): mst_sub_graph = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(cc_sub_graph) mst_edges = mst_sub_graph.edges() for edge in mst_edges: redge = edge[::-1] #attr_dict = {'color': pt.DARK_ORANGE[0:3]} attr_dict = {'color': pt.BLACK[0:3]} if not (graph.has_edge(*edge) or graph.has_edge(*redge)): graph.add_edge(*redge, attr_dict=attr_dict)
[docs]def ensure_node_images(ibs, graph): node_to_aid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'aid') node_list = sorted(list(graph.nodes())) aid_list = [node_to_aid.get(node, node) for node in node_list] #aid_list = sorted(list(graph.nodes())) imgpath_list = ibs.depc_annot.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=dict(dim_size=200), read_extern=False) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'image', dict(zip(node_list, imgpath_list))) if True: nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'shape', 'rect')
[docs]def viz_netx_chipgraph(ibs, graph, fnum=None, use_image=False, layout=None, zoom=None, prog='neato', as_directed=False, augment_graph=True, layoutkw=None, framewidth=3.0, **kwargs): r""" DEPRICATE or improve Args: ibs (IBEISController): ibeis controller object graph (nx.DiGraph): fnum (int): figure number(default = None) use_image (bool): (default = False) zoom (float): (default = 0.4) Returns: ?: pos CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf viz_netx_chipgraph --show Cand: ibeis review_tagged_joins --save figures4/mergecase.png --figsize=15,15 --clipwhite --diskshow ibeis compute_occurrence_groups --save figures4/occurgraph.png --figsize=40,40 --clipwhite --diskshow ~/code/ibeis/ibeis/algo/preproc/ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_graph import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> nid_list = ibs.get_valid_nids()[0:10] >>> fnum = None >>> use_image = True >>> zoom = 0.4 >>> make_name_graph_interaction(ibs, nid_list, prog='neato') >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt print('[viz_graph] drawing chip graph') fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1)) ax = pt.gca() if layout is None: layout = 'agraph' print('layout = %r' % (layout,)) if use_image: ensure_node_images(ibs, graph) nx.set_node_attributes(graph, 'shape', 'rect') if layoutkw is None: layoutkw = {} layoutkw['prog'] = layoutkw.get('prog', prog) layoutkw.update(kwargs) if prog == 'neato': graph = graph.to_undirected() plotinfo = pt.show_nx(graph, ax=ax, # img_dict=img_dict, layout=layout, # hacknonode=bool(use_image), layoutkw=layoutkw, as_directed=as_directed, framewidth=framewidth, ) return plotinfo
[docs]def make_name_graph_interaction(ibs, nids=None, aids=None, selected_aids=[], with_all=True, invis_edges=None, ensure_edges=None, use_image=True, split_check=None, temp_nids=None, **kwargs): """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis --tf make_name_graph_interaction --db PZ_MTEST \ --aids=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 --show python -m ibeis --tf make_name_graph_interaction --db LEWA_splits --nids=1 --show --split Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.viz.viz_graph import * # NOQA >>> import ibeis >>> import plottool as pt >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(make_name_graph_interaction), globals()) >>> defaultdb='testdb1' >>> ibs = ibeis.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> aids = ut.get_argval('--aids', type_=list, default=None) >>> nids = ut.get_argval('--nids', type_=list, default=ibs.get_valid_nids()[0:5]) >>> nids = None if aids is not None else nids >>> with_all = not ut.get_argflag('--no-with-all') >>> make_name_graph_interaction(ibs, nids, aids, with_all=with_all) >>> #pt.zoom_factory() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import plottool as pt from plottool.abstract_interaction import AbstractInteraction print('aids = %r' % (aids,)) if split_check is None: split_check = ut.get_argflag('--split') def exec_split_check(ibs, aid_list): cfgdict = { 'can_match_samename': True, 'K': 3, 'Knorm': 3, 'prescore_method': 'csum', 'score_method': 'csum' } qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(aid_list, aid_list, cfgdict=cfgdict) cm_list = qreq_.execute() from ibeis.algo.hots import graph_iden infr = graph_iden.AnnotInference(qreq_, cm_list) infr.initialize_graph_and_model() #print("BUILT SPLIT GRAPH") return infr class NameGraphInteraction(AbstractInteraction): def __init__(self, ibs, nids=None, aids=None, selected_aids=[]): super(NameGraphInteraction, self).