Source code for ibeis.web.test_api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    This is a proof of concept for connecting to an authenticated Qubica Server
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from hashlib import sha1
import hmac
import requests

# System variables
APPLICATION_PORT       = '5000'

def _raise(exception, message):
    raise exception('[%s] ERROR: %s' % (__file__, message))

[docs]def get_signature(key, message): return str(, message, sha1).digest().encode("base64").rstrip('\n'))
[docs]def get_authorization_header(uri, user_email=None, user_enc_pass=None): # Get signature secret_key_signature = get_signature(APPLICATION_SECRET_KEY, uri) application_authentication = '%s:%s' % (APPLICATION_NAME, secret_key_signature, ) if user_email is None or user_enc_pass is None: return '%s' % (application_authentication, ) return '%s:%s:%s' % (application_authentication, user_email, user_enc_pass)
def _api_result(uri, method, user_email=None, user_enc_pass=None, **kwargs): """ Make a general (method) API request to the server """ # Make GET request to server method = method.upper() url = '%s://%s:%s%s' % (APPLICATION_PROTOCOL, APPLICATION_DOMAIN, APPLICATION_PORT, uri) header = get_authorization_header(url, user_email, user_enc_pass) headers = {'Authorization': header} args = (method, url, headers, kwargs, ) print('Server request (%r): %r\n\tHeaders: %r\n\tArgs: %r' % args) try: if method == 'GET': req = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=kwargs, verify=False) elif method == 'POST': req =, headers=headers, payload=kwargs, verify=False) else: _raise(KeyError, '_api_result got unsupported method=%r' % (method, )) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: _raise(IOError, '_api_result could not connect to server %s' % (ex, )) return req.status_code, req.text, req.json
[docs]def get_api_result(uri, user_email=None, user_enc_pass=None, **kwargs): """ Make a GET API request to the server """ return _api_result(uri, 'get', user_email=user_email, user_enc_pass=user_enc_pass, **kwargs)
[docs]def post_api_result(uri, user_email=None, user_enc_pass=None, **kwargs): """ Make a GET API request to the server """ return _api_result(uri, 'post', user_email=user_email, user_enc_pass=user_enc_pass, **kwargs)
[docs]def run_test_api(): r""" CommandLine: python -m ibeis.web.test_api --test-run_test_api Example: >>> # WEB_DOCTEST >>> from ibeis.web.test_api import * # NOQA >>> response = run_test_api() >>> print('Server response: %r' % (response, )) >>> result = response (200, u'{"status": {"cache": -1, "message": "", "code": 200, "success": true}, "response": "testdb1"}', <bound method Response.json of <Response [200]>>) """ import ibeis import time web_instance = ibeis.opendb_in_background(db='testdb1', web=True, precache=False) # let the webapi startup in the background time.sleep(.1) uri = '/api/core/dbname/' # Make GET request to the server as a test response = get_api_result(uri) status_code, text, json = response web_instance.terminate() return response
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.web.test_api python -m ibeis.web.test_api --allexamples python -m ibeis.web.test_api --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()