# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import builtins
import inspect
import textwrap
import six
import sys
import functools
import os
from utool import util_print
from utool import util_time
from utool import util_iter
from utool import util_dbg
from utool import util_arg
from utool import util_type
from utool import util_inject
from utool._internal import meta_util_six
(print, rrr, profile) = util_inject.inject2(__name__, '[decor]')
if util_type.HAVE_NUMPY:
import numpy as np
# Commandline to toggle certain convinience decorators
SIG_PRESERVE = util_arg.get_argflag('--sigpreserve')
#SIG_PRESERVE = not util_arg.SAFE or util_arg.get_argflag('--sigpreserve')
ONEX_REPORT_INPUT = '--onex-report-input' in sys.argv
#IGNORE_TRACEBACK = '--smalltb' in sys.argv or '--ignoretb' in sys.argv
# FIXME: dupliated in _internal/py2_syntax_funcs
IGNORE_TRACEBACK = not ('--nosmalltb' in sys.argv or '--noignoretb' in sys.argv)
#if util_arg.STRICT:
# do not ignore traceback when profiling
PROFILING = hasattr(builtins, 'profile')
#def composed(*decs):
# """ combines multiple decorators """
# def deco(f):
# for dec in reversed(decs):
# f = dec(f)
# return f
# return deco
def test_ignore_exec_traceback():
python -m utool.util_decor --test-test_ignore_exec_traceback
>>> from utool.util_decor import * # NOQA
>>> result = test_ignore_exec_traceback()
>>> print(result)
import utool as ut
from utool import util_dbg
def foobar():
raise Exception('foobar')
print('printing foobar')
except Exception as ex:
#import sys
#exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# TODO: ensure decorators are not printed in stack trace
util_dbg.printex(ex, tb=True)
if six.PY2:
# Use version that has special python2 only syntax.
# can not include it here for that reason
from utool._internal import py2_syntax_funcs
ignores_exc_tb = py2_syntax_funcs.ignores_exc_tb
def ignores_exc_tb(*args, **kwargs):
ignore_exc_tb decorates a function and remove both itself
and the function from any exception traceback that occurs.
This is useful to decorate other trivial decorators
which are polluting your stacktrace.
if IGNORE_TRACEBACK is False then this decorator does nothing
(and it should do nothing in production code!)
https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/issues/34 # NOQA
outer_wrapper = kwargs.get('outer_wrapper', True)
def ignores_exc_tb_closure(func):
# if the global enforces that we should not ignore anytracebacks
# then just return the original function without any modifcation
return func
def wrp_noexectb(*args, **kwargs):
#import utool as ut
#if six.PY2:
# trycall_reraise_py2_codeblock = ut.codeblock(
# """
# def trycall_reraise(func, args, kwargs):
# try:
# return func(*args, **kwargs)
# except Exception:
# exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# # Code to remove this decorator from traceback
# # Remove two levels to remove this one as well
# exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# try:
# exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
# exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
# #exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
# #exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
# except Exception:
# print('too many reraise')
# pass
# raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback
# """
# )
# globals_ = globals()
# locals_ = locals()
# six.exec_(trycall_reraise_py2_codeblock, globals_, locals_)
# trycall_reraise = locals_['trycall_reraise']
# return trycall_reraise(func, args, kwargs)
#import utool
#if utool.DEBUG:
# print('[IN IGNORETB] args=%r' % (args,))
# print('[IN IGNORETB] kwargs=%r' % (kwargs,))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
# Python 2*3=6
# six has a problem because it inserts itself into the traceback
#six.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
if six.PY2:
# Define function to reraise with python 2 syntax
#exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# Code to remove this decorator from traceback
# Remove two levels to remove this one as well
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
#exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
except Exception:
print('too many reraise')
# Doesn't actually work because of the intermediate function call
six.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
#raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback
#errtup = (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
#raise errtup
elif six.PY3:
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# Code to remove this decorator from traceback
# Remove two levels to remove this one as well
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
except Exception:
ex = exc_type(exc_value)
ex.__traceback__ = exc_traceback
raise ex
if outer_wrapper:
wrp_noexectb = preserve_sig(wrp_noexectb, func)
return wrp_noexectb
if len(args) == 1:
# called with one arg means its a function call
func = args[0]
return ignores_exc_tb_closure(func)
# called with no args means kwargs as specified
return ignores_exc_tb_closure
#def ignores_exc_tb(*args, **kwargs):
# """
# ignore_exc_tb decorates a function and remove both itself
# and the function from any exception traceback that occurs.
# This is useful to decorate other trivial decorators
# which are polluting your stacktrace.
# if IGNORE_TRACEBACK is False then this decorator does nothing
# (and it should do nothing in production code!)
# References:
# https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/issues/34 # NOQA
# http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3109/
# """
# outer_wrapper = kwargs.get('outer_wrapper', True)
# def ignores_exc_tb_closure(func):
# # if the global enforces that we should not ignore anytracebacks
# # then just return the original function without any modifcation
# return func
# if six.PY2:
# #python2_func = """
# common_wrp_noexcept_tb = """
# def wrp_noexectb(*args, **kwargs):
# try:
# return func(*args, **kwargs)
# except Exception:
# exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# # Code to remove this decorator from traceback
# # Remove two levels to remove this one as well
# exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
# try:
# exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
# exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next
# except Exception:
# pass
# """
# if six.PY2:
# python2_reraise = """
# raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback
# """
# six_reraise = python2_reraise
# elif six.PY3:
# python3_reraise = """
# ex = exc_type(exc_value)
# ex.__traceback__ = exc_traceback
# raise ex
# """
# six_reraise = python3_reraise
# wrp_noexcept_tb_codeblock = common_wrp_noexcept_tb + six_reraise
# globals_ = globals()
# locals_ = locals()
# six.exec_(wrp_noexcept_tb_codeblock, globals_, locals_)
# wrp_noexectb = locals_['wrp_noexectb']
# if outer_wrapper:
# wrp_noexectb = preserve_sig(wrp_noexectb, func)
# return wrp_noexectb
# if len(args) == 1:
# # called with one arg means its a function call
# func = args[0]
# return ignores_exc_tb_closure(func)
# else:
# # called with no args means kwargs as specified
# return ignores_exc_tb_closure
def on_exception_report_input(func_=None, force=False, keys=None):
If an error is thrown in the scope of this function's stack frame then the
decorated function name and the arguments passed to it will be printed to
the utool print function.
def _closure_onexceptreport(func):
if not ONEX_REPORT_INPUT and not force:
return func
def wrp_onexceptreport(*args, **kwargs):
#import utool
#if utool.DEBUG:
# print('[IN EXCPRPT] args=%r' % (args,))
# print('[IN EXCPRPT] kwargs=%r' % (kwargs,))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
from utool import util_str
print('ERROR occured! Reporting input to function')
if keys is not None:
from utool import util_inspect
from utool import util_list
from utool import util_dict
argspec = util_inspect.get_func_argspec(func)
in_kwargs_flags = [key in kwargs for key in keys]
kwarg_keys = util_list.compress(keys, in_kwargs_flags)
kwarg_vals = [kwargs.get(key) for key in kwarg_keys]
flags = util_list.not_list(in_kwargs_flags)
arg_keys = util_list.compress(keys, flags)
arg_idxs = [argspec.args.index(key) for key in arg_keys]
num_nodefault = len(argspec.args) - len(argspec.defaults)
default_vals = (([None] * (num_nodefault)) +
args_ = list(args) + default_vals[len(args) + 1:]
arg_vals = util_list.take(args_, arg_idxs)
requested_dict = dict(util_list.flatten(
[zip(kwarg_keys, kwarg_vals), zip(arg_keys, arg_vals)]))
print('input dict = ' + util_str.dict_str(
util_dict.dict_subset(requested_dict, keys)))
# (print out specific keys only)
arg_strs = ', '.join([repr(util_str.truncate_str(str(arg)))
for arg in args])
kwarg_strs = ', '.join([
util_str.truncate_str('%s=%r' % (key, val))
for key, val in six.iteritems(kwargs)])
msg = ('\nERROR: funcname=%r,\n * args=%s,\n * kwargs=%r\n' % (
meta_util_six.get_funcname(func), arg_strs, kwarg_strs))
msg += ' * len(args) = %r\n' % len(args)
msg += ' * len(kwargs) = %r\n' % len(kwargs)
util_dbg.printex(ex, msg, pad_stdout=True)
wrp_onexceptreport = preserve_sig(wrp_onexceptreport, func)
return wrp_onexceptreport
if func_ is None:
return _closure_onexceptreport
return _closure_onexceptreport(func_)
def debug_function_exceptions(func):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
import utool as ut
import inspect # NOQA
trace = inspect.trace()
locals_ = trace[-1][0].f_locals
print('-- <TRACE LOCALS> --')
for level, t in enumerate(trace[1:]):
frame = t[0]
locals_ = frame.f_locals
local_repr_dict = {key: ut.trunc_repr(val)
for key, val in locals_.iteritems()}
print('LOCALS LEVEL %d' % (level,))
print(ut.repr3(local_repr_dict, strvals=True, nl=1))
print('-- </TRACE LOCALS> --')
#import utool
return _wrapper
#class DebugContext(object):
# def __enter__():
# pass
# def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
# pass
def _indent_decor(lbl):
does the actual work of indent_func
def closure_indent(func):
if util_arg.TRACE:
def wrp_indent(*args, **kwargs):
with util_print.Indenter(lbl):
print(' ...trace[in]')
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(' ...trace[out]')
return ret
def wrp_indent(*args, **kwargs):
with util_print.Indenter(lbl):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
return ret
wrp_indent_ = ignores_exc_tb(wrp_indent)
wrp_indent_ = preserve_sig(wrp_indent, func)
return wrp_indent_
return closure_indent
def indent_func(input_):
Takes either no arguments or an alias label
if isinstance(input_, six.string_types):
# A label was specified
lbl = input_
return _indent_decor(lbl)
elif isinstance(input_, (bool, tuple)):
# Allow individually turning of of this decorator
func = input_
return func
# Use the function name as the label
func = input_
lbl = '[' + meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) + ']'
return _indent_decor(lbl)(func)
def tracefunc_xml(func):
Causes output of function to be printed in an XML style block
funcname = meta_util_six.get_funcname(func)
def wrp_tracefunc2(*args, **kwargs):
verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True)
if verbose:
print('<%s>' % (funcname,))
with util_print.Indenter(' '):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
if verbose:
print('</%s>' % (funcname,))
return ret
wrp_tracefunc2_ = ignores_exc_tb(wrp_tracefunc2)
wrp_tracefunc2_ = preserve_sig(wrp_tracefunc2_, func)
return wrp_tracefunc2_
def accepts_scalar_input(func):
DEPRICATE in favor of accepts_scalar_input2
only accepts one input as vector
accepts_scalar_input is a decorator which expects to be used on class
methods. It lets the user pass either a vector or a scalar to a function,
as long as the function treats everything like a vector. Input and output
is sanitized to the user expected format on return.
func (func):
func: wrp_asi
python -m utool.util_decor --test-accepts_scalar_input
>>> from utool.util_decor import * # NOQA
>>> @accepts_scalar_input
... def foobar(self, list_):
... return [x + 1 for x in list_]
>>> self = None # dummy self because this decorator is for classes
>>> assert 2 == foobar(self, 1)
>>> assert [2, 3] == foobar(self, [1, 2])
def wrp_asi(self, input_, *args, **kwargs):
# if isinstance(input_, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
# input_ = input_.values
if util_iter.isiterable(input_):
# If input is already iterable do default behavior
return func(self, input_, *args, **kwargs)
# If input is scalar, wrap input, execute, and unpack result
#ret = func(self, (input_,), *args, **kwargs)
ret = func(self, [input_], *args, **kwargs)
if ret is not None:
return ret[0]
wrp_asi = preserve_sig(wrp_asi, func)
return wrp_asi
def accepts_scalar_input2(argx_list=[0], outer_wrapper=True):
FIXME: change to better name. Complete implementation.
used in IBEIS setters
accepts_scalar_input2 is a decorator which expects to be used on class
methods. It lets the user pass either a vector or a scalar to a function,
as long as the function treats everything like a vector. Input and output
is sanitized to the user expected format on return.
argx_list (list): indexes of args that could be passed in as scalars to
code that operates on lists. Ensures that decorated function gets
the argument as an iterable.
assert isinstance(argx_list, (list, tuple)), (
'accepts_scalar_input2 must be called with argument positions')
def closure_asi2(func):
def wrp_asi2(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Hack in case wrapping a function with varargs
argx_list_ = [argx for argx in argx_list if argx < len(args)]
__assert_param_consistency(args, argx_list_)
if all([util_iter.isiterable(args[ix]) for ix in argx_list_]):
# If input is already iterable do default behavior
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
# If input is scalar, wrap input, execute, and unpack result
args_wrapped = [(arg,) if ix in argx_list_ else arg
for ix, arg in enumerate(args)]
ret = func(self, *args_wrapped, **kwargs)
if ret is not None:
return ret[0]
if outer_wrapper:
wrp_asi2 = on_exception_report_input(preserve_sig(wrp_asi2, func))
return wrp_asi2
return closure_asi2
def __assert_param_consistency(args, argx_list_):
debugging function for accepts_scalar_input2
checks to make sure all the iterable inputs are of the same length
if util_arg.NO_ASSERTS:
if len(argx_list_) == 0:
return True
argx_flags = [util_iter.isiterable(args[argx]) for argx in argx_list_]
assert all([argx_flags[0] == flag for flag in argx_flags]), (
'invalid mixing of iterable and scalar inputs')
except AssertionError as ex:
for argx in argx_list_:
print('[util_decor] args[%d] = %r' % (argx, args[argx]))
raise ex
def accepts_scalar_input_vector_output(func):
DEPRICATE IN FAVOR OF accepts_scalar_input2
Input: Excpeted Output 1to1 Expected Output 1toM
scalar : 1 x [X]
n element list : [1, 2, 3] [x, y, z] [[X], [Y], [Z]]
1 element list : [1] [x] [[X]]
0 element list : [] [] []
There seems to be no real issue here, I be the thing that tripped me up
was when using sql and getting multiple columns that returned the
values inside of the N-tuple whereas when you get one column you get
one element inside of a 1-tuple, no that still makes sense. There was
something where when you couln't unpack it becuase it was already
def wrp_asivo(self, input_, *args, **kwargs):
#import utool
#if utool.DEBUG:
# print('[IN SIVO] args=%r' % (args,))
# print('[IN SIVO] kwargs=%r' % (kwargs,))
if util_iter.isiterable(input_):
# If input is already iterable do default behavior
return func(self, input_, *args, **kwargs)
# If input is scalar, wrap input, execute, and unpack result
result = func(self, (input_,), *args, **kwargs)
# The output length could be 0 on a scalar input
if len(result) == 0:
return []
assert len(result) == 1, 'error in asivo'
return result[0]
return wrp_asivo
# TODO: Rename to listget_1to1 1toM etc...
getter_1to1 = accepts_scalar_input
getter_1toM = accepts_scalar_input_vector_output
def accepts_numpy(func):
""" Allows the first input to be a numpy array and get result in numpy form """
def wrp_accepts_numpy(self, input_, *args, **kwargs):
if not (util_type.HAVE_NUMPY and isinstance(input_, np.ndarray)):
# If the input is not numpy, just call the function
return func(self, input_, *args, **kwargs)
# TODO: use a variant of util_list.unflat_unique_rowid_map
# If the input is a numpy array, and return the output with the same
# shape as the input
# Remove redundant input (because we are passing it to SQL)
input_list, inverse_unique = np.unique(input_, return_inverse=True)
input_list = input_.flatten()
# Call the function in list format
# TODO: is this necessary?
input_list = input_list.tolist()
output_list = func(self, input_list, *args, **kwargs)
# Put the output back into numpy
# Reconstruct redundant queries
output_arr = np.array(output_list)[inverse_unique]
output_shape = tuple(list(input_.shape) + list(output_arr.shape[1:]))
return np.array(output_arr).reshape(output_shape)
return np.array(output_list).reshape(input_.shape)
wrp_accepts_numpy = preserve_sig(wrp_accepts_numpy, func)
return wrp_accepts_numpy
def memoize_nonzero(func):
Memoization decorator for functions taking a nonzero number of arguments.
class _memorizer(dict):
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __call__(self, *args):
return self[args]
def __missing__(self, key):
ret = self[key] = self.func(*key)
return ret
return _memorizer(func)
def memoize_single(func):
""" Memoization decorator for a function taking a single argument
class memodict_single(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
ret = self[key] = func(key)
return ret
return memodict_single().__getitem__
def memoize_zero(func):
""" Memoization decorator for a function taking no arguments """
wrp_memoize_single = memoize_single(func)
def wrp_memoize_zero():
return wrp_memoize_single(None)
return wrp_memoize_zero
def memoize(func):
simple memoization decorator
func (function): live python function
python -m utool.util_decor --exec-memoize --show
>>> from utool.util_decor import * # NOQA
>>> import utool as ut
>>> closure = {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}
>>> incr = [0]
>>> def foo(key):
>>> value = closure[key]
>>> incr[0] += 1
>>> return value
>>> foo_memo = memoize(foo)
>>> assert foo('a') == 'b' and foo('c') == 'd'
>>> assert incr[0] == 2
>>> print('Call memoized version')
>>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd'
>>> assert incr[0] == 4
>>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd'
>>> print('Counter should no longer increase')
>>> assert incr[0] == 4
>>> print('Closure changes result without memoization')
>>> closure = {'a': 0, 'c': 1}
>>> assert foo('a') == 0 and foo('c') == 1
>>> assert incr[0] == 6
>>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd'
cache = func._util_decor_memoize_cache = {}
# @functools.wraps(func)
def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
if key not in cache:
cache[key] = func(*args, **kwargs)
return cache[key]
memoizer = preserve_sig(memoizer, func)
memoizer.cache = cache
return memoizer
def interested(func):
def wrp_interested(*args, **kwargs):
'<!INTERESTED>: ' + meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) + '\n')
print('INTERESTING... ' + (' ' * 30) + ' <----')
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrp_interested
def tracefunc(func):
lbl = '[trace.' + meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) + ']'
def wrp_tracefunc(*args, **kwargs):
print(lbl + ' +--- ENTER ---')
with util_print.Indenter(lbl + ' |'):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(lbl + ' L___ EXIT ____')
return ret
return wrp_tracefunc
def show_return_value(func):
from utool.util_str import func_str
def wrp_show_return_value(*args, **kwargs):
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
#print('%s(*%r, **%r) returns %r' % (meta_util_six.get_funcname(func), args, kwargs, rv))
print(func_str(func, args, kwargs) + ' -> ret=%r' % (ret,))
return ret
return wrp_show_return_value
def time_func(func):
def wrp_time(*args, **kwargs):
with util_time.Timer(meta_util_six.get_funcname(func)):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
wrp_time = preserve_sig(wrp_time, func)
return wrp_time
#class copy_argspec(object):
# """
# copy_argspec is a signature modifying decorator.
# Specifically, it copies the signature from `source_func` to the wrapper, and
# the wrapper will call the original function (which should be using *args,
# **kwds). The argspec, docstring, and default values are copied from
# src_func, and __module__ and __dict__ from tgt_func.
# .. References
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18625510/how-can-i-programmatically-change-the-argspec-of-a-function-not-in-a-python-de
# """
# def __init__(self, src_func):
# self.argspec = inspect.getargspec(src_func)
# self.src_doc = src_func.__doc__
# self.src_defaults = src_func.func_defaults
# def __call__(self, tgt_func):
# try:
# tgt_argspec = inspect.getargspec(tgt_func)
# need_self = False
# if len(tgt_argspec) > 0 and len(tgt_argspec[0]) > 0 and tgt_argspec[0][0] == 'self':
# need_self = True
# name = tgt_func.__name__
# argspec = self.argspec
# if len(argspec) > 0 and len(argspec[0]) > 0 and argspec[0][0] == 'self':
# need_self = False
# if need_self:
# newargspec = (['self'] + argspec[0],) + argspec[1:]
# else:
# newargspec = argspec
# signature = inspect.formatargspec(formatvalue=lambda val: "",
# *newargspec)[1:-1]
# new_func = (
# 'def _wrapper_({signature}):\n'
# ' return {tgt_func}({signature})'
# ).format(signature=signature, tgt_func='tgt_func')
# evaldict = {'tgt_func' : tgt_func}
# exec new_func in evaldict
# wrapped = evaldict['_wrapper_']
# wrapped.__name__ = name
# wrapped.__doc__ = self.src_doc
# wrapped.func_defaults = self.src_defaults
# wrapped.__module__ = tgt_func.__module__
# wrapped.__dict__ = tgt_func.__dict__
# return wrapped
# except Exception as ex:
# util_dbg.printex(ex, 'error wrapping: %r' % (tgt_func,))
# raise
def lazyfunc(func):
Returns a memcached version of a function
closuremem_ = [{}]
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
mem = closuremem_[0]
key = (repr(args), repr(kwargs))
return mem[key]
except KeyError:
mem[key] = func(*args, **kwargs)
return mem[key]
return wrapper
def apply_docstr(docstr_func):
Changes docstr of one functio to that of another
def docstr_applier(func):
#docstr = meta_util_six.get_funcdoc(docstr_func)
#meta_util_six.set_funcdoc(func, docstr)
if isinstance(docstr_func, six.string_types):
olddoc = meta_util_six.get_funcdoc(func)
if olddoc is None:
olddoc = ''
newdoc = olddoc + docstr_func
meta_util_six.set_funcdoc(func, newdoc)
return func
preserved_func = preserve_sig(func, docstr_func)
return preserved_func
return docstr_applier
def preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, force=False):
Decorates a wrapper function.
It seems impossible to presever signatures in python 2 without eval
(Maybe another option is to write to a temporary module?)
wrapper: the function wrapping orig_func to change the signature of
orig_func: the original function to take the signature from
checkout funcsigs
python -m utool.util_decor --test-preserve_sig
>>> import utool as ut
>>> #ut.rrrr(False)
>>> def myfunction(self, listinput_, arg1, *args, **kwargs):
>>> " just a test function "
>>> return [x + 1 for x in listinput_]
>>> #orig_func = ut.take
>>> orig_func = myfunction
>>> wrapper = ut.accepts_scalar_input2([0])(orig_func)
>>> _wrp_preserve1 = ut.preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, True)
>>> _wrp_preserve2 = ut.preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, False)
>>> print('_wrp_preserve2 = %r' % (_wrp_preserve1,))
>>> print('_wrp_preserve2 = %r' % (_wrp_preserve2,))
>>> print('source _wrp_preserve1 = %s' % (ut.get_func_sourcecode(_wrp_preserve1),))
>>> print('source _wrp_preserve2 = %s' % (ut.get_func_sourcecode(_wrp_preserve2)),)
>>> result = str(_wrp_preserve1)
>>> print(result)
#if True:
# import functools
# return functools.wraps(orig_func)(wrapper)
from utool._internal import meta_util_six
from utool import util_str
from utool import util_inspect
if wrapper is orig_func:
# nothing to do
return orig_func
orig_docstr = meta_util_six.get_funcdoc(orig_func)
orig_docstr = '' if orig_docstr is None else orig_docstr
orig_argspec = util_inspect.get_func_argspec(orig_func)
wrap_name = meta_util_six.get_funccode(wrapper).co_name
orig_name = meta_util_six.get_funcname(orig_func)
# At the very least preserve info in a dictionary
_utinfo = {}
_utinfo['orig_func'] = orig_func
_utinfo['wrap_name'] = wrap_name
_utinfo['orig_name'] = orig_name
_utinfo['orig_argspec'] = orig_argspec
if hasattr(wrapper, '_utinfo'):
parent_wrapper_utinfo = wrapper._utinfo
_utinfo['parent_wrapper_utinfo'] = parent_wrapper_utinfo
if hasattr(orig_func, '_utinfo'):
parent_orig_utinfo = orig_func._utinfo
_utinfo['parent_orig_utinfo'] = parent_orig_utinfo
# environment variable is set if you are building documentation
# preserve sig if building docs
building_docs = os.environ.get('UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING', 'OFF') == 'ON'
if force or SIG_PRESERVE or building_docs:
src_fmt = r'''
def _wrp_preserve{defsig}:
""" {orig_docstr} """
return wrapper{callsig}
except Exception as ex:
import utool as ut
msg = ('Failure in signature preserving wrapper:\n')
ut.printex(ex, msg)
# Put wrapped function into a scope
globals_ = {'wrapper': wrapper}
locals_ = {}
# argspec is :ArgSpec(args=['bar', 'baz'], varargs=None, keywords=None,
# defaults=(True,))
# get orig functions argspec
# get functions signature
# Get function call signature (no defaults)
# Define an exec function
argspec = inspect.getargspec(orig_func)
(args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = argspec
defsig = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
callsig = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec[0:3])
# ut.func_defsig
# ut.func_callsig
src_fmtdict = dict(defsig=defsig, callsig=callsig, orig_docstr=orig_docstr)
src = textwrap.dedent(src_fmt).format(**src_fmtdict)
# Define the new function on the fly
# (I wish there was a non exec / eval way to do this)
code = compile(src, '<string>', 'exec')
six.exec_(code, globals_, locals_)
#six.exec_(src, globals_, locals_)
# Use functools.update_wapper to complete preservation
_wrp_preserve = functools.update_wrapper(locals_['_wrp_preserve'], orig_func)
# Keep debug info
_utinfo['src'] = src
# Set an internal sig variable that we may use
#_wrp_preserve.__sig__ = defsig
# signature preservation is turned off. just preserve the name.
# Does not use any exec or eval statments.
_wrp_preserve = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, orig_func)
# Just do something to preserve signature
new_docstr_fmtstr = util_str.codeblock(
Wrapped function {wrap_name}({orig_name})
orig_argspec = {orig_argspec}
orig_docstr = {orig_docstr}
new_docstr_fmtstr = util_str.codeblock(
new_docstr = new_docstr_fmtstr.format(
wrap_name=wrap_name, orig_name=orig_name, orig_docstr=orig_docstr,
meta_util_six.set_funcdoc(_wrp_preserve, new_docstr)
_wrp_preserve._utinfo = _utinfo
return _wrp_preserve
def dummy_args_decor(*args, **kwargs):
def dummy_args_closure(func):
return func
return dummy_args_closure
if __name__ == '__main__':
python -c "import utool, utool.util_decor; utool.doctest_funcs(utool.util_decor)"
python -m utool.util_decor
python -m utool.util_decor --allexamples
import multiprocessing
multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32
import utool as ut # NOQA