__init__() self.ibs = ibs self.selected_aids = selected_aids self._nids = nids if nids is not None else [] self._aids = aids if aids is not None else [] self.use_image = use_image self._aids2 = None def make_hud(self): """ Creates heads up display """ import plottool as pt hl_slot, hr_slot = pt.make_bbox_positioners( y=.02, w=.10, h=.03, xpad=.05, startx=0, stopx=1) # Create buttons self.append_button('Auto Infer', callback=self.make_inference, rect=hl_slot(0)) self.append_button('Break', callback=self.break_links, rect=hl_slot(1)) self.append_button('Link', callback=self.make_links, rect=hl_slot(2)) self.append_button('Accept', callback=self.confirm, rect=hr_slot(0)) self.append_button('Deselect', callback=self.unselect_all, rect=hr_slot(1)) self.append_button('Show', callback=self.show_selected, rect=hr_slot(2)) #self.append_button(next_text, callback=next_callback, rect=next_rect) def make_inference(self, event): print('self.selected_aids = %r' % (self.selected_aids,)) self.infer_cut() self.show_page() def break_links(self, event): print('self.selected_aids = %r' % (self.selected_aids,)) def make_links(self, event): print('self.selected_aids = %r' % (self.selected_aids,)) def unselect_all(self, event): print('self.selected_aids = %r' % (self.selected_aids,)) for aid in self.selected_aids[:]: self.toggle_selected_aid(aid) def confirm(self, event): print('Not done yet') def show_selected(self, event): import plottool as pt print('show_selected') from ibeis.viz import viz_chip fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) print('fnum = %r' % (fnum,)) pt.figure(fnum=fnum) viz_chip.show_many_chips(self.ibs, self.selected_aids) pt.update() #fig.canvas.update() #pt.iup() def update_netx_graph(self): nids_list = [] if self._aids2 is not None: nids2 = ibs.get_annot_nids(self._aids2) nids_list += [nids2] if with_all: nids_list += [ibs.get_annot_nids(self._aids)] nids_list += [self._nids] nids = list(set(ut.flatten(nids_list))) aids_list = ibs.get_name_aids(nids) else: aids_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(self._aids)[0] self.graph = make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups( ibs, aids_list, invis_edges=invis_edges, ensure_edges=ensure_edges, temp_nids=temp_nids) aid_list = ut.flatten(aids_list) if split_check: self.infr = exec_split_check(ibs, aid_list) ut.graph_info(self.graph, 1) ut.graph_info(self.infr.model.graph, 1) self._aids2 = sorted(list(self.graph.nodes())) self.aid2_node = {key: val for val, key in enumerate(self._aids2)} graph = self.infr.model.graph node_to_aid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'aid') else: graph = self.graph node_to_aid = dict(zip(graph.nodes(), graph.nodes())) #self._aids2 = sorted(list(self.graph.nodes())) #self.aid2_node = {key: val for val, key in enumerate(self._aids2)} node_list = sorted(list(graph.nodes())) self._aids2 = [node_to_aid.get(node, node) for node in node_list] self.aid2_node = dict(zip(self._aids2, node_list)) self.node2_aid = node_to_aid #self.graph = make_netx_graph_from_aid_groups( # ibs, aids_list, invis_edges=invis_edges, # ensure_edges=ensure_edges, temp_nids=temp_nids) pass # TODO: allow for a subset of grouped aids to be shown #self.graph = make_netx_graph_from_nids(ibs, nids) def plot(self, fnum, pnum): self.update_netx_graph() #if split_check: #{self.infr.model.graph} if split_check: layoutkw = dict(prog='neato', splines='spline', sep=10 / 72) self.plotinfo = pt.show_nx(self.infr.model.graph, as_directed=False, fnum=self.fnum, layoutkw=layoutkw, use_image=self.use_image, verbose=0) #ax = pt.gca() #pt.zoom_factory() else: self.plotinfo = viz_netx_chipgraph(self.ibs, self.graph, fnum=self.fnum, use_image=self.use_image, **kwargs) ax = pt.gca() self.enable_pan_and_zoom(ax) ax.autoscale() for aid in self.selected_aids: self.highlight_aid(aid) self.make_hud() #self.static_plot(fnum, pnum) def highlight_aid(self, aid, color=pt.ORANGE): node = self.aid2_node[aid] import utool utool.embed() frame = self.plotinfo['patch_frame_dict'][node] frame.set_facecolor(color) frame.set_edgecolor(color) def toggle_images(self): self.use_image = not self.use_image self.show_page() def toggle_selected_aid(self, aid): if aid in self.selected_aids: self.selected_aids.remove(aid) #self.highlight_aid(aid, pt.WHITE) self.highlight_aid(aid, pt.DARK_BLUE) else: self.selected_aids.append(aid) self.highlight_aid(aid, pt.ORANGE) self.draw() def on_key_press(self, event): print(event) if event.key == 'r': self.show_page() self.draw() if event.key == 'i': ut.embed() if len(self.selected_aids) == 2: ibs = self.ibs aid1, aid2 = self.selected_aids _rowid = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey([aid1], [aid2]) if _rowid is None: _rowid = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey([aid2], [aid1]) rowid = _rowid # NOQA def mark_pair_truth(self, truth): if len(len(self.selected_aids)) != 2: print('This funciton only work if exactly 2 are selected') return aid1, aid2 = self.selected_aids print('aid2 = %r' % (aid2,)) print('aid1 = %r' % (aid1,)) @ut.debug_function_exceptions def on_click_inside(self, event, ax): = ax self.event = event event = self.event #print(ax) #print(event.x) #print(event.y) pos = self.plotinfo['node']['pos'] nodes = list(pos.keys()) pos_list = ut.dict_take(pos, nodes) # TODO: FIXME #x = 10 #y = 10 import numpy as np # NOQA x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata point = np.array([x, y]) pos_list = np.array(pos_list) index, dist = vt.closest_point(point, pos_list, distfunc=vt.L2) #print('dist = %r' % (dist,)) node = nodes[index] aid = self.node2_aid[node] context_shown = False CHECK_PAIR = True if CHECK_PAIR: if self.event.button == 3 and not context_shown: if len(self.selected_aids) != 2: print('This funciton only work if exactly 2 are selected') else: from ibeis.gui import inspect_gui context_shown = True aid1, aid2 = (self.selected_aids) qres = None qreq_ = None options = inspect_gui.get_aidpair_context_menu_options( ibs, aid1, aid2, qres, qreq_=qreq_) self.show_popup_menu(options, event) SELECT_ANNOT = dist < 35 if SELECT_ANNOT: #print(ut.obj_str(ibs.get_annot_info(aid, default=True, # name=False, gname=False))) if self.event.button == 1: self.toggle_selected_aid(aid) if self.event.button == 3 and not context_shown: # right click from ibeis.viz.interact import interact_chip context_shown = True #refresh_func = functools.partial(viz.show_name, ibs, nid, #fnum=fnum, sel_aids=sel_aids) refresh_func = None config2_ = None options = interact_chip.build_annot_context_options( ibs, aid, refresh_func=refresh_func, with_interact_name=False, config2_=config2_) self.show_popup_menu(options, event) else: if self.event.button == 3: options = [ ('Toggle images', self.toggle_images), ] self.show_popup_menu(options, event) self = NameGraphInteraction(ibs, nids, aids, selected_aids=selected_aids) self.show_page() #self.make_hud() #ax = self.fig.axes[0] #for index in range(len(ax.artists)): # artist = ax.artists[index] # bbox = artist.patch # bbox.set_facecolor(pt.ORANGE) # #offset_img = artist.offsetbox # #img = offset_img.get_data() # #offset_img.set_data(vt.draw_border(img, thickness=5)) #bbox = artist.patch #ax.figure.canvas.draw() # force re-draw return self
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.viz.viz_graph python -m ibeis.viz.viz_graph --allexamples python -m ibeis.viz.viz_graph --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